social media conference- agenda

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Today, New Media is the most used way of being in constant connect with a prospective buyer. Almost everytop & mid level firm in every industry is investing in social media to get more business.

IBM reported an amazing 400% increase in sales in the first quarter tied to a rightly-organized pilot programof Social SellingA survey from them also shows 75% of their buyers have used & are more likely to use social media in the purchase process.

Smart lead nurturing, alongwith knowledge of the buyer’s buying cycle andenabled marketing automation can result in “ready to convert” leads. Every leadcomes with updates of their downloaded materials, attended webinars, andwebsite pages visited. This should be good to exclusively target the exact buyinginterest of the prospect.

Are your New Media contents, communities, conversations & collaborationssuitably customer oriented?Can they figure, what your prospects are looking for?Is new media producing tangible leads and sales for you? Are your followers on new media being indirectly persuaded to buy from you?Are they actually considering you as the most trusted seller/ provider?

How do you ensure, your social media attracts not just followers, but followers,who buy from you?

This 2 day conference is going to help you learn from experts, how to actuallymake social media get you clients or customers.

1. You will learn from experts, how to make it work, where to turn a social mediafollower of yours onto a more one-on-one level to be able to convert him to a confirmed prospective buyer.

2. You will learn from practitioners, what really made a differentiating factor between just people following you and making these online followers buy from you.

3. Learn how companies with blogs increased their leads by 67% per month

4. Learn how to nurture your followers

5. Learn how to establish trust in these followers to convert them to prospective buyers

6. Learn how to atually make social media sell for you

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JEFF MOLANDERAdjunct Faculty- Digital Marketing

Loyola University’s school of business&

Co-founder- Google Affiliate Network

HAREESH TIBREWALA Social Media Strategist;

Business Owner & Joint CEO @

SAMPATH IYENGARSocial Engagement Officer- NeoSocial 7 Media Solns.;

Regional Director @Business Network Intl.

Chief Energizing Officer @Sam 7 Computers & Networks


OMLogic Consulting


[x]cube LABS / PurpleTalk Inc.Digital Marketing Consultant | Blogger

DHARMENDRA RAIThe Tony Buzan & Jack Canfield

Endorsed Mind Map Trainer


www.shaadimagic.comThe wedding planning marketplace



HARSHIL KARIAOnline Strategist & Co-founder


WERNER EGIPSY SOUZASocial Systems Developer

& Proprietor: Brahma Kamal

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Conference Agenda

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Coffee & Registration- Breakfast Networking 09:00 – 9:30

Chairman's Opening Speech 9:30 – 9:40

9:40 – 10:20

Q&A 10:20 – 10:30

Morning Tea and Networking 10:30 – 11:00

11:00 – 11:40

Q&A 11:40 – 11:50

11:50 – 12:30

JEFF MOLANDERAdjunct Faculty- Digital

MarketingLoyola University’s school of


Co-founder- Google Affiliate Network

Big Data: How marketing insights are powering sales enablement:

A 2012 report from Aberdeen Group revealed that the average sales rep spends more than 20% of his or her time looking for sales intelligence rather or marketing insights than selling. Also, most prospective buyers today spend more time on social media to check & decide who to buy from and why.How do you pave the way to come out as the winner amongst your competitors?


VP Marketing[x]cube LABS / PurpleTalk


Inbound Marketing: Using blog & video content for lead generation and nurturing

Research tell us that nearly 60% of a buying decisions today are made before talking with a salesperson. What does that mean for sales and marketing teams? How can you get involved in the buyer conversation early? This session shows how blogs, videos and other Social media are creating leads and sales.


The Tony Buzan and Jack Canfield Endorsed Mind

Map Trainer

PANEL DISCUSSION 1Social Media Status Quo

Where does your company stand on Social Media Usage Curve?Are you waiting or going slow on Social Media?Why should you develp urgency on it?How do you take it forward? What do you do about it?

