snakebite envenoming from a global perspective: towards an...

Review Snakebite envenoming from a global perspective: Towards an integrated approach Jose ´ Marı ´a Gutie ´ rrez a, * , David Williams b , Hui Wen Fan c , David A. Warrell b, d a Instituto Clodomiro Picado, Facultad de Microbiologı ´a, Universidad de Costa Rica,1000 San Jose´, Costa Rica b Australian Venom Research Unit, Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic, Australia c Hospital Vital Brazil, Instituto Butantan, Sa ˜o Paulo, Brazil d Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK article info Article history: Received 5 October 2009 Received in revised form 11 November 2009 Accepted 24 November 2009 Available online 29 November 2009 Keywords: Snakebite Envenoming Neglected disease Disability Antivenom Transfer of technology Quality control Clinical trials Prevention Community education Training health personnel abstract Snakebite envenoming is a neglected public health challenge of compelling importance in many regions of the world, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Papua- New Guinea. Addressing the problem of snakebite effectively demands an integrated multifocal approach, targeting complex problems and involving many participants. It must comprise: (a) Acquisition of reliable information on the incidence and mortality attributable to snakebite envenoming, and the number of people left with permanent sequelae. (b) Improvements in production of effective and safe antivenoms, through strategies aimed at strengthening the technological capacity of antivenom manufacturing laboratories. (c) Increasing the capacity of low-income countries to produce specific immunogens (snake venoms) locally, and to perform their own quality control of antivenoms. (d) Commitments from regional producers to manufacture antivenoms for countries where antivenom production is not currently feasible. (e) Implementation of financial initiatives guaranteeing the acquisition of adequate volumes of antivenom at affordable prices in low-income countries. (f) Performance of collaborative studies on the safety and effectiveness of antivenoms assessed preclinically and by properly designed clinical trials. (g) Development of antivenom distribution programmes tailored to the real needs and epidemiological situations of rural areas in each country. (h) Permanent training programmes for health staff, particularly in rural areas where snakebites are frequent. (i) Implementation of programmes to support those people whose snakebites resulted in chronic disabilities. (j) Preventive and educational programmes at the community level, with the active involvement of local organizations and employing modern methods of health promotion. Such an integrated approach, currently being fostered by the Global Snake Bite Initiative of the International Society on Toxinology and by the World Health Organization, will help to alleviate the enormous burden of human suffering inflicted by snakebite envenoming. Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ506 2229 3135; fax: þ506 2292 0485. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Gutie ´ rrez). Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Toxicon journal homepage: 0041-0101/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2009.11.020 Toxicon 56 (2010) 1223–1235

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Toxicon 56 (2010) 1223–1235

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Snakebite envenoming from a global perspective: Towardsan integrated approach

Jose Marıa Gutierrez a,*, David Williams b, Hui Wen Fan c, David A. Warrell b,d

a Instituto Clodomiro Picado, Facultad de Microbiologıa, Universidad de Costa Rica, 1000 San Jose, Costa Ricab Australian Venom Research Unit, Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic, Australiac Hospital Vital Brazil, Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazild Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 5 October 2009Received in revised form 11 November 2009Accepted 24 November 2009Available online 29 November 2009

Keywords:SnakebiteEnvenomingNeglected diseaseDisabilityAntivenomTransfer of technologyQuality controlClinical trialsPreventionCommunity educationTraining health personnel

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ506 2229 3135; faE-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Gu

0041-0101/$ – see front matter � 2009 Elsevier Ltddoi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2009.11.020

a b s t r a c t

Snakebite envenoming is a neglected public health challenge of compelling importance inmany regions of the world, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Papua-New Guinea. Addressing the problem of snakebite effectively demands an integratedmultifocal approach, targeting complex problems and involving many participants. It mustcomprise:

(a) Acquisition of reliable information on the incidence and mortality attributable tosnakebite envenoming, and the number of people left with permanent sequelae.

(b) Improvements in production of effective and safe antivenoms, through strategies aimedat strengthening the technological capacity of antivenom manufacturing laboratories.

(c) Increasing the capacity of low-income countries to produce specific immunogens(snake venoms) locally, and to perform their own quality control of antivenoms.

(d) Commitments from regional producers to manufacture antivenoms for countries whereantivenom production is not currently feasible.

(e) Implementation of financial initiatives guaranteeing the acquisition of adequatevolumes of antivenom at affordable prices in low-income countries.

(f) Performance of collaborative studies on the safety and effectiveness of antivenomsassessed preclinically and by properly designed clinical trials.

(g) Development of antivenom distribution programmes tailored to the real needs andepidemiological situations of rural areas in each country.

(h) Permanent training programmes for health staff, particularly in rural areas wheresnakebites are frequent.

(i) Implementation of programmes to support those people whose snakebites resulted inchronic disabilities.

(j) Preventive and educational programmes at the community level, with the activeinvolvement of local organizations and employing modern methods of health promotion.

Such an integrated approach, currently being fostered by the Global Snake Bite Initiative ofthe International Society on Toxinology and by the World Health Organization, will help toalleviate the enormous burden of human suffering inflicted by snakebite envenoming.

� 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

x: þ506 2292 0485.tierrez).

. All rights reserved.

