singa says - april 2012

// APRIL 2012 A Walk Down Kindness Gallery Launched on 8 March 2012, the Kindness Gallery outlines the progressive journey of courtesy campaigns and memorable jingles of yesteryear which allows visitors to reminisce as they take a stroll down the heritage centre. Read More Gen Y Improves Most in Graciousness Survey Despite the stigma attached to youths, Generation Y has shown a significant increase among Singaporean adults of all ages when it comes to displaying acts of courtesy. The Graciousness Index which measures how gracious a society Singapore is, polled 1,400 residents about their own behaviour, and those of others, with respect to social etiquette and standards in Singapore. This year's survey unveiled that youth aged 16-29 indicated a 0.4 rise in mean rating to 6.3 even though baby boomers aged 50 and above still scored the highest overall. Read More Thanks! You made our day! SKM's commercial "Say thanks, Make Someone's Day" came in 2nd place (Silver) in the MediaCorp Viewers' Choice 2011 on 31 March in the local category. A first win in the Awards after being nalists for the previous two years affirms that our commercials have won the hearts of Singaporeans. Organised by Singapore's media company MediaCorp, Viewers' Choice is an annual search for Singapore's favourite local and international television commercials, with the aim of showing support for the advertising industry by honouring advertisers, creative and media agencies for their work. Read More

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A Walk Down Kindness Gallery Featured Stories: Gen Y Improves Most in Graciousness Survey Thanks! You made our day! Kindness - A Win-Win Approach to Happiness Jump and cheer into the realm of Kindness Kindness Tips: Things that kept me going Smooth Mood A Chain of Kindness


Page 1: Singa Says - April 2012

// APRIL 2012

A Walk DownKindness GalleryLaunched on 8 March 2012,the Kindness Galleryoutlines the progressivejourney of courtesycampaigns and memorablejingles of yesteryear whichallows visitors to reminisceas they take a stroll downthe heritage centre.

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Gen Y Improves Most inGraciousness SurveyDespite the stigma attached to youths,Generation Y has shown a significant increaseamong Singaporean adults of all ages when itcomes to displaying acts of courtesy. The Graciousness Index which measures howgracious a society Singapore is, polled 1,400residents about their own behaviour, and thoseof others, with respect to social etiquette andstandards in Singapore. This year's survey unveiled that youth aged16-29 indicated a 0.4 rise in mean rating to 6.3even though baby boomers aged 50 and abovestill scored the highest overall. Read More

Thanks! You made our day!SKM's commercial "Say thanks, MakeSomeone's Day" came in 2nd place (Silver) inthe MediaCorp Viewers' Choice 2011 on 31March in the local category. A first win in theAwards after being finalists for the previous twoyears affirms that our commercials have won thehearts of Singaporeans. Organised by Singapore's media companyMediaCorp, Viewers' Choice is an annual searchfor Singapore's favourite local and internationaltelevision commercials, with the aim of showingsupport for the advertising industry by honouringadvertisers, creative and media agencies fortheir work. Read More

Page 2: Singa Says - April 2012

Kindness - A Win-WinApproach to HappinessPursuing absolute rather than relative forms ofhappiness was one of the many ideas discussedat the TEDxNTU forum on 17 March 2012. 8 accomplished speakers were invited to theNanyang Technological University (NTU) andTechnology, Entertainment, Design (TEDxNTU),including Dr William Wan, General Secretary of

Jump and cheer into therealm of Kindness"A good cheerleader is not measured by theheight of her jumps but by the span of her spirit."

Cheer-O-Mania returns this year with a freshtheme! Come join us and jump into this realm ofkindness happening on 30 June for thepreliminaries and on 14 July for the finals atUnited Square Shopping Mall. Make your waydown and witness about 300 peppy studentsthe Singapore Kindness Movement.

Dr Wan suggested that a reciprocal relationshipmay exist between kindness and happiness - inshort, kindness can cause happiness. Read More

from primary and secondary schoolsparticipating in this event. This year's cheer-leading competition will beintegrated with one of the five magic words ofgraciousness; "Thank You". It may be a simpleword but it should not be underestimated. Read More

Things that keptme goingNot too long ago, I wasaccepted by Royal CollegeMusic, a prestigiousconservatoire in London. Sincethen, I have been working hardto get funding because theexorbitant school fees isbeyond my family's financialmeans. Read More

Smooth MoodOur mood fluctuates and canbe subjected to the vagaries ofeconomic stability or even theemotional state of the people inour environment. Though aserene mood throughout theday is hard to come by, trythese tips to keep the bluesaway. Read More

A Chain ofKindnessReceiving a smile from astranger is a simple act ofkindness that can brighten upsomeone's day. Just like afalling row of dominoes, all ittakes is one random act at atime which would encourageothers to spread kindnessalong. Try out these tips to passthat smile on! Read More

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