slides02 oop uml - queen's...

1 CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 1 First Topic: OOP and UML Plan for this topic: review OOP and introduce UML Recall three basic concepts of OOP: 1. encapsulation 2. inheritance 3. polymorphism This course uses Java as its OO programming language. Concepts will apply to other OO languages. Reading on OOP: Bahrami chapter 2 If you need review on Java details, consult any Java text or Thinking in Java on the web. CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 2 Modeling Engineers build models of objects physical models different kinds of paper models (diagrams, blueprints) Software designers build models of software Reasons for models: simplified version of final product: easier to understand helps you record & communicate design decisions expose errors & possible simplifications provides documentation afterwards for maintenance Single model may not be enough: different views different levels of detail CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 3 UML UML = Unified Modeling Language Notation for modeling software UML includes many kinds of diagrams, many kinds of components & connectors You don't have to know all details of UML Slides are a good guideline for how much to know Reading from Bahrami: Chapter 5, up to and including Section (UML Sequence Diagram) CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 4 UML Diagrams Many different kinds of UML diagrams. For now, we will discuss: Class diagrams – models classes of objects requirements analysis: real world objects detailed design: software objects Use case diagrams – models a use of the system Sequence diagrams – models interaction of system and environment We will introduce class diagrams in parallel with the OOP review, then return to use case and sequence diagrams

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Page 1: slides02 OOP UML - Queen's… · UML includes many kinds of diagrams, many kinds of components & connectors


CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 1

First Topic: OOP and UML

Plan for this topic: review OOP and introduce UML

Recall three basic concepts of OOP:1. encapsulation2. inheritance3. polymorphism

This course uses Java as its OO programming language.Concepts will apply to other OO languages.

Reading on OOP: Bahrami chapter 2If you need review on Java details, consult any Java text or

Thinking in Java on the web.

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 2

ModelingEngineers build models of objects • physical models• different kinds of paper models (diagrams, blueprints)

Software designers build models of softwareReasons for models:• simplified version of final product: easier to understand• helps you record & communicate design decisions• expose errors & possible simplifications• provides documentation afterwards for maintenance

Single model may not be enough:• different views• different levels of detail

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 3

UMLUML = Unified Modeling Language

Notation for modeling software

UML includes many kinds of diagrams, many kinds of components & connectors

You don't have to know all details of UML

Slides are a good guideline for how much to know

Reading from Bahrami: Chapter 5, up to and including Section (UML Sequence Diagram)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 4

UML DiagramsMany different kinds of UML diagrams.

For now, we will discuss:• Class diagrams – models classes of objects

• requirements analysis: real world objects• detailed design: software objects

• Use case diagrams – models a use of the system• Sequence diagrams – models interaction of system and


We will introduce class diagrams in parallel with the OOP review, then return to use case and sequence diagrams

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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 5

Important Point About UMLUML is not a programming languagediagrammatic language meant to be read by humans

may be many options, shades of meaning

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 6

Java Classes: Quick ReviewA class is a template for a kind of object

objects of the class have attributes (instance variables, fields) which contain data

objects also have methods for using and modifying data inside the objects

attributes and methods may be static (belong to class, not individual objects)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 7

Example Class: Employee

Purpose of class: keep track of an employee for payroll purposes

Very simple class diagram:


No information about attributes & methods

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 8


What data will we store in Employee object?• basic information (name & job title)• hourly wage• amount of pay earned so far


name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: double

Expand class diagram to include attributes:

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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 9

Java Code/*** A class to record information about employees* for payroll purposes.*/

public class Employee {/** the employee's name */private String name;/** the employee's job title */private String jobTitle;/** the hourly wage for the employee */private double wage;/** the amount of money the company currently

owes the employee */private double payOwed;

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 10

Methods for Employee Class

What do we want to do to/with an Employee?• create & initialize an Employee object (constructor)• record pay for hours worked• find out how much we currently owe the employee• zero the pay owed (after issuing paycheck)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 11

Put Methods in Class Diagram

Employeename: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: double


Add third section for methods

Haven't decided on method details yet(parameters & return value)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 12

First Method/**

* Pays the employee for a number of hours

* worked. This increases the amount of pay

* owed to the employee.


