slice application questions


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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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My answers to the application for SLICE


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S.L.I.C.E Application

1. Poor communication in a group is a recipe for disaster. For example, I was in a group before that did not communicate with one another about their individual ideas. We had certain members of the group who were always on track with one another, but others who weren’t contributing. The group was hit by challenge after challenge and suffered in the end. Communication can make or break a group. I was placed in a group that I thought was sure to fail, but things started to change. The project began to come together one thing at a time. The group members all met at the same times to work on it together. When we were not working on the project we stayed in continuous contact with one another. If problems arose, we dealt with them immediately and moved on. The project was incredibly successful and we all felt great for the effort we had just put into making it. I feel that if a group does not communicate, they will not be able to accomplish any task that is being asked of them.

2. I choose to be involved in community service because the experience is rewarding. I want other people, children, single mothers, the ill patients, to feel loved by someone. I know my heart will never run out of love for people. I know that when an ill patient, no matter their age, comes into the Emergency Department at a hospital, they are frightened. I choose to volunteer here because if they need a hug, I will give it to them. If they want somebody to talk to, I will talk to them. I can never stop loving people, so I will continue to be involved in community service.

3. I used to play hockey when I was younger and loved the team atmosphere. It was not about me anymore. It was about the team. If the team won, then we celebrate. If the team lost, then we improve for next time. I think that being a team player means you are willing to submit to others. No more individualistic thoughts and actions. Conversing with the team, laughing with the team, and working through challenges with other in the team are important characteristics of a team player.

4. I feel that I am most drawn to two service issues. One is being children’s issues because I do not feel that any child should need to suffer growing up. Children are the voice of the future and we need to be their shields and protect them as much so they can still live and enjoy their childhood while they have it. The second one would be immigration/refugee because I worked with many refugee women and children. My heart cries out to them because they are coming into a completely different culture that many have only dreamed about. The problems and challenges they face are things that we would never dream of. For example, finding a doctor, tutoring to understand English, and even finding the simple comforts of home are very difficult for these families.

5. I want to be a part of something bigger than myself. I want people in my community as well as around the world to know there is hope out there. I want the people of San Diego to know that I, as a college student, care about their safety

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and well being to devote a break of my life with them. I know the expectations are high, but I feel that if I just lead with my heart, mind, and my other fellow classmates change will occur.