social media through the eyes of a creative mind build trust and tribes and true fans ana maria...

Download Social Media through the eyes of a Creative Mind Build Trust and Tribes and True Fans Ana Maria Constantinescu

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Post on 06-Jan-2018




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The power of subliminal


Social Media through the eyes of a Creative Mind Build Trust and Tribes and True Fans Ana Maria Constantinescu ABOUT Good Creative on Facebook, Social Media enthusiast, cu experien de Community Manager i monitorizare a unor pagini foarte mari, transform FanPage-urile de Facebook n comunit i ce reunesc oameni specifici interesului paginii. Cu un mindset global, la punct cu toate trendurile din industrii de la tech start-ups i mobile apps, pn la FMCG, sau luxury goods, creativitatea i pasiunea pentru comunicarea pe canalele de social media o ajut s simt c nu muncete nici m car o zi din via . Ghidndu-se dup principiul Build Trust, and Tribes, and True Fans, she makes Facebook Pages rock! The power of subliminal TRIBES Tribes, is all we all want! A group need only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate. A Google search of Lumea SEO PPC returns matches TRIBES Tribes need leadership. Sometimes one person leads, sometimes more. People want connection and growth and something new. They want change. You cant have a tribe without a leader and you cant be a leader without a tribe. Being in a tribe is about a big part of how we see ourselves! More on TRIBES The real power of tribes consists, not only on Internet and what you want to do with people, BUT in your desire to make something happen, to create a movement. To lead! More on TRIBES and building a brand