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Knots Braids Invariants from braids Knots, braids and invariants H.R.Morton University of Liverpool Barcelona October 2010 H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots, braids and invariants


University of Liverpool

Barcelona October 2010

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot theory spans some 150 years, going back to Maxwell, andeven Gauss.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot theory spans some 150 years, going back to Maxwell, andeven Gauss.

The most basic idea: Take a piece of rope and tie a knot in it.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot theory spans some 150 years, going back to Maxwell, andeven Gauss.

The most basic idea: Take a piece of rope and tie a knot in it.

A trefoil (overhand) knot,

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot theory spans some 150 years, going back to Maxwell, andeven Gauss.

The most basic idea: Take a piece of rope and tie a knot in it.

A trefoil (overhand) knot,

A figure eight knot.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Join the two ends of the rope to make a closed curve.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Join the two ends of the rope to make a closed curve.


H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Join the two ends of the rope to make a closed curve.


Figure eight

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Join the two ends of the rope to make a closed curve.


Figure eight

Unknotted (trivial) curve.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

A knot K means a simple closed curve in Euclidean space R3.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

A knot K means a simple closed curve in Euclidean space R3.

Think of two knots as essentially the same if we can manipulateone as a piece of elastic rope to become the other.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

A knot K means a simple closed curve in Euclidean space R3.

Think of two knots as essentially the same if we can manipulateone as a piece of elastic rope to become the other.

A classic combinatorial result of Reidemeister shows that allmanipulations can be realised by combinations of just 3 basicmoves on diagrams:

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

A knot K means a simple closed curve in Euclidean space R3.

Think of two knots as essentially the same if we can manipulateone as a piece of elastic rope to become the other.

A classic combinatorial result of Reidemeister shows that allmanipulations can be realised by combinations of just 3 basicmoves on diagrams:

RI : ↔ , RII : ↔ , RIII : ↔

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

We can similarly use several closed curves - termed a link - such as

the Hopf link

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

We can similarly use several closed curves - termed a link - such as

the Hopf link

the Borromean rings.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

We can similarly use several closed curves - termed a link - such as

the Hopf link

the Borromean rings.

While these can’t be separated, if any one ring is removed theresult is

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Basic problem.Given knots K ,K ′ decide if it is possible to manipulate K to K ′.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Basic problem.Given knots K ,K ′ decide if it is possible to manipulate K to K ′.

An invariant of K is some algebraic object I (K ) (maybe a numberor function) which, typically, can be calculated from a diagram ofK , in such a way that different pictures of K give the same objectI (K ).

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Basic problem.Given knots K ,K ′ decide if it is possible to manipulate K to K ′.

An invariant of K is some algebraic object I (K ) (maybe a numberor function) which, typically, can be calculated from a diagram ofK , in such a way that different pictures of K give the same objectI (K ).

Compare K ,K ′ by calculating I (K ) and I (K ′).

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Basic problem.Given knots K ,K ′ decide if it is possible to manipulate K to K ′.

An invariant of K is some algebraic object I (K ) (maybe a numberor function) which, typically, can be calculated from a diagram ofK , in such a way that different pictures of K give the same objectI (K ).

Compare K ,K ′ by calculating I (K ) and I (K ′).

If I (K ′) 6= I (K ) then K ,K ′ really are different knots.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

One powerful invariant is the fundamental group

π1(R3 − K ) = GK .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

One powerful invariant is the fundamental group

π1(R3 − K ) = GK .

Equivalent knots have isomorphic groups.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

One powerful invariant is the fundamental group

π1(R3 − K ) = GK .

Equivalent knots have isomorphic groups.So

GK 6∼= GK ′ =⇒ K 6= K ′.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

One powerful invariant is the fundamental group

π1(R3 − K ) = GK .

Equivalent knots have isomorphic groups.So

GK 6∼= GK ′ =⇒ K 6= K ′.

