sistema vesda

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  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda


    A S P I R AT I N G S M O K E D E T E C T I O N

    V S ~ System Site Guide

    Your area is protected by a VESDAAspiratingSmoke Detection System.

    This system works by drawing air through anetwork of pipes to a detector. The air sample isthen analysed to identify whether or not there issmoke in the monitored area. If smoke is detected,a reaction will be seen on the detector s display (ifinstalled).

    This leaflet is a guide to how your VESDA system

    works and explains the system's basicfunctionality.


    This documentis

    for general guidance only.Your company s fire procedures must takeprecedence.

    If there is any doubt, contact your Fire Warden.

    O NOT interfere with a Smoke Detector for anyreason or under any circumstances.

    PLEASE NOTE Theremay be local variationsin equipment, indicationsand procedures.

  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda


    The LaserPLUS Display

    This is the display typically found o a LaserPLUS(VLP) detector.

    Bargraph Numerical Display

    r I I I



    Fault] Lights

    ]PushButtonKeysPush Button Keys:

    Mode/Test Dual Function)- Selects modes o thenumerical display i.e., sensitivity, smoke level, zonenumber. When depressed for more than 2 secondsit will perform a light test.Silence- Silences any alarm or fault warnings. Itstops the lights from flashing to acknowledge afault or alarm condition.

    Reset- Resets all the alarms and faults o thedetector. Any remaining alarms or faults will be re-reported after time delays have elapsed.

    Isolate- Isolates the detector from any externaldevices or systems (an isolate alarm will normallybe raised at the Fire Alarm Control Panel).

  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda


    The LaserSCANNERTM Display

    This is the display typically found on aLaserSCANNER (VLS) detector

    Bargraph Numer ica l Displayr I I



    Thresho ldIndica tors

    A l a r m ] Faul tSector LightsInd ica to r

    PushBut tonI

  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda


    The LaserCOMPACTTM Display

    This is the display typically found on aLaserCOMPACT VLC) detector.

    la rmLights


    Fault] Light


    Fire: The red light is illuminated when the fire alarmthreshold is initiated.

    Pre-Alarm/Alert: This red light is permanentlyilluminated when the Pre-Alarm threshold is

    initiated. The light fl shes when the Alert alarmthreshold is initiated if configured).

    Fault: Indicates a fault condition

    OK: Indicates normal operation

    Reset/Isolate Dual Function)- When pressed itresets all the alarms and faults on the detector.When the button is depressed for two seconds itisolates the detector.

    Note: A LaserCOMPACT remote display hasidentical functionality as the LaserPLUS remote

    display except it has up to three alarm levels ieFire 1 Pre-Alarm and Alert when configured).

  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda


    What Do The Lights Mean?

    OK Light: This green light indicates that thedetector is functioning normally and will detectsmoke.

    Alarm Lights: These illuminate if one of the alarm

    levels has been reached in the protected area.Bargraph: These indicate the current smoke levelin the protected area.

    Threshold Indicators: Indicate the setting of theALERT, ACTION, and FIRE 1 alarm levels. (Or

    ALERT, PRE-ALARM, FIRE on the VLC remotedisplay)

    Isolated Light: This light is illuminated whencommunication between the detector and the firealarm control panel has been intentionally isolated.

    Fault Lights: These illuminate if there is a fault inthe system. They are: URGENT ACT NOW as the system may be

    incapable of communicating a fire warning. SYSTEM effects the whole system ego a com

    munications interface failure. ZONE in the area monitored by the detector. POWER associated with the detector s power

    supply. NETWORK communications fault on VESDAnet. AIRFLOW due to changes to the airflow in the

    detector. FILTER due to a spent or a missing filter.

    Numerical Display: This can show one of severalpossible values, as indicated by the illuminatedpoint on the legend beneath it

    Sensitivity: programmed sensitivity level o Fire 1 Smoke Level: the l v l o smoke within the

    protected area in obscuration/m or obscuration/ft Zone Number: the VESDA address o the

    detector being represented First Alarm Sector: the pipe with the highest

    level of smoke (on the VLS display only)

  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda


    What To Do In The Event of An Alarm

    The following responses are examples of whataction may be appropriate in the event of n alarm.For details of the appropriate response in yourparticular site contact your Fire Warden.


    When illuminated this light indicates that thedetector has identified the early stages of a firecondition /or that the smoke level in the area

    is above normal.

    Contact your Fire Warden and follow theinstructions given to you.


    When illuminated this light indicates that therehas been a further increase in the level ofsmoke in the protected area.

    Take action to prepare for the fire alarm, If youhave not already done so, contact your FireWarden and follow the instructions given toyou.

    FIRE 1 (or FIRE on lhe 1 IRLaserCOMPACT display)This indicates a SERIOUS situation and maylead to automatic generation of a normal fire.alarm.

    Standard fire alarm procedures maycommence eg, evacuation. Contact your FireWarden immediately and follow the instructionsgiven to you .

  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda



    This alarm indicates nEXTREMELY SERIOUS situationand will most likely lead to

    advanced fire preventionprocedures

    Automatic suppression systems may beactivated Evacuation procedures will also beinitiated Contact your Fire Warden and followthe instructions given to you

    Pipes and Sampling Points

    The pipes and sampling points are crucial to theoperation o your VESDA smoke detection system.

    They actively transport air from the protected areato the detector.

    DO NOT cover, modify, paint or tamper with anysmoke detection system sampling pipe or samplingpoint.

    The following pictures show labels that are typicallyused to identify the VESDA system s pipes andsampling points.

  • 8/9/2019 SIstema Vesda