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J.M. Gutierrez et al. / Toxicon 56 (2010) 1223–12351224

1. Introduction

Snakebite envenoming is a global public health problemof such size and complexity that it deserves far moreattention from national and regional health authoritiesthan it has been given up until now. This environmentaland occupational disease affects mainly agriculturalworkers and their children in some of the most impov-erished rural communities of developing countries inAfrica, Asia, Latin America and Oceania (World HealthOrganization, 2007a). It therefore fulfills the criteria ofa ‘neglected tropical disease’ as it affects, almost exclu-sively, poor and politically unempowered people living inrural parts of generally low-income, tropical countries(Kindhauser, 2003). Accordingly, the World Health Orga-nization (WHO) recently incorporated snakebite enve-noming in its list of neglected diseases ( Like other neglecteddiseases, snakebite envenoming has received little atten-tion from health authorities, pharmaceutical companies orresearch funding agencies in any part of the world.However, in recent years, there has been a growingawareness of the disease burden created by snakebiteaccidents, as reflected by the awakening interest of WHO,regional and national health authorities, non-govern-mental organizations, and some antivenom manufacturersand research groups, in discussing and searching for solu-tions to this complex health problem (World Health Orga-nization, 2007a; Williams et al., in press).

As is the case with other health issues, addressing theproblem of snakebite effectively demands an integratedapproach. This should encompass: (a) research issues, (b)technology development and transfer between antivenom-producing nations and current non-producers, (c)improvements in both quantity and quality of antivenomproduction to ensure the provision of effective and safeantivenoms at affordable prices, (d) public health inter-ventions at various levels to improve distribution ofantivenoms, training of health staff, and care of those whohave suffered permanent disabilities as a consequence ofsnakebites, and (e) involvement of local communityorganizations in the prevention and management of thisproblem through public education and advertising. Here,we review these issues and define a series of tasks whosecompletion is essential if an integrated strategy is to belaunched to alleviate the burden of this devastating andneglected disease.

2. Assessing the actual impact of snakebiteenvenoming worldwide

The lack of reliable information on the true epidemio-logical impact of snakebite envenoming has severelyhampered attempts to engage the attention and support ofhealth authorities and other organizations. Health statis-tics (reporting of hospitalized cases to the authorities)relating to snakebites may be satisfactory in some cases(e.g. Ministerio da Saude in Brazil; see de Oliveira et al.,2009), but for many low-income countries the impact ofthis condition is little known and remains largely under-reported. This is in part due to poor health statistics and

also because a proportion of those affected do not seekmedical attention and are therefore invisible to officialreporting (Gutierrez et al., 2006; World Health Organiza-tion, 2007a). The pioneering publication on global snake-bite mortality by Swaroop and Grab (1954) was basedmainly on hospital statistics. Chippaux (1998) andKasturiratne et al. (2008) have presented estimates of theglobal impact of snakebite based on diverse methodolo-gies. The highest burden of snakebite was identified inSouth and Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Centraland South America (Fig. 1). By extrapolation from pointincidences obtained from studies in particular locationswithin the countries, Chippaux (1998) estimated globalannual totals of 5,400,000 bites, over 2,500,000 enve-nomings and around 125,000 deaths. Kasturiratne et al.(2008) estimated that the annual global totals for enve-nomings ranged from 421,000 to 1,841,000, and fatalitiesfrom 20,000 to 94,000. However, when other researchersperformed population surveys in some regions, bydistributing questionnaires to randomly selected house-holds, the incidence, mortality and long term disabilitydue to snakebites was shown to be much higher than hadbeen suggested by the official statistics (see for exampleHati et al., 1992; Sharma et al., 2004; Snow et al., 1994;Trape et al., 2001). A study in Sri Lanka illustrated howsnakebite deaths in rural areas could be grossly under-estimated in official returns from country areas (Fox et al.,2006). Another aspect that deserves careful attention isthe monitoring of the effects that ongoing environmentalchanges may have on the distribution of venomous snakesand, consequently, on the incidence of snakebites. Thus,field studies on the distribution of snakes vis a vis epide-miological data are necessary to detect changes in thepatterns of snakebite incidence in specific locations.

The true impact of snakebite envenoming can bediscovered only by concerted efforts at regional, nationaland local levels. This involves, among other tasks:

(a) Introducing the compulsory notification of snakebiteenvenoming.

(b) Implementing the use in death certification of thespecific classifier T 63.0 snake venom listed in theInternational Statistical Classification of Diseases andRelated Health Problems 10th Revision (World HealthOrganization, 2007b).

(c) Supporting well-designed and performed epidemio-logical research, including hospital statistics andcommunity surveys.

(d) Strengthening record keeping of snakebites in healthcentres.

(e) Training medical and other health staff in the appro-priate procedures to keep and maintain epidemiolog-ical records of snakebites.

(f) Promoting collaborative projects between universityresearch groups and governmental health departmentson this subject.

Undoubtedly, any global initiative aimed at effectively

confronting this neglected disease depends on a robustestimate of its actual burden in every region and country.These data cannot reliably be inferred indirectly from the
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Fig. 1. Estimated regional and global morbidity and mortality from snakebite.

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incidences in adjacent countries. What is required areactual country-specific estimates based on a standardizedprotocol that combines both hospital admissions data andbroad community-based population surveys. Sucha protocol could be developed by panels of experts anddeployed using modern web-based database servertechnology and other resources, depending on the localcircumstances in low-income countries.

3. The need to increase the production of effectiveand safe antivenoms

Since the end of the 19th century, animal-derivedantivenoms have provided the only scientifically-validatedtreatment for snakebite envenoming (Bon, 1996). Thereare laboratories spread across all the continents thatmanufacture antivenoms (Meier, 1995), which consist ofwhole IgG molecules or products of their enzymaticdigestion, bivalent F(ab0)2 or monovalent Fab (Lalloo andTheakston, 2003; Theakston et al., 2003; Gutierrez andLeon, 2009). The global community of antivenom manu-facturers is a complex collage that includes public andprivate laboratories of diverse sizes and strengths (WorldHealth Organization, 2007a). Some of them are smallfacilities, mostly located in public institutions, whichmanufacture for the needs of specific countries. Othersare larger laboratories that manufacture and distributeantivenoms throughout various countries or regions. Thetechnological resources of these heterogeneous manufac-turers vary greatly. While some laboratories haveadequate, up-to-date facilities and procedures whichcomply with good manufacturing practices (GMPs), there

are laboratories which lack well-trained personnel, haveinadequate facilities, and need to improve their systemsand their products. Although some countries or regionsmanufacture enough antivenom production for theirnational and regional needs (e.g. Europe, USA, Brazil,Central America, Mexico, Australia, Thailand, Japan andpossibly India), in other regions of the world, especiallysub-Saharan Africa, there are very few antivenomproducers. Some manufacturers from other regions whichused to supply antivenoms to Africa in the past havehalted their production, mostly due to economicconstraints and pressure by share holders when thesecompanies move into the private sector (Theakston andWarrell, 2000; Chippaux, 2002; World Health Organiza-tion, 2007a). For these needy countries, it is necessary toimplement a strategy for increasing the production of safeand effective antivenoms based on the following essentialcomponents.

