slavery in the united states of america• slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human...

Slavery In the United States of America Economics Ethics Psychology Sociology Culture Politics Tuesday, April 17, 2012

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Page 1: Slavery In the United States of America• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings • Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage • Slavery

Slavery In the United States of America


Psychology SociologyCulture


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Page 2: Slavery In the United States of America• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings • Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage • Slavery



Psychology SociologyCulture


The Economics were very...different during the time of slavery. Obviously, the plantation owners would be making more money with

slaves than with traditional employees. This is because, well, the slaves did not get paid for all of their work. Instead, they were forced to work against their will and worst of all they were beaten as an award for their hard work. Slaves saved money for plantation owners but it resulted in

unethical ways of work and punishment.

Economics is defined as the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth in the english dictionary. Slavery played a huge role in americas economy back in the day when it was legal. Buyers stood together bidding on innocent people who had been taken against their will. Slaves cost around 100 dollars. Owners made a good profit but you gotta think about the people who were being hurt in the process.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Page 3: Slavery In the United States of America• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings • Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage • Slavery



Psychology SociologyCulture


Slavery is just one of those things that makes you think, “ Woah why would anyone treat another person like that!” or, “Thats horrible! I hope nothing like that happens again!”. The truth is, yes slavery is totally unethical. It completely goes agains human rights. Its not fair at all. Honestly we are a young species compared to all the others but we will not survive long if we keep tearing each other apart. All human being need to be treated equally. One day, everyone, no matter what color, what religion, or country, will gather to complete a big task.

• Slavery increases total human unhappiness

• The slave-owner treats the slaves like wild animals

• Slavery exploits and degrades human beings (hurts)

• Slavery violates human rights

• explicitly forbids slavery and many of the practices associated with slavery

Why is slavery unethical

• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings

• Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage

• Slavery is both the result and the fuel of racism, in that many cultures show clear racism in their choice of people to enslave

• Slavery is both the result and the fuel of gender discrimination

• Slavery perpetuates the abuse of children

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Page 4: Slavery In the United States of America• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings • Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage • Slavery


EthicsPsychology Sociology

Culture Politics

As you probably know, major experiences whether it’s very good or very bad can make an amazing impact on a persons mental status. One day you could be an average happy human being, then survive a plane crash. The things you would see would mess up your brain in major, sometimes, minor ways. This is only one of a million examples on how the powerful things you experience can haunt you forever. Slavery also plays a huge role in this. Slaves eventually started to think that they are doing something wrong if you hurt them enough. Fear effected the minds of many slaves. Some of them even went completely nuts! This is also another reason why slavery is unethical!

This picture shows how slaverycan effect the mental state or status of a human being. Slaves often tried

rebelling, failing most of the timethough.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Page 5: Slavery In the United States of America• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings • Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage • Slavery


Psychology SociologyCulture


Sociology is the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society. Plantation and slave owners would usually purchase male ones for hard work and use the women mostly for cooking. Slaves lived on quarters on plantation which are like little houses. Horrible quality though. Some owners were not as rough on their slaves as the traditional abusive owners. The kind ones often fed them the food they ate inside their house, and treated them like family. Though of course you would very rarely see that happening.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Page 6: Slavery In the United States of America• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings • Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage • Slavery



Psychology SociologyCulture


Slaves may have been taken against their will but they still had to live their lives right? If culture did not exist for slavery, much more mental injuries could have taken place and more slaves could of been thinking and acting in a very very negative way. Did you know clothes were given twice in an entire year? Slaves often even created their own religion to guide them through all the bad things and hardships they were faced


all chained up as shown in the picture, the slaves needed

something to guide them through their difficult lives. Slaves also gathered and created, played,

and sung songs as a ritual once in a while. I mean something is better

than nothing

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Page 7: Slavery In the United States of America• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings • Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage • Slavery



Psychology SociologyCulture


Slavery played a huge role in politics. People constantly argued about wether slavery was ethical or should be legal or not. Eventually, all of this fighting, and the civil disagreements going on led to a civil war between the northern states and the southern states about which side is stronger and which side is right. Slavery also made an amazingly huge impact on the economy of the united states at that point in time. Eventually, slavery turned into a political issue.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012