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The information contained in this guide is ©2017 by NGNG Enterprises, Inc. at It may not be copied, sold, or modified in any medium or

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You are more than welcome to share this eBook with anyone you'd like as long as you

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In this report, I share with you what has worked for me in getting social media results. I

cannot and do not guarantee that you will achieve the same results. This report is

provided for informational purposes only. You assume all responsibility and liability for

what you do with this information.

ã 2017 NGNG Enterprises, Inc.

Contact: [email protected]

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IntroductionAre you still mystified when it comes to how to get results with social media?

Of course, by now you've heard the importance of social media and how it's one of the

best ways to reach your target audience, inspire them, educate them and get results

through sales. You've probably searched for mentors to teach you the ins and outs of

social media, but somehow, someway, you still don't feel like you have a solid grasp on

how to actually get results. You've probably even seen those promoted ads on Facebook

about how people are making tens of thousands of dollars through Facebook advertising.

Being an online business development coach, it is critical that I stay on top of trends as

well as have a constant grip on what works and what doesn't online. Since social media is

one of the best ways to attract a global audience and build your following, I've taken a

special interest in learning everything I can about all of the popular social networks online.

Today I'm going to share with you the seven deadliest mistakes I see people making on

social media every single day. I really hope you take the time to study these insights so

you can save time, reduce your stress, and get results faster.


This may be one of the most common issues I've seen people struggle with. Does this

sound familiar?

• You've signed up for all the most popular social networks because you heard it

was important, yet you're not actually posting on all of them. You gravitate toward

your favorite, and your other accounts look like a ghost town.

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• You've stayed in your comfort zone on your favorite social network, usually

Facebook, and haven't ventured out to network on the other social media

accounts. This means that anybody who doesn't frequent Facebook won't know

you exist.

• Or maybe you are attempting to post on multiple different networks, except you

have no real strategy involved and you're just hoping that people like and share

your content.

Wouldn't it be nice to not have to hope anymore? And instead feel confident that you are

sharing the right information, and therefore will get results.

Now let me give you a little bit of insight to clear up the confusion:

Facebook Facebook is the #1 social network in the world. That means, whether you like it or not, you

should be active on this social network.

The number one complaint I get about Facebook is that you think it's a waste of time

because people only talk about what they ate that day and their pets.


I connect with people who educate and inspire me. I almost never see posts about food or

animals. Instead, I see motivating posts by my mentors, I get updated on important

industry trends, and I see posts that excite me to grow or challenge myself.

Facebook is an important social network no matter what industry you're in. The Facebook

crowd tends to like more inspirational posts mixed with educational posts, posts that pose

a question, a few posts that are strictly promotional, and posts that show your personal


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As you continue reading this guide I will train you on how often to post, what to post, and

how to engage your audience.

Google +

Google+ is Google's version of Facebook. When this network first came out it felt like a

bust. The features were different enough from Facebook that I think it just confused users.

However, more and more people are using this network – for a variety of reasons,

including Hangouts – so it is my suggestion that you get on this social network

immediately if you're not already on it.

I have noticed that Google+ users are looking for high quality information, much more

interaction (whether through commenting, sharing, or Hangouts), and are they loving how

easy it is to discover new content and people.

A huge benefit to Google+ that you simply can't ignore is the integration with other Google

services, as well as the influence it will have on your Search Engine Optimization.

No matter what industry you're in, it's important to jump in with both feet on this network.

LinkedIn LinkedIn is the professional’s network. This network is absolutely critical to be on if you are

trying to market to other businesses.

If you are on this network, know that your posts should be business related. So, you'll want

to talk about how to grow, how to succeed, and how to get results.

The key to LinkedIn is to have a rock-solid profile. Do not skimp on the time it will take you

to set this up well. For more information on how to set up an amazing LinkedIn profile, I

suggest following expert Melanie Dodaro from

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Once your profile is set up, come back at least once a quarter to make sure your profile is

up to date. Also during that check-in point, ask your connections for new endorsements.



If a new lead looks at your LinkedIn profile and sees you are regularly getting positive

endorsements can you imagine how that will help you close the sale?

