
Mascots trip across Europe

Upload: hana-wiesnerova

Post on 25-May-2015




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  • 1. Mascots trip across Europe

2. Snowflake arrived in the Czech Republic 3. Mohelnice 4. I came on Friday November25th 5. My new friends from class 4A 6. I am looking at Indian decorationin the corridors and on the staircase. 7. I am among Halloween decorations. 8. My new friend is a Turkish assistant Kevser too. 9. At school canteen . Tomato sauce, dumplings and meat. Yummy !! Where is my milk and cereals ?? 10. Childrens hands.I have got only paws. 11. I am lost in a beans garden on the window. 12. I am listeninga fairytale. 13. Maths lesson.What are they doing? They are drawing paralles. 14. Art lesson. 15. New decorations. I like them. 16. Where am I ? Find me! 17. Music lesson. I sing with children song Abeceda ( it means the Alphabet.) 18. Now I am in the gym and playing a tag. 19. Children remind me my home town. 20. In Parma Italy 21. It is time to say Good bye! 22. Letters with my favourite butterflies for Turkish friends. 23. I am ready to travel.Thanks for a nice time in Mohelnice.