social science question bank (2)


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1. Discuss the influence of China on Vietnamese culture and life.

2. Discuss the features of French colonization on Vietnam.

3. When and how did colonization emerge in Vietnam?

4. Why did the French think colonies as necessary?

5. What steps were taken up by the French in the development of agriculture in Vietnam?

6. What efforts were made by the French in Vietnam to ensure higher levels of profit?

7. What was the need to develop the economy of the colonies?

8. What were the barriers to economic development by Bernard?

9. Discuss the colonial economy in Vietnam.

10. What was meant by the ‘civilizing mission’ of the colonizers?

11. How was education seen as one way to civilize the ‘native’ by the French?

12. What was the controversy about the language to be used in Vietnamese schools? How

was it resolved?

13. “Only one-third of the students in Vietnam would pass the school-leaving

examination”. Explain.

14. What did the textbooks say about Vietnamese that were written by French?

15. Describe the idea behind the Tonkin Free School. To what extent was it a typical

example of colonial ideas in Vietnam?

16. “The government made the Saigon Native Girl School take back the students it had

expelled”- Explain.

17. Discuss the resistance shown by the students and teachers against the French rule in


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18. Discuss the role of students in the national movement in Vietnam.

19. Discuss how and why in1901 the modern part of Hanoi was struck by Bubonic plague?

20. What was the ‘rat hunt’? What was its result?

21. What role did religion play during the nationalist movement in Vietnam?

22. Discuss the role of religious movements in the anti-imperialist movement in Vietnam.

23. Discuss the movement that drew on religious ideas popular in Anti-French uprisings of

the 19th century.

24. What ideas did Phan Boi Chau and Phan Chu Trinh share in common? What did they

differ on?

25. What was the role of Japan in the Vietnamese nationalist movement?

26. ‘In the late 19th century, resistance of French domination was very often led by

Confucian scholar activists, who saw their world crumbling’. Discuss.

27. Discuss how developments in China inspired Vietnamese nationalists.

28. What was the impact of the Great Depression on Vietnam?

29. Discuss the ‘electric fuses’ of Vietnam.

30. What challenges were faced by The Democratic Republic of Vietnam?

31. Under what circumstances Vietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam?

32. What was the impact of division of Vietnam?

33. Explain the causes of the US involvement in the war in Vietnam? What effect did this

have on US itself.

34. Discuss how US media played a major role in the Vietnamese nationalist struggle.

35. Discuss the role of women in anti-imperialist movement in Vietnam.

36. Discuss the rebellion that marked the arrival of the new women in Vietnamese society.

37. Discuss the contribution of Trung sisters and Trieu Au as women rebels of the past in

the popular nationalist struggle.

38. Discuss the role of women as warriors in the Vietnamese nationalist struggle.

39. Describe how women responded and joined the resistance movement in Vietnam.

40. How Vietnamese women did in times of peace helped the society?

41. Describe the importance of Ho Chi Minh trail in the Vietnamese nationalist struggle.

42. “The prolongation of the war created strong reactions even within the US”. Justify.

43. Compare the role of women in the nationalist struggle in India and Vietnam.

44. Explain the two different visions in opposing foreign domination in Vietnam.


1. What is accordion book?

2. Why was China the major producer of printed material?

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3. “By the 17th century, as urban culture bloomed in China, the uses of print diversified”-


4. Describe in 2 points the spread of hand printing in Japan.

5. How was the increasing demand of books satisfied in Europe?

6. State the limitations of hand written manuscripts as a mode of printing.

7. Discuss how Gutenberg set about a print revolution.

8. What were the features of new books that were produced in Europe after the invention of

Gutenberg’s press?

9. What were the advantages of printing press?

10. “The shift from hand printing to mechanical printing led to the print revolution”-Justify.

11. How did the hearing public and reading public become intermingled?

12. Discuss how access to books created a new culture of reading.

13. “Not everyone welcomed the printed book and those who did also had fears about it”.

Explain in three points.

14. “Printing is the ultimate gift of god and the greatest one”. Who said and why? Justify in

three points.

15. Why did church keep severe control over publishers and the book sellers? Explain in

three points.

16. Write briefly why some people feared that the spread of print could lead to the growth

of dissenting ideas.

17. Why did Europe experience a reading mania in the 18th century? How was this reading

urge satisfied?

18. Examine the role played by the print revolution in the spread of the ideas of scientists

and philosophers.

19. Why did Mercier proclaimed “tremble therefore tyrants of the world, tremble before the

virtual writer!”?

