smart girl's guide: campus edition


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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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Smart Girl's Guide is a monthly digital magazine created by The Smart Girls Group


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Happy Thanksgiving, Smart Girls! I know what you’re thinking: Issue No. 7 is three weeks late. Yes, you are right. As most of you know, Hurricane Sandy has completely destroyed parts of the East Coast. I personally live on a barrier island off the coast of the Jersey Shore and I can tell you first hand that Sandy was truly devastating. Since the start of The Smart Girls Group, for the first time, we had to postpone an issue’s release. Girls within SGG were in similar circumstances due to the storm and as a staff, we made the executive decision that the Smart Girl responsibility would be to focus on our families and the communitities who are suffering. For all of you who have been affected by this hurricane, my thoughts are with you and your families. As always, you can reach out to us.

The Smart Girls Group is back in action and I speak for everyone when I say this Thanksgiving, we are thankful for the Smart Girl sisterhood. I was moved to see how many girls in SGG reached out to each other following the storm. I am amazed by the amount of emails I personally recieved from Smart Girls all over the world. We really are much more than just a website or a magazine. We may be from different corners of the world, with different smarts and different lifestyles, but at the end of the day, we have our Smart Girl sisters to support us during the most challenging times.

So, welcome to Smart Girl’s Guide: Campus Edition. Since the start of The Smart Girls Group, I knew I wanted to have a component of SGG strictly for college girls. I saw a lack of online content that connected Smart Girls from the same universities. Eleven months later, we have chapters in nine universities from Alabama to Maryland and New York to Florida. The best part is, this is just the start! Hopefully, some day we will have Smart Girls at hundreds of universities throughout the U.S. and beyond.

I’d like to thank Megan Becker for all of her work on this program. Without her, none of this would be possible. I would also like to thank all of our Campus Smart Girls. These girls are the leaders and the much needed voices on college campuses. Finally, we would never be able to release another SGG product, were it not for our SGG community and Smart Story Spreaders. Thank you for all of your support. Whether you have shared our story with one person or one-hundred, we would not be here without you. To all of you, we are grateful.

Thank you to all the Smart Girls, whom in less than one year have changed my life and the lives of others forever. Happy Thanksgiving!

Be Smart, Share Smarts,

EmilySmart Starter

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Meet the Cover Girl: Keeley.....................................................................4From the Collegiate Correspondent: Megan......................................9University of Alabama: Amber.............................................................12University of Kentucky: Kati.................................................................13Hofstra University: Shannon................................................................14Fashion Institute of Technology: Nikki...............................................15Michigan State University: Anna........................................................16Saint Mary’s College: Keeley..................................................................17Florida State University: Stephanie & Madison..............................18University of South Alabama: Kaitlin...............................................20University of Eastern Michigan: Abigail...........................................21Sweet Briar College: Rebecca...............................................................22Dear Smart Girl: Special Edition.......................................................24

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photography by Tori Wilbraham

In the spirit of Smart Girl’s Guide: Campus Edition and the launch of our latest program, Campus Smart Girls, we traveled to Notre Dame, Indiana to meet Keeley Frost, our Campus Smart Girl for Saint Mary’s College. From the moment we met Keeley last summer, she told us that she wanted to be involved in The Smart Girls Group. Thanks to Keeley, girls are reading Smart Girl’s Guide in the dining hall and SGG was featured in the University of Notre Dame/Saint Mary’s student newspaper, The Observer. To say Keeley is a Smart Girl would be an understatement. We are please to introduce you to our cover girl, Keeley Frost.

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Age: 18Hometown: Malvern, PennsylvaniaSchool: Saint Mary’s CollegeMajor: AccoundingFavorite thing about Saint Mary’s: The small class size so I can really get to know my professors!Favorite travel destination: Stone Harbor, New JerseyFavorite place to go in South Bend: The Grotto at Notre DameHidden Talent? Riding a bike with no handle bars!Dream job? A Certified Public Accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopersWhat inspires you? I am inspired by the people who go out of their way to do the little things of helping people and it always reassures me how kind people can be and it makes me to return the favor of a good deed. Who is your Smart Girl role model? My Smart Girl role models are Smart Smarter, Emily Raleigh, and Smarts Searcher, Tori Wilbraham, because with out them I would have never known about it. I also look up to them immense-ly for all of the hard work they put into SGG. The amount of success they have had at such a young age is amazing. How do you want to be a Smart Girl at Saint Mary’s? I want to be a Smart Girl at Saint Mary’s by inspiring and giving confidence to the girl who would like to inspire others by sharing her smarts. Smart Girls Group really influenced me and gave me con-fidence and I would love nothing more than to give back and share what I have received from this group.

