s^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031600/1898-12-29/ed-1/seq-4.pdfbeen made into pulleys, wagon...

SOlEamFIO MTSCKTiT.ANY. (Complied tor the 8»B-narbox Eipros e.) SILK WITEO KT SILK.W0KH S AS UNCONQCKED ASlUCAw B.^T>W ^Tv 5Uant:C -S& EUO'A i'lGIi WASTE—UN -iSAINKD SIGHT—COLOflKD QLAB- . S!-:9 I'OK SEASICKSES U—PI IOTOG K.lPIir IN THE JJA 11K liFFECTH OF MAGNETS CUltlOUS - LV IMITA TED. Artificial silk manufacture has made rapid progress, threo successful lands hav- ing been described tho other day by Pro. Hummel in a technical lecture nt Leeds. The first is made from collodion, or gun- cotton dissolved in alcohol and ether, which is forced through fine capillary tubes and dried. Inflammability is re- moved by special treatment. Though the fiber has high luster, it is lacking in strength and elasticity, and is npt readily dyed , yet it is bein g extensively manu- facttrtrecT. in Franco and Italy. ; "Van- dimm" is a cheaper artificial silk, made from- glua or gelatine. The solution ex- uctcs . fts fine threads from a series of ni p- ples, and these are dried on a traveling band and woun d on alarge bobbin. The machines are automatic, enabling one riran ' in ten hoars to produce 480 , 000 yards ' of thread , equivalent to the yield of 21 , 000 cocoons, The, thread is made waterproof by formaldeh yde, is dj ed re-dily, and is traeful for mixture with other fibers, bitt is itself deficient in strength. A cheap and strong artificial silk is made from " mercerized" cotton or cotton treated ' wj ith strong caustic soda. This product- is stronger than the ori ginal liber, with greater affinity for coloring matters , but hitherto has failed on account of ¦ shrinkage. This defect having been comp letel y removed by " mer- cerizing" the cotton fabric under high tension, tho material is now being made in large quantities. .. The bite of the Tsetse fly, so deadly to the horse, ox and dog, has been found b y. a committee of the British Boyal So- ciety to affect other creatures as well. No remedy has been found. Thin little insect is playing a surprising part in tho world' s development, as , although man is strangely immune to the poison, large districts in Africa , notabl y the Limpopo and Zambesi valleys , must remain unin- habitable until the post is destroyed. An International Scientific Association, representing the chief scientific academ- ies and societies of tho world, is favored by Lord Lister and is being considered by tho Paris Academy. Though oil-making from, fish refuse has failed in Franco , fish guano has been made in Englan d to yield a heavy oil, costing somowh it over §100 a ton, that is of especial interest on account of its electrical insulating qualities. Many ap- plications are being found for. this oil. It can be compressed intoslabBf or d ynamos , transformers and switch-boards, and has been made into pulleys , wagon wheels , railroad ties, coach bodies , and even works of art. Neither temperature nor dampness affect it Fibres impregnaeed with the oil may be made to suppl y an excellent substitute for hard rubber; and 'M Andreoli notes that with ozonization of the oil, as practiced during the last few months' even more may be expected. Ozone improves the fish oils in color, fluidity and odor. It may also be made to change them into a semi-fluid condi- tion , and gives promise of converting a clx-iip material into products of much vuii i; where durability, impermeability apri srieiit electrical resistance are impor- ta nt. One nf tho rarest of surgical triumphs has tieen the giving of sight to persont v!ii> have been blind until maturity, only ub nit eighteen successful operations of thin lii,id having boon known , and n th i rd of these being credited to a single H|>iir< uilist—Dr. Louis Fialla of Bucharest. A Gorman writer has noted how these persons havo learned to see. On being given vision , thoy havo had to becomn neciistomod to li ght gradually, have been unable to recognize familiar objects ex- cept by touch , have known noihing of colors, hnvo had no visual idea of dis- tance, or of shapo , and havo boon uttorl y bowildered by thoir stran ge sensations. One man became completely helpless in streets whore ho had walked without difficulty while blind. It is concluded that man must learn to boo as ho learns to walk , tho eye requiring groat practice , and .that persons blind from birth can havo utterl y no concep tion of the outer world's appealanco. A specific for seasickness has boon suggested by Epstein' s studios on tho in- fluence of color on blood circulation. Seasickness results from lack of blood in tho brain , while rod onuses a rush of blood to tho head , and tho troublesome malady In cured by lookin g through rod spectacles, tlio effect being aided by in- ternal doses of a oalomol. Bucquorers discovery of tho photo- graphic notion of uranium iu tho d ark has boon followed by some interesting ox- poriinontH , whoso results wore described by Dr. W, J. Russell at a lato mooting of tho Itoynl Photographic Society. It ap- pears that all uranium salts have this propert y, not only as solids but also In solution , and that tho substances are quite as active after being kept two years in the dark as at first. Other motorinls affect the sensitive plate, with tho strike ing difference, however, that thoir action, vmliko that of uranium, does not take place through glass. Printing ink nets upon tho plate, not onl y when in con- tact but, also ot a distance, and the prop- ert y is long retained , as was domonutrat r oil by reproducing pagoo from boolrn printed in 1805 and in 1041. Tho offbntu of different printing inks vary greatly, being evidentl y duo to tho drying oil contained, Other vegetable oilu have n like notion , animal oils sli ghter ofloot , and mineral oilu ire quite inantlvo, Turpen- tine and the turponoii, as well ns all thn UHHd iitlal oile nf cnninioroo , which contain tiirponuii , aro aejlvo, Alcohol ami ntlior , when pure, aro not active , and thin iill' iinlii a moans of tenting their purity. Deal , ii prucii , onli and mahog- any givo iiluu'p nnd ueciirato iniproHiiioiui if lliuir iiuiii , nvoii nftnr thoy have buoii iliim l fur iii-oitiii of yunrii, Magnoiiiuni in thu moid, iiiit.ivi ) of tlin inetalii , linine, fi,llnweil in nidoi' by ciidmiilin , zinc , iiii-linl , aluminum , luml , blnniutli , tin , no- luili. ami iiiitiinony. Puro mercury in in- ill-l ive , althniiidi un slight nn impurit y of y.iuo nu l-ill)() of ono per cent niakoii il uxnnndingl y native. Dr, RvmhhU in in- ulinml In fi ' iviii- thn theory thai, th tuiu of, fundi aro duo to peroxide of h y drogon , unil iiluiwii Hint , at all nvnnlii , ilii notion in niiiiilnr and ntill apparent with it uoliitloii of 1 imi'1, in 5 , (100,001) of watnr. Iu tho niiilouii experiment of M. Oh, Woylinr , tho proportion of iniigiKitn nrorn- jmiiluciid by oiimliiiiutkmii nf vortlonii , in ulr or in w|itnr, Two Imvu roproHunlhig the iniignohi have annii a woodon, nxin , upon which nro faiitonod paper vanoii along ilii whole length ; und when the barn aro rohtlntl thoy istlrant or rnpol oiinh ol.lini' iieniirilliig un the dironlionii of )'illation urn thn uiiiiu, or oppouiUi , Tho neutral tcouo aluo lu uUovrn , RELIGIOUS SELECTIONS. Any weapon is enough if the Lord is onl y behind it.VfUliam Ashmore. Who has not known misfortune , novor knew him self or his own virtue. Molhi . A gro at man li ving for high ends is tho divine st thing that can bo soon on earth. Ililliard. The true soldier wins his victory bo- foro the battle. It is a victory in the heart. Anon. Whon tho Son of God is conquered , wo will be conquered , and not before. 2. L. Cuyler. If there be no enemy, no fight; if no fight, no victory ; if no victory, no crown, Savonarola. p Mankind in the gross is a gaping mon- ster that loves to bo deceived and haa seldom been disappointed. Mackenzi. Character is not your Sundaynoss , it is your Every day ness ; not what you scorn to bo spasmodicall y, but what you aro regularly. —- Watchman. Leave not off pra y ing to God ; for either praying will mako thee leave off sining, or continuing insin will make theo resist f r om prayir ig. .FWfer. Mere bashfume as without merit ia awk- ward, and merit without modesty inso- lejt But modest merit has a double claim to accep tance. Hughes. Some ono say ' s "I cannot love or know God, the infinite. " For that reason God was manifest in the flesh that yon might both know and lave Mm. throug h His Son. Try to be happy m this very present moment and put not on being so to a time to come, as thoug h that time should be another make from this , which is al- ready come, and is ours. Fuller. Life is not victory, but battle. Be pa- tient a little lon ger . By and b y in our hushed and waiting chambers , each in his turn , we shall hear the sunset gun. Jtoswell Xhci ght Hitchcock, J>. JD. When all is done , human life is , at the greatest and best , but like a forward child that must be played with and hu- mored a little to keep it quiet, till it falls asleep, and then the care is over.