smithson hotel palenque


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Page 1: Smithson Hotel Palenque




Page 2: Smithson Hotel Palenque

PaleoQue KII/aIy used 10 be ~1IeCI tile cit, 01 the $/lake. There lere IItOIIIe there who ItrSbipeclthe $/lake and, in , ~, tIis holel is b\j! in, kincl 01 inltrtwininJ: snaking Ia,. II Iw _ ctIIler,

... IN'''I try Ie fiwI , center in this pllce IMrI JOII realy un't,

JIMl kaow, bKause it's 51 clHdfertfllillu, iIftCI 51 the loDe ,I the .... place is jlsi .,.uiIIe Ie Iaitloa. Mert is _ 'a, Ifyl JIll

un,.uillr rcwe it out ... II1II JduaIy JIll til set Ifyllice s_ N _todtd fxadt !tim ..t just lItIitile .. lUI ,. aftemooa.

PJienqDt ~ InjriIpdI Stadt ~er SdUa&e. Die SdUrct .. de

ftII den IIttllSdlea Mrt nrtlrl, I11III dims H,tel ist 1ewiuer·

IIIISSH ill ~enriger VerscI*q;enhtit ,ebaut Es hi ktinen

Mittelpllllfll; sesehr lUI 'Uth ,trSUdlt, tiItn lUSlIIIUa, H

wird tinem Ittrtich richl ,.tfI, _til dIS Gebiude so Mschich·

lie angtler! islliau sieh die ubergeonlnele logil! llithl ergriinden

lissl Man kommt einfach !lithl dahinler; slatt denen Uehlllllll

diese sdliillt hssade aus gebeiztem MoIz, liber die man den pnzffl

Hachmillag nachdenken kann.

Page 3: Smithson Hotel Palenque

This slide sholls ~n inlHHting situaliOll. Alone poilllilley evidently decided 10 build some floors, l/Id decided thai thai lIilSII'l a 'HJ good idea so they demolished theil, bllt left this wi.y, irregu~r,

cantile'Hed efted coming oft the ~e of Ihe lIaN. II sotl of suaesls Piranesi, I don't kIIoII whetller you knOll of Ihe prison sHies of Piranesi, bullhey an full of Ihese floors thai really go nOllhete and

slairways thai jusl disappear into clouds, alld tIIis sotl of jusl breaks oft inlo Ihe Mexiun dirt iUld

you're just sotl of left with tIIis ratller handsome lIail slnrdure, and I ralher lib Ihis particular tech·

rtique. II's a "de·archilecturization~ you mitbt say. II's a breaking alIa, of unnl!(essalJ floors. AflH

all floors are nol mHely fl)t slanding on, I mun yOll c,an hue some of the partial floor motif.

AtluaDJ I SIIenl many happy moments in the Holel Palenque medilatiog on llis patlicul~r sl!(tion. II

realy appeals to me. I fike thai sotl of broken look. You knOll you c,an just see the !lammm coming

doWll and taking away tile pieces 01 concrete.

Dieses Oia zeigt eine interessante Sitllation: D~ baben die Menschen offensidlUidl beschlossen,

GtsChosUlOden anzulegen, die ihnen dann aber Dicht gelielen, so dru sit sie wiedH zmliitlen;

dabti liemn sie diese SIIitzell, wie zufallig aus der Wand ragenden Ansatze IUS Triger-Eisen IIIId

Beton slelieR. Oas Hinnerl iqendwie an Piranesi; ich weiss nieht, ob Sie die Piranesi·Gelinfllisse

kennen, abH da gibl K audl slilldig Geschosse, die llirgendllo hillfiil1ren, III1d Treppen, die einlach in

den Wolen ¥etschllinden. Das Ilit!' 'Mauft jH'aktisch audl im mexikanisdlen Sand, und da steh! man

dann ,or dieser jussmt reinotien Wandstrukbr, ich mag diese eigenattige Technik. Man kiin"te sie auch als .[nt·Architekturisierung. beztichnen: das Wegbrl!(hen iibetfliissiger Boden. Schliessliell silld

Biiden niehl nllt lOm DrMslehen Ila, idl meine, tin Boden ist audI als Moti, liir sich geDOmmen

irrtermanl lals,ichlich llabe ich riele gliicklicbe Augenblitke im Hotel Palenque dami! rerbracht,

iiber diesen Td des Gebaudes nachzllllenken. Er ziellt midi regelreehl in seinen Bann. Iell mag diese

Ctbrochenheil. Man sieht gtradezu die Hammer niederuusen und den Belon wegschlagen.

NOlllfIis is what you could calilhe center of Ihe hotel. II's a kind of garden of casl·off bricks JOu mi&trt say. The, are multi·colored atllJally. I mean if you look closely tIIey han little pieus of multi·colored plaster all

oYer tIIem and tIIey make a fine piau for eIIameleons and lizards to scramble o,t!'. In the background you c.Jn

see the rathH llice door eftl!(t, you knOll going into tIIese dark plrssages you just c.Jn·t imagine whal'slurkiJg

in there; probably just anothH sHiH of willding Irails. The IIhole thing, the whole hotel is just interlacing on

interlacing. A kind 01 great mass of filigree just winding aM around itself. AIId hH! you c,an see this kind of

meaninglHS piOn of some sort that lias evidently the beginning of some structure but it doesn't really mallt!',

I mean, it sotl of delies all functiona~sm alld I espl!(ially fike the corrugated rool. I ~ke that kind of sense of

consistency: the lIay it's sotl of riIlpled as it goes across-the lliee use of the blue against the green. One

can't ligure out lIfIy they put that dol)t there but it seems to belong, it seerns 10 !laY! some incredible sotl of

Mayan just grell up sotl of ~ke a Iropic,al growth, a sotl 01 Melican geologic, man·mllle IItllrier.

Oas konnte man als Millelpunkl des Hotels bezeichnen. Es ist eine Art Garten aus ausrangietlen llegeln. Sie

sthinern in ,ielen Farben. Wenn man genau binsitht, erIIennl man, dass sie ,on lieliarbigen Gipss!iitkdlen

liberzogen und damit dH ideale Platz filr C!lamileons und Eidechsen sind. 1m Hinlergnrnd siehl m~n einen

IIlJnrlem:hon~ loreffekl, alsa eiw'as, das in dunkle Ginge liihtl, wo man nicht "eiss, lias drinn~ ~uHt; lIaIIt­sthtinlich lIiedH l~utH YHsthloogene Pfade. Das ganze Holtl isl einlaell durelllllld dlltch ,erroben und ,er­

flochten. [jne Ati ill sich selbsl Yerselliungenes Filigrilfl·Gewebe. Ulld hiH sieht ml/l wiedH so tine bedeulungs­

lose saule. Da 50lfte offensichtlidl einmal eine Slnrktur entstellen, lias wielt eigenUich hine RoUe, ich meine, sit isl tine Absage an;ede Art ,on Funktionalilil yl)t allern mag idJ das gewellt! Oath, diese Slimnig-

keil, die lIeUeRfiirmige SIn*Iur, IIId lIie siell das Blau ,an dem Criin abstlzlls isl lIIar nicht ersidrtliell,

"arum diese liir da ist, ut!' sie scheint dotthin ru gehoren, sie !lat diese unglaub~che, liir die Maya·Kultur

typische Noiw'endigktit. Sie entsland in einH Art Iropisellem WacIJs\um, ein Sliitk muilaDiseller Geologie

sozusagen, ein Wunder yon Mertsehenhand.

Page 4: Smithson Hotel Palenque

Now t!tis shows YI)O tile rGoflm motif whielll tIIint is vtf}, vtf} Iland$Ollle. Ollte again the tropical green inltrior; rou kllOw evef}'thinc:

is very greH tIIert. II's the beginning 01 tile tropical rain loresl, ii's SIIptf-saluraled grfH, I mean evtf}thing 10(Ik$ green tllere-a

louch 01 blue 10 pul rou a little al ease, bul nolloo much--and there you can see those p~IMS again. I meao, it's hard to sar bul ther

might be pylons lor lorelles or sometlling 01 thai sort, wIIiell mighl be quile nice. This is rully tile old holel and you can see tilal in·

slud 01 jusllnring it down at once they lear it down partialy so tIIal you are nol deprived 01 tile complele wreckage siluation. Thai's

very satisfying adualy 10 me: ii's nol often tilal you see bllildings being botil ripped down and bllilt up al Ihe same time. They really

don'l kIIow wIlelher they wanlthis part of Ihe hotel or not, so it seems very smart 10 actually juslleave il tilere •• . and I mean you

never know wilen you mighl have some traveler, some l!)Urist wIlo comes 10 Ihe holel and wanls a place Ihat doesn'l have a roof on it. So they are ftf} canny lih that. We're looking from the new part of the IIotel which as you can see is ytf} de·differentiated. You really

have no logic at ai, wllalsomr. I mean, Ihis is just some balcony, I don't know wIIere it was, it was iust a con,enient piau to take I

piclure from w ... tilere it is.

Oas isl ein Motiy ohM Dad!, das mir galll besonders gefallt. Wieder das tropisch·griine Inlerieur; iibemaupl is! aRes selM" griin dart.

!lief begitdl der tropisdle Regenwald, sein iibersa!tigtes Griin, es isl einfaell alles griin, ein Hauell Blau dazwisellen, aber nidlt nrritI.

Und IIa siehl man wieder die saulen. Es konnte sich urn Masten fiif Fatkehl oder etwas Ahnlielles llandeln, W\lndersthiill auf teden Fal.

Hier kommt das alte Hotelzum Yorsellein. Anstall es einfadl auf einen Schlag abzureissen, lun sie es Sclwill liir Schrill, so dass einem

die Yemielltung in allen Details ,or Augen leliilri wird. Das finde iell gut man siehl nicht 011, wie ein Gebiiude gleichzeitig ablerissen

und aufgeballl wird. Die MmchH wissen nidrt lenau, ob sie meSH lHIer jenen T til des Holels erlJalten wlllien oder niellt, IIId so isl es

nur angemmffl, dau sie ibn stthenlassen .. Ausserdem weiu man nie, 011 niellt irgendein Tourisl ins Hotel kommt und tin Zimmer

ohoe Daell modlle. Diese Haltung ist also durellaus umsichtig. Hier sdlauen wir aus dem neuen Teil des Hotels lleraus, der, wie Sie

sehen, ausserst ent·dlflerenziert isl Es giIIl keine wie auch immer geartete Lop. Das isl einfath ein Balkon, ich weiss nichl wo, es war

eben tin Ort, der sidl gut Iiir tin Pholo eignete und ... bille sehr.

How here is one of tile more irrteresting windows in the IIotel. T1is looks out, I mean you really can't see it beCatlse the natives bum

down the tropical foliage so thai tlley can larm the land aod the air fills up wilh incredible douds of smoke. They call these tItings

"milpa": II's a very ancienl hHlII ,I farming whidl goes badl 10 pre·Spanish times. But in thai mist it you look through .. .1 mean it you

could see actualy back tilere you mighl remolely be aIlle to pick out a fragment 01 the PalHque ruins, the temples, tile Mayan obser·

ntories and other wonders thallhe pre-Spanish Indians buill My feeling is thai this hotel is built with the ~me spirit thai the Mayans

built their lemples. Maoy of the temples changed tlleir facades continua!y: Ihere are sort 01 facades within facades onrlapping la·

cades, facades on facades. YlHl kllOw this window is Ktually looking OIIt OYer the things that we went there 10 see but rou won'l see

any of thOSf lemples in lhisleclure; that's something that JOU hawe 10 go there to see lot YOlI'$eIi, and I hope thai you go to tile hotel

PalHque Sithat you learl somethilll abolll how Ihe Ma,am are sliB building. The structure has all of the convolution IIId lerror, in a

sense, lilal you would find in a typical Mayan templ~specially of the Uxmal nriety wIlich is ¥ery ytf} •.. it's called Mayan Baroque

and made out of serpHtine facades loaded with spirals and rodls caned in the shape of wowen twigs allll things; it's Quite lllice. So that

10 II\e this window, this seemingly useless window really caRed forth aI sorts 01 truths about tile Mexican temperament.

Hier baben wir eines der interessanleren Fenster 1m Hotel. Es gewiihrt Ausllfic1 auf .•. man bllll es eigenilidl Richt ridltig sehen, weil

die Einheimischen das tropiselle Laubwer1l abbrfrmen, damit sit das Land bebauen konnen, und dabei steigen unglaubliche Rauchwolken

auf. Sit nennffl das .milpa' : Es isl eine seflr aile Methode der Urbarmaellung, die auf forspanisdle leilen lUriidgefll Aller wellll Sie

dll"eII den Hebel hilHlurdtsehen kOlllten, wilrden Sit in der Feme ein Brudlsliick der PalHque-Ruinen erkennen, die Tempel, die Maya·

Dbsenatorien und IIIdere Wundenrer1le der 'o~anisc:hH Indianer. Iellilabe den Eindruck, dass dieses Holel aus demselben Geist

heraus entstallden ist wie die Tempel der Maya. Viele davon haben im LIllie der Zeit immer wieder Hdere FassadH bekommH. So ent-

standen Fas~dffl in den Fassaden, die wieder alldere uberlagem. Dieses Fenster hier gewahrt eigHtlidi Ausblick illII die Oinge, derel-

wegen wir dorthin gegangffl sind, aber Sie werden illl RahmH diem Yortrags ktinH solthen Tempelzu Gesicht bekommen. Man IIItISS

sidl das vor Ort IIIsehen, und ich holle, Sie werden lias 1I0iei Pillenque besuchen, um ftwas dariiber zu effallren, wie die Mayas heute

noell bauen. Die Struktur des Hotels veriiigt iiber die tleielle beingstigende Yerschhmgermeit wie die typisc:hH MaYil-Tempel, for allem

die in hmal. Das IIfIInt sich Maya-Barock und bestehl aus mschlllllgenen Fas~dffl voDer Spiralen IIId behauener Sieine in der Form

werwobelltn GeHU lind 3IInlicher Dinge. On isl sehr scl!iin. In meinen Augen werral diem FellSter, diem scheiobar nutzlose Fensler,

eine Menge iiber das melikanisthe Temperament.

