sixth sense technology

Seminar Report On Sixth Sense Technology Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad Department of Computer Science Engineering By,

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seminar report on sixth sense technology


Page 1: sixth sense technology

Seminar Report On

Sixth Sense Technology

Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology


Department of Computer Science Engineering


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1 Introduction

1.1 Organization Of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 Gesture Recognition

2.1 Motion Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.2 Skin Color Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.3 Geometric Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.4 Motion Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Recognizing Motion patterns using Time Delay neural Network(TDNN)

3 Applications

4 Components in sixth sense technology

4.1 Kinds of gestures recognized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 Working

6 Merits and Demerits

6.1 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.2 Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 Related Technologies

7.1 Gesture Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.2 Augmented Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.3 Computer Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 Conclusion



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Information is everything in today's world. Yet the world of information is

very small. From details about the various stars or galaxies to the description

of the tinniest piece of junk that you can get in a supermarket, everything is

present on the internet. Yet it is concerned, trapped in a screen on a desktop

or on a mobile. Well Sixthsense breaks these concerns and brings the

information to the real world. Rather than adjusting ourselves to the latest

machine (gadgets), Sixthsense adjusts the machine to us and trains it to

understand our natural hand gestures.

Sixth Sense is a wearable gestural interface that

augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us

use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. Steve Mann is

considered as the father of Sixth Sense Technology who made wearable

computer in 1990. He implemented the Sixth Sense Technology as the neck

worn projector with a camera system (which Mann originally referred to as

“Synthetic Synesthesia of the Sixth Sense”). He was a media lab student at

that time. Then his work was carried forward by Pranav Mistry (Ph.D student

in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab). By using a camera and

a tiny projector, Sixth Sense sees what you see and visually augments any

surfaces or objects we are interacting with. It projects information onto

surfaces, walls and physical objects around us, and lets us interact with the

projected information through natural hand gestures, arm movements, or our


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Chapter 1


Steve Mann was the first person to bring forth the idea of Sixthsense in the form of a

device called Telepointer; it was originally referred to as 'Synthetic Synesthesia of the

Sixth Sense'. He is also considered as the father of Sixthsense. This was later developed

by Pranav Mistry, a PhD student at MIT.

'Sixthsense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around

us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that


Hardware requirements for the device include :-

Camera- recognizing and tracking hand gestures

Pocket Projector- projects digital information on the wall or any other surface

Cellphone- connects to the cloud and does the processing

Mirror- helps in projecting the image on a horizontal surface by reaction Coloured

Caps- helps in keeping track of the hand and recognizing gestures.

The technologies used in this project are :-

Hand Augmented Reality

Gesture Recognition

Image capturing, processing and manipulation

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1.1 Organization Of the Report

1. Chapter 2 describes how gesture recognition is done and it's different


Figure 1.1: Sixthsense device

2. Chapter 3 describes the applications of the device

3. Chapter 4 describes how Components of the device

4. Chapter 5 describes the working of the device

5. Chapter 6 describes the merits and demerits of the device.

6. Chapter 7 discusses the Related Technologies

7. Chapter 8 gives the conclusion of the paper.

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Chapter 2

Gesture Recognition

Gesture recognition is an important aspect of this device. We would be

tackling the general gesture recognition technique(not specific to

Sixthsense). The entire process of gesture recognition can be divided into the

following parts :-

Motion Segmentation

Skin Color Model

Geometric Analysis

Motion Trajectories

Recognizing Motion Patterns Using Time Delay Neural Network(TDNN)

2.1 Motion Segmentation

Early methods can be divided into two types:- 1. Pixel based

Motion segmentation in this method is done on the basis of intensity

variations i.e. it regards intensity variations as a cause for motion and

vice versa. This method works well when we consider a scene with

slow moving objects or in which the number of objects are less. But as

the number of objects or speed of objects increases the performance


2. Feature based

Feature based method matches image features like points de ned by

local intensity, edges, corners, etc. Features are extracted using single

scale segmentation. These features are then matched across frames.

Segmentation errors might make it difficult to find feature

correspondence across frames.

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In motion segmentation region primitives are used to find the 2D

motion field. It performs well in situation where pixel based methods fail.

