six most important principles of interior design

6 Most Important

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Post on 21-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Six Most Important Principles of Interior Design

6 Most Important

Page 2: Six Most Important Principles of Interior Design

Principles to Go a Long Way

Some people are born with a great eye for decorating or design. Others learn the skill and are able to apply it successfully. And then there are the rest of us. If you don't have much of a knack for design, here is the list of few basic techniques can go a long way.

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Follow the Principles

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Basics of Interior Design

“Interior design is the process of shaping the experience of interior space, through the manipulation of spatial volume as well as surface treatment. Not to be confused with interior decoration”.

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Unity & Harmony

This is not to say that all interior design elements should be the same but they should work together and complement each other to strengthen the whole composition.

A way to create this theme or storyline is with the well considered use of color. Color schemes in general are a great way to unify a collection of spaces.

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Consider Negative Space First

For architectural designs, the negative space is the area that's not taken up by any subject. Most commonly, this is the white area on your walls. Its tempting to fill every space with a subject, but sometimes, the negative space speaks for itself.

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Follow Odd Numbers Rule

You might already be familiar with the rule of thirds for photography.

The basic idea of the rule is that details and objects that are arranged or grouped in odd numbers are more appealing, memorable, and effective than even-numbered pairings.

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Focal Point

Interior design’s biggest enemy is boredom. A well-designed room always has, depending on the size of it, one or more focal points. A focal point must be dominant to draw attention and interesting enough to encourage the viewer to look further.

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Transition tends to be a smoother flow, where the eye naturally glides from one area to another. The most common transition is the use of a curved line to gently lead the eye, such as an arched doorway or winding path.

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Another important element of interior design where it is necessary to take infinite pains is details. As color expresses the whole spirit and life of a scheme; details are just as an important underpinning of interior design. Details should not be obvious but they should be right, enhancing the overall feel of a room.

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