slide 1 catalogversion tool for database change management jacob nikom november 8, 2010

Slide 1 CatalogVersion Tool for Database Change Management Jacob Nikom November 8, 2010

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Page 1: Slide 1 CatalogVersion Tool for Database Change Management Jacob Nikom November 8, 2010

Slide 1

CatalogVersion Tool


Database Change Management

Jacob Nikom

November 8, 2010

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• Revision Control System Basics

– How software developers track changes in their source code

– Major Revision Control operations

• Intro into Database Change Management

– Version Control of Database Changes

– Table ‘catalog_version.version_files’

– Table ‘catalog_version.revision’

– Database Delta Scripts

• CatalogVersion Program

– CatalogVersion Tool Command

– CatalogVersion Tool Design

– Why not to use Java Runtime.exec() method?

– CatalogVersion Source Code

• Summary

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Slide number 3

Revision Control System Basics

How software developers track changes in their source code

Checkins:The simplest scenario is checking in a file (list.txt) and modifying it over time

File list.txt

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How software developers track changes in their source code

Checkouts and Editing:I may have to check out, edit and check in

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Diffs or Deltas:The trunk has a history of changes as a file evolves. Diffs or Deltas are the changes I made while editing

How software developers track changes in their source code

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Intro to Database Change Management

• Reasons for database change

– Database evolution due to requirement changes

– Team of developers working on one central database (merging problem)

– Team of developers using multiple local databases (synchronization problem)

• Basic questions to answer

– What version a database is in a particular environment?

– How to synchronize multiple databases?

– Who made changes to your database objects and when?

– Do you have an audit trail recording what changes have occurred and at what point in time?

– Could you if error occurs, back-out the corrupt version and rollback to a known state of integrity?

• Database Change Management Procedures

– Create a database change log

– Create database delta scripts

– Use a naming convention for the scripts

– Apply the scripts

– Check in the script into Version Control System

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Version Control of Database Changes

Volume serial number is 00350032 1C00:4ED7C:.├───1.0│ |-aaa_install_sequence_1.0.txt│ |-mysql_user_flush_privs.sql………………………………………………………│ |-nops_update_patch_v1.1.1.sql│ `-nops_update_patch_v1.1.2.sql├───1.1│ |-aaa_install_sequence_1.1.txt│ │-cybs_00300_ddl_otf_alter_table_mpi_order.sql……………………………………………………….│ `- cybs_01000_ddl_dmce_alter_table_content.sql├───1.2│ │-aaa_install_sequence_1.2.txt│ │-nokia_policy_02-18-2010.sql………………………………………………………│ │-redb_policy_02-18-2010.sql│ `-reuser_ddl_add_reuser_and_privileges.sql│├───1.3│ │-aaa_install_sequence_1.3.txt│ │-otf_ddl_callbackserver_config1.sql……………………………………………………..│ │-otf_dml_mpi_ignore_config.sql│ `otf_dml_mpi_ignore_data_delete.sql

CatalogVersion tool


CatalogVersion table

This is compact, precise and revision controlled representation of the database state

Revision-controlled SQL script directory

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Table ‘catalog_version.version_files’

Table_id SQL file name Revision Id


Revision id


Insert time Comments

1 cybs_00100_dcl_12_24_2009.sql 1.2 4755 2010-01-25 15:50:00

Jacob change

2 cybs_00200_ddl_dml_nokia-1.0_11_25_2009.sql

1.2 4756 2010-01-25 15:50:00

Mark change

3 cybs_00400_dml_DMCE_sunil_12_23_2009.sql 1.2 4757 2010-01-25 15:50:00

John change

…….. ……….. …………. …………. …………… …………..

23 redb_00200_ddl_create_all_redb_tables 1.3 5531 2010-01-25 15:50:00

Sam change

24 redb_00300_dml_insert_data_into_all_redb_tables

1.3 5514 2010-01-25 15:50:00

Frank change

…….. ……….. …………. …………. …………… …………..

Each SQL script is delta

CatalogVerion tool does not overrides existing files

This feature allows to build new data on the top of old ones

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Table ‘catalog_version.revision’



Revision Id


Revision id


Runt time Comments

1 1 4755 2010-01-25 15:50:00 Jacob change

2 1 4756 2010-01-25 15:50:00 Mark change

3 2 4757 2010-01-25 15:50:00 John change

…….. …………. …………. …………… …………..

23 23 5531 2010-01-25 15:50:00 Sam change

24 23 5514 2010-01-25 15:50:00 Frank change

…….. …………. …………. …………… …………..