Page 5: Smithson Hotel Palenque

No. His is , '''' actaaly, 1M ,I tilt IIIfiIisIIH ttollS. AM it

5efII$ lUI it Us I ... 'f Jasptt JHIsiaI 5iIIpkity aoo.rt it "

as. "'I&fSts SllM!tIiII& iepeneltiWe. SllltHil& ~. TlIIse m loile h_ dolt I, eliot Iile !hi Stell I, p.oe Ihiags ,

ItUlff sense ,I ... lUke lllilcs Itu accessible •• lIe inttt, dmcI

off. ItfIIOfK, and 'HY IIliC11ike lIIe ~ pit illhe 11..;01 lemple

of Iht Pall!llqoe nrins IMllside this complel. In the hlMll yo. can see SOfMIllin& ""I looks ~ke I !IInl No. ilia! is a moal and it

.15 dry lilt tint I 'II'IS IIIffe. No dolllJl it (oold be lltilized as I

snlle pil or somelhing of lIIal sort.

Ulld biff tines del unftrti&l!IIlimmtl. Es isl in JaspH Johns·llafttl

SdElltIItit ,wllen IIId ul e!wu Undllldld~ Uneill·

ne"""ilIes. Dieu: Balb. zwisthen den TiiltI! sch~nen den Dinlen

eint Art ... bsseI sit ~ mH. ab.eistnd. ltrSdIIos· ~ ealriicll pu ihnIidIlfen CrailsUlten illtossea T flllPei ftr Paletlque·RuiHn ~ ims K .... ltS.l. WII~~ isl

tiM Art CrabtL lr •• ~fII, lis idI U 'II'ilI", !lid wll"de sidItI

lis ScW.&'- MtI ~ u"'eMel

This stfms 10 I' lowards SClIDt kine! ,f unltl bill it doesn't-SCI I won't A/lJhow it sums to teill

lo.ards SClmellq, IMlllllere is IMllIOint in tryq: I, filure ,lit what it is Itadint I •. I ike to think ,I

it as the ~ IIId wllite ~tne. Aclualy I ftellllallllHt tits ate IIIUdI more illttlHtiI( tun IIIOSI lithe ,aiD. tMiac dele ill New Yoft; City riPlIOW, sho..., lat lIOfe __ tioL This is

also iIIlrolll. lillie lew IIat1I1I11e IIOlei sirKhl"t--it's bolli, IIOleI_ a IIolei I DIHS. it's kill. 10 ttl tilt IifIffence llelwHllllOleI_ a hotel ..... YIU Clllt I, I sb1ltturt like ttis.1fty $HI!

I. iIIlertwiIt with eKil ,Ihtt, MIl list eKil .!Hf .. tilIICtI eKil ,Iller lit, $I tiIIl tittte is II

~ 01 WwiIIc wMrt ,01 at •.

Dies sthtiaI auf eiIt Art MilteIpaM:llIIlIIS!ttOtcL, ... n scMiII. ... $I - as. lebt a H 1IIf. Trotldetl siehl H $I IUS, lis fiIIrIe H lUI etwas iii, ... dtl VentdI, 1It'r~ •• H

lint, isllll$lft$lldl stele nIif das ItIlI lis SdlwilllWeiss·PtlSjltllin "r. Talsiehlicb firIde idI

ditst KIdItkI bei weilem iIIlffHUIIlff lis die lltislen BiIder, die lII" Zeit in New Yon ,emil

wHden, wei sit mt mehl PIIanlasie ilMlea. Das bitt isl tbenfals ,or dem IIfIIfII lei des Molel·

Ctbiodes.lch llaube, H isl Sllohi tin Molel als itIICh eiII Notel. B~ soldlen Gtbildfll isl H ohnthin

schwtt, zwischen tinem Noltl und einem MoteilU unletsdlticlen. Sit scbtinen einandel lU iibtt·

sc/lMeiden. lith irttilander lU rtllitren blHi legenseilig aufzllheben. so dass man lelztlith PI Richl

!risstn \ann, '11'0 man isl.

Page 6: Smithson Hotel Palenque

Htfe i5 .. ther 'riew .1 the *nbrid&t MIl ,II un set Me the draw·

IIri4&e pes. N .. thai is I lily .ar xWIJ. II's 'err, 'err datilrepbobic

_ it's kn desHlMn.1 jlsllm 1M -ritw. 11W lkalliis SISptISiH

Widp cr •• Iiis ttIIIIlJ ,..I, ... I!IeII tMse ..,eIHS ttrick wals, the,

jlSl offtf 51 lid "atifiutiel; lilt lut." are ml, ..,t\ous aM

relly lib, ... spm I tift. AIst '" bow ""I tile 1Ib,'M didn'l un I. qaarTJ IIIK reds tile, just wtlllar. MIl pictd hUll off tile p-ouIMI

beuust ~ the ,,_ is jlSlloacltcl with ~ this ~en rtd. II sttmeeI

IiIIt I lIIM'IelCllIS ." 10 build Ihinp MIl I am Wle 111.11 the, did the Slme

thine- AIst ,OU can see Ihal ~ltIe calwa. IIHn& aroulld lfIere an4I JOO tall

inch around Ihtfe and lei better riews 01 the iguallU iIHI that sort of

thing. Now if JOU imagine ,oune/l walkincacross Ibis drawbridge and 'OU

go througlllflallilUe dan disusecl bar there and ...

Hier tine wtiltfe Anudll der Halllebriiclle, IIIId dOl kann mlln iIIICh sehen,

wohi! sit fiihrl Eictlllkll .. tilt wilziie Bar, wirllich seIw klaustrop/!G·

IIisdL Sie isl IIo"ItiDdllidrt .. in Bttriell. Aller nit plill diese AnsicIIl

Dtf.w.licl dieser HilCtbriicb _ 4ell SchwilnmOeebtln des WIIIHIer·

hrel blenttks isl eine w.t llSl Das siMI "lIMiose Slniliurtll, an ... ~ mtidI Mr Geist dtt 1Ib,a. Wit Sit 'rieIeidrt wissel,

-.ssttfl • Mi,a irt SI_ nicIIl .. BridtttI abbllltl, seMenI sit PIlei eirf~ ~ lid u.dttfl sit , ... _ aef, Mr lit ztfbtrsltMII Ce·

steil iiIersit isl Das K:htiIt tilt "andiose '-!bode Itwesetlll seit, !all idI • sdtt, Uss sit " 51ltfUCkt h1bu, UIMI _ isl d& ebeII

IIIdI dtt kleint MaumiIts, dtr alSstft hfnInfiiwt; lUI t. sich uulll

beispielsweise an die LtOIMt lleranpirsdlta, l1li sit IIesser IItobKIIlen 1II ko,,"", ..

Now here we come 10 one of the more iac:eniollS aspects 01 this plate, Eridentl, lilt, wanled 01 swill ·

• potIlit INMlIiae ad the, buift tIis s_minl pool hi aduaIy, IIIItII ,01 tome II I place lib

tIis IIObod, wants I. sm. IHft is rtaly 110 nKHsity lot thai btl I realy like thai SIr1 .1 kiddy

IIif1.I1P lb." aM tll.Jl IIOre adaIt part below: it sort .. prmises SOIIt~ bill ~otSI't dmtf. AId, if tile, lid iii it willi waltf ,.. c. .. ~ tilt people CIItiac tllei-Iep H 1M U, slllllH

that c..e Nt ,I tile sides. c.q- His '"' ,II CIA set 1Iere. the riP! "-I cner I $IS '

PfISiH bridte MIl tll.Jl, 1_ is reaIJ tIM of 1M .. 51 ..... leafS. AIst His '"' somelflin&: liIIe a kine! .. ,en for !panas ~ all artilld. I ;.sllike illt is reaIJ w.tIy !lade

and it caIs up aI the fears iInII dreads .1 the IIICittt fitlY. Allee ajUre, .... sauiIict IIId

IUSS sIauzIrt et.

Hitt kommtfl wi lU dtft raffiniertertft Aspeklfll ditSH Drtts. Dfitfl$ichlich w.lten die MflSthtn ir·

lendwafln einmaI tin Sdtwimmbeehfl, IIId ib haben sit dieses hiet 1IIielelllbet an einem soIcben

Ort wiI tigtntlich niemand sclIwimmen. Aber ich mill ditSfl ltil flit Kinder da obtl!, gAd dn dtfl

Iiir die ErwKhstllen darunler: es wifd irJend el1l'u ,mprocben, was aber nidli tingtlist wird. Unci

wiirdt K wirklith mit WasStf gdullt, konnen Sit sich}a 'orslellen, wie uch die lellte an dtll ~har·

fen Sieinen, die aIlS dtll Winden lletausragen, die Beine nrtelzttn. In dtf rechltfl Ede uhen Sit

tine Hingebriich iitter d,m Pool, und die halle ich flir etwas IW [inmaligts. AlISwdem isl dIS

BKktfllU tiner Art Cehege flit die Leguane Itll'otden, die Ititr iilJeral htf1llllauftll. DIS gelilt mit.

Das Game hal etwas Roh" IIIId besdtwiirt all die Anlsle .nd Schreeknisse der atitfl MaJa·Arllten· K~II .. heraul, Be Menschenopler w MasseNMridllulllea.

Page 7: Smithson Hotel Palenque

How litre we He the plate where the band Iud I.

perfonn frOm-1 ralher nice ClIne ... cunitI: ... 1 caning

cline actualy. t think Ihallhe chair left tllere is rather

poignanl wuestina; tile Iraniliorirleu 01 line alld the

umerse and also YOll UII ,el I Miter 'riew .. the

wffoldinc ill tbt 'OGI. oW I IIinl thJl this is Qlite I

rttUrbblt ;ece ,f ttIIStnIdioA, wi ... JM ;we !litre

ill PaleDqot M .e t. " ... He it.

Hitt, an ditser Slth, pI\tgIe die Band Z1I 59it1en: tin

WIIIIdtrb;w krummes Rund. Iell 11-, der zuriickle·

lassme SII,hI machl UIIS scllmerzhaft kiai', wit YKlIn6ch

Zeil und Uniwsum sind, und auuerdem bekOlllml min

fOR dort aus tiIeIIllemrH £iIIdruck fom DitChleriislldl hlte hS fii' tine HmentASwtrle KlMI$truiltion, IIIHII

Wtlll Sit ucII p~ ko.tfl, soIiH Sit sid! dint --

We CtIIIt 10 the dance l1li. This is 1 dallee hal which is iHperlti1e, of (tint. YIM! un set the

Spanisll IIOU tlut WilS iIptrld frOll the Stutbtn ,.t .. the United SblK MIl is ... ,KtfIIr IIIIrPIC fr .. these rlJlH. T1Ie, Wcidd tlul llley w..-t ;.sl ... His .-e ~l _.e -' tIIet ;.st ct'er it .. Ifer with His suffoldilc ,I wood, IIId then Ifer tilt wM41 they ,.,. II this

lranskKHt plnlic. But .. the dildrtll ill the ~ ~t kept Hre .. ,eeks thr .. the

plastic Ind just broke it alia !lieees. It sort 01 discolltlCed people wbeft they were daIIcinc because

al any moment someone from oubide mijlJt throw I rock through aocI onf 01 the dancers would be

hit by I rock. So the poptllarity 01 tbt dallCe hall diminished bill I lhink thai it is quile a remar'nble

inlerior MIl quite satisfying 10 me anyway.

Jetrt kommen wir a. TIIIlWl Hatiiidl isl er nidli .. in Betrid. StheII Sit dIS SpiIisdIt

MOft, Us IUS .. Sii6etI del' VereiIiCIH S~IN irIptrtiert ... lid _ -ti& '011 dell SeietI

kr~ Die MfltSdltlllIabfII citse rtdiltdCt EiIfrieMc lIIgele&\ '" ___ HoIq;tfisl

abctdeQt; miber IegItII sit tine IrlllSllltenle KlI$lsloffplalte. Abet 1M liIder _ dtr IIdIt·

sthft w.ten inIner wieder Sttine auf die PIIlte. $I dass sit sdIIiessidI folk",,"" znndl. Das lilt die leule ab,esdIreekt, denn die Twenden konnlen jederzeit ,on eiIfDI Sitinm Iftroffen

werden. II'as Aicllt Itrade zur Beliebtheit des Tanzsaales btitrur. Aber ith &taube, es isl tin durclllllS

bemetkenswtrter hum, und er lelallt mit.