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We believe in inclusion.We believe in community.We believe in opportunity.

Getting involved in The Smart Girls Group is easy. We welcome all girls

who would like to become part of our growing community. Whether you

like biology, cooking, or graphic design, you have a place here to

share your smarts and learn from other Smart Girls.

For more info, email us at getinvolved@thesmartgirlsgroup.

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A few high school girls, wise beyond their years, created The Smart Girls Group. Fast forward almost one year later, and The Smart Girls Group has evolved far past the wildest imagination of Smart Starter, Emily Raleigh. With the latest installment of the ever-growing community, we are proud to present the collegiate program! In the following pages you will be introduced to our very first Campus Smart Girls from schools all over the country. College is the time in a young woman’s life where she has the ability to create her own path. From selecting your major and course work to clubs and activities, your destiny and journey is your own to design. Through the collegiate program, we hope to document Smart Girls all over the world in their unique endeavors. Over the next few months you can look forward to all different types of advice, infor-mation, and personal stories from our college Smart Girls. They will be documenting their collegiate lives first hand for all of you special readers! All of these women are Smart Girls just like you. As the development of our college program continues, you can look forward to a men-toring program within the next year or so, where middle school and high school students will be able to ask for help and advice from the girls attending their dream schools! We are eager to share our tips on everything from admission to your first days on campus and even up to graduation day. The Smart Girls Group is more than a brand or website, it is a community for the most driven women in the country, who believe that helping others is helping themselves, and that experiences shape your future. It is true that you get what you give, and SGG thrives on this message. We could not make any of this possible without you, our amazing and dedicated readers. You have made this collegiate program achievable and I am pleased to share with you what the power of your suggestions and dedication to The Smart Girls Group has done.

As always, Be Smart, Share Smarts, and the only silly idea is the one that isn’t given or voiced,

Megan Becker Collegiate Correspondent

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Amber Ausley

Year: FreshmanHometown: Louisville, KYFavorite food: Apple PieFavorite movie: The NotebookFavorite television series: Gilmore GirlsFavorite quote:“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” -Coco ChanelHow would you define a Smart Girl?A Smart Girl is someone who is humble, but confident, intellectual, but imaginative, and not only works every day to better herself, but also better the lives of everyone she meets.What types of articles can we look forward to from you?Everything is fair game. You will read articles about living far from home, fashion, academics, greek life, sports, fitness, southern culture and everything in between.

What are your plans for the future of the campus program?Hopefully to have y’all fall in love with The University of Alabama as much as I have. I really want to prepare girls for college through different student points of view. I hope our articles will give you something to look forward to and motiva-tion throughout the year.

“A Smart Girl not only works every

day to better herself, but also better the lives of everyone she meets.”

click here to read SGG University of Alabama!

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Kati Fisher

Year: FreshmanHometown:Cicero, INFavorite food: I have to pick just one? Prob-ably some kind of fruit :)Favorite movie: The HolidayFavorite television series: Gilmore GirlsFavorite quote:“Do one thing each day that scares you.” Eleanor Roosevelt

How would you define a Smart Girl?I define a Smart Girl as someone that wants to help others better themselves by sharing herself and letting the world know what she has to offer. I think a Smart Girl is someone who inspires those around her, and even herself sometimes.What types of articles can we look forward to from you?I hope to write articles about manners, be-cause by going to a southern university, it is instilled in the southern girls that grow up to be women the proper way is the only way. In a society where manners aren’t as important as they were in previous genera-tions, I think this is very important. Other than that, I will write about anything that inspires me. What are your plans for the future of the campus program?I plan to promote and make as many girls at UK a part of the Campus Smart Girls as possible!

“A Smart Girl is someone who

inspires those around her, and even herself


click here to read SGG University of Kentucky!

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Shannon Shimrock

Year: FreshmanHometown:Toms River, NJFavorite food: Macintosh ApplesFavorite movie: Pride and PrejudiceFavorite television series: The OCFavorite quote:“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover” - Mark TwainHow would you define a Smart Girl?How would I define a Smart Girl? I would say a smart girl is someone whom, above ev-erything else, never stops believing in herself. She tries her best in everything she does and makes big plans for her future. She is inspired by anything from the dancing waves in the ocean to the swirling sky above her. She is someone who uses all of her time wisely and embraces every opportunity. A smart girl is a girl who is living her life to the fullest without lingering on the bad parts. She learns from her mistakes and takes nothing for granted. A smart girl is someone who smiles, makes life meaningful, accessorizes fabulously, refus-es to have regrets, and is thankful for all that life has given her.