The major advantage of using this method is that it is multistate therefore

providing a rich description of region primitives. Also the region primitives

are not effected by noise or illumination changes. Region correspondence

is found by matching region shape, intensity and size into account whereas

previous algorithms used a much simpler approach.

For a pair of frames, (It,It+1), the algorithm identifies regions in each

frame com-pricing the multistate intraframe structure. Regions at each

scale are then matched across frames. Motion segmentation generates

regions that have uniform motion.

2.2 Skin Color Model

Not all of the regions generated by the motion segmentation is of use to us.

In fact most of the regions can be easily discarded based on certain criteria.

The criteria might defer based on the implementation of the particular

project. Here skin color is used as a cue for selecting the regions that are

useful. The rest of the regions can be discarded.

Unlike other methods, here skin color is not used for motion

segmentation but to select the motion fields generated after motion

segmentation process. In case of SixthSense device this selection criteria is

narrowed further by the use of coloured caps on fingers. Therefore it is a

generic method and the criteria for selecting the motion fields can be

selected by the individual based on the purpose for which it is being


Human skin color has been used and proven to be an effective feature in

numerous applications. We use a Gaussian mixture to model skin color

distribution in CIE LUV color space from a database of 2,447 images

which consists of faces of different ethnic groups. The luminance value of

each pixel is discarded to minimize the effects of lighting conditions and

the parameters of the Gaussian mixture are estimated.

A motion region is classified to be skin tone if the probabilities of being

skin color of most pixels were above a threshold.

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2.3 Geometric Analysis

Since the shapes of human head and hands can be approximated by

ellipses, motion regions of skin tone were merged until the shape of the

merged region is approximately elliptical. Skin tone regions were sorted

based on their size.

Among the largest regions, a region was randomly selected as a seed. A

neighbor of the selected region was iteratively merged if the goodness t of

an elliptic function of the resulting region did not decrease by a threshold.

This iteration proceeded till the number of grouped regions did not exceed

a preselected maximum value. The whole process repeated several times

with diferent random seeds to generate multiple candidates and the largest

merged region was selected. The orientation of an ellipse was estimated

from the axes of the least moment of inertia.

2.4 Motion Trajectories

Although motion segmentation captures motion details by matching

regions at ne scales, it is sufficient to use coarser motion trajectories of

identified hand regions for gesture recognition. A ne transformation of a

hand region in each frame pair is computed using the following formula

Figure 2.1: A fine Transformation

The a fine transformations of successive pairs are then concatenated to

construct motion trajectories of the hand region.

2.5 Recognizing Motion patterns using Time De-lay neural


TDNN is a dynamic classification approach in that the network sees only a

small window of the input motion pattern and this window slides over the

input data while the network makes a series of local decisions. The local

decisions taken are later integrated into a global decision.

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Chapter 3


The applications of SixthSense technology are numerous Hardware

requirements for the device include :-

1. 3D Drawing application lets the user to draw on any surface by tracking

the fingertip movements of the user's index finger.

2. Mapping :- Navigate map using hand gestures, zoom in, zoom out, pan,

magnifying a certain portion of the map, etc.

Figure 3.1: Viewing map using SixthSense device

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3.GESTURE ANALYSIS :- Multi touch gestures, iconic gestures,

freehand gestures. Common gestures recognized are drawing a circle on

wrist to show the clock, making a square using hands to capture a photo,

drawing an @ symbol to check emails.

Figure 3.2: Gesture for recognising time

Figure 3.3: Gesture for taking a photo

4. Touch Sensation :- Microphone attached to paper receptive to touch,

camera tracks movement of finger

5. Make a call

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Figure 3.4: Making a call using SixthSense device

6. Get product information

7. Create multimedia reading experience in newspaper

Figure 3.5: Multimedia Reading Experience

8. Get reviews of book

9. Get dynamic updates

10. Feed information on people

11. Information acquirement through things we carry- TaPuMa

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COMPONENTS The devices which are used in Sixth Sense Technology are: 2.5 Camera. 2.6 Coloured Marker.

2.7 Mobile Component. 2.8 Projector.

2.9 Mirror.

1.Camera: It captures the image of the object in view and tracks the user‟s hand

gesture. The camera recognizes individuals, images, pictures, gestures that

user makes with his hand. The camera then sends this data to a smartphone

for processing. Basically the camera forms a digital eye which connects to

the world of digital information.