If K has the same group as the trivial knot then K itself is trivial.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

One powerful invariant is the fundamental group

π1(R3 − K ) = GK .

Equivalent knots have isomorphic groups.So

GK 6∼= GK ′ =⇒ K 6= K ′.

If K has the same group as the trivial knot then K itself is trivial.

GK∼= GK ′ + conditions on special subgroup =⇒ K = K ′.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

One powerful invariant is the fundamental group

π1(R3 − K ) = GK .

Equivalent knots have isomorphic groups.So

GK 6∼= GK ′ =⇒ K 6= K ′.

If K has the same group as the trivial knot then K itself is trivial.

GK∼= GK ′ + conditions on special subgroup =⇒ K = K ′.

It is easy to find a presentation for GK from any diagram of K .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

One powerful invariant is the fundamental group

π1(R3 − K ) = GK .

Equivalent knots have isomorphic groups.So

GK 6∼= GK ′ =⇒ K 6= K ′.

If K has the same group as the trivial knot then K itself is trivial.

GK∼= GK ′ + conditions on special subgroup =⇒ K = K ′.

It is easy to find a presentation for GK from any diagram of K .The problem with this invariant comes in deciding when the twogroups are isomorphic.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

The Alexander polynomial ∆K (t) ∈ Z[t±1] is a classical invariant(1920) which can be derived from the knot or directly from GK .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

The Alexander polynomial ∆K (t) ∈ Z[t±1] is a classical invariant(1920) which can be derived from the knot or directly from GK .

It is easy to check when two Laurent polynomials are equal.

Trefoil ∆ = t−1 − 1 + t

Figure eight ∆ = −t−1 + 3 − t

Trivial ∆ = 1

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

The Alexander polynomial ∆K (t) ∈ Z[t±1] is a classical invariant(1920) which can be derived from the knot or directly from GK .

It is easy to check when two Laurent polynomials are equal.

Trefoil ∆ = t−1 − 1 + t

Figure eight ∆ = −t−1 + 3 − t

Trivial ∆ = 1

But there are lots of knots with the same ∆ and even with trivial∆.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

The Alexander polynomial ∆K (t) ∈ Z[t±1] is a classical invariant(1920) which can be derived from the knot or directly from GK .

It is easy to check when two Laurent polynomials are equal.

Trefoil ∆ = t−1 − 1 + t

Figure eight ∆ = −t−1 + 3 − t

Trivial ∆ = 1

But there are lots of knots with the same ∆ and even with trivial∆.Hence there is quite limited discrimination.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

There has been a long involvement of algebra in geometry andtopology.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

There has been a long involvement of algebra in geometry andtopology.

To show that two things are similar you need geometry.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

There has been a long involvement of algebra in geometry andtopology.

To show that two things are similar you need geometry.To show they are different you need algebra.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

There has been a long involvement of algebra in geometry andtopology.

To show that two things are similar you need geometry.To show they are different you need algebra.

This is generally the case for knots.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

There has been a long involvement of algebra in geometry andtopology.

To show that two things are similar you need geometry.To show they are different you need algebra.

This is generally the case for knots.In rare instances algebra is enough to establish similarity.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot groups are residually finite. (Any non-trivial element can bedetected by a homomorphism to some finite group.)

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot groups are residually finite. (Any non-trivial element can bedetected by a homomorphism to some finite group.)

There is a key element (the longitude of K ) in GK which is e ifand only if K is trivial.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot groups are residually finite. (Any non-trivial element can bedetected by a homomorphism to some finite group.)

There is a key element (the longitude of K ) in GK which is e ifand only if K is trivial.

A non-trivial knot K then always has a homomorphism from GK tosome permutation group Sn with non-abelian image.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot groups are residually finite. (Any non-trivial element can bedetected by a homomorphism to some finite group.)

There is a key element (the longitude of K ) in GK which is e ifand only if K is trivial.

A non-trivial knot K then always has a homomorphism from GK tosome permutation group Sn with non-abelian image.