What types of articles can we look forward to from you?There is so much to say about Hofstra Uni-versity! I am a member of the cheerleading team so I will be able to report on the sports teams here and how to manage your time wisely. I can also report on many of the dif-ferent majors and minors offered here from accounts from real students. Also, I will talk about various concerns about food, distances from home, things to do outside of class, and weekend fun.What are your plans for the future of the campus program?To start small, I hope that the Smart Girls Campus program will help make future col-lege girl’s decision on where to attend a little easier. As time goes on I hope the campus program extends further to include as many colleges as possible and more girls working to write posts to get different points of view. Also maybe some representatives from dif-ferent colleges can make group appearances at various high schools to talk to girls about where they decided to go and why.of view. I hope our articles will give you something to look forward to and motivation throughout the year.

click here to read SGG Hofstra University!14- smart girl’s guide

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Nikki Lakin

Year: FreshmanHometown:Fair Lawn, NJFavorite food: CerealFavorite movie: The Social NetworkFavorite television series: New GirlFavorite quote:“Don’t allow your mind to tell your heart what to do. The mind gives up easily.” - Paulo CoelhoHow would you define a Smart Girl?A Smart Girl knows her priorities and follows her ambitions without letting any distractions get in the way.What types of articles can we look forward to from you?My articles will be very reflective on what is going on in my life, but I will make them relatable for other girls

in other situations. The river is every-where; we’re all connected and going through similar highs and lows. I’m a big believer on staying true to your-self, so a lot of my articles will focus on blocking out any bad vibes so that you can focus on the things that you think are most important to you and following your heart! What are your plans for the future of the campus program?I want to promote my school through the campus program and let girls know that my school will help them obtain the future they desire. FIT is focused on training their students for a career. I hope to advocate how my school is preparing me for the fu-ture I’ve dreamed of!

click here to read SGG FIT!15 - fashion institute of technology

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Anna Richards

Year: JuniorHometown:Grand Rapids, MIFavorite food: Buttered noodles with garlic salt. It’s so weird but it’s my com-fort food.Favorite movie: Funny FaceFavorite television series: RevengeFavorite quote:I currently have a word document of over 73 pages filled with quotations. Needless to say I have a strong affinity for the im-pact of words. It’s hard to choose just one quotation but lately I keep coming back to this one:“Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.Think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best.Forget the mis-takes of the past and press on to the great-er achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of your-self that you have no time to criticize oth-ers. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long as you are true to

the best that is in you”. -Christian D. LarsonHow would you define a Smart Girl?A Smart Girl is poised, kind, and moti-vated. They seek the best in others and work to make the best of themselves.What types of articles can we look for-ward to from you?I plan to write from my own experiences as I face and overcome the daily challeng-es of being a student.What are your plans for the future of the campus program?I hope that the SGG campus program ex-pands to inspire those who are starting to think about attending college as well as those who are already in college. I hope dialogues between colleges and those in-terested in attending the colleges can be-gin so that everyone involved can grow and progress. The Smart Girls Group has created a network of amazing young women and I would love the already sup-portive community to be furthered.

click here to read SGG Michigan State!

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Keeley Frost

Year: FreshmanHometown:Malvern, PAFavorite food: LasagnaFavorite movie: Shawshand Redemp-tion and She’s the ManFavorite television series: How I Met Your Mother and GleeFavorite quote:“No one can make you feel

inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor RooseveltHow would you define a Smart Girl?A Smart Girl is a girl who exudes confidence in their own skin an uses that confidence to share their smarts!What types of articles can we look forward to from you?I can do sport related articles and in-teresting events on campus.What are your plans for the future of the campus program?My plans are to educate and connect the campus of Saint Mary’s College. Together we will be able to be smart and share our smarts!!

“A Smart Girl exudes confidence

in their own skin and uses that confidence to share

their smarts!”

click here to read SGG Saint Mary’s!

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Year: Sophomore

Hometown:Fort Lauderdale, FL

Favorite food: Stuffed mushrooms!

Favorite movie: Up!

Favorite television series: The

Vampire Diaries

Favorite quote:

“Talking about our problems is our

greatest addiction. Break the habit.

Talk about your joys.” Rita Schiano

How would you define a Smart


A Smart Girl is someone who looks

to better themselves on a daily ba-

sis; a girl who is confident on the

inside and who radiates positiveity.

What types of articles can we look

forward to from you?

Different events on campus, how

to make your days less stressful, or-

ganizational skills, and how to live

a happy college life!

What are your plans for the future

of the campus program?

To help girls figure out what they

want to do at FSU and how to make

the most of their experience on a

college university!