20. Why did many historians argue that print culture created the conditions within which

French revolution occurred?

21. How did print popularize the ideas of the enlightened thinkers?

22. How can you justify that a new culture of dialogue and debate was started by print?

23. Discuss the efforts made to promote reading habit among children in Europe in the 19th


24. ‘Women became important as readers as well as writers in the 19th century Europe’-


25. How were workers benefitted by printing in the 19th century?

26. Mention some of the innovations that improved the printing technology after the 17th


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27. How did printers and publishers continuously develop new strategies to sell their


28. How were ideas and information written in India before the age of print?

29. Discuss the coming of print to India in three points.

30. Explain the role of James Augustus Hickey in publication.

31. How can you justify that from the early 19th century, there were intense debates on

religious issues in India?

32. How did different social and religious reformers use printing in the 19th century India?

33. Discuss how Ulama were deeply anxious about the collapse of Muslim dynasties.

34. How did print among Hindus encourage the reading of religious texts?

35. “Print did not only stimulate the publication of conflicting opinions amongst

communities, but it also connected communities and people in different parts in India”.


36. “Printing created an appetite for new kind of writings”. How was it satisfied?

37. Discuss how print began shaping popular ideas about modernity, tradition, religion,

politics, society and culture.

38. Discuss the role of caricatures and cartoons published by the 1870.

39. How lives of women changed in India in the 19th century?

40. Discuss the reaction of conservatives on women education in India in the 19th century.

41. Examine the contribution of Indian women in the field of writing in the 19th century.

42. Discuss the growth of printing related to women in different vernaculars in the 19th


43. How poor people were provided with printed material in India in the 19th century?

44. Discuss the effect of print culture of the factory workers in India in the 19th century.

45. Discuss Vernacular Press Act.

46. Explain how print culture assisted the growth of nationalism in India.


1. Define nationalism and nation states.

2. Give reasons for the growth of modern nationalism in India.

3. Discuss the impact of World War-I on India.

4. What is Satyagraha? What does it suggest?

5. Describe different Satyagraha movements launched by Gandhiji.

6. What was Rowlatt Act and what were its implications on India?

7. How and why the Jallianwala bagh incident took place?

8. What was the impact of Jallianwala bagh incident on people?

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9. What was the Khilafat movement? Why did Gandhiji consider it important to support the

Khilafat movement?

10. Why was non-cooperation movement launched? Discuss its different stages.

11. Why was non-cooperation movement withdrawn?

12. Why was there intense tussle within the Congress?

13. In which Congress session the non-cooperation programme adopted?

14. In which Congress session it was proposed to launch non-cooperation movement in

support of Khilafat?

15. Discuss the special features of non-cooperation movement.

16. “Swaraj meant different things to different people”. Discuss.

17. How did middle class in cities participate in the Non-Cooperation Movement?

18. What was the effect of Non-Cooperation Movement on economic front?

19. Why did Non-Cooperation Movement slow down in the cities?

20. How did Non-Cooperation Movement spread to the countryside?

21. Who was Baba Ramchandra? Discuss his contribution in Non-Cooperation Movement.

22. How did tribal peasants interpret the message of Mahatma Gandhi and the idea of


23. Discuss the role of Alluri Sitaram Raju in Non-Cooperation Movement.

24. What did Swaraj mean to plantation workers? Why did they become the part of Non-

Cooperation Movement?

25. Why did Gandhiji withdraw the non-cooperation movement?

26. What is Government of India Act of 1919?

27. Who formed the Swaraj party and why?

28. Discuss the factors that shaped the Indian politics towards the late 1920s.

29. Why Simon commission was set up and why was it not welcomed by the Indians?

30. What was Justice Party?

31. What is the significance of Lahore session of congress?

32. Why was salt chosen as a weapon to fight against the Britishers?

33. In what way did the salt march mark the beginning of the Civil Disobedience


34. Why did various classes and groups of Indians participate in the Civil Disobedience


35. How was the Civil Disobedience Movement different from the non-cooperation


36. How can you justify that the salt Satyagraha marked the beginning of the Civil

Disobedience Movement?

37. What was the outcome of salt Satyagraha?

38. What happened when Abdul Gaffar Khan was arrested?

39. Why did Gandhiji re-launch the Civil Disobedience Movement after the 2nd round table


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40. Why did different social groups participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement? What

did Swaraj mean to them?