Analysing representations of GK to quite small permutation groupsgives a surprising amount of information.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knot groups are residually finite. (Any non-trivial element can bedetected by a homomorphism to some finite group.)

There is a key element (the longitude of K ) in GK which is e ifand only if K is trivial.

A non-trivial knot K then always has a homomorphism from GK tosome permutation group Sn with non-abelian image.

Analysing representations of GK to quite small permutation groupsgives a surprising amount of information.

Thistlethwaite used this technique systematically to ensure thatthere were no duplicates in his extensive tables of knots with up to16 crossings.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Braids provide an important interface between knots and algebra,dating back to work of Artin in 1925.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

From the geometric viewpoint an n-string braid is a union of n

disjoint strings running monotonically from one plane to anotherparallel plane.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

From the geometric viewpoint an n-string braid is a union of n

disjoint strings running monotonically from one plane to anotherparallel plane.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

From the geometric viewpoint an n-string braid is a union of n

disjoint strings running monotonically from one plane to anotherparallel plane.

Braids are studied up to ambient isotopy keeping the ends fixed-strings may move around between the planes, but may not passthrough each other.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

With a fixed choice of endpoints on the plane they can becomposed by placing one above another.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

With a fixed choice of endpoints on the plane they can becomposed by placing one above another.

They form a group Bn, generated by the elementary braids σi witha single crossing between strings i and i + 1

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

With a fixed choice of endpoints on the plane they can becomposed by placing one above another.

They form a group Bn, generated by the elementary braids σi witha single crossing between strings i and i + 1

σi =

i i + 1

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

With a fixed choice of endpoints on the plane they can becomposed by placing one above another.

They form a group Bn, generated by the elementary braids σi witha single crossing between strings i and i + 1

σi =

i i + 1

Artin gave the classic presentation for Bn with these generatorsand the relations

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

With a fixed choice of endpoints on the plane they can becomposed by placing one above another.

They form a group Bn, generated by the elementary braids σi witha single crossing between strings i and i + 1

σi =

i i + 1

Artin gave the classic presentation for Bn with these generatorsand the relations

σiσj = σjσi , |i − j | > 1,

σiσi+1σi = σi+1σiσi+1,

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The braid shown earlier can be written in Artin’s notation as

= σ2σ−13 σ2

4σ−12 σ3σ

−11 σ−1

5 σ2σ4

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

1 Knots

2 BraidsKnots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

3 Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A braid can be used to determine a knot in two classical ways.

One is by making a plat.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A braid can be used to determine a knot in two classical ways.

One is by making a plat.

Take a braid with 2k strings and join up the strings with k localmaxima at the top and k local minima at the bottom.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A braid can be used to determine a knot in two classical ways.

One is by making a plat.

Take a braid with 2k strings and join up the strings with k localmaxima at the top and k local minima at the bottom.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A braid can be used to determine a knot in two classical ways.

One is by making a plat.

Take a braid with 2k strings and join up the strings with k localmaxima at the top and k local minima at the bottom.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A braid can be used to determine a knot in two classical ways.

One is by making a plat.

Take a braid with 2k strings and join up the strings with k localmaxima at the top and k local minima at the bottom.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The second way is to make a closed braid.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The second way is to make a closed braid.

Join the top points to the corresponding bottom points withoutfurther crossings.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The second way is to make a closed braid.

Join the top points to the corresponding bottom points withoutfurther crossings.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The second way is to make a closed braid.

Join the top points to the corresponding bottom points withoutfurther crossings.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Both of these methods come with theorems to say that every knothas such a presentation,

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Both of these methods come with theorems to say that every knothas such a presentation, along with simple moves on braids relatingany two braids which result in the same knot.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Both of these methods come with theorems to say that every knothas such a presentation, along with simple moves on braids relatingany two braids which result in the same knot.

Algebraic constructions starting from a braid which are invariantunder these moves then depend only on the resulting knot.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Both of these methods come with theorems to say that every knothas such a presentation, along with simple moves on braids relatingany two braids which result in the same knot.

