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EEDC 34330 Execution Environments for Smart EEDC 0 Distributed Computing ICT Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems - CANS

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Definition of Smart ICT/IT in our master course


  • 1. EEDC34330 0 Execution Environments forSmart Distributed ICT Computingpg Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems - CANS

2. The future is digital g world is becoming instrumented and interconnectedSensors are being embeddedg across entire ecosystemsMobile phones, cameras,cars,cars shipping containerscontainers,intelligent appliances, RFIDtags by the hundreds ofmillions All becoming interconnected. 2 3. The role of ICTsThe resulting volume ofICTs traditional roledata promises insightand intelligence to solvesome of our biggestproblems New role of ICTsbut lb t only if we canprocess and makesense of it in realtime.3 4. Cloud Computing rolepg"cloud computing," is anew way of looking atdistributed computingenvironments digital i t llidi it l intelligence canbe embedded not just inindividual things, butthingsalso across entiresystems. Cloud Computing as pgplatform for smart ICT 4 5. Sustainable EU GrowthICT will play a key role in the sustainable grown ICT offers a significant toolset to build a sustainable future for the next generation of Europeans. To meet its ambitious climate change goals, the EU strongly endorses new technologies capable of improving energy efficiency and making transport systems, buildings, and cities in general smarter.smarter.Viviane Reding, European Commission, 2010.5 6. Sustainable EU GrowthSmart Energy Grids T d Today, up t 40 percent of to t f the energy produced might be lost on its way to the consumer, but Internet connectivity,connectivityFoto: J TJ.T. computing power, digital sensors, and remote control of the transmission t l f th t i i and distribution system will help make grids smarter, greener, and more efficient.Foto: SMART 2020 Report 6 7. Sustainable EU GrowthSmart Transport Systems T ffi jams cost Europe 135 billi Traffic jtE billion a year, and drivers lose five days per year while sitting in traffic. Making roads and cars smarter with intelligent transport systems (ITS) such as sensor networks, RF tags, and positioning systems offers a p promising alternative. The Internet g can interconnect diverse technologies and make mobility more efficient through the real-time real time management of public and private transport resources. Foto: David Carrera 7 8. Sustainable EU GrowthSmart Healthcare Systems C Current research i working tth is ki to develop technologies for ambient environments capable of assisting patients by treating and monitoring them from a distance to reduce medical costs and improve p p patient comfort. These technologies combine devices (sensors, actuators, (sensors actuators special hardware, and equipment), networks, and service platforms to harness information about medical conditions, i fti b t di lditi patient records, and illnesses.Source: Back to the Future of Internet by Viviane RedingFotos: Red Teleictus-Catalunya IEEE Internet Computing, January/February 2010, pp. 2426 8 9. Sustainable planet pA more sustainable planet starts with smarter ICT 9 10. About the EEDC course 34330 Execution Environments for Distributed Computing (EEDC), Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems (CANS) Computer Architectura Department (AC) Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya Barcelona Tech (UPC) ECTS credits: 6INSTRUCTOR Professor Jordi Torres Phone: +34 93 401 7223 Email : [email protected] @ p Office : Campus Nord, Modul C6. Room 217. Web: 10