social physcology essay


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STUDENT ID NO : 0318458




DETECTING DECEPTIONDetecting deception is the assumption that people are honest makes us

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poor detectors of lies. We know that a individual can correctly detect lies around 50% of the time. I accept everybody has been encountered this kind of event throughout their routine. Everybody sure sure will have their conviction and they battle for it despite the fact that the people that are around him/her might be dishonest to themselves.

Because of this deception, now and then we will result in a uncomfortable circumstance between our buddy zones. Thus, I don’t usually trust everything what my friend had told me. Since, we can’t tell whether they are honest or dishonest to themselves. But by detecting deception, i can tell whether they are honest or dishonest. This is better than just guessing!

Entries 1I experience this before, when a friend of my told me a background of

my another friend. What he did before but I don’t really believe on what he

said. So one day, we when to cyber cafe play until very late. And that time

they said they don’t want to go home. So, i invite them to go my home for

stay over. Before I go sleep, I put my money in my jeans pocket. On the

early morning when we woke up. He said he want to go home. So, I go look

for the money in my jeans pocket before fetching they home but I found out

that i lost some money. But in the first though come out on my mind, I was

telling myself that maybe I put the money at other place. But i realize his

movement change. That where i felt he maybe take my money. Additionally,

when i ask them did anyone see my money. Other 2 friend say will chill

voice while he keep quiet a while and than answer me. So, there we i found

out that he the one take my money. I didn’t ask the money back from him

cause i don’t have proof. But, from there i never when out with them


Entries 2

I experience this from the time I’m working at a licensed loan company

last year ago. From this job, there is one time when my Boss not in the shop,

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left myself with a new colleague. There are customer come in and i when to

ask him, “Yes, what may i help u”. The customer reply me “i want to borrow

a personal loan”. In any case of new customer want to make a personal loan,

we will go with out company procedure. So, i ask for his detail and ask him

to fill up the form i gave him. When i looking at him filling up the form, i

ask my colleague go to call other branch whether he had borrow personal

loan from other loan company or bank. Since my colleague is new, he didn’t

know about company procedure and he let the customer heard what he said

on the phone. There where i realize his movement started changing. And this

tell me that he did have other personal loan at other company. So, i ask him,

“Did u ever borrow any personal loan before?” He answer me with different

way of talking when he come in at the first time, “ No, i didn’t borrow

before.” From there, his eye and movement tell me that he did borrow

before. So, I direct call to our HQ for this person confirmation and end up

this person really have blacklisted by other company with loan of amount


Counterfactual Thinking

Counterfactual thinking is a individuals used to improve or worsen your mood. This is usually associated with bad (negative) events. It based on

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upward counterfactuals and downward counterfactuals. I accept everbody shall have encounter this when they in bad moods. Most people will deceived themselves to make their mood better. For example, like “I got a C on the test, but at least it’s not a D!”

Entries 1

I face this when I on my last semester. When my group member happen

to told me that we didn’t find any person to interview from ICI subject.

When i heard this, i was totally down. I felt useless. I don’t know what I can

do for it. Then i told myself, “I hope i can just pass this subject instead of

scoring higher score”. After i told myself, i feel bit better and i totally forget

about it after few week. But when the result is announced, I saw my ICI

subject score C+ and that the time i said to myself, “Why i didn’t do that

assignment, I might can get higher score from C+. I totally felt like begin hit

by a car. At the same time, i also told myself “I pass the subject, it more

better than fail and need to repeat the subject in the next semester.”

Entries 2

This happen to me when i’m was working at a loan company. After i

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work there for few month. I was told to go for a company meeting. That time

i thought i did something wrong and recently my performance was no very

good. Since i was caught sleeping! That time i was scare and my mood was

shaking. It make me feel down! But when we go for meeting, they did

comment me but they did not say anything worse more. They say teach me

and told me that i can do it but don’t do it often. After that, I told myself,

“They just giving me comment and warn me, but at least i did not got scold

like the other person did in the meeting.”