If you are professional marketing to business owners, I would also encourage you to get

involved with LinkedIn groups. This is an extremely effective way to generate new leads,

get extra exposure for your brand, and give back to the community with valuable tips.

Twitter Twitter users are a little more aggressive in my mind. They are posting way more, they are

used to being marketed to, and they tend to spend a lot more time on the network

compared to other social media sites.

Twitter is similar to Facebook and Google+ in that pretty much any business has the

opportunity to do well.

I would suggest that if you are a chatty person, who likes engaging in multiple

conversations at one time, and likes to live on the edge a little, this is a great social

network for you. However, if you have very limited time, limited patience, and no real

desire to do that nitty-gritty work, this is a lower priority social network for you.


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If you don't have the time or patience to be active on Twitter, you can always link your

Facebook page to your Twitter account. That way, every time you make a Facebook post

it will automatically send a tweet to your Twitter profile. I am not suggesting this will get

you big results on Twitter, but it can get you by until you have more time or desire to

dedicate to your success on this site.

YouTube Many people don't think of YouTube as a social network, but it is one! Instead of posting

inspirational quotes, people post videos. You can still subscribe to profile pages (called

channels), comment, share, etc.


If you truly want to be successful online you're going to have to learn how to feel

comfortable and confident in front of a video camera.

Video is the number one way you can connect to your audience on a deeper level.

Viewers actually get to experience your personality on a completely different level than

can be reached through the written word.

YouTube users are looking for short, interesting content. They are not looking for boring,

drawn out, difficult-to-digest content.

You could consider blocking out a Saturday to create 15 or 20 short interesting videos

about your industry topic and publish those on a consistent basis over the next month or


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Just like Google+, YouTube is a part of Google's integrated network. This means each

time you publish a video you will get MUCH more exposure and search engine

optimization benefits.

I would not suggest this is a social network you need to be on every single day, but it is

good to check in once a week. Make sure you are replying to comments and feedback –

that's always a must!

Later in this guide I will teach you a great way to build your following by engaging on other

people's profile pages - you don't want to miss that!

Pinterest & Instagram These image-sharing social networks are great for some industries, but not all. Users of

these sites are looking for really eye-catching, engaging, interesting photography. You're

going to see a lot of women primarily who are looking for new, creative ideas on anything

from weddings, to baking, to arts & crafts, to travel destinations.

These social networks are excellent for contests and building massive exposure in a short

amount of time. Your photos are getting shared like crazy which is going to open you up to

new markets faster than some of the other social networks. Again, it just depends on your



There are new social networks popping up every single day. I know how overwhelming it

is to try and approach all of them at once.

When I take on a new client I advise them to start with the top one or two social networks

that make sense for them based on the criteria I've outlined above. I suggest that they get

used to posting regular, valuable content on those social networks before moving on to

start a presence on an additional social network.

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I know the temptation is to try to be on all of them all the time but the reality is that you

have an entire business to build. You have clients to service. You have products to

create if you want to grow long-term. You have to pick and choose your battles as I

mentioned above.

If you'd like to have a conversation about which networks to be on, I am happy to set up a

one-hour strategy session with you to make a plan of action you are comfortable with

and excited about.

Homework: Evaluate and prioritize the above social networks (numbered 1-7) based on your industry

and goals. After reading the rest of this guide you will have a clear understanding of how

to approach these social networks with a strategic action plan. This will include how often

to post, what to post and much more.


Do you find that you are posting to your social networks irregularly?

It could be because you are overwhelmed, your strength is not time management and you

get stuck on what to say. Whatever the reason, you're just not consistent. This is a huge

issue, not just on social media, but for your entire business success strategy.


My best advice for you is to create a schedule. Remember back in high school when you

had to be in a certain class during a certain time frame? Entrepreneurs struggle because

they don't create boundaries and a schedule they can stick to. Entrepreneurs are very

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creative so they ping around from idea to idea making it very challenging for them to

execute and get things done.

The biggest problem with this is that if you're not consistently being seen online you will

get lost. There is so much happening all the time online. New blog posts are coming out,

new newsletters are being delivered, new trends are being set, and new websites are

popping up. It is incredibly easy to get lost in the chaos of the online world.

