soab annual report 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 SOAB Annual Report 2011


    Annual Report 2011

  • 8/3/2019 SOAB Annual Report 2011


    2 Annual Report 20

    About Us

    Special Olympics Alberta oers sports programs in more than 100 communities around the province orAlbertans with an intellectual disability.

    Since Special Olympics Alberta was ounded in 1980, we have grown rom an organization with only a ewdozen athletes, to one in which approximately 3,000 athletes compete in 15 ocial sports and three soon-to-be ocial sports: basketball, bocce, and gol.

    There are more than 1,200 coaches and volunteers working year-round giving people with an intellectuadisability the opportunity to realize their ull athletic potential. Recreational and competitive sport training takesplace daily, and competitions take place at the local, provincial, national, and even international levels atregular intervals.

    Special Olympics Alberta is an accredited chapter o Special Olympics Canada.

    Our Mission:Special Olympics is committed to enriching the lives o Albertans with an intellectual disability through sport.

    Our Vision:

    Special Olympics Alberta will provide individuals with an intellectual disability, o all ages and abilities,opportunity to realize their ull athletic potential, with appropriate training, coaching and competitions, todevelop lie skills, a healthy body and sel-esteem.

    I you are a an o courage, i you respect determination, i you cant help but share in the

    joy o victory, then you are already a an o Special Olympics. Why not make it ofcial?

    Volunteer. Donate. Participate.

  • 8/3/2019 SOAB Annual Report 2011


    Annual Report 2011

    My tenure began with an overwhelming and positive experience at the SpeOlympics World Summer games in Athens, Greece. The global movemen

    athletes with an intellectual disability is stronger than it has ever been.

    I have travelled throughout Alberta this summer, and witnessed rst-hand wEunice Kennedy Shriver hoped or in creating Special Olympics. One can easee that Special Olympics athletes through sport, become empowered individuSporting events or athletes with an intellectual disability help to change attituregarding respect and inclusion. A positive outcome ater every sporting event wall o the volunteers and participants, is witnessing how our communities co

    together and we ultimately build better relationships.

    In February 2012, Alberta is proud to welcome distinguished athletes rom all across Canada to share

    lie-changing experience o competing in the 2012 Special Olympics Canada Winter Games in St. AlbAlberta, rom February 28th to March 3rd.

    It is a privilege to be the new President & CEO of SpecialOlympics Alberta.

    Kirk De Fazio

    President and CEO

    Message from the

    President and CEO

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    4 Annual Report 20

    Karen Saunders

    Board of Directors Chair

    The ultimate vision o Special Olympics Alberta is to allow athletes to reachtheir ull athletic potential.

    The 2010-2011 year truly refected how all o us involved in Special Olympicsthroughout Alberta worked together to help our athletes achieve their goals.

    Athletes, coaches, and volunteers celebrated excellence throughout theProvincial Games in February. Our athletes challenged themselves and a groupo 80 will proudly represent Alberta in February at the national games.

    We also celebrated the eight athletes rom Alberta who were selected or Team Canada. They competedin 10-pin bowling, powerliting, swimming and track and eld. They did our country and our provinceproud as all eight o Albertas athletes brought back medals!

    We look orward this year to some exciting events; the International LETR conerence in Novemberwill mark the rst time this event has been held outside o the United States being in Calgary. Thenwe welcome Canada to our showcase event the 2012 Special Olympics Canada Winter Games inFebruary. None o this would be possible without the continued support o our sponsors, and all ourvolunteers.

    Thank you. Your support means our athletes continue togrow, improve, and ultimately win at life.

    Message from theBoard of Directors Chair

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    Annual Report 2011

    Report CardThis year...

    Youth Development Coordinator is getting school basedprogramming o the ground. A ocused approach ismaking a dierence. Getting results. Seeing growth.

    2,764 athletes and 1,200 volunteers participated in17 sports provided by 29 aliates and communityprograms around the province.

    Athletes had an opportunity to participate in 18competitions representing 14 ocial sports in 11dierent aliates across the province.

    It was a busy year or Provincial competition starting o

    with Team AB 2010 attending the 2010 Special OlympicsCanada Summer Games in London, Ontario, then the2011 Provincial Winter Games in Devon Edmonton-Leduc, and the 2011 Special Olympics World SummerGames in Athens, Greece.

