singley + mackie services and capabilities fall 2011

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Singley + Mackie

Services and Capabilities

Fall 2011

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Introduction Overview

• Illustration of the social media ecosystem…what turns a casual user into a

committed fan that spends money?

• About Singley + Mackie

• Strategic Development and Consulting

• Community Management and Moderation

• Analytics, Monitoring and Reporting

• In-House Facebook Application Development

• Sweepstakes, Contests and Promotions

• Video Production and Syndication

• Influencer Outreach

• Channel Design

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Social Media Ecosystem

•Growth in social media is attained through

acquisition-centric programs and contests, as well

as “social peer pressure”. As friends and online

influencers discuss brands, their peers and

followers are more likely to join the communities

over a purely organic “search and like” approach.

•One-to-one and one-to-many conversations

must happen with channel-appropriate tone and

frequency so as to keep the consumer feeling

engaged and appreciated.

•Only after trust has developed between the

consumer and the brand can they be converted

to consider purchasing goods or services.

•Increase size of marketable base


•Create1:1 conversations with



•Inform and educate consumer, drive to purchase


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About Singley + Mackie

Principals. Singley + Mackie, Inc. was founded in 2010 by Matt Singley and Alison Mackie. Veterans in the

business and marketing communities, each has focused on different areas of Social Media Optimization

prior to “social media” even being a recognized term. Matt’s areas of expertise include strategic

development, social marketing optimization (both video and copy writing) and community management

within earned and owned media. Alison’s history of media development and purchasing has earned her

the position of thought-leader and best-in-class with paid and owned media. Singley + Mackie is based in

Los Angeles but is maintained as a virtual agency, with associates around the world.

About Matt Singley. Now a world-class speaker on the subject of Social Media Marketing and

Optimization, Matt started his first company as a senior in college and within 18 months controlled the

majority of the market share in the industry. Since that time he has studied consumer socioeconomic

behavior and marketing strategy and advised many Fortune 100 companies regarding consumer

engagement, experiential brand marketing and online reputation management. Matt’s Twitter feed

(@mattsingley) is ranked in the top 0.0005% in the world in terms of influence and his blog

( is listed as one of the best social media sources available.

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About Singley + Mackie

We are thought leaders. It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we tend to agree. That

is why the strategies and campaigns that we implement for companies around the globe are studied,

disseminated and repeated in the social space over and over again by our peers, fans and competitors.

We are a virtual agency. We care about the world we live in, and the people that work for us. Although we

have a central office, we are global and without constraint. By connecting the best and brightest strategic

and tactical minds in the industry through technology and not requiring them to meet in an office because

“that’s the way it’s always done”, we save countless hours of commuting and increase the quality of life for

all involved. We hire only the best and most responsible; and by encouraging them to work remotely we

achieve maximum output with minimum infrastructure. Although we get together regularly throughout the

year, we will always be a virtual agency.

We loathe agency double-speak. The phrase “leverage existing communities” will never be written, spoken

or tweeted by any of our associates. We are real people that create real strategies, campaigns and

executions. We are experts in what we do, so we can give it to you straight without fluffing it up with

meaningless buzzwords.

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Community Management and Moderation

Grow. It’s important to increase the size of your marketable

base with consumers that are likely to convert to purchase. Our

core offering is community management and moderation…we

want to add quality people to your social media communities,

not just quantity. We build content calendars with your

marketing and communication objectives in mind. What will

cause people to react, comment, retweet or Like your posts?

Engage. We don’t stop at posting content; we follow through

with engagement and interaction. We feel that social media is

not a one-way platform, but a two-way conversation. By

reaching out and responding to questions and comments we

help to solidify long-term consumer relationships. This decreases

the cost-per-acquisition and increases the likelihood of

conversion to purchase.

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Analytics, Monitoring and Reporting KPIs. Tracking terms and properties in social media is critical

to measuring the success of a campaign as well as identifying

individuals and communities that would likely want to view

and interact with your company. In addition to watching

community growth (e.g. the follower base) we perform

Boolean searches to identify conversations around key terms

that would be associated with specific products or services.