3.1. The development of guidelines for antivenommanufacture and quality control

In 2007 the WHO started a worldwide-consultationprocess aimed at preparing guidelines for the manufactureand quality control of antivenoms. As a result, the WHOGuidelines for the Production, Control and Regulation of SnakeAntivenom Immunoglobulins were approved by the ExpertCommittee of Biological Standardization of WHO inOctober 2008 and will be published soon. These Guidelinesrepresent a significant step forward in the global efforts toincrease the quantity and quality of antivenoms, since theyprovide detailed information on the recommended steps

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for antivenom manufacture and control, including anti-venom design based on prioritization of medically impor-tant species within the area of intended use, snakecollection and maintenance, venom preparation andstorage, animal immunization, hyperimmune plasmafractionation, reduction in the risk of microbial contami-nation, quality control, preclinical and clinical assessmentsof antivenom efficacy and safety, and post-marketingsurveillance.

3.2. Implementation of technology transfer and capacity-building programmes

Many antivenom producers operate in low-incomecountries of Africa, Asia and Latin America and urgentlyneed to improve their technological capacity. Challengesfaced by these institutions include inadequate training ofpersonnel, outdated systems and processes, poor qualitycontrol and an overarching lack of capital that greatlyhampers their ability to cope with innovation and tofinance upgrading of their facilities and technology. It istherefore necessary to establish programmes that canfoster technology transfer partnerships between well-developed research and manufacturing laboratories andless-developed production facilities. Such partnershipswould first need to recognize that antivenoms are essentiallife-saving drugs, and as such, the need to ensure a safe,efficacious and affordable supply transcends traditionalcommercial expectations. These programmes should firstdiagnose the specific needs of each production centre, inorder that the assistance provided may meet the realrequirements of the particular group. Collaborative inter-ventions may be as diverse as:

(a) Development of higher quality facilities where snakescan be kept for venom collection and storage.

(b) Improvement of facilities for keeping the animals thatare immunized and maintaining veterinary surveillanceof them.

(c) Setting up workshops on theoretical and practicalaspects of GMPs.

(d) Implementation of quality assurance systems.(e) Introduction of in-process quality control tests.(f) On site improvement of manufacturing procedures

through visits by national or international experts.(g) Permanent training programmes for technicians and

professionals, including visits to well-developed labo-ratories that comply with the requirements establishedfor antivenom production.

These training and technology transfer activities can beorganized at national and regional levels, under theauspices of Ministries of Health, regional WHO offices andlocal universities. The participation of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and agencies thatpromote technology transfer and capacity-building ona wider scale should be promoted. An example of sucha programme is the network of public laboratories forantivenom production and quality control in Latin America,which has been supported by the programme CYTED

(‘Ciencia y Tecnologıa para el Desarrollo’). Through thisnetwork, a dynamic exchange of personnel in training,workshops and research activities has contributed to theimprovement of the regional capacity for antivenommanufacture and quality control (Gutierrez et al., 2007a,2009a).

3.3. Encouragement of an era of innovation in antivenomdesign

The antivenom field has been characterized by littleinnovation in the basic manufacturing methodologies.Thus, there is a need to actively promote technologicaldevelopment projects on various aspects of antivenomproduction, from the design of venom mixtures forimmunization and the immunization schemes to thefractionation protocols and the improvement of antivenomformulations. Encouragement must be given to technolog-ical innovation by producers, in association with researchlaboratories, in order to improve existing methodologies. Abetter characterization of venom mixtures used in anti-venom production is needed (Gutierrez et al., 2009b) (seeSection 3.4). In addition, novel immunization schemes (e.g.Chotwiwatthanakun et al., 2001), using selected native orrecombinant antigens, DNA immunization or novel adju-vants and immune potentiators, are needed (Wagstaff et al.,2006). Research for the development of liquid antivenomformulations that are stable at tropical room temperatures(e.g. Segura et al., 2009a), obviating the need for a coldchain and production of the more expensive freeze-driedantivenoms, is one example of the future direction ofantivenom design. Another area of relevance is the assess-ment of the viral-inactivating potential of several of themethods used in plasma fractionation (Grandgeorge et al.,1996; Burnouf et al., 2007; Segura et al., 2009b).

3.4. The design of adequate venom mixtures for antivenomproduction: where toxinological research and antivenomproduction meet

Antivenoms differ from other immunotherapeutics inthat the nature of the antigen used for antibody generationvaries depending on the species of snake, in contrast totetanus antitoxin, or diphtheria antitoxin, which usea single specific immunogen. It is increasingly recognizedthat geographical intraspecies variation in venom compo-sition and immunogenicity may be sufficiently great toaffect clinical efficacy of antivenoms (Chippaux et al., 1991;Warrell, 1997; Saravia et al., 2002). The correct compositionof venom mixtures to be used in animal immunization forantivenom production is crucial and demands meticulousattention. Antivenom producers should consider a numberof issues in the design of their products:

(a) The reliable identification of the snake species respon-sible for most fatalities and snakebite morbidity in thecountry or region.