    Special Olympics athletes also competed at the 2010 Alberta Summer Games in Peace River, the 2011Canada Winter Games in Haliax and at the 2011Speedo Alberta Senior Championships in Medicine Hat.

    Special Olympics Alberta supported 12 coachesthrough the High Perormance Coach Mentor programand trained 40 new coaches.

    The rst peer elected Athlete Leadership Committeeempowers athletes with development o the AthletesRights and Responsibilities.

    Special Olympics Alberta recognizes the value o ouryouth and added a Youth Representative on the SOABoard o Directors and initiated the development o aYouth Advisory Council.

    Our volunteers have access to better training andorientation through the Toyota Volunteer Training Dayswebsite.

    A greater voice is heard as our rst individual membersvoted at the Annual General Meeting.

    Our website had record number o visits and nowincludes social media links, and sharing capabilities.

    Special Olympics Alberta invested $849,671 inPrograms, including coach training, Team AB andProvincial Games as well as $358,265 in AliateDevelopment, including revenue sharing, grants andvolunteer recognition.

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    6 Annual Report 20

    Leonka KaluhaFemale Athlete of the Year

    This Calgary athlete isdedicated to her sports whichinclude bowling, tness, foorhockey and gol. She alwaysgives 100% at practices

    and competitions. Leonka has an outstandingattitude, is always encouraging and supportingher teammates, and is an excellent role modelor sportsmanship. She has overcome manyobstacles and through her commitment to tnessand a healthy liestyle she has reached manypersonal goals and has become more successulin all o her sports. Leonkas coaches havecommented many times regarding her positiveattitude and increased sel-condence. She hasamazed everyone around her. Leonka is not onlya leader in her sports but is a great ambassadoror the Special Olympics organization. Shespends tireless hours telling her story to othersand raising unds and awareness or SpecialOlympics at various events such as motionball,

    Saeway undraisers and LETR events. Sheinspires all through her dedication, commitmentand drive to personally succeed.

    Special Olympics Award Winners

    Calgary StormTeam of the YearFloor Hockey

    Over the course othe year this team

    not only grew as individuals they also cametogether as a unit. They were exceptionarepresentatives or Special Olympics Calgaryat the 2011 Special Olympics Alberta WinterGames. The Calgary Storm maintains anever quit attitude and they always havesmiles on their aces. It was very obviousduring the provincial games that this teamwas especially ocused on their game playand listened intently to the direction givento them by their coaches. Each one o themshowed remarkable sportsmanship byencouraging each other to try as hard as theypossibly could. Despite only winning one outo their our games on the rst day o theProvincials, the Calgary Storm maintainedtheir ocus and played hard in order to reachtheir goal o winning a medal.

    Steve RabeehMale Athlete of the Year

    This Edmonton athletehas been participatingwith Special Olympicsor 15 years in speedskating, athletics, and

    sotball. He has showcased his talent on thelocal, provincial, national, and internationalstages. Steve shows true commitment,courage and dedication to SpecialOlympics. Even when sick, he wouldappear on ice, with his skates laced up andask the question what do we do next? Hisdiligence on ice and his ocused work ethicis evident in every practice. Steve is a greatspeed skater and he is constantly ocusedon beating his personal best. He helps keepother skaters motivated on the ice, whether itis practice or competition. His developmenthas compelled his peers to do as well ashim when they practice. Regardless o thesetting, situation, or what is on the line,

    Steve can always be counted on to providea smile and has encouraging words or histeam mates and or competitors.

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    Annual Report 2011

    Neil GarbuttMale Coach of the Year

    When you talk about 5Pin Bowling in Red Deer,Neil Garbutts name issure to come up. Asthe head coach o the 5

    Pin Bowling program, he always takes thetime to teach each o the needed skills andproper technique to his athletes. He makessure to involve other coaches and parentsat the programs by scheduling all tasksand assigning them to people who want to

    help out. Despite the many challenges theathletes have, Neil keeps their enthusiasmand excitement up which makes theathletes ready to play and to succeed. Theathletes are always up or a challenge andlook orward to travelling in competitionswithin Alberta. Neils tireless eort leads tothe success o the programs in which he isinvolved. Along with his achievements hehas a long list o athletes and volunteers hehas infuenced over the many years he has

    been with Special Olympics.