—iSi ' r ¦ William Temple. Christ' s earthl y crown was of thorns , but He wore it that we mig ht wear the crown of eternal life, and in the wearing He transformed it into a crown of im- mortal glory, whose luster shall never be dimmed. Watchman. That which thou dost nob understand when thou readest, thou shalt understand in the day of th y visitation ; for many secrets of relig ion are not perceived till they be felt, and aro not felt but in the day of calamit y. -Jeremy Tay lor. As the decay of faith is naturall y fol- lowed b y a lust y growth of credulit y, strange and heathenish beliefs have ap- peared , which easil y disci ple men and women who have "outgrown " the Chris - tian relig ion. . Where men are op in- credulous as to reject : the reasonable , they are always sufficientl y credulous to accept theixnreaBonablo. —Josiah Strong. The Price of Poweb. Contradictory as it may seem, yet it is true that though the power of the Hol y Spirit is a free gift to Christians , thoy must pay a price for the retention of that power. It is re- tained at tho cost of the sacrifice of self- will , of a caterin g to worldl y pleasures , of inordinate greed for money and of harboring an unforgiving spirit. There are Christians who once had a fullness of tho Spirit ' s power, but thoy do not have it now, just borattso they have not denied themselves of indulgences which are de- cidedly contr ar y to the mind of the Spirit. Ono cannot have this power and ot the same timo indul ge in seli-wiU. There are some in whoso minds there is a ver y confused idea as to what dis- tinguishes a Christian from a heathen. Probabl y tho thought was that because thoy havo culture and civilization they avo not heathen. In its first meanin g heathen aro peop le of tho heath or fields , those who formerl y wero thonneultivalod , and who throug h ignorance worshi pped false gods. But any person is n heathen who docs not worshi p tho true God and no ono is a Christian who does not also receive and obey Christ as Savior and Lord. There aro in truth heathen at homo as well as in forei gn lands. For them all our efforts and our prayers should bo put forth. Fias and Thistles rno n Ham ' s Horn ; Tho way to wateh is to work. "Whon yon cease to give, you cease to possess. The "lar ger hope may end in tho deepest despair. Tho Christian race is not a "go-as-you- ploase" foot race . It requires abundan t grace to with- stand abundant prosperit y. No man can follow Christ and not have trouble with the devil. Your position in life to-morrow do- ponds on your character to-day, A hi gh ideal la a standing invitation to roach a mora exulted position. The man who loses his life in love, sows the sootl of untold noble lives. The sermon on tho mount is higher than some church members core to live. . Christ' s people havo no disa ppoint -; mont s ; everything iu of divine appoint- ment Tho miser who is able (but unwilling) to relievo want , lu truly a miserable , man, Lot the world mould your op inions, and it will soon squeeze all reli gion ont. Tho man who will not iiuflor for the truth will have to tmffor for neglecting it Tho exasperating trivialities of life aro littlo lond-linos lot down to fathom our reli gion. Household Hints. Sugar Cittiily. —Twoeup fnlo of crushed (m-gar , ono cupful of water , tlio juico of two lemons or oranges , and tho grated rln r l of ono. Boil twenty minutes and either i.pi-oad on groaned dliilitui and cu t into HiiiinroH nf convenient ul zii or pull and twi n! or plait. Foam fiance—lUiat two «n| a sugar and Ihreii talil iinpooiifiilii 'bntl or to ii arenm , and yollm of two bunion oj fgii, Place the linn 1 in hot water : iitir well. I t nlunild lie , when -ready, it miiuotli yellow iij i'iip. When read y to liorv e turn into tho bowl and p iit tho beaten whiten of Ui n oggu on top. When tho nanao in lo bo h el p ed ut.ir tlio white of *igg into tlio rout. MohiiiuuH Gaudy. —A half-pound of brown sugar, it quarter of n pound of butler , ono quart of iiiolauucn; boil until It will eranlc whim dropped Into nold wa- ter. Add if you liko a pound of lib elled wiiliiiitiiiir liliiiieliiiil peanutn .ji uit an thn liel.lln hi ltt * lo 1 fi' iim tho fire. Spread on diiilinu and cut into uqurtrou , or pull anil plnit , an you nhooiio. Many a liniiimlinld in Hmld nimd »y death liniiiuiHii nf lint Inlluru to lump on hand a inifn and iiluinliit.iilyaortiiln euro fur (iroiip »uoli an Oil u M luiilo Doililli Oiirn , Hon that jour lit- tle oiioii are protected airaln ut •wor uenoy. JL. K, l'lokurd , W. U, lUlmuB. . l<' ai tn is tlio motner ot courage . The world hoe £00, 000 postmasters. I t takes a windy man to blow his own trumpet. Satan is continuall y watch ing and preyi ng. - No man over stumbles over art obj ect in his rear. God makes character , and man makes reputation. It is the silentman that is usuall y worth listening to. Satan pays in advance , God whon the work is done. The dollar in yonr jp ocket is worth two that you owe. The boy with mado over trousers takes after his father. Sanctified —The man who smiles who n he pays his taxes. If there is any luck in a Worse shoo it must be hard luck. , Tho telep hone girl has nn extensive calling acquaintance. Don ' t strain , your eyes looking for faults in your nei g hbor. If you want a thing done quickl y tell a small boy not to do it. The long-winded man is the hotbox of agreeable conversation. The smaller a man ' s heart, the bigger a dollar looks in his eyes. Sat an smiles every time he sees two men tr ying to trade horses. If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue. When a man has nothing to do he al- ways tends to it personall y. You cannot "train up" a child by keep- ing down all his aspirations. The scorcher evidentl y belives in put- ting his shoulder to the wheel. Experience teaches man long- of ter he thinks he has taken a di ploma. The smallest cows in the world are to bo found in the Samoan Islands. Where a new hat is concerned all wo- men believe in love at first sight We do not love ono another long be- fore God credits it as love to him, If there is honor among thieves there should be some among politicians. In China to salute any one by taking off one' s hat is a deliberate insult. The average amount of sickness in hu- man life is nine ^ days out of the year. The present syj tem of musical notation was invented in the eleventh century. No matter how many years we spend in scoring if we moke the race at last. . Tho fir ia tho commonest of all trees , being found in ovory part vl the world. Tho woman who is down on gossip doesn't say so until she has heard it all. A fashionable shoemaker says that wo- men can endure pain better than a man. It looks queer , but tho best man at a wedding isn't the one who gets married. Love never begins to come home to a man till he begins to come home to love. '•The Pil grim's Progress " has been translated into 203 languages and dialect s A physician declares that people who sleep with their mouths shut live longest A girl' s pocketbook is about like her heart, only it won't hold as man y samp les. Don't for get that you injure your own charac ter when you atta ck that oi another Don't accuse the fowl of being toug h until you are sure that the knife isn't dull Woman hope for the best and then go and buy articles that have been marked down. No person in Norway may spend more than six cents at one visit to a drinkin g place. " Althoug h truth may be at tho bottom of tho well it somehow never gets into the milk. It is estimated that of the whole pop- ulation of the g lobe about 90,000 die every day. Leisure for men of business, and busi- ness for mon of leisure , would euro many complaints. Ku ssio is said to own 8 , 000,000 horses , nearl y one-half of tho whole number in existence. Tho vocabulary of an ordinar y intelli- gent educated person includes onl y about 4 ,000 words. A cheap coat doesn 't necessaril y make a chea p man , but it makes him feel that way at times. Women alwa ys put garden seed away so carefull y that thoy have to buy now seed every year , Man embraces woman and therefore tho latter aro always included whon you speak of mankind. The \yoman who talks most about hor love affaire is tho ono who experience s tho least emotion. Two fools and two handkerchiefs aro tho only ingredients necessar y to com- poun d a silly flirtation. Wo would probabl y find our crosses just as hard to boar wore wo permitted to select them our selves. The cheapes t of all things is kindness , its exorcise requirin g tho least possible trouble and solf-sacrifico. It is with men as with watches—the worst movements aro ofton found in tho bent cases, and vice versa. It is stated that much of tho so-called vanila extract is mado from coal-tar pro- ductions and tonka beans . According to a coiisus taken by tho Maine biiioau of statisti c!! thoro aro 1, - 577,252 hens in that stale. Don 't scold your wife in the presence of others ; thoy may think you aro afraid to do it whon alono with hor. A woman holding her skirts out . of tho mud and an umbrella at the game lime has not much timo for flirting. II in an inconsiderate husband who needs n now overcoat tho name winter that his wife needs a now clonk. II would ho a bolter worl d if women praised thoir husbands ns heartil y as thoy do thoir favorite baking powder. The cobbler sot us all a good oxamnlo ; an long as ho lantu ho uses his awl to hhvo the iionh i of his follow mon, Among tho Chinese a coflln iu coniiid- ored it neat and appropriate presen t for an agod person , nspooinll y if In bad heal th A man likes an ed ge on his carving knife and a shar p point lo hln jokes , hut ho profn m hln wife ' s temper without cither, No woman won over known to oall her photo graph other than "h ideously ug ly, " no mutter |iow much ulio may admire it rinciotl y, When a man mitor litkiw to drown liin troubles h o nnoiiiu to luhnr under the |m- picii uion that thoy nrn all lotiutod jn hiu ntoiimnli, Alout ynungiiloiH of Uin pr esent day loarn no rapidl y that it in almost impniiiii- blo for tlio hi gh iiolioolii (o keep up with thorn , The umalloiit homo in tho world iu it 8hetlimil pony owned by the marquis of Oarenuo , Itu kni ght duoii not tuu j iniiii 27 Inchon , 'i bo girl with n now hut Umt In lionoiiu ing in mivur mil hilled unt il tlio man m) i o liken b out mid thn girl ulin liken Iviiul luivo noon it. If a woman onl y know her huubaml as well boforo marringo nn iiho duos after tli u aluut cAii avo th at nli« wauhl ivitwy noma other follow, A reoent (Iml of n iml of ivory p inii , a little gateway nnd threo bnllii iiidi enton that tho Kffyp tiftiin played nlno-plnii qiiltn 15 , 000 j ruiu u ago, Sparkles. STEIN WAY & SONS , 100 E. Hth Street , Now-York , offer for mile n lnr«o Block of . USEI> PIANOS ortliolrown on(l fltlnirinfiniiTinittin ». ncuiil rot by thn ctut iffo tor w\v Hlelnwiiy plunuH. Unbuilt Hh)imviiyn ' will beuuaninl uod precl nHy Min t mmi! nn our new in- rjtr umentH. Tho vrlccs nuiRD lor HUtinwav uprl u liMi *3fl0 nnd umvnrd a: ruuinwiiv Kru ntlr t rioo ami up- ward *, KKifiMvi ty Rquiir oH won mill u|iw ir <I». iHm r mrtk esuprl uiiihtim ) unil upward *; jmindr i fir>o ami up wurdHi niutucft tm und uj twur t lH, Uu ivmu til UofnUv Siulnwrtv nlanfrsttt prlwiio mid piibv mic ntrt^i£ oiwiaaat» m-i i jT «> iwaijj" m«3g n xJJr ^ 1 > Si ^^^fe^ Ml & MfiJ^^S^j, JH i wssmi H t> Pll Ju I « Qs*iD* f ] r+ ¦— M \ '\ \ Loss of Voice , i i a i c dq -"— Ah HOARSENESS, 1 5 i l»H B i v a as ; - ». .