smarter - · ern metering and automatic meter reading technologies. torsten hägele and...

smarter #2 2009 Do you speak smart? The new HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter communicates to the open metering standard 6 In full flow in Berlin Wasser Berlin 2009 geared to the efficient use of water 10 The smart metering magazine The essence of life – drop by drop Intelligent metering makes using water more economical than ever before

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smarter#2 2009

Do you speak smart?The new HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter communicates to the open metering standard 6

In full flow in BerlinWasser Berlin 2009 geared to the efficient use of water


The smart metering magazine

The essence of life – drop by dropIntelligent metering makes using water more economical than ever before

#2 2009 02 03

The new star among the water meters.HYDRUS combines ultrasonic metering and integrated communication. Page 7

ContentsEnergy data in no time at all. The Dublin Water Services Division relies on DIEHL Metering. Page 14

Smarter water management. Wasser Berlin 2009 geared to the efficient use of water.Page 10

The essence of life – drop by drop.Intelligent metering helps to avoid water loss.Page 4

ImprintPage 2

EditorialPage 3


HYDROMETER GmbHIndustriestr. 1391522 Ansbachphone +49 981 [email protected]

editorial staff: Ulrich Eff, Frank Endreß, Adam Mechel, Rosemarie Mechel, Felix Schnetzer, Reinhard Schraud, Reiner Schuster, Gudrun Weißpicture credits: HYDROMETER GmbHdesign and realisation: g.a.s. unternehmenskommunikationtext / conception: Felix Schnetzer

smarter#2 2009

Do you speak smart?The new HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter communicates to the open metering standard 6

In full flow in BerlinWasser Berlin 2009 geared to the efficient use of water


The smart metering magazine

The essence of life – drop by dropIntelligent metering makes using water more economical than ever before

02 03

Dear Reader,

Water is life. The immense value of this natural resource is shown particularly clearly in the face of the increasingly scarce sources of drinking water throughout the world. This second issue of smarter is therefore concerned with water

– and with intelligent strategies for the ecologically and eco-nomically sustainable use of water.

The DIEHL Metering Group is cruising in exciting waters. The founding of our latest unit DIEHL Energy Solutions has added a new flagship to our fleet, which will concentrate the group’s smart metering activities in future.

DIEHL Energy Solutions implements complete smart me-tering projects and supplies everything from one source for automatic reading of water, thermal energy, gas and elec-tricity meters. The portfolio ranges from water and energy meters, system components and software to services for energy utilities and end consumers.

In full flow – even where water is rare: DIEHL Middle East has recently been integrated into the DIEHL Metering Group. The highly specialized team has pushed strategic development of the Middle East market since 2006. DIEHL Middle East offers integrated, best-practice system solutions for water, cooling, gas and electricity – based on ultramod-ern metering and automatic meter reading technologies. Torsten Hägele and his team have been operating from Dubai since 2009.

In view of the summery temperatures, we wish you refreshing and interesting reading.

Johannes Sappa

In a nutshell. The new image brochure portrays a current picture of DIEHL Metering. Page 19


Always at the hub of activity. DIEHL Metering is pres-ent at international exhi-bitions and congresses. Page 16

Experience intelli-gent metering live. The new Internet pres-ence goes online at!Page 18

#2 2009 04 05

Water is the basis of life for humans, animals and vegetation – its availability is essential for a functio-ning economy. Unfortunately, the climate change is making it more and more difficult for many people to obtain drinking water. Rethinking is necessary: the efficient use of this vital resource is one of the major tasks for the third millennium.

Uncontrollable water loss Water utilities all over the world are fighting a huge problem: worldwide water losses cause damage of about ten billion euros a year. According to informa-tion from the World Bank, an estimated 30 million cubic metres of water are supplied to industrial cu-stomers and private households every day without being billed.

Efficient use of water

The essence of life – drop by drop

04 05

Possible reasons for this wastage are leaks, me-tering errors, metering inaccuracies or incorrect reading of meters. Drastic losses are frequently accepted by the water utilities due to investment restraints, and the problem remains unsolved. But how can the actual consumption figures be made transparent in a cost-effective way?