(b) Analysis of geographical, seasonal and ontogeneticintraspecies venom variability in order to preparerepresentative venom pools.

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(c) Establishing the optimal combinations of venomsnecessary to prepare monospecific or polyspecificantivenoms. This is closely related to the difficult issuesof cross-neutralization of venoms and antivenoms andthe possible synergistic effects of immunizing ananimal with venoms of related taxa whose antigensshare common epitopes.

(d) The possible immunological suppression provoked bysome venoms on the response to others.

(e) The need to have a good traceability system for thevenoms to be used in the immunizing mixtures,including the correct taxonomic identification of thesnake species.

These issues demand a close collaboration betweentoxinology research laboratories and antivenom-producinglaboratories. Unfortunately, cooperation between academicexperts and manufacturers is often weak or non-existent.The technological tools for biochemical analysis of snakevenoms, especially the use of modern proteomic method-ologies, allow for a detailed characterization of venomcomposition and variability, a subject that has been called‘venomics’ (Calvete et al., 2007; Gutierrez et al., 2009b).This technological platform allows for the identification ofvenom components that react with antivenoms, a subjectnamed ‘antivenomics’ (Lomonte et al., 2008; Gutierrezet al., 2009b; Calvete et al., 2009). Together with theanalysis of the cross-neutralization of specific toxic effectsof venoms by antivenoms (Theakston and Reid, 1983;Theakston, 1986; Gutierrez et al., 1996) and with theepidemiological information about the medically mostrelevant snake species, these techniques allow for thedetailed analysis of cross-reactivity of venoms andantivenoms and for the selection of the most adequatemixtures of venoms for immunization. Tools such as thesemay enable more rational design of antivenom productsthat target specific envenoming syndromes caused bylocally and regionally distributed snake species. Antivenomproducers also need to be mindful of advances in thetaxonomy of venomous snakes, as changes in this area maybe very relevant to the appropriateness of particularantivenoms to specific markets and geographical ranges.Changes in the taxonomy of a species may affect theidentity of venoms from different locations, and venomproducers, researchers and antivenom manufacturers mustbe meticulous in ensuring that the proper names are givento the species from which venom is collected (Quijada-Mascarenas and Wuster, 2009).

3.5. The need for preclinical and clinical assessment ofantivenom efficacy and safety

Because of the great heterogeneity of available anti-venoms, in their specificity, neutralizing profile andphysicochemical composition, preclinical and clinicalassessments of antivenoms are obligatory before theirintroduction into large scale clinical use. In addition to theroutine quality control tests aimed to ensure the safety ofantivenoms (i.e. safety test, sterility, pyrogenicity),a preclinical assessment of antivenom efficacy should be

performed against the medically relevant snake venomsfrom the country or region for which the antivenom isintended. In addition to the traditional assay of neutrali-zation of lethal effect (median effective dose – ED50) inmice (World Health Organization, 1981), a series of specifictests should be included, depending on the profile ofpathophysiological alterations induced by each venom. Forinstance, in the case of most viperid venoms, tests havebeen developed to assess the neutralization of haemor-rhagic, myotoxic, dermonecrotic, coagulant and defib-rinogenating effects (Theakston, 1986; Gutierrez et al.,1996; Instituto Clodomiro Picado, 2008). In the case ofmany elapid snake venoms, neutralization of lethal effectsis usually sufficient, as neurotoxicity is the main clinicalmanifestation, with the exception of the venoms of somespecies of Naja that induce local necrosis in humans(Warrell, 1995) and various elapids, such as sea snakes andAustralasian elapids that can cause rhabdomyolysis (Reid,1961). In Australia and Papua-New Guinea, envenoming byelapid snakes may cause profound coagulopathy andmyotoxicity as well as neurotoxicity, and antivenoms forthese species should be assessed for their ability toneutralize all of these effects. However, most of theseWHO-approved standard tests use venom–antivenommixtures that have been pre-incubated. Reversibility ofneurotoxic effects by antivenoms cannot therefore bepredicted from the ED50 as the tests ignore the delaybetween the envenoming bite and subsequent antivenomtreatment and the pharmacokinetic factors determiningthe tissue distribution of venom components andantivenom.

Once an antivenom has proved effective and safe onpreclinical tests, it should be evaluated in well-designedclinical trials. Conventional Phase I safety studies ofantivenoms in healthy human volunteers are not ethicalbecause these equine/ovine proteins carry a risk of causingearly anaphylactic and late serum sickness reactions that istoo high to be justifiable in healthy subjects for whomantivenom offers no mitigating benefit. Another risk ishypersensitisation by foreign proteins. In the clinicaltesting of antivenoms, there is an urgent need for analternative to conventional Phase I studies but, so far, nosatisfactory solution has been offered that is practicableand affordable by manufacturers, licensing authorities orclinicians treating snakebite victims. It has been proposedthat, in order to establish an effective dose of a candidateantivenom with an acceptable safety profile (‘‘minimumeffective safe dose’’), the ‘‘3 þ 3’’ dose escalation design(Rosenberg and Haines, 2002) might be used (Abubakaret al., 2009). This approach has been used to limit toxicity intrials of cytotoxic agents in oncology. In assessment ofantivenoms, it is adapted to allow the determination ofefficacy as well as the risk of antivenom reactions. Thenumbers of patients involved are the same as is recom-mended for classic Phase I studies (Gehan, 1961). Theultimate test of efficacy and safety is a large scale type IIIclinical trial, which should, ideally, be randomized, blindedand controlled, comparing a new antivenom with an anti-venom whose efficacy has been established throughformal trials or clinical use (see for example Cardoso et al.,1993; Otero-Patino et al., 1998; Smalligan et al., 2004).