- >.„-• »„-•- . . - I Jt . ,| ¦d * Irritability of Ike Larynx hfv| ;* ami Fauces, ' | ,| ' , i| ?JJ BRONCHITIS, f>$ H l i n K| \nJetherli tf / . -imitlCom- ' ) ' ' i\ illthiKi of Hie l.nnnr. r ji j iiii! Air Pints i;. W. I ' ' ... .»¦ *' .f1 :iV ' I. NOTICE TO CRE tt lTORSi. In pursuance oi an order.pi- HVn. Hathan 1) . Petty, Surrogat e of tho County -at Suffolk , Notice Is hereby jlveni nccordlog to law, to nil persons bavin } claims against Hittto H. Corwln , late of th s town ore outbiiupton , de- ceased , that thoy;aro ' requJred ' to exhibit the same , wit h tho vonclicrs . tueroofi to ttie un- deral R iiod , at tlio' lawbllloeHOf Oidrgo O. Buy- nor. fn, 8ng-Harb 0r , N., 'VJ , on or; boforo the lltli day ot J iiDiiiryj lBM. ' ¦ :- .ijV^s- ' ¦ Dated July 7tb '18!l 8;;.:- :'-' " ;s^ f - , ; ' ' .- ¦ ' ¦ ' JAHEH J3. DlOKERSOH . -vWih lnlotrator . Guo. O. Ka ykob; Attorney . , j' ¦ ' ,; NOTICE TC CRE IUTOB eI ' ' Iu Mirsii uiiee of nu order at lion, jathnn D. I' etl.j - . Surroga te of th. -j County o ts-ffc l fr: Notice io ncrebj given, aceoruin ir to jtw , to all persons having clnltns aga in?! Is. tt fl B. Mulfurd , )ato of tho town of Eost-Hanpton, decenacd , that thoy nro required to. i'Alblt the iiime, with the vouchors thereof , t o the Bub scrlbei - , G. Claren ce Topping; .dniof the oxonutor e ot the last Will and Tosta noat ' 0l said ducea sed nt.hl s offloo Ic UnRa p/uaol s , In the town of Southampton , SuRA lt Oo.l. N. Tf-i on or tiofoio tho*31st day 6f J eo., 189». ' Dated Juno 23d , 1898, -> ¦ , j O. OLABEK0E TOPWNC f, THOM AS /. r HAND; v. i i ' ' ¦ ' ' :.i;3Bx ' c ciffors. NOITCE TO OEEIDITOES. In puraua nc^ 6{ an otdbr of ~ Hon ; Nathan D. Petty, Surrc tta te of the Coun ty of Suffolk , notice fs hereby ulvou. according to /aw. to nil porfons hnvin R claims ogoiDBt Abraham Halsoy, Jr., late of tho town of Southam ptoh. deceased , tbiU .^hby - 'nre' : rcqulred ' ' -to- eshiblt tho sttino , with lit rvo ' uoher s thereof , to tho sub sorlbor , at J .he oflloo <st Henry H; Chatfleld , at Brld iio-Hauipton , fj uffolk Po., N. Y., on or before tho 20thday of May next '. ' Dated November..11 , 1S88. .. EMIILV M. HALSEY , Exeoutrlx. Hf.niiv H. Chat pieiiD, Attorney. , NOTICE OF SALE. County Court . Suffolk County. SM5-H.V11BOII SaVINOB JU mk . AOA1NSX ' Julia K. Thomas und . .IoliieJ: H. Thojnes , her h iaband , Mary Godbee, William A.. . " Beckloy and Ellhu A. Buckley, trading as W. A. Bcckley & Co., and Nellie Ma- rouney. In pursuance of a judgniont of tlio County Court of tlio County .of buffo-Ik , Stato of Now- York , rendered lu this action on tho 29th day of October, 1898, tho subscriber , as Eoteroo therein , will sell at publio auction , In front of the office of E. A. Carpenter , In tho village of Sac-Harbor , County ot Suffolk , State of Now-York , on tho SOtli <luy of December , 181)8 , nt 1 o'clock In the afternoon ol that day, ull that piece or parcel of land sit- uated In said village and town , and desorlbod in the itomplalnt in this action as follows : "All that tract or parcel of laud situate In the village of Sag-Harbor, County of Suffolk and State of Now-Yon *, and bounded cast aud iu tiont by Jladl non street , fifty feet (60 ft.) ; south partly by land of J. Jlonroo Hav- ens , ono hundred and fifty foot (150 ft.) and partly by land of Olivia P. Sllvelra olghty-flve feet (85 ft.) ; west partl y by land of Olivia P. Sllvelra atoresald utno feet (0 ft.) and partly by land of Chailcs N. Hlldroth forty-one feet (41 ft.) ; north partly by land of Silas E. Bab- coek ono hundred and fifty feet (150 ft.) tho lot being ilfty foot wide by t ¦ o ' : hundred and thirty-five fo -t deep (50 ft. by 235 ft.) together with all buildings now erected thereon. " Dated November 17, 1898 HENRY H. OH ATFIELD , Beforeo. E. A. Cak penteb , Plaintiffs Atty. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YOBK , to Theodore E.Haucook , Attornoy- Gonerat of the state of New-York, John Sherry, County T'easurer of Suffolk County N. Y., anil tho heirs at law and next of kin , If uny sueli there be , whoso name s and place of residence are unknown- aud . cannot after diligent Inquiry tie ascertained , persons In- terested lu the estate as heirs at law and next of kin or otherwise , of Inane Harvey Into of th<» town of Sou thampton , Count y oi Suf- fol k , deceased , Send Greeting: W hereas , Eliza Harvey, Executrix named In tho will of uaid deceased , lately applied to our Surrogate 's Court of the County of Suffolk to have a certain Instrument in wilting bear- ing dale tbo 20th day of January, 1892. relat- ing to both real and personal property, dul y proved aethn last Will and Tost muont of tho Bbid deceased , Thoroior o. you nnd each of you are oltod to nppo ar before our Bald Surrogat o at tho Hur- n-giito ' s oulco in the village of Hlvcrho iid and l . n\ n nf Hlverhea l, In tlio County of Suffolk , on Monday, tho 30th day of January, 189J, at I o 'clock In the afternoon of thatduy. to at- tend the probate of .tbo siild lust Will and Testament. Aud such of you ns aro hereby olted ns are under the ngo of twonty *ono years are requtied to appear by yourguardian it you have one , or if you have none to app ear and apply foi ouo to be appointed , or in tho event of your negleet or failure to do bo a guardian will be upp dntmt by the Surrogate to represent and act for you In tho proceed- ing. In testimony Whereof , We have caused tho seal of our said County ol BufTolkto bo here- unto nfllxcil. Witness, Hon. Nathan I) Potty, Surrogate ot oui eiiUl County o? ButToUt at Hlvorhoad , N. Y , thin Uth day nf Uieninber , 1898. NATHAN D. PETTY , Surrogate. W. O. (iIlliUNB Attorney, Sag- Harbor , N. Y, -Z NEW HOME WRITE FOR CIRCULAR S SS^l' i fiowlnflr Mnchlne u wo ninnu fnctiiro nnil tliolr prlco ulicfiiru you purclinse uny other. THE NEW HOME BPU/INO MACHINE CO, OIIAMI1U , MAM, tSUntt inSoiliro. M. V. ClitraRlUl). Rt. liinli , Ida. nulla *, ' !' ,)*, Uttti Vranii lM'ti , l, AU*ul», U«. ran aiuc av hii fcWii r,! T ^-..~- .-.-~. , -|. |M - H | ^ WM j^ Wl ,ff W ^ MM » ^ ,,ft W^. -il ^^ ,r,.i i^w ,.T ,w,. ,-i.. ^ | , ; yw^w^..^. 'Sho Kind Ton Have Always Bought , and -which has heen la use for over SO ycara , has homo tho slgaatiu -o of ^yjf _____—. and haa hoon made tmdor his por> C^L J CJ ^^jl ?7 t -^h , Bonal suporv lBion alnco Its infancy. ^uxr^jr . s«* C*U4( Allow no ono to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro bat Ex- perim ents tlmt trifle with-and endan ger the health of Infanta and Children—Ex perience against Experiment. What is GASTQRIA Oaatoria Is a substitute for Castor Oil , Parc grorlc , Dro ps and Soothin g Syrups. Ill is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Mor phine nor other . Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It rel ieves Teethin g. Troubles , cures Consti pation . and flatu lency. It assimilates the Pood , regulates the - ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children ' s Panacea—The Mother ' s Friend. GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS v? Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hie SMys BaugM In Use For Over 30 Years. ;;./; th« cihtwuw ceywwy. yr bj uwh av ' w w*mxt. w«wvbnk city. . Ooveat fl and Trnd o Unrks obtained , and all Pa tent buolneuo conducted for raodoratafeoa . Our offloo la ojipoBlto tho U. B, Patent Of- fice. Wo havo no aub-agonole u, nil bunlnona ill root , hence can transact patent buelno nu In lee* time and at Ions cost than those remote from WaohlnKton, Bend model , drawin g or photo, wit h dea. orlpt lon. Wo advise If patentable or riot free of char ge. Our fee not duo till patent secur ed. 1 1 A ,book , "How to Obtain I'ntonta ," with re ferences to actual clients In your Utato , county or town , eent free. Address , " O. A. Snow «% Clio . Oppo ulto Patent Ofllco , Wuali lngton , D, C. JAMES, C, LAWEEITO.E. UDAtiKU IN ATX ViHAT OhABH Fia BDS and Qrpns , DOTH PEPB AND CABINET, Of tlio very bont niitnufncturv. I'liinoo for mile (iml to runt at the moa t t'liBoiiii lilB prln oH, Call nt the wiirn-ronm , Mnln Btre iit. Hnu-Ilurbur , and eiuinlho, Our Fine Stationery ' For'^Clnrislinns OKIs in now ' on ' uxlilliitliiil , Ilitnilnomo biMt iH—ol ioioo gomlB-^liivy;!.!)! ;!^* HUllD'S MN13 BTATIONlSltV ••A' Braouwrv. , NEW TEAS and COFFEES J3. W. PAYNS Harness & Ilcrse GlotkiDg In variety , illaufcuru , Ilobeii , Wlil|in , Hur- oliijj lun HiiIUhh , eta,, etc- , nil nt low iirliiutf We' atH iliitoriiilne il to luitUo ciiti'iilorolu iiul- <llilill,ir ,i fur giiiiilu In thiu linn. Call nnd hiio ourutoou and what , wu hnvo and wliut wo hovo to offor. In our CONFECTIONERY DEPA RTMENT ha ve I' rnnli Oftinllna of tno ((ooil Hurt , nnd a llklndil nfnolouted' IiVult In muuiou , at tlio old and popular otand ; Our Livoiy and Boardinc: Stablou tlollott your [lulronafie, Clued mid riillnliln lloruoii to let , with iityllnh OhhIiikiiii , nt rnnuonablo prfaen, Drlvnru furntrihiii l wliiui ri utiilt-iid. Our Wan»nnUnii nnil tltaunii oonvny iniiiiion- fieri and thelrliuKKUH. il to niiil friuiilliiiTriiliiu ' and llouta for *5 oui . I^inv«i yo|irorilur» wllli , an tad yeru will aoi |ii»t Mt\ I r.T .ft jr _^ }, -c-i.. v. Rri'OJItOT. Li. * . , &U(ii)i v. _ , atiij toMBfu Oor al Law , onk ' " "> s-s ' Sto re , Bii K-Ilarbor , L. .