sk jkrai-mfelilti paulitiriti flcmocrat. · 2019. 3. 15. · sk jkrai-mfelilti paulitiriti...

Sk Jkrai -Mf elilti Pauli tiriti flcmocrat. NEW SERIES—a*». | PLACERYILLE, EL UOKADO CO., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1860. I WHOLE No. 365. Origin of Th, U»y Marc the Better Horae.*’ A London citizen married n lady with face arid fortune, and found in a very short time that he had got the worst of the bargain, so that he was resolved to part from her. Accordingly he went to the lady's father and told him he found his daughter of such a temper, and was so heartily tired of her that if he would take her home again he would return ev- ery penny of tier fortune. The old gen- tleman having inquired into the cause of his complaint asked him why he should he more disquieted than other married men, since it was the common case with them all, and consequently no more than he ought to have expected when he enter- ed into the married slate. The young gentleman desired to lie excused ; he said he was far from giving assent to this assertion that he thought himself more unhappy than any other man, as his wife would ride over a man, and was nut to lie quelled; and no man who hud a sense of rigid and wrung would submit to he gov- erned hy his wife. “My son," said the old Ulan, thou little knuwest the world, and that aH women mlc over their husbands, though not all, indeed, after the same fashion, However, to end all disputes between us, I will put wind I have said on lids proof, if you are willing to try it : I have live horses in my stable; you shall harness three lo a cart, in w Inch I shall put a basket and one hundred eggs, and if, in passing through the country and linking a strict inquiry into the truth or falsehood of my assertion, and leaving a hone at the house of every man who is master of his family himself, and an egg only wlien the w ile governs, you limi your eggs gone before your horses, I hope you w ill give it in, and remain content with your lot. 11, on the other hand, your horses are gone first, I will take my daughter home again, and you shall keep the money.” This proposition being agreeable, the young man ied man started with great glee upon his lour of discovery lo “get shut" as he thought ol his horses and his wile. At the first house he came to he heard a woman with a shrill, angry voice call to her husband ami order him to the door. Here he dropped Ids egg, and at the next, and meeting with something of the same kind at every house, he soon be- gan to get short of eggs. At last he ar- rived at the seat of a gentleman of family and ligure in the country, and inquiiing for the master, was told’ hy the servant that lie was not yet stirring, hut if he pleased to walk in my lady was in the parlor, “The lady, with great cnulplai- saner, desired him to he seated, and said if his business was very urgent she would arouse her lord, hut hud much rather not disturb him. Why, really, madam,” said he, “my business is only to ask a question, which you can resolve as well as your husband, if you will he ingenious with me. You will, doubtless, think it odd, and it may he deemed impolite (or any one, much more a stranger, to ask such a question ; but as a very consider- atile wager dept mis upon it, it may be sum,' advantage to yourself to dcclar*- Ibe trulli lo ine, I hope tinse considerati ins will plead my excuse. It is, madam, to desile to be informed whether yon govern your husband or lie governs you." “In deed, sir," replied the lady, “this ques- tion is somewhat odd: but’ ns I think no one ought to be ashamed of their duly, 1 shall make no scruple to say that 1 have always been proud to obey my husband in all things ; but if a w oman’s own word is to be suspected in such a esse, I, t him answer for me, for here he comes." The gentleman at that moment entered the room, and after some apologies, being made acquainted with the business, con- tinued every word his obedient wife had reported in her own favor; upon which he was invited to select which horse in the team he liked best and accept it as a present. A black gelding struck the fancy of the gentleman most; but the lady de- sired that he would choose tile gray mare, which she thought would he very lit fol- lici' Mile-saddle; Inr husband gave sub- stantial reason why the black one would he most useful to them, but my lady siili persisted in her claim, and stuck tu the gray marc like a burr. Wbal !" said she. "and will you not take her then? But I say you shall, for I am sure Ibe gray mare is much lini better horse."— Well, my dear," replied the husband, “if it must be so !" You must take an egg," replied the young gentle- man. Carter and I must take all iny. nags hack again." Sudden Ili-storni Inn to Life. A well-known perfuinerin New Orleans, «lied—so it was thought—and Ids funeral was arranged, but his body remaining su- |de mul warm, the ceremony was post- poned, the physician thinking he might he in a trance. This reminds the New Orleans J'irni/inie of a case w hich may be similar:—A gentleman of wealth and standing, recently married to a charming wife, tell sick, andafteru few days’ illness apparently breathed his last. The body was laid out, not dressed and uncovered, but sewed up in a sheet or shroud. The occurrence had taken place during the day, and at a late hour in the night, the family retired, and a conlidential servant named Alexander was left alone to watch the corpse. This man was sitting limi- tile bed when he thought he heard a sigh ; there was no mistake, he distinctly heard a heavy breathing, and saw a slight mo- tion of the body. W itli remarkable presence of mini), he split Open ttie sheet, arranged it as if it were the usual covering of the sick man, blew out the lights, leaving only one bur- ning, and in fact took every precaution to prevent his master, if he awoke, from be- ing shocked at the idea id’lds supposed death, lie then sat down by the bedside and waited anxiously. Presently the dead man moved, yawned audibly, and, look- ing around, asked, “Alexander, what time is it ?" Near twelve o'clock, sir." bring me a broth.” The faithful Alexander went nut of the room, called a male member of the family, and broke the news cautiously, lie then ouh red the rook to gi t a broth, and re- lurnctl to his master's chamber, where the now overjoyed family soon assembled. The gentleman recovered, and it was only after be got quite well that he was told that he had been dead for eight hours.— His eldest daughter used to say that she was the child of a ghost, having been born during the year succeeding her fa- ther’s temporary demise. A Look at tht DmA Tlie scenes at the Coroner’s room new by where the fatal disaster happened to the Lady Elgin, on Lake Michigan, are thus graphically described by an eye- witness ; “The appearance of the bodies as they were taken from the water was appalling. In the coroner’s room, at the court house, and at the depots at Evanston and Win- etke, the bodies lay upon the Doors, brui- sed and disfigured, with their clothing torn from them, and a crowd of relatives and the eager spectators surrounding them. There were gray haired men, matu- red women, youth and infancy; some with faces which seemed but sleeping, they were so calm and white ; others distorted, swollen and blackened ; some clad in rich garments, and others in rags and shreds —all that remained from that terrible struggle. One sweet little child whose life numbered scarce half a dozen sum- mers, had smiled in dying, and even in death that smile played around her beau- tiful lips. Here is a lair young girl cut off in the pride of youth and hope; there of time bad sprinkled its early snows.— Youth and infancy, age and strong armed manhood, slept siile hy side the sleep of eternity. It was a dreadful picture of the destroyer—such an one as no living eye can behold without feeling the presence of Him who holdeth in his hand the des- tinies of all of us. “Turning from the dead to the living, and the picture of this awful disaster was complete in its most terrible aspect. All around were hundreds of anxious, excited men and women, striving to get a sight of the ih ad. As they approached, friends gazed at the distorted features, striving to recognise tlie well known countenance of some one who was known to he among the lost. Parents sought fur their chil- dren, sisters fur brothers, and .brothers (or sisters. The anguish which followed the recognition cannot be described.