41. How did the business class relate themselves to the Civil Disobedience Movement?

42. Discuss the role of women in the Civil Disobedience Movement.

43. Discuss the role of the communal parties in the national movement.

44. Describe the role of dalits in the Civil Disobedience Movement.

45. What was Gandhiji’s attitude towards the dalits?

46. Discuss the Poona Pact.

47. Why were Muslim political organizations not interested in the Civil Disobedience


48. Why did political leaders differ sharply over the question of separate electorates?

49. Explain the major factors that promoted the sense of nationalism in India.

50. What heritage did the national movement bequeath to India?

51. “In other words, what was emerging was a nation with many voices wanting freedom

from colonial rule” Explain.


1. Who wrote Debganer Martye Aagaman and what did he describe in this novel?

2. Why was Durgacharan Ray in the 19th century India both amazed and confused by what he

saw in cities?

3. Why were Gods disturbed to see Calcutta in the 19th century?

4. Discuss the historical processes that have shaped modern cities in decisive ways.

5. Distinguish between Cities, towns and villages.

6. “Industrialization changes the form of urbanisation in the modern period.” Explain.

7. Why was the city of London a powerful magnet for the migrant population?

8. What are marginal groups?

9. ‘As London grew, crime flourished.’ Justify.

10. What efforts were made to check crime in London in the mid-nineteenth century?

11. Discuss the condition of women in London in the late 18th century and early 19th


12. Discuss the condition of children in London.

13. How can you justify that poverty was not unknown to the Londoners?

14. Why did larger and larger number of people begin to recognize the need for housing

for the poor?

15. Describe the steps that were taken to clean up London.

16. What do you mean by the principle of Garden City? How was this put in practice?

17. Explain the social changes in London which led to the need for the underground

railways. Why was the development of underground railways criticized?

18. Mention any three steps that were taken to check the criminalization of London.

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19. Discuss in three points the social changes in the city of London with respect to the

entertainment and leisure of the people due to industrialization.

20. Do you agree or disagree that the process of urbanisation in the city of London

provided more disappointments than opportunities. Give three reasons in support of your


21. What was the impact of city life on women?

22. Discuss any four features of buildings in Bombay city which developed during the

colonial period.

23. What factors were responsible for high pollution levels in Calcutta?

24. Discuss the growth of London city.

25. Explain in three points the growth of Bombay city.

26. Describe the impact of the growth of an industrial city on the function and shape of a


27. Discuss in three points what were taverns and their utility.

28. ‘While Haussmanisation gave the city of Paris something to be proud of, there was also

a major outcry against it.’ Discuss two views expressed in this statement.

29. ‘A large city population was with a threat and an opportunity.’ Justify by giving three


30. Describe the events leading to ‘Bloody Sunday’. How did the authorities respond to it?

31. What do you mean by a Presidency City? State its features.

32. What factors led to growth of Bombay as an important administrative and industrial

centre in the 19th century?

33. Discuss the factors that helped in the major expansion of Bombay’s population in the

19th century.

34. Compare Bombay and London as modern cities.

35. Discuss the living conditions of different sections of society in Bombay.

36. Discuss the living conditions in Chawls.

37. How did Parvathi Bai Bhor recall her childhood years in the early 20th century in


38. ‘If town planning in London emerged from the fears of social revolution planning in

Bombay came about as a result of fears about the plague epidemic.’ Discuss.

39. What are reclamation projects and why were they taken up in Bombay. Also write their


40. ‘City development cannot take place without destroying communities and lifestyles.’

This is a necessary part of development. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?


41. How can you say that the migrant population of Bombay has in a way shaped the

national character of the film industry?

42. How does the growth of cities affect ecology and environment?

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43. How did the spread of the use of coal in homes and industries in the 19th century

England raise serious problems?

44. Discuss the efforts of government to solve the problems of pollution in India.


1. Define globalization.

2. What were the sources of interlinkages between the nations in the ancient past? What did

they carry?

3. Define ‘silk routes.’ What things travelled through these routes?

4. What was the importance of the silk routes?

5. How did silk routes contribute to the spread of religion?

6. Discuss how food stuff share common origin in the distant parts of the world.

7. What is Irish Potato Famine?

8. Explain what is meant when we say ‘the world shrank by the 1500’s’.

9. Explain how America was colonized by the European conquerors.

10. Describe the economic conditions in Europe until the 19th century.

11. How did Europe emerge as the centre of the world trade in the 18th century?

12. Explain the three types of movements or flows identified by the economists in the 19th


13. What were Corn Laws? Why were they abolished in Britain?

14. How did abolition of Corn Laws in Britain lead to the emergence of a global agricultural


15. Explain three major features of global agricultural economy that had taken shape

towards the close of the 19th century.

