sitting at work is harmful 15 ways to fight fatigue

 Sitting at Work is Harmful: 15 Ways to Fight Fatigue Like 13 Tweet 14 4 7 Personal Health  Current News By Timothy Boyer on January 16, 2012 - 1:37pm for eMaxHealth A recent study confirms that sitting at work is not only harmful to your physical body, but to your mental health as well. Read on to find out how long the av erage office worker sits per day and discover 15 ways to fight fatigue whil e sitting at work. Withi n the past few years , researc hers studying Occupation al Health in the workplace have gathered conclusive evidence supportin g a workplace hazard trend that man y office w orkers have known all along: sitting at work can be as harmful as handling heavy machinery or handling hazardous materials. In one study in New Zealand, researchers have shown that sitting for long periods at your desk, especially at a computer workstation, causes an increase in the risk of develop ing blood clots in your legs known as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). Advertisement Enter your email, verify: EmaxHealth: Daily Health News Like  12 0 69 The danger of developing deep vein thrombosis is that the blood clots can migrate from your legs to your lungs and heart and cause cardiac arrest. A recent finding by researchers at the Work & Health Research Centre at Loughborough University, is that office workers sit too long at their desks during work and that it is taking a toll on their minds as well as t heir bodies. The study involved an 18-month period during 2009-2011 where psychologists conducted on-line and paper-based surveys of over 1000 employees that looked at and measured not only their lifestyle and physical activity levels, but also other health factors such as time spent sitting, work ability, general health and job attitudes. What the researchers found was that during a typical work-week, office workers spend on average 5 hou rs and 41 minutes per day sitting at their desk and 7 hours sleeping at night. Furthermore, that those office workers who sit for prolonged periods at work tend to also spend a considerable amount of time sitting at home, have a body mass index (BMI) that correlates with time spent sitting, and are subject to a decrease in men tal well-being. In spite of Occupational Health guidelines that recommend specific levels of activity for maintaining good health, researchers have foun d that 50% of those people surveyed who are aged 50 years and un der, failed to meet these guidelines—a growing problem found in workplaces worldwide. Findings such as these are not surprising. The advent of computing technology has dramatically increased productivity in the workplace, which previously required much more time spent out of the office chair and moving about. Today, almost all business activities can take place in one spot at the click of a mouse. Writing, for example, used to require mu ltiple trips to a library for r esearch as well as visits for interviews. Now however, search engi nes find us the info we need and interviews are typically done by phone and E-mail to save time. As many writers can attest, writing not only broadens the mind, but it broadens the butt as well. As such, writers are no different than offi ce workers in the respect that we spend too much time sitting down and not standing up, with the result that a need for taking breaks fr om sitting is importan t to our health. However, when deadlines prevent us from being “up and about” as much as we should, we can at least move around while still at our desk and achieve some level of activity that not only will help fight fatigue, but make sitting a little healthier too. Home » Personal Health Advertisement Vista Antispyware 2013 How to Remove Vista Antispyware 201 Vista Antispyware 2013 Removal Inst ZWCAD+ Adaptação imediata CAD low cost compatível c/DWG. Rápido e estável. Faça o download. 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