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Alternatively, two different doses of the same antivenomcan be compared (Jorge et al., 1995). The use of a placebocontrol group in snake antivenom studies would be hard tojustify on ethical grounds. In addition, prospective obser-vational studies are useful when existing antivenoms aregoing to be used in a new geographical setting. Such clinicaltrials also provide valuable information on the clinicalmanifestations of snakebite envenoming by differentspecies in various regions. Although the clinical picture ofenvenoming is well known for some species, in the case ofother snakes that provoke bites less frequently, the clinicalfeatures are poorly known and demand investigation (e.g.Ariaratnam et al., 2008). Moreover, post-marketingsurveillance studies should be also promoted in the eval-uation of safety and efficacy of antivenoms. Clinical trialsshould use robust, objective clinical and laboratory end-points both for efficacy and safety. In addition to clinicaltrials on antivenom efficacy and safety, renewed effortsshould be carried out in the search for novel therapeuticalternatives, such as enzyme and toxin inhibitors that mayameliorate the extent of local tissue damage characteristicof envenomings by many viperid and elapid species(Gutierrez et al., 2007b).

3.6. Commitment of regional producers to manufactureantivenoms for regions where local antivenom production isnot currently feasible

There are countries, and regions, where local productionof antivenoms is not feasible at the present time. Examplesare several sub-Saharan and south Asian countries andPapua-New Guinea (Theakston and Warrell, 2000; Chengand Winkel, 2001; World Health Organization, 2007a).Cooperative international programmes could leada commitment by established antivenom manufacturers tothe production of antivenoms for these deprived regions. Inthe case of sub-Saharan Africa, several laboratories are nowmanufacturing antivenoms which have been tested inclinical trials in Cameroon, Benin, and Nigeria (Chippauxet al., 1998, 2007; Meyer et al., 1997; Gutierrez et al., 2005;Stock et al., 2007; Abubakar et al., 2009). However, theseinitiatives will fail in the longer term unless they are com-plemented by recognition and strong commitment bynational governments, sound commercial planning, finan-cial incentives from donors and the necessary internationalcoordination to ensure that the resulting antivenoms will bedeployed to snakebite stricken countries continuously andat affordable prices, thus breaking the vicious cycle that hashampered the supply of antivenoms to various regions of theworld (Chippaux, 2002). Local capacity-building should becarried out in parallel. For example, in countries where nomanufacturing laboratories exist, it might be a relevant andrealistic objective to establish facilities for the collection,identification and captive maintenance of medicallyimportant species so that their venoms can be extracted andstored under appropriate conditions. The production ofhigh-quality venom pools in snakebite-affected countries iscrucial to overcome current deficiencies in antivenomsupply. Locally produced venoms that meet recommendedproduction standards could be sent to the collaboratingantivenom production laboratories, through institutional

agreements, to enable production of antivenoms that willtarget venoms of the medically relevant local species.Locally produced venoms can also be used for the qualitycontrol of the antivenoms being purchased by healthauthorities. This would strengthen the capacity of localregulatory agencies, enabling them to directly assess thesuitability of products offered in their jurisdictions. Theserious problem resulting from the marketing in Africa,Cambodia, Papua-New Guinea and elsewhere of geograph-ically inappropriate antivenoms (Visser et al., 2008; Warrell,2008; Warrell and Williams, 2009) could be prevented bythe development of national quality control laboratoriesthat use expertly-identified pools of locally-collected snakevenoms in their analyses. Thus, international cooperativeprogrammes aimed at building local capacity for venompreparation and quality control in low-income countriesshould be actively promoted.

4. Ensuring access to antivenoms where they are mostneeded

Increased antivenom production, and improvements inthe technological capacity of laboratories in low-incomecountries to produce safe and effective antivenoms, will notnecessarily ensure that these essential drugs will reach theaffected patients in time to be useful. An intractableproblem in this area is the inadequate supply of antivenomsto the peripheral health posts close to areas where the mostsnakebites occur, i.e. in remote, rural communities in Africa,Asia, Latin America and Papua-New Guinea (World HealthOrganization, 2007a) (Fig. 2 shows the case of a boy whotook 48 h to reach the nearest place where antivenom wasavailable). This problem involves complex political, social,administrative and logistical considerations that typicallyextend to many other areas of health service delivery, inaddition to the challenge of drug distribution. Solving thesecomplicated dilemmas will in many cases involve findinganswers to system-wide failures that may have differentroot causes in different settings (see Section 4.2). Wheremarkets are open to corruption, bribery, and unstablegovernance, real solutions will only be brought about bylasting, sustainable changes in the parameters that definethe underlying problems. Antivenom producers must workwith agencies and organizations involved in stabilizing,strengthening and restructuring political, institutional andservice delivery frameworks if effective and functionalchange is to be achieved.

4.1. The provision of antivenoms at affordable prices

Many antivenoms are produced in low volumes usingcostly processes, sometimes in costly regulatory environ-ments, leading to high prices. The result is that even whenan adequate volume of a particular antivenom is available,the price of the product may be too high for the publichealth systems of low-income countries. The cost ofantivenoms ex-manufacturer may range from US$10 tovalues as high as US$1500 (McGain et al., 2004; Gutierrezand Leon, 2009), with these prices often pushed higher bywholesalers and distributors. For example, the price forIndian-made polyvalent antivenom that sold for US$10 in

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Fig. 2. Consequences of snakebite. This 12-year-old boy was bitten by a Bothrops atrox ‘‘jergon’’ 1.5 m in total length in a remote area of Ucayali, Peru. The localhealth post had no antivenom and so he travelled with his mother by boat for 24 h to a second post, which also lacked antivenom. He finally reached a hospital48 h after the bite but, despite continuing haemorrhage, he was refused antivenom on the grounds that it was too late. He was finally transferred to the regionalhospital 13 days after the bite where his gangrenous arm was amputated (Photo: D.A. Warrell).