* Parameter: the number of hours worked


public void pay(int hours) {

// pay for these hours

double newPay = hours * wage;

payOwed += newPay;

} // end pay

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Another Method/**

* Returns the amount of pay owed to this

* employee.


* Return value: the pay owed


public double amountToPay() {

return payOwed;

} // end amountToPay

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 14

Yet Another Method


* Zeros the amount of pay owed to this

* employee. Call this method after you write

* the employee a cheque for a pay period.


public void zero() {

payOwed = 0;

} // end zero

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 15

More Detailed Class Diagram

Now we've decided on method details, can include them in third section of diagram


name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: double

void pay(int hours)double amountToPay()void zero()

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 16

Different Class DiagramsSeveral class diagrams for the Employee class:


name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: doublevoid pay(int hours)double amountToPay()void zero()


name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: double



name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: double



All are correct.Which to use?

depends on circumstances


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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 17

Reminder: Using the Employee Class// in another class:

Employee muldur =

new Employee("Muldur", "agent", 25);;;

System.out.println("amount to pay Muldur: $"

+ muldur.amountToPay());

output is: amount to pay Muldur: $450

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 18

Reminder: Information Hiding

Code made all attributes are private instance variables – i.e.:private double payOwed;

can't access or change muldur.payOwed directlyinstead, use methods pay, amountToPaygives us control over how the user can change the object

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 19

Access Modifiers in Class Diagram

If you want to show whether attributes are private, public or protected: use abbreviations

+: public#: protected-: private


-name: String-jobTitle: String-wage: double-payOwed: double

If you don't use one of these modifiers, you are choosing not to specify (not using a default)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 20

Relationships Between Classes

UML Class Diagrams can express relationships between classesSuppose we have a class called OfficeEach Employee is associated with an OfficeLine between classes represents an association:

Employee Office

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Association Name

We can give a name to the association by putting a label in the middle of the line.

A triangle by the name shows the direction for the name:An Employee "worksIn" an Office.

Employee OfficeworksIn

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 22

Association Roles

In defining an association between two classes, we can give names to the roles of either or both classes:

Employee Officeoccupant workplace

We can name the association and the roles if we want to:

Employee Officeoccupant workplaceworksIn

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 23

What an Association Means

An association between Employee & Office means a logical connection, not any particular implementation.

Possible implementations:• each Employee contains pointer to an Office• each Office contains pointer to an Employee• both of above• central table or database of (Office, Employee) pairs• etc.

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 24


If we put an arrow on an association, it means there is a way tonavigate from one class to another.

Above diagram means software will provide a way to go from an Employee to the Employee's Office

Could mean each Employee has pointer to his/her office

Or could mean some kind of central table

Employee Office

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Caution About Connections

UML class diagrams use many different kinds of connections:

Careful about which you use; all have different meanings!

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 26

Associations & Multiplicity (1)Typical arrangement:

• each employee has just one office• some offices are private, some shared by 2-3 employees

Other possiblilities:• all offices are private• some employees have multiple roles, different offices

for each• contract employees with no offices• vacant offices

UML we've shown doesn't specify

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 27

Associations & Multiplicity (2)

Employee OfficeworksIn

One-to-one correspondence.Every employee has one private office.One employee to an office.One office per employee.

1 1

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 28

Associations & Multiplicity (3)

Employee OfficeworksIn

Many-to-one correspondence.Every employee has one office.An office can have more than one employee in it, but no

vacant offices

1..* 1

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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 29

Associations & Multiplicity (4)

Employee OfficeworksIn

Many-to-one correspondence.Every employee has one office.An office can have any number of employees, or be

vacantNote: * is equivalent to 0..*

* 1

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 30

Associations & Multiplicity (5)

Employee OfficeworksIn

Every office is private: one employee.Some employees have no office.

1 0..1

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Associations & Multiplicity (6)

Employee OfficeworksIn

An office has from 1 to 3 people in it.An employee can have no office, one office, or two offices.