\^ m»- O. O-r ieo-u e, Att omev & Counselor at Law , SAG-UAIiEOK , I/. -1. OHlce , llooru .1 , Fahye Block. BEAL ESTATE . LOANS. INSURANCE ,' ^ l"' r cent Securities for sale. , Qeo. C. Kaynor Cminsi-liir at Law , i Volary Public. - Ofli ee in Hlldro th tt iock, opposite Wnshiu gtou St. 8AG-IIAR BOB , N, Y: At Brld ge-Uttiu p ton , W eiluea dny, 10 to 1 each week. ^ BJ SAL ESTATE, LOANS , IN6UB.AN0 E ^ddision Mi. Cook , I*aitid fc urveyos? , _ BBIDGE -HAMPT OH , 1.. I. 7yj j JAMES 'll. " HERSOSr I REAL ESTAT E AND INSURAFCE | Furni nlied Cot ta ges u Sper ; <' , r,y . I Offloo on "Job' s Luue , " Soutliai_ . .j u. j Theodore l> Bimon , COUNSELOR AT LAW, ' [ Ama oan sett , ^ - - - - Long Island Tosepli S^. Omborne. EAST-HAMPTON , n. y. j .B j^l 1N T K K K , j Notary Public , ' Conveyancer , Auction ( f eer , and Suovoyor. | KEAL K8TATS . LIKE & FIKE INSUHANCB AND J GENEtt& b BUSINESS AfiEST. I Bank Uhecke , Bonds and Stocks of all klnda 1 bought , sold or exchanged; Loan s negotlat- | ed. Investments made , &e. a Deede , Wills , Mortgages , &c , carefull y 3 prep ared. Speelal attention paid to settle- S ment of Estates. |j PROMPT ATTENlIOy TO BUblNSSL | Qeo. E!.JrdLa8. t«i ey, 1 AVATEB MILLS , L. I. 1 BU I LDER Contr ncts nmde for buildings ol every d2l»- M oript iou , aud building uinter ial aupj illod. N^ 88 JOH S SiHSuRRir , 1 NOTARY PUBLIC, I Gouvevaucer & Ro.i l E i f ate Agt. 1 Deeds , Mortgages , etc., eiirefnlh- prepared. h Loans negotiated. " 9 Boom 7, Fah ys Block , Mnln St., Siig- I lin - uor. I HENRY H. CHATF1ELD, 1 Attorney and Counselor at Law. i NOTARY PUBLIO. , BBIDGE-HAMPTON .N. Y. ® At Sonthanipton every day, Monday to Frl- n day Inclusive, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. 8 THE BHIDGK HAMPTON Literary &Coari Institute. j uunaK-iiAMPTON , mn\ con. y. Hehool fur hiilli iiiixiiD, Kiii r llidi , Oliuiiiloiit. rinlnnl.llle and Hiib 1iioi,h nniioo) , A leo jii'ii - piinin for Normal Heliuoln , Cnlleges Uriel Unl. vnrullli iH. Wlinlii expeiiHO of non-rn sldniitii , OoiiiiiMi u l'Ziir; llhli , except for lioolcu , 91K0 for the Hi-liool yniu'of till week'i . I' nll term will hngln Oot, 3il , 1!I08 : Winter term Jan. lid , 1MID. L. W, I1AM.0GK , A.M., I' rlnolpal , Minn MA«y Wj irm rr , A, It. Vlen J' l lniilpnl. Oil Stove. A diuihle ell ntiivn , with ovnn and nix holes for lii'tlh 'B , III itoiiil emidltliin, for liale for uant of nan, Inijulro at thin oitlee. »Mf>.c ouo.ii Z l iw/ PF im 'i— j ft. - \ Ti '""'" " "IT fllfltl il) MK iiiiiii| >lnl.iily nnil iiiih-ld y. and thn uoiiiinr a iki uhIi In mii'nil the liwn iitiriu Itdo eu, " Iiuiii I' lglit, A iii>ii||h lu the woiut llilng In Hi<> wnrlil to liuvn iilioiil, .you. nultfinliloiii iiriiov - "I'l i'liv en nf lliinir , und thn llnul r euiilt nf it ling ltiiittid itiiii|( |i In apt tn Im n tinfllu. Pnn 't, i niil ii -j yniir iinii llli thn lin-fill unil the iiiiil-nll Iihi' ii hy liillln ii It iihuiii llll It liuiveu imlliln it nl' yiin, hut inn " It hy Imi'iniliniitiy unlllii g i n in . Wu will fiiinliih ymi niir n for all liii nli! of iiinillliii wheth er wlioop lnit, or in,, . Tallinn iieeiiiiliIn tliin iiiiiviiu lite, Hut above nil thlugii iloii 'l, full to leinemhur that wu linvn I lie iiiiimI , iuiinpliit.il I'miiinlp tlnn diiiiiill- iiiiuil ou tliu I'liul. end uf Iiiuiu Inland , iif«i< a uii'ul iiiiiiiirl.iiiiiiit of Oriign , 1' ii rtiiiniiu , Vntent Mi ' illr.liii in, Tiillnt , Ail.Inl ,ui anil Oluitrn. A.T, IIHOWN , l'h, O, Bna-llttUui ' , N, V. $40 IS TEE 1890 PBICE OP 1S00 ^ m m^Vt 5 BICTCLES , "tho 20 year old wheels." ¦ ' THAT MEANS THAT ANY ONE can now buy noon wheela of world wide reputati on for tho prico of _"shodd y " whoel s. Wo ore going to for ce matters in 1899 -with good bicycles nt mi ght y low prices. H. M. YOUNGS , Agont. DE. YOUN GS. STOVES.. . . —AND— P LTJiM-BlNG. GAS FITTING. STEAM . FITTING. SMITH BLOCK-MAIN -STREET. THOMPSON & OSBORNE , DEALERS IN FIB 8T CLASS FUR NITURE. Don't lorgot that now Is the time to buy, and that thoy aro tho people to sell so that you will bo pleased. UNDERTAKERS ! Prepared to give pro mpt and careful atten- tion to all funeral detail s. Main Street , - - - - Sajr Harbor Dr, Set Arnold's Sou gh Killer Oures when others fall* Children like ii. For Sale at all Druggists and Country Stores * PREGE , - 23 Cents * Sand urn Foetal f oe -v our Premium LtmSm. ST 0R.8ETH ARNOLD MEDICAL CORP. tVOONSOCKET, R. I. ' j MtE^BALH- Sffi^^ Is quickly absorbed. EB^rAM RRl^ Cleanses the Nasal WG ^Nn SScoUJ? Passages , Allays ffl ^3#?r f V/W Pain and toflam»»-K»^g&a ^ tion . heaU tho Sorea. Bj AVfEVER f f M Protects the Mem- W f* s ^J ?@l ir brano from Addi- BL _^ / c^P* ' tional Cold , roatoi-es^Sf^S^vrAS^. o'j^^ M tho senses of tJK se52£cC* xiv 'J '-N Taste and Smol!. W^rSt^ "^ u.t *. IT WILI j CUKE. "HAY-FEVER A particle la applied Int /i oioli uoiir ru nni in airr oo- ablo Pnco no crntaatDruir KlBt ii .ir by mall. BI.V I IOTIIItllH . M Wurmn ht.. New-York, FOB BALE BY LEADING DIALtRS. ^BaE^ffl HAIR BALSAM WBBnHf a&t^u t mg,> Ixauiirio t tlia h«Jr. WwSkJk A %JEfl Xttvet Vntll to llcfttor s dray KOKU ^nnH ila»T to tin Voutiiru) Oolor T ,., B| !QfUlTU£a4QH|Cure* I'Hp iliwat ri u hi Ir (alllinf. FOR SA LE. Tho premises on Xoitli nnven, ki;«wn as M If i Q Goodsoll farm , containing nuu-i j aoros— m halt oUmreil. Ouo half mllo of ah ore front. S Two dwelling Iiousob and uutbu Ucllnge. Pob- n session given liiiiTHHllatel y. s 47tf JOIiV SHKiillS , Aoe nt. | THElECOfllCr" BAHK Of Hag-l-l i bor. I j. J. HAB1US0N , PitEUDEV l. £ U. K COOK , Vro iM " .Kti nn.N-T. g MIAN0I8 II. P.VtilEIt , Oabiiikb. I DIltKOTOllH. J. Jay Harrison , Olln SI. Edwards H Honry P. Coolt , 11. V. Klukurson , H l'ranolH II. l' ulium- , Ohns. A. l'iorson , m John M. Ulldrelli , Wm. Ii. Dennlson , W TranBiietH Keu'-rnl ll'inkli i^ biiHluoHB. Bonds n anil SteeliH hough t and Hold. w Not Inlin e llniltoil to uuy Hpeulnl hriineh , II butUioroni shl y Riiulppnil lo handle all trims- « aetlnna In the Hun nf bankin g and hrnlcnrngo , K It sollelta aiieniiiitii and IniulueHd with full as- a euniiieeii f ahlllty to kIvd entire mitlsfaotlon. K liuiuli-leB will reeelve prouipt attention und b bo eheerfully iiiihwiu' im I. m Bnukliii r lioiir e : 11 a, ai. to 3 p. H. K vALUzxBL iii mm I F lilt SALIC AT I THIS OFFICE. I A few nets ot Ui' .uouna or the Town or E SotiTHAMi 'TON , in fo- .r volum es, in eliiding B tlio rtoonlH from lUll' . l to 187(1 ' u t S5.00 1 per ml in pup '-r , und .^li.lll) in elotli. K |Tlii '(ie Iteeoi' ilu nro for Bale by William J. «« Foal , of Houthniiiptoii. fi2 AODll KHHKH tln llVel'llii lit till! 250tll lllini- fS veis nry of the sett lenient of tlio village « mid town of yoiiiliiiuiiit iiii , nt CO con In In m pap er nnil 7/1 oeut n in elotli. ffi IIibtoiuoal Ai)i)iius.!iiH ( lelivord il by Hon. n Qcury 1*. IIiiiI kcb , nt lli-iil<!e-Hiimj>t on , | | July '1 , 187(1 unil Ni«v. 10, 1HH I 1 , toi/etlier fti i villi ii iiio-hiiuiln of i.Iki ehuruh novenaiit M ¦uiiilo li ntivecn Kcv. Anion 'Woolivor tu m. und ivory ranl n u.r. -m ln r nf tlio eonuruf ia- m lion. 1' ri en fiO ecnt u iu paper und 75 m euiitn in cloth. M RKAl/ ' KlsfAT E I FOR SALE I , Two dwnlllii Ku liiiuneu and lute on .Main Ht.; ffii two ilwellliiKBliiiimeM iiiiil lnlmin Miiillnnn HI. ; ffia (inn hiiiiiie ami let nu Uiimiii- Ht.; one hoiiun fm uud hit nu DIvIhIiiii HI,, ; two uiuiill lumens ffflj lower purl of thn vlllui fn ; nnu very duHli -uhle M ImlUll uK hit m. Utunplmi Ht, - , one liminu anil mk lot (in Glover m„; two luillilliii; loin with KR wuter fri iut, on niuvnr HI. ; nne liii'Kur t riuit 91 on Glover Ht., with wiitur front; alim bul lil- KH Inn hit» lu iithi ii' |iiul. of vlllni;o , m The llowiill fiirni on Niiilh lliivn n ; thirty ffiS il mi, ii , dwellhi i! Iiiiuiii i , Iiuiii ami ol.Hur bullil- KB lnitii . M One fiirni on Ninth llnviin , twenty ueniH , ffl Komi Iiuiii , itiini l ilniilllu if, Komi Iiuiii ,iik1 Ml (i tliei- nut liull(tlii|fi(, m<j A fiirni of thirty iiiiniii uf iilnium l luml on fa} t in, Ililn k Ii I lu niiiil, K 1'Viiii- pliiiiii'i nn Nnyiui iiuiii , (tlil'eu with pH lill llillllioii in,) gw Dim Iiunili - i'i l mid twenty aorun of wimil- W luml , hi tl-iielii uf I'niiii fiiur tu iilxl.y iiii i'ii .'i, jte Hliiiutliii i wniid , In lulu ut liiili ' .i uii'o , mpi ¥" v uei'ii , liuil li ve or inn iiiiimii , iiitiiii rilln ir t,i> Bit* wii nlii nf iiiiruliimiir , fnui' tu llftiiu u ilulliii'u SMj l per uin' " . fw,8 Fur piirlleiilai - ii iiii ply to #S 11. /. HUNT , W llenl Kut . Aut , Wi Hii K-lliirliui ' , K, Y. fffl fET sap iiM lipS | ih t'tfiiMiiiiKii llrj Evorv Thurcday Morning, m AT lUd-lUllllOU , U l„ ©J AT «ia I"IJ »t YIJAIt , IN AI>VAN<; U | |l If not ulrlotl y lu ailviuwo ij ej.wi ^ylll bo oliaigofl W J IMTKK; (II ' ,A11VIII '1'|ZIN(I . (IN AI'l'MMTION. |R No piipni' dliii iiiiilhiiiiid until all arr dnrn ites Mi ant paid uxiuipt iitlliii iiplluu ,,f tlm eilllor. |ij Oiiri'iiiipiiiidnutii will p lum, ii iiniid lli,,| r niimea f* tvll.li eoiiiiuiiiilniil limn nut for piihlhiatlnn but M an ii Kiiiti'iintiie nf itooil 'ullli , ann o notion UlA u^tan ot u onymou iiwtlUiiijti, " |W FULTON , DUFPIEUD , AND BIUDQB STREET S OFPERMAN BUILDIN G BROOKLYN AN EVENT OF IMPORTANCE OUR FOURTH SEMI-ANNUAL Home Furnishing Sale i VERY SPECIAL SALES of linens, BLANKETS, CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, FURNI- TURE, HOUSEFURNISHINdS, CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, AND WALL PAPER NfiW IN PRnnPF S* Prices lower than ever. """ '" rK UUKC aa. A | | neWl tte th , clean , desirable merchandi se. Ap AA purchases delivered -within 250 miles on Long ' •ni lallll Island; we have Agencies and deliver goods ' r v,vv direct to purchaser 's home. H. T. GRI FFIN ^ . " j Bfovitv is the S oul of wit. " Q-ood Avife, - you !N" eed S^POvL.10 - ^^ siosT6xa .d5ffe5 jy i.es hj ^JK imm mDMsr^j wimmoRmm/ffT/ ^ mmAS wtlp msrPMEs ^B Ul ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ /IREffff i. ' ^X \ j ri l[ \ Paid Piirehases of 8C or moro \\ \ vKh ' / '/ V \ will bo-oent FREIGHT PREPAID uN^vi^^vL-i-f ^-^ V^ to any railroad station In MAINE , A\»>. J Y] W NEW HAMPSHIRE , VER MONT. , _ WA\\ S& &<¦ ^*Ji ^ T~ MA88AOKUSETT0 , RHODE IS- F^HI i' fc.„ ~ „¦ LAND.v OONNECTIOUT ' i MEW Bfl ' ±^Zs= ^Wdsall m , YORK i tPE WHGYLVAfll A , and 1 ^ ^TFrT ^ I wew j ersey. (a lss _™ (n Iumi:. llA J _ w^:. I i J ltd- meatthe&unhtf . ^II£iSlM pP^R|M I 1 I ' KgQ att . _