PANELISTS: HAREESH TIBREWALA Social Media Strategist; Business Owner and Joint CEO @

SAMPATH IYENGAR Social Engagement Officer: NeoSocial 7 Media Solutions; Regional Director: Business Network International Chief Energizing Officer: Sam 7 Computers & Networks

HARSHIL KARIA Online Strategist & Co-founder Foxymoron

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Q&A 12:30 – 12:40

12:40 – 13:40

13:40 – 14:20

Q&A 14:20 – 14:30

14:30 – 15:10

Q&A 15:10 – 15:20

15:20 – 15:50

15:50 – 16:30

Q&A 16:30 – 16:40

16:40 – 17:20

Q&A 17:20 – 17:30

Relaxed Networking

Networking Lunch

HAREESH TIBREWALA Social Media Strategist;

Business Owner & Joint CEO @

Leveraging Social Listening for Business Generation

HARSHIL KARIAOnline Strategist & Co-founder


Marketers that Sell: Making the Connection Between the Buyer's Journey and Your Sales Pipeline

Afternoon Tea and Networking

Lessons Learned: Becoming a Sales Leader

This session features a marketing VP or chief revenue officer from a B2B business. This speaker shows the audience (through storytelling) how to incorporate social insight into the sales process; how to create a seamless and positive customer experiences and how to eliminate silos and improve internal collaboration between sales staff and sales & marketing.



Influencing public perception - Youth on your side

Like everything that social media has changed, it has also changed how public opinion is built. In the time of only one-sided conversations, you could control what was being said about you if you had enough clout and resources at your disposal. Traditional media in the past was one sided... social is multi-faceted and frankly we don’t even know what shape or form it will take in the next five years. It is led by the people.While it is promised that social media provides an equal opportunity to everyone to voice their opinions and be heard, it doesn’t really happen that way. One, to be heard among the cacophony of social media, you have to have a differentiating factor that makes you heard. Just what they call “disruptive” or “clutter breaking” in advertising.Two, even if you have crossed the barrier of not being heard, you need to know how to best leverage your reach and influence to actually make a difference.

17:30 onwards

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Our Speakers:

Insightful, practical and passionate, Jeff Molander is the authority on making social media sell and a sought-after corporate trainer to small businesses and global corporations. He’s an accomplished entrepreneur, having co-founded what is today the Google Affiliate Network and search marketing division of Publicis Groupe. Today, he's adjunct digital marketing faculty at Loyola University’s school of business. His new book, Off The Hook Marketing: How to Make Social Media Sell for You, is first to offer businesses a clear, practical way to sell with new technology platforms like Facebook and blogging.

Jeff is different from most social media speakers because he brings a view like no other. He spent the last year researchingand documenting how the social media revolution is over-hyped nonsense. The real business opportunity is to become more relevant and meaningful to customers in ways that create sales.

Audiences come away from his engaging presentations with clarity on how to create more leads and sales using a practical, hype-free approach to social media marketing.

When speaking, Molander allies his audience's deepest fears and confirms gnawing suspicions. He humorously throws rocks at enemies like social media gurus and encourages dreams. Most importantly, he provides clear, next steps that are creating results.

Molander has been advising and motivating business executives since 1997. After spending time in the marketing trencheswith companies like telecommunications giant MCI, he co-founded a digital agency that is now the Google Affiliate Networkand search marketing division of Publicis Groupe. ; ;

Hareesh is a bachelor of engineering from VJTI, University of Mumbai and a Master of Science from the University of Southern California, USA. He has been trained in Business Strategy Planning at AKZO-Nobel, Germany. He started his career as a partner with IFCM Counsellors, a human asset management company. In 1997, he co-founded, one of India's first e-commerce sites. Hareesh is a serial entrepreneur and Social Wavelength is his third such venture. Hareesh has also been a visiting faculty at the University of Mumbai. He has been past President of the Rotary Club of Mumbai, Sea Pearl, as well as the founder & co-chairperson of the expert committee on information technology at the Indian Merchants Chamber. Hareesh is an accomplished orator and has been invited to address national and international conferences on subjects pertaining to branding, entrepreneurship and technology.

Concept Partner: Online Partner:

JEFF MOLANDER Adjunct Faculty- Digital Marketing

Loyola University’s , school of business

Co-founder- Google Affiliate Network &

Author: Off The Hook Marketing: How to Make Social Media Sell for You

HAREESH TIBREWALA Social Media Strategist; Business Owner and Joint CEO @

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Sampath Iyengar has been in the IT industry for the last 23 years having his own company Sam 7 Computers & Networks.