1..3 0..2

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 32

Reflexive Associations



An association can connect a class to itself:



Recall open arrows for navigability.Means can go from person to parent or person to children.Parent can have any number of childrenPerson can have up to 2 parents recorded

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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 33


CD Trackcontains

A CD contains one or more tracks.The filled diamond means composition.A CD is composed of Tracks.A Track is part of a CD – won't exist on its own.Tracks can belong to only one CD.If you delete the CD, the Tracks go away too.

1 1..*

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 34

Another Way to Show Composition


Track 1..*

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 35


A hollow diamond means aggregation.Similar to composition: a CD is made up of tracks.A Song may belong to more than one CDWith aggregation, it's possible to delete a CD without

all the Songs going away.Difference are often subtle – don't sweat it!

CD Songcontains* 1..*


1 1*

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 36


A qualifier is an attribute of an association:a piece of information about the association betweentwo objects





track number

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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 37

Another Example

Project & Resource Management System



Task Resource





1..*Assigned To* 1



Alhir, Sinan Si, UML in a Nushell, O'Reilly & Associates, 1998, pp. 76-77

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 38

Association Classes

An Experience object contains information about a(Skill, Resource) pair:

expert or novice, years of experience, etc.





CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 39

Object Diagrams

Similar to class diagrams. Shows objects rather than classes.Provides a "snapshot" of the system at some moment in time.

Mary: Employee

name = "Mary"jobTitle = "manager"

wage = 35payOwed = 280

George: Employee

name = "George"jobTitle = "typist"

wage = 20payOwed = 160


building = "Goodwin"number = 123



CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 40

Back to Employee Class

What if we want another kind of employee?


name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: doublevoid pay(int hours)double amountToPay()void zero()

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A salesperson is paid by the hour like all employeesalso gets a commission: percentage of sales made

How to handle this in our program?We want a class like Employee with added features:

rate of commission (attribute)way to record a sale (method)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 42

Option 1: Change Employee

Change the Employee classAdd commission rate & method for recording saleFor many employees, commission rate is zeroProblems:

extra computations & storage for alldoesn't relect our mental picture

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 43

Option 2: Copy of Employee

Create a separate class called Salesperson. • Copy all attributes & methods from Employee • add commission stuff

Problem: lots of repeated code. • more typing• more chance to make mistakes• 2 classes to maintain• still doesn't reflect our mental picture: classes are


CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 44

Better Way: Use Inheritance

Java lets us extend a class: • create a new class which adds to another class • or changes the other class in certain ways

Java Syntax:public class Salesperson extends Employee {

// extra attributes

// extra methods

} // end class Salesperson

Meaning:• contains all methods & attributes from Employee• plus the extras we added.

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Salesperson Class

public class Salesperson extends Employee {

// constructor(s)....

// The salesperson's commission rate. // Must be between 0 and 1.private double rate;

// Pays commission for a salepublic void payForSale(double saleAmount) {

payOwed += rate * saleAmount;} // end payForSale

} // end class Salesperson

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 46

UML For InheritanceArrow with hollow triangle

head representsgeneralization (inheritance).


name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: doublevoid pay(int hours)double amountToPay()void zero()


rate: double

void payForSale(double amt)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 47


Employee is the superclass or parent class Salesperson is the subclass or child class Salesperson extends Employee.Salesperson inherits attributes & methods from Employee.

Salesperson is a derived class(derived from Employee)

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Using Salesperson

Salesperson loman = new Salesperson("Willy Loman", "salesperson", 10, 0.2);; loman.payForSale(400);System.out.println("amount to pay Willy Loman: $"

+ loman.amountToPay());

Notice: loman is object of class SalespersonWe called loman.amountToPay: method from EmployeeAlso called loman.payForSale: method from Salesperson

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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 49

Another Derived Class

In our company, only executive employees can receive bonuses

A bonus is a one-time payment, not based on hoursHow to represent?Derive another class from Employee