Algebraic constructions starting from a braid which are invariantunder these moves then depend only on the resulting knot.

These give a useful source of knot invariants. The Jonespolynomial was originally defined in this way using closed braidpresentations.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Braids give a convenient way of presenting the group of a knot,and of handling its representations to other groups.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Braids give a convenient way of presenting the group of a knot,and of handling its representations to other groups.

At the heart of this is the action of the braid group Bn on the freegroup Fn of rank n.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Look at a braid β from the front.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Look at a braid β from the front.With the eye as base point we can draw loops once round eachstring at the bottom of the braid, representing elements x1, . . . , xn.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Look at a braid β from the front.With the eye as base point we can draw loops once round eachstring at the bottom of the braid, representing elements x1, . . . , xn.

x1 xn

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Look at a braid β from the front.With the eye as base point we can draw loops once round eachstring at the bottom of the braid, representing elements x1, . . . , xn.

x1 xn

These generate the fundamental group of the complement of thebraid strings in R2 × I , which is free of rank n.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The elements y1, . . . , yn represented by loops round the strings atthe top of the braid are determined by β in terms of x1, . . . , xn.

x1 xn



H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The elements y1, . . . , yn represented by loops round the strings atthe top of the braid are determined by β in terms of x1, . . . , xn.

x1 xn



Write (y1, . . . , yn) = β(x1, . . . , xn).

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The elements y1, . . . , yn represented by loops round the strings atthe top of the braid are determined by β in terms of x1, . . . , xn.

x1 xn



Write (y1, . . . , yn) = β(x1, . . . , xn).The resulting automorphism β of the free group can be foundreadily by composing the automorphisms for the elementary braidsσ±1

i which make up the braid β.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In this way the braid group can be viewed as an explicit subgroupof the automorphism group of the free group Fn.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In this way the braid group can be viewed as an explicit subgroupof the automorphism group of the free group Fn.

The essential part of the automorphism is the action of theelementary braid σi , determining σi(x1, . . . , xn) = (y1, . . . , yn).

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In this way the braid group can be viewed as an explicit subgroupof the automorphism group of the free group Fn.

The essential part of the automorphism is the action of theelementary braid σi , determining σi(x1, . . . , xn) = (y1, . . . , yn).

This is given by yi+1 = xi , yi = x−1i xi+1xi , with yj = xj otherwise.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In this way the braid group can be viewed as an explicit subgroupof the automorphism group of the free group Fn.

The essential part of the automorphism is the action of theelementary braid σi , determining σi(x1, . . . , xn) = (y1, . . . , yn).

This is given by yi+1 = xi , yi = x−1i xi+1xi , with yj = xj otherwise.

The effect at each crossing comes from the simple Wirtingerrelations shown.

a b

a−1ba a

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In this way the braid group can be viewed as an explicit subgroupof the automorphism group of the free group Fn.

The essential part of the automorphism is the action of theelementary braid σi , determining σi(x1, . . . , xn) = (y1, . . . , yn).

This is given by yi+1 = xi , yi = x−1i xi+1xi , with yj = xj otherwise.

The effect at each crossing comes from the simple Wirtingerrelations shown.

a b

a−1ba a

a b

b bab−1

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The presentation for the group of the closure of a braid β is

< x1, . . . , xn | β(x1, . . . , xn) = (x1, . . . , xn) >

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The presentation for the group of the closure of a braid β is

< x1, . . . , xn | β(x1, . . . , xn) = (x1, . . . , xn) >

For the plat closure of an n = 2k braid we have

< x1, . . . , xn | β(x1, . . . , xn) = (y1, . . . , yn),

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The presentation for the group of the closure of a braid β is

< x1, . . . , xn | β(x1, . . . , xn) = (x1, . . . , xn) >

For the plat closure of an n = 2k braid we have

< x1, . . . , xn | β(x1, . . . , xn) = (y1, . . . , yn),

x1x2 = x3x4 = . . . x2k−1x2k = e,

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The presentation for the group of the closure of a braid β is