2. Coloured Marker: There are color markers placed at the tip of users fingers. Marking the user‟s

fingers with red, yellow, green and blue coloured tape helps the webcam to

recognize the hand gestures. The movements and arrangement of these

markers are interpreted into gestures that act as a interaction instruction for

the projected application interfaces.

3. Mobile Component: The Sixth Sense device consists of a web enabled smartphone which process

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the data send by the camera. The smartphone searches the web and interprets

the hand gestures with the help of the coloured markers placed at the finger

tips. Basic processing works on computer vision algorithms where approx.

50,000 lines of code are used written in Symbian C++.

4. Projector: The information that is interpreted through the smartphone can be projected

into any surface. The projector projects the visual information enabling

surfaces and physical objects to be used as interfaces. The projector itself

consists of a battery which have 3 hours of battery life. A Tiny LED

projector displays the data sent from the smartphone on any surface in view-

object, wall or person. The downward facing projector projects the image on

to a mirror. 5. Mirror: The usage of a mirror is important as the projector dangles pointing

downward from the neck. The mirror reflects the image on to a desire surface.

Thus finally the digital image is freed from its confines and placed in the

physical world.

4.1:KINDS OF GESTURES RECOGNIZED The software recognizes three kinds of gestures: 1.Multi-Touch Gestures: Like the ones we see in the iPhone-where we touch the screen and make the

map move by pinching and dragging.

2. Freehand Gestures: Like when you take a picture or Namaste gesture to start the projection on

the wall.

3. Iconic Gestures: Drawing an icon in the air. Like, whenever we draw a star, shows us the

weather details. When we draw a magnifying glass, shows us the map.

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The Sixth Sense Technology works as follows: 1.It captures the image of the object in view and track the user‟s hand gestures.

5.2 There are color markers placed at the tip of users finger. Marking the

user‟s fingers with red, yellow, green and blue colored tape helps the webcam

to recognize the hand gestures. The movements and arrangement of these

markers are interpreted into gestures that act as a interaction instruction for

the projected application interfaces.

5.3 The smartphone searches the web and interprets the hand gestures with

the help of the colored markers placed at the finger tips.

5.4 4.The information that is interpreted through the smartphone can be

projected into any surface.

5.5 The mirror reflects the image on to a desired surface.

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1.Portable: One of the main advantages of the Sixth Sense devices is its small size and

portability. It can be easily carried around without any difficulty. The

prototype of the Sixth Sense is designed in such a way that it gives more

importance to the portability factor. All the devices are light in weight and the

smartphone can easily fit into the user‟s pocket. 2. Support Multi touch and Multi user interaction: Multi touch and Multi user interaction is another added feature of the Sixth

Sense devices. Multi sensing technique allows the user to interact with

system with more than one finger at a time. Sixth Sense devices also in-

corporates Multi user functionality. This is typically useful for large

interaction scenarios such as interactive table tops and walls. 3. Cost Effective: The cost incurred for the construction of the Sixth Sense prototype is quite

low. It was made from parts collected together from common devices. And a

typical Sixth Sense device costs upto $300. The Sixth Sense devices have not

been made in large scale for commercial purpose. Once that happens it‟s

almost certain that the device will cost much lower than the current price. 4. Data access directly from the machines in real time: With the help of a Sixth Sense device the user can easily access data from

any machine at real time speed. The user doesn‟t require any machine-human

interface to access the data. The data access through recognition of hand

gestures is much easier and user friendlier compared to the text user interface

or graphical user interface which requires keyboard or mouse. 5. Mind map the idea anywhere: With the advent of the Sixth Sense device, requirement of a platform or a

screen to analyze and interpret the data has become obsolete. We can project

the information onto any surface and can work and manage the data as per our

convenience. 6. Open Source Software: The software that is used to interpret and analysis the data collected by the

device is going to be made open source as said by its inventor. This will

enable other developers to contribute to the development of the system.

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6.2: CONCERNS There is a health issue regarding Sixth Sense‟s projection technology. When the

device is projecting on a hard surface, it is not private enough just for the user.

People around him can see the projection that is very detailed. Projection is

better in the night time and dark areas rather than mornings and bright areas.

This is an issue because the vision of the user can be damaged. Sixth Sense

should be able to shift its projection techniques during different times of the day.