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India, was inflated to US$149 in Cambodia (Williams et al.,2009); similarly, when the same US$10 antivenom wasplaced on sale in Papua-New Guinea in 2007, the localprice of this product soared to US$940 per vial (Warrell,2008). Where prohibitively priced antivenoms are offeredto low-income countries one of the outcomes is that thepurchase of sufficient doses to guarantee clinical cure forall patients is precluded. The privatization of some formerpublic laboratories (Theakston and Warrell, 2000;Gutierrez et al., 2006) has complicated supply and costissues in some countries. The sole drive of free marketforces cannot ensure an adequate provision of anti-venoms, particularly in low-income countries. A coordi-nated programme of action is necessary if the price ofantivenoms is to be better matched to the purchasingcapacity of consumers (governments, NGO’s and individ-uals), and should include:

(a) Incentives to participation by antivenom producers inprogrammes which can open doors to donor-fundedsales of approved antivenoms, both securing andgrowing market share, while at the same time intro-ducing positive quality improvements.

(b) Encouragement through taxation relief or otherinstruments for established antivenom producers inhigh-income countries to use surplus productioncapacity to produce standardized antivenom prepara-tions at low cost for low-income countries which lacklocal capacity. Such schemes could be incorporated intonational programmes of overseas aid and developmentfunding.

(c) Investigation of direct price reduction strategies such as:i Pooled purchasing schemes where countries that

share the same snake fauna and antivenom require-ments ‘pool’ their purchasing to obtain antivenomfrom a single supplier at a lower unit price in returnfor secure, medium-long term purchasing contracts.

ii Differential pricing models (World Health Organi-zation, 2006), in which the price of a product istiered according to an independent measure ofa country buying capacity, such as gross domesticproduct (GDP) or the average annual income ofpersons at risk.

iii Third party negotiated price ceiling agreementsbetween manufacturers and governments, similar tothose used by the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDSinitiative (CHAI), whereby real cost priceþ negotiatedreturns are negotiated with the antivenom producer,incentives to further cost reduction such as technicalimprovements or technology transfer are agreed on,and participating governments then enter purchasingagreements. It is noteworthy however that a recentstudy of these strategies as they are applied tocontainment of antiretroviral (ARV) drug costs(Waning et al., 2009) found little evidence to supportdownstream benefits from price pooling of ARVs.Desktop modeling and/or limited trials would need tobe conducted to establish clear benefits in the case ofantivenoms.

(d) The strengthening of public laboratories that have thecapacity to produce antivenoms at affordable prices, asoccurs in many low-income regions of the world.

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Fig. 3. A Decalogue that summarizes some of the most important tasks proposed for the design of an integrated strategy to confront the global problem ofsnakebite envenoming. These actions should be developed as a concerted and integrated strategy and should involve multiple actors and synergies. These tasksdemand a widened and renewed research agenda, the integration between research, development, production and public health policies, and a human rights-based approach in the search of solutions.

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(e) The development of other public-private partnershipsinvolving the design of innovative purchase arrange-ments and the participation of donor groups that couldfund purchase of antivenoms to be distributed to low-income countries at affordable prices, as has beenachieved in the case of drugs for other neglecteddiseases (Hotez et al., 2006). The recent creation of theGlobal SnakeBite Initiative ( is a promising initiative to foster this approach(Williams et al., in press) and to coordinate actions withsimilar groups.

(f) Engagement with the governments of low-incomecountries to increase recognition of the need to addresssnakebite. The status of snakebite as a neglectedtropical disease, and of antivenoms as WHO-mandatedessential medicines should be emphasized. Govern-ments should be further encouraged to provideresources for dealing with snakebite under theumbrella of the UN Millennium Development Goals(MDGs), particularly MDG 8.4 ‘‘In cooperation withpharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordableessential drugs in developing countries’’, but also takinginto account the goals of other MDG themes whichemphasize child health, maternal health, alleviation ofpoverty, and benefits of new technologies (

In addition to political and administrative tasks, thisaspect of the problem demands renewed research efforts inthe areas of health economics, which has been largelyabsent in the past. The involvement of social scienceresearch is badly needed to understand the social, political

and economic hurdles that prevent the adequate produc-tion, marketing and distribution of antivenoms.

4.2. The need of rational and well-designed antivenomdistribution policies

The purchase of a suitable volume of antivenom bygovernmental procurement offices does not ensure thatthis antivenom will be deployed efficiently to the publichealth posts of the rural areas where it is most needed.Governments and collaborating regional health organiza-tions should be encouraged to develop novel knowledge-based programmes and strategies for the efficient distri-bution of antivenoms. Given that antivenoms are essential,life-saving medicines for an acute illness, there is a strongargument for developing distribution strategies indepen-dently of systems and processes relevant to routinelydispensed medicines, or drugs for the treatment of non-acute illnesses. A number of issues are relevant:

(a) An adequate epidemiological surveillance system isessential in order to identify high risk areas for rationalantivenom deployment. Surveillance systems shouldwhere possible take advantage of Geographical Infor-mation System (GIS) tools for data analysis, such asthe free-access programme SIGEpi, developed by the Pan-American Health Organization (Leynaud and Reati, 2009).

(b) It is necessary to have updated information on thestatus of the health facilities of the rural areas whereantivenom has to be sent, including the reliability of thecold chain system.

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(c) The identification of vulnerable regions, where snake-bites are common and where health posts are absent,should be a priority in snakebite-affected countries, andused to guide political actions aimed at strengtheningpublic health infrastructure and human resources inthese regions.

(d) Resources for the design of training programmes forhealth and administrative staff relating to the correctstorage and use of antivenoms should be sought.