    Arlene McTeerFemale Coach of the Year

    The question was simenough. Did she know howkeep score? Arlene McTeer became involved with SpeOlympics back in the mid-19

    through her son, Ron, who is a registered athlSince then, she has also worked with the clufoor hockey program or 18 years. She is vproud that ater a gold-medal nish at the 2Provincial Winter Games, the Red Deer Rockwill go on to represent Alberta at the 2012 Spe

    Olympics Canada Winter Games in St. Alb Alberta. During the rest o the year, Arlene serves as an administrator with the clubs sotprogram, and is also credited with launching clubs ten-pin bowling program in 1995. She been involved in almost every other aspecthe clubs operations, rom undraising to speevents to promotions, and over the years, cross-stitched more than 2,000 Canadian pins or those athletes who go on to representcountry at world games.

    Special Olympics Award Winners

    Jodi FlanaganVolunteer of the Year

    Jodi started with SpecialOlympics twenty years agowhen she signed up to bea gure skating coach withSpecial Olympics Calgary.

    Since her humble beginnings she has takenon numerous positions within the organizationat the local, provincial and national level alongthe way developing a reputation as a strongleader and dedicated ambassador or sport.She currently serves as the Master Learning

    Facilitator or SOA NCCP coaching programand served as Che de Mission or the 2010Team Alberta. Jodi excelled as Che throughups and downs, changes, and technicaldiculties that could have meant disasteror the team i it were not or her leadership.Through a challenging year she was ableto motivate and bring together 160 teammembers rom seven dierent sports that aremade up o athletes across the province.

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    Motor Dealers Association of AlbertaCommunity Leadership Award

    Olds and District

    Despite their smaller numbers, the AliateManagement Committee (AMC) o Olds hasspearheaded Special Olympics awareness andthe community o Olds has embraced them.Olds continues to grow not only in athletes,but also in sports oered and events hosted.This year, with the assistance o a local pro,they began oering gol to their list o activities,and they hosted events in both bowling (5 pin)

    and foor hockey. To ensure their athletes haveevery opportunity they send them to Calgaryor swimming and Drumheller or alpine. Theymaintain strong relationships with all aliates intheir region as well as provincial oce. In orderto create sports opportunities or their athletesthe Aliate tirelessly puts in their own time towork with Staples to create undraising events.They have built a strong oundation within theircommunity and endeavour to help it grow.

    LETR Community Spirit AwardLethbridge

    The entire law enorcement community iLethbridge and area including the LethbridgRegional Police Service, RCMP, AlbertSheris, and the Blood Tribe Police hasupported Special Olympics whenevepossible or years. These two groups havworked closely together to have every evenand undraiser extremely eective. LETRhas hosted numerous undraising eventin Lethbridge, and without any reluctanc

    the Lethbridge Special Olympics oce hasolicited volunteers and athletes in order thelp out wherever needed. Because o thiamazing relationship that has been osteredand the dedication o Special OlympicLethbridge, every initiative has been resounding success.

    Murray Koch Youth Development AwardWest Central

    West Central has demonstrated growth in theyoung athlete age category (21 and under).They have two schools with strong specialneeds programs in Spruce Grove and theyhave done an excellent job in getting the wordout to potential young athletes. They have theirstrong student athlete ambassadors that talkto other people about their experiences. Theyhave been ortunate to have a sports columnistwho supports their athletes accomplishments

    with articles that create awareness. Overallthere is a antastic joint eort among all otheir coaches and volunteers to spread theword and creating a welcoming environmentor youth.

    Special Olympics Award Winners

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    Annual Report 2011

    Financial Information

    Where Does Your Money Go? Actual 2010/2011Total Expenses $1,582,561

    *Financial statements available upon reques

    Sources of FundingActual 2010/2011Total Revenue $ 1,211,206

    Affiliate Development

    $358,265 |23%



    $238,987 |15%


    $116,671 |7%


    $18,967 |1%

    Program Expense:

