sixth commandment review lesson and performance task

Review Lesson WE RESPECT MARRIAGE AND FAMILY By: Ms. Jo-ana Minese Dabon

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By: Ms. Jo-ana Minese Dabon

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REVIEW GOALS:-To explain why marriageand family are important

-To identify ways of respectingmarriage and family

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WORD BANK:Adultery


-a sin committed whena married man finds

‘another love’

-to desire strongly

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What did Jesus say about‘divorce’?


Jesus said, “When a mandivorces his wife and marries

another, he is committingAdultery. When a woman divorces her husband

and marries another, she is committing Adultery.”

What is the problem?

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Why should we respectMarriage?

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As Grade Four pupils,how can you followthe Sixth and NinthCommandments?

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Let us apply and deepenwhat we

have learned!

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*Berchmans - 92XX3-6FJTH*Campion - XWGSJ-SQMWM*Jogues - K6VZS-WJ9S9*Pignatelli - X7S66-PM92X*Del Castillo - DM9XM-KNN98

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Performance TaskGoal:

Reflect on the videos shown to you.

Share your reflection in a microblogging


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Who are you?You are responsible Ateneo Hearters who participate in the discussion of a microblogging backchannel site. You will share your reflection/thoughts on realities that happen in the family and school community, based on the videos that will be shown to you.

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Who will see your reflections?

Everyone in the class will view your reflections and may comment on the reflections that you have shared.

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Why are you doing this task?

After understanding the importance of marriage and family, you will apply and deepen your understanding through the videos that will be shown to you. Your reflections will help us generate the moral truths that help society become a better place.

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How will you be graded?

You will be graded based on the following criteria:Content of Reflection (20 pts.)

The content is related with/connects to the lesson on ‘Respecting Marriage and Family’. It is constructed in a polite manner. It answers ALL the guide questions.

Response to/Interaction with other Participants (10 pts.)

Several responses through comments, affirmations, or polite negations supported with sound reasoning are evident.

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Video Theme # 1:Respecting women (or

men)helps usrespect

marriageand family.

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Guide Questions:1.What reality was presented?2.Why is it a reality today?3.How can changing one’s

opinion on women help us respect marriage and family?

4.As an Ateneo Hearter, how can you show respect to both men and women?

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Video Theme # 2:

Our Behavior Towards our

(future) Family is Determined

by How We Treat Others

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Guide Questions:

1.What reality was presented in the video?

2.Why is it a reality today?3.As an Ateneo Hearter, how can

you treat others with respect?

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Video Theme # 3A family that supports each

other stays together (forever).

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Guide Questions:

1.What reality was presented?2.Why is it a reality today?3.As an Ateneo Hearter, how can

you use that reality to show support to your family?

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What generalization can you share to the

class after having watched and reflected

on all the videos?