— Stalwart men were seen to how down and soh like children over the lifeless forms of their -offspring, while gentler women pave tears even for the sorrows of others. The agonies of death were as nothing to those wlio died, compared with the anguish of the living hearts that loved them.” Simulated Death. The old superstition of turning in the grove” is not altogether founded in error, hut like ninny popular beliefs, contains a germ of truth. Among the mysterious laws of our being which strike the mind with wonder and awe, is the continuance of tile under conditions in which it would seem to be inevitably extinguished. Often after neatly all the signs of animation have disappeared for a considerable time, the patient has unexpectedly and sud- denly revived. Many instances are on record, in which, but for the presence of an experienced medical man, persons afflicted with cata- lepsy, hysteria, and various obscure ner- vous derangements, would have been con- signed to oils of the most dreadful forms of death, by being entombed olive. Dr. {sough gives an interesting example of this in one of his female patients. The attendants were greatly alarmed, and said she was dying or in a trance. She lay motionless, and apparently devoid of ani- mation. Her eyes were fixed and glassy. No heaving of thu chest ; no movement of the air passages, indicated respiration. The only signs of life was her warmth and her,pulsc, the latter being very weak. The body being raised so ns to form an obtuse angle with the limbs, her thin and pallid frame looked like n corpse which had been propped up, and had been stiff- ened in that attitude. One arm was raised by thè attendants, and then the other, each remaining marble-like where it was fixed. She was placed upright, and vain endeavors were made to arouse her by calling loudly in iter ears. As site stood, stalue-likc and unconscious, with eyes wide open and arms outstretched, the slightest tondi put Iter oil' her balance. She would have fallen had she not been supported. This strange *• life in death” defied a!) treatment and lasted for four- teen hours. Other attacks followed of twelve and nine hours' duration, after which site recovered by tbe use of suita- ble restoratives. Such attacks were of much longer duration, and if deprived of the aid and protection of medical science, tins woman would probably have been in a short time invested in her shroud, and would have added one additional victim to that popular ignorance and indecorous hate which have so often, especially in tonili climates, and in times of pestilence, mistaken the temporary suspension of organic functions for man's lust dread enemy, death. 4«« O- A (itimi Family to Maukyix.— The ag- gravated ease which occurred near De- troit, Mieli., a short time since, whereby a female received tar and feathers and a ride on a rail, has terminated less tragic- ally than was expected. The woman, who was taken from the bed of one (ia- nnng and mercilessly abused, has com- promised by marrying the aforesaid (.la- ming, thus legalizing the existence of two or three children. Two daughters by a former wife, who were aiders and abettors in the outrage, took her in hand as soon as she came lumie from the wedding, and, according to all accounts, nearly pounded her to death. She fought and kicked, but tlic young women were strapping specimens, and used their fists and nails to such advantage that she was left hors ilti coinhiit, nearly as badly off ns after the tar and feather adventure. What a de- lightful state ol domestic bliss that family must enjoy ! —* My Fkiend," said a hotel-keeper to an over-voracious boarder, “you eat so much that I shall have to charge you nn extra half-dollar.” Replied the boarder—his countenance the very picture of pain; For (lod’s sake don't do that I lam al- most dead now eating three dollars worth, and if you put on nn extra half dollar I shall burst certain." Not Imphoiiaiii.e. —An exchange tells of a suicide having been found in the woods where he had been hanging by the neck three or four days. The careful journal adds that life was extinct." Did you ever know such a mechanical genius as my son?" said an old lady. He lias made a Hddlc out of his own head, and has wood enough for another." mountain democrat. rriLiimD mhi-wkult, WKDNRBDAY AND BATCRDAV MORNTNd?, by OELWICKS & JANUARY. o. w. gavina, w. a. jawaky. T«nna-InYArlAbl7 in Adranoe: One •• 9ii Month» S Three Month* * "*• On* Month (pajraHe lo the Carri» r> 7.1 Stufi* Oo|»i«* 10 Term* of Advertising: On* Marr, 10 lino*. Ini Insertion $ 3 00 Ì; »ch Buhfqucnt jlnilßW Cirdi, of 10 line* or le»«, onr year. ?•'> 00 tltieine** Cardi, of 10 lliifior Irti, 3 month».. 10 00 A liberal di «count mill be madron Ihrfchne rate» for all yearly and quarterly advrrtUrimnta which r acred one *quare. TUB MOUNTAIN DEMOCRAT Book anil Job printing Ofßrc replete eelth all the modern improvement* for the NEAT, rilKAI* ANI» KAI’II» execution of every varietà *f TUIXTINIi ,uch aa lluuk*, | % ampblrla, llrief», Carter». If anti hill*, Circular», Rail Ticket*, I'rof rammr«, Certificate» of Stock or Itepmit, Billhead*, Check», ICeceipU, Card», I.a Mi, etc., either In plain or fancy colored ink». #URTiOB&> Wank Att»U«i’«. Indrrukinf* and Writ» of Attarbaieht, under the Ht* la», for «ale at tlua Oflce ; alao. Blank I >ec laration» of lluineatrad» Ike mo«t coßTrnlrnt form lume. Ojflre oia t'ubtmi i Street /tfin'ere/Z/e. L. P. FISHER, *■. ITI •< W».Wn»t»n .Irr.', llsuir, U the only snthor* la*d Arni for the M*»r stivi» Dm4"Cß*t (ii the nljr of Han fr»iirl*fii. All order* for the lupT »»r adv* r* living left with Mm. willhr prompt lyiH-ndd lu. J. 0. KERLBY i* aulhoriit-d to receive mo- «lue tlii- oline. T. 8. DORSEY 1* authorised to solicit ••it»* * visions and receive money* for the M"lMiii MitturiAT. W. T. OIBUS lathe authoris'd Arid »f the IUMMRtT al Gr<ir|rtn«ii. Orili rn fertili* p*|o>r. advertising or fur jut» work, left mill him, will In* |irow|itiy attended tv. CHAS. P.~~JACKttPN I- »»•*• a lll ’i<•ri r •• « I Arm of (hr M'lnrm liminiit at Kl Dorado. 4»rdrra loft «rètti him «rlll tir promptly atti ndtd to. D. BTBUART SMITH. I’ Il Y * I 4 1 X s \ X Srlt(i K o N , (l.att of thr Hon. Ka»t Indù Compatì)'» Service.! orno. Mb. Wiiitb’b |»in.iriiir, Mài»**?., jr JO llirrmllf. 1) O. d 7 HALL. O. YALE. /•hirer r »’//*, /ViimWaco, Prirtirf Um IB «Il tlir lutirUof l*«al». 4)(Tkrra, at 4 ir»<iii and Virginia C M). j' - **'* If Jo||4 lit Ml. It- * «I o**- HUME A BLOSS. ATTORNEY*- \ T I. % W, Office in Cl!) Block, Plilli*. Will practice l.a« in the I oust# of Kl Dofailo .«ml inf 4'«Hinti« •—in th Hujiri imCuurt, ami flu C «iurta of flal* ferrilo») ml 9 aai nani, t. •. ima. DBS. COOKE A TITUS, MITRICI AN* AND I* rntjK 0 N *. tfeffir*. Main Street, tMrd door -%r flu* tu. l Riunii Trai,** Jo. Wi» Ur's miin r •••at.• j on the data. au.'i H. K. STOWE. MtTkiir rrm.ic* am# cmmkvancir. L* ninni*•««m. I!1 Dor «*!•• !*•• m»« A~ A. VAN OUKLDEIt. AT T O II N K Y -AT- 1. A W . Pln , rftiM#, K) iWatluCuuntf. Cahhjrn' i. Offli’t. corni r CVI ma and Matti str<eU. If 8. W. SANDERSON. ATTOKX liV AT LAW. t'H e. in Donglata* Bu!l<lin| (np atalr»), Main f*fret, I'lacfrvillf. if r. H. HARMON. not art rrm.ic and cost kyantkr. I*e*-.|a. Mortgage* Mr., correctly •ritiri» .«ml a fcuevlrdg*«l. Deposit tun* Uki ll Note* protested. rmiiM, Mountain Democrat kuildii « E. B. CARSON. NOT ART ri'RMr AND C«»\\ Ì V\\(TR. |.VI»J OH e— AViththe CouM) It ••.fir [*l ] CXI AS. F. IRWIN, n oTAiiv rmir, In and fur Kl D«yadu County—thUor at Di un i •! aurt fiprlnf*. If CTBTO.II MADE CLOTH I \ii Can be found at JAHBS OBR’S, Mtrcliant Tallar, Mala Ml., opponlir Paal OSct, Pinter ville. HR tuna Jual received a choice lot of Am* Cloth* and CaMltaerea. of the lit. at aiylt-a. and m pr pare.) to make to arder g»od (’a**imerc pinta. From $350 to $lO 00 por Pair! H irraninl lu fit and nut rip House lining d at «hurl nolke. Warm tV»ver* made ord r. and all kind» of Ma*-Mne Ih vii-g dour «uh n .iltu and dispatch. of l*Hui TUB OLD PLAZA BOOti STOKE FtUI continue lo 1 1,. ]M* i,.t) Vi n!. of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, CUTLERY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, So. At the unally h-o ml.*. •«) ii t: neit a l n»: w a aiii; n c v i f L. T. CARR, N E IMMI 1.11*.' GARB & PHILLIPS. I,«ORWARDINO AND COMMISSION MKUCIIANTH- CrnitACE-lhh. IVlIow»' Eire- proof Uulldlng, Plat erville, California. J. IDCiiffhlll I Co, P. K„J, Il Cimili, Sacramento, r. sii aw fi Co., do J. U. Dayton. «tu Pnllivan M Cushman do Win. IWkln», KoUoni. J. M M. Dltclan do li. A. l'psoii à Co , iMae*lle, J. C. Horan M Co. do IT. J It. ir well, do Par. AA*. N. iKimdme. do du T. Wilcox, l’pner Diaccile, do Alari CAP Pnrlu ular attention paid lo the alupmctit of f'HHI», urrà, Ac., from and to Washoe. o'.’l n»:» Stanford A Urna. Cuallillf A th’ldrii Mirath A Arnold I'LAC'LRVILLG BAKLUV, Main atreet, three doors below Coufldcncc lùngine lloitae. Piacentine. / J KOKHK Sdirli deairea lo inform the riti- " I iena of Itaeenrille that he ia now prrniaiu'ntlA' Waled in JONKS» NKW 111*11.DIN(i. ou Main atrect, where be ia prepared to Dirnirh them with every variety of BREAD, OAKES AND PIES. Made of the choice»t material», and warranted equal to any manufactured in this cite. He will deliver all article* ordered of him, in’ any part of fhe rlly. Order» reapeetDiUv solicited and promptly attended to. o*7 Mm BATHS! BATHS I BATHS I HOT. COLD AND SHOWER BATHS ! . —AT TUR Oasis Batkina and Shaving Saloni AND DEPOT FOB VANTINE 1 )) Compound V.c.Uble Hair Tonic ! For Rolurlnj. Frtwrrl(i| .oil Brautlfylu, THE HUMAN HAIR. N.i« •If. to tko Oo«U Salumi, Main •*., Ptanrri i. VANTINE, Proprlcloi ». HARRIS, PLAZJ copy SR, rUCSSriLLK, rs trool'la,, by rvrrr BUaaer. th.latr.t All llnaatl European Naw.Dap.ra. Piotorl 1(1 HM a Al (X.11A...1. IS* I. I. v* --a im ««wiass) owsuapors. noion •“«* Mam Alinea. Al», California ««Ely N, •paprr. oud Ma,aiiiir», for .air at rrdured prie S. Il Ali I III) COME ONE! COME ALI. 1 Tu rii» OLD NATIONAL RESTAURANT. I'RKD. COI.LINB * CO PROPKIKTOIIB. tot _ HAVING PURCHASED *ai.