In terms of social networking, I will make it a little easier on you by saying how often you

post should be based on how much time you have to put towards social media.

Knowing that it is one of the fastest and best ways to grow your following and thereby

generate sales, I would hope this is a top priority for you. I also know some of you are

trying to get your online business started while working a full-time job, or you're a full-time

mom, etc.

As a general rule of thumb, I advise my clients to post two to three times per day during

the week. That's a good number for Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. On Twitter, I have

clients who are making up to 20 or 30 tweets per day.


If you have a very busy schedule with a lot going on then you need to consider scheduling

your posts to publish in the future. Most social networks have a scheduling feature or you

can consider a third-party program such as Hootsuite.

Hootsuite is a hub for all your social networks making it easy to publish a post that pushes

out to each network you're on. You can also schedule posts to drop in the future, which is

perfect if you have a busy schedule or if you go on vacation.

The downside to Hootsuite in my mind is that with some of the social networks there's

going to be a little notification added to your post telling people you made this post through

Hootsuite. I just feel like that will dampen your results because you're not actually present

on that social network so people don't take your post as seriously.

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Making a schedule for your social media is critical but as a concluding thought, I want you

to think bigger. I want you to make a schedule for everything you do in your business.

This will include blogging, sending out newsletters, running teleseminars, developing

products, etc.

However you want to approach social media, the important thing to remember is to post

consistently. This way your following will be reminded of your value on a regular basis.

This will help lead to more word-of-mouth advertising, more engagement with your

following, and keep you on point with building your business in a more structured and

effective way.

Homework: Now that you have your social networks prioritized from the assignment above, and you've

decided which networks you're going to be on (at least to start), I want you to make a

schedule for how often you're going to post on those networks. You could decide to post a

certain number of times per day, you could decide to block out a half an hour every day,

you could decide to block out an hour or two once a week and schedule your posts in

advance. Either way, come up with a schedule that you feel really good about because

that will ensure you get this done.

DeadliestMistake#3:You'repostingthewrongtypesofcontentandthere'snorealstrategybehindyourposts. The purpose of social media as a business owner is not to talk about the food you

consume. It is certainly not a tool to complain and send negativity out into the world.

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I approach social media in the same way I would approach my most important client. I

want to be on my best behavior; I want to be very knowledgeable and on my best game; I

don’t want to divulge all of the personal happenings in my life; I want to command respect;

I want to be adored and I want my content to help as many people as possible.

When clients hire me to build their website we always talk about their brand. A good

exercise is to sit down and write a one-page document that defines your brand personality.

This can be a list of six to 12 keywords that make up the way you want to be seen online.

Any time you publish new content – whether on a blog, social media, product, etc. – pull

out this branding document and make sure your tone and message is in alignment with

your brand.

Some clients struggle with what to post on their social networks. My best suggestion is to

post either educational or inspirational content. You can never go wrong with that.



Add value to people's lives. I take it is a great honor and responsibility that people want

to stay connected with me on social media. In return, I try to be of service to them and give

them the best content I can.

Sometimes that is sharing inspirational quotes, a video on success, a recent blog post, a

random insight I've had, or sharing a resource from another person or website, etc. I don't

want you to get so hung up on what specifically to say or how to structure it. Be

conversational and let the content flow.

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A mistake I see business owners making online is that they are trying so hard to emulate

the voice, style and content of somebody they admire online – such as a mentor.


The strategy I use for posting content is to mix up the format or media of the content to

keep it interesting for my followers. For example, I wouldn't ever send out three posts in a

row that each ask a question. Instead my first post would be asking a question to my

audience, my second post would be an inspirational quote, and my third post would be

sharing a recent blog post I wrote on how to do something. By offering different types of

content on a consistent basis you will engage your audience and keep them interested.

Another mistake I see business owners making online is that they are not building value

for their content. What I mean is I see people constantly trying to share a blog post that

they have written. The post reads, "Here's my latest blog post:" Why would

anybody want to click that link?