Page 8: Smithson Hotel Palenque

How tIIis is tile restaurallt where t spent many happy hours discussing the rise and laU ollhe anci~t Mayan Gods witll fltginia Dwan

aIHI Naney Holl We discussed manl tlrings. Actually, tile old Mexic,an Gods were ralher cruel. As a matter 01 laclIhey ilad Quile an

intmsting oorn ... er ... agricultural processes. When tIIey would plant com·and seed tIIey would sacrifice a baby. and cui him all up, and tIIen plant him along witll tbe comseed in tile ground. And tIIen when tile com grew a little higher, tbey would lake a young boy, and

slice him all up, and plant him along witll tbe adolescent com sprouls. And then wilen it was fully grown alHl rudy 10 lake off tIIey

would do tile same thing witll all old man, so tIIal tIIal wt 01 gives you tbe lee~ng Ihallutts in Muico. There is something about

Melico, an overall hidden concealed violence aboul tile landscape ilself. Many artists and writers han gone 10 Melito and been

completely destroyed, you know. II happened 10 Hart Crane after he left Mexico. He jumped off tbe back of a boat inlo the propellers

and was completely cui 10 ribbons. So JOU have 10 be my careful wilen you go 10 Mnico so tIIat you art not cau&btllll in tIIis-in any of tIIis kind of unconscious, dangerous riolenu tIIat is really lotting in every palch of earth. It's jusllhert, e,erywhere trying 10 get you

50 tIIa! you hare to be on your guard al aU times. While we were lalting there, we were wailing for our guide who was going 10 lake

ItS down inlo tile jungle areas around Guatemala. He was Quile an interesting man aclllaUy. Hippies would go down and uk him if lIIey

could watt for him for free-a kind of romantic flower·power idea-llullhis one hippy, !tis firsl day /HI Ihe job was a matter 01

caslraling cattle and so he qllil. We would jusl spend our lime in tIIere and it was lih a my long lime we were ~tnding in tlIis place.

Aduany you can'l believe how long tIIese Mexican afternoons ate, liley jusl reaDy go on and on. and you reaMy can gel inlo an lIIe

avatars of lIIe Mtlican gods, iIIId tIIere are many add lIIey are quite fierce. So, if you ever go down lIIere I would be on guard.

Das isl diS Restauran~ in dem ich ,iele gliickliche Siunden damil werbrathle, mil Virginia Dwan und Milllcy Holl Ober Aulstieg und

Niedergang der all~ Maya·Gotlll~len ru dtbattier~. Dab~ kam~ tine M~ge Dinge rur Sprache. EigenUich waren die alltn mexikani·

sellen Goller ooeraus grausam. So verfiiglen sie zum B~~iel iiber bemerlenswerte Method~ des CetreideanbitllS. Wenn tie das Kom ausulen, opferten sie ~n Baby. zer1tg1en es in Stucle und pfllnzlen diest zusammen mit dem Saatglli ein. War das Getreide dillln ein

bisschtn gewaellsen, nahmen sie einen kleinen Jungen, zersthnitltn ihn udd pftanzlen ihllru den GetreidespriissJingen. Und war diS

Kom emltreil', madJl~ sie dasselbe mil einem all~ Mann. Yielleidrt vermittell Ihn~ das etwas fon dem leberrsgefiihl, das in Mniko

hemchl. Etwas isl in Mexiko, eine slandig latenl yorflandene Gewatl in der Lalldschaft selbsl. Viele KiinsUer und Schrift5teller kamen

oach Meliko und gingen daran rugrunde. Hart Crane, rum Beispiel, ~rang, nachdem et Muilo mlmtfl balle. rom Heck ~IItS BODies

direkt in die Schraub~ und wurde rollkommen zerletzl. Man muss also seht iMlfpassen, wenn man nach Mexiko gehl, dass man tiell

nielll in dieser oder jenet Art ron unbewusstet, bedrohlichet Gewall venang!, die in jedem Kubikzentimeler Erde lauert. Sie isl eilllKh

dl, isl slindig hinter einem her, man muss immer auf der Hili s~n. Willrend wir IIJIS dorl also IIIIlerhiellen, wartel~ wir auf unsertn

Fiihrer, der uns in den Dsellungel b~ Gualemala bringen sollie. Eigtnlliell war er ein reelll inleressanter Mann. Hippies kam~ ulHl

wolilen umlonsl Iilr ilm arbeiten - eine typisdJ romantische Fklwer·Power·ldee. Da war rum B~spiel ~ner, der sollie gleich am erslen Tag beim Kastrieren des Viehs helfen; er hal solort wteder gekiindigt W-.- hingegtn haben uns dort ~nfach nur die Zeit rertrieben, und

zwar ausgiebig. Mall kann sich gar nielll vorslellen, wie lang dtese mtlilanisdten MKhmittage sind, sie zieh~ siell hin, udd dabei kanA

man sich in all die h.amationtfl melilanisdJer Giitter mtiefen, denn daron gibl es jede Mtflge, und sie sind ausserst grimmig. Soillen

Sit also jemals dortllin gehen, seien Sie auf der Hili.

Here rou caR see tbe modern part 01 tile bu~ding. It should be starting 10 tale shape in follt mind at this JIOin\. You should be gelting tbe poinl lIIall am trying to make, wlich is no poinl actuany. The inleresting lIIing aboull!lis whole place is thai

tIIere is no point of res\. Y(HI just see Ihm tIIings purely as scaffolds alMl ramps which seem 10 go somewhere. Well actually

fOU can go up 10 rour room by ramp. Illtink Ihal tbe raw use of tile sticks-Ihal bracing·up of tile upper floor witll tile

\fOIes and tile britks-could be a complele trip in itself. You could really gel infolred in lIIa~ you could do your whole tbe·

sis on Iha~ fOU know jusl tIIallechnique wIIiell is a really direcl silualilln. And also JOU can see back in tIIere how mutty it is. You can s~ rigllllllrough tile hotel as a matter of facl.

Hier selten Sit den modemtn lei! des Gebaudes. JeW sollien Sie sich allmihliell ein B~d yom Canztn macllen kiinnen. Ver·

SIIdJen Sie, zu erlassen, woraul ich hinaus .-in: Das Inleressante an diesem Gebaude ist nimlicll gerade, dau es kein erlass·

bares Zenlnln hal Man sieht nur Ceriiste und Rampen, die irgendwohin zu fiihren scheiJlen. So konntn Sie rum B~spiellhr

ZImmer iiber eine Rampe erreichen. Ich glaube, allem schon die Verwendung der rohen Pfillle und liegelsleine Zllt Absliilzung

der oberen Elage isl hodJinleressant. Damil kann man sich endlos beschifligen, eine ganze Doklorarbeit schreibtn ilber

dim Technik, die roUkomRlen durchsdlaubare Verhillniue sdlaffl. Ausserd~ siehl man im Hinlergrund, wie nrgammeH

es dart isl. Man lann prallisch durch das gann Holel hindurdlsehen.

Page 9: Smithson Hotel Palenque

1I0w this is Ii .. I crad; in I lower. 11iIII'1 ,ela ,..1 •• 01

tk ttlirt I .. tf $I tul JtII wi 11m I, bear with lit InIf xcrpl

!lis !r1&llfll1.1 tilt I,wtf. nil is. crad; in the Intf tUt Us

HtI ,.dIH III, and YOll til see Illlllbetf apiI it is • rather

iII&_1IS lHiIIod lor ~dIitC up crds. YOII IIOtice IfIt X·mans coirt&: tfl-oudIlht crd almosllile. stilch, llltan ~le!ltte was

a .oolld in this ~ ... and eolJlllltlel, StlnIIP by S&IIIe

archittdllrill SU!1to11, whidI ""es OM ,me .. .

Oas hitf isl tllllS Irie eill liss in einem Tprm. Ich llallt kein

PIIolo ,om pnzen TIII1II. Sit miissen mir also einfach &lapben

IIIIIi mil ditsern Ausschnill hitr ,orliebnehmen. Oer l iu IIlIrde

geRieU, IIIId man unn aPCh hitr die iibtulis IffIUIt Methode

Klenllfll. Sit: sellen die Krftlle, die sich l1li Riss wie Stiebe

enllanciehen, lis hille es ill der litleimlUtt tine Wlllldt ,e·

'"ttl, die til ArchiteU.,CIIHrJ wtlslindiC ,miIIl llat; III u. _ III" stJunH ••.

Ken's ntfltt shot 01 IlIe rllllp. You QII see it beller. Then is a rlther wistful p*" tree !litre, wel'lIIactd,

aIH! it ""1$ rou the lWine thalyop are in the trtpits, a sense 111.11 JOU lun relly nude it, JOU haft relly '01

doWll tIIHt Ind are setiq paka IrHsior the fir1llime. I don'lknow, IlIIean 111.11 kirMI 01 droopinc efled .1

tilt p. leines 1$ they just sort of droop don, an4 ,II 111111.11 Ietlilc wiIfI ,III .e don 1IIHe, I DId .1

~",q: Ietift&. But atlht SlIM liN l1li1 ,M kart tllese periods 01 I DId ,I .0" I~ you al 'tIJ tfItIliztd once apiI ~r the force which tlists in tile Muiul earth .. ,II at propeItd riP! ~ack inl ...

kiDds.1 _ . You ae _tNltIy ,oint I. r.. out I, tilt pyrMids .. " cimbq: III those stWtrays IIMI

nerytllilc. and ,lMI'n ru'y nol piIa I. bn 100 IIIIIdI _ !I chrel 01 tilt droopinc p. tents, IIrI. I

IIIotIgIrt 111.11 it midli be .. illHfSliIc t-.: III" Joul, see jus! 1$ a shape, 1$ a In, tilt wi}' it ftIds IIHII SItt

01 ilslilancs lllert. You w .... wh, acluly, but after a ... you ully start 10 lise iaterHl1INI ,M slop

looUtg al it and yOlllo till 10 o!lltr tbia&s.

In mer Aufnahme bnn man die Rampe IIOCiIlmstt erhllifl. OOft me einsame Palme, .tag pWiert, ~

dau man lias CtfiiN btkOllllllI, in den Tropen zu sein, H endIidI ,m"afflzu llaben ulld zum ersltll Mil in

hbtn Palmtll zu stllen.le" weiss nitbt, ic:h meile diHtII Eind",c~ det Enchlaffung brim AIIbIid; dtr htrlllllet­

hingendtfl Palmbliller, da bekomml man selbsl ein Geliihl der Sddaffheil. Aber g1eidlZeili& Sfliirt mil/l IPch

die Energie, die all$ der Kratt det mexikanischtll Erde komml, und man wird zuriiekgmhlelldert ill allH mop­

cbe. Pliitzlith dringt es einen, hinaus zu den Pyramiden zu lauftll, die Trtppen hinautzusleigtfl, und man hat

uberhilllpi nie"l riel Zeit. um unler dtll hinglnden Palmblill!rn zu y«weilen. Abet ith dachle, H wire fiir Sit

lufsdtlussreich, zu s~n, wit die Blitttt sid! bitlen ulld !lttlbhingen, tinfach als Form. Man !rart sid!

warum, aIIer nd eilH Clwissen Zeil nrlitrt man diS Inleresse und schaul nichI mellr hill, sondtrJ wendt!

sid! anderen Dilen lU.

Page 10: Smithson Hotel Palenque


.".iI the shadalrS,tII tan see .. ~.IA the bad, .. can see the sticks. but in the frtllllbftt,ou see sort 01 fOIl kNW, III, a

~ pit II c_lll's br.11 $I)' enclly wi the,.e I.q: tl cit witfI tIul TlIert iI is, jlSlllt itself. I •• tllere is -1IiIrc ike

... II cement jlSllS tfIIIfIII. II's lilt toile lIIJWbere, it's jlSl there, jlSl IIiIIk 01 it IlMlIlic it lot its ctIIfOtntss. Y .... ·1 rnly

~e wUluw it's loing I. 1M put t •. II jasl hppens t. be there •• it:5 boriIIpeu iVlH iI. cerUiI a-bience. a cerUiI ,",SOl, I

kind ,I IItrill thai it IIIigkt nal otherwise Urt. And in the ~adl tIIere fOIl tan see .Id bJ&S II UIIItIII, ~ags ,I ctl\'l

realy destinell IDr ad, SKUrt ptIflIOU bul jllSl pilecI .. tIIere in a ralher nice slKkiD& lonnaliOl. Actually the suelline 100000ation is I

Yet',! soulld architeclural and slrvclural device; you can jusl slatk tIIings from now unl~ kingdom come. You tlflilan sometlilll tikI I

bu~ding: you don'l han 10 cemenl it up adualy, you jusl mil tile UllltIIl and pile tIte tlIings up ... And lllen 01 tolltSe I IOllot to IMA­

lion lIIe pilat tIIere. There is _Iller pillar-It'" aI IlfIIiIi. witll piIars Klually-and thai is bhlrt, .ebnlious, iI's not callinc

atttllUon 10 itself, it doeSll'1 we. its .dWteclure 011 its sleewe.