< x1, . . . , xn | β(x1, . . . , xn) = (x1, . . . , xn) >

For the plat closure of an n = 2k braid we have

< x1, . . . , xn | β(x1, . . . , xn) = (y1, . . . , yn),

x1x2 = x3x4 = . . . x2k−1x2k = e,

y1y2 = . . . y2k−1y2k = e >

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

It is then possible to test out representations of the knot group toa finite group G by going through all sequences of elements(g1, . . . , gn)

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

It is then possible to test out representations of the knot group toa finite group G by going through all sequences of elements(g1, . . . , gn) and counting (for a closed braid) those for whichβ(g1, . . . , gn) = (g1, . . . , gn).

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

It is then possible to test out representations of the knot group toa finite group G by going through all sequences of elements(g1, . . . , gn) and counting (for a closed braid) those for whichβ(g1, . . . , gn) = (g1, . . . , gn).

The count can be refined by fixing the conjugacy class of all theelements gi , and by fixing the subgroup of G that they generate.

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A similar count can be made for a plat.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A similar count can be made for a plat.

For example, the figure eight knot is the plat closure of the 4-braid


−11 σ2 =

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A non-trivial representation of its group using products of twodisjoint 2-cycles in S5 is given by the starting sequence

(g1, g2, g3, g4) = ((25)(34), (25)(34), (13)(45), (13)(45))

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

(25)(34) (25)(34) (13)(45) (13)(45)

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

(25)(34) (25)(34) (13)(45) (13)(45)



H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

(25)(34) (25)(34) (13)(45) (13)(45)



H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

(25)(34) (25)(34) (13)(45) (13)(45)



H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

(25)(34) (25)(34) (13)(45) (13)(45)




H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

(25)(34) (25)(34) (13)(45) (13)(45)

(13)(45)(14)(23) (13)(45)(14)(23)

The final sequence isβ(g1, g2, g3, g4) = ((14)(23), (14)(23), (13)(45), (13)(45)), whichsatisfies the relations.

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

(25)(34) (25)(34) (13)(45) (13)(45)

(13)(45)(14)(23) (13)(45)(14)(23)

The final sequence isβ(g1, g2, g3, g4) = ((14)(23), (14)(23), (13)(45), (13)(45)), whichsatisfies the relations.The image of the knot group in this case is the group D(5) ofsymmetries of a pentagon.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Taking G = S3 and using transpositions counts the classical3-colourings of a knot.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 98: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Taking G = S3 and using transpositions counts the classical3-colourings of a knot. A quick check shows that the figure eightknot only admits trivial 3-colourings - those with the sametransposition in G used throughout.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 99: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

1 Knots

2 BraidsKnots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

3 Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 100: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

It is very easy to find a plat presentation from a diagram of a knotK .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 101: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

It is very easy to find a plat presentation from a diagram of a knotK .Choose a direction in the plane.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 102: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

It is very easy to find a plat presentation from a diagram of a knotK .Choose a direction in the plane.

Move the local maxima and minima of the diagram to take all thelocal maxima to the top and all the local minima to the bottom.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

The result is a plat presentation of K .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In a closed braid diagram the curves run monotonically around apoint.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 107: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In a closed braid diagram the curves run monotonically around apoint.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 108: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

In R3 this corresponds to an axis around which the curves run.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 109: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Compactifying to work in S3 the axis becomes an unknotted curveA ⊂ S3 −K with K running monotonically around the complementS3 − A ∼= S1 × R2.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots


H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots


The closure of a braid determines a link K ∪ A made up of theclosed braid K and axis A.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 112: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Conjugate braids determine isotopic links.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 113: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Conjugate braids determine isotopic links.



β = A



H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 114: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Conjugate braids determine isotopic links.