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Page 1: S^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031600/1898-12-29/ed-1/seq-4.pdfbeen made into pulleys, wagon wheels, railroad ties, coach bodies, and even works of art. Neither temperature nor

SOlEamFIO MTSCKTiT.ANY.(Complied tor the 8»B-narbox Eipros e.)



Artificial silk manufacture has maderapid progress, threo successful lands hav-ing been described tho other day by Pro.Hummel in a technical lecture nt Leeds.The first is made from collodion, or gun-cotton dissolved in alcohol and ether,which is forced through fine capillarytubes and dried. Inflammability is re-moved by special treatment. Thoughthe fiber has high luster, it is lacking instrength and elasticity, and is npt readilydyed, yet it is being extensively manu-facttrtrecT. in Franco and Italy. ; "Van-dimm" is a cheaper artificial silk, madefrom- glua or gelatine. The solution ex-uctcs.fts fine threads from a series of nip-ples, and these are dried on a travelingband and wound on alarge bobbin. Themachines are automatic, enabling oneriran' in ten hoars to produce 480,000yards'of thread, equivalent to the yieldof 21,000 cocoons, The, thread is madewaterproof by formaldehyde, is dj edre-dily, and is traeful for mixture withother fibers, bitt is itself deficient instrength. A cheap and strong artificialsilk is made from "mercerized" cottonor cotton treated ' wj ith strong causticsoda. This product- is stronger than theoriginal liber, with greater affinity forcoloring matters, but hitherto has failedon account of ¦ shrinkage. This defecthaving been completely removed by "mer-cerizing" the cotton fabric under hightension, tho material is now being madein large quantities... The bite of the Tsetse fly, so deadlyto the horse, ox and dog, has been foundby.a committee of the British Boyal So-ciety to affect other creatures as well.No remedy has been found. Thin littleinsect is playing a surprising part in thoworld's development, as, although manis strangely immune to the poison, largedistricts in Africa, notably the Limpopoand Zambesi valleys, must remain unin-habitable until the post is destroyed.

An International Scientific Association,representing the chief scientific academ-ies and societies of tho world, is favoredby Lord Lister and is being consideredby tho Paris Academy.

Though oil-making from, fish refusehas failed in Franco, fish guano has beenmade in England to yield a heavy oil,costing somowh it over §100 a ton, thatis of especial interest on account of itselectrical insulating qualities. Many ap-plications are being found for. this oil. Itcan be compressed intoslabBf or dynamos,transformers and switch-boards, and hasbeen made into pulleys, wagon wheels,railroad ties, coach bodies, and evenworks of art. Neither temperature nordampness affect it Fibres impregnaeedwith the oil may be made to supply anexcellent substitute for hard rubber; and'M Andreoli notes that with ozonizationof the oil, as practiced during the lastfew months' even more may be expected.Ozone improves the fish oils in color,fluidity and odor. It may also be madeto change them into a semi-fluid condi-tion, and gives promise of converting aclx-iip material into products of muchvuii i; where durability, impermeabilityapri srieiit electrical resistance are impor-tant.

One nf tho rarest of surgical triumphshas tieen the giving of sight to persontv!ii> have been blind until maturity,only ub nit eighteen successful operationsof thin lii ,id having boon known, and nth i rd of these being credited to a singleH|>iir< uilist—Dr. Louis Fialla of Bucharest.A Gorman writer has noted how thesepersons havo learned to see. On beinggiven vision , thoy havo had to becomnneciistomod to light gradually, have beenunable to recognize familiar objects ex-cept by touch , have known noihing ofcolors, hnvo had no visual idea of dis-tance, or of shapo, and havo boon uttorlybowildered by thoir strange sensations.One man became completely helpless instreets whore ho had walked withoutdifficulty while blind. It is concludedthat man must learn to boo as ho learnsto walk, tho eye requiring groat practice,and .that persons blind from birth canhavo utterly no conception of the outerworld's appealanco.

A specific for seasickness has boonsuggested by Epstein's studios on tho in-fluence of color on blood circulation.Seasickness results from lack of blood intho brain, while rod onuses a rush ofblood to tho head, and tho troublesomemalady In cured by looking through rodspectacles, tlio effect being aided by in-ternal doses of a oalomol.

Bucquorers discovery of tho photo-graphic notion of uranium iu tho darkhas boon followed by some interesting ox-poriinontH , whoso results wore describedby Dr. W, J. Russell at a lato mooting oftho Itoynl Photographic Society. It ap-pears that all uranium salts have thisproperty, not only as solids but also Insolution, and that tho substances arequite as active after being kept two yearsin the dark as at first. Other motorinlsaffect the sensitive plate, with tho strikeing difference, however, that thoir action,vmliko that of uranium, does not takeplace through glass. Printing ink netsupon tho plate, not only when in con-tact but , also ot a distance, and the prop-erty is long retained , as was domonutrat roil by reproducing pagoo from boolrnprinted in 1805 and in 1041. Tho offbntuof different printing inks vary greatly,being evidently duo to tho drying oilcontained, Other vegetable oilu have nlike notion , animal oils slighter ofloot , andmineral oilu ire quite inantlvo, Turpen-tine and the turponoii, as well ns allthn UHHd iitlal oile nf cnninioroo , whichcontain tiirponuii , aro aejlvo, Alcoholami ntlior , when pure, aro not active, andthin iill 'iinlii a moans of tenting theirpuri ty. Deal , iiprucii , onli and mahog-any givo iiluu'p nnd ueciirato iniproHiiioiui• if l l iuir i iuiii , nvoii nftnr thoy have buo iii l i im l fur iii-oitiii of yunrii, Magnoiiiuniin thu moid, iiiit.ivi ) of tlin inetalii , lin ine,fi , l lnweil in nidoi' by ciidmiilin , zinc ,iiii - linl , aluminum , luml, blnniutli , tin , no-luili. ami iiiitiinony. Puro mercury in in-ill-l ive , althniiidi un slight nn impurit y ofy.iuo nu l-ill )() of ono per cent niakoii iluxnnndingl y native. Dr, RvmhhU in in-ulinml In fi'iviii- thn theory thai, th tuiu of,fundi aro duo to peroxide of hydrogon ,unil iiluiwii Hint , at all nvnnlii , ilii notion inniiiiilnr and ntill apparent with it uoliitloiiof 1 imi'1, in 5,(100,001) of watnr.

Iu tho niiilouii experiment of M. Oh,Woylinr , tho proportion of iniigiKitn nrorn-jmiiluciid by oiimliiiiutkmii nf vortlonii , inulr or in w|itnr, Two Imvu roproHunlhigthe iniignohi have annii a woodon, nxin ,upon which nro faiitonod paper vanoiialong ilii whole length ; und when thebarn aro rohtlntl thoy istlrant or rnpoloiinh ol.lini' iieniirilliig un the dironlionii of)'illation urn thn uiii iu, or oppouiUi , Thoneutral tcouo aluo lu uUovrn,


Any weapon is enough if the Lord isonly behind it.— Vf Uliam Ashmore.

Who has not known misfortune , novorknew himself or his own virtue. —Molhi.

A groat man living for high ends is thodivinest thing that can bo soon on earth.— Ililliard.

The true soldier wins his victory bo-foro the battle. It is a victory in theheart. —Anon.

Whon tho Son of God is conquered ,wo will be conquered , and not before. —2. L. Cuyler.

If there be no enemy, no fight; if nofight, no victory ; if no victory, no crown,—Savonarola.

p Mankind in the gross is a gaping mon-ster that loves to bo deceived and haaseldom been disappointed. —Mackenzi.

Character is not your Sundaynoss , it isyour Every day ness ; not what you scornto bo spasmodicall y, but what you aroregularly. —- Watchman.

Leave not off praying to God ; foreither praying will mako thee leave offsining, or continuing insin will make theoresist from prayirig.—.FWfer.

Mere bashfume as without merit ia awk-ward, and merit without modesty inso-lej t But modest merit has a doubleclaim to accep tance. —Hughes.

Some ono say's "I cannot love or knowGod, the infinite. " For that reason Godwas manifest in the flesh that yon mightboth know and lave Mm. throug h HisSon.

Try to be happy m this very presentmoment and put not on being so to atime to come, as thoug h that time shouldbe another make from this, which is al-ready come, and is ours. —Fuller.

Life is not victory, but battle. Be pa-tient a little longer. By and by in ourhushed and waiting chambers , each inhis turn , we shall hear the sunset gun.—Jtoswell Xhcight Hitchcock, J>. JD.

When all is done, human life is, at thegreatest and best , but like a forwardchild that must be played with and hu-mored a little to keep it quiet, till it fallsasleep, and then the care is over.—iSi'r¦ William Temple.

Christ's earthly crown was of thorns,but He wore it that we might wear thecrown of eternal life, and in the wearingHe transformed it into a crown of im-mortal glory, whose luster shall never bedimmed.— Watchman.

That which thou dost nob understandwhen thou readest, thou shalt understandin the day of thy visitation ; for manysecrets of religion are not perceived tillthey be felt, and aro not felt but in theday of calamity.—-Jeremy Tay lor.

As the decay of faith is naturally fol-lowed by a lusty growth of credulity,strange and heathenish beliefs have ap-peared , which easily disciple men andwomen who have "outgrown " the Chris -tian religion. . Where men are op in-credulous as to reject : the reasonable ,they are always sufficiently credulous toaccept theixn reaBonablo.—Josiah Strong.

The Price of Poweb. —Contradictoryas it may seem, yet it is true that thoughthe power of the Holy Spirit is a freegift to Christians , thoy must pay a pricefor the retention of that power. It is re-tained at tho cost of the sacrifice of self-will, of a caterin g to worldl y pleasures,of inordinate greed for money and ofharboring an unforgiving spirit. Thereare Christians who once had a fullness oftho Spirit 's power, but thoy do not haveit now , just borattso they have not deniedthemselves of indulgences which are de-cidedly contr ar y to the mind of the Spirit.Ono cannot have this power and ot thesame timo indul ge in seli-wiU.

There are some in whoso minds thereis a very confused idea as to what dis-tinguishes a Christian from a heathen.Probabl y tho thought was that becausethoy havo culture and civilization theyavo not heathen. In its first meanin gheathen aro people of tho heath or fields ,those who formerl y wero thonneultivalod ,and who through ignorance worshippedfalse gods. But any person is n heathenwho docs not worshi p tho true God andno ono is a Christian who does not alsoreceive and obey Christ as Savior andLord. There aro in truth heathen athomo as well as in forei gn lands. Forthem all our efforts and our prayersshould bo put forth.

Fias and Thistles rno n Ham 's Horn ;—Tho way to wateh is to work.

"Whon yon cease to give, you cease topossess.

The "lar ger hope may end in thodeepest despair.

Tho Christian race is not a "go-as-you-ploase" foot race .

It requires abundan t grace to with-stand abundant prosperity.

No man can follow Christ and not havetrouble with the devil.