One-to-one mapping between database state and source code state

Every time when source code changes, CatalogVersion tool runs using existing list of SQL scripts

CatalogVersion tool

Source code


CatalogVersion tables

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Database Delta Scripts

3. Content category or sql file classification

1. dcl – file affecting users and their privileges (Data Control Language)

2. ddl – file affecting schema, tables, columns, foreign keys and other constraints. Also deals with stored procedures, stored functions, triggers and indexes (Data Definition Language)

3. dml – file affecting the data (static or lookout data) (Data Manipulation Language)

4. dtl – file affecting the transactional data (Data Manipulation Language)

File name convention


Schema or product name

Execution order number

Content category Content explanation

Creation date

1. Schema or product name1. cybx – Cybersource – related file. It affects NOPS 1.0 schemata and tables

2. redb – files affecting NOPS 1.2 schema, tables, columns, foreign keys and other constraints. Also deal with stored function in NOPS 1.2

2. Execution order number

1. Through order of the SQL scripts execution. It is incremented in hundreds allowing to insert additional numbers.

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CatalogVersion Program

• CatalogVersion tool is Java program (JDK 1.4 and better)

• Applies SQL scripts to the MySQL server

• Registers SQL script in the catalog_version schema (unique name)

• Needs four JAR files to run

Filename Contents

CatalogVersion.jar main program

log4j-1.2.15.jar logging and debugging routines

log4j-props.jar logging formats and management data

mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar MySQL driver for Java

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CatalogVersion Tool Command

To run the CatalogVersion tool use the command:

java -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u username -p password -h serverIP -f sql_file_name -c “Comments”

Option Definition

java The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) executable

-jar CatalogVersion.jar Indicates to the JVM that the program is located in the jar file whose name follows -jar (in this case,

–u username The username credential that permits a connection to the MySQL server. Mandatory.

–p password The password credential to the username that permits a connection to the MySQL server. Mandatory

–h serverIP The IP address of the computer where MySQL server runs. If this option not included, the program assumes the local server.

–f sqlFileList Name of the file (sequence file) containing the list of the sql script names (no default)

–P port_number Port number to which MySQL server is listening. If this option is not included, the program assumes port number 3306.

-q sqlFileName name of the SQL script file containing sql commands (no default)

-s nonstop Permits execution of the next SQL script even in case of SQL exception (in new version only)

–c “Comments” Provide additional comments. The comments must be in quotes. If this option is not used, the program assumes “This is test sql file version".

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CatalogVersion Tool Command (cont.)

File install_sequence_1.2.txt content:

# These are SQL files for execution











File update_local_server_sql_files_10_25_2010_dfile.bat content:

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/1.0/install_sequence_1.0.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/1.1/install_sequence_1.1.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/1.2/install_sequence_1.2.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/seed/install_sequence_seed.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/1.3/install_sequence_1.3.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/MIDScripts/install_sequence_mid.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h –f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/index_scripts/install_sequence_index.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/utf8_conversion/install_sequence_utf8.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/1.4/install_sequence_1.4.txt

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp .;./log4j-1.2.15.jar; -jar CatalogVersion.jar -u root -p password -h -f ./DBCreate_10_25_2010/2.0/install_sequence_2.0.txt

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CatalogVersion Tool Design

Five Java – main driver – command linhe parsing, static data repository – manages database connection – initializes tables and verifies their structure – parses and executes SQL scripts – manages tables data

3350 lines of source code

Why not to use Java Runtime.exec() method?

You have to provide all execution environment and catch up standard and error output

Parsing SQL is easier and more reliable

Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandString);

String commandString = “mysql –u root –ppassword < sql_script.sql”;

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CatalogVersion Source Code try { // Get the file reader LineNumberReader lineReader = new LineNumberReader(reader); // Start of the file reading loop (line by line) while ((line = lineReader.readLine()) != null) { // restart the number of executions for each command executeCount = 0; if (command == null) { command = new StringBuffer(); }

// handling the delimiter. It plays different roles inside the function // and outside one. The alternative delimiter separates function's SQL code // from the rest of the SQL code. // The default delimiter separates sentences inside the "normal" SQL code // The word "DELIMITER" should not be executed by Java - it is not SQL // ligitimate word, so it should be skipped if (line.startsWith("DELIMITER")) { if (delimiterCount == 0) { setDelimiter(ALTERNATIVE_DELIMITER, true); // met delimiter 1st time delimiterCount = 1; // increment the delimiterCount } else if (delimiterCount == 1) { setDelimiter(DEFAULT_DELIMITER, false); // met delimiter 2nd time // restore the initial condition delimiterCount = 0; // reset the delimiterCount } }

// Got clean string String trimmedLine = line.trim(); m_logger.debug("SqlScriptRunner::runScript2: trimLine = "+trimmedLine);

// Actual parsing if (trimmedLine.startsWith("--")) { // println(trimmedLine); m_logger.debug("SqlScriptRunner::runScript2: trimmedLine = "+trimmedLine); } else if (trimmedLine.startsWith("DELIMITER")) // Hardcoded work in MySQL dialect { m_logger.debug("SqlScriptRunner::runScript2: trimmedLine = "+trimmedLine); } else if (trimmedLine.length() < 1 || trimmedLine.startsWith("//")) { // Do nothing } else if (trimmedLine.length() < 1 || trimmedLine.startsWith("--")) { // Do nothing } else if (!fullLineDelimiter && trimmedLine.endsWith(getDelimiter()) || fullLineDelimiter && trimmedLine.equals(getDelimiter())) { command.append(line.substring(0, line.lastIndexOf(getDelimiter()))); command.append(" "); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

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• Database server evolution requires database change management

• CatalogVersion Tool has been developed to implements necessary


– The tool allows to update multiple servers

– Synchronize different servers

– Organizes database changes in a manageable manner

– Major drawback – lack of transactionality (will work it out)

• CatalogVersion Tool easy to use, it is very efficient and it is free