smart goal setting - focus


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Post on 14-May-2015




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Smart Goal Setting Accountability

The vast majority of people can keep nearly every commitment and being accountable for doing something. For others.But as soon as it comes to being accountable for themselves it's a whole other matter.

People in general seems to be alright with disappointing themselves. Why is that?Well, what I figure is the reason is that if you only disappoint yourself, you are the only one affected by you letting yourself down. I'm not sure though.

If that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing by the truth. That would mean that no one else could in any way be affected by it. But if you keep sacrificing yourself, your dreams and your improvement you will not have anything to contribute to others, and in that way you will cheat people.

You will not be able to make your surrounding people more valuable as well. Which I think is one of the reason we are here. Contribution. Remember that when you let yourself down the next time. You affect more people than you probably realized you did.

Staying Focused in Smart Goal Setting

Being accountable for staying on track and keeping focus on your goals is important if you want to achieve them. What value is smart goal setting if there is no applying and working on achieving them? Any at all?

To be able to keep focus you need to somewhat be organized. Having your stuff and thoughts in place helps keeping those distractions elements at bay, so you can stay focused on working on achieving your goals.

Smart goal setting is meant to be a map for you to have a clear picture of what you need to get done to fulfill your life. So make use of it and keep your self on track and focused.

Make use of each step in these smart goal setting steps and keep yourself accountable for applying each and every step, so that you will have a solid foundation to stand on when it comes to smart goal setting and achieving you goals and desires.

Smart Goal Setting - Organizing

There are a few ways to get more organized. First, is there any area of your life where you are very organized? Most people have some area where all their things are put in order.

Think of the logic you have put in there to keep it organized. Get your mindset you had when putting all those things in the order you have them. Apply those logical steps onto your computer desktop, your desk, papers and write down your thoughts and keep them in some kind of folder or notebook.

And there you have a solid foundation in smart goal setting.

Smart Goal Setting – Focus -