sit and reach test unit3 ao4

Unit 3 AO1 Sit and reach test Introduction The sit and reach test measures your flexibility. Flexibility is the range of movement possible around a joint and a series of joints” (class work). You would have to be flexible to play many different sports such as rugby to dive and tackle people. Flexibility would be linked to a couple of different public services such as a fire man because they would have to clime and bend over or under objects in his way. You need to be flexible in every day life if you go shopping to carry bags or to ride a bike. Equipment The equipment used in this test is the sit and reach box, three other people one person held your knees down another person had to make sure the box didn’t move and the last person recorded your results with a pen / pencil into your planer

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Page 1: Sit and Reach Test UNIT3 AO4

Unit 3 AO1

Sit and reach test

IntroductionThe sit and reach test measures your flexibility. Flexibility is the range of movement possible around a joint and a series of joints” (class work). You would have to be flexible to play many different sports such as rugby to dive and tackle people. Flexibility would be linked to a couple of different public services such as a fire man because they would have to clime and bend over or under objects in his way. You need to be flexible in every day life if you go shopping to carry bags or to ride a bike.

Equipment The equipment used in this test is the sit and reach box, three other people one person held your knees down another person had to make sure the box didn’t move and the last person recorded your results with a pen / pencil into your planer

Methodology We used the sit and reach box that measured how far you could reach across it. Before I had my go I stretched out all my legs and arm muscles ready to do the test then I took my shoes off and put my feet flat against the box while someone else held it to stop it from moving and I reached out as far as I could while I was reaching out another person was holding down my knees

and we repeated this test three times to get the best score as we could.

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Results I had 16cm Subject1 had 12cm Subject2 had 21cm Subject3 had 26cm

Discussion I think I had more on this test than Subject1 because him my arms are longer than his and I am able to reach out further than him. I think that subject 2 and subject 3`s results are better then mine because subject 2 plays rugby, rugby there is a lot of flexibility needed to make a tackle. Subject 3 plays football there for they are going to much more flexible than me.

Conclusion I think next time I will stretch out a bit more because I feel I could do a lot better.

Reaction time


Reaction time refers to the ability of an individual to respond to a stimulus. Individuals with good reaction time will respond to that stimulus the quickest. (Class work) The task we had to do for reaction time is someone had to drop a ruler into your hand and you had to try a catch it your results are measured in cm, reaction time can be linked to sports such as football because the goal keeper has to be quick to react to stop the ball going into the back of the net.

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The equipment we used to the test to do this test was a ruler and a pen / pencil to keep our results


To actually do this test we went into the new gym then we got into groups of about three or four and then one person was dropping the ruler to the person who was doing the test and another person was looking how far on the ruler they got and the other person was making sure that they were not cheating. And we had three attempts to do the test and our best set of results would be written down in our planer.


For the reaction time test I had 5 cmSubject 1 had 14 cmSubject 2 had 17.5cmSubject3 had 10cm

Discussion I have faster results than all the other subjects, I think that have faster results because I play a lot of video games but I know that subject 1 plays rugby subject ,2 plays football and subject 3 is in army cadets so most of the time they properly do not have enough time to play video games.

Conclusion I think if I take this test again I am going to try and beat this score it’s a good score to have but I think I might have a chance of beating it.

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Kieran Fitzgerald public services Mr Davis AO3

STRENGTH – THREE REP MAXINTRODUCTIONWhat is strength? – Maximum strength is the maximum force a muscle or a group of muscles can exert in one single voluntary contraction. The sports I have seen people lift weights in, is Olympics, rugby players would use weights to train for their upcoming matches, football players would a bit but not a lot because the outfield player don’t have to train with weights because they wouldn’t use strength to break through the defence, boxer and cage fighters would use weights to train their upper body to knock out or take down their opponent. Public services jobs for example fire man would use weights to have the strength to move obstacles or carry people out of a burning building another public service that would use weights in their job would be in the police force, riot squad to have the strength to have the strength to drive through a crowd of people. EQUIPMENT USED IN TESTThe equipment I used in the three rep max weight test is the following: a bar which weight 20kg, the bench you used to do the do the test and a few different types of weights which go on the bar. METHODOLOGY Our teacher Mr. Davis took us in to the gym and sat us down and told us the rules of the gym and showed us the right technique of the bench bar and then we were put into groups to go back into the gym to have ago benching with more weight added but before we did that we all went out of the gym to do a couple of push ups and stretch our arm before we started to bench.Results

