size matters in vegetables world marketing conference field marketing workshop 13 th january 2015...


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Page 1: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:
Page 2: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:


Page 3: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:

SIZE MATTERSin vegetables

Page 4: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:

World Marketing ConferenceField Marketing Workshop

13th January 2015

• Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION• Team Number: 3• Team Concept: Renewable Energy & Food Security

in vegetables

Page 5: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:

Sites VisitedSites Marketing message of Sites visited

Ramon Airport Growth into the area. Growing the economy. Increasing tourism. Increasing export and import.

Southern Arava R&D Food Security. Increasing food production through technology and innovation

Regional Center for Science & Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy: Using the local resources (i.e. Sun and land) to produce energy

Kibbutz Lotan Eco tourism and education for sustainability

Kibbutz Ketura Solar energy and off- grid solutions for Israel and the third world

Timna Park Increase tourism, employment opportunities for the region

Page 6: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:

Marketing Strategy

• The Arava is at the forefront of Food Security and Renewable Technology

• To sustainably grow and develop the Southern Arava – Increase population– Employment opportunities– Tourism and trade

• How KKL-JNF is instrumental

Page 7: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:

Marketing Strategy - SWOT



STRENGTHS• Contributing to solution of real

global issues (food, hunger and environomn),

• Enhancing the lives of Israelis. • Increasing aliya to Arava, •Developing the desert, • Conserving the environment, • Sustainable tourism, Sustainability

and Continuity, • Conservation, Green vision with

human as the focus•Agriculture on the border

S WWEAKNESSES•Distance of Arava, •Getting young people to the area, • Losing talent, not enough people

for critical infrastructure, • competition from cities, • Lack of government support

OPPORTUNITIES•New airport, • new technologies, • startups, • Sun Valley

THREATS• Security problems, •No funding

Page 8: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:

Market Analysis

• Target market(s):• Donors from around the world who want to invest

in a better future and a better world

• Distinguishing characteristics of the market(s):• May skew younger• May open opportunities to gain new donors (both

Jewish and non-jewish)

• Size of the market(s):• MASSIVE

Page 9: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:


• Your clear, unique message:– Arava Innovation – Food Security and Renwable

Energy– Benefits Israel and the world– Support from KKL/JNF is instrumental

• Motivation of your audience(s) to donate– People who want to make a difference (Tikkun


Page 10: SIZE MATTERS in vegetables World Marketing Conference Field Marketing Workshop 13 th January 2015 Team Name: ARAVA INNOVATION Team Number: 3 Team Concept:

Integrated Marketing