«l IHCFITTKD ibis olii Stand, would inform the public ih ni we Are At All lime* rt'Mly lo Accommodate ihore «ho may favor u* «itti their patronage. Onr ohi friend* and |mlroin «ili please give ih a cali. You «ili Ami everything Ihe market afford*. Oyster Stews, that can't be Beat. Porter ll«*u*e Steaks, Pork Steak*, Mutton Chop*. Ham and Eggs, Hot Rolls, llok Mullins, and (lame of all kinds. «r «AMR. CHICKEN AND CHAMPAGNE SUI*. PKH* SERVED TO ORDER. Wr are preparili to furnish «upper* for Dall*, Pur* ties, Ac., at the iluifiril notice. House open at all Hours, Day and Night. One door lie'nw the Oa*i* Saloon. Main «trevi. FRED. COI. LI NS, fslij PAT. SLAVKN. oro arcadi: restai rant. tbag HEIRV SVfIOJS A CO. i Desire to Inform their frlcnd*A, the pnhlle at largì', that they have, at considerable expense, entirely ren- uvaled and remodeled the “OLD ARCADE, and are now prepared to furnish Meal* in superior style, at all hours of the day or night. {HT EVERY DELICACY of the9ea«on may he hud at all time*. Polite and giiillentaitly attention may he relied Upon. * The lIAKERV I* supplied, at all tine*, with a choice variety ..f DREAD, PIES. CAKES, etc., whleh «ill be sold, wholesale or retail, at lowest market rates. Hall*. Parile», t ic., furnished with Sup, tors, in eu- perior style, at short nolke. «Al 4t.ii HENRY SYMONS A CO., Proprietor*. LiFiYirrn: iiotll AND RESTAURANT. (FORM Kill. Y Olili» HOTEL.) Main street, opposite Wells, Fargo ft Go ’s Express Office, Plnocrville. VDIJT, dv«ire» to inform his friend*, theriti- sens of PLiet rt ille, and the ttaxeling pnhlle, that hr has reunited lilt hiisinv-s to the ••Ohm Hotel'* huildilif, which lie has fitted up in e\n |- lent stile, and »- non piepured to iieroiiiniodule them, not only with the rIIOICT.ST VI \NI> S OK THE MAIHiKT, hut i»Uo with Id »l)<il V»** ~f superior i(iialit). Hi. price» will, a* Heretofore, he within «le rearh ol the most economical* A share of patronage is sol cited. »I.VIm the c'Aitv norsr, Three ?t*»ry Kir. proof Hotel, Main St , Piaceri ill»*, E- R. CARY PROPRIETOR IN alitile Improvements and eonvenletiee* which iimd-Tii lo’l' l ke. pnitf ha» render.-*! essential. theC.ry II tuo» pr«. mil.'lll. Ii i light, d with g**. and furni*h*'d in every department in the m«*l approved style. It employs I lie best talent in every d'-parti.iciit. and the t. itile I* ala iy* •itppli-ol «•if. tin « huici st of et try thing !•» he had in the market Uff The Cary House is thf d* p.d f .>r Very strige line to and from the city, and is k pi open t:.r n;h oil. ih* llight, el J PKtOrMH ITIO* ! I** IM MI ss %It V Or I' ISTM V NT. t Main street. I'laerr » tile, Oef. |t, I atilt. » rpni; KiNf. ok 1.1 n*'ll nvrr.Hs. tohisMih 1 j* els, greeting : Know ye, that onr ohi fi lend. Ml j\h DID •\V 'll), in th« ilio-talli) of Ills heait. has r lilted, t* j .it i tf. d .«ml re iiranged hi. |S)|ti.Ur n.,|,him. for the Wmt. r campaign . .«•«! In.» all** |*«*s|t|irl> deternnm d to *pre ».| a it m*h twice a «•■»> umili. ng {.lui Ili ning. l l<l tlo leielil of legnili of |*.,t lo| of win 111 We are iindon 1 t edl\ •••Olile.** h|i*»W le, ills**, that MIKE keeps |».ne ho! the ti'.t i *. \ . iii'icn ' M hol.'i.ii |.|r»l o|;s and t D* Xlt v and therefore we roii'inand i.»n to niest m ith him ai. ioni l«» -e " hit.," ih ,* h* unii he « t. i l* I ! k i p up to. oj.pS . I ton** it I*l ouri :lle. tl.t* I .‘it h d..> of lletida r, \. I!•**’, and tlo Dotti **f t*or r* .go, XVINM-.MI « \. King. I*. N —l'our •' hits** will alwals Dullish l .u, at X| I K .is I'll i■ h •!' r* |*.»st of t o-e e\. . 11l lit hli.ilifs yclept UV'I Lit-—and the " ti\i* s ’• *>l.l tf XVI.WK. YOUNG’S HOTEL, ish. n.l s . I | f. ie .Is. nplet.d Hot •|en> d '■'* {lt bu It oil !h- S*. . f the »I XX ing >•. ii ni l i»i xmovd >i»i:iv.;s The I his g I .ire. ■.• •*■» »t» Traveling I'nlili«. and that he i is ji«.l » s Hotel, f. . the Sli iiND n\|K .1 I s I d* *p ti * lene lit., t*• try ke* p i ll* tel" s-c •»n Ito ou li •• r> .«I II •hr 'Hr* - uni It* I «I ti( «(> ii w ! !*l I .t i, 111 *i .h s T• I*l*' «II at all i•s •• s.u p' I . r. .)• **f t' e Market . ,m d a t riti.*?» to I e r of hi. g ; shall s’« .v« la- a prunai %**•»• deration N D —I lo li <u*i' p’a.tere*! hroughoiit, an I the •h | ;g.*l*it .■•III* ur. I.lg indwell Vet,! ;h|ted. Then* ....'so a flue DXNITMi II XI.L alt i.h*d to tin: 11*01.'* Tifiis mi*s|' nil' NX I'll.XN YoUXU. ,** *;.N I-no K X XUD’* V.I hed to the II .. . I* a nolo! Spi ~g*. M iy I », I aie», lit» d .1 BIRD’S HOTEL, Fire-Proof Building, Diamond Spring». TV ti.* rnhli** that he in i the ’• d tin . ar* HIE Proprietor «••! **> t.i lend* : 'I *ui ni'U l.i* tan‘ krl alf**r*l« It * d. ae n* « and clean and n c »nif«*rl* able and wr»| V*-nlliatrd OK EDI ol THE PIONEER M.HiK CoXIP.XW. MIN X I’-IRD h'amoiid ■«prliif-. Jan i-lti. t -»*•». ; u ‘!* w. n. DON AH I E. iii ai.ku in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, LIQUORS. ETC., MAIN STIIKKT. l-I.AeKUVII.I.K. .I.' NASH & MoDRIAN, Ri:VII O I NI» SI 1.0 OX . MAIN ST it nr. I'l.A* WILU. LIQUORS AND CIOARS. ONE BIT. i.D' lt»u HARMONY HALL! fh* Main sirr. I. two doors XV est > of ihe Cary lloU«e, i;* PLAIKKVILLK. Tii HE Xl* gUARTERU OK T»»E IMacrn Ills* Inin»» lliim anti Siring Hand. Mu.! » r> Evening—Voeul ami Instiut.tentai. The proprietors of th** above s;ilonn « •! I»- h-ippy to aev I licit frit lid* at all tunes, when they feel tike hearing a g mil song mol l.iku c a social •• nip.** All order* for music h*r Halls. Kxciirai.'.n*, Parade*, Polunal Xh«lmips and Euncriils. to the Union Dami, Hai immy Jl.ill. w ill receive prompt at- tention. HI. COIfMIN. JOE MXltltor, FRED. MEVKIH». ok*i.ln* HARRY Ct»I(M)N. BANK EXCHANGE. CARY HOUSE, MAIN STREET. r l a rr h \ 11.1. r . J'UIS L\ Jft'll. JOHN LXHSRTT. JOHN LYNCH & CO., OEBIUK to Inform their friend* ami the public generally, that they have purcha*«*l tl.** ahnvc «eli known ami popular Saloon; ami. pK-dgng thenuelvvs to keep nothing but the VKiiY him in their line, re*peetfully solicit public patronage, (tilt) IMPORTANT TO TUR F.OIII.IEN AND CITIZENS Of FUoerrilla and Vicinity. A1 T 11. DONMU'K, LUinur ilcnlvr, on ** . Ih,' I*l, ti,. Mmìii itrerl. It;., on liand h turn* tlfulljr iultft .tuck; of Pine DulTOordO'.i Sherry Wine, Fine Harmony do do Fine Oid Burgundy Port Wine, Totri'llirr with n flnr H'.cit un ti t of Mttlily il.ivori'tl lUKNCII VIE: J»a. Henne»»» .Vintage 1880, Old Otard, Dupuy A Co.. Oid Biaqnit, Fioche ft Co., Pine Old Bourbon Wh'ittlcy. Also a fine artlele of ver» old vintage nf Pluv Apple Hum. The attention uf Families is particularly and respectfully culled to the above assortment. j IST IV. M. D. having leased, (hr the lime being, Ms Saloon, his whole attention will therefore be given to his Wholesale department XV. M. DONAHUE. uU Main street, Ptaccrvillc. NEW BOOK STORE, City Block, Main .trcct, Flaccrvillc THOMAS O. NUGENT, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. •IS Also, Pine Cigars and Tobacco. Km MRMMAXX WACHi«)|t.*T. FMiXK DKXVCR WACHHORBT ft DENVER, mXiriCTURKM AX» DRtLRU IX WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. No. 50 J Street, Sacramento. Hy arrangement* inaile by one of lite Partner* while in Europe, mili tile moni | celebrated Manufacturer* and Dealer*, tre |nre In receipt, by rnch Hteamer, of THE FINEST WATCHES, MA UK BY The Most Celebrated Manufacturers Of England, France ami Geneva. Alto, of die Riclient Pattern,Newe*t Plytc*. and moni FASHIONABLE JEWELRY, From the celebrated Emporium* of the Atlantic States and Europe. te Import directly from Manufacturer*, wed»» not pay profit* to *ecnnd and third dealers, and consequently are able lo nell ut lea. prices limn any other dealers in Sacramento. Call and examine, is all we ask. AM. KINDJ» OF JKWEI.ItY Repaired and Manu- factured DIAMOND SETTING, Enameling and Engraving d»»nc in the most elegant and Workmanlike manner, hy skillful artisan*. Watches most Carefully Repaired AND WARRANTED. iff Particular attention paid to this branch of Itiliine**. ly ccl. li ulway. niitnih’.i vi" ACI111« »I*st * P |>l'X VKK, Itcad'a llloek, No. Ml. J strict. Sacramento. ►I- : *ui opposite D. U. Mills A Co's Hank let Kiiive* FALL AND WINTER SUPPLIES. AARON KAHN, MCAI. KII IX CLOTH INO, BOOTS, SHOES, Gents* furnishing Goods, Ac., MAIN STREET, NEXT TO GKKVIIOt.’ND SALOON, Has just received the largest und be*t selected Mock of ( LOTHIXG AMI KL UMSIIINU GOODS e\« r brought to this Market, consisting of the follow ing article* : COATS. PANTS. VESA'S. HOOTS, SHOES. oaiTers. BLANKETS, HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS, And a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, AUo, all kind* of Mothing and I'mnishing Good* suitable for W \>l(OE Tit AV ELEUS—aII of which will he sold at the lowest price*. COLT’S PISTOLS, Of all sites, constanti) on hand. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE l’Alt» »-U County Warrants and Gold Dust! N. 11. New Good* received every Week. *l*J GROCERY AND PROVISION HOUSE. f.. LAX PECKER, (H MINER "f Main and -icram* .atr« ■»•!*, ve- spe» trilli) anni unci s to the eitueiis of Placer vilb‘ and viemitv that he wilt e>iiitinnethe business at the old * Vanti, unii that he ha- lion in stole the I. \IDiKST st.u k ..f FAMILY GROCERIES, CROCKERY. PROVISIONS, LIQUORS. MIM KV M ITI.II>, V»K EVEKY KIND, I*.ll r blo lL’bt to thi» eitv. w liii’h lie W ill sell at a irai alitai., eon >A< iJAMI.Mt) WHOLESALE ITU F>. New Goods teceived Every Week. Also. HIDES. WOOL and TALLOW Ituilght £old» r* promptly attended t«s. All Good* diliv«r«d free of charge. sU* diu NEW STORE! ARRIVAL OP FRESH GOODS ! AT H iLBiLR & FLIVICiVVg till' AM» I’.KT VII. Grocery and Liquor Store, ON THE PLAZA. (Next door to ('modali k Co.’* IbmkatoreA Who ofT-r lo’tter inducement* to purelo.*er* Iti Ini. V G I**i heap in their Stole than a* y other Store in I*l rvMb-. We have an Agent in F Finite. «cu p'irelia*<ng Good*, and b.i warding them at the lowest cash price*. The Public are inviteli give them a call. CARSON VALLEY TRADERS S i; ..1 tl i b”*t .if articles, at lowest rate*. Pl.u• rville. March '* l?t, Ì-»»». o'»-3in NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery, Provision andLiquor STO n K, MAIN STREET. »*'fe lit Priry Il<anc, Pl.Al I KVIU.K. Tin: d *ire to inform the riti, z ;.* »it Placet vi!*? ntol vicinity that they have Ju.*t r-*tuniA«il fr*itn the Day Ci’y, as'ortnu nt of , with a carefully selected Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, rnot’KKUV. etc . etc , which they are prepared to di-P"-i’ wind» *ale«ir ret low—t market rate*. (* Aitilo N VAI.I.KY TRADED:* will find It to their Interrai to examine our stork before purchasing, a* we are ..atUlud we can nlfer them superior induce men:*. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS pn mplly attended to. Mark Good* 11. A H .ill. oVtr the It ) IMucervllle—W. 1.. P.. Folsom, ti jod* deiiVirvd in any part of the Cilv free. oO dm lIKNRY k BVK. ft. CITY SEXTON and UNDERTAKER. ra JOHN ROY, I•( 1 PI.At.KH IX AM) M VM'I VCTI IIKR Furniture, Matresses, Bedding, etc., " ho b he k*eps constantly on b».n I. or niainifaeture* to or«ler, at short not ire, an | ou reasonable terms. Upholstering Neatly Executed. fcfT* JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T. ■. sal COLOMA STREET, Next do -r lu the OlHoc of the Denioerat, oH dm Pliieei' ville JAMES ORR, MERCHANT TAILOR, Main Street, opposite the Post Office, PLACEDVILLE, Ila* iu-t received u rhoiee lot of CASSI MEKES and VESTI XGS, of the latest styles, whieh he is prepared to make up at short notice, and in the best manner. Also, a lot of AMOSKEAG DENIMS, of the heaviest quality, for OVERALLS. Those who wear the article will tind it to their advantage to mireliase one pair and try them, and they vvil find thnu much the cheapest goods they can wearl o-l -3ni JEWCLItV AT COST! GREAT BARGAINS ! THE UNDERSIGNED offer their entire slock for sale at COST, consisting, in part, of Splendid Gold and Silver Hunting-Case Watches, Diamond Rings, Ladies’ Sets, of every description j California Gold Rings, Silver Ware, etc. Our |'Ur|iusc ts to offer lu our numerous fri, Mill, clrrsp Iraiguius, and, at the .aim* time, make room for mure stock. CAU. AND EXAMINE!—NO lll'MIU'O ! CIIAB. J. AUVIUSSO.N Jt CO. Dacerville, Sept. Bth. iStiu. sh L. B. RICHAKDBO& Ac CO., (Succo.sor. to GEO, F. JONES,) URALS a. IN Groceries, Provisions, Liqnors, Crockery, Hardware, etc., At the Old Stand, SIGN OP No. 0.” tQrOrdert promptly attended to, and goods de- livered free of charge. *1? L. B. RICHARDSON. B. r. HrXT, H. A. CRACK. HUNT & CII ACE, •I'(VK**»RH TO L. A. CMOS è CO. THE UNDERSIGNED, having purchased the entire Intere*! of L. A. UPSON k CO. in the GROCERY, PROVISION and LlftUOR DUBINEBB, will continue the nume, at their old stand *% Th«v invite the attention of the public to their M \MMOTII STOCK, which they are offering at greatly reduced price*. HUNT k CIIACE. Placervllle, NoV. 17, n-l !liu J-fT 015.000 DOLLARS ! ~X£*B to na nisraiauTKii in r*r 0 T s ! Saturday, January sth, ISOI. GEORGE G. BRIGGS* =r-.UBAM» VOCAL AND DRAMATIC «IFT ENTERTAINMENT ! Will be given at the MARY B VILLE THEATER. JANUARY ftTII, I Mil, On which occasion the following MAGNIFICENT PRIZES will he distributed among the Ticket-Holders. 412 PRIZES! TICKETS. TWO DOLLARS. LIST OF PRIZES r FIRST PRIZE.—IIRIGG*' 01.1) <»R- -CIIAItD. This properly consists of Id.’» acres of Yuba river bottom hind, in orchard,together with the hon«e known as Drigg-' Hotel,” and the birtis and sheds attached thereto. The orchard numbers :k*».t'iH» frets, all of the choicest varieties, and is the largest orchard in the world, and probably the most pro- ductive property in the Stale. The fruit from this of hard brought in I*.****, ♦:«.« Nl ; ill 1-sV.t, fiuti, lK.o ; in I-*»'», 11 Utttl—valued at $210,000 SECOND PRIZE—SACRAMENTO RIVER ORCHARD—Containing Ida acres; 24,- iMs» Fruit trees, in variety ; planted in |nr*7 T»s, mo-t of which will he in good condition (or hearing fruit the coming ) —valued at 120.000 THIRD PRIZE —OROVILLE ORCHARD —Containing acre-; l-.nno Fruit Trees, in variety—valued at 00,000 FOURTH PRIZE—PAXTON ORCHARD Win Marysville; 70 nereis of land ; ItLono Fruit Trees; hi use and barn- valued at 72,000 FIFTH PRIZE-II A UN ORCHARD— Near Marysvlhe ; Ik I acres ; ft.uiMi Fruit Tret- , ».nuij Grape Vines—valued at.. 53.000 MYTH PRIZE COLE O RCIIA R D—Near Miiysville; II acres ; 7,'*«si Finii Trees —valued at 42.000 SEVENTH PRIZE-VINEYARD on the old Ranch.‘iSr mile*frt*m Marysville; I acres ; n,ismi vini*— valued at 8,000 EIGHTH PRIZE-GRAIN FIELD—Part Of old Ranch ; Js*» acres—valued ut 0,000 NINTH PRIZE —GRAIN FIELD—Part of old Ranch ; I** » act e»—Valued at 4,000 TENTH PRIZE —SACRAMENTO RIVER RA N (.' 11—'.Ti ) val- ue 1 at 3,000 ELEVENTH PRIZE—PAXTON RANCH —^meadow)—& » a res —valued at.. .. 3,000 TWELFTH PRIZE-FEATHER RIVER R A N C 11—^meu'low) —IG •acres —val- ued at . 2,000 Fo'T hundred CASH GIFTS of f*» each, from Nos. 12 tu 41.* 2,000 Total $015,000 Comprising altogether I .fio I acres of Land, Ini.- ■•'U fruit trees,l’**,••'** Grape Vines, and fi, '*•••• in cash. Tic lands upon which these orchard* arc planted are all buttom land-, and a- good ns can I».* found in the Flat •. Appli -, Peaches. Apricots, Nectarines, Pears, Plums, Figs, Quince. Klack Walnut, Almond, Ac., Ac., Ac , will he found in these orchards in areal variety and of the choicest kinds. The character of the Frtiii is well known throughout the Northern and «‘entrai portion id the Plate. All of the \itic», and nearly all «*f the Fruit Tries * ill be of age to hear a good crop the coming year. We append the following certificate for the hcntfU of persons nut well acquainted w ith the value of the property : We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we are acquainted with most of the above described property, and that we do not believe its value, us above stated, is over estimated : J. C FaP, W. K. Hudson, J. A. Paxton, 8. I*. Wells. IL P. Avery, editor Appall ; C. Covillaiid, Marysville; Rev. O. C. Wheeler, Corres- ponding Secretary California Plate Agricultural So- ciety, Sacramento ; J. lirvant Hill A Co., Knapp, Dur- rill A Co., Pan Francisco ; Hon. P. M. Dlls-. D. W. C. Rice, Jno. Q Packard, J. It Humphrey, Marysville; J. F. Liuthicuni. editor Kxprew ; John It. Ktfge, editor /Jrmncnit ; Gen. John A. Sutter, Hock Farm ; A. P. Smith, Sidney Smith, Sacramento; J. L. San- ford, San Francisco. The di.-tr!uutlon of the Gifts will he under the di- rection of a Committee of gentlemen chosen by the audience on (he evening of the Concert. K. J. CUMMINGS, Agent ut Placervllle. Office h( the Cary House. Orders from the country promptly attended to. GEORGE G. DUIGGS, Proprietor. Marysville, Oct. $l, I?(J'i. i.IT-td A. 11. L. DUS, 11.'llKK. DIAS & GLAUBER, COLOMASTREET Two doors below the Democrat Office, Placervllle, WHOLESALE AND RETAI! GROCERS. Every article required for Family use. In the GROCERY AND PROVISION LINE, K-pt constantly on hand, and WARRANTED tube of SUPERIOR QUALITY. A share of public patron- age is solicited. %Sf~ Goods delivered, in any part of the city, free of charge. 06-8 m W. L. MARPLE A CO., HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, Olnziers and Paper-Hangers. Cl Alll.l AGKS, tut*. Klap.. Ti hii .pari'rn' it . . Kc- I gtillus, ftc., Painted hi pili .', to ttuU the time. w nuow «1.488. Just Itvcvived ami fur calo. CIIKAP FOR CASH, 10,000 Feci of Window Glass, All sizes, from SxlO to lìlixdO. Alsu, I’fTTY, and nil kind- of PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES. Smalts, Turpentine, brushes, Gilt Moulding, Gold Leaf. Drome, ic. from the country, for work or ma- terial, promptly attended to: W. L. MARPI R k CO., Main at., near Stony Point, Placervllle. FOR SALE. a THE undersigned offer* for sale, Ida dwelling house and lot, and Blacksmith’s Shop, on Smith’* Flat, three miles from Placervllle, in one of the best mining localities In the Fiate. K. 11. MEREDITH, Smith’* Flat. Nov. loth, novlOdin