That way it won‟t be an issue for the vision of the user. Since the device is still

being modified and tested, Mistry can try to overcome concerns with related



7.1 Gesture recognition:

It is a technology which is aimed at interpreting human gestures with the help

of mathematical algorithms. Gesture recognition technique basically focuses

on the emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition.

Gesture recognition technique enables humans to interact with computers in a

more direct way without using any external interfacing devices. It can provide

a much better alternative to text user interfaces and graphical user interface

which requires the need of a keyboard or mouse to interact with the computer.

Interfaces which solely depends on the gestures requires precise hand posing

tracking. In the Sixth Sense devices coloured vands are used for this purpose.

Once hand pose has been captured the gesture‟s can be recognized using

different technique‟s. Neural network approaches or statistical templates are

the common techniques used for the recognition purposes. This technique

have an accuracy of more than 95%. Time dependent neural network will also

be used for real time recognition of the gestures.

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7.2 Augmented reality:

The Augmented reality is a visualization technique that allows the user to

experience the virtual experience added over real world in real time. With the

help of advanced AR technology the information about the surrounding real

world of the user becomes interactive and digitally usable. Artificial information

about the environment and the objects in it can be stored and retrieved as an

information layer on top of the real world view. When we compare the spectrum

between virtual reality, which creates immersive, computer-generated

environments, and the real world, augmented reality is closer to the real world.

Augmented reality adds graphics, sounds, haptic

feedback and smell to the natural world as it exists. Both video games and cell

phones are driving the development of augmented reality. The augmented

systems will also superimpose graphics for every perspective available and try

adjust to every movement of the user‟s head and eyes. The three basic

components of na augmented reality system are the head mounted display,

tracking system and mobile computer for the hardware. The main goal of this

technology is to merge these three components into a highly portable unit. The

head mounted display used in augmented reality systems will enable the user to

view superimposed graphics and text created by the system. Another component

of augmented reality system is its tracking and orientation system. This system

pinpoints the user‟s location in reference to his surroundings and additionally

tracks the user‟s eye and head movements.

7.3 Computer vision: Computer vision is the technology in which machines are able to

interpret/extract necessary information from an image. Computer vision

technology includes various fields like image processing, image analysis and

machine vision. It includes certain aspect of artificial intelligence techniques

like pattern recognition. The machines which implement computer vision

techniques requires image sensors which detect electromagnetic radiation which

are usually in the form ultraviolet rays or light rays. The computer vision find

itself applicable in various fields of interest. One such field is bio medical image

processing. It‟s also used in autonomous vehicles like SUV‟s. The computer

vision technique basically includes four processes.

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Chapter 8: Conclusion

Sixthsense technology is currently in it's early stages and is

regarded as a very powerful project by many experts. The future for this

project is very promising and we'll be surely seeing it's applications all around

the world very soon. Pranav Mistry has indicated that he'll making the project

code open pretty soon. This will give a major boost to the development of this

project. Recently Pranav Mistry used sixth sense technology to implement a

mouse without using the actual device using lasers and gesture recognition.


[1] Integrating Information with the Real World Using Sixth Sense Computing

by 1Sanjeev Tayal*, 2Pramod Kr. and 3Monika Garg VSRD-IJCSIT, Vol. 2 (2), 2012, 137-


[2] sixthsense, integrating information with the real world by Pranav Mistry (inventor of

sixthsence technology)

[3] Complete Guide of Making Sixthsense Device by Minhal Mehdi march


[4] MIT Wearable Gadget Gives You Sixth Sense by Diann Daniel, CIO Apr 14, 2009

[5] „Sixthsense‟ Technology for Lifelong Learning: Unlashing Unlimited Potentiality

by Sayantan Mandal ECER 2012


[6] At TED, Virtual Worlds Collide With Reality

[7] Ming-Hsuan Yang, Member, IEEE, Narendra Ahuja, Fellow, IEEE, and Mark Tabb,

Member, IEEE, Extraction of 2D Motion Trajectories and Its Application to Hand Gesture


[8] Pranav Mistry, Tsuyoshi Kuroki, Chaochi Chang, MIT Media Laboratory, TaPuMa:

Tangible Public Map for Information Acquirement through the Things We Carry.