You have to draw your followers in and tell them WHY they should read your blog post. I

usually suggest starting your social media post by posing a question – something that

engages readers and makes them feel like you identify with how they feel. Once I have

hooked their attention I present the solution to that problem – my blog post. I usually

conclude the social media post by listing out a benefit or two to reading the post (what

they will get out of reading it) and invite them to click on the link I provide to read the full




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A final insight to share is that images that have a quote on them are highly effective, viral

social media posts. I design these images to integrate

the brand look and feel of my client's website as well as

add their website address and usually social media


These quote-based images are highly effective for

gaining massive exposure in new markets, quickly.

These images are some of the most shared postings

across all social networks.

Imagine if you posted a quote-based image that had your branding on it, and your

following started sharing that image with their following, who shared that image with their

following…You can see how quickly these goes viral. (read more by clicking here)

Homework: Spend 30 minutes on multiple social networks really analyzing the types of content people

post online and how they build value for it. Look at the profile pages of mentors and

people who are actually getting results. Next, spend 15 minutes looking at your past posts.

Identify what you thought worked well for you and what didn't. Look at which post your

following responded well to and which ones they didn't. Use the information I have outlined

above to step into a more effective mindset in which to approach your social media

content. Last, make a mental note to get creative and share different types of content to

keep your audience interested in what you're doing.


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One of the key ways to grow your following on social media is by engaging on other

people's postings. Sometimes we get so focused on what we're doing that we forget about

this keyword: leverage.


To do this, you will want to follow or like the pages of popular mentors and celebrities in

your industry, or a related industry. As they make posts about various topics it will

behoove you to add a valuable comment on their posts. By doing this simple act, you are

exposing yourself in your knowledge to their entire network.

My strategy is to spend one hour a week (give or take) engaging with posts that will be

seen by thousands of people. I do this by searching for mentors and celebrities in the

search bar of that social network. When I locate their profile page I simply click to follow

their updates. Now their updates will show up in my main feed for that social network.

Once a week I go to my main feed and scroll down through all the posts to find the ones I

think I can add the most value to. Then I simply make a comment to add onto whatever

that mentor had shared an insight about. Before you know it the hundreds or thousands of

people who have liked, shared, or commented on that same post will all see my comment.

Holy cow, talk about leverage!

This activity will generate a lot of new followers for me every single time I make the time

to do it. Leveraging other prebuilt communities is truly one of the fastest ways to grow your

following online, yet I see very few people approaching this as a strategic move to

generate new leads.

Outside of social media, another way to leverage these communities is by writing guest

blog posts. You can write a guest blog post for some of the top magazines or websites

online (who function by attracting guest writers, by the way). If a publisher posts your blog

you are now getting massive exposure through their network – not just from their website

viewers but from every instance that fans are sharing your article on social media. The

results are incalculable.

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Homework: Research and follow at least 30 people that are within your industry or in a related

industry. Follow them on all your social networks. Then, for at least an hour total per week,

I want you to engage on their posts and add valuable comments. Take advantage of this


DeadliestMistake#5:You'renotactuallyengagingyouraudienceandinstead,you'regettinglostamongstalltheotherpostsonline. In previous pages, I've written a lot about how to engage your audience on social media.

The key here is to know what your following wants. If you are unsure of what your

following wants, it's time to do some market research and survey them.

You can survey your audience by asking quick questions on social media about how

they're feeling or responding to certain circumstances. You can send an email out to your

email subscribers asking them up to seven in-depth questions that require a longer more

thoughtful response. I have even hosted month-long contests to where the number of

entries were based on the amount of feedback I got for particular subjects. You can also

go into forums and LinkedIn groups to see the questions that are being posed. This will

give you a good indication of the problems your audience is facing.

However, you go about finding what your following wants, the key to writing engaging

content that is going to give you results is to find out what makes your audience tick. What

energizes them? What depletes them? What do they want more of? What do they want

less of? It is wise to do this research at least once or twice a year so you have a constant

pulse on the mood of your audience.

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Once you understand what they want then it's much easier to gear your content toward

offering valuable solutions to their problems. This goes for blog posts, newsletters,

products and social media.

For example, in my industry I know that my following is looking for a combination of

simple-to-understand strategies to build their business successfully online and inspiration.


I try to be a constant resource for inspiration so my following is constantly taking action

and pursuing their dreams. As I see them get results it further inspires me to take action in

my own business. Being a leader does not mean you are just giving, giving, giving.