Power of Persuasion

Persuasion is a attempt to influence others attitudes or behaviors. Persuasive is connected by attractive and credibility ability. Attractive is a

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source that use to increase a particular thing to more persuasive while credibility ability is a source that use to increase or decrease persuasive. Other source like background, values, association and level of attractiveness also among influence route.

Entires 1

Think about it, why did i started going to gym? It started when i saw article

and movies that muscleman and fit body are very nice. With those kind of

body. I can attract more female. Lot of article said muscle building can also

make us felt more confidence. There where i started going to gym. After

going to gym for a while. I realize that my body only improve slightly. So, i

when to ask the person in-charge. The person in-charge said “I think you

shall need some of protein to improve more.” He also introduce some of

protein product to me. There a lot of choice, lot of type of protein and is the

price acceptable or not. Thus, i when back and research for which product is

the most effectively and give better result. Researching for few day, i decide

to buy “Prolein” because of it review, most commenter said it the best. Price

is acceptable too but in the end is the result for me.

Entries 2

After working for few month, my Boss ask me to create a flyer to attract

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more customer. First, i really having hard time thinking of how i shall create

the flyer. How shall i can attract the flyer? How can i make it attractive and

low cost. I also ask for other branch flyer for research on how they create the

flyer to attract more customer. I also when surfing on internet to check how

to create a attracted flyer. It took me a month to make one! Done the flyer,

asking for opinion, redo the mistake and when i done it again, ask for

opinion again until it reach zero mistake/problem. From there i found out

making a thing to attract other people it is not easy. It is more easy to talk

with a person or using a video advertisement.

Social Learning

Everyone know that our attitudes are formed in the our home. Parent are always an enormous source of information and influence into our life. There

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a word anonymous always said “Like father, like son.” This mean a son attitudes mostly is the same with their father attitudes. Friend are also the source that influence our attitudes. For example, a bad friend with bad attitudes create a bad yourself like smoking or bad-mouth. Authoritarian personality also one of it. Religion also can influence our attitudes too.

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Family is the main source of our attitude is form? Yes, it is ! My

youngest brother are a example. This is because, my brother is a short-

temper person and it is same like my dad. But if in my own self? I think i

got my responsible attitude from my dad and caring from my mom. But

most bad attitude like bad-mouth and smoking is come from my friend.

Even thought i have warn by my dad to stop smoking. I just cannot stop

it because even my dad also smoke. Conclusion, parent can really be a

strong influence. Think about it, if my dad stop smoking, not short-

temper. Will i be one too??

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When we was little, why did we send to child-care school?

Elementary school? Tuition ? This is all just to nurture us to be a better

person. In all of those, they are our upbringing that lead us to who we are

now. Every class I attend, it what my dad want me to be. My dad always

send me to lot of class, just want myself to be a more perfect person.

Even though I did not be what he want. But at least i’m did not make

him down. I’m who i am now because of my family and the money he

contribute for me to attend lot of class to develop myself.

Prosocial Behavior

In my opinion, I believed that men must possess with personality traits of gentleman. Firstly, this is because men must behave in front of

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women no matter in what kind of situation. However, i would lend my help to my female friends. But, doing something for our own selfish reason is not a good action.

Entries 1

Helping each other is what i shall do. I like to help people when they in

trouble, like when my friend having finance problem, i will lend them some

money to help them or spend them for eat for some occasion. I did this is not

because for my selfish reason like getting friendly with them because i want

to used them. This is because I wan to be friend with them because there

have knowledge i don’t have and i can learn from them. But I mostly help

out my friend when i know they can be a nice friend. What if a female

friend? I will help them without any question. This happen for me every time

like when a female friend of mine need help of transport, i did not hesitate

and will ask her “where are you”, “i go fetch u now”. Don’t care how far it

is. How late it is. I will sure be there to help her.

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Do not do anything for a selfish reason is no a good action. Yes, i

know that. But i doubt everyone did this before. In the past or sometime

from now. I did do something for my own selfish reason. For example, i

did not help my friend when he having a problem. This is because i don’t

want causing myself more problem when i already have. Some time,

when my friend ask me to fetch him, i did help him but i ask for fuel

money. Since i fetch him from so far away and at that time i was short in

money. I know this is no a good action but everyone will do the same

when they are in this problem too.