Your position in life to-morrow do-ponds on your character to-day,

A high ideal la a standing invitation toroach a mora exulted position.

The man who loses his life in love,sows the sootl of untold noble lives.

The sermon on tho mount is higherthan some church members core to live. .

Christ' s people havo no disappoint -;mont s ; everything iu of divine appoint-ment

Tho miser who is able (but unwil ling)to relievo want , lu truly a miserable , man,

Lot the world mould your opinions,and it will soon squeeze all reli gion ont.

Tho man who will not iiuflor for thetruth will have to tmffor for neglecting it

Tho exasperating trivialities of life arolittlo lond-linos lot down to fathom ourreligion.

Household Hints.Sugar Cittiily.—Two eup fnlo of crushed

(m-gar, ono cupful of water , tlio juico oftwo lemons or oranges , and tho gratedrln r l of ono. Boil twenty minutes andeither i.pi-oad on groaned dliilitui and cu tinto HiiiinroH nf convenient ul zii or pulland twi n! or plait.

Foam fiance—lUiat two «n| a sugar andIhreii talil iin pooiifiilii 'bntl or to ii arenm ,and yollm of two bunion oj fgii, Placethe linn 1 in hot water : iitir well. I tnlunild lie , when -ready, it miiuotli yellowiij i'iip. When read y to liorve turn intotho bowl and p iit tho beaten whiten ofUin oggu on top. When tho nanao in lobo helped ut.ir tlio white of *igg into tliorout.

MohiiiuuH Gaudy. —A half-pound ofbrown sugar, it quarter of n pound ofbutler , ono quart of iiiolauucn; boil untilIt will eranlc whim dropped Into nold wa-ter. Add if you liko a pound of lib elledwiiliiiitiiiir liliiiieliiiil peanutn .ji uit an thnliel.lln hi ltt * lo 1 fi'iim tho fire. Spread ondiiilinu and cut into uqurtrou , or pull anilplnit , an you nhooiio.

Many a liniiimlinld in Hmld nimd »y deathliniiiuiHii nf lint Inlluru to lump on hand a inifnand iiluinliit.iilyaortiiln euro fur (iroiip »uoli anOil u M luiilo Doil illi Oiirn , Hon that jour lit-tle oiioii are protected airaln ut •wor uenoy.JL. K, l'lokurd , W. U, lUlmuB. .

l<'aitn is tlio motner ot courage .The world hoe £00,000 postmasters.I t takes a windy man to blow his own

trumpet.Satan is continuall y watch ing and

preying. -No man over stumbles over art object

in his rear.God makes character , and man makes

reputation.It is the silentman that is usually worth

listening to.Satan pays in advance , God whon the

work is done.The dollar in yonr jp ocket is worth two

that you owe.The boy with mado over trousers takes

after his father.Sanctified —The man who smiles whon

he pays his taxes.If there is any luck in a Worse shoo it

must be hard luck. ,Tho telep hone girl has nn extensive

calling acquaintance.Don't strain , your eyes looking for

faults in your neighbor.If you want a thing done quickly tell a

small boy not to do it.The long-winded man is the hotbox of

agreeable conversation.The smaller a man's heart, the bigger

a dollar looks in his eyes.Satan smiles every time he sees two

men tr ying to trade horses.If thou desire to be held wise, be so

wise as to hold thy tongue.When a man has nothing to do he al-

ways tends to it personall y.You cannot "train up" a child by keep-

ing down all his aspirations.The scorcher evidently belives in put-

ting his shoulder to the wheel.Experience teaches man long- of ter he

thinks he has taken a diploma.The smallest cows in the world are to

bo found in the Samoan Islands.Where a new hat is concerned all wo-

men believe in love at first sightWe do not love ono another long be-

fore God credits it as love to him,If there is honor among thieves there

should be some among politicians.In China to salute any one by taking

off one's hat is a deliberate insult.The average amount of sickness in hu-

man life is nine^days out of the year.

The present syjtem of musical notationwas invented in the eleventh century.

No matter how many years we spendin scoring if we moke the race at last.. Tho fir ia tho commonest of all trees ,

being found in ovory part vl the world.Tho woman who is down on gossip

doesn't say so until she has heard it all.A fashionable shoemaker says that wo-

men can endure pain better than a man.It looks queer , but tho best man at a

wedding isn't the one who gets married.Love never begins to come home to a

man till he begins to come home to love.'•The Pilgrim's Progress " has been

translated into 203 languages and dialect sA physician declares that people who

sleep with their mouths shut live longestA girl's pocketbook is about like her

heart, only it won't hold as many samples.Don't forget that you injure your own

charac ter when you atta ck that oi anotherDon't accuse the fowl of being toug h

until you are sure that the knife isn'tdull

Woman hope for the best and then goand buy articles that have been markeddown.

No person in Norway may spend morethan six cents at one visit to a drinkin gplace. "

Although truth may be at tho bottomof tho well it somehow never gets intothe milk.

It is estimated that of the whole pop-ulation of the globe about 90,000 dieevery day.

Leisure for men of business, and busi-ness for mon of leisure , would euro manycomplaints.

Kussio is said to own 8,000,000 horses ,nearly one-half of tho whole number inexistence.

Tho vocabulary of an ordinar y intelli-gent educated person includes only about4,000 words.

A cheap coat doesn 't necessaril y makea cheap man , but it makes him feel thatway at times.

Women always put garden seed awayso carefull y that thoy have to buy nowseed every year ,

Man embraces woman and thereforetho latter aro always included whon youspeak of mankind.

The \yoman who talks most about horlove affaire is tho ono who experience stho least emotion.

Two fools and two handkerchiefs arotho only ingredients necessar y to com-pound a silly flirtation.

Wo would probably find our crossesjust as hard to boar wore wo permittedto select them our selves.

The cheapes t of all things is kindness ,its exorcise requirin g tho least possibletrouble and solf-sacrifico.

It is with men as with watches—theworst movements aro ofton found in thobent cases, and vice versa.

It is stated that much of tho so-calledvanila extract is mado from coal-tar pro-ductions and tonka beans .

According to a coiisus taken by thoMaine biiioau of statisti c!! thoro aro 1,-577,252 hens in that stale.

Don 't scold your wife in the presenceof others ; thoy may think you aro afraidto do it whon alono with hor.

A woman holding her skirts out .of thomud and an umbrella at the game limehas not much timo for flirting.

II in an inconsiderate husband whoneeds n now overcoat tho name winterthat his wife needs a now clonk.

II would ho a bolter worl d if womenpraised thoir husbands ns heartil y as thoydo thoir favorite baking powder.

The cobbler sot us all a good oxamnlo ;an long as ho lantu ho uses his awl tohhvo the iionhi of his follow mon,

Among tho Chinese a coflln iu coniiid-ored it neat and appropriate presen t foran agod person , nspooinlly if In bad heal th

A man likes an edge on his carvingknife and a shar p point lo hln jokes , hutho profn m hln wife 's temper withoutcither,

No woman won over known to oall herphoto graph other than "h ideously ugly,"no mutter |iow much ulio may admire itr inciotly,

When a man mitor lit kiw to drown liintroubles ho nnoiiiu to luhnr under the |m-picii uion that thoy nrn all lotiutod jn hiuntoiimnli,

Alout ynungiiloiH of Uin pr esent dayloarn no rapidl y that it in almost impniiiii-blo for tlio hi gh iiolioolii (o keep up withthorn ,

The umalloiit homo in tho world iu it8hetlimil pony owned by the marquis ofOarenuo , Itu kni ght duoii not tuu j iniiii 27Inchon ,

'i bo girl with n now hut Umt In lionoiiuing in mivur mil hilled unt il tlio man m)ioliken bout mid thn girl ulin liken Iviiul luivonoon it.

If a woman only know her huubaml aswell boforo marringo nn iiho duos aftertliu aluut cAii avo that nli« wauhl ivitwynoma other follow,

A reoent (Iml of n iml of ivory pinii , alittle gateway nnd threo bnllii iiidi entonthat tho K ffyp tiftiin played nlno-plnii qiiltn15,000 jruiu u ago,


STEIN WAY & SONS,100 E. Hth Street , Now-York ,

offer for mile n lnr«o Block of .

USEI> PIANOSortliolrown on(l fltlnirinfiniiTinittin ». ncuiil rot by thnctut iffo tor w\v Hlelnwiiy plunuH. Unbuilt Hh )imv iiyn 'will beuuaninl uod precl nHy Min t mmi! nn our new in-rjtr umentH. Tho vrlccs nuiRD lor HUtinwav uprl u liMi*3fl0 nnd umvnrd a : r uuinwiiv Kru ntlr t rioo ami up-ward *, KKifiMvi t y Rquiir oH won mill u|iw ir <I». iHm rmrtk esuprl u iiihtim ) unil upward *; jmindr i fir>o amiup wurdHi niutucft tm und uj twur t lH, Uu ivmu tilUofnUv Siulnwrtv nlanfrsttt prlwiio mid piibv mic

ntrt^i£oiwiaaat»m-ii jT«>iwaijj"m«3g n xJJ r ^1 >

Si ^^^fe^ Ml& MfiJ^^S j, JH

i wssmi Ht> Pll JuI «Qs*iD* f ]r+ ¦— M \'\\ Loss of Voice, i ia i c

dq -"—Ah HOARSENESS, 1 5 il»H B i v aas ; -»..->.„-•»„-•-..- I Jt .,|

¦d * Irritability of Ike Larynx hfv|;* ami Fauces,' | ,|',i|

?JJ BRONCHITIS, f > $ Hl i n

K| \nJetherli tf / . - imitlCom- ' ) ' '

i\ illthiKi of Hie l.nnnr. r

j i j ii ii! Air Pints i;.W. I ' '

.. . . » ¦ * ' . f 1 :iV ' I .

NOTICE TO CREtt lTORSi.In pursuance oi an order.pi- HVn.Hathan1) . Petty, Surrogat e of tho County -at Suffolk,

Notice Is hereby jlveni nccordlog to law, tonil persons bavin } claims against Hittto H.Corwln , late of ths town oreoutbiiupton , de-ceased , that thoy;aro ' requJred 'to exhibit thesame , wit h tho vonclicrs . tueroofi to ttie un-deral R iiod , at tlio'lawbllloeHOf Oidrgo O. Buy-nor. fn,8ng-Harb 0r, N., 'VJ , on or;boforo thelltli day ot J iiDiiiryj lBM. '¦ :-.ijV ^s- '¦

Dated July 7tb '18!l8;;.:- :'- ' " ;s^ f - ,; ' ' .- ¦ ' ¦ 'JAHEH J3. DlOKERSOH .-vWih lnlotrator .

Guo. O. Kaykob; Attorney ., j' ¦' , ;

NOTICE TC CRE IUTOBeI ' 'Iu Mirsii u iiee of nu order at lion, jathnn

D. I' etl.j - . Surroga te of th.-j County ots-ffc l fr:Notice io ncrebj given, aceoruin ir to jtw , toall persons having clnltns aga in?! Is.tt fl B.Mulfurd , )ato of tho town of Eost-Hanpton,decenacd , that thoy nro required to. i'Albltthe iiime, with the vouchors thereof , to theBub scrlbei -, G. Claren ce Topping; .dniof theoxonutor e ot the last Will and Tosta noat ' 0lsaid ducea sed nt.hl s offloo Ic UnRa p/uaol s, Inthe town of Southampton , SuRAlt Oo.l. N. Tf-ion or tiofoio tho*31st day 6f Jeo., 189».'Dated Juno 23d , 1898, • -> ¦ , j


i ' / ¦ '¦ ' ' :.i ;3Bx'cciffors.