Transparency as far as the consumerIf water is to be managed efficiently, the com-plete route from the water utility to the consu-mer must be made transparent. At least three conditions should be fulfilled for this purpose:

Water is more precious than ever and the efficient use of this natural resource is becoming increasingly vital.

Unfortunately, leaks and metering errors cause extreme damage. A universal Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)

system from HYDROMETER helps to prevent water loss – and provides a previously unknown level of economy.

If water is to be managed efficiently, the complete route from the water utility to the consumer must be made transparent.

1. High-quality water meters to ensure accurate metering.

2. An Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system to enable meters to be read at low cost and at any time by radio or M-Bus.

3. An innovative leakage detection system to help detect and localize losses quickly and easily.

AMR for long-term actionAn AMR solution from HYDROMETER that can be expanded as required can also be implemented with a limited budget. The radical savings in time and work and the avoidance of unnecessary water losses mean that the investment pays off very quickly.

For example, the highly efficient ALTAIR rotary pis-ton water meter from DIEHL Metering has a large dynamic range for accurate recording of both min-ute amounts and large flows of water.

The IZAR-RADIO system is an intelligent AMR sys-tem that also allows monitoring of complex supply networks by sections. Irregularities occurring during metering such as leaks, unusually high consump-tion or return flows are reported immediately by an alarm.

#2 2009 06 07

HYDRUS has been developed specifically for pio-neering handling of the precious resource water. HYDRUS measures with ultra-high precision and long-term accuracy even under difficult climatic conditions and with soiled water. HYDROMETER has almost 150 years of experience in the develop-ment and production of innovative metering equip-ment. The new HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter is also a 100 % HYDROMETER innovation – and is manufactured completely in Germany.

HYDRUS puts water metering on a new level. It is the first meter in the world to

communicate using the open metering standard. Its innovative combination of

accurate ultrasonic metering and unlimited communication capability supplies

consumption data virtually in real time – for highly efficient use of water.

HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter

The new star among the water meters

HYDRUS defines new standardsof water metering.

06 07

HYDRUS as ideal “data supplier” creates the basis for an intelligent reading system and smart metering.

HYDRUS for smart communication This real cosmopolitan knows no bounds – and speaks an international language: HYDRUS is the first meter in the world to communicate using the new open meter-ing standard. This single communication standard reduces hardware and software components to a common denominator independent of manufacturer.

The open metering standard ensures that all components in a smart metering system “speak the same language”. This guarantees full invest-ment protection for energy utilities right from the start – system components from a wide range of manufacturers can be flexibly combined.

The open metering standard has been drawn up by the associations figawa (Federal Association of the Gas and Water Industry) and ZVEI (Federa-tion of the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry) together with manufacturers of water, air conditioning, gas and electricity meters. The wireless M-Bus protocol EN13757-4 has estab-lished itself as a feasible standard.

Real meter counts are transmitted instead of pulses, so complex data packets can also be transferred. The open metering standard marks a new generation of meters – and HYDRUS is in pole position.

The integrated communication leadThe real power of HYDRUS lies in its innovative combination of ultrasonic technology and inte-grated communication: M-Bus or radio interface as standard ensures full communication capability – HYDRUS can therefore be smoothly integrated into any desired system environment.

Data transmission in an AMR system (Automatic Meter Reading) can take place at any time and as often as required – and with a battery lifetime of up to 16 years HYDRUS is far ahead of its time and con-fidently survives two complete calibration periods.

Ideal basis for smart metering The transmission of real meter readings means con-sumption profiles for any desired period of time or for water consumption can be easily created within a day. HYDRUS therefore provides the ideal condi-tions for detailed consumption control – and highly efficient use of the precious resource water.

HYDRUS as ideal “data supplier” creates the basis for an intelligent reading system and smart meter-ing. Such an intelligent system platform provides the consumption data for water, thermal energy, gas and electricity online at any time, so energy utilities and end consumers can specifically opti-mize their consumption for greater economy.

(... continued on next page)

#2 2009 08 09

Innovative and established: the ultrasonic principle A long-established feature of thermal energy metering is now setting the new standard for water metering: innovative ultrasonic metering is the heart of HYDRUS.