He started yet another company Neosocial 7 Media solutions 3 years back which handles the Socialmedia of various small and medium businesses. He has customers like Morpheus IVF, Condom Point, BNI India, PoddarDevelopers, Canon Image Square, . He also manages the social media accounts for a number of professionals likeDoctors, Lawyers etc.To explain further Neosocial 7 handles their presence across various platforms like “Facebook”, “Youtube”, “Twitter”,“Linkedin”, “Pinterest” etc .In January 2012 , Sam Decided to create an offline event for all his online customers. Here much like Coffee with Karan.Sam has Jam with Sam. He interviews 2 Business entrepreneurs every Month who share their life story , goals andachievements both professional & Personal.Prominent Jammers were Niiraj Shah National Director BNI India. Agnelo Rajesh Athaide From St. Angelo Computers.Tushar Sighat MD Dlink India, Karon Shaiva from IDOBRO, Vivek Mensonda From Lawrence & Mayo. He is also a Rotarian for the last 18 years First from RC of Goregoan west where he was the President in 2002 and for thelast 2 years from Bombay Seacoast and is in the Rotary District 3140 heading the Digital Media Position for the next 3years He is also a BNI member from the Alpha chapter for more than 7 years and is also a Trainer for BNI India.

He is also a speaker at various Schools, Colleges and corporates as well as Rotary clubs.

Kapil is a globally sought-after thought leader, speaker and consultant on social media and customer engagement. He is the Founder & CEO of OMLogic Consulting, one of India’s leading online & social media agencies. Kapil has been an avid speaker on Social Media, Entrepreneurship & Leadership, both in India & internationally.His previous speaking assignments include speaking at SMX Singapore, Social India Conference, OSI Days, Engage2012,OMCAR 2008, 2009 & 2012 and various Business Schools such as MDI, BITS Pilani, NSIT, EMPI Institute of Management,BULMIM, UPES, TIT&S Bhiwani, BCIPS, LBSIM, to name a few.

He is also the co-founder of OM Careers, a non-profit and world’s first online marketing careers community, and was one ofkey persons behind OMCAR, world’s first online marketing careers conference & expo. OMCAR 2012 was held on Jan 13th, 2012.

From philanthropic causes to cricket to politics to Bollywood, he is the brain behind numerous social communities and

Concept Partner: Online Partner:

KAPIL GUPTA Founder & CEO OMLogic Consulting

SAMPATH IYENGAR Social Engagement Officer @ NeoSocial 7 Media Solutions; Regional Director @ Business Network International Chief Energizing Officer @ Sam 7 Computers & Networks

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loves using social media as a transformation catalyst. Kapil lives, breathes and eats social media. He loves spending his spare time with his daughters and mentor young professionals.

Kapil began his career in IBM, where he held numerous leadership positions in the IBM supply chain organization as well as IBM corporate. Kapil has a Masters in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University and Bachelors in Engineering from Delhi Institute of Technology (now NSIT).

“For Indian continental and NRI Social Media and Social Commerce initiatives, I highly recommend OMLogic. Kapil and histeam are far and away the most cutting edge group with the best handle on making social media a success for this highly targeted and lucrative market.”- Gillian Muessig, President & cofounder SEOmoz

A digital marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry.While Search marketing ( both organic and paid search) has been his forte, Saptarshi has demonstrated ability in creating integrated campaigns across multiple digital media channels. He has experience with setting up processes, creating strategies as well as hands on implementation of various aspects of digital media including Social Media, Email marketing, SEO, PPC, Content strategies, Viral campaigns, affiliates, display & partnerships. During his phase with Havas Digital, he has successfully managed campaigns for some of the major brands like Expedia,, Air France, Fidelity, Capgemini. Etc.With an established record of hands-on leadership and team building skills at the international level, he is consideredas an effective communicator and focused leader.Presently working as VP – Marketing for PurpleTalk Inc., he also works as a SEO and Internet Business Consultant for clients across the world.Saptarshi's Skills & Expertise:

Concept Partner: Online Partner:


[x]cube LABS / PurpleTalk Inc. &

Digital Marketing Consultant | Blogger

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Manish Grover is the founder of, one of its kind wedding planning portal for all wedding planning needs.Prior to founding, Manish Grover has experience in entrepreneurship, marketing and consulting forstartups as well as a top management firm wherein he handled projects worth over $ 4 billion. Manish holds an MBA inMarketing and Engineering in Electronics & Communication. He is also Fellow of the Startup Leadership Program.