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Page 1: Sk Jkrai-Mfelilti Paulitiriti flcmocrat. · 2019. 3. 15. · Sk Jkrai-Mfelilti Paulitiriti flcmocrat. NEWSERIES—a*».| PLACERYILLE,ELUOKADOCO., SATURDAY,DECEMBER 1, 1860. IWHOLENo.365

Sk Jkrai -Mfelilti Pauli tiriti flcmocrat.NEW SERIES—a*». | PLACERYILLE, EL UOKADO CO., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1860. I WHOLE No. 365.

Originof “ Th, U»y Marc the BetterHorae.*’

A London citizen married n lady withface arid fortune, and found in a veryshort time that he had got the worst ofthe bargain, so that he was resolved topart from her. Accordingly he went tothe lady's father and told him he foundhis daughter of such a temper, and wasso heartily tired of her that if he wouldtake her home again he would return ev-ery penny of tier fortune. The old gen-tleman having inquired into the cause ofhis complaint asked him why he shouldhe more disquieted than other marriedmen, since it was the common case withthem all, and consequently no more thanhe ought to have expected when he enter-ed into the married slate. The younggentleman desired to lie excused ; he saidhe was sò far from giving assent to thisassertion that he thought himself moreunhappy than any other man, as his wifewould ride over a man, and was nut to liequelled; and no man who hud a sense ofrigid and wrung would submit to he gov-erned hy his wife. “My son," said the oldUlan, “ thou little knuwest the world, andthat aH women mlc over their husbands,though not all, indeed, after the samefashion, However, to end all disputesbetween us, I will put wind I have saidon lids proof, if you are willing to try it :

I have live horses in my stable; you shallharness three lo a cart, in w Inch I shallput a basket and one hundred eggs, andif, in passing through the country andlinking a strict inquiry into the truth orfalsehood of my assertion, and leaving ahone at the house of every man who ismaster of his family himself, and an eggonly wlien the w ile governs, you limi youreggs gone before your horses, I hope youw ill give it in, and remain content withyour lot. 11, on the other hand, yourhorses are gone first, I will take mydaughter home again, and you shall keepthe money.”

This proposition being agreeable, theyoung man ied man started with greatglee upon his lour of discovery lo “getshut" as he thought ol his horses and hiswile. At the first house he came to heheard a woman with a shrill, angry voicecall to her husband ami order him to thedoor. Here he dropped Ids egg, and atthe next, and meeting with something ofthe same kind at every house, he soon be-gan to get short of eggs. At last he ar-rived at the seat of a gentleman of familyand ligure in the country, and inquiiingfor the master, was told’ hy the servantthat lie was not yet stirring, hut if hepleased to walk in my lady was in theparlor, “The lady, with great cnulplai-saner, desired him to he seated, and saidif his business was very urgent she wouldarouse her lord, hut hud much rather notdisturb him. “ Why, really, madam,”said he, “my business is only to ask aquestion, which you can resolve as wellas your husband, if you will he ingeniouswith me. You will, doubtless, think itodd, and it may he deemed impolite (orany one, much more a stranger, to asksuch a question ; but as a very consider-atile wager dept mis upon it, it may besum,' advantage toyourself to dcclar*- Ibetrulli lo ine, I hope tinse considerati inswill plead my excuse. It is, madam, todesile to be informed whether yon governyour husband or lie governs you." “Indeed, sir," replied the lady, “this ques-tion is somewhat odd: but’ ns I think noone ought to be ashamed of their duly, 1shall make no scruple to say that 1 havealways been proud to obey my husbandin all things ; but if a w oman’s own wordis to be suspected in such a esse, I, t himanswer for me, for here he comes."

The gentleman at that moment enteredthe room, and after some apologies, beingmade acquainted with the business, con-tinued every word his obedient wife hadreported in her own favor; upon whichhe was invited to select which horse inthe team he liked best and accept it as apresent. A black gelding struck the fancyof the gentleman most; but the lady de-sired that he would choose tile gray mare,which she thought would he very lit fol-lici' Mile-saddle; Inr husband gave sub-stantial reason why the black one wouldhe most useful to them, but my lady siilipersisted in her claim, and stuck tu thegray marc like a burr. “ Wbal !" saidshe. "and will you not take her then?But I say you shall, for I am sure Ibegray mare is much lini better horse."—

Well, my dear," replied the husband,“if it must be so !" “ You musttake an egg," replied the young gentle-man. “ Carter and I must take all iny.nags hack again."

Sudden Ili-storni Inn to Life.A well-known perfuinerin New Orleans,«lied—so it was thought—and Ids funeral

was arranged, but his body remaining su-|de mul warm, the ceremony was post-poned, the physician thinking he mighthe in a trance. This reminds the NewOrleans J'irni/inie of a case w hich may besimilar:—A gentleman of wealth andstanding, recently married to a charmingwife, tell sick, andafteru few days’ illnessapparently breathed his last. The bodywas laid out, not dressed and uncovered,but sewed up in a sheet or shroud. Theoccurrence had taken place during theday, and at a late hour in the night, thefamily retired, and a conlidential servantnamed Alexander was left alone to watchthe corpse. This man was sitting limi-tile bed when he thought he heard a sigh ;there was no mistake, he distinctly hearda heavy breathing, and saw a slight mo-tion of the body.

W itli remarkable presence of mini), hesplit Open ttie sheet, arranged it as if itwere the usual covering of the sick man,blew out the lights, leaving only one bur-ning, and in fact took every precaution toprevent his master, if he awoke, from be-ing shocked at the idea id’lds supposeddeath, lie then sat down by the bedsideand waited anxiously. Presently the deadman moved, yawned audibly, and, look-ing around, asked, “Alexander, whattime is it ?" “ Near twelve o'clock, sir."“ bring me a broth.”

The faithful Alexander went nut of theroom, called a male member of the family,and broke the news cautiously, lie thenouh red the rook to gi t a broth, and re-lurnctl to his master's chamber, wherethe now overjoyed family soon assembled.The gentleman recovered, and it was onlyafter be got quite well that he was toldthat he had been dead for eight hours.—His eldest daughter used to say that shewas the child of a ghost, having beenborn during the year succeeding her fa-ther’s temporary demise.

A Look at tht DmATlie scenes at the Coroner’s room new

by where the fatal disaster happened tothe Lady Elgin, on Lake Michigan, arethus graphically described by an eye-witness ;

“The appearance of the bodies as theywere taken from the water was appalling.In the coroner’s room, at the court house,and at the depots at Evanston and Win-etke, the bodies lay upon the Doors, brui-sed and disfigured, with their clothingtorn from them, and a crowd of relativesand the eager spectators surroundingthem.

“ There were gray haired men, matu-red women, youth and infancy; some withfaces which seemed but sleeping, theywere so calm and white ; others distorted,swollen and blackened ; some clad in richgarments, and others in rags and shreds—all that remained from that terriblestruggle. One sweet little child whoselife numbered scarce half a dozen sum-mers, had smiled in dying, and even indeath that smile played around her beau-tiful lips. Here is a lair young girl cutoff in the pride of youth and hope; there

of time bad sprinkled its early snows.—Youth and infancy, age and strong armedmanhood, slept siile hy side the sleep ofeternity. It was a dreadful picture of thedestroyer—such an one as no living eyecan behold without feeling the presenceof Him who holdeth in his hand the des-tinies of all of us.

“Turning from the dead to the living,and the picture of this awful disaster wascomplete in its most terrible aspect. Allaround were hundreds of anxious, excitedmen and women, striving to get a sight ofthe ih ad. As they approached, friendsgazed at the distorted features, striving torecognise tlie well known countenance ofsome one who was known to he amongthe lost. Parents sought fur their chil-dren, sisters fur brothers, and .brothers(or sisters. The anguish which followedthe recognition cannot be described.—Stalwart men were seen to how down andsoh like children over the lifeless forms oftheir -offspring, while gentler women pavetears even for the sorrows of others. Theagonies of death were as nothing to thosewlio died, compared with the anguish ofthe living hearts that loved them.”

Simulated Death.The old superstition of “ turning in the

grove” is not altogether founded in error,hut like ninny popular beliefs, contains agerm of truth. Among the mysteriouslaws of our being which strike the mindwith wonder and awe, is the continuanceof tile under conditions in which it wouldseem to be inevitably extinguished. Oftenafter neatly all the signs of animationhave disappeared for a considerable time,the patient has unexpectedly and sud-denly revived.

Many instances are onrecord, in which,but for the presence of an experiencedmedical man, persons afflicted with cata-lepsy, hysteria, and various obscure ner-vous derangements, would have been con-signed to oils of the most dreadful formsof death, by being entombed olive. Dr.{sough gives an interesting example ofthis in one of his female patients. Theattendants were greatly alarmed, and saidshe was dying or in a trance. She laymotionless, and apparently devoid of ani-mation. Her eyes were fixed and glassy.No heaving of thu chest ; no movementof the air passages, indicated respiration.The only signs of life was her warmthand her,pulsc, the latterbeing very weak.