This technology works without moving parts – the water meter even mea-sures heavily soiled water with optimum precision and long-term stability. The hydrodynamic design gives dirt particles and scale no chance of settling. The static ultrasonic principle largely eliminates noise signals and metering errors. Only the water actually flowing through the HYDRUS meter is measured, not the air in the pipes.

The new star among the water meters (continued)

08 09

Real quality is never out of fashionHighly accurate meters of excellent quality form the basis of HYDROMETER’s comprehensive spectrum of products and services. This high quality pledge still holds good after almost 150 years – although some branches of the metering industry are meanwhile using cheap, mass-produced products.

HYDRUS sets a new standard – in both technological and design terms: the com-pact design makes HYDRUS service-friendly and easy to install in any position.

The UV-resistant housing and the solid encapsulated electronics guarantee maximum reliability and long life – and make it insensitive to all kinds of envi-ronmental effects.

HYDRUS even operates with precision and long-term stability in situations such as extreme climatic conditions, high humidity, flooded shafts or pressure surges in the pipe system.

HYDRUS measures with ultra-high precision and long-term accuracy even under difficult climatic conditions and with soiled water.

Compact outside – complex inside HYDRUS combines high-precision ultrasonic metering technology with unlim-ited communication capability and robust design in a compact housing. Many integrated functions guarantee service-friendly handling and convenient read-ing – remotely over radio or M-Bus or locally via optical interface.

Flow rate sensors

Q3 [m³/h] 1.6 / 2.5 / 4.0

R Q3 / Q1 [m³/h] 400 / 315 / 250 / 200 / 160

Water temp. 1 - 50° C (safe up to 90° C)

Technical data

LC display 8-digit, character size 7 mm

Protection class [IP] 68

Environmental class Class c / EN 14 154

Installation Frost-free indoors or outdoors, in a shaft or installation box, resistant to UV rays

Installation positions All positions possible (vertical, horizontal, riser pipe and downpipe)

Nominal pressure [bar] 16

Head loss EN 14154 / (EN 1434) 0.63 / (0.25) bar

Cable length (M-Bus, L-Bus, pulse) 1.5 m

Non-return valve Optional

Strainer Optional

Battery lifetime [years] >12

Overall length [mm] 110, 130, 165, 175, 190

#2 2009 10 11

Wasser Berlin 2009

Smarter water management

DIEHL Metering presented a brilliant new look at Wasser Berlin 2009

– and a clear strategic orientation: the theme of the presentation

was the efficient handling of water and energy with due consid-

eration of ecological and economic aspects. This naturally focused

on HYDRUS – and its integration into smart metering systems.

A broader horizonHigh-quality meters continue to form the sound basis of DIEHL Metering. But the perspective is changing – and focusing more and more on the whole value creation chain from energy utility to industrial customer and end consumer.

Wasser Berlin is the meeting-place for the inter-national water industry every three years, so the exhibition provides a good overview of technologi-cal innovations, current developments and trends. A welcome opportunity for DIEHL Metering to present the combined forces of the group’s inter-national members – and a comprehensive metering portfolio with a number of new highlights.

The DIEHL Metering stand focused on the responsible use of water.

10 11

What is already standard in thermal energy metering is now penetrating the water industry too: energy efficiency is an ecological and economic necessity.

Smart metering from one sourceWhat is already standard in thermal energy me-tering is now penetrating the water industry too: energy efficiency is an ecological and economic necessity – and this also applies to the use of water.

Our range of meters has therefore been recently extended by our own electricity and gas meters, which means DIEHL Metering now offers the com-plete smart metering infrastructure for reading the various kinds of energy – all from one source.

(... continued on next page)

The precious resource was experiencable at

Wasser Berlin.

As a result, the pioneering handling of consumption data is attracting increasing attention. The DIEHL Metering stand was therefore mainly concerned with presenting the innovative technologies that make highly efficient handling of water and energy possible – from automatic meter reading systems over radio or M-Bus, energy data management and services to smart metering applications.

#2 2009 12 13

Curtain up on the new star The large crowd of international visitors on the DIEHL Metering stand was mainly interested in a mysterious new player on the metering stage: the new HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter proved to be a real live star.