β = A



Conversely, any two braids determining isotopic links K ∪ A areconjugate.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 115: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

Conjugate braids determine isotopic links.



β = A



Conversely, any two braids determining isotopic links K ∪ A areconjugate.So closed braid + axis is a nice geometric counterpart of aconjugacy class in Bn.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 116: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A closed braid presentation for K corresponds to finding a suitableaxis A ⊂ S3 − K .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 117: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A closed braid presentation for K corresponds to finding a suitableaxis A ⊂ S3 − K .

The essential part is to ensure that K runs monotonically around A.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 118: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A closed braid presentation for K corresponds to finding a suitableaxis A ⊂ S3 − K .

The essential part is to ensure that K runs monotonically around A.

The most efficient method in terms of preserving features of thediagram of K is due to Yamada.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 119: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A closed braid presentation for K corresponds to finding a suitableaxis A ⊂ S3 − K .

The essential part is to ensure that K runs monotonically around A.

The most efficient method in terms of preserving features of thediagram of K is due to Yamada.

A more indirect approach of mine gives a quick existence proof,

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 120: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A closed braid presentation for K corresponds to finding a suitableaxis A ⊂ S3 − K .

The essential part is to ensure that K runs monotonically around A.

The most efficient method in terms of preserving features of thediagram of K is due to Yamada.

A more indirect approach of mine gives a quick existence proof,along with the extra moves needed to pass between any two closedbraid presentations of the same knot.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 121: Slides Morton


Invariants from braids

Knots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

A closed braid presentation for K corresponds to finding a suitableaxis A ⊂ S3 − K .

The essential part is to ensure that K runs monotonically around A.

The most efficient method in terms of preserving features of thediagram of K is due to Yamada.

A more indirect approach of mine gives a quick existence proof,along with the extra moves needed to pass between any two closedbraid presentations of the same knot.

See Threading knot diagrams 1986

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 122: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

As demonstrated earlier, it is quite easy to use braids to deal withrepresentations of the group of a knot K , via plats or closed braids.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 123: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

As demonstrated earlier, it is quite easy to use braids to deal withrepresentations of the group of a knot K , via plats or closed braids.

Closed braids have also been used considerably in defining andcalculating polynomial invariants of K .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 124: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

As demonstrated earlier, it is quite easy to use braids to deal withrepresentations of the group of a knot K , via plats or closed braids.

Closed braids have also been used considerably in defining andcalculating polynomial invariants of K .

There are nice recursive methods for finding the Jones polynomial,and its extension the Homfly polynomial, given a closed braidpresentation of K .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 125: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

As demonstrated earlier, it is quite easy to use braids to deal withrepresentations of the group of a knot K , via plats or closed braids.

Closed braids have also been used considerably in defining andcalculating polynomial invariants of K .

There are nice recursive methods for finding the Jones polynomial,and its extension the Homfly polynomial, given a closed braidpresentation of K .

In this last case the braid is expressed as an element of thefinite-dimensional Hecke algebra, before the effect of closing it istaken into account.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 126: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The Homfly polynomial is also an extension of the classicalAlexander polynomial.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 127: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The Homfly polynomial is also an extension of the classicalAlexander polynomial.

The Burau representation of the braid group gives an establishedway to calculate the Alexander polynomial of a closed braid.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 128: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The Homfly polynomial is also an extension of the classicalAlexander polynomial.

The Burau representation of the braid group gives an establishedway to calculate the Alexander polynomial of a closed braid.

A less known variant of the Burau representation can be used todeal neatly with the multivariable Alexander polynomial.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 129: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The Homfly polynomial is also an extension of the classicalAlexander polynomial.

The Burau representation of the braid group gives an establishedway to calculate the Alexander polynomial of a closed braid.