1111 ScUttetl win tier wieder IISet Aut, 11 en.ttIIft. III HinttfPWIII sellen Sit die SlIIcet,'" WItH sieIII ... u ja, eiIeI kIeiIen

HaaiM lflllflll Schwer 11 SlIM. was sit wtrUka, Er isl tbeII u. & tut nichIs, er llalktine r ... 1ion, aIst IItIIMI Sit ill riII­fad! SCI, 'lie er isl, 'fieItidrt lis Inbtpiff ,,"lttlefll Eilflltidl isl H audI rietIIictI epI, w~ lweck er erliIetI sol. Er isl rvliII Ila IIIMI SCI la/Ig'Ieiig, ~us er tine lewisu Aussltahlun&, einell Rtil, tine Bedeubq: llal, die iIIn sonsl nidli Mime. III Hinltrfllld

sehen Sit atte Z~mtlllsitk~, die Iiir keinfll bfttimmlflllweck gecllChl sind, sit 1ind aber btdedlf!ld schOn .tg:escltichlel D~r SlaptJ

ad sidJ isl fibrigens eine uhr prakli$Che .chileklonische IIIId balllithe lriindung; man kaIIn Sathfll ,on jeW bis in aile Elrigkeit im

SlaptJlagem. Daraus kann tin ridllitu Cebitlde werden: man brauchl H pr nichlzu zemenlieren, sollllern H reiclll, den lemfllizu

IIIistheA und die Sachf!I aufzuslilllm ... Und dann haM ic:h naliiridl 'ertmen, aaf die Siulen llinmleisen. DI ist HCh tine SiuIe­

eCflltkh kflllfll wi' ale diese britrll- aber die tier isl pm scNidrt und ... iltn!iis, lenkllie AlrhDerWalkeit nidli auf sid! MIMI

SjIitIt sid! nicat lis Ardittktur .t.

011, IIMI btre', IIIIItller ritlr. the broktn briek mo",",. And

wIIall tIloughl was inleresling was Ihe way Ihe crass &rows up theft. the wa, it disappea.> inlo tIte mound and ,ou can

'" hQ: inlo tile he,.,., foliage. Bthind thai is the restaurant

lUI we jlSl tJi;flI Iittul.

Ok, ..... i$1 tiM -'ere Aosidrt: til Kaultn Upulter

lie&tl ImIdftS iIIleressani dar. 11114 idI del Cras·

btnm, wit lias CrIS ill KaufH yersclnrindel LIIId dalrialer

lias didde LM Z1II1 Vorscheil kllllllll Noch weiler IinItII

IietI us Resbl/l'adl, won dtlll wit bereils geSjlfochen haben.

Page 11: Smithson Hotel Palenque

TIis is jusl ptbbles iI a ... Wbtn r" W of it,

.... tds 01 pebbles jlsi Mille ,ucH rtf}' pntly ilil a uwIIfBl 1 kiDd If lilrie ItIiII all it just sert If wants

I kiM! 01 ilfinite siblatHHL

OIlS sind ~sttint in der Wane!. Sititfl Sie sid! 'Dr, Hunderte ,on Kieseln, die sDrgsam SHick Iii' SUlek in die

Wallll elfllelassen wurden. Irgendwie lelilll mil' ~as, well

es tine Art Unt!ld~cIIkeil SUUeritrl

Now IH IU fNIr illtle Iob.r of tile INIle! n llemg ill'ql, we SH

some IIrIIts swinniIC iI tile briIt PHI. There's ill! alliplor illllere, 100, buille dOfU.'j seem 10 botbtr lilt turtles. I ~h tIis, IS rou tome

in rou see litis turtle pOild and iI's I kind of nite situation to see.

JeW siH wir endich in der ~. antHDllllllftl, an derH £lHie Irir in fintm BKkfll SthiIdkrGttn scIIIriraIaen sthet.. W tin Alpl ...

isl u-. ibtr ftr sdltial die SehiArilH aKtt II stirK. IdllUC Us,

ts isl Me IICtotIIMe SiIa.1tio., w_ AI Hteiolo.rt, sitfrt 111M die­ses SdilAriIH,WH.

Here's aJHIther close·up ,iew 01 Ihe lurtles. Here are

some 'f lbem ... a ~ttle rock Ihere so lhat ther can

cUmber DA 10 ilnI, .. lei SOIIIt.,

lind Iitr Nt NWufu/m '01 del Sdlidkrilto. Da

siMI til ,a. ... ..t 4a til Utintr Fe/sft, auf iIfII sit

Uettffl kimet, IIIlufili sdIuppen.

Page 12: Smithson Hotel Palenque

• • •

OIl, tiler,', tile tOiler. Once apin I tollldl't Itil toll·

plelt sIIol tllhe IDler. But, tbere it is, and I am on top

of an lllfinisiled rool or room or somelhing. They'd hosed

IlIoiI lua dOlin, rou knoll, wi it tolll4l mn be Iile tlIe

11_ poed for ,to!lle who ~OII't Iile to sm. The IOller

is nry illertstq. II eM_ iI kiId ,I a 'Iir. stairuse,

I 5411ff ... staWtast. YM d, ill tilt lviwe, .,rk see ...

Ak, da isl der Tin!. Idlilabe iIIn audllIitr lritder .. ltiI·

lltise pIIolocr-.litren konnen, aber immerliL Idl bin aul

tilltm halbftrliJen Oach lHIer Zimmer. Man halle diestn Bertich ab,.spritzt, und er wiltde fUr Leul., die ~itllt

leta sdrwimmen, SClgar aIs P\ansdlbecktn laugtn. oer

Tn isl lusserst iIIlertsUnl Er taU Nt Art WeHeI·

btppt, Nt rtddtdige WelMltIirtHe. otllllicisl

ftfdM Sit -rieIeidt sM ...

Tlis is iIIlerestia&, ~ack in the &arden iiJin. Here we 11m SClIM! Itrieks pietl .. willi ,lid.s str1 of

horizontal)' restiac til tIIese 1lrick5. oW they sipify SOIHtIiI&.- 1 IItYer fipetl it IMIlIIIIiIt I was there bal it stfIIt1Ilt SllUtSI $1M DId of intperaatoce. SoIIetllilc was about I, take pIKt. We

ftft jasl UMI ,Iltabbtll ~r it. YH jist ruly felt lUllllr _Ie sometlq was pile t. ___ 1\ was "e I sip, a sigft ItOIl somethilc agtlm aclaaly. Here up in the Ittlll ylU can He some·

blHly'$ blillinc soil Gyiag. Thert are little loudle$ now and !ben, I sort ollum. tIeme.l, !fie

element of man Ind nalure and ... humanized 11'1$1. Bul 01 CDIIrn rou are Ilfooablr wei familiar now 1Ii1t1 tIIoSfi doors in tile backgroulld. They ar. still tIIere.

oas isl inlertSiint, wir btfilldH IllS lritder In C.ten. Sie ~ II/fgeschichlele lie&tlllilwUCe· reclll clariiber liegendH Slicken, IhMI sit bedeutftl .twas. Itil • nic1t14ahiIIIertek __ , ulance

idI da war, abtr" Undftt sa wtlll _ .twas yriberttl!eodes. blead .twas tnhIIle sidllII. Ir · ptdwie im H lIS Iidrt .. 105. M. kOlllI. H IinRidI _en, hss it4tt AlcNitk .twas It·

sdttbtt ode. Es war wit til Zeitltftl, tin leidlell fOIl .tw,s IfflleStll. III YorderpwMllirrt tin

bdewuc ZUlli Trockntn. Hill und wieder Obi ts k. Hinwtist, so me Art mtllStWicber I\HIpt.

IItnle, SCI eine Andtll\Jllg fOIl Mensdl DIId NalUl' IIIId •.. ytmltllSthlichlem Cras. Inzwiscbtn kermtn

Sie wahrsdleill~th die Tiiren In HinlffltUnd. Sie sind immer noeh da.

Page 13: Smithson Hotel Palenque

This is I urtIin atula.- plio wi~ tlephMIl ear ","Is pninj in it, I wnktn prdeR IS I mattfl' of lad. And off

in Ihe left hallli comer. if JOu klok ¥fI'}' closely. mJ hard,

,..,'. $H the ellli of lhe resiaurilll: that wt lalked aboul,

nI thtll .. the bKk, (NICe iIPin. pertlilps JGIIt last ritw

If the JOOI •• f Ihe Gied p .. 1 wiIfIlhe suspension lridte

,... Ktm it. DIe ••• iJY H the side is 'tf)' soidIJ 1MiIt ••• it's lilrit relly tllere. If it rIiIs ,M .on·1 Jtl.el,

nI it's naif He.f tile.., COII'fetHntes.f tile "'Iel

DitS ist tin I1IIIder !:arttll mit ElefanlellOhtpflanzen, SCI ­

zuSlgen ein msenklfl' Carten. links .erden Sie bei PIll

gmuem Ifinsehffl fine Eele des Restilll'lIIls enldtdltn.

fOIl dell wir sellon ,~odttn kabell, IIIMI im Ifinltrlf\llld

nodi einmaI rill - Yieleidrt IeWer - lick IlJf lias

Iredr;HCtlefle Sdi'II'iwwoIbeckHIIiI del' Hilllebriicle",

iIIft. Der ~ rKtts isl stir seite IICtlefi -etwas gw HJDdfesles. Weill es repel, _d .. _I

uss, IIId Os isl IU fine .on den rieIfn Amehrnich· keilH in dimm Holtl.

This ~I pm you,. NIta of I ctrUin kind of ~ of ItridI; ihltllltJ me. Ii's reinforced aM lias

I ptd tensepity priIcipIe or SMltillifc.. II .taW ~ itself-then's I certaiI kinII I' IfIISieI

Iller!. Clod strvctn iIIiIUr&. And it's 1Iiu. lilrie tul bbIe tIIen, it's a 'ffJ soiII _ and IheI

theft'S 1hI1~ ..• ,OU CIUW hare a JIicIIic III it !MIt it _I Dli lie the HsIIIIiIc II lISe. TMn it

is. IIICI there's a "!tit .f mineral .llfI' sittiq: Iben and some nice steel pilwMt, ., ... ·.011 mlybe-l don'l kilo., I can'l rH1~bfl'-1IId then a ~dder. The lIIate is Iolded wiIIIlHdm but

IhII 'lias the only tilt I thoughl 'lias 'II'orth rKord"" Then the typical steel bars casually cast off 10

the side; one wonders exactly whlllllt, will tk with these bricks, IHrt 'lie musl 10 on.

Das lift ftfllittelt _ EiIchvck ,on finer Art ge.OIItfl' lltgtl, dit H IIort gibl Sit 5iId 'entirll

lid 'emcu _ tine pie Tragfapeit. Sit _liN 1M stitzel! sid! prill\isdl setsl, 1114 Us fI"

gill! eine MSllldtre Art .. ~ _ Hill EN pte stnit.eIe ~ IW es sMt pt

-. wit IIIiHtr TrsdI beispieIs'II'eist, !litSf YIicItII Eltiaeale, ..... dieset TISdI h ... lUll

kOnnlt ein Picknidl .. 1lJf IIiChen, aber fI' isl YieIeidI dodIlic:bt IIIhedinCI tim gtticMl 01 isl

fI', IIMI da sle/rl tint F1isdle Mineraiwasser, IIMI til sdIOnes eistmes Citlerwett, SdHniedeeisfll ¥lelieicbt, icb .eiss IIidrt. ich unn mich nicht erinnem, UIId _ eine teilfl'.ilbfl'aI sltiIM leilem

herum, Her die hier schien mir die einzee, die zu phologrilplifl'to sidllo/Jnle. Und hier wieder die

Iypisclltn Armitf1llgseistll, die achllos auf die Stile Ihlorfen wurden, man tract sicllaudl, wozu tigfllllich dim liq;tlsltiae ",. sM, abet wir miissen weilfllebelL

Page 14: Smithson Hotel Palenque


TIis is the I" tl!lul sam walkwa,.It's a ~ tMurry but it kiId ,I tm it nthtr dimfMion. YIMI

.. I K~ IIriIc it itt, fotus al some 1IOitt. or JOII could e.H lab it tit tl lGeIS if rN'4 Iile;

,N bill' I, by lllal At!aalr it's ,. inlereslq elltel ~ we .. '1 Uff tile let lllal, IMtt ;we

belter IfiIcs 10 de. He sli flau'l p! it ill, IHIIS ret. .. 111 tlttre we are. YIII tal see ~ ,et}' I.,

tl tMs. TIis is a kirMI of 'tI'J sinplt slniglrt·aert" 10K, aMI JOII till see a U!d ,f IIiIIimI sense" diffctne" a~aut tH waJ lbost lIfIiIe bars 10 aero" tile lop 01 lllat thifII. Then if Jtb look off t. IIIe side, to rolll' left, down Illere JOu see some pillows. They.e collecting ranI. ThaI's abtirI a. ther do.

II's jusl one of lbose things. TheJ are pillows as Ihings in themselYfS.

Hitr sefltn ... dmelbH l.aubengq "Ill oOtn, til llisschtn unsdurf zw;w, aber 111M trkfflllt llier

tine andere 0imensiK. Mall komle es Ut:Uus an etntll bestiomltn PInt sdurf tdtr Hwi"1 IISdIarf 51t1e1; Sit .iMeft dis ausprobierH. Es erai't eM illteressanttn [ffelr;l, ., .sere Zeit

rficlll dIzu Iidrt lIS, es gill W'~ts. £I hat ts .... IldlIicbI. c-z scb1 tilctslell - .. ittzt _. D. seheft Sit Us OKl Es ml stir sdIitht _ .unilteft, die F_ zeichntl WI

durch tine Arillirimaistisdler Oirektheil m, hachita Sie die weissen Queril .. ktn obtl! Ifriiber.

Rtc:hls unle" befinden sicb ein pur Kissen. Sit saugfll Regfflll'asser auf. Oas isl illre pue F ... ·

tiOll. So isl diS da eben: es sitd eirlitCh Kimn, KiufII an sicll.

