skill deficit & replacement behaviour training module #8 skill deficits & replac waterloo catholic...

Skill Deficit & Replacement Behaviour Training Module #8 Skill Deficits & Replac Waterloo Catholic District School Board Megan Delcourt, M.A., Behaviour Analyst Maria DeBrouwer, CYCW BE PROACTIVE NOT REACTIVE WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids

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  • Skill Deficit & Replacement Behaviour Training Module #8 Skill Deficits & Replac Waterloo Catholic District School Board Megan Delcourt, M.A., Behaviour Analyst Maria DeBrouwer, CYCW WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Behaviour All behaviour is: what you see what you hear what you do communication fills a need is functional observable measurable Not all Behaviour is: appropriate socially acceptable easy to manage self explanatory (tells us what the student really wants or needs) WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Skill Deficits/Replacement Behaviour When a student is exhibiting/demonstrating a challenging behaviour, it is telling us that we need to teach the student a more appropriate way to get what he/she wants. By teaching a student a replacement behaviour, we may be able to avoid further challenging behaviour from the student, if we can successfully identify the skill deficit Megan Delcourt, M.A., Behaviour Analyst WCDSB WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Imagine that your brain was wired differently than everyone elses, but people still had the same expectations for you How would these situations make you feel. WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Social Implications Imagine that you were isolated because you had no meaningful peer relationships. You have the same desire to be accepted and loved as everyone else, but you have no way of expressing these needs and wants Imagine that you did not understand social rules. You have no idea how to join in on a game or a conversation, so you sit alone and often play by yourself WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Self Regulation Imagine that you did not have the ability to understand/recognize feelings & emotions. How would it make someone feel if you laughed at then when they were crying? Imagine that you did not recognize someones tone of voice in reference to how they are feeling. This person keeps on yelling at you because you are not responding to their obvious cues. This situation often ends in a negative consequence Imagine that you have no idea how to manage your own emotions because no one has ever given you any suggestions on how to regulate your body. None of these things come natural to you WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Your Outcome for the Future There is no one to teach you the skills you need to know in order to be successful and independent Punitive methods are not affective, but everyone around you keeps on using them as a method to change your behaviour because they work for other students You learn that you get what you want from your behaviour because people do not want to deal with you anymore WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Can we teach a student the skills that they need to be successful and independent?? WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Ask yourself? What are the behaviours observed? How is the behaviour affecting the student? Is the behaviour affecting the learning of the student or others? Is the behaviour affecting the student socially? Is the behaviour affecting the reputation of the student at school or in the community? Is the behaviour affecting the safety of the student and/or others? Are the behaviours age appropriate? How is the behaviour getting the student what he/she wants or needs? WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Proactive Strategies Proactive strategies assist the student in appropriate learning opportunities specific to their needs Some students have not been taught appropriate behaviours, therefore continue to exhibit challenging behaviours through repetition You cannot successfully change behaviour without teaching a replacement behaviour. Our actions will determine if the challenging behaviour will be: Maintained Decelerated Accelerated WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Examples BehaviourProactive Strategy Miranda makes inappropriate sounds during class and her peers laugh Teach Miranda other ways to gain her peers attention Johnny will flop of the floor when he is not first in line Teach Johnny that everyone will have a chance to be first in line. We cannot always be first Andrew becomes so aggressive without any warning signs Teach Andrew self regulation skills to assist him with managing his own feelings and emotions Every time Janet refuses to do her work, the teacher allows her to sit and do nothing Provide appropriate modified work followed by a reward or a choice WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Establishing a Plan Identify the target behaviour through data collection What skills need to be taught? Establish a plan that involves: 1) What will the replacement behaviour be? 2) How will the replacement behaviour be taught? 3) Who will teach the replacement behaviour? 4) What motivators will be used for reinforcement? WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Replacement Behaviour Things to keep in mind: Should serve the same function as the previous behaviour Should be easy to for the student to learn Should be age appropriate Should be as discrete as possible (if applicable) Should be socially appropriate WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Teaching the Skill Skills need to be taught according to their own specific requirements: What prompting methods will be required? (Verbal, visual, partial, positional, partial physical, full physical) Provide many opportunities to practice the new skill Provide immediate reinforcement even if the whole skill is not demonstrated Collect data to reflect how many time a day the skill has been practiced and the level of prompting that was required (see skill acquisition tracking sheet) WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Who Will Teach the New Skill? Who will be involved in teaching the new skill? Ensure that everyone is consistent with teaching and reinforcing the student Can/will the students family support the skill development at home? WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Important things to Consider Once the student is able to demonstrate some independence with the new skill, fade your level of prompting to ensure that the student does not become prompt dependant Just because a student has mastered a skill does not mean that he/she does not have to demonstrate it. Students should be asked from time to time to show that the skill is actually mastered. This is called maintenance WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Common Skill Deficits in Students Self Regulation what does this look like or feel like? What do I need to do before my engine revs to high? Social Skills age appropriate, conversations, special interests, being polite, being a good friend Communication not having the words to express needs and wants. Actions do not match needs Defiance inappropriate work, unclear expectations, rigidity, lack of skills to preform a task, low self esteem WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Proactive Strategies are Key!!! Providing appropriate strategies to replace less desirable behaviour is key to the students success! The sooner we can identify a students skill deficit, the sooner he/she can be successful at school and in the community If we fail to provide appropriate skills, students behaviour will be maintained and become increasingly difficult to change WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Conclusion Be Proactive Not Reactive WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids
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  • Thank You! Module # 9 The Generalization & Maintenance of Skills This module has been brought to you be the Behaviour Support Team Strategic Plan 2015 WCDSB, HDBS & Erinoakkids