If you're still concerned you're not making enough of an impact and you're not engaging

your following there are two more things to look at.

One, how big is your following? Business owners have become very good at complaining

about the lack of results they get with their content, when in reality, not enough people are

seeing their content to even give it a fair chance of being successful.

Some entrepreneurs have gotten a very wrong expectation that building a business online

is easy. That you can put up a Facebook page and magically get 1,000 people to like the

page. Or that you put up a website and magically 20,000 people a month will visit it.


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What's most important is the quality of your following, not the size of your following. I

would much rather have 50 loyal, communicative followers then 500 followers who never

engage in my content. Trust that through consistent efforts you will reap the rewards down

the road. Each day counts.

Second, by looking at what is working for other people in a similar industry you will learn

how to create your content and achieve the same result. I like to study all different types of

profile pages on social media to see which posts are getting more likes and shares than

others. Again, market research can be an invaluable way to spend your time.


When I started my company back in 2007 I dreamt about the kind of a culture I wanted to

create. I wanted my team, clients and following to know how much they mean to me.

Every single individual.

It is important to me to have a daily awareness of what each person means to me and

the success of this company, and I regularly express that through individual emails, my

newsletters, or social media posts. When you create that culture, you cannot imagine the

magic that unfolds. People really show up and want to support you to succeed.


Homework: Use the suggestions l laid out at the beginning of this section and spend some time doing

real market research within your industry. Create a document to store notes and include

the way your audience describes how they feel, issues they’re experiencing and even list

out their most burning questions. Next, review your social networks (and even website) to

see if you are writing about the topics that matter most to your customers OR if you have

been writing about topics you thought were most important. For the next several days as

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you sit down to work on your social media accounts, just before posting, ask yourself, "Is

this in the best interest of my following?" Then just be yourself and share content that is


DeadliestMistake#6:Youdon'taddastrategiccalltoactiontoleadyourfollowingtotakethenextstep. We have reviewed the importance of your mindset toward social media, posting valuable

content, getting in the minds of your following and more. But a very deadly mistake I see

people making on social media is that they are afraid to ask their following to do

something (or they just plain forget). This mistake is global – meaning I see this on blog

posts, newsletters, products... everywhere.


You cannot assume that people know what you want them to do – they are not mind

readers. If you want somebody to click on your blog post, don't just add the link to that

blog post and assume they're going to click on it. Instead, write a call to action to click on

that blog post. Believe it or not, there is a huge difference in these two scenarios.

We are living in a time where everyone is overwhelmed by promotions, information, and

media. The result of the Internet boom is that individuals are bombarded by so much

information they literally need you to spell out what you want them to do next.

I want you to consider this in a much bigger way for a moment. Say you have a customer

and they ordered a service from you and now the service is complete. What next? Are you

so focused on trying to acquire new customers that you're not even looking at the next

step for your existing customers? Again, if you do not advise people on what to do next

they won't do anything with you.

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As an example, I make a post on social media and invite people to go back to my website

to read a blog post. At the end of that blog post, I invite people to opt into my email list for

more valuable training updates. In my monthly newsletter, I invite people to listen in on my

next teleseminar. On that teleseminar, I invite people to hire me for a new service or for a

new product. Once the service concludes I invite them to consider the next thing they

should be focused on in their business which usually leads to another product or service.

Or if on that teleseminar they bought a product, at the end of that product I invite them to

consider a service I'm offering.

Above I said, "Most things you promote" because I don't believe in only promoting myself.

But it is important to have a strategy and mindset toward leading your already "interested"

following on how else they can connect with you. They are already interested in what

you have to offer otherwise they would not have connected with you on social media to

begin with.

Your following is putting their trust in you to give them valuable training and improve the

quality of their lives. It's important that you give them what they want. If you never ask for

the order, if you never create products, if you never have a call to action, you're not going

to give them the very information they hope to get from you. Sometimes entrepreneurs

need to shift their thinking away from feeling they're just pitching all the time and that it's a

bad thing, to realizing they have a following for a reason. People are interested.