Messe Wasser Berlin 2009

Smarter water management(continued)

The HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter was the centre

of interest in Berlin.

The visitors were able to test the revolutionary tech-nology themselves on the HYDRUS presenter. The current water metering data from HYDRUS was read out in real time over radio – and shown on a display a few metres away.

The visitors could also send air through HYDRUS as well as water. The static ultrasonic technology reg-istered the zero flow immediately – and the intel-ligent communication facility sent this message to the reader straight away.

12 13

The new HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter proved to be a real live star.

Exclusive look into the futureThe VIP tickets for the exclusive evening event organized by DIEHL Metering were in great demand – and the high expectations were not disappointed: Frank Endreß of DIEHL Energy Solutions spoke to an audience from 16 nations on the subject of “Smart Metering – Ecological and Economic Necessity”.

It soon became clear that smart metering offers energy utilities considerable opportunities for cutting costs – and opens up totally new fields of end con-sumer business. Moreover, the new open metering standard means that the investment risk associated with a smart metering solution approaches zero.

Consequently, Jürgen Reiter then presented the new flagship among the HYDROMETER water meters: “the HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter based on the open metering standard”. With its combination of ultrasonic technology and integrated communication, HYDRUS offers the ideal basis for smart metering.

The informative event soon turned into an entertaining evening with buffet and background music. The event not far from the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin provided a good opportunity for meeting old friends again and making new contacts. The predominant topic was nothing less than the future of metering.

#2 2009 14 15

What started as a pilot project in 2006 is now prov-ing its worth as a sound, future-orientated solu-tion. The some 30,000 ALTAIR rotary piston water meters with IZAR-RADIO module were originally read using the drive-by method: the meter readers could conveniently “collect” the measurement data in their cars.

Drive-by simplifies the workAlone this drive-by solution for reading the me-ters achieved revolutionary savings in time and money for the Dublin Water Services Division. It is no longer necessary to arrange appointments for reading meters.

The central collection of all measurement data by the Water Services Division also provides valuable knowledge on leaks and possible potential savings in water consumption.

The energy data on the HYDROMETER system platform is forwarded electronically without inter-ruption and without changing the medium, which makes a major cause of faults a thing of the past. The quarterly or monthly reading supplies informa-tion about the consumer’s needs – and also allows accurate billing shortly after consumption.

From drive-by reading to fully automatic AMR system: the Dublin Water Services Division profits from extremely large savings in time and work.

14 15

Upgrade to a fixed network The HYDROMETER infrastructure has been upgrad-ed to a fixed network in a further step involving minimum work and without replacing the meters. The system has been automated by the installation of additional LAN/WLAN receivers within the range of the wireless meters – the measurement data is now simply transferred to the central database sys-tem using TCP/IP over the Internet.

The upgrade to a fixed network was completed without problems: neither the meters nor the trans-mitters needed new configurations. Outstanding reading performance was achieved right from the start. The project progress is also a sign of confi-dence in the integrated system engineering from one source.

Trust in DIEHL Metering The Dublin Water Services Division was highly satis-fied with the functionality and extendibility of the solution. Lar Spain, responsible project coordinator of the city of Dublin: “We are focused on utilis-ing the best AMR system available, so that we can provide our customers with the most accurate and efficient water service possible,” says Spain. “This technology investment represents a major step in that direction.”

The central collection of all measurement data provides valuable knowledge on leaks and possible potential savings in water consumption.

Dublin Water Services Division

Energy data in no time at allSome 30,000 meters for business enterprises are read by a fully automatic AMR system

in the Dublin region. The special feature is that all the components from metering

equipment and reading technology to software are from the DIEHL Metering range.

The really smooth operation of the radio-based fixed network is impressive.

This IZAR-RADIO module is simply mounted on the

ALTAIR. DIEHL Metering supplies the complete

system from one source.