(e) As previously mentioned, research that furtherimproves the stability, safety and shelf life of anti-venoms should be a high priority, particularly foraddressing the needs of low-income countries.

(f) Finally, an active programme to follow up the use ofantivenom is mandatory, in order to have a feed-backon the possible wastage of this product that wouldallow the introduction of corrective measures to ensureits efficient use (Gutierrez et al., 2009a).

All these interventions demand concerted actionsbetween a wide range of organizations, interested groupsand related parties. Governments, WHO, antivenomproducers, toxinology researchers, herpetologists, publichealth economists, social scientists, non-governmental aiddonors, philanthropists and the general medical profession,all have roles to play, and should all be engaged in order toderive solutions.

4.3. The need for improvement of regulatory control,especially where regulatory frameworks are weak

Antivenoms should be subject to a process of regulatorycontrol by appropriate national regulatory bodies, andregulators should be assisted wherever possible to developefficient, well-designed and practical systems for thelicensing of antivenoms. The WHO Guidelines for theProduction, Control and Regulation of Snake AntivenomImmunoglobulins provide an excellent starting point forimproving the capacity of regulators, although in circum-stances where production of antivenom takes place inanother country, it may be difficult for some regulators toadhere to well-established conventional processes, such asmanufacturing site inspections, and individual batch release.Many regulatory bodies, particularly in developing coun-tries, will also lack the resources and personnel to undertakedetailed licensing investigations. Therefore, it is necessary toconfront this issue by cooperative regional and nationalefforts aimed at strengthening the regulatory capacity ofhealth authorities in low-income countries through a varietyof training programs, workshops and support from inter-national experts and well-developed laboratories. In situa-tions where local regulatory bodies are weak, regional healthauthorities may rely on well-qualified external laboratoriesto assess the quality of antivenoms being offered toa particular country or region. This approach has beensuccessfully implemented in Latin America by the Pan-American Health Organization. In sub-Saharan Africa, wherean antivenom crisis currently exists, an efficient way toapproach the problem of poor or non-existent regulatorycontrol may be for WHO to establish an independent panel

of experts and reference laboratories which could evaluateall of the current products and make licensing recommen-dations to regulators, donors and national health authorities.This could be an effective way to ensure quality controlanalysis and sustainable access to the necessary range ofsafe, efficacious products needed throughout the region.

5. The correct use of antivenom: trainingprogrammes for the health staff

No amount of antivenom is of any value if the medicalstaff who must administer it do not have the relevant skillsand training to correctly treat bitten patients. Even wheregovernments purchase sufficient volumes of appropriate,effective antivenom and have efficient distribution strate-gies to allocate these products to the rural locations wherethey are needed, it is necessary to ensure that health staffhas the skills needed to ensure appropriate, safe andefficient use of these immunotherapeutics. This is a criticalissue in view of the widespread ignorance about the correctdiagnosis and treatment of snakebite envenomings(Simpson, 2008; Gutierrez et al., 2009a). The causes of thisproblem are multiple, and include:

(a) Poor coverage of the subject in the curricula of univer-sity medical, nursing and pharmacy schools.

(b) Lack of permanent educational programmes for healthprofessionals.

(c) The concentration of educational activities in the maincities, far from the physicians and nurses who actuallydeal with the majority of cases in rural health centres.

(d) Lack of adequate teaching materials (situational rele-vant textbooks or manuals, access to scientific litera-ture, videos, etc.).

As a consequence, serious deficiencies exist amonghealth workers in many countries in the correct diagnosis ofsnakebites, clinical assessment and the use of simple teststhat are the basis of the decision on whether or not anti-venom should be administered, the selection of the properantivenom to be used, as well as an appropriate initial dose,the protocol for repeated antivenom administration, themonitoring of early antivenom reactions, knowledge of themost common complications of envenoming and theirmanagement, and other vital aspects of the treatment of thispathology. Certain technical skills and basic equipment maybe needed to save the lives of snakebite victims. One of themost important in areas where neurotoxic snakes abound issupport of the patient with respiratory paralysis who needsan artificial airway and assisted ventilation, sometimes forseveral days. As a consequence of failures in medical stafftraining, irreparable and easily avoided mistakes have beendescribed in snakebite treatment. This situation demandsconcerted efforts at various levels, including:

(a) Research to assess the status of the qualification ofhealth workers for managing these envenomings inplaces of highest incidence.

(b) The introduction and evaluation of this subject inmedical, nursing and pharmacy university schools, as

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well as on the programmes of public health technicianswho may also attend these cases.

(c) The elaboration of national and regional guidelines forthe diagnosis and treatment of snakebite envenomings,involving the participation of national and internationalexperts.

(d) The preparation of manuals, textbooks, videos, posters,CDs and other teaching materials to be used inpermanent educational programmes, especially in ruralhealth centres, and taking into account that it is veryimportant that these materials be specific for eachcountry or region.

(e) The assessment of the content and efficacy of perma-nent educational programmes through validatedevaluation tools, in order to continuously improve thesetraining activities.