Reporting. We typically condense this information into weekly “flash” reports and monthly summary reports. From tens or hundreds of thousands of data points in a spreadsheet, we create reports that are easy to read and provide a quick snapshot of progress to date, including recommendations based upon that information.

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In-House Facebook Application Development

What You Need. The marketplace is full of good third-party

Facebook application developers that allow companies to publish

landing pages, contact forms and sweepstakes. However, most of

these are either restrictively rigid with design or prohibitively


Custom Design. We employ designers and developers that can

work with your company’s art assets and creative elements to

publish amazing Facebook tabs and applications for your Fan Page.

As a standard feature, we include sharing and “Like This Page”

functions; these will not cost you thousands of dollars to include as


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Sweepstakes, Contests and Promotions

Promotions. In a recent poll by the Google Retail Team, 85% of

consumers reported that they will initially follow a brand’s social media

activity because of the opportunity to win something. We have

managed sweepstakes and contests for the biggest and most popular

companies, and take care of everything from official rules to prize


Above and Beyond. We don’t like to give away prizes for the thrill of

it. We believe that all promotions should be designed to provide

maximum awareness for the brand and provide the consumer with

several opportunities to convert to a paying customer. Because of this,

we design all promotions to include several touch-points that drive

entrants to view or purchase the products and services offered by your

company. The details are important to us…from working with your

legal department with the official rules to including a well-branded

thank you note with a call-to-action in the fulfillment packaging.

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Video Production and Syndication

Ideation. Production. Syndication. We produce world-class

videos optimized for online viewing and sharing.

YouTube serves up more than 3 billion videos every day to

800MM unique visitors each month. This is a community that

should be included and embraced in a corporate social media


Singley + Mackie employs some of the most talented and

prominent producers and technical crafts persons in the

entertainment industry. From scripting to seeding, we create

videos that are funny, poignant and likely to be shared from

consumer to consumer.

Best of all, they are within budget.

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Influencer Outreach

Influence. Every company wants to be discussed, in a positive

manner, by people that have large online audiences.

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as just having a Twitter or

Facebook account. The adage “if you build it, they will come”

doesn’t apply to online communities…they often languish with

just a few hundred fans and can’t seem to break into the big


We Can Help. We have spent years building long-lasting and

trusted relationships with some of the most prominent

personalities online in practically every market. Singley + Mackie

is known and trusted among bloggers and tweeters alike.

Content producers know that we only work with companies that

offer exceptional products and services, and because of this they

are willing to review or try them.

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Channel Design and Creative Refresh First Impressions. They still matter. What do your existing

customers think when they go to your Facebook, YouTube or

Twitter page? As important, what do potential customers

feel when they land on one of these channels?

Design Matters. We create pages that not only appeal to

consumers aesthetically, but also drive them to action or

provide important information visually.

Our in-house team of designers work with your creative and

brand assets to develop pages that are as functional as they

are visually appealing. We understand the different design

restrictions for the various social media communities and

optimize accordingly.

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Strategic Development

First, let’s define “strategy”. Strategy is perhaps the single most abused and misunderstood term in

marketing. To be clear, strategy is a function of goals…without goals, nothing else can happen. We

understand that clearly defined goals are not easily attained. Therefore, when striking out on a strategic

mission, the first thing we do is help you develop goals based upon their existing vision and mission. This is

not a point to be overlooked; it is important that everyone involved knows where we are going before we try

to decide how to get there.

We work with your end-game in mind. It’s tempting to start a brainstorming session with tactics, and

business is frequently done this way. However, our development and consulting services help our clients

move through the business process in the proper order. It usually takes no more than an afternoon of white

boarding, talking, dreaming and defining to come up with a clear road map for social media success that

includes (in order) Vision, Mission, Strategy, Operations and Tactics.

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Thank You

We look forward to serving your needs. For more information, please contact:

Matt Singley


[email protected]