The body being raised so ns to form anobtuse angle with the limbs, her thin andpallid frame looked like n corpse whichhad been propped up, and had been stiff-ened in that attitude. One arm was raisedby thè attendants, and then the other,each remaining marble-like where it wasfixed. She was placed upright, and vainendeavors were made to arouse her bycalling loudly in iter ears. As site stood,stalue-likc and unconscious, with eyeswide open and arms outstretched, theslightest tondi put Iter oil' her balance.She would have fallen had she not beensupported. This strange *• life in death”defied a!) treatment and lasted for four-teen hours. Other attacks followed oftwelve and nine hours' duration, afterwhich site recovered by tbe use of suita-ble restoratives. Such attacks were ofmuch longer duration, and if deprived ofthe aid and protection of medical science,tins woman would probably have been ina short time invested in her shroud, andwould have added one additional victimto that popular ignorance and indecoroushate which have so often, especially intonili climates, and in times of pestilence,mistaken the temporary suspension oforganic functions for man's lust dreadenemy, death.

- 4«« •O-

A (itimi Family to Maukyix.—The ag-gravated ease which occurred near De-troit, Mieli., a short time since, wherebya female received tar and feathers and aride on a rail, has terminated less tragic-ally than was expected. The woman,who was taken from the bed of one (ia-nnng and mercilessly abused, has com-promised by marrying the aforesaid (.la-ming, thus legalizing the existence oftwoor three children. Two daughters by aformer wife, who were aiders and abettorsin the outrage, took her in hand as soonas she came lumie from the wedding, and,according to all accounts, nearly poundedher to death. She fought and kicked,but tlic young women were strappingspecimens, and used their fists and nailsto such advantage that she was left horsilti coinhiit, nearly as badly off ns after thetar and feather adventure. What a de-lightful state ol domestic bliss that familymust enjoy !


“ My Fkiend," said a hotel-keeper to anover-voracious boarder, “you eat so muchthat I shall have to charge you nn extrahalf-dollar.” Replied the boarder—hiscountenance the very picture of pain;“ For (lod’s sake don't do that I lam al-most dead now eating three dollars worth,and if you put on nn extra half dollar Ishall burst certain."

Not Imphoiiaiii.e.—An exchange tells ofa suicide having been found in the woodswhere he had been hanging by the neckthree or four days. The careful journaladds that “ life was extinct."

“ Did you ever know such a mechanicalgenius as my son?" said an old lady.“ He lias made a Hddlc out of his ownhead, and has wood enough for another."

mountain democrat.rriLiimD mhi-wkult,


by OELWICKS & JANUARY.o. w. gavina, w. a. jawaky.

T«nna-InYArlAbl7 in Adranoe:One ••

9ii Month» S 0«Three Month* * "*•

On* Month (pajraHe lo the Carri» r> 7.1Stufi* Oo|»i«* 10

Term* of Advertising:On* Marr, 10 lino*. Ini Insertion $ 3 00Ì;»ch BuhfqucntjlnilßW Cirdi, of 10 line* or le»«, onr year. ?•'> 00tltieine** Cardi, of 10 lliifiorIrti, 3 month».. 10 00

A liberal di «count mill be madron Ihrfchne rate»for all yearly and quarterly advrrtUrimnta whichr acred one *quare.

TUB MOUNTAIN DEMOCRATBook anil Job printing OfßrcI» replete eelth all the modern improvement* forthe NEAT, rilKAI* ANI» KAI’II» execution ofevery varietà *f TUIXTINIi,uch aa lluuk*,|%ampblrla, llrief», Carter». Ifanti hill*, Circular»,Rail Ticket*, I'rof rammr«, Certificate» of Stock orItepmit, Billhead*, Check», ICeceipU, Card», I.aMi, etc., either In plain or fancy colored ink».

#URTiOB&>Wank Att»U«i’«. Indrrukinf* and Writ» of

Attarbaieht, under the Ht* la», for «ale at tluaOflce ; alao. Blank I >eclaration» of lluineatrad»Ike mo«t coßTrnlrnt form lume.

Ojflre oia t'ubtmi i Street /tfin'ere/Z/e.

L. P. FISHER, *■. ITI •< W».Wn»t»n .Irr.',llsuir, U the only snthor*

la*d Arni for the M*»rstivi» Dm4"Cß*t (ii the nljrofHan fr»iirl*fii. All order* for the lupT »»r adv* r*

living left with Mm.willhrprompt lyiH-ndd lu.

J. 0. KERLBY i* aulhoriit-d to receive mo-«lue tlii- oline.

T. 8. DORSEY 1* authorised to solicit ••it»** visions and receive money* for the M"lMiiiMitturiAT.

W. T. OIBUS lathe authoris'd Arid »f theIUMMRtT al Gr<ir|rtn«ii. Orilirn fertili* p*|o>r.advertising or fur jut» work, left mill him, will In*|irow|itiy attended tv.

CHAS. P.~~JACKttPN I- »»•*• a lll ’i<•ri r • •« IArm of (hr M'lnrm liminiit at Kl Dorado.4»rdrra loft «rètti him «rlll tir promptly atti ndtd to.

D. BTBUART SMITH.I’ Il Y * I 4 1 X s \ X I» Srlt(i K o N ,

(l.att of thr Hon. Ka»t Indù Compatì)'» Service.!orno. Mb. Wiiitb’b |»in.iriiir, Mài»**?.,jrJO llirrmllf. 1)


O. d 7 HALL. O. YALE./•hirerr »’//*, /ViimWaco,Prirtirf Um IB «Il tlir lutirUof l*«al».

4)(Tkrra,at 4 ir»<iii and Virginia C M). j' -**'* IfJo||4 lit Ml. It- * • «I o**-


Office in Cl!) Block, Plilli*.Will practice l.a« in the I oust# of Kl Dofailo .«ml

inf 4'«Hinti« •—in th Hujiri imCuurt, ami fluC «iurta of flal* ferrilo») .

ml 9aai nani, t. •. ima.


tfeffir*. Main Street, tMrd door -%r flu* • tu. lRiunii Trai,** Jo. Wi» Ur's miin r •••at.• j

on the data. au.'i

H. K. STOWE.MtTkiir rrm.ic* am# cmmkvancir.

L* ninni*•««m. I!1 Dor «*!•• !*•• m»«


Pln ,rftiM#, K) iWatluCuuntf. Cahhjrn'i.Offli’t. corni r CVI ma and Matti str<eU. If


t'H e. in Donglata* Bu!l<lin| (np atalr»), Mainf*fret, I'lacfrvillf. if

r. H. HARMON.notart rrm.ic and cost kyantkr.

I*e*-.|a. Mortgage* Mr., correctly •ritiri» .«ml a •

fcuevlrdg*«l. Deposittun* Uki ll Note* rmiiM, Mountain Democrat kuildii «


|.VI»J OH e— AViththe CouM) It ••.fir [*l ]

CXIAS. F. IRWIN,n oTAiiv rmir,

In and fur Kl D«yadu County—thUor at Di un i •!

aurt fiprlnf*. If

CTBTO.II • MADE CLOTH I\iiCan be found at

JAHBS OBR’S,Mtrcliant Tallar, Mala Ml., opponlir

Paal OSct, Pinterville.

HR tuna Jual received a choice lot of Am* Cloth*and CaMltaerea. of the lit. at aiylt-a. and m pr •

pare.) to make to arder g»od (’a**imerc pinta.From $350 to $lO 00 por Pair!

H irraninl lu fit and nut rip House lining *« • dat «hurl nolke. Warm tV»ver* made l« ord r. andall kind» of Ma*-Mne Ih vii-g dour «uh n .iltu '» anddispatch. of l*Hui


PLAZA BOOti STOKEFtUI continue lo 11,.]M*i,.t) Vi n!. of




At the unally h-o ml.*.•«) ii t: neit a l n»: w a aiii; n c v i f



proof Uulldlng, Plat erville, California.J. IDCiiffhlll I Co, P. K„J, Il Cimili, Sacramento,r. siiaw fi Co., do J. U. Dayton. «tuPnllivan M Cushman do Win. IWkln», KoUoni.J. M M. Dltclan do li. A. l'psoii à Co , iMae*lle,J. C. Horan M Co. do IT. J It.irwell, do

Par. AA*. N. iKimdme. dodu T. Wilcox, l’pner Diaccile,do Alari CAP

Pnrlu ular attention paid lo the alupmctit off'HHI», urrà, Ac., from and to Washoe. o'.’l n»:»

Stanford A Urna.Cuallillf A th’ldriiMirath A Arnold

I'LAC'LRVILLG BAKLUV,Main atreet, three doors below Coufldcncc lùngine

lloitae. Piacentine./ J KOKHK Sdirli deairea lo inform the riti-" I iena of Itaeenrille that he ia now prrniaiu'ntlA'Waled in JONKS» NKW 111*11.DIN(i.ou Mainatrect, where be ia prepared to Dirnirh them witheveryvariety of

BREAD, OAKES AND PIES.Made of the choice»t material», and warrantedequal to any manufactured in this cite. He willdeliver all article* ordered of him, in’ any part offhe rlly. Order» reapeetDiUv solicited andpromptly attended to. o*7 Mm



.—AT TUROasis Batkina and Shaving Saloni


Compound V.c.Uble Hair Tonic !

For Rolurlnj. Frtwrrl(i| .oil Brautlfylu,THE HUMAN HAIR.

N.i«•If. to tko Oo«U Salumi, Main •*., Ptanrri

i. VANTINE, Proprlcloi

». HARRIS,PLAZJ copy SR, rUCSSriLLK,rs trool'la,, by rvrrr BUaaer. th.latr.t Allllnaatl European Naw.Dap.ra. Piotorl1(1 HM a Al (X.11A...1. IS* I. I. v*

--a im ««wiass) a« owsuapors. noion•“«* MamAlinea. Al», California ««ElyN,•paprr. oud Ma,aiiiir», for .air at rrdured prie

S. IlAli IIII)





Stand, w« would inform the public ih niwe Are At All lime*rt'Mly lo Accommodateihore «ho may favor u* «itti their patronage. Onrohi friend* and |mlroin «ili please give ih a cali.You «ili Ami everything Ihe market afford*.Oyster Stews, that can't be Beat.Porter ll«*u*e Steaks, Pork Steak*, Mutton Chop*.

Ham and Eggs, Hot Rolls, llok Mullins, and (lame ofall kinds.«r «AMR. CHICKEN AND CHAMPAGNE SUI*.PKH* SERVED TO ORDER.