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 50

UML: Two Subclasses


name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: doublevoid pay(int hours)double amountToPay()void zero()


rate: double

void payForSale(double amt)


void payBonus(double amt)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 51

One More Subclass

In our company, most employees don't get overtime.Some unionized employees do get overtime:

1.5 times their salary for hours more than 8 in a day

Define new class: UnionizedNo new attributes or methodsChange in the way the pay method works –

overrides the pay method

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 52

Unionized Classpublic class Unionized extends Employee {

// constructor(s)....

public void pay(int hours) {// Increase any hours > 8 by 50%if (hours > 8) {

int extra = hours - 8;hours += extra / 2;

} // end if// now pay as beforepayOwed += hours * wage;

} // end pay

} // end Unionized

same as pay method fromparent class (Employee);


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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 53

UML: Three SubclassesEmployee

name: StringjobTitle: Stringwage: doublepayOwed: doublevoid pay(int hours)double amountToPay()void zero()


rate: double

void payForSale(double amt)


void payBonus(double amt)


void pay(int hours)

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 54

Multiple Inheritance (1)

Another kind of employee: executive salespersonGets commission, also eligible for bonusesHow to implement?New class could be subclass of Salesperson or ExecutiveWe want it to inherit features of both

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 55

Multiple Inheritance (2)

In some languages (C++), a class can extend more than one other class: inherits attributes & methods of both

Not legal in Java! A class can have only one parent.UML allows


Salesperson Executive


CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 56

Abstract Classes: Rationale

Employee example: parent class is useful on its ownWe instantiate Employee as well as sub-classes


Executive Salesperson Unionized

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CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 57

Abstract Classes: Rationale

• Would never instantiate Animal• Class is useful to hold common data & methods• Provides structure to hierarchy

- can have array of Animals

Sometimes parent class is more of a placeholderAnimal

Dog Cat Monkey

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 58

Example: Drawing Program

Common data:• color & position

Common methods:• change position & color

Subclasses contain:• draw & resize methods• shape-specific data

Shape is an abstract classNever instantiatedIncomplete: placeholders only

for draw & resize

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 59

Abstract Class in Java

public abstract class Shape {private <type> color;private <type> position;public void setColor(...) {

<code to change color>}public void move(...) {

<code to change position>}public abstract draw();public abstract resize(...);

} // end class Shape

abstract methods have no bodies

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 60

Abstract Methods

Shape will never be instantiatedEach subclass must provide own version of draw()So Shape doesn't really need a body for drawUse an abstract method: header onlyWhy put draw in Shape at all??

so dynamic binding is possibleit's just a placeholdersays every subclass must define a draw method

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Abstract Classes in UML Class Diagram

Two ways to show a class is abstract







with italics: with a label:

Abstract methods shown in italics

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 62


An abstract class may contain• attributes• abstract methods • concrete methods

If a class contains an abstract method:• it must be declared as an abstract class• it may not be instantiated

Concrete subclass of abstract class must overrideall abstract methods

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 63

Abstract classes vary in how abstract they are.One extreme: mostly concrete

• lots of data• many concrete methods• one abstract method to be filled in by subclasses

Other extreme: completely abstract• no data• only abstract methods

Concrete to Abstract

Java calls this an Interface

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 64


an interface is an abstract class that contains only abstract methods – no data, no concrete methods

an interface is a skeleton or template for a classspecifies methods it must have, but no real contentan interface is a skeleton or template for a classspecifies methods it must have, but no real content

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Recall from 121: Stack is an abstract data typeoperations: push, pop, isEmptytwo ways to implement: with array or linked list

Example: Stacks

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public interface Stack {

public void push(int i);

public int pop();

public boolean isEmpty();

} // end interface Stack

Stack Interface

Note: all methods in an interface are abstract.Don't need keyword abstract in declarations

Terminology:you can extend an abstract classyou implement an interface

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 67

public class ArrayStack implements Stack {private int elements[];private int topIndex;

Array Implementation

public ArrayStack() {elements = new int[100];topIndex = -1;

} // end constructor

public void push(int i) {...}public int pop() {...}

public boolean isEmpty() {return topIndex == -1;

} // end isEmpty} // end class ArrayStack

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 68

public class LinkedStack implements Stack {// private attributes for a linked list

Linked List Implementation

public LinkedStack() {....