6. Documenting and attending the snakebite victimsand their families’ needs

As with other neglected diseases, the victims ofsnakebite envenoming are often abandoned by theinstitutions responsible for their care, not only by notreceiving the correct treatment, but also through a lack ofthe necessary support required after these tragedies.Although the precise numbers of people left withpermanent sequelae and disability following snakebitesare unknown, it is estimated that they are morenumerous than the fatalities (World Health Organization,2007a). For the real impact of this disease to be properlyassessed, snakebite envenoming needs to be analyzed interms of DALYs (disability adjusted life years) lost, but atpresent there is not a single study in print which looks atthe problem using this widely accepted system of impactmeasurement. The impact may even be more wide-reaching, since it is often not only the victim who suffers,but given that many of them play a key role in the incomeof a rural family, their death or disability has economic,social and psychological consequences that extend to thewhole family, and often the wider community. Theimpact of chronic snakebite disability, with its associatedstigma and trauma, is in urgent need of investigation. Anintegrated strategy to confront snakebite envenoming ona global basis has to consider not just incidence andmortality, but the long term morbidity that afflicts manythousands of people each year. There is a pressing need todefine the magnitude of the sequelae and disabilitiesthat are secondary to snakebite envenoming throughadequate epidemiological, socio-economic and psycho-logical assessments carried out at community level. Onlywhen armed with this information will it be possible toengage with governments and non-governmental orga-nizations to develop intervention programmes aimed atidentifying the incapacitated survivors of snakebite andprovide them with appropriate access to support andrehabilitation services. Such efforts should involve inte-gration with some of the different kinds of existingnational and regional programmes for people sufferingfrom chronic ailments secondary to other pathologies,such as land mine disabilities.

7. Community programmes: incorporating localorganizations in the prevention and recognitionof snakebite envenoming

Prevention programmes should be actively promotedthrough a wide variety of community programs, particu-larly in regions of high incidence of snakebites, such asrural areas devoted to agricultural activities. The involve-ment of the community is of paramount importance incombating the problem of snakebite. Any interventionprogramme must be based on the local cultural, socio-economic and political conditions. Ignoring this necessitycan ultimately lead to the failure of programmes andprojects, especially if it leads to the intervention beingwrongly perceived by the community. Particular attentionhas to be given to vulnerable and marginalized groups,such as indigenous and native peoples, who are often themost impoverished and the most exposed to snakebite,due to their hunter-gatherer and subsistence agriculturemodes of living, and yet who often do not benefit fromofficial public health programmes. Local leaders andcommunal organizations must be directly involved in thedesign and performance of educational campaigns (healthpromotion) aimed at the prevention and management ofsnakebites. Local organizations of different sorts, i.e. healthcommittees, local political groups, youth organizations,minority associations, school-based groups, etc., should beencouraged to take interest in the issue. This implies theneed to know and understand, through well-designedresearch programmes, the way in which individualcommunities or populations perceive the problem and themost effective strategies with which to confront it.Particular attention has to be given to the interaction andcommunication with local traditional healers, in order todevelop partnerships aimed at reducing the use of harmfulinterventions and to avoid delays in getting effectivemedical treatment. Thus, the unidirectional, paternalisticand culturally-biased approach that sometimes charac-terizes health intervention programmes in rural commu-nities must be changed to become more interactive andparticipatory, creating a climate in which the affectedpopulation is actively engaged in the design and imple-mentation of preventive and educational activities asso-ciated with primary health care.

8. Concluding remarks: an integrated approach isrequired

Snakebite envenoming, like many other neglecteddiseases, is a complex phenomenon demanding concertedintervention and participation by many actors at variouslevels. Public awareness of the magnitude of this problemon a global basis must be created through a variety ofcomplementary mechanisms. This is an objective of therecently created Global Snake Bite Initiative (Williams et al.,in press). The research agenda for studying this problemhas to be broadened by amalgamating basic science,technological development and social science. Tradition-ally, the concepts of ‘innovation’ and ‘entrepreneurship’have been used to promote technological innovation toincrease economic profits, but they must now be used on

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a more philanthropic and communal basis to incorporatethe goals of social innovation and social entrepreneurship,i.e. directing ingenuity and creativity towards the solutionof problems, such as snakebite envenoming, that afflict thepoorest people in the poorest rural settings. Our attentionto snakebite envenoming, and to other neglected diseases,is a matter of social conscience and human rights. Stateshave obligations to ensure the right of access to healthfacilities, goods and services on a non-discriminatory basis,especially for vulnerable and marginalized groups, toprovide essential drugs such as antivenoms (World HealthOrganization, 2007c) and to bring education and access toinformation about the main health problems in thecommunity, including, particularly, methods for theircontrol and prevention (Hunt, 2007).

An integrated strategy to confront this problem, atglobal, regional and national levels, must be based ona better knowledge on the real impact of snakebiteenvenoming and its resultant chronic disability worldwide.Efforts should also be directed towards better under-standing of the biochemistry and toxicology of relevantmedically important snake venoms, as well as thegeographical variation of venoms and its implications forthe design of optimal immunization mixtures for anti-venom production. Research should be also directedtowards the discovery of new ancillary treatments, espe-cially targeting those venom effects that are less suscep-tible to antivenom therapy such as the severe localpathological manifestations of snakebites (Gutierrez et al.,2006, 2007b). There is an urgent need to improve thequality and volume of antivenom production and tostrengthen the technological capacity of antivenom-producing laboratories in low-income countries, througheffective technology transfer programmes based on North–South and South–South collaboration. Capacity-buildingefforts should be also directed towards improving thecapacity of low-income countries to both produce theirown snake venoms for antivenom production, and to assessthe preclinical and clinical efficacy and safety of the anti-venoms offered by commercial manufacturers for distri-bution to these countries. Efforts aimed at facilitating thepurchase of antivenoms at affordable prices to low-incomecountries, through a number of mechanisms involvingpublic–private partnership initiatives, together with themobilization of donor agencies, should be complementedby efforts to build effective distribution strategies fordeployment of antivenoms to the rural health posts wherethey are most needed. Long term educational programmesfor health staff on the correct diagnosis and treatment ofenvenomed patients, together with effective preventionstrategies involving the participation of communityorganizations, should complement a wide agenda ofmultiple tasks and participants working at many levels (Fig3). Such integrated global efforts will undoubtedly help toreduce the burden of human suffering caused by snakebiteenvenoming.


The proposals presented in this manuscript on the issueof snakebite envenoming have been enriched by the

exchange of ideas and initiatives with many colleagues andstudents, in various regions of the world.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that there are no conflicts ofinterest.


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