Wr are preparili to furnish «upper* for Dall*, Pur*ties, Ac., at the iluifiril notice.House open at all Hours, Day and Night.

One door lie'nw the Oa*i* Saloon. Main «trevi.FRED. COI.LI NS, fslij PAT. SLAVKN.

oro arcadi: restai rant.tbag HEIRV SVfIOJS A CO. i

Desire to Inform their frlcnd*A,the pnhlle at largì',that they

have, at considerable expense, entirely ren-uvaled and remodeled the “OLD ARCADE,and are now prepared to furnish Meal* insuperior style, at all hours of the day or night.

{HT EVERY DELICACY of the9ea«on may he hudat all time*. Polite and giiillentaitly attention mayhe relied Upon.

* The lIAKERV I* supplied, at all tine*, witha choice variety ..f DREAD, PIES. CAKES, etc.,whleh «ill be sold, wholesale or retail, at lowestmarket rates.

Hall*. Parile», t ic., furnished with Sup, tors, in eu-perior style, at short nolke.

«Al 4t.ii HENRY SYMONS A CO., Proprietor*.

LiFiYirrn: iiotllAND RESTAURANT.

(FORMKill. Y Olili» HOTEL.)

Main street, opposite Wells, Fargo ft Go ’sExpress Office, Plnocrville.

VDIJT, dv«ire» to inform his friend*, theriti-• sens of PLiet rt ille, and the ttaxeling pnhlle,

that hr has reunited lilt hiisinv-s to the ••OhmHotel'* huildilif, which lie has fitted up in e\n |-

lent stile, and »- non piepured to iieroiiiniodulethem, not only with the rIIOICT.ST VI \NI>S OKTHE MAIHiKT, hut i»Uo with Id »l)<il V»** ~fsuperior i(iialit). Hi. price» will, a* Heretofore,he within «le rearh ol the most economical*

A share of patronage is sol cited. »I.VIm

the c'Aitv norsr,Three ?t*»ry Kir. proof Hotel, Main St , Piaceri ill»*,


IN alitile Improvements and eonvenletiee* whichiimd-Tii lo’l' l ke. pnitf ha» render.-*! essential.

theC.ry II • tuo» pr«. mil.'lll. Ii i • light, dwith g**. and furni*h*'d in every department in them«*l approved style. It employs I lie best talent inevery d'-parti.iciit. and the t.itile I* ala iy* •itppli-ol«•if. tin « huici st of et trything !•» he had in themarketUff TheCary House is thf d* p.d f.>r Very strige

line to and from the city, and isk pi open t:.r n;hoil. ih* llight, el J


I** IM MI ss %It V Or I' ISTM V NT. tMain street. I'laerr» tile, Oef. |t, I atilt. »

rpni; KiNf. ok 1.1 n*'ll nvrr.Hs. tohisMih1 j* els, greeting : Know ye, that onr ohi fi lend.

Ml j\h DID •\V 'll), in th« ilio-talli)of Ills heait.has r lilted, t* j .it i tf. d .«ml re iiranged hi.|S)|ti.Ur n.,|,him. for the Wmt. r campaign . .«•«! In.»all** |*«*s|t|irl> deternnm d to*pre ».| a it m*h twicea «•■»> {.lui Ilining. l l<l tlo leielil of I.islegnili of |*.,tlo| of win 111 We are iindon 1 t edl\•••Olile.** h|i*»W le, ills**, that MIKE keeps |».ne

ho! the ti'.t i *. \ . iii'icn ' M hol.'i.ii |.|r»l o|;sand t D* Xlt v and therefore we roii'inand i.»n to• niest m ith him ai. ioni l«» -e " hit.," ih ,* h* uniihe « t. i l* I ! • k i p up to. • oj.pS .

I ton** it I*l ouri :lle. tl.t* I .‘it h d..> of lletida r, \.

t« I!•**’, and tlo Dotti **f t*or r* .go,‘ XVINM-.MI « • \. King.

I*. N —l'our •' hits** will alwals Dullish l .u, atX| I K .is I'll i■ h •!' r* |*.»st of t o-e e\. . 11l lithli.ilifs yclept UV'I Lit-—and the " ti\i* s


*>l.l tf XVI.WK.


n.l • s . I | f. ie .Is.nplet.d Hot •|en> d • '■'*

{lt bu It oil !h- S*. . f the »I XXing >•. ii ni l i»i xmovd >i»i:iv.;s

The I his g .» I .ire.' ■.• •*■» »t»

Traveling I'nlili«. andthat he i is ji«.l» s Hotel, f. . the Sli iiND n\|K .1 I s Id* *p I» ti * lene lit., t*• try •• ke* p i ll* tel" s-c•»n Ito ou li •• r> .«I II •hr 'Hr*- uni It* I«I ti( «(> ii w ! !*l I .t i, 111 *i .h s T• I*l*'«II at all i•s •• s.u p' I . r. .)• **f t' e

Market . ,m d a t riti.*?» to I e r of hi. g ;

shall s’« .v« la- a prunai %**•»• derationN D —I lo li <u*i' i« p’a.tere*! hroughoiit, an I the

•h • | ;g.*l*it .■•III* ur. I.lg indwell Vet,! ;h|ted.Then* ....'so a flue DXNITMi II XI.L alt i.h*d to tin:11*01.'* Tifiis mi*s|' nil' NX I'll.XN YoUXU.

,** *;.N I-no K X XUD’* V.I hed to the II .. .I* a nolo! Spi ~g*. M iy I », Iaie», lit» d .1

BIRD’S HOTEL,Fire-Proof Building, Diamond Spring».

TV • ti.* rnhli** that he ini the ’• d tin . ar*

HIE Proprietor «••! **> t.ilend* : 'I *ui ni'U l.i* tan‘

krl alf**r*l«It * I» d. ae • n* « and clean and r° • n c »nif«*rl*

able and wr»| V*-nlliatrdOKEDI ol THE PIONEER M.HiK CoXIP.XW.

J« MIN X I’-IRDh'amoiid ■«prliif-. Jan i-lti. t -»*•». ; u ‘!*

w. n. DON AH I E.iii ai.ku in





HARMONY HALL!fh* Main sirr. I. two doors XV est

> of ihe Cary lloU«e,i;* PLAIKKVILLK.Tii

HE Xl* gUARTERU OK T»»EIMacrn Ills* Inin»» lliim anti Siring

Hand.Mu.! » r> Evening—Voeul ami Instiut.tentai.The proprietors of th** above s;ilonn « •! I»- h-ippy

to aev Ilicit frit lid* at all tunes, when they feel tikehearing a g mil song mol l.iku c a social •• nip.**

All order* for music h*r Halls. Kxciirai.'.n*, Parade*,Polunal Xh«lmips and Euncriils. to theUnion Dami, Hai immy Jl.ill. w ill receive prompt at-tention. HI. COIfMIN.


ok*i.ln* HARRY Ct»I(M)N.


r l ar r h \ 11.1.r .



OEBIUK to Inform their friend* ami the publicgenerally, that they have purcha*«*l tl.** ahnvc

«eli known ami popular Saloon; ami. pK-dgngthenuelvvs to keep nothing but the VKiiY him intheir line, re*peetfully solicit public patronage, (tilt)


F.OIII.IEN AND CITIZENSOf FUoerrilla and Vicinity.

A1 T 11. DONMU'K, LUinur ilcnlvr, on* * . Ih,' I*l, ti,. Mmìii itrerl. It;., on liand h turn*

tlfulljr iultft .tuck; ofPine DulTOordO'.i Sherry Wine,Fine Harmony do doFine Oid Burgundy Port Wine,

Totri'llirr with n flnr H'.citun ti t of Mttlily il.ivori'tllUKNCII VIE:

J»a. Henne»»» .Vintage 1880,Old Otard, Dupuy A Co..Oid Biaqnit, Fioche ft Co.,

Pine Old Bourbon Wh'ittlcy.Also a fine artlele of ver» old vintage nf Pluv AppleHum. The attention uf Families is particularly andrespectfully culled to the above assortment. j

IST IV. M. D. having leased, (hr the lime being,Ms Saloon, his whole attention will therefore be givento his Wholesale department XV. M. DONAHUE.

uU Main street, Ptaccrvillc.

NEW BOOK STORE,City Block, Main .trcct, Flaccrvillc


BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c.•IS Also, Pine Cigars and Tobacco. Km



WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC.No. 50 J Street, Sacramento.

Hy arrangement* inaile by one of litePartner* while in Europe, mili tile moni

| celebrated Manufacturer* and Dealer*, tre|nre In receipt, by rnch Hteamer, of


The Most Celebrated ManufacturersOf England, France ami Geneva.

Alto, of die Riclient Pattern,Newe*t Plytc*. and moniFASHIONABLE JEWELRY,

From the celebrated Emporium* of the AtlanticStatesand Europe.

A« te Import directly from Manufacturer*, wed»»not pay profit* to *ecnnd and third dealers, andconsequently are able lo nell ut lea. prices limn anyother dealers in Sacramento. Call and examine, isall we ask.

AM. KINDJ» OF JKWEI.ItY Repaired and Manu-facturedDIAMOND SETTING, Enameling and Engraving

d»»nc in the most elegant and Workmanlike manner,hy skillful artisan*.Watches most Carefully Repaired

AND WARRANTED.iff Particular attention paid to this branch of

Itiliine**.ly ccl. li

ulway. niitnih’.i " vi" ACI111«»I*st *P|>l'X VKK,

Itcad'a llloek, No. Ml. J strict. Sacramento.►I- :*ui opposite D. U. Mills A Co's Hank

let Kiiive*



CLOTH INO, BOOTS, SHOES,Gents* furnishing Goods, Ac.,


Has just received the largest und be*t selectedMock of ( LOTHIXG AMI KL UMSIIINU

GOODS e\« r brought to this Market, consistingof the follow ing article* :





And a general assortment ofGentlemen's Furnishing Goods,

AUo, all kind* of Mothing and I'mnishing Good*suitable for W \>l(OE TitA V ELEUS—aII of whichwill he sold at the lowest price*.

COLT’S PISTOLS,Of all sites, constanti) on hand.