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Madison Campbell

Year: FreshmanHometown:Lake Wales, FLFavorite food: KiwiFavorite movie: Pride and PrejudiceFavorite television series: Gossip GirlFavorite quote:“The most beautiful attribute for a human is their laugh. For if they do not know how to laugh, they do not know how to live. And life is a beautiful thing.”- Unknown How would you define a Smart Girl?A Smart Girl is a girl that isn’t afraid of going out on a limb to try

new things, someone that strives to better herself and the community around her, and a person that rec-ognizes the importance of sister-hood.What types of articles can we look forward to from you?Hopefully, articles that range from coping with transitions in schools to the excitement of trying out new clubs at school.What are your plans for the future of the campus program?To get the word out to other girls around Florida State and grow a base of girls that can help and learn

click here to read SGG Florida State!

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Kaitlin Boatman

Year: SeniorHometown: Mobile, AlabamaFavorite food: Chicken ParmesanFavorite movie: Sweet Home AlabamaFavorite television series: Gossip GirlFavorite quote:“Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.”How would you define a Smart Girl?I would say a Smart Girl is a girl who is aware of the world and situations around her. She is full of confidence and grace and shows the world that she knows something.

What types of articles can we look forward to from you?You can look forward to articles about deep south college traditions, southern charm, articles about education majors.What are your plans for the future of the campus program?I plan to spread the word through out my college campus about The Smart Girls Group and the wonderful mes-sage that they stand for.

click here to read SGG South Alabama!

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click here to read SGG Eastern Michigan!


Year: SeniorHometown:Northville, MIFavorite food: Pad ThaiFavorite movie: HookFavorite television series: New GirlFavorite quote:“Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends.” -Kate SpadeHow would you define a Smart Girl?She wakes up ready to conquer the world, she is always positive and ready to learn. She loves to read, travel and explore.

What types of articles can we look forward to from you?I will write articles about networking and professionalism. I never would have gotten to where I am now without advice on how to get involved, meet people and connect.What are your plans for the future of the campus program?I plan to have a few staff writers for the Eastern blog that focus on different areas. For example, fashion, campus events, campus sports etc.

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Rachel Mill

Year: SophomoreHometown: Lancaster, PAFavorite food: Paella or EnchiladasFavorite movie: The Parent TrapFavorite television series: Law and OrderFavorite quote:“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” -Oscar WildeHow would you define a Smart Girl?A smart girl is wise and witty. A smart girl knows when to be professional, but she still has an air of fun about her. A smart girl is educated and passionate. Most of all, a smart girl fights for what

she knows is right and doesn’t give up until she has reached her goal.What types of articles can we look forward to from you?I’m hoping to do some “club spot-lights”, bios on Smart Girls on my cam-pus, and even just some life posts!What are your plans for the future of the campus program?To be honest, I’m not quite sure! I think as the Campus Smart Girls start, things will grow. We’ll learn from each other, we’ll be flexible, and we’ll change and mold as the program deems necessary.

click here to read SGG Sweet Briar!

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Want to bring The Smart Girls Group

to your campus? Start a SGG chapter today!

Contact Megan at [email protected]

for more details!

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Dear Smart Girlby Monica Murphy, Smarts Sharer

Let’s walk together in sisterhood and embrace our imperfections. When you love who you are, and embrace all that you were created to be, nothing can hold you back. I am confident that you are going to impact the next generations. Here is the thing: when you model self-belief over self-hate, others start to believe that they are worth it too. They see the way that you live your life at all times, and are forever changed. I want you to get excited about your life. Your purpose is bigger than big. You’re worth is so much greater than you think. When you recognize that your true beauty comes from within, you begin to think differently about yourself and your life. No matter what challenges you have faced, or the mistakes you have made, there is still this amazing purpose for you to fulfill. When you believe in yourself, you take bold steps towards the life you were meant to live. I want to help empower you so that you can transform your mind and understand all the potential that you have. With humility and great love, I am honored to introduce you to a new APP called, Beautiful You. I hope that you will find this APP to inspire you throughout your daily life. On this APP you will find encouragement, challenges and reflections, all to inspire you—as well as a unique interactive piece to help support you in your walk of sisterhood and personal growth. You are brave, strong and beautiful. If you speak these words everyday of your life, I am confident that you will be set free. Just remember, it’s our imperfections that make us beautiful. I BELIEVE IN YOU! You were born for greatness. You were born to thrive. It first starts with believing in YOU. Share this APP with your family, friends and community. Enjoy.Always and forever a smart girl!


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Support a Smart Girl and download the Beautiful YOU App today!

Click here for more information.

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