TIis is .Iereslinl: m.rse if"r 01 JOII mr risillhe llaiot lemplt of Palenqllf, it is OM of the few pyranids ill Mtl~ wIIere IlleJ discovered I lomb. There's I sima, whidJ ,oes dnwn into Ihe

middle of Ihi$ prramid, and al the bollom 01 this stairway in Ihe middle of this pyramid Ihey buried

the old Marilll King, and then theJ filed in the slairwa, Ihal ther hold buill with eri. They left a MIdiIc IlIaI Iot.s very similar 10 tMs, 1liiy it's IIoIow so IlIaI the SjIiriI 01 Ille old Ma,an kinCs would

sort 01 CIIIf" iM'. this..wq: I sort of a cbabered lIIo1ci1l ,M IIIigIrt cal it. AINI this is at­

tuIr tnt. If ytll' I. the tetlllle of P~ ,M tal see this, Ittrl tMs 'ery UIIIf .. til was in I!is tower. Now I ",,'I know wltek!lis.aldie is Mao, If HI, lilt. I .. '! lilllikal HI, but it

Us IkaI s.e 100II1. it. AM I thoudrt lllat was a rlk illertslq ..

lias hitr isl inlertssanl, IJlls Sie it den grOSSffl Ttmpel ,on Palenque besuchen: £I isl tine der

wfllilfll Pytamidffl in Muiko, 11'0 man eine Cnbdille fflldeckle_ EirIe Treppe fiillrt in die Mille der

Pyramide hwmler, am FlISS der Treppe ode der .. Ie MaJI-Konig begraben, und anschliemnd

fOOle IIWI die Treppe llil £Ide wieder auf. Allsa:fSII;JrI. bieb tine Abseldussleisle ahnlieh der hier,

... imttI hoW, Sf Pss der Cei1111er alita Ma,a-Ktifige dwdl dtl! Ho~aum htraukteigta .tnnte,

"" Art Ltiste iii! 11IItIW-. kinnte .. sacee. Das stirnl mla, .. T. ,til PaItnqtM

..... Sit ts ucIIpriifttl, ., ,_ IbsstIM Motif beI_ WI iIIdI in ditsHI T_. leli weiss

IidiI, " die leislH Iitr 1loiii _ • ridil, idllIabe ts Iidrt _-sa:eillldH, aber ts siehl "Ill INII so M- UIIiIII Ibs ~ nit seIIr illtereWll

Page 15: Smithson Hotel Palenque


These pidwes and words .en used ~J Robert Smithson

in aitcbn &iltn to ardittctare studfflts at the UniYersit, " UU/I,l9n.


Ted und Bilder tfltscIfechetl ~"em Vortrag, den Robert Smithson 19n

wt, ArditHbirstudentea an IItr UliYersitit in Uiall gthal!tlllI.1l

This is sort ,I !lie .... . 1 fnl JOII .. 00 ~ al tH

bad! tII,l! it's IJrtII, r1Jrt? There's .. I felly .ell JIIU

UII UJ about it, I mean it's just a &ttftl ~Otr. We'« II

Stffl Vetil doors al OIl! time in OUt lins. II gim out a

SffISe ,I UlliftfUlitr IlIat war, I Sellse of kind 01 clobal

clhesion. The door prllbibly 0lIfIS t. lMI.e mil destS

OIlOwhet! se l1li1 Iff itnt 1M Mottl' ..... willi ..

dtstd doer _Ieoo t. the UMersity ,I Ubit.

Das isl leMssennasUII die Tiir. ZlInichsl ddt mall pnz

/rinlen tnt dast da ftwas Criines isl nidrt .alv? Man kann nicIIl riel dariibtr sagtfl, es isl MJCh tine pUnt

rll". ,Mer "" IllS "'I scholl finnuI Nt piat rill" ,tstben. Sit ,trllitteft rill CtfiIII '" thiffl'Uitil, fine.

doUIen IlSllllllenllalt. Dit Til' fiftt .~

nirJemohill unci sthiessl allth billetl Raulll all, so dass

wit dIS Hottl mil dieser nrschlossentft Tilt ferla"!n und III ~ie lJnj,tnilil ,on Utah lIIriickkelnfL

Page 16: Smithson Hotel Palenque

"I" IIII' (lilli'\/' of lim,. _ Ihl' CoIll'j!;/' of

w'/(Igr'apl,1'O n'oll'l'd a map of Ihl'",

11101 "'nllhl' lam, f,({I11' llJ Ihl' f:mpirl' alld

Ihal (ol'/rid,d II'lih it poilll for powi. 1"1'5f,

allI'IIII1'1' IQ IIII' \/ud.l of (ar/Ogr'a/lhJ.w(·

(udml[ (;'nnlIIIOIIJ ram, 10 )!ulj!;/' a map

0/ \!I(h Mal[IIilwil' ,"",iHrsoml'. 01111. 1101

"'II!umllrrn'l'rI'IIU, 0"1 ab(mlfOllfd il /(I

III, Higon of ItW 1/11/1 Haill. III Ilu ""'5/1'111

"/11'111, /ill/fffd fragml'II/j of Ill, ,\Inp fO"

111/110'" foul/d. ""I'llnillg an (K(lIJiOlIOI

IInlll or wggar; ill Ih, wholl' Salio.,. "0

oilln "lit" II fl'jI of Ill, IJ/5(//l/1II1' of Grog­

TIlllh). " YFI·/rl.F 1\.--\A.·J~Flhl.f)

J. .\. SU,lfel \liranda: l"in},! d, l(nOll'l

1'.,,111'11/,1. nook Four, Chapter XL\. Le­



In l'jii9 Kuhnt <';l11i'h~on. his wife Yncatan.Smith~unllnc",tllt'dlht'~hal'(h Clll'. ~erpenl 1,,(1\ of th~' \[;,\.1<1,­

',mn Il ull. ;lnd ,II t (kakl friend Vir- ofa map, sur-i,ing remllalllS of ,I Gold- gu;udi"n~ and inquisiwfs of,1 ,"'em so

gini,1 D",tIl Idt lhe ;\e\\ York College en Age. Combed from tIlt' funher liller!, d("calt'd a., to halt' il~('lfhe(ome

of ("'II"~I1"pl1\-bl'ller kno"n as Ihe shores of a logo, alrcad, 1I(""thl'l t'd ,I nt'" son of terri IOn.

,In-\Hlrld-fur tlw "wl'~t('rn d('st'/"Is" and worn, their ("fumbled melapln.ic TIUt,t, lean Oil. in 197:1. the aile­

,md lu,h jungle, of \ Iexico. There. took on Ihe a~pect of an Mcheologic.11 J::0I'iC.11 fOl m of th;.. ne" It'rriton

"rthin till- ;th'tr"{INI dil"pid.nion of

111l' liold 1'.llellClu(". and soml' mirror

h,IH:rTlt'nl<; pl.lH-d Mound the northern

ruin. Lurking "ilhin Ih .. I<Il\t'lt'd ,t' ....

liges of Weslern Ihought. he found 1101

beasts or beggar,. but Inl)()!lwlic;tl

lOok ,h,IPl- in a presentation It) Ihe

.uchrtt'ctur;11 faculn of the Lni'er,ill

of l'''lh. \Iore ~lOned thall ,u:lltori;tl\

continents and fierc\" ;\1,11;\1', of the in form, delil\,,'" ,llId COtHt'll!. il ,Ip­

'f, I / /, /1- 11\ A. f f f f I f) i. a .. riler ~lcxican Gods-Te/catIiIX}(";I, (it-mi· pe.IN n,l\ig.nion'llh erranl and ,uhJ('n

"10,, Illn '" "'" Y"rL urge of the "~moking mirror," C..Mlli- to dlift. Clu.· ;Iting gr;I\;I\. <';rnilh~on


Page 17: Smithson Hotel Palenque

geml, mod" lilt' ftu-t'M!h ~(hool of in !III" end, and p('rhaps mO~1 ~;I!i~f,- i, nOI Ihe sile i!\elf. bUI ralher its con­

("I'g!"" I h,' ,II( hilt'( Ilu-:II m,I~~ of ingh, it i$ JUSI a pile of cement-there dilion of dt'plNion. This is I lei_ell_

II\(' ,I1\{it'llI \1,1\,11\ !uiliS for "hich

1'.Iil-n(ltll' i, j.,mou" i ... 111 hUI ignored:

iI, pull 11"1 ,lIlothrr 'H',I].. "ilo(n,,1 fronl "

1);0,1 "lIt',l(h mulO,'d 11\ Iht, ,,11111 ion of

umt', 11I'le,1I1 "t' .Ill' led into b"c]..­

",11('1" 'L1ul IringI' 'lfI',h: till' ,'mllli('d

pool. "',\{ 11,11"£1 d,lII( .. -h,,11 ,uul me,l1\­

inlo(k" P,I",IIo('" 111.11 togelher m;\(le up

Ihe Hotd "h!',,' "milh,nn, hi, "if .. and

fl\t'ml '1"It'd TI\(' guide hoo]"~ ,tre of

to be dug for its Cemell\l\('\'.

Almosl exaclh a .car pl'ior to the

Irip 10 \it"xico, Smilh\on 111,,11 .. one of

Ihe fi~1 of a series of SCIlIPIUr.11 XOII'

lil,$. A ,i,il in June HI68 10 Iht, ,I,lIe

quarries of Bangor-I'en .\rgl Ie in I'enn,

s,l,.'l1\ia had lefl Smillmm impre\,>etl

b. Ihe oceanic and de-diff('rellli:lled

nalur(' of a sil(' wilhin \. hich "II l1otion~

of geslall 'cern I'd 10 h,l\e coll"p't'd.

eoroll,ln of <I St,lIe of mintl-~LH~'

heing Ihe nWI;1II1Orphic 01 o~~ified

form of glll". :I d "rk :md ~edimclHcd

~Iudge-al\d 10 Ihe f,Kt ,h;1I ,Ilt' form

of the ~il" had hcen (klermint"11 11\

exu<lclion r:ltht"r Ih:m ,Iddilion, chip'

m'rg', p!'inciple of sClllptu,..,,1 ILIlc,'r­

lalllll Ie is Ih,' irom of prolon. fleeing

Ihe ill,lflImt"ntS of Ihe plnsiciSI and w

confounding his aim; II is the fact Ih"l

Ihe :\on..ile Ie"ds no" here, ('X(('pl Ihe

pl.lfe fr01ll \\hit-h il came, a place no"

irn'IOC:lbh ch"nged, Tht" di"lectic, of

prt'sence ,Ind ,Ibsence. forccd 10 fan'

itsdf .. ithin thi' c:lrefulh conslruclt"d

h,\ll of mlrror~. is like \ledus,1 f"cing

T hll< petrificd it ht'comes geolog •.

,I!lotht· r 'Ir.,tllm in Iht' pr('-hiswn of

thollgh l. Phnical sub~tance and repre'

senmtion<ll logic collaps(' into a <ingle

rubble. \n ]Ibn· of the old :lxe~ of '\),\­

li,LI C'lflogr.lpl1\ I.e find a llu'mphoric;11

Ir'!ld.lI I.mllum. Ii].. .. tht, first ~ I.I\,m~,

\OU ri,]': Kt'!1inK lo,t in 111<' thk]...'t" hu,

Ih,., i, th,' onll 1,,11 \(), ,\['1."1 T he

,lIIcit'\H ruitl, .lIt' UOI \() be found om

thnl' in (1)(' JlLllgk, hUI 11<'1"<' in the

]]olt'l 1',.k11(]llt', (rumhkd, Lll~lam,lIic

<lml nundt',cripl,

(:onnt,(\(·t! 10 Ih" (',uh \I,l\an ~ill'

of m,\lt"rial pic] up fr01ll Ihe (IU;U n geogr.lpll\ inh,lbited b, IX'asts and lx-g.

"ere relurned 10 Ihe gallt,,,, ,lilt! gMs, ,LhandOlH'd hopes .md di~c"rded

I" lilt' ,h.lIt'd lin",lgtO of IlIin,ltion ,lIld dumped h"ph;llardl, in" 1"lpt'/oidal ~Hlems. "Bct"t"en Ihe sil" ,lI1d IIII'

I('\IO",l\ioll, 1i0l('1 1>,lknqllt' t;I].. .. ~ Ih,' hin placed 011 Ihe floor, \ccomp.lIlied :\ol1'>ill' (m.' mal lapse 11110 place~ of

form of ,I :\ou\itt,. ,I di~cllr~i.e ,lIld b, canogr.iphic and gcological infor- liule org'lIli/,lIion ,Ind 110 dirt"ction.""

r.lltl~hacklr \\('h of inuger\" conjec- mation in the form of leXIS, tllap~ or Clearll mch a place "<IS 10 be found

turt', ;II1.II"i, "nd rt'follt'ct;oll, "hich- pholographs. til(' ":\on~ile," :t\ II in tht, ~l ot .. 1 1',Llt-mlue ° a conlemporan

Ii]..(· IIII' Ilowl il"'If-I,lcks ('illll"r focus became knowli. rel.ned "h,1\ .. ,.. I() r\lin thaI mirrored the :trchiteclUre of

or dil~O(tl()n 1'~'!,lmblll.lI()n .lI1d 1Ilt'"n- become ,I s]..e"t"d ,l1\d incom])kl" Ihought in its ri~t· I() ruinalion. Caughl

(it-fing, tht, hlJl'iltln linn of Ihought dia1eclic-bel\\('('n in <ide and outside. betw .. en Iht' equilihr;al forces of rt"­

unlold 0" .1 "orr,o, 01 imp''''lbk bound- ,'isible and inyi<ibk. form ,lilt! 101 In- con~lrUC1ton "nd dt'c:t.· .• he Iiold "I~o

",il", "I,,,;,,, limi., 11",t I"CNlt, '" Ih"1 I('ssl\('ss, dct('rminan and indelermi· .Lllt'gnr;,,', .. nnth .. r collapse, th"l of

"n° "ppro,\{ hed, \n,o,(]ol,o,. Ii kt, hotd n:lo. ct"llIre :lI1d per iphen-h .. II\t·!'11 I i~ioll. "Ir 'ou \ isil Ihe ,iles (" d ouhtf,,1

p'''',lgt''. It-.ul IIImht'rt· . .,p,ui,,1 ,lilt! Site and ;-';ollsit('."A ('OIlI"S\' {)fh",,,rd~, proh,lhilil\'l." Smit hson ,<lid (If Ihe

"rdLil.·.·IUr;\1 (,11;\11111,', ,In' kft to dis- a double p:uh m:td e \lpofsign~, photo. mirror di'pl;[cellleIllS nwde duritlg

'OIH' in tht, he,ll of Iht' "tcertltlOlI '1111. graphs ,l1ld rn"ps th"t belong to both

It'mpor,LI ,mt! hi,wrifal hound"rit,s, sides of Ihe dL,lt-clic ,1\ once."" Ihe

d(,I1I(O" lilt" ,1,,111',111(1', of geomelr\', ;-';onsilt" dissohcs the sculpnw,'llogic of

,hun]). ""io." .1" "imilh'on].." "'Oil tht" discrtOle obJecl I.ithin Ihc no" lIn­

g.'1 lhi' ]..iud (If 1('<1111 ,,'n'\lOII\ sens,' of Slahle lectors of spact" and time.