} // end constructor

public void push(int i) {...}public int pop() {...}

public boolean isEmpty() {....

} // end isEmpty} // end class LinkedStack

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UML For Interfaces

"interface" is a Java conceptuseful distinction between partly & completely abstractmany other OO languages (C++) don't have interfacesin C++, Stack would be an abstract class

in UML class diagrams, show interfaces like abstract classesuse special "stereotype" to note the class is a Java


ArrayStack LinkedStack

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 70

Use Case DiagramModels functionality or requirements for software, not structure of software

Describe interactions between users and system

Users can be humans or other hardware/software systems.

Vocabulary:actor: A user of a system. May be a human

or another systemuse case: A flow of events performed by the system,

initiated by an actor

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 71

High-Level Example

Manage Resources

Manage Projects

Administer System

Project Manager

System Administrator

Resource Manager


box represents system

stick figures are human actors

box with <<actor>> is non-human actor

ovals are use cases

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 72

Sub-Use Cases

Remove Resource

Update Resource

Resource ManagerFind Resource<<uses>>


• One use case can "use" another use case

• Useful for breaking down use case into parts, or showing common parts

• Example: to remove or update a resource, must find it

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Refining Use Cases

Update Resource

Resource Manager

Assign Skill to Resource

Unassign Skill from Resource


• May break down a use case into several more specific use cases• similar to extending a class in Java

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 74

Another Example

from UML Notation Guide

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Notes About Use CasesUse cases do not document how a system works

Document who uses the system (actors)

Enumerates different ways the actors use the system

No detail about what happens within a use case

Each actor represents a category of users, not a single user• previous example: would be multiple customers,

salespeople, etc.

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 76

Behavior DiagramsUse case diagrams show desired behaviorClass diagrams show classes used in software (static), not how objects behaveBehavior Diagrams capture dynamic behavior of objectsFour kinds of UML behavior diagrams:

sequence diagramscollaboration diagramsstatechart diagramsactivity diagrams

We will discuss sequence diagrams only.

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Sequence DiagramsA sequence diagram shows the interactions between several objectsModel communication between objects as messagesCan show how objects will implement a use caseSimple example: buying meal at McDonaldsuse case diagram:

Buy Meal

Customer Cashier Cook

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 78

Details of Scenario

Three objects in scenario: customer, cashier, cook• Customer gives order to cashier• Cashier asks cook for food• Cook gives food to cashier• Cashier asks customer for money• Customer gives money to cashier• Cashier gives food to customer

Sequence diagram will show this graphically

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Objects & Lifelines

Each object represented by a boxVertical line represents time: "lifeline" of object

Customer Cashier Cook

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First Message

Represent messages between objects by solid arrows

Customer Cashier Cook

Place order

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Second Message

Time moves down in a sequence diagramSo second message goes under first one.

Customer Cashier Cook

Place orderRequest food

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More Messages

Customer Cashier Cook

Place orderRequest food

Give money

Send food

Announce price

Give food

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Customer Cashier Cook

Message may have a condition in brackets

Place order

Give money

Send food

Announce price

Give food

Request food

[money is enough]

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Customer Cashier Cook

A sequence of messages may repeat

Give money

Send foodAnnounce price

Give food

Request food

Ask for more money

[until enough money]

Place order

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Note About Sequence Diagrams

A sequence diagram is meant to represent a fairly simple sequence of events

It doesn't have to represent whole system

Other possible MacDonald's scenarios• user orders menu item, server says it's not available• user changes mind or returns item• user doesn't have enough money• server makes mistake in computing bill

Don't try to combine all possibilities in one sequence diagram; use separate sequence diagram for each scenario

CISC 323, winter 2003, OOP/UML 86

Another Example: Elevator

Passenger Button Controller Elevator Door

press update


floor reached

stopcancel illuminate



from UML By Examples,