NOITCE TO OEEIDITOES.In puraua nc^ 6{ an otdbr of ~ Hon ; Nathan

D. Petty, Surrc ttate of the County of Suffolk ,notice fs hereby ulvou. according to /aw. tonil porfons hnvin R claims ogoiDBt AbrahamHalsoy, Jr., late of tho town of Southam ptoh.deceased , tbiU .^hby-'nre' :rcqulred ' '-to- eshiblttho sttino , with lit rvo'uoher s thereof , to thosubsorlbor , at J.he oflloo <st Henry H; Chatfleld ,at Brld iio-Hauipton , fj uffolk Po., N. Y., on orbefore tho 20thday of May next '. '

Dated November..11 , 1S88. . .EMIILV M. HALSEY , Exeoutrlx.

Hf.niiv H. Chat pieiiD, Attorney. ,

NOTICE OF SALE.County Court . Suffolk County.SM5-H.V11BOII SaVINOB JUmk .

AO A1NSX 'Julia K. Thomas und ..IoliieJ: H. Thojnes,her h iaband , Mary Godbee, William A. . •."Beckloy and Ellhu A. Buckley, tradingas W. A. Bcckley & Co., and Nellie Ma-rouney.

In pursuance of a judgniont of tlio CountyCourt of tlio County .of buffo-Ik , Stato of Now-York , rendered lu this action on tho 29th dayof October, 1898, tho subscriber , as Eoterootherein , will sell at publio auction , In frontof the office of E. A. Carpenter , In tho villageof Sac-Harbor , County ot Suffolk , State ofNow-York , on tho SOtli <luy of December ,181)8, nt 1 o'clock In the afternoon olthat day, ull that piece or parcel of land sit-uated In said village and town , and desorlbodin the itomplalnt in this action as follows :

"All that tract or parcel of laud situate Inthe village of Sag-Harbor, County of Suffolkand State of Now-Yon *, and bounded castaud iu tiont by Jladl non street , fifty feet (60ft.) ; south partly by land of J. Jlonroo Hav-ens, ono hundred and fifty foot (150 ft.) andpartly by land of Olivia P. Sllvelra olghty-flvefeet (85 ft.) ; west partl y by land of Olivia P.Sllvelra atoresald utno feet (0 ft.) and partlyby land of Chailcs N. Hlldroth forty-one feet(41 ft.) ; north partly by land of Silas E. Bab-coek ono hundred and fifty feet (150 ft.) tholot being ilfty foot wide by t ¦ o': hundred andthirty-five fo -t deep (50 ft. by 235 ft.) togetherwith all buildings now erected thereon. "

Dated November 17, 1898HENRY H. OH ATFIELD , Beforeo.

E. A. Cak penteb, Plaintiffs Atty.

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEWYOBK , to Theodore E.Haucook , Attornoy-

Gonerat of the state of New-York, JohnSherry, County T'easurer of Suffolk CountyN. Y., anil tho heirs at law and next of kin ,If uny sueli there be , whoso name s and placeof residence are unknown- aud . cannot afterdiligent Inquiry tie ascertained , persons In-terested lu the estate as heirs at law andnext of kin or otherwise , of Inane Harvey Intoof th<» town of Sou thampton , Count y oi Suf-fol k , deceased , Send Greeting:

W hereas , Eliza Harvey, Executrix namedIn tho will of uaid deceased , lately applied toour Surrogate 's Court of the County of Suffolkto have a certain Instrument in wilting bear-ing dale tbo 20th day of January, 1892. relat-ing to both real and personal property, dul yproved aethn last Will and Tost muont of thoBbid deceased ,

Thoroior o. you nnd each of you are oltod tonppo ar before our Bald Surrogat o at tho Hur-n-giito 's oulco in the village of Hlvcrho iid andl .n\ n nf Hlverhea l, In tlio County of Suffolk ,on Monday, tho 30th day of January, 189J, atI o 'clock In the afternoon of thatduy. to at-tend the probate of .tbo siild lust Will andTestament. Aud such of you ns aro herebyolted ns are under the ngo of twonty *onoyears are requtied to appear by yourguardianit you have one , or if you have none to appearand apply foi ouo to be appointed , or in thoevent of your negleet or failure to do bo aguardian will be upp dntmt by the Surrogateto represent and act for you In tho proceed-ing.

In testimony Whereof , We have caused thoseal of our said County ol Buf Tolkto bo here-unto nfllxcil.

Witness, Hon. Nathan I) Potty, Surrogateot oui eiiUl County o? ButToUt at Hlvorhoad ,N. Y , thin Uth day nf Uieninber , 1898.

NATHAN D. PETTY , Surrogate.W. O. (iIlliUNB Attorney, Sag- Harbor , N. Y,


WRITE FOR CIRCULAR S SS^l'ifiowlnflr Mnchlne u wo ninnu fnctiiro nnil tliolrprlco ulicfiiru you purclinse uny other.THE NEW HOME BPU/INO MACHINE CO,

OIIAMI1U , MAM,tSUntt inSoiliro.M. V. ClitraRlUl). Rt. liinli , Ida.

nulla *,'!',)*, Uttti Vranii lM'ti , e«l, AU*ul»,U«.ran aiuc av

hii fcWiir,! T ^-..~- .-.-~. , -|.| M -H|||^WMj Wl


MM»^,,ft W^.-il ^^ ,r,.i i w,.T ,w,.,-i.. |,;yw^w^..^.

'Sho Kind Ton Have Always Bought , and -which has heenla use for over SO ycara , has homo tho slgaatiu -o of

yjf _____—. and haa hoon made tmdor his por>C^LJ CJ ^ jl ?7t-^h, Bonal suporv lBion alnco Its infancy.uxr jr . s«*C*U4( Allow no ono to deceive yon In this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro bat Ex-periments tlmt trifle with-and endanger the health ofInfanta and Children—Ex perience against Experiment.

What is GASTQRIAOaatoria Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Parc grorlc , Drops

and Soothin g Syrups. Ill is Harmless and Pleasant. Itcontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other . Narcoticsubstance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Wormsand allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and WindColic It relieves Teethin g. Troubles , cures Consti pation .and flatu lency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the -'Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.The Children 's Panacea—The Mother 's Friend.

GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYSv? Bears the Signature of —

The Kind You Hie SMys BaugMIn Use For Over 30 Years.

;;./; th« cihtwuw ceywwy. yr bjuwhav 'ww*mxt. w«wvbnk city. .

Ooveat fl and Trnd o Unrks obtained , and allPatent buolneuo conducted for raodoratafeoa .

Our offloo la oj ipoBlto tho U. B, Patent Of-fice. Wo havo no aub-agonole u, nil bunlnonaill root, hence can transact patent buelno nu Inlee* time and at Ions cost than those remotefrom WaohlnKton,

Bend model , drawing or photo, with dea.orlptlon. Wo advise If patentable or riot freeof char ge. Our fee not duo till patent I»secur ed.1 1 A ,book, "How to Obtain I'ntonta ," withreferences to actual clients In your Utato ,county or town , eent free. Address ,"

O. A. Snow «% Clio.Oppo ulto Patent Ofllco , Wuali lngton , D, C.




Of tlio very bont niitnufncturv.I' liinoo for mile (iml to runt at the moa t

t' liBoiiii lilB prln oH, Call nt the wiirn-ronm ,Mnln Btre iit. Hnu-Ilurbur , and eiuinlho,


' For'^ClnrislinnsOKIs in now 'on 'uxlilliitliiil , IlitnilnomobiMt iH—ol ioioo gomlB-^liivy;!.!)!;! *

HUllD'S MN13 BTATIONlSltV••A' Braouwrv. ,





Harness & Ilcrse GlotkiDgIn variety , illaufcuru , Ilobeii , Wlil|in , Hur-oliijj lun HiiIUhh , eta,, etc- , nil nt low iirliiutf

We' atH iliitoriiilne il to luitUo ciiti'iilorolu iiul-<llilill,ir ,i fur giiiiilu In thiu linn. Call nnd hiioourutoou and what , wu hnvo and wliut wohovo to offor. In our

CONFECTIONERY DEPA RTMENTW« ha ve I'rnnli Oftinllna of tno ((ooil Hurt , nndallklndil nfnolouted' IiVult In muuiou , at tlioold and popular otand ; Our

Livoiy and Boardinc: Stabloutlollott your [lulronafie, Clued mid riillnlilnlloruoii to let , with iityllnh OhhIiikiiii , ntrnnuonablo prfaen, Drlvnru furntrihiii l wliiuiriutiilt-iid.

Our Wan»nnUnii nnil tltaunii oonvny iniiiiion-fieri and thelrliuKKUH.il to niiil friuiilliiiTriiliiu 'and llouta for *5 oui. I^inv«iyo|irorilur» wllli ,an tad yeru will aoi |ii»t Mt\ I

r.T .ft j r _^}, -c-i.. v.Rri 'OJI tOT.Li. *. , &U(ii) i v._, atiij toMBfu Oor al Law ,onk'" "> s-s' Sto re , Bii K-Ilarbor , L.

.\^m»- O. O-rieo-u e,

Attomev & Counselor at Law ,SAG-UAIi EOK , I/.-1.

OH lce , llooru .1, Fahye Block.BEAL ESTATE . LOANS. INSURANCE,' l"' r cent Securities for sale. ,

Qeo. C. KaynorCminsi -liir at Law , iVolary Public.

- Ofli ee in Hlldro th tt iock, oppositeWnshiu gtou St.

8AG-IIAR BOB , N, Y:At Brld ge-Uttiu pton , W eiluea dny, 10 to 1each week.


^ddision Mi. Cook,I*aitid fc urveyos?,_ BBIDGE -HAMPT OH , 1.. I. 7yj j


Furni nlied Cot tages u Sper ;<' ,r,y . IOffloo on "Job' s Luue ," Soutliai_ . .ju. j

Theodore l> „ Bimon,COUNSELOR AT LAW, '[

Amaoansett , - - - - Long Island

Tosepli S . Omborne.EAST-HAMPTON , n. y. j

.B j^l 1NT K K K, jNotary Public ,' Conveyancer , Auction (f


GENEtt& b BUSINESS AfiEST. IBank Uhecke , Bonds and Stocks of all klnda 1

bought , sold or exchanged; Loan s negotlat- |ed. Investments made , &e. a

Deede, Wills , Mortgages , &c , carefull y 3prep ared. Speelal attention paid to settle- Sment of Estates. |jPROMPT ATTENlIOy TO BUblNSSL |

Qeo. E!.JrdLa8.t«iey, 1AVATEB MILLS , L. I. 1

BU ILDERContr ncts nmde for buildings ol every d2l»- M

oript iou , aud building uinter ial aupj illod. N 88


Gouvevaucer & Ro.il E i fate Agt. 1Deeds, Mortgages , etc., eiirefnlh- prepared. h

Loans negotiated. " 9Boom 7, Fah ys Block , Mnln St., Siig- I lin -uor. I

HENRY H. CHATF1ELD, 1Attorney and Counselor at Law. i


At Sonthanipton every day, Monday to Frl- nday Inclusive, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. 8


Literary &Coari Institute.juunaK-iiAMPTON , mn\ co„ n. y.Hehool fur hiilli iiiixi iD , Kiii r llidi , O liuiiiloiit.

rinlnnl.llle and Hiib 1iioi,h nniioo) , A leo jii'ii -piinin for Normal Heliuoln , Cnlleges Uriel Unl .vnrullli iH. Wli n lii expeiiHO of non -rn sldniitii ,OoiiiiiMi u l'Z iir ;llhli , except for lioolcu , 91K0 forthe Hi - liool yniu'of till week' i .