,omething n:ll'ndilig both in .lI1d out Like the fmgmenl,'d 111;1]) of tht,

ollinwo 'orllt'lhing Ih,1\ dnnn'llx'long Empire, the ;-';Oll~iles confound the

to the t',lIth ,md 11',111\ ,omething that slnthetic resollllious of di;ll .. nic,11

j, ro()t('d ,en 111uch in Ihe (·arrh."~' Ihollgh\.ExtracICda$"dl,,~abstr.lct{'(1

,\11(1 '0 , ... \(10 mighl 'lIrmi~e th"t the from Iht" maleri,,1 subs1<Irlce of the .it(',

mOIl,1I of 'Olllt" unbllill rutllre is ,llso Ihe' refer 10 it 'L1lh .. co~t ofalt<'nnK II,

,he till"! of ,on t'qll,11I1 di,t,1I11 IM't, hilt and "hal is represenled h, the :\onsite


Ihe '",III' trip. "H)[L find nOlhing hnl

memo,., t'~lces ... Tht, ficlile l'Oict"s o f

Ihe 10lt'nh h,,\·c exh,l\Isted tlwir ,Lr­

guments, YIIC,L(;1lI is ,'I,('\\here."'" \nd

so il ht'COllIes apparent th"l the Site

",on<itt, rel;lIion~hip ;~ .. Iso Ihat of il<

p\lnnrd double, or,ision "nd its coun­

It''rpMt, blindnt"ss. Th .. \I"I-an ruins for

"hid\ P,llt-nqu" i~ famous art" rt"corded

on" as Iht" di",ult I>ossibiht, of;\ ,it'l,

from one of tlw hOI(·1 "indow~, 110"

pl'.lIIall('l1l" ol)<;Cllrt"d h. the smoke

Page 18: Smithson Hotel Palenque

,n,'en uf llIll<> ,md <kfoli;lcion Tht> where Ihe p~.~~,.ge of ruint>d ~ignifil'!"\ <ula. mh;lpprt'll('nding Ill(' "ord" III'

"ond"I' of tilt' ob~t>n,Horie< and onll series 10 ~uck u, furlh"r inlO chl' 1t>!"NI hI Ihe \1,1\,\11\ ,\furl/Milthull (We

(('mpk, built h, Iht> \ 1 ;I\;Ul~ n'"",in

,llIomit'd. h.lll .md ollhhOlW bl Ihe

.U( h,'olog> of Iht> pn·~t>11! loc;\led in

II", Hou·1. l ilt' IM,I, "hich. lilt" ;ISlro­

nomi',11 Ixxli.·,. occur< long before

(HI"IIII!: Ilw h()li/on of ,lppe,ll";lnces.

Iwloug, nOI II> Iht> prt>-Sp.lIli,h [ndi;1Il

mOllum,'IU' h .. c to Ihe "j(eologic

m, wond n" of Ihe I io lei. lien:

Smilh,wl find, ,I more compelling and

IIld"Il"rm in"c,' hori/oll wlwre Ihe lIlI­

pre" of the fnturl' i_ receiled bl Ihe

p;"" " I .. ·!t· m,';mingk"",'" ;I ud dis­

ilHq.:r,lIiun coh. lbil "ilh Ihe old ~ 1;1\;111

rlt"n",'l i,·, (If ("ouHllt!!ioJ\ ;l1ld lerror.

ct>lHripet.t1 IOflt>X. ,Ill immobil.· (I­

clou.", I kre Ih., pn'\ell1 h'."conu"\ Ihe

cOIIJug<lIion of n .... ar fHlu ... • ,111£1 d',I,1II1

IMSI. Ihe aCHMlill d ...... crib .... d 1)\ h.ubkr

as Ih .... "iIiSlann' b.,tw,·.'n thl' lid ... of

Ihe ".Hch. Ihl' im .... rchronic P,III\l'

"hen nOlhing i .. hap l}('ninj( [c i, che

loid belwel'n en·IlI,."b, Ske""rl'd ,III

Ihe IOrpor of Ihow long \ le"'i(,1II .Iher·

noons. Smi,hsoll'~ reneClio ll" Oil Ihl'

de-architecc ll r.lli .. inj( ,pi ri t of I he I i0lel

begi ll to coll<lp~{' "nlropic,, 11I upou

Iheno~~hes. A~ the old hori/on, of !rnl('

and ~pa<:t' ~Ilh, i d{·. Ilt'l, tli"goll.ll, of

meaning appear: nuid ,IILI,e, IIJ.1(k up

do noc \lntl~r".U1d) ;lI1d decidilill Ih,1!

thi- "," Ihl' namt' of du,' prOlinn'

Th., ruin, of P'lknque b.'come. Irle

til<' prOlr.KI,·tI p;"he~ II"" 1.lconic.lll,

pUIICIU.lIl· e<lch Gill for Ihe 11(,"" ,lidt'.

f.luh-lint'~ in til(' conlinent of thought

I kre Ihe gl;tci.11 drift of perception

;lI1d fOj(llicioll G .. '~e~ id .... ;l~ 10 buckle or

Iw pulled to eXlrt'me~ of U,t·lt-\~.H'~\.

Ih(, 'pMe of \culpture ahern,lIeh com­

prt'ned ,md ,1!!l·uu;lIed. [n dll' Ilotel

1' .• k ll (lI rl· Ihe H;tClioll of l'mpiricLi

!rlllh, "'I<[ _ce;tdf;\~1 gl'ogr;tp hil'\ i, 1,"1

'Liken in h' Ihe rock hOllnd\ p,mni",

o f 'Ci(·'l1i,m .111d I h~ lr.ln~ler·~ claim. 10

Willi "fUlil1l1l11g Ihe\e slrange of un[ocal"blt· IX)i n c. ,In ti indl·""lmi· ]>,""Ille il h e;\\\ to forgt'l tll"l il i, th(,

inl"".·(liol1,. "hl're' .Irchileclil res of 1I<1le m~an'lIgs. louln"1 Ih;1l describl'~ ,I s IMCl' in il\('11.

mind ;md hott'l mt'eL 'imuhson mines And ~o Ihe joke perh.lp" r, ,m us, ,I dom.lin of pun· 1Il<'laph(lr. ;\ ,unl

them for Iheir ,I .... "h .... tic ,uHI l1'IICOlic T he Yucalan IH' ~hould 'l'lIll'lUber .lre;I-"" rellion hh .... re logic i~ ""pt'nd.

on'. Th" .. 11t,'r ., 11 h dll' ptlce ,,·hl·re h'aS Ile,·er here but ,omeldlCll' l'!<;t'-;I l·d-;II' in;uion;ll Ml'""-,,here the

nothing h.lppl·n\. Ihl' l .... ro panor.ulla som<:" here capIllrt·" foreler in I" I i bl .11 ,1\.\1"\ of 1),1,1 <Iud futur .. (ht·\\ on ,hl'

of the Pll'''l·lII .• 1 ...... rpelllme enlTop' Ihe Spaniards landing on cll(' 1)('· "recl.lge of our imaginalion

+. I) "1"(1([""" of \ I,r ror·Tu,cI in Ih .. Y"c,,· forllm . ./.",,· I'fbt;. '''Imll''''[ "' tn.lhumg' ';(I': r"l,rim"d i" Hole. "d .. Th. I["rilmg, of of Uob"l .\muhIMl, 'I 1I0b .. , .'''lIlh,o ... 94-95. ;,\ "I",·i<l,·"" III \III ",,-T, .• wl '" I h.· Yuc,,' 2\ Ihid .. "Th.· SlliraIJcll'.- llC" I,,,,: 103. j\ QUIII"d from "'xl accoml'31l1i,,!( .\'0"- 61 ( "'orll" ... "bl.·". n" \/lIIt" of rim, ('''" ",. (1'"1",1<1,,,. Edg,·walt'r. :\"" J""")'\. 11.",·,,:Y .• k L'lIi"'r"I' PH'''. Hf(;2}.17 !'IMI. rcprirlll'd in Ilobbs ... d,. /(oo.rl i)· .·.)\,,· (.II'lIl"l,.llioll_ h"I"I'en I)"nni, \m,lhlon Srulpllu, (hhM", "Y Cornell Wh.·.·I.·r ."H[ Roll<'rl ~lI1ilh'orl. l'f6\I-70: l""'<'T~il\ "r ... ". 19tH). 110. in t,,,!!,"n;,· T,,,,. 110M" ,.",h,o". ('"~,,rlh.d ~) 'i"t· Rob<"rt ~milh~o". -EnU0[l' and Ihe , •. " \lontllnen,.: first [luhli_h ... d in .hl·


" •• " ''''~ Columh;d L·"i,,·r~1I\ " ,...". l~f!fll. \17

Page 19: Smithson Hotel Palenque

1111 rflU/' If" /Y/I (" ) ",/wlrll,/u rtl, Sdlll/' rtfT

hllll",.,"I'/"" '"'' ~III" rt,j n,;eh" ;m "1lmjjlflb I I"

,iI¥ "'111111 j';' 1"lIIkl mil II" 1\ "i,IIlirh/uil iibn",illi/imml,"

11 .. ",.1.''''' am \11111111", ,I,r hflllographi, 1II1"'Hi"',

'/",'nr (;, ,lfl/ll",,,,,, """,I"lln, ,ill, Karl, IIi,,"

('''''If al. ,,,,hfludlith l/IIrt ii/>frli'IUII Ji, - lIirhl oh'"

n"," .1:"""'" 1i"1IIr1"'IIIX drll flm""·ktlllgt',, 1~/11

~'II/"r 1111(1 RfXm_ III d", 1<'"III(h", \Iiillrl/ ji"rltl

mill' ",,,I, "rllif ,." 11'1//"1, hflKllln," lI,r (ll/nl h'fIIl"

dIP /:.d'J!.nllflr" 'lII,m lI'iid,/! Ti" 00" I,alldl/,,;r""

1,,/n.,Muf!! 1<',,.,,11,,,,: \(mll {.fIbl PI;III /!.flI/~'" 1(111d

~',.",p,ln (1""Mnfllff d" /!.,oj.,>Tu/J'II\r!l,I/ \\"I\\'IIlr"a/l'II"

1_ \. '>\I.IIt"1 \111,11\'[;1, I'III}f' d, II'1rQllfl 1'lIl1i,"I'I,

l~lUh, ",Ipill"! '1\'.l.l.'rid;1 Will'!,


1'lIi'l 'nl,'lI'lhlt"n R"he:lt '>mitlhon,

.,,'111," h,lI! ',HI(' 11011 ulld die

hd,n,nd,",t, Ii."n'lh;indk,in \-il~ini;t

n",111 d.I' \'n, !I"k C(JII,}:" jm Carlo­

}:,Hlfiln - h'""'"1 IId"l1l111 "I, -(lie li.uthl·

"pllne er Jedoch IH'der """ il(1o- ',,·r.,

noch Llluhueiche, .w!. .,ond.·, II

11IIxlth(,li'tCh,· Kontill<'III" und ~nm­

mi~e InkarnaliOll,'n mexik,mi"chl'r

GOllheitt'1l - Tt'/C;,(lipoc;" dt'll Er-

~t.'r. Die .lr(hileklOni..chc Sub'lanl ,\(or

,Iht'll \1.1I,I-RlIillt'n, fill' dit' Palenqlll'

bcrllhml i"t. "ird j,'doch ;111c~ ;Hldt'll'

,Ih ignOlil'11 Ihr ~og I~I nllr noch "in

,dll,,\I'h," '>ign<ll ,Ill' .. int·,- \','rl':'lII~en-

d", lIpp,:.:,"n \Iillhu, \Io,iko,_ non. CO;IIIiCUt', di,' '>chtlllgt'llfr;!U Iit-r \1.1\;1 hi UIII,'r d"n \bb~crungt'n dt'~ Il'i,­

illll,il1("11 d,", 1('"I'\'III,"n /"11,,11, d," -, \facht .. r lind Riehl,'r .. i,It", '>"1('111', 1111".· ... ~I,l1I donhin f.-lilt I IIn~ SlIlilh­

JlIi/dl 1'lIlrlU/IIi' IIIHI "illig'" l"Imll 11m .. 0 durch und dlll'dl 10111 \'('1'1;,11 '011 in '1,'I"',l(k Se'I,'n l(llnpt'l und

t\;.' lIillllli{lw )'11(',11;111 1\'1 tdltl'l '>pi .. , gi"pr:lgt. da,~ '"S gldch.,am .. in nt·II .. ', GI"l'nIlOlll'l1; d", "l1lll'l'rll" S-chwillllll­

g,"ItI,lgIIWlII", 11)1(!t-,\(, '>mith,on Bruch- t'i~t'ne~ Reich hildt't" ht'fk\'n, dt·, ;1""~t''-,-'lImlt" Tan,,,,;.llInd

'lI,tkt· ('il1<" "It,'n 1..111dk,llt,· 1111;'1':", Drt'iJ,lhrt' ~p;il .. r, 11)72,10:"",11111 dit' 'innlow Dllrchgang", dit' 11l"lIIll1l.'n

l bl"l't"'II" .-ill,", J,;ol,kll('11 / .. it"ltt'n alit-~o'-i"cht' Form (\i,',,·, !H'I,,'n T"rri- d"" I [Olel ;1lI~111.ICIHI'n. "'0 Smilh"on.