Again, I do believe there is a fine line to overusing the idea of having a call to action. The

goal is not to inundate or annoy your following. The goal is to make sure they understand

all that you have to offer... because it's a lot.

Homework: Create a list of all of the next steps people can take with you so that no matter what

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content you’re writing (social media, a blog post, a newsletter, etc.) you can select a "next

step" that makes sense. Your following needs to know how to extract more value from


DeadliestMistake#7:You'renotbrandingyoursocialnetworkswellandlosingoutontheopportunitytogetmorewebsitetrafficandemailsubscribersasaresult. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and YouTube all allow you to upload custom-branded design

for your profile pages. Your designs can include anything from your logo, to your photo, to

your web address and more.

I have been designing these graphics for clients for a long time now and they are

becoming more and more seen as a critical step for business owners online. I do think

there is a strategy to go about creating these graphics in a way that is appealing to your

audience and effectively drives that social media traffic back to your website.

Social networks are getting away from wanting you to be so promotional on these

graphics. Instead they are more looking for you to convey the feeling of your brand. When

approaching social media branding think about the most important values you want to

convey and how to express the way people feel about what you're doing. This can be

done through imagery, testimonials, social proof, etc.

See below for examples of social media branding. As you look through the images make

note of the look and feel, brand integration, placement of supporting imagery, wording, etc.

Facebook There are three ways to brand Facebook: The cover, profile banner and welcome page.

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What are a few things to consider adding to your social network branded designs?

• Your logo

• Company tagline

• Your picture

• Icons to represent the social

media accounts you're on

• Testimonials

• A bullet list of services you


• A catchy headline that explains

why you are different and great

• Images of books you’ve


• A list of titles you hold

• Social network icons

• Contact information

Note: Do not add contact information including a web address, or any type of call to

action, on your Facebook cover as that is against Facebook's policies.

These branded graphics should absolutely reflect the quality of your business. It is

worth the investment to get a beautiful custom design when you consider how many

hundreds of millions of people have access to these social networks. What first

impression do you want to give?

Homework: Evaluate each of your social networks and decide what needs to be improved, or what

ideas you have if you're starting from scratch, to make your social networks beautifully

branded. Do a little research to see what others are doing. Connect with me if you'd like

support in designing your social network images. We would love to help!

Bonus!DeadliestMistake#8:You'retryingtomanageyourentiresocialmediaplatformalone. We have been supporting authors, speakers and coaches to learn social media in a non-

threatening, non-overwhelming way. We can help setup your social networks, teach you

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the latest strategies that WORK, help build your audience, or even make all the posts on

your social media account for you!

Done-For-You Social Media Services There are three ways we can support you to maximize your social media potential

and get your message out more effectively.

1. Done-For-You Posting

2. Social Media Strategy Sessions

3. Social Media Branding

Done-For-You Posting Would you rather put a stick in your eye than do your social media every day?

Then this package is for you.

Imagine this… once a week, a document is delivered to your email Inbox that has

customized, targeted social media posts for the entire week ahead. AND all of the

content is written in your voice to strengthen your brand. You’ll find enough content for 3

Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ posts, PLUS 5 Twitter tweets per business day.

(That’s 160 posts per month every month to build your following and promote your


Learn more

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Social Media Strategy Sessions Have you been spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to get in an effective

routine with social media?

If you want customized, individual advice on which networks YOU should be on, how

often to post, what to post, how to target more followers, how to increase your

engagement, and more, then this package is for you.

First, I will do a complete social media evaluation to pinpoint the gaps in your approach

as well as create an action plan for how to jump start your long-term success.

Next, you will experience a three-call series of one-on-one coaching time customized to

maximize your individual needs. Learn how to more effectively engage your audience,

build a much bigger and more targeted following, as well as how to funnel that traffic

back to your website for more sales and a bigger email subscriber list.

Contact us for fees and availability. Monthly payment options available with no interest.

Social Media Branding If you don’t have well-branded graphics on your social media accounts that inform

visitors of who you are and what your message is, while also getting them to take action

and go to your website, then it’s time to jump on board and boost your social media

presence with a powerful, branded look.

Below you will see the multiple branding services we offer.