#2 2009 16 17

The Abu Dhabi Green Conference was held on 3 November 2008. The main topic was defined by the host, as the government of Abu Dhabi is seeking concepts and technologies to lead the Arab capital into a sustainable green future. Under the direction of SESAM Business Consultants, the goals and guidelines of the ESTIDAMA programme were presented to a broad professional audience, including 450 decision-makers from the industry in

the Gulf States. The conference was accompanied by three workshops and many presentations, at which various companies showed their strategies for realizing a green future for Abu Dhabi. With its presentation entitled “Energy conservation and sustainability starts with efficient metering technol-ogy”, HYDROMETER demonstrated how the use of innovative system engineering will lead to a distinct reduction of CO

2 emissions.

The Utility Tech Congress in Dubai took place on 13-14 October 2008. The aim of this industry plat-form is to bring together technology leaders and decision-makers from the utilities in the Gulf Re-gion. HYDROMETER as leading company in the fields of water and heat/cooling metering and read-ing systems was invited by the organizer Naseba. HYDROMETER together with SAPPEL presented cross-energy system technologies for reading wa-

ter, cooling, gas and electricity and some new ser-vices. The presentation entitled “Smart in Solutions – Multi-Utility Metering and Billing Services” attract-ed lively interest among the congress participants. A number of promising direct contacts were made with utilities and potential industrial customers at the well-organized congress. This successful event has led to the first pilot systems and cooperations.

Review of exhibition

Always at the hub of activity The corporate units of DIEHL Metering maintain a strong, targeted presence wherever the sustainable use of

natural resources and energy is concerned. As shown by some recent appearances at exhibitions and congresses,

the group’s international activities have been appreciably expanded.

Abu Dhabi Green

Innovation helps save energy

Utility Tech Congress, Dubai

Productive contacts in the Gulf

An eye on the future of the Gulf Region: Mr Rojas, Mr Hägele, Mr Broglé and Mr Harper in the HYDROMETER and SAPPEL pavilion.

Strategically and technologically fit for a green future: Abu Dhabi backs international synergies and partnerships.

16 17

E-world energy & water took place in Essen from 10-12 February 2009, when DIEHL Energy Solutions made its first independent appearance at this event. DIEHL Energy Solutions, the youngest corporate unit, supervises all worldwide smart metering projects in the DIEHL Metering Group. The com-prehensive portfolio of products and services was therefore the theme of the exhibition presentation, whose fresh orange colour made it stand out from the competition: DIEHL Energy Solutions secures

the financing of measuring points and communica-tion infrastructures, carries out the installation of metering equipment and data transmission with its own Multi Utility Controller (MUC) family or PLC connection and supplies billing and data provision in customer portals – all from one source and for network operators too. As leading exhibition for the European energy industry with accompanying congress, E-world attracted 16,800 visitors – more than ever before. The accompanying congress once

again proved the enormous relevance of smart me-tering for the whole water and energy industry. Hermann Trottler, DES (DIEHL Energy Solutions):

“Smart metering is the future. By mid 2009, we will have a product portfolio on the market that con-forms to the open metering standard and covers all kinds of energy – the first manufacturer to offer such a range.”

E-world 2009, Essen

Smart metering as a new market

Hanover Fair 2009

Continuously transparent data

The world’s most important technology fair from 20-24 April combined altogether 13 leading interna-tional exhibitions under one roof. The major issues included mobility, automation, future technologies and naturally energy technologies. HYDROMETER again presented its products in the energy hall in Hanover. Besides the timeless young classic SHARKY, this year’s presentation was geared to the new HYDRUS ultrasonic water meter. Its unlimited system capability and compatibility make HYDRUS the perfect meter for integration into innovative

Exhibition preview 2009

Fachkongress ZMP Nürnberg 18 – 19 May 2009, Nuremberg / GermanyFachkongress Energieeffizienz & Innovation 6 June 2009, Frankfurt a. M. / Germany Metering Europe 6 – 8 Oct 2009, Barcelona / Spain

Refreshing orange: DIEHL Energy Solutions provided striking ideas in Essen with its comprehensive smart metering portfolio.

Continuous access: innovative metering and energy data management were the main is-sue on the HYDROMETER stand.

system engineering or smart metering systems. The uncomplicated data transfer over radio or M-Bus shows the way to energy data management of the future – online, convenient and shortly after con-sumption. Continuous data transparency enables customers like end consumers to optimize their consumption behaviour. The enormous economic opportunities – as far as developing new markets – and the contribution to environmental protection were the subject of many interesting talks with cus-tomers from Germany and abroad.