A less known variant of the Burau representation can be used todeal neatly with the multivariable Alexander polynomial. Thisworks most naturally for the link consisting of the closed braid andits axis.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 130: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

1 Knots

2 BraidsKnots from braidsFinding braid presentations for knots

3 Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 131: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

Label the individual strings of β ∈ Bn by t1, . . . , tn, putting thelabel tj on the string which starts from the point j at the bottom.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 132: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

Label the individual strings of β ∈ Bn by t1, . . . , tn, putting thelabel tj on the string which starts from the point j at the bottom.

For example when β = σ1σ−12 σ1σ

−12 σ1σ

−12 σ3 we have

t1 t2 t3 t4






t4 t3

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 133: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

Write Ci(a) for the (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix which differs from theunit matrix only in the three places shown on row i , for1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1.

Ci (a) =

1. . .

1a −a 1

1. . .



H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 134: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

Write Ci(a) for the (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix which differs from theunit matrix only in the three places shown on row i , for1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1.

Ci (a) =

1. . .

1a −a 1

1. . .



When i = 1 or i = n − 1 the matrix is truncated appropriately togive two non-zero entries in row i .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 135: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

Now construct the coloured reduced Burau matrix Bβ(t1, . . . , tn)of the general braid

β =





as a product of matrices Ci (a), in which a is the label of thecurrent undercrossing string.

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Page 136: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

Now construct the coloured reduced Burau matrix Bβ(t1, . . . , tn)of the general braid

β =





as a product of matrices Ci (a), in which a is the label of thecurrent undercrossing string.


Bβ(t1, . . . , tn) =



(Cir (ar ))εr ,

where ar is the label of the undercrossing string at crossing r ,counted from the top of the braid.

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Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

In the example shown, where β = σ1σ−12 σ1σ

−12 σ1σ

−12 σ3, the labels

a1, . . . , a7 are t1, t4, t2, t1, t4, t2, t4 respectively and Bβ is the3 × 3 matrix product



H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

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Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The braid β determines a permutation π ∈ Sn where the stringsrun from position j at the bottom to position π(j) at the top. Inour example above π(1) = 1, π(2) = 2, π(3) = 4, π(4) = 3.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 139: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The braid β determines a permutation π ∈ Sn where the stringsrun from position j at the bottom to position π(j) at the top. Inour example above π(1) = 1, π(2) = 2, π(3) = 4, π(4) = 3.

Theorem The multivariable Alexander polynomial ∆β̂∪A

, where A

is the axis of the closed n-braid β̂, is given by the characteristicpolynomial det(I − xBβ(t1, . . . , tn)) with the identifications ofvariables tπ(j) = tj .

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 140: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The polynomial for the closed braid itself, without the axis, can befound from the Torres-Fox formula.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 141: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The polynomial for the closed braid itself, without the axis, can befound from the Torres-Fox formula.

In this case we must set x = 1, to suppress the axis, and divide by1 − t1t2 . . . tn.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 142: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The polynomial for the closed braid itself, without the axis, can befound from the Torres-Fox formula.

In this case we must set x = 1, to suppress the axis, and divide by1 − t1t2 . . . tn.

A simple Maple procedure multiburau.maple implementing thiscan be found on the Liverpool knot theory website.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 143: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The polynomial for the closed braid itself, without the axis, can befound from the Torres-Fox formula.

In this case we must set x = 1, to suppress the axis, and divide by1 − t1t2 . . . tn.

A simple Maple procedure multiburau.maple implementing thiscan be found on the Liverpool knot theory website.

An older program for calculating the Homfly polynomial of a closedbraid can also be found there, as well as details of other papers.

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants

Page 144: Slides Morton


Invariants from braidsThe coloured Burau representation

The polynomial for the closed braid itself, without the axis, can befound from the Torres-Fox formula.

In this case we must set x = 1, to suppress the axis, and divide by1 − t1t2 . . . tn.

A simple Maple procedure multiburau.maple implementing thiscan be found on the Liverpool knot theory website.

An older program for calculating the Homfly polynomial of a closedbraid can also be found there, as well as details of other papers.

(Google Hugh Morton to find them)

H.R.Morton Knots, braids and invariants