(;,"h'OII1<"n dm.h IIi." 1.'ln,·11 G",I;lde tonll11l~ Ge~tall in t'in"1" 1":""I11<lIioo '('111" F,-.,n und ihr .. Fn'nndin ,,,,hn-

"inl"' bn.";I' \t'l \,;111'1,,'0 nl111 1\'1" f'-,r dit, Faklll!,tl f,-" \,t I,it\·ktrll d"r t.'n" R"i"'f[lIn"r'n nich,,·. ','~I

hl,'lIlhl,"n '''J!.'''' n"hm ih,," hlli{hi~e l-ni,'ehit;"11 l-t.lh. Fht'r luriukh.,I!I'ml It'I(;UIiPO(';I, man mll'~ ;mf., (;"1',11,.­

(" 'H1d,"b'I,IIU Iii," ( • .--1,111 ,'in\'r ,Ir- ,Ih aufdringlich in FOl111 lind InlMIt, IHlhl, "i"'n. "ie di., eNten \[,1\"". ",.u t h.wlog'" Iwn Ruin," ,Ill In (it-n \t'r" it- .. cheint _it' ~leidl ... 'm ~ll'lll'rl(), lind I i.,kiell 111,111" ,idl illl Dirkicht IU ,("f­tt'llt'n '>pll1t'lI (I," lH"llitlll'n n"nk"lh jt'dl'r ~trol11l1l1~ ;""g\'~(,ln <I;,hinlll- irn'n, .. Ix'r d,,, 1,1 die eillli~., \11 ,

trt'iben, Die Sch"erkr"fl Ilb,·rli,ll·nd. li.uml III lllMhl'll_ " Oie ;Ihell Ruin"l\

\ I \ 1/ f I 1\ I A f I III f) kh, un,l ~pottet Smith>;()n lei,,' I,hl'r .,111' l'l,i~' find"l I11.Hl nidll d"lu' ... ·n in d"r \I,ld-

"hr,",h, ,n "",, \<,,~ Re~trig"Il, f,belhol!,'ll Erkt-,'tll1R,mu- ni,. 'on<it'rn hlt'r im Itold I'"lenqut',

I' \ 11. ... f I I I I I ",,', /)6

Page 20: Smithson Hotel Palenque


I'U,l ·O"~.lpUI' 1'1 U\'I1'JII,\Wll)lp~ -IlJ\I.111 IlPl.ld"lIhl W(I '~uJIHI!'\lPS U.l!l.l1ZU;)J;)jJlPIU.l pun 1\.llp'lI .. ·.,f() -J.' .J1u.llun~Jy .HIII UJ(II'II '1ll,'IOJ

up U.1IIIllJlI., U':HlI'{~J JI(I 'f ) Joiun.!

"IP I'UI'I~ul Ul.l' .!lpUlpL' lU.)PUO. ",'Jl IPJllP jolll lUI'IIIIlU., .)I,{.)IIJI'

'uO ;HPIIl'l'lll.l.Id ... l1, J.lp IlplU lSI -Ul;)Jq 'H961 Hmj" 1111 '1'1\11'11''1,,1.),1 III

-.lUU!J:~ J.ll' u;lJlld., 'II' "Hplll UI'UI MJl 'U,IIIU.)\rJd.)J JJo-u.1 III.) w.\\ ·lu.)IH1\, IIc:tJl 1I1<f-,"~/Wf.f 1101 JIPI.uQJJI.l1ll.x;

'IIU ' ·.)IIPI'IU J~I.)}! u,)(ll.hJJl' PUJJIH'" -J.1\ .».llp ,11, "W '1I11"hqnS JlpU;)I1!W J ;)P Ipn'J{! UI:i '(IJ/lHlQS WlIIl/h'WI

1.1 ,liP ·u.,:iullq.lIlP;.J.l,II.ll'l'.lld., U;HP' .llp Jill' IlJ;)JO)1H Ju()-u.l .)11' Ip.. IJ/JUi'/J"/f\-IJ(}U.1 UU, .11.1.)., JJIlI.l \J,ll'J.l

-Hldl'll'I'O.)l'I' ,>lll.h .1')(1'_' 1I0'l1l"1l., .,,:il', 11.)1[.)11.)11 U()lllI'JI~qy ~11! JI" S;)JJO S;)P J;)P .)111;) U()'>IJlIIU., jntp' 0lIX"I\ Ipnl

"(i'! IPIIUI.)lp".njl'\\ }!III,'" ".,,) Hpll' IW'I'qn., U,lllJIJJII!IU up lIOI111!JIX3 .lSI;)}! .I;)P JO.' Jlp'I UI.l IlI'U.'l'I' IW,i

-'XI ,)\ 10 .111' lIPtu 1111.1.\\ ·,,1.1IP., ",>p 'II' 111°'10., '~U.ll!, U.lIP~l\'P[I!'1) ·U'}Jl.!J." 111 IUIlI'I.:K1 II"' Ill' 11I.1Ill'}1 'JI'

1I.11l ',d"llO,! 1I.1l.,pUl' II.HlI.' .11,1,1 IplH' "..Ii' "'''_'IIP., UJIP)II.)IPU'S ;)!P JIJO 'I'p n/l'p _ HUIU,II UO,I l'I'UllllUlIlI'\lIY

1,11011 wp H[JI'> '[["p"Z pUll IW(UIWI,Jp -11.1 ':1I1l lUJII1}IP'>.I') IJ,n:llS !.)(I ~;)IP ')UI.l JIIU ~.l I~I 'l'I'lIllnl}!Il\l.'~) "I"IJ.lli

-,It." UO.I u'}II!,J,! u.llill.l.l·"'PI'}Il'j 1I,>p -I.J}! <o.lp ",II''! .1U.l[[I~J.I,ll .lIp .11,\\ ;"P 1<,1 "'p 1'11 11 '11:JIII/PI J.lql' '1'1 !I.lli

11.1'1,'1"1 IIlIII'q,V) '.lil"li.1UI'>I.'pI,,, 11111

1I"p.,\ 1II111 liUIlIl!,H"llI',~ J.1JlII lII'",>'{

'J1II~ II,)Z pUll UItH' }! 1t.'J01l!,.),\ UJWI

-1'1' ,;l l'I'uPI HpIU up (IlI'IIJ,lUU! sl'pfqO

-UJliUI!:i,,;),\ U;llU,lj O'll.l(];' !.lUI,} ' l lH'IS

J.lp }lIlUl\[JI.'lli Ij ll ll'l"/ U.lllH'{p.11I1I

'1I,}tI ';'P JIII'IJIIlI JI" .)11' .HIJI·'\\ ·.lUrn}! IJ.1IlI;III1t;} '>,1]> '1llio-] .1[I!J llldpll{' alp U;JIIJ.lj lpOIl J.lUI.l 1",1('1\ ""Il ""I' ,Hp""OIl.,lill.l1 .llll.l ',1[[.11., .1IPI"" .111101 UO-U,l.1.1p I~IJI ,~·-u.1JI),[.)li li ' II,)/'P'.)I}! ·1I.liUlPUu\' Iplll' J ill u.Jj,U'P 0., ,~ " I[.}I

lil\lI,']>III,' "''' ,111UU,'I"t! PIO] [ "'(I '1'I'tJp'I(] J,'I' 11.111.1., UJP'Jq III ;) IP 'II;)] 'JIUI .lPJ~" .1;']1 III 1\1.)tJIl/ IpOp 1'"11

'1\1 "J]m!j III .>lUl]lIPI}! ',11',! put! '°1011<] '1I.11PPZ .111' II;)PUI!IS 1l1)Ipli .lpr~ J"p Uplll ""P 'W\\).> '11.'1

PI,·1u\.l'l pUll JIlI'1IUI., l'I'lIl,HI 0" '\1 , •• d -III.) ·.lll.lIIP'I;)(ldo(J ;)UI;) 'U;)[[!JUZ 1101 .!.)p q]1~ljJ."'I1l' .11" UI 1110\\(h ·IlI'j.lP

·IOI"\I.I[[JI", I.KJI_' 1Il'1lI 1I111''1IJ(>-11.1 put!

UO u.lIP""1 'II;)UI;)I'>'., U,)1'I1II'p"li(JI'

pllll 1I.lliulllIJjOII 1\,)II.Xp:i.ll'l'jlH' '111.1,1'

,1IJl'}11 ;IU'-t '\J(HI.l pUll IJO II;)IPSL\\Z

- ')I.I.llldu.),1 pllll lUIUIII.)7 'l1.lI.(IIUIUl]S

"xlu 1 pUll 11.)IIHUWlJ~J{! '1l.)'1i1!SOI

-'>1lI' 'Pl~ wp ''>P'I;' uo, Ih'P,'-!l'I'"U llI.)II'

-I]UUI~ IPI]'1JI" 110.1 1.1\ .1'>.)11' 111.1,<,111,.

'\JO"]lHIIS l~h" "0<;- 1I"I[I'j 'j(JI.1IQ

-1.ll\"PUI"1 pu" U,l.l·>I.L U·JI'I'" UO, -111,10.-1 pUll lUJO,i 'llI')Jl!qIlP!SU.l pun ]JljJ"J.l,' .lUI.1U'O.") ')'P Ipmp l'I'UIlli'U

JUI[O",XI '.lIlldl~li{).I') ,lil·-"llOlldl'"I1U

.,111.' .II" II.IPU!J ,11lIdl'Jl'I'OI.lI"l U,lIP

-'11UII~'1 up U.hl])" ""111' 1.11' ,'11.11'"\

'1I.IJIlI"p.llUlIII_lJJ, U;)(II,l'UI,'P pUll 111.1

111 UI.I 1I.1IJI.'I' '11:iO'1 .lPU,l.l.lIll1,J"-'.ld

'.}J pUll /lll'l\qn", .)IP'''''I,] ',u"'1I1.,([

"'1' "H[Jllp'·)~J,l J.ll' III IlPUPS II,"

'.l\l.}" J.1III,} tlf '.lIliOII"J') til l!,lll,lll"U

1I1,),II'IPlPIS '",),>,ny pUll U;)IIUI 11;)1.(::>5"

-(III - 11l1.)11'1(! ;)~hI'1I~1~1I0\l11l pUll

,llill;"'lllllll ,JIll.' ,~I" 'I!"I.) O'i ·,)P.!II."

IUlll"I.l(1 J.) '>P' ·(n1I1<O.\'i /Jo-14.1 .I.)~

-.lip .JII"'1JIIIIll.l ·U.)llld".J'liOIO'[,1 J')PO

1I.1IJ"l!,PIIl" 1 ',1.'1'<.',[. 110,1 lU .oJ. III U')II

-Ol,"lIUOJuI U;)IP'llio l l).Jl'I' pun

'1\Iill'll'I'olJ"'{ 1101 1.'1I.ll1blJ 'IJ')luod;)p

-rhJ{j ')IP II')II')P '11.1/11.).1') ,)11''''01''11

pun .)IP1]\I.)/ 'u.}(p}!.,li'I.1H] .'IIUO'

-s'li1!1I11\ .!.ll' .)11111 ',)p II' li'UIl'~lUll\

J;)> pUI~ U.)II,)lj~~III,l') .111",IUOI'l,JII1IJI"

pllil ,IIIIlJllllll'}! lIllIO,II]>U.J'li.llll lI,lJlJI.'I

·;)JoIU!'JoI!.lIOII ,11." '1I,}lOP'P"\ IhliIJI,'"

-11JI.UlII .1·llh),11 01'.']> 'llUlII0l!, lI,llt'll

IIl!lU .I"II"1t .If ',)IP ' 11 .11\).)1') hlll'q

pllll 11.1111.11'.r;l.\ OS 'p.r'-" (11,'1., 111 Ill'" U.JI'0\! 1111' .r,ll(I.'II,l\] lI.lliIIlIJI)J/:)d'~JI -IPP IJ.)U\l ·1I.1l!,U".rIIl<.; 1.1I1'''I'liO'III1!!