#2 2009 18 19

Shortest way to automatic meter readingWhether the user is concerned with reading the meters of apartments, houses or industrial appli-cations, he soon finds the optimum solution with a few clicks using the equally innovative and self-explanatory user guide.

The same tool is used for navigating the HYDROMETER product world. Water, heat and cooling meters, reading technologies and software can be viewed individually – or experienced in the system context.

Project management now has its own section, so information specially for project business can be accessed specifically. The service section offers lots of background information and quick help with questions.


Experience intelligent metering live

The design, contents and structure have been com-pletely revised and now offer a fresh, up-to-date picture of our company.

Integration into DIEHL Metering The design of the new website naturally also reflects the integration of HYDROMETER into the DIEHL Metering Group.

The same Corporate Design and a similar basic structure for the various websites make it easy for the user to find his way around. The innovative Content Management System makes it possible to provide a cross-domain view of DIEHL Metering’s concentrated expertise.

The top priority for the relaunch was clear and user-friendly structures. For example, the user is greeted with the latest news and product innovations as soon as he accesses the home page.

Visit our new site at We will be pleased to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement, since the new website is primarily a tool to help our customers work in an effective, solution-orientated and pleasant way.

Our new Internet presence at

goes online in the middle of the year. In line with

our strategic orientation, the unlimited possi-

bilities of intelligent metering can be studied and

combined online – so the user can discover the

economic and ecological benefits for himself.

18 19

New image brochure

In a nutshellA lot has happened recently: from the increasing importance of smart metering for our industry, our appreciably extended spectrum of products and services and new markets, to the merger of our corporate units to become DIEHL Metering. The new company presentation for 2009 offers an up-to-date and comprehensive picture of the group’s philosophy, performance and organiza-tion. Make sure of your copy by getting in touch with your contact!

Linked by a tradition of metering and driven by the power of innovation.


ELIN Wasserwerkstechnik GmbHHainburger Straße 331031 WienAustriaTel.: +43 (1) 7 16 70 - 0Fax: +43 (1) 7 16 70 - [email protected]

SAPPEL do Brasil Ltda.Rua Araripina 419CEP 50.040-170 Recife / PE BrazilTel.: +55 (81) 34 16 86 - 00Fax: +55 (81) 34 16 86 - [email protected]

HYDROMETER (Shandong)Metering & Co., Ltd.Wuzhou Building, 1100 Shunfeng Road High-Tech Development Zone250101 Jinan, ShandongChinaTel.: +86 (5 31) 88 87 78 -18Fax: +86 (5 31) 88 87 78 [email protected]

MOM Ungarische Optische Werke Wasserzählertechnik GAG Iparí út 164700 MátészalkaHungaryTel.: +36 (44) 5 02 - 100Fax: +36 (44) 3 12 - [email protected]

MIROMETR sp.z.o.o.Ul Harcerska 1143400 CieszynPolandTel.: +48 (3 38) 51 04 -39Fax: +48 (3 38) 52 16 [email protected]

SAPPEL S.A.S.67, Rue du Rhône B.P. 16068304 Saint-Louis CedexFranceTel.: +33 (3 89) 69 54 - 00Fax: +33 (3 89) 69 72- [email protected]

HYDROMETER Electronic GmbHDonaustraße 12090451 NürnbergGermanyTel.: +49 (9 11) 64 24 - 0Fax: +49 (9 11) 64 24 - [email protected]

HYDROMETER GmbHIndustriestraße 1391522 AnsbachGermanyTel.: +49 (9 81) 18 06 - 0Fax: +49 (9 81) 18 06 - [email protected]

DIEHL Energy SolutionsDonaustraße 12090451 NürnbergGermanyTel.: +49 (9 11) 64 24 - 0Fax: +49 (9 11) 64 24 - [email protected]

DIEHL Middle East FZEP.O.Box 261507Jebel Ali FreezoneDubai - U.A.E.Tel.: +971 (4) 8 87 39 -75Fax: +971 (4) 8 87 39 [email protected]