    $849,671 |54%

    Event Revenues

    $501,108 |41% Program Revenue$3,780 |1%



    $330,664 |27%



    $254,516 |21



    $121,138 |10%



    Resource Development

    Affiliate Development

    Program Expense

    Government Funding

    Program Revenue

    General Revenues

    National Sponsorshi

    Event Revenues

  • 8/3/2019 SOAB Annual Report 2011


    10 Annual Report 20

    DonorsAll Systems Contracting Calgary Inc.All-Tra BatteryAnonymous DonorsAssociated Canadian TravelersAtco Gas

    Baxter, R.BMO Charitable FoundationBraun, S.Braund, R.Burden, C. & K.Burden, K. & M.Calgary Old Time Hockey Players AssociationCalgary Police AssociationCalgary Rotary Challenger ParkCalgary Winter ClubCanadian Association o Chies o PoliceCardel Homes

    Cash CasinoCawthorne, A.Cenovus Energy Inc.Cenovus FoundationChristopher Thomas Proessional Corp.CIBC Childrens FoundationClauson Cold & Cooler Ltd.Coakwell, T.Cougar Fuels LTD.Crescent Lodge No. 81 I.O.O.F.Crude Dudes Hockey TeamDevon Canada Corporation

    Down Syndrome Research FoundationEaglequest Gol Centres

    Elbow River Casino Ltd.Elks Lodge #85Encana Cares FoundationEncana CorporationEnergy Fore Friends Gol Classic

    Equinox Engineering Ltd.Foothills AcademyGienow Windows and DoorsGlobal TV EdmontonGoodman Private Wealth ManagementGowling Lafeur Henderson LLPGran Tierra Energy Inc.Great Plains Exploration Inc.Gregg DistributorsHaywood SecuritiesHesje, M. & S.Images Unlimited Studio

    Imperial Oil FoundationJ2 Excavating Ltd.Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd.Johnson Inc.The Keg Steakhouse and BarKeyera Energy Management Ltd.Kiwanis Calgary MetroKnights o Columbus AB/NWTKnights o Columbus Supreme CouncilLandmark HomesLets BowlLexus o Calgary

    Lululemon Athletica Canada Inc.Macleod Dixon LLP

    Marjoram, K.Maxwell Realty LethbridgeMayeld Inn, Friends in NeedNucleus Inormation Service Inc.Ockey, D.

    Opus CorporationPengrowthPerpetual Energy Corp.Pinsent, J.Priddis Greens Gol and Country ClubRed Deer Motor Dealers Assoc.River Cree Resort and CasinoRoss, D. & L.Rotary Club o Calgary OlympicServus Credit UnionSF HomesSherwood Chiropractic Centre Inc.

    Snyder, D.G. & M.Stevenson,T. & P.Supreme Windows (Calgary) Inc.Taylor, J.TD Canada TrustToth, B.Tuxedo Source or SportsU.C.T. Calgary North CouncilUnited Way (Individual Donors)University o Calgary Squash TournamentWard, C.Westminster Savings

    Whalen, N.Xentel DM Inc.

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    Annual Report 2011

    Board of Directors

    Provincial Partners National Sponsors

    Karen Saunders Chair (Calgary)

    John Pinsent Past Chair (Edmonton)

    Dale Ellert 1st Vice Chair (Calgary)

    Bill McLaren 2nd Vice Chair (Sherwood Park)

    James Melnyk Director o Finance (Calgary)

    Chris Doty Athlete Leadership (Calgary)

    Government of Canada

    Toyota Canada

    STAPLES Canada

    Home HardwareWolseley Canada

    Canada Safeway

    Law Enforcement Torch Run



    The Forzani Group Ltd.

    JYSK CanadaThe Harry Red Foster Foundation

    The Canadian Progress Club

    Rub A535

    Canada Lie

    Grey Canada

    The Globe and Mail


    Veritas Communicat

    Scott McCormack Director (Edmonton)

    Tom McKenzie Director (Lethbridge)

    Race Dixon Director (Sherwood Park)

    Robert Parmenter Director (Fort McMurray)

    Mary Payne Director (Fort McMurray)

    Cameron Black Youth Leadership (Red Deer)

  • 8/3/2019 SOAB Annual Report 2011


    Percy Page Centre

    11759 Groat Road

    Edmonton, Alberta

    T5M 3K6

    Phone: (780) 415-0719

    Fax: (780) 422-2663

    Toll Free: 1-800-444-2883

    Email: [email protected] w w w . s p e c i a l o l y m p i c s . a b .