.lilll·] IJlI!! ll"li.lId, '\l'''I.,,[ ',Jp P]II I JS IU.llll,) III 1;l\IPI(l.J::IU\l IJO p pUll IlJJI!.Iq ,)II];)}! ,1111.1 ~I" 'IUl!,lI,l(] ,.Jp II.lllllllllOl

lUI IP" .lIp '1'~IlP,ll\ J;)(1 Hp\:,]li ''''IHU -.,'li .)U,ll''') ;)IP 111 lPII.l(I"I.)I$ lUJP -!,1011 J,]> IP" lI.1III'plI,l 'P"J:J I"II'I'W

U"'I'WI'" 1l1[llIy ,.1U,l'liI,l Jill l'I'lpU.",

'IOU 'lJIIIU 'Q"]I,)li,)ldS U,'11.JIIl,ll"J(J'1

"11\' .11 "_II"PIH\! U.lI'JI1." ',11',,, 11.11'.10,11

IIIIlIIIl\J(1 [1'IJ,)l\'" IJ(J.I U;):i1_1JIllUIII

plI" pU.ljlo),IIII)q.lIllUll

'liUIlIlPI'M .llll.l 1]1011

I.H,i I",llljlll'

l'1l\11dl,I'\I I )"

lilllrJl'I'·lO' ,.l~.l'l' (1l'~'I.t.lUIII ;"P '1I,lii 'p.lIlp 'II' U.lUllj.llll'l'.)\\ .!ljJlU U;III1,) .1.11),)" I'ql·'" 1·1I01 [ "'P ·It.",>,,(]\ ]>1111 I.II',IIII,,::I.},) UOI '1n'l,ll <',lIJO "".llp .I.111l'JI'II:) J.lp ~'I!P ·.)lpI!S ;)1" - '>I'p ''liIlII.l;I\l\rrl',~ pun ""11'11\

-"1(1 .)1(1 UO 1I.1U.)IlU~'J.l\ 'P'Un, ")1"" -11'1. J.lp UO, 1J,1I1lIJ.I'j pun - IU;lUJlp.l~ ':iulllnlUJ:',\ ·j5111111.11'J<J,\ ,11\' '''I.HI.\')

·1111 1I.1\]-l''''flll 1I.1Ill,' tn' ·llUIIIO'lJ.1I[ 'lIIun·JlP'['l\'.i 1"']'1UII]> iU;)tn.) 'P//,\') IIJ~OI ·U.llP1111,11IUI,)11II 111.111\.' '1">-U1

I.' Oil 'Ul'IIJOP J.""IIV. '1.11[1.1111111(1,11]111.,]1 II(l, IIUOi .1UJI'I'.!;) .1;)1)(1 .)lldJOtuCI;IlU iU;lIll.1 111 .lIlUU')I'\1 PIOII "'ll lUI"

_,11\1 11(>-1'1 1.1]> ''''I' 'UUI'P Ill" llil.lJ .1UI,> 1" h'PIII.x; - '.)PUI!I'1I7'.)ISIJ-') ·1I"<lIIWJ.lp.lI.\\ ]lUll 11""",\ IJ(J, m,l'I.'1I

.11' plln ·U,)Ju.'IJ'1(pmp ,It'l'I,] .1111,'" 0' '.1111.1 'liuIIlp,).ld .. IU:-t .,.HI.hI}l0I0.))/ -1.(:J!J7J") .1I111')Ul.1III.)'li 'I'p II 1I11p l'I'lIll[

]>un lI.l1p'llIllI.l 'l.l'lI\\llti ,>,,1' U')llI,lltI

_11 11'1'1 11.'1' .llp ·U.lll(! 1.11' ,11U(U I

'I" 1,'J-I"I.x; 11101 IIJ:i(J/.ll'l'U\

11,111"11,,, III 'l"IIJ') UO.I



-P.)IS-I! \1'1\ I!.'II" J"p 11111 1I.'pUIl(p.},\


.llp I~I .)1", UOI\l'I,I"'J'~'I])'U 1 ,li'I·l(1 J.lp.ll 1lI.1p III' · ... 11.10 'JII") ",n'lt:.lcID -UII pUll IPllIUU.)IUIl ·pUI,l'1)~ll(J-I.IJ

Page 21: Smithson Hotel Palenque

'0 I\ln\ dt·utlich. d<l'~ dl1' Beliehullg

,on On IIl1d l'n-(111 die,,'lh.' is! "i{'

Jene illin \)ouhk' d{', ~Ill'n~ und

wi lit" \\ideqMn\, (it-r Blll1dheil. Die

\I;n;.-Ruinen. die \';.it'nque h,'ri}hnH

li'ldlt'nl lind n<lrkoti,chem Frlges!ein.

Schlk~,lich i~1 dit,~ ,llIch die Slt'II(', "0

,ieh nidI!, ereigne!. ~lIlIp, ... orama

der Gt'gell\,art. t'ine ,cn,illkdIC GI~I'

bIHlg'SI;itl" der Fnlropit·. "0 d.l~ flltch-

"urde. ,Ll~ <ie au, dell \\"ortt'n der

\1.1"1\ .1//1 r'ubal, I/J"" ( \I'" ""III,./J,."

11/(1111 YIICat,1II 11l'r.IlI~hol"l{'n lind d",'

I'rm;nl di"<I'1i "'.III1,'n gaben \)il' Rlli_

rll'n 'Oil 1',Iit-mpr(' wt'nicn - Il'rgkich-111,1< 11I,'n , ,,'erd"11 nllr ai, entfenH(' lige .\lIh'llIchen Il..-fallcncr llinwcise h'lf den ('I".I~ III Lmgen 1',IlI\\'n 7"i­

\[ogli(hh'il ('inc" Birch'" .111' l'inem nur d.tlu client. lUIS noch "t'iler in <chen ",t'i [~ild"rn . die J"''''il, da,> J lordl"II'tt'f \,;thl"geIlOm1U('n: dic",

F,'n\tt', 'lIld ~lIdt'm irnmt'r h.llbblintl den 1I1;lchligen Strl\(!t·1 - einell ;til On

tobend('11 bklo., - hineinlll/i('hen \bl"lIfen d(·, n;ich<wII Di'ls k,'nll/eich-

1I('n - fU !(,'ologi~d1<'n Uruehf,lhl'n illl durch d,'n Qu;\lm der Zeit und der llier "in\ die Geg,'n"" n lUI" \crbin- KOlllinent de\ D('J1~en'. IIi .... ""Idcn

Rodllllg,kller. I)i,· \\'lI lI(kr der 1"(>11 dllng ,on n.Lller ZlIklluft lind krner die Ideen 'on (it-n (;It-t<c!wr'lnlmcn

d,'n \[,1\.1 t'rI);\utell OhSt·n.llo1 iell lind \ 'erg;lIIg('l1 heit. illl .,inll der lOll KlIbl('1" do'r \\";tlll nehmllng lind der b LO'l1tllni,

Tempo·1 hlt-iben \l·I\lecLI. ',Ige IIl1d h{'S("hrieb.-'n('il ,\LIU;lIiI;it al< \lome11l \t'rformt oder ,,'rddllli hi, ~u den

werd.'ll .11I'W·sw.hl"1I 'Oil der "feh,io- ,,,ischen Tick lind T.lcL eilwl" l ' hl" ( .. J. EXln;nwll dcr l'nhl,lllcilh.LrL"il. in-

logie tI\'I Ct'gelm.II t. die _kh ill1 Ilotd dk H,i~eh,'rl;eitlieht' P,I\ISt·. in de,'

16g!. I)i,' \t'rg.I1I~"l1lll'it. 1"'1, he - "11' l1icht~ gt·,ehkht .,ie ist die l.cere

.1~1I"<)1I01tIi,d1<" Ft"igll"'" - ~t.llliinder. I"i~eht'n d.'n Ert'lglli<sen .• b ' Gleich-

1,Ingt' helOf <ie ;tm [lori/01l1 tit·, Sieht· '.1111 durchhohn 'on der Regl()~igkeil

hMen er,(ht·illl. )::('h6n nicill dt'n pr:l- )t·ll .... r 1;llIgen 111t',ikani~eht'1l 'aeh.

'pani"hl'n. intii,II1I,('h,·., \lvIIUlIlt·n· mit"'!;c, heginlu'll ~lI1ilh'OIl' Refle-

11'11. ">I1(\torll (il-m "gt·ologi"ht'li. Ion xiorWIl j'lbel"{!(-n 'IrUkIUt"7el"lorelldeu

\!t'n,clll'nh,lt1d g.''-Ch"frcnell Wunder- {.eist dt,,, 1-lou'l, clllropisch in ~ich

de~ 1101('1\. llier li/Hlt,t S1I1ith"on cirl('11 III~aml1ll'llIlIf .. llt'n, 1111 ~eJh •. ·n \I"ss

.lllr'LLti\l'r"1I Imd ..... itl'fen 1101"i,01ll. wie die ""Ir;tlliell IlorilOlH,· '-011 Zeil

\10 d .• , \~'rgallg."H' ~eine I'r,lgung \lnd RaulIl luriLcL"l'ichen, t'r~cht'incn

dUlch dit· l.uLuuft t'rnpwngt lind "0 11\'ue SII1I1di;lgon<tI('I1: Illls.igt, \llan­

Sllllllo,igk"il lind Zl'rf;tll ,ieh mil den len. hl'\!ehenti .111' nidll lobli<ier.

uppig"1\ \\indun~el1 \lnd ,-<-hl"celt'n h.Lren 1'1J11~len lind IlI1ge"i~<it'n Ikdeu-

dt'r alt.,., \1,11 .ILultllr 't"rhindt'n. tung-ell

\Iil 1I1,.Ii~;("ell1 I.:,ehdn lIlller<lIchl .\\6glich('r,,{'i't· i,1 das alles nlLl" ";"

';lI1ilh'011 dies<' 11It'll\\lll"dig"11 Cher- \\il, ,1\11 'lIl~ert· "o'len, \\'ir "011 ten

dt'm d,'r formgeht'IHle Ibum .Ih"t·ch­

,.'Ind ~Omprit1lien uru\ er"t'iit'lt "ird

1m lIold 1'.Iit-nqlL" i'l die An"t'ndllng

lOll elllpiri\ehen \\""hrllt'it"ll lind

"illel" ~t.trr('11 Geoglaphie fUIII '-<-Iwi.

tt'rn ,erunt·ill. \"'r/'I-dlrt I'om \','r,p""­

cht'll del" \\i"t'meh;tfthchkeit fl." (;eo-

10gt'1l und ,om .\Ihprudl <it'1" R"I""I)'

d,'n "lIf \)lIrch""i"" 'elg!"t IIl.1n

It'icht. d;L'~ jed,· Rl'i,,' in ,idl ,dh~t

ein('n R:1Il1ll bt'~chreiIH. ('incn Hl'rt'ich

der reinen \lelapllt'r. cint'n '-1l1mllle11

Iii-reich - _l' ille (;"gt'nd. ill (\tor dit,

LogiL aufgt'hobt'n i~t - ('in irr.lIlt)l1;llt'l"

Ikreich· 7, -. "0 dit' IllL.unatinl1l·n ,on

\ 'tTg,tngt'ulwit und ZILLllnfl di .. Ikqt·

UIl\ercr ~(hiffbnkhigen I'h.lnt'I'1l' ,th'leidung"n: I)orl. "0 dlt· ,\l"chiteL- nichl \I'rgc\,,'n. (\;1"" Yucat,Lll uit' hier "i"(it-rL,ill"n

11Lr d," Iknk('n, mil I,'ru-r de, IIOlt,,, l\";If, sond"'11 ,,-oan(\t·r_. ein \\"0. d:t\

II RollO'" Srnilh"'II, ["eide"I,"! \lirr",'. Ir~H'1 in II,,· Yuc,,;In_. \\i"(k,ahlt"drucl,

'" Huh fllr'It·I, n~ "-",'m,(1 "I 1l""'~1 \.",/r,,,,.,,, 'll-!I-"

nit·""" ill \nrorurn. Juni 1<)lih. """I",'. ~bltcd,.url( rn Th, l1'n/IN,(' (lJ 1/"","11 \."/11,,, ... S 'I.

,',) .1I\nd.,,,,, of \lrr'or·Tr",,'1 in 110.· 21 11., ''''';II1",n. lilt" SI"r.1.1 J"\I\ . ibid,. Yucalan •. S 10:'1. S II~,.

:tl 11Ii,'" .tt" dt'rn nt,ltlt'il"'~1 IU \"""II/~

(/',d" ... ',",. hlg"",u"" ,,," j,'''''')' 1961l. "i,·d,·r .• h,ll,·(huell in I{"bb, (1 1"It, ). /It>-

h} G",wlt" I\ubl"r. n, \hap 01 r,,,,~. \""1,, l'n;l"r"I' 1',-,'" I!Hi2." );,

il \·i .... ,' (''''prach" '''''eh"n n,'uni" WI,.."I,·r "",I lI.ohl"1'1 S"';II1,"n. 196'1 70.

/>,.,-1 \m"h""" V"/I'/''''. <:"rr,..lIl'nilu,i(, in .~u!o:,·ni,· T'di. Uow,/ \milll.o" ('''''"lh"I,

/' .... " I')~I S,IIO. C"lumhi.ll·nll""il\ 1"1"" 1<)<11" <17. B \'1'(1. ~,nIH'I)\ ,11,,1 Ih .... 'I'" \1o,,,,,

1 J8

• .t. •