I lifted 35 kg Subject 1 lifted 45 kg Subject 2 lifted 35kg Subject 3 lifted 35 kg

Discussion I think that subject 1 has lifted more weight than me is because he plays rugby and when you tackle someone you have to be strong to lift the other player up, me, subject 2 and subject 3 lifted the same weight because I know that subject 2 goes to cadets and in cadets you will be walking a lot because you go on marches for miles and I know subject 3 plays football so that means that they will be stronger with their legs and I have just started to go to the gym and lift weight so I don’t aspect to be that strong with my arms and I know another reason why we did not lift as much as subject 1, because we were struggling we let the technique slip and then in got harder

Conclusion The thing I am going to do to improve my strength is use the three rep max test to make a fitness planner to train for eight weeks to add more weight every time I train to make sure i improve

Reverse med ball throw

Page 5: Sit and Reach Test UNIT3 AO4

Introduction Muscular power is the ability to contract muscles with speed and force in one explosive act. (class work) muscular power is linked to a lot of sports in one category called the Olympics, weight lifters lift heavy weights and when they are lifting it with encouragement they might have a explosive burst of strength to get the bar up in the air another Olympic sport it could be linked to is swimming because when the swimmers are doing a lot of lengths in their swimming race they are bound to get tired and with encouragement again they might have a burst of strength to make them get to end of the length and win and a public service this is linked to is the fire force because when you are in a burning building trying to save someone’s life and there is a object in the way ,stopping you from getting to that person and taking them to safety the determination of saving that person’s life might just give you the burst of strength you need to move that object out of the way.

Equipment Med ball Tape measure Planner Pen /pencil Three other people one to make sure that your heels are on the line another to get

the med ball and bring it back and the third person to measure how far you had chucked the ball.

Methodology We went outside to the tennis courts and set the tape measure out then went in to our groups of about four and took it in turns, it was my go I put my heels on the line and picked up the 5kg med ball then went into a squat type shape and used all my strength and power to drive my body up and chuck the ball back. It was the next’s persons go and when they threw the ball back I had to step on the tape measure and read out what that person had.

Results I had 4m 20 Subject1 had 4.55 Subject 2 had 6m Subject 3 had 6.25

Discussion I had the lowest score because I had a bad technique and I don’t have that much power in my arms , subject 1 had a score not that far away from mine because he had a better technique and he was getting a bit more power through to the ball and subject 2 and 3 had a far better score then ours because they had a great technique and got far much power on the ball then us.

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Conclusion To improve my score on the reverse med ball throw I would keep working on the technique and to build up my arm power using the weights a bit more.



Coordination is the ability to carry out a series of movements smoothly and efficiently. It is the ability of different parts of the body to do different things at the same time e.g. hand eye coordination (class work) hand eye coordination is linked too many different sports such as basket ball because you have got to have the ability to look wear your running and quickly look at the ball to make sure that no one is going to take it. another sport you need a lot of hand eye coordination is tennis because when you running side to side to hit the ball you need to make sure your hand is in the right place and your eyes will be able to try and find what spot the ball is in so you are able to hit the ball in the direction you want it to go in and put spin on it if you want to.


Tennis ball Tape measure Stop watch Planner Pen/ pencil


We went to do the test in the new gym, we got into groups of three or four and set up the test by putting out a tape measure to measure one meter away from the wall and the first person to do the test got into place and we gave him a tennis then we started the stop watch and the person doing the test chucked the ball at the wall and court it with the other hand and they did this for a minute.


I had 35

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Subject1 had 38 Subject 2 had 29 Subject 3 had 46


I think I had a good result but subject 1 and 3 had a better result than me is because they good and fast technique and they were keeping the under control and close to them so they didn’t make as much mistakes as me and I had a better result than subject 2 because I have longer arms than him and if I lost control of the ball I have a better chance of catching it and not having to pick it up of the floor so not losing so much time.


To improve my hand eye coordination I would try and practise that test a couple of times a week and every time I would try and beat my score.