sita customer seminar simplify your business munich, 21 sept 2005

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SITA Customer Seminar Simplify your business Munich, 21 Sept 2005. Self Service and E Commerce Jim Callaghan. Reduce Costs. Asset Optim. Improved PAX exp. Agenda. A challenged industry Real world E Commerce The road to success Building blocks of E Commerce Case Study Summary. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • SITA Customer Seminar

    Simplify your businessMunich, 21 Sept 2005Self Service andE Commerce

    Jim Callaghan

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    AgendaA challenged industry

    Real world E Commerce

    The road to success

    Building blocks of E Commerce

    Case Study


    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Industry challengesFuel pricesIncreasing competitive threat to market share Ticket prices too low to support cost baseThe need to reduce costs everywhere :Distribution - direct connections to all market channels Operating - simplify business processesPassenger handling - efficient self service solutions

    Now, more than ever, IT is the critical enabler of change

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Airline costsEasy cost reductions: Commission caps Reduce paper tickets Reduce GDS fees Promote self service

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Relative % costs of sales channelEvery airline in the world has cost reduction as its number 1 priorityTravel agent booking via GDSVia online agentVia airline online call centreDirect online

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Key Airline Priorities

    Reduce distribution costs by providing direct connections to all channels to market

    Reduce operating costs by simplifying business processes

    Reduce the cost of passenger handling through efficient self service solutions

    Maximise Yield with optimised pricingAchieve your own e-commerce and customer self service vision

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Priority projects Web booking and Self ServiceEnable your own internet sales and service vision

    Electronic ticketing Airlines stand to save $3 billion p.a. Elimination of fraud and lost ticketsNo need for prepaid tickets Fares ManagementPrice competitivelyOptimise yieldsSimplify business processes

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    AgendaA challenged industry

    Real world E Commerce

    The road to success

    Building blocks of E Commerce

    Case Study


    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Doing it right.ClarityThe banana test.SimplicityThe right information at the right timeTest - Information is it relevant ?TrustThat you will deliver value That you will do what you say you willThat they know where you live !

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Clarity and Focus

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Spot the banana ..

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Doing it right.ClarityThe banana testSimplicityThe right information at the right timeTest - Information is it relevant ? TrustThat you will deliver valueThat you will do what you say you willThat they know where you live !

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Simplicity in action

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Clear ? Relevant ? Legible?

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Doing it right.ClarityThe banana test SimplicityThe right information at the right timeTest - Information is it relevant ?TrustThat you will deliver valueThat you will do what you say you willThat they know where you live !

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Trust in Value

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Doing it right.ClarityThe banana test SimplicityThe right information at the right timeTest - Information is it relevant ?TrustThat you will deliver valueThat you will do what you say you willThat they know where you live !

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Confidence inspiring?Gateway TimeoutThe proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. Reference #1.12e7b3f.1126172712.fe0431

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    AgendaReal world E Commerce

    A challenged industry

    The road to success

    Building blocks of E Commerce

    Case Study


    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    E Commerce pitfallsInefficient E Commerce operationSolutions the customer cannot or will not use Compromised by host system limitationsNo visitors and huge look/book ratioCannibalisation of high yield businessDownward price spiralAlienation of travel agency channelBusiness travellers switching to cheaper optionseCommerce operational costs get out of controlExcessive marketing spend, analysis paralysisPoorly focussed service development (no ROI)Over-engineering (technology overkill)The organisation is not aligned No coherent E-Commerce strategyNo understanding of the values and costsMissed opportunities to maximise return on investmentOrganisation unable to adapt to E Commerce needsA consulting led approach to build a strategy that works

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    8 Barriers To Organisational ChangeMotivation for changeOther Priorities & Resources


    Programme communications

    DeploymentLogisticsComplexityIt is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory --W. Edwards Deming

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Bringing about beneficial changeBusiness transformationService strategy & designChange management

    TechnologyService designProduct positioningOnline strategyAirline strategyWebsite & supporting systems designUser experience optimisation, based on reservation system capabilitiesDetermine products & services for each online market segmentHow to use eCommerce to support the airline strategyFundamental business objectivesOnline service design

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Implementing an effective e-commerce strategyA compelling case for change inspires at both a rational and emotional levelChange will be compelling if it is driven by the business strategy.provides opportunities for those involved.Personal winsPersonal lossesFuture visionCurrentThis is where we want to be..has a sound financial rationale and.BenefitsCosts

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Stages of consultancyImplementing an E-Commerce IT solution

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Strategy brings results

    Online bookings from 4% to 42% in 18 months

    Without the middleware it would probably have taken 2 to 3 times as long

    Best Travel/Tourism website at the annual Netguide Web Awards

    Easy access to flight and holiday informationGreat interactivityAn easy to use site with highly relevant searches so we don't waste timeGood online pricing

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    The benefits of best of breed, best practiceVLM eCommerceStarted with generic GDS booking engine

    Switched to SITA eCommerce platform with best practice online sales approach

    3% online sales (2003) increased to 17% (2004) and still growing strongly

    Online eTicket live within 3 weeks of SITA launching Horizon eTicket service

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    AgendaReal world E Commerce

    A challenged industry

    The road to success

    Building blocks of E Commerce

    Case Study


    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Getting the price right.

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Technologies that exploit competitive knowledgeView of competitive fares by market, carrier, etc as soon as they are publishedGraphical view of volume and type of fare changes filed by your competitorsObserve and respond to competitive fare filings in your key markets

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Technologies that attract and keep the customerSITAs solution for shopping based on fares and availability informationThe Airfare shopper services provide key features to allow the airline to tune its pricing and products by channelSelected shopper functions are available via green screen for agent and call centre useCost savings in the drive for efficient online salesWorlds leading multi-host pricing systemA fully next generation systemVery high performance with ultra-fast data loading and diagnosticsCustomised by SITA for state of the art US domestic and full international pricingExample calendar showing best prices on available travel dates

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Technologies to aid fulfillmentAvailable for all airline direct and indirect distribution channels Support all usage levelsSales and services722h Interactive and ControlHost and Handling Agents

    Industry leading solution100% electronic ticketing by December 2007 - IATA

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    AgendaReal world E Commerce

    A challenged industry

    The road to success

    Building blocks of E Commerce

    Case Study


    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Amtrak - integrated Self ServiceAMTRAK.COMQUIK-TRAKKIOSKSA single self-service platform WEB and Kiosk10,000 bookings a day200+ KiosksSales, Ticketing, updates, loyalty Designed visually and physically disabled customers

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    In summarySelf service and E Commerce can be easy levers for cost controlDrive from business objectives, not ITBusiness implementation is criticalClarity, Simplicity and Trust are vitalRemember the Banana test

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.

    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

    (Sun Tzu)

    E Commerce | 21 Sept 2005

    in co-operation with our partner

    An outline of an end to end strategy..Airfare InsightComplete local or ASP database of fares & rulesPublished, private and negotiated fare workflowsWorkflow based fare managementAutomates market fare creation, approval and publicationFare sheets built from branded templatesCutting costs through efficiency and reduced errorsCutting costs by reusing your own data in other systemsResponding faster than the competitionFully integrated with competitor analysis & decision supportCompetitive fare analysis & response from ATPCO & SITA filingsRobot to find, analyse and match online faresAirfare Insight customers (selection)Singapore AirlinesEmiratesJet BlueLan Chile