smart cities - macrotrends

Andrea Paraboschi Smart Cities Introduction Trento, 22 February 2013 Smart Cities Macrotrends

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This presentation offers a brief overview on the Smart Cities topic, providing some data and some useful insights about why new kind of cities are needed and at the same time presenting some trends that boost the emergence of new urban paradigms.


Page 1: Smart Cities  - Macrotrends

Andrea Paraboschi

Smart Cities Introduction Trento, 22 February 2013

Smart Cities !


Page 2: Smart Cities  - Macrotrends

“The 19th century was a century of empires, the 20th century was a century of nation states, the 21st century will be a century of cities”.

Wellington E. Webb, former mayor of Denver

D'una città non godi le sette o le settantasette meraviglie, ma la risposta che dà a una tua domanda.

Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili (1972).

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By 2050, world population will be 9 billion people (+30%) By 2050, 70% of the world’s population will be urban (+20%)

1,25 million people moving from rural villages to cities each week

Result: +3 billion people will live in cities. Two times more than now.

Problem setting / Macro - I

data: Unicef, UN, ICSNC image source:

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Demographic decline + Dramatic increase of very old people Cultural diversity Growing social polarisation and segregation Loss of manufactury jobs (mono-sectorial cities under threat) Environment-related issues

Problem setting / Macro - II

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Problem setting / Micro -1

Can we still talk about cities?

!Administrative unit MUA (Morphological Urban Area): built-up space FUA (Functional Urban Area): mobility patterns

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Problems can have local symptoms but require a wider territorial solution

Problem setting / Micro - II

Can we still talk about cities?

Urban and rural are melting - Rurban / Urban sprawl

Cities are entities in constant evolution

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Europe 2020

Smart growth

Green growth

Inclusive growth

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Automation Substitution


City as a platform Data fusion Smart Grids

Technology will connect and enrich lives

Open Innovation Innovation Networks


Digital Transformation


Mass Collaboration

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By the end of 2014 40.000 PByte/month

Average growth: +47% YoY

Scenario settingGlobal Internet traffic growth

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2 billion people on the Internet (2011)

Instrumented world

More than 1 trillion connected devices in the world

Source: IBM

1 : 500

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Always-on world

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ICT Macrotrends

Cloud computing

Moore’s law

Instrumented world Internet of things

Open source & standards

Social media

Big data

Open data Ubiquitous hi-speed connectivity

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Industrial Internet

Industrial Internet Revolution

Industrial Revolution

Internet Revolution


Intelligent Networks

Intelligent Devices

Intelligent Decisioning

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New cities vs existing cities

images: Masdar City, Florence

needs proper design needs proper upgrade

Create productive districts at human speed inside a hyper-connected and zero-emissions city

!Techno-city different from Smart City

Common goal

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How to reach human speed?


Information Knowledge


3 parkings available in Vicolo Stretto

parking 50m

Real world

Digital world

Parking management system

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The role of a TELCO in a Smart Community


Information Knowledge


•Data gathering through mobile sensors •Key elements: Network coverage,

App co-design

•Data transmission •Key element: Data network speed •Data processing

•Key element: Cloud processing

•Data transmission to final user •Key elements: Network coverage,

App co-design






focus on hardware

focus on software


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Smart Community as a platform

ICT Infrastructure

Solution Areas

City processes and services

City outcomes and aspirations

Need of a Distributed intelligence + Integrated management

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The need of STANDARDS NO Silos, let’s make Bricks!


City Management

Private Companies

scalability modularity

cross-city systems

Middleware solutions open APIs Custom system

Standardization process

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The contribution of IT to global CO2 emissions

data: Gartner

IT Other

IT CO2 emissions account for 2% !

IT can significantly contribute to reduce the 98% of emissions caused

by other activities or industries

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Reducing negative esternalities

Standards creation support Smart Apps co-design

Boost hi-speed internet demand

Ubiquitous hi-speed network Wired or wireless according to speed needs

and urbanisation level

TELCO priorities for Smart Communities

Digital Transformation


Mass Collaboration

Page 21: Smart Cities  - Macrotrends

Caragliu A., Del Bo C., Nijkamp P., Smart Cities in Europe. 3rd Central European Conference in Regional Science – CERS, 2009

Technology itself is not enough...

Urban performance currently depends not only on the city’ s endowment of hard infrastructure (‘physical capital’), but also, and increasingly so, on the availability and quality of knowledge communication and social

infrastructure (‘human and social capital’). The latter form of capital is decisive for urban competitiveness.

Utilization of ICT

Business Led Urban


Social Inclusion

Focus on hi-tech and

creative industries

Attention to social and

relational capital

Social and environmental sustainability







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What has to be Smart?

Smart Economy Smart


Smart Environment

Smart People

Smart Living Smart


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What is a Smart City?

Caragliu A., Del Bo C., Nijkamp P., Smart Cities in Europe. 3rd Central European Conference in Regional Science – CERS, 2009

We believe a city to be smart when investments in human and social capital and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources, through participatory governance.

2000 2005 2010

Smart City as a Digital City

Smart City as an Socially Inclusive City

Smart City as a city with a

higher quality of life

Hardware Software Hardware and Software

The evolution of Smart City definition

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Andrea Paraboschi

Smart Cities Introduction Trento, 22 February 2013

Smart Cities !
