six ways to improve your resume by

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  • 7/31/2019 Six Ways To Improve Your Resume by


    Employers spend 20 seconds to decide your fate based on what they gather from your resume. Here are some of those


    1. To many

    hiring managers, the most important part of your resume is your Summary of Qualifications section. This section

    usually consists of 4-6 sentences that present an overview of your experience, talents, skills and work habits, and is

    a highly influential summation of what you bring to the job.

    2. Employers in the survey said vague,

    general resumes don't cut it. Use the "action = results" formula to create a high-impact tool. This is the specific

    formula where you show what was achieved in past jobs, especially bottom line contributions like saving time or


    3. Since most resumes are only allotteda 15-20 second review, don't waste precious seconds by using too many pages. You forget there's a cover letter to

    look at too, so consolidate your top abilities into one page. Be sure to emphasize the last 5 to 7 years, which most

    interest employers.

    4. "Job

    hunters send resumes in with no idea about the position." Target each resume to the job title sought. Even if you

    qualify for several different positions, it's better to create a different resume for each job, incorporating only the

    information pertinent to doing that specific job.

    5. Your resume must catch the reader's eye.

    One that is visually appealing suggests your professionalism. Do not use micro-size type, and be sure to allow for

    lots of white space and borders. Make use of italicizing, CAPITALS, underlining, bolding, indentations, and bullets to

    emphasize important points.

    6. . Many HR person said: "I stop

    reading when I find spelling mistakes." Perfection is a necessity. Don't trust computer spell checkers. Don't use "I"

    in your resume. Instead, start each sentence with an action verb. Descriptive action verbs - such as established,

    analyzed, implemented, created, streamlined, organized - add power to your sentences. And don't include personal

    information about marital status, gender, height, weight, or health since it's an outdated style and violates

    discrimination laws.

    Want to improve your writing? Here are some basic rules to help get started.

    1. Don't abbrev.

    2. Check to see if you any words out.

    3. Be carefully to use adjectives and adverbs correctly.

    4. About sentence fragments

    5. When dangling, don't use participles.
  • 7/31/2019 Six Ways To Improve Your Resume by


    6. Dont use no double negatives.

    7. Each pronoun agrees with their antecedent.

    8. Just between you and I, case is important.

    9. Join clauses good, like a conjunction should.

    10. Dont use commas, that aren't necessary.

    11. Its important to use apostrophes right.

    12. Its better not to unnecessarily split an infinitive.

    13. Never leave a transitive verb just lay there without an object.

    14. Only Proper Nouns should be capitalized. also a sentence should begin with a capital letter and end with a full


    15. Use hyphens in compound-words, not just in any two-word phrase.

    16. In letters compositions reports and things like that we use commas to keep a string of items apart.

    17. Watch out for irregular verbs that have creeped into our language.

    18. Verbs have to agree with their subjects.

    19. Avoid unnecessary redundancy.

    20. A writer mustnt shift your point of view.

    21. Don't write a run-on sentence you've got to punctuate it.

    22. A preposition isnt a good thing to end a sentence with.

    23. Avoid cliches like the plague.

    24. Never start a sentence with a number.

    25. Always check your work for accuracy and completeness.