County Warrants and Gold Dust!N. 11. New Good* received every Week. *l*J


(H MINER "f Main and -icram* .atr« ■»•!*, ve-spe» trilli) anni unci s to the eitueiis of Placer

vilb‘ and viemitv that he wilt e>iiitinnethe businessat the old * Vanti, unii that he ha- lion in stole theI. \IDiKST st.u k ..fFAMILY GROCERIES,


MIM KV M ITI.II>, V»K EVEKY KIND,I*.ll r blo lL’bt to thi» eitv. w liii’h lie W ill sell at a• irai alitai., eon >A< iJAMI.Mt) WHOLESALEITU F>.

New Goods teceived Every Week.Also. HIDES. WOOL and TALLOW

Ituilght £old»r* promptly attended t«s. All Good*

diliv«r«d free of charge. sU* diu




Grocery and Liquor Store,ON THE PLAZA.

(Next door to ('modali k Co.’* IbmkatoreAWho ofT-r lo’tter inducement* to purelo.*er* Iti Ini. VG I**i heap in their Stole than a* y other Store inI*l • • rvMb-.

Wehave an Agent in F u» Finite.«cu p'irelia*<ngGood*, and b.i warding them at the lowest cashprice*. The Public are inviteli t« give them a call.

CARSON VALLEY TRADERSS i; ..1 tl i b”*t .if articles, at lowest rate*.

Pl.u•rville. March '* l?t, Ì-»»». o'»-3in

NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAILGrocery, ProvisionandLiquor


»*'fe lit • Priry Il<anc,Pl.Al I KVIU.K.

Tin: d *ire to inform the riti,z ;.* »it Placet vi!*? ntol vicinity that they have Ju.*tr-*tuniA«il fr*itn the Day Ci’y,as'ortnu nt of

, with a carefully selected

Groceries, Provisions, Liquors,rnot’KKUV. etc . etc , which they are prepared todi-P"-i’ wind» *ale«ir ret low—t market rate*.

(* Aitilo N VAI.I.KY TRADED:* will find It to theirInterrai to examine our stork before purchasing, a*we are ..atUlud we can nlfer them superior induce -

men:*.FORWARDING AND COMMISSIONBUSINESS pn mplly attended to. Mark Good* 11.A H .ill. oVtr the It ) IMucervllle—W. 1.. P.. Folsom,

ti jod* deiiVirvd in any part of the Cilv free.oO dm lIKNRY k BVK.


Furniture, Matresses, Bedding, etc.," hob he k*eps constantly on b».n I.or niainifaeture*toor«ler, at short notire, an | ou reasonable terms.

Upholstering Neatly Executed.fcfT* JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T. ■. sal

COLOMA STREET,Next do -r lu the OlHoc of the Denioerat,

oH dm Pliieei' ville


Main Street, opposite the Post Office,PLACEDVILLE,

Ila* iu-t received u rhoiee lot of CASSIMEKESand VESTI XGS, of the latest styles, whieh he isprepared to make up at short notice, and in the bestmanner. Also, a lot of AMOSKEAG DENIMS,of the heaviest quality, for OVERALLS. Thosewho wear the article will tind it to their advantageto mireliase one pair and try them, and they vvilfind thnu much the cheapest goods they can wearl

o-l -3ni


THE UNDERSIGNED offer their entire slock forsale at COST, consisting, in part, of

Splendid Gold and Silver Hunting-CaseWatches, Diamond Rings, Ladies’Sets, of every description j

California Gold Rings,Silver Ware, etc.

Our |'Ur|iusc ts to offer lu our numerous fri, Mill,clrrsp Iraiguius, and, at the .aim* time, make roomfor mure stock.


CIIAB. J. AUVIUSSO.N Jt CO.Dacerville, Sept. Bth. iStiu. sh

L. B. RICHAKDBO& Ac CO.,(Succo.sor. to GEO, F. JONES,)

URALS a. INGroceries, Provisions, Liqnors,

Crockery, Hardware, etc.,At the OldStand,

SIGN OP “ No. 0.”tQrOrdert promptly attended to, and goods de-

livered free of charge.*1? L. B. RICHARDSON.


•I'(VK**»RH TO L. A. CMOS è CO.

THE UNDERSIGNED, having purchased the entireIntere*! of L. A. UPSON k CO. in the

GROCERY, PROVISION and LlftUORDUBINEBB, will continue the nume,at their old stand

*% Th«v invite the attention of the public to theirM \MMOTII STOCK, which they are offering atgreatly reduced price*. HUNT k CIIACE.

Placervllle, NoV. 17, n-l !liu

J-fT 015.000 DOLLARS ! ~X£*Bto nanisraiauTKii in

r*r 0 T s !

Saturday, January sth, ISOI.





Will be given at the


On which occasion the following MAGNIFICENTPRIZES will he distributed among the





-CIIAItD. This properly consists of Id.’»acres of Yuba river bottom hind, inorchard,together with the hon«e knownas " Drigg-' Hotel,” and the birtis andsheds attached thereto. The orchardnumbers :k*».t'iH» frets, all of the choicestvarieties, and is the largest orchard inthe world, and probably the most pro-ductive property in the Stale. Thefruit from this of hard brought in I*.****,♦:«.« Nl ; ill 1-sV.t, fiuti,lK.o ; in I-*»'»,11 Utttl—valued at $210,000


iMs» Fruit trees, in variety ; planted in|nr*7 T»s, mo-t of which will he in goodcondition (or hearing fruit the coming)—valued at 120.000

THIRD PRIZE —OROVILLE ORCHARD—Containing acre-; l-.nno FruitTrees, in variety—valued at 00,000

FOURTH PRIZE—PAXTON ORCHARDWin Marysville; 70 nereis of land ;

ItLono Fruit Trees; hi use and barn-valued at 72,000

FIFTH PRIZE-II A UN ORCHARD—Near Marysvlhe ; Ik I acres ; ft.uiMi FruitTret- , ».nuij Grape Vines—valued at.. 53.000

MYTH PRIZE COLE ORCIIA R D—NearMiiysville; II acres ; 7,'*«si Finii Trees—valued at 42.000

SEVENTH PRIZE-VINEYARD on theold Ranch.‘iSr mile*frt*m Marysville;I • acres ; n,ismi vini*—valued at 8,000

EIGHTH PRIZE-GRAIN FIELD—PartOf old Ranch ; Js*» acres—valued ut 0,000

NINTH PRIZE —GRAIN FIELD—Part ofold Ranch ; I** » act e»—Valued at 4,000

TENTH PRIZE —SACRAMENTO RIVERRA N (.' 11—'.Ti ) val-ue 1 at 3,000

ELEVENTH PRIZE—PAXTON RANCH—^meadow)—& » a res —valued at.. .. 3,000

TWELFTH PRIZE-FEATHER RIVERR A N C 11—^meu'low)—IG •acres—val-ued at . 2,000

Fo'T hundred CASH GIFTS of f*» each,from Nos. 12 tu 41.* 2,000

Total $015,000

Comprising altogether I .fio I acres of Land, Ini.-• ■•'Ufruit trees,l’**,••'** Grape Vines, and fi, '*•••• in cash.

Tic lands upon which these orchard*arc plantedare all buttom land-, and a- good ns can I».* found inthe Flat •. Appli -, Peaches. Apricots, Nectarines,Pears, Plums, Figs, Quince. Klack Walnut, Almond,Ac., Ac., Ac , will he found in these orchards in arealvariety and of the choicest kinds. The character ofthe Frtiii is well known throughout the Northernand «‘entrai portion id the Plate. All of the \itic»,and nearly all «*f the Fruit Tries * ill be of age tohear a good crop the coming year. We append thefollowing certificate for the hcntfU of persons nutwell acquainted w ith the value of the property :

We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we areacquainted with most ofthe above described property,and that we do not believe its value, us above stated,is over estimated : J. C FaP, W. K. Hudson, J. A.Paxton, 8. I*. Wells. IL P. Avery, editor Appall ; C.Covillaiid, Marysville; Rev. O. C. Wheeler, Corres-ponding Secretary California Plate Agricultural So-ciety, Sacramento ; J. lirvant Hill A Co., Knapp, Dur-rill A Co., Pan Francisco ; Hon. P. M. Dlls-. D. W. C.Rice, Jno. Q Packard, J. It Humphrey, Marysville;J. F. Liuthicuni. editor Kxprew ; John It. Ktfge,editor /Jrmncnit ; Gen. John A. Sutter, Hock Farm ;A. P. Smith, Sidney Smith, Sacramento; J. L. San-ford, San Francisco.

The di.-tr!uutlon of the Gifts will he under the di-rection of a Committee of gentlemen chosen by theaudience on (he evening of the Concert.

K. J. CUMMINGS, Agent ut Placervllle. Office h(the Cary House. Orders from the country promptlyattended to. GEORGE G. DUIGGS, Proprietor.

Marysville, Oct. $l, I?(J'i. i.IT-td

A. 11. L. DUS, 11.'llKK.

DIAS & GLAUBER,COLOMASTREETTwo doors below the Democrat

Office, Placervllle,WHOLESALE AND RETAI!

GROCERS.Every article required for Family use. In the

GROCERY AND PROVISION LINE,K-pt constantly on hand, and WARRANTED tubeof SUPERIOR QUALITY. A share of public patron-age is solicited. %Sf~ Goodsdelivered, in any partof the city, free of charge. 06-8 m



Olnziers and Paper-Hangers.

Cl Alll.l AGKS, tut*.Klap.. Ti hii.pari'rn' it . . Kc-I gtillus, ftc., Painted hi pili .', to ttuU the time.

wnuow «1.488.Just Itvcvived ami fur calo. CIIKAP FOR CASH,

10,000 Feci of Window Glass,All sizes, from SxlO to lìlixdO. Alsu, I’fTTY, and nilkind- of

PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES.Smalts, Turpentine, brushes, Gilt Moulding, GoldLeaf. Drome, ic.

from the country, for work or ma-terial, promptlyattended to:

_ W. L. MARPI R k CO.,Main at., near Stony Point, Placervllle.

FOR SALE.a THE undersigned offer* for sale, Idadwellinghouse and lot, and Blacksmith’s Shop,on Smith’* Flat, three miles from Placervllle,

in one of the best mining localities In the Fiate.K. 11. MEREDITH,

Smith’* Flat. Nov. loth, novlOdin