I 'nll term will hn gln Oot, 3il , 1!I08 : Winterterm Jan. lid , 1MID.

L. W, I 1AM.0GK , A.M., I'rlnolpal ,Minn MA« y Wj irm rr , A, It. Vlen J 'l lniilpnl.

Oil Stove.A diuihle ell ntiivn , with ovnn and nix holes

for lii ' tlh ' B , III itoiiil emidltliin, for liale foruant of nan, Inijulro at thin oitlee.

»Mf>.couo.iiZ liw/ PF

im'i—jf t .- ™ \ Ti '""'" "

"IT fllfltl i l) MKiiiiiii | >lnl.iily nnil iiiih-ld y. and thn uoiiiinr aiki u hIi In mii'nil th e liwn iitiriu Itdo eu, " IiuiiiI' lglit , A iii>ii||h lu the woiut l l i l ng In Hi<>wnrlil to liuvn iilioiil, .you. nultfinliloiii iiriiov -" I'l i ' liv en nf llii nir , und thn llnul r euiilt nf itling ltiiittid itiiii|( |i In apt tn Im n tinfllu. Pnn 't ,i niil ii -j yniir i inii l l li thn lin-fill unil the iiiiil-nllIi h i' ii hy l i i l l ln i i I t iihuiii l l l l It liuiveu imlliln i tnl' yiin, hut inn" It hy Im i' inil ini it iy unlllii gi n in . Wu will f i i inl i ih ymi niir n for allliii nli! of iiinillliii wheth er wlioop lnit, or in,, .Tallinn iieeiiiiliIn tliin i iiiiviiu lite , Hu t abovenil thlu gii iloii 'l, full to leinemhur that wulinvn I lie iiiiimI , iuiinpliit.il I'miiinlp tlnn diiiiiill-iiiiuil ou tliu I' liul. end uf Iiiuiu Inland , iif«i< auii ' ul iiiiiiiirl.iiiiiiit of Oriign , 1'ii rtiiiniiu , VntentMi ' illr.liii in, Tiillnt , Ail.Inl ,ui anil Oluitrn.

A.T, IIHOWN , l'h, O,Bna-llttUui ', N, V.

$40IS TEE 1890 PBICE OP 1S00


"tho 20 year old wheels."¦' THAT MEANS THAT ANY ONEcan now buy noon wheela of world wide

reputati on for tho prico of _"shoddy"whoels.

Wo ore going to force matters in 1899-with good bicycles nt mighty low prices.

H. M. YOUNGS, Agont.






FUR NITURE.Don't lorgot that now Is the time to buy, and

that thoy aro tho people to sell sothat you will bo pleased.

UNDERTAKERS !Prepared to give pro mpt and careful atten-

tion to all funeral detail s.

Main Street , - - - - Sajr Harbor

Dr, Set Arnold'sSough KillerOures when others f all *

Children like ii.For Sale at all Druggists

and Country Stores *

PREGE, - 23 Cents *Sand urn Foetal f o e -vour Premium LtmSm. ST


MtE^BALH-Sffi^^Is quickly absorbed. EB^rAM RRl^Cleanses the Nasal WG ^NnSScoUJ?Passages , Allays ffl^3#?r f V/WPain and toflam»»-K»^g&a^tion .heaU tho Sorea. BjAVfEVER

f f MProtects the Mem- Wf * s ^J ?@lirbrano from Addi- BL _^/ c^P*'

tional Cold , roatoi-es^Sf^S^vrAS^.o'j^ Mtho senses of tJK se52£cC* xiv'J '-N

Taste and Smol!. W^rSt " u.t*.IT WILI j CUKE. "HAY-FEVE R

A particle la applied Int /i oioli uoiir ru nni in airr oo-ablo Pnco no crntaatDruir KlBt ii .ir by mall.BI.V I IOTIIItllH . M Wurmn ht.. New-York,


^BaE^ffl HAIR BALSAMWBBnHfa&t u tmg,> Ixauiirio t tlia h«Jr.WwSkJk A %JEfl Xttvet Vntll to llcfttor s drayKOKU^nnH ila»T to tin Voutiiru) Oolor T

, . , B|!QfUlTU£a4QH|Cure* I'Hp iliwat ri u hi Ir (alllinf.

FOR SALE.Tho premises on Xo itli nnven, ki;«wn as MIf iQ Goodsoll farm , containing nuu -i j aoros— m

halt oUmre il. Ouo half mllo of ah ore front. STwo dwelling Iiousob and uutbu Ucllnge. Pob- nsession given liiiiTHHllatel y. s47tf J O I i V SHKiillS , Aoent. |

THElECOfllC r " BAHKOf Hag- l-l i bor. I

j. J. HAB1US0N , PitEUDEV l. £U. K COOK , Vro iM ".Kti nn.N-T. gMIAN0I8 II. P.Vt ilEIt , Oabiiikb. I

DIl tKOTOllH. j§J. Jay Harrison , Olln SI. Edwards HHonry P. Coolt , 11. V. Klukurson , Hl'ranolH II. l'ulium- , Ohns. A. l'iorson , mJohn M. Ulldrelli , Wm. Ii. Dennlson , W

TranBiietH Keu '-rnl ll' inkli i^ biiHluoHB. Bonds nanil SteeliH hough t and Hold. w

Not Inlin e llniltoil to uuy Hpeulnl hriineh , IIbutUioroni shl y Riiulppnil lo handle all trims- «aetlnna In the Hun nf bankin g and hrnlcnrngo , KIt sollelta aiieniiiitii and IniulueHd with full as- aeuniiieeii f ahlllty to kIvd entire mitl sfaotlon. K

liuiuli-leB will reeelve prouipt attention und bbo eheerfully iiiihwiu' im I. m

Bnukliii r lioiir e : 11 a, ai. to 3 p. H. K

vALUzxBL iii mm IFlilt SALIC AT I

THIS OFFICE. IA few nets ot Ui'.uouna or the Town or E

SotiTHAMi 'TON , in fo- .r volumes, in eliiding Btlio rtoonlH from lUll '.l to 187(1 ' ut S5.00 1per ml in pup '-r , und .^ li.lll ) in elotli. K

|Tlii '(ie Iteeoi' ilu nro for Bale by William J. ««Foal , of Houthniiiptoii. fi2

AODll K HHKH tln llVel'llii lit till! 250tll lllini- f Sveisnry of the sett lenient of tlio village «mid town of yoiiiliiiuiiit iiii , nt CO con In In mpap er nnil 7/1 oeut n in elotli. ffi

IIibtoiuoal Ai)i)iius. !iiH (lelivord il by Hon. nQcury 1*. II ii i I kcb , nt lli-iil<!e-Hiimj>t on , ||July '1, 187(1 unil Ni«v. 10, 1HH I1, toi/etlier f t iivill i ii iiio-hiiuiln of i.Iki ehu r uh novenaiit M¦uiiilo lintivecn Kcv. Anion 'Woolivor tu m.und ivory ranl n u.r. -m ln r nf tlio eonuruf ia- mlion. 1'ri en fiO ecnt u iu paper und 75 meuiitn in cloth. M


, Two dwnlllii K u liiiuneu and lute on .Main Ht.; ffiitwo ilwellliiKBliiiimeM iiiiil lnlmin Miiillnnn HI. ; ffia(inn hiiiiiie ami let nu Uiimiii- Ht . ; one hoiiun f muud hit nu DIvIhIiiii HI ,, ; two uiuiill lumens fffljlower purl of thn vlllui fn ; nnu very duHli - uhle MImlUll uK hit m. Utunplmi Ht, -, one liminu anil mklot (in Glover m„; two lui llilliii; loin with KRwuter fri iut, on niu vnr HI. ; nne liii' Kur t riuit 91on Glover Ht., with wiitur front; alim bul lil- KHInn hit» lu iithi ii' |iiul. of vllln i; o , m

The llowiill fiirni on Ni i i l h lliivn n ; thirty ffiSil mi, ii , dwellhi i! Iii iuiii i , I iu i i i ami ol.Hur bullil- KBlnit ii . M

One fiirni on Ninth llnviin , twenty ueniH , fflKomi Iiuiii , itiini l i lni i l l lu i f , Komi Iiuiii ,iik1 Ml(i tliei- nut liull ( tli i |fi (, m<j

A fiirni of thirty iiiiniii uf iilnium l luml on fa}t in , Ililn k Ii I lu niiiil, K1'Viiii - plii iiii ' i nn Nnyiui iiuiii , (tlil'eu with pH

lill llillllioii in,) gwDim Iiunili - i ' i l mid twenty aorun of wimi l- W

luml , hi tl -iielii uf I'niiii fiiur tu iilxl.y iiii i'ii .'i, jteHliiiutliii i wniid , In lulu ut liiili '.iuii'o , mpi ¥ "vuei'ii , liuil li ve or inn iii i imii , iiitiiii rilln ir t,i> Bit *

wii nlii nf iiiiruliimiir , fnui' tu ll f ti iu u ilulliii'u SMj lper uin' ". fw,8

Fur piirlleiilai - ii iiii ply to #S11. /. HUNT , W

llenl Kut . Aut , WiHii K-lliirliui ' , K, Y. fffl

fET sapiiMlipS |ih t ' tfi iMiiiiKii l l r j

Evorv Thurcday Morning, mAT lUd-lUllllOU , U l„ ©J

AT «ia I"IJ » t YIJ AIt , IN AI>VAN < ; U || lIf not ulrlotl y lu ailviuwo ij ej.wi ^ylll bo oliaigofl W

J I MTKK; (II ' ,A11VIII ' 1 ' |ZIN (I.(IN AI 'l'MMTION. |R

No piipni' dlii i i i i i i lhiii i id until all arr dnrn ites Miant paid uxiuipt iitlliii iiplluu ,,f tlm eilllor. |ijOiiri'iiiipiiiidnutii will plum, ii iiniid lli , , | r niimea f*tvll.li eoiiiiuiiiilniil limn nut for piihlhiatlnn but Man ii K iiiti'iintiie nf itooil 'ullli , ann o notion UlAu^tan ot u onymou iiwtlUii ijti, " |W




NfiW IN PRnnPF S* Prices lower than ever.""" '" rK UUKC aa. A|| neWl tteth , clean , desirable merchandi se.

Ap AA purchases delivered -within 250 miles on Long' •nilallll Island; we have Agencies and deliver goods'rv,vv direct to purchaser 's home.

H. T. GRI FFIN ^."jBfovitv is the Soul of wit." Q-ood

Avife,- you !N"eed

S POvL.10 -

^ siosT6xa.d5ffe5jyi.es hj^JKimmmDMsr j wimmoRmm/ffT/mmASwtlp msrPMEsB Ul ^¦¦ ¦/ IRE fff f i . ' ^X \j ri l[ \Paid Piirehases of 8C or moro \\ \ vKh ' / '/ V \will bo-oent FREIGHT PREPAID uN^vi^^vL-i-f^-^ V^to any railroad station In MAINE , A\»>. ^§J Y] WNEW HAMPSHIRE , VER MONT. ,_WA\\S& &<¦ *Ji T~MA88AOKUSETT0, RHODE IS- F^HI i ' fc.„~ „¦LAND.v OONNECTIOUT ' i MEW Bfl ' ±^Zs=Wdsall m ,YORK itPE W HGYLVAfll A, and 1

„ ^TFrT Iwew jersey. (alss_™ (nIumi:.llAJ_ w^:. Ii J ltd-meatthe&unhtf . ^II£iSlMpP^R|M I1 I ' KgQatt .
