skylar montgomery

Summer reading project Gathering blue by Lois Lowry Skylar Montgomery #11

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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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Summer reading project

Summer reading project Gathering blue by Lois Lowry Skylar Montgomery #11

Summary of Gathering BlueGathering Blue by Lois Lowry tells us that nobody is perfect and everyone has a gift. First of all Kiras mother dies of an illness and their cot is burned down. Next Kira tries to build a cot but a lady named Vandara takes her land. After they go to the council of Gaurdians. When they know her gift they assign her to make the singers robe. So, she goes to an old woman to learn how to dye thread. Surprisingly after the singers performance Kira finds her dad in her room [she thought he was dead]. He asks her to come live with him. After awhile kira decides to stay and doesnt go with her father. Before he goes he gives Kira a stich of blue [she never learned how to dye blue.]

settingThe village

protagonist Kira

antagonist Vandara

conflictMan vs. man and Man vs. Socioty

p.o.v3rd omniscient

climaxVandara wants Kiras land

resolutionThe Council of Guardians gives Kira a home

themeNobodies perfect, every one has a gift

resolutionThe Council of Guardians give her a home.Why its called Gathering BlueOnce Kiras friend Matt find out Kira doesnt have blue she sets out to find some. Instead of finding only blue he also finds her father and he gives her the thread of his blue shirt.