Facebook Branding:

There are two ways to brand your Facebook page(s).

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1. Facebook Cover – The Facebook Cover is a large horizontal banner at the top of your page.

2. Facebook Banner – The Facebook Profile Banner image is a medium-sized vertical banner. This image is shown for iPad and some mobile users instead of the cover. A thumbnail of the banner is also shown on the bottom left corner of your cover.

YouTube Branding:

See examples of YouTube background design and branding work here:

View YouTube Branded Designs

Twitter Branding:

See examples of Twitter background design and branding work here:

View Twitter Branded Designs

Other Branding Options: For quotes to brand other networks, please contact us.


Facebook cover design, Facebook banner design, YouTube background design and

Twitter background design. PLUS, get a one-hour social media Q&A, coaching call with

me to start learning to be more strategic on social networks. This is a complete social

media branding experience that will set you up for high conversion rates and give you

access to a responsive, global audience! Reach out for more information, to schedule a

call with me, or to receive a copy of our Service Menu.

ConclusionYou have every opportunity to build a successful, loyal, massive following online.

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A following that will regularly promote your products and services to anyone who will

listen. A following that trusts you and the advice you offer based on your own experience

of what works and doesn't work.

Social media is a two-way street. Take all of the education and insight in this guide and

put it to good use. Take responsibility for the content you put online and make every

effort to inspire and add value to people's lives.


Make a note in your schedule to reread this guide one month from today. Let it give

you ongoing encouragement and support as you navigate this world of unending


I invite you to seriously consider hiring me and my team to either design and brand your

social networks, give you high-level, high-value advice to boost your results, and/or to

use our vast knowledge to make your social media posts on your behalf. Imagine how

much easier all of this will be when you have a team to fully support you in your

vision. I look forward to the opportunity!

ClientFeedback"Amber is very knowledgeable and someone you can count on to get things done right

with your online presence and business. I found her to be reliable, cost effective and

savvy. This is not easy to find. She is a gem." — Skyler

"Knowledgeable….charismatic….affordable and MOST OF ALL friendly!! Amber is a

MASTER of her craft! You will figure that out in 30 seconds flat. Share her message!"

— Brian

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"You have a powerful online presence that has inspired me so thank you for that! I'm

looking forward to having the same!" — Colleen

"Amber is at the top of her game. Rarely do I see someone that plays like myself.. shows

up and delivers beyond expectations." — Kimber

"Amber spots trends and comes up with cutting edge ideas. Very innovative. " — Kristin

"Amber is definitely the girl to follow! She knows her stuff and is doing BIG things this

year!" — Eric

"Excellent work, I’m really pumped. The design is absolutely perfect!" — Ron

"Thanks again for all of your help. You continue to teach and reach out and that is

amazing to me. And I am learning how to be better at what I do too! I appreciate your

leadership." — Jan H.

"I thank God for the day you came into my life and business. You are one of the most

selfless people that I have ever met. You warm up my heart with so much kindness that I

well up as I write this." — Ken

"Amber, Amber, Amber, this looks fantastic, well actually beyond fantastic, you did one

GREAT job!!!!" — Jan S.

"Thanks, again Amber! I looooove working with you. You are the BEST to work with. You

are the Bomb!! " — Linda

"I would give Amber the highest recommendation to anyone looking for her services.

She’s very responsive and produces a quality product." — Janet

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AbouttheAuthorAmber Vilhauer is an online business growth mentor who

supports authors, speakers and coaches to establish a

powerful, integrated online presence that gets results and

empowers them to make a difference in their industry.

Since starting her multi-six-figure company NGNG

Enterprises (standing for No Guts No Glory) in 2007, she

has spent her career impacting her community and building

strong strategic alliances with industry leaders and game-

changers across the web.

Working one-on-one with each client, Amber and her

teams have created more than 450 WordPress websites. Amber knows how a website

needs to function in order to generate sales, build a fan base and attract long-term

clientele. She works with clients to build a strong, branded social media presence,

coaches each client on which manageable actions will help them achieve their online

goals and then walks them through exactly how to do it.


Branding * Website Development * Content Development * List-Building * Product

Development * Search Engine Optimization * Social Media Support * and so much more!