About is a portal which aims to be a complete one-stop shop for all wedding planning needs

• Online Wedding Planning magazine • Search Engine for the rated and reviewed vendors and agencies• Bridges the gap between buyers and sellers

It seeks to provide everything that to-be weds might want to know about wedding planning, it provides them all theinformation they may ever need: vendors reviews, ratings, contacts; ideas and suggestions; tools etc to make theirwedding planning a much more organized process

Ankit Maheshwari

• Is the founder and CEO of Betaout.

• Listed as an Asia’s one of the most inspiring young entrepreneurs and social change maker by Paragon 100 Asia.• Having approximately 10 years of experience in managing large content teams for New Media.

• Prior to Betaout, he founded Instamedia Network (a lifestyle blog network), which served over 20 Million pageviews per month and was acquired by a Dubai based Media Company.

• His specializes in business development and management, web technology, content marketing, strategicmanagement, mobile technologies and connecting people.

• He loves to interact with fellow and budding entrepreneurs, share ideas and delve in all interesting areas.

Concept Partner: Online Partner:

MANISH GROVER Founder & CEO The wedding planning marketplace



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- Mumbai's First Mind Map Trainer

- Proclaimed a " Genius " by Tony Buzan - Mind Map Inventor & Nobel Peace Prize Nominee! Testimonial Video here

- Endorsed by Jack Canfield - " The Secret " Teacher & The Co Creator of The Chicken Soup For The Soul Series ( Sold Over 500 Million Copies! ) ! Video here

- Ranked First in a International Creativity Test conducted by ThinkBuzan in Dubai. Video here

- Conducted 150 Mind Map Seminars

- Mind Map seminars done for Executives of Many Fortune 500 and Alumni of the World's Best Colleges - The IITs, IIMs, Harvard Business School and LSE ( London School of Economics )

- Has over 500 Testimonials on his website

- Probably the Most Endorsed Trainer In The World On Linkedin .Has over 4400 Endorsements on Linkedin

- Has over 200 Video Testimonials and over 17,500 Views on his YouTube Channel

- "Dharmendra Rai' gives rise to over 6 Million Reference Pages on Google

- Award Winner and Speaker at The World HRD Congress 2012

- One of the Most Connected People on the Planet with over 2 0 3 0 0 direct connections on LinkedIn and 5 0 0 0 connections on Facebook

- Has a Klout score of 62 . Estimated to be in the 95 th Percentile

- Member of Mensa International ( A High IQ Society )

- Appeared in prominent media like CNBC, Times Of India, Zee Business and Channel V

- Work Experience of 15 years with companies like Morgan Stanley, Alliance Capital. Last position was National Sales Head of Benchmark Mutual Fund , now Goldman Sachs

- Has been a TED x Speaker following speakers like Tony Buzan, Anthony Robbins and Bill Gates


Concept Partner: Online Partner:

DHARMENDRA RAI The Tony Buzan and Jack Canfield Endorsed Mind Map Trainer

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Harshil is one of the 4 core founders of FoxyMoron. A graduate from Jai Hind College, Mumbai, Harshil’sexpertise lies in developing and creating unique strategies across Social Media platforms and Digital MarketingBrand campaigns. His core strengths lie in interface understanding and market readiness in terms of featureaugmentation.Prior to FoxyMoron, Harshil worked on creating and strategizing strong online identities for companies atWA TConsult and earlier to that he worked as a marketing executive at LifeStyle Networks Ltd, where his job role was to focus on selective B2B groups and develop communication strategies for each of them.Currently at FoxyMoron, Harshil’s key responsibilities include social media ideation, creative execution, digital media planning and buying, and SEO.

FoxyMoron is a Social Media Marketing and Digital Solutions agency that works with some of thebiggest brands in India. The portfolio includes Cadbury Group, L'Oreal India, Garnier, Foster's, RajasthanRoyals, A sian Paints, A XN, McVities to name just a few. The core service areas are 360° DigitalMarketing, Website Design & Development, Games & A pplications and Media.

Concept & Marketing Partner Online Partner

Concept Partner: Online Partner:

HARSHIL KARIA Online Strategist & Co-founder Foxymoron

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