16. What was the impact of ongoing changes in Indian agricultural economy?

17. Discuss the role of technology on food availability.

18. ‘In many parts of the world, the expansion of trade and a closer relationship with the

world economy also meant a loss of freedom and livelihoods.’ How? Explain in three


19. Explain the steps taken by the European colonists to wean away labour from their own


20. Why were Europeans attracted towards Africa?

21. Explain the effect of coming of rinderpest to Africa.

22. What was indentured labour system? What led to its growth?

23. How were indentured labourers recruited?

24. Discuss the new system of slavery.

25. How did indentured workers discover their own ways of surviving?

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26. How was the need of capital for the world market provided?

27. How did colonization of India affect India’s cotton industry?

28. Discuss the working of multilateral settlement system.

29. Discuss the impact of First World War.

30. Why did household income decline after the First World War?

31. Discuss the impact of First World War on Britain.

32. What was the impact of First World War on agricultural economies?

33. Examine the strong growth of US economy in the early 1920’s.

34. What was assembly line production? What were its advantages?

35. Discuss the Great Depression.

36. Explain the major factors responsible for the Great depression.

37. How did withdrawal of US loans affect the world?

38. What was the impact of the Great Depression on USA?

39. Examine the impact of the Great Depression on the Indian economy.

40. Examine the impact of the 2nd World War.

41. Discuss the factors that shaped the post-war reconstruction.

42. Discuss the two key lessons which economists and politicians drew out from inter-war

economic experiences.

43. What is meant by the Bretton Woods Agreement?

44. What was the impact of the Bretton Woods System?

45. What is decolonization?

46. What is G-77? What were its demands?

47. Discuss the factors responsible for the end of the Bretton Woods System.

48. “The indentures labour gave rise to a new culture in the Caribbean.” Justify this

statement with three examples.

49. Examine why the Great depression was a catastrophic event for the USA.

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1. Discuss the composition of Belgium?

2. What is the problem of Brussels?

3. Describe the composition of Sri Lanka?

4. What is Majoritarianism?

5. What is tension between Dutch speaking and French speaking people in Belgium during the

1950s and 1960s?

6. Who are Sri Lankan Tamils?

7. What majoritarian measures are taken to establish Sinhala supremacy in Sri Lanka?

8. Why did the Sri Lankan Tamils feel alienated in Sri Lanka?


Why did the relations between the Sinhala and Tamil communities strain overtime?

9. How did Sri Lankan Tamils fight for their rights in Sri Lanka? What was its result?

10. What was the effect of civil war in Sri Lanka?

11. Discuss the elements of Belgian model?

12. How is Belgian model successful inspite of being so complicated?

13. What do you mean by community government?

14. What do you learn from the two stories of Belgium and Sri Lanka?

15. What are the two sets of reasons which signify power sharing?

16. What is the difference between Prudential and Moral Power Sharing?

17. In which way the term ‘Democracy’ came into existence?

18. Differentiate between Horizontal divisions of powers and Vertical divisions of powers?

19. What does the sharing of powers among political parties, pressure groups and

movements ensure?

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20. How do the different forms of power sharing work in modern democracies? Give an

example of each of these?

21. How does democracy accommodate different social groups and why?


1. What is Federalism?

2. What was the key change made in the constitution of Belgium?

3. “Federal System has two or more sets of government.” Justify the statement.

4. What is unitary system?

5. What is the difference between Federal system and unitary system?

6. Discuss the key features of Federalism?

7. What two aspects are crucial for the institution and practice of Federalism?

8. “Independence of Judiciary is the key to success of Federalism.” Examine the statement?

9. Discuss the two kinds of routes through which Federations have been formed?

10. What do you understand by the three tier system of Indian Federation?

11. What is a three-fold distribution of Legislative powers between the Union Government and

the State Governments?

12. What are ‘residuary’ subjects?

13. Why do some states in India enjoy a special status? Discuss with the help of an example?

14. Why some of the units of the Indian Union enjoy little power?

15. Why is it not easy to make changes in the power sharing between the Union Government

and the State Government?

16. How does judiciary play an important role in overseeing the implementation of

constitutional provisions and procedures?

17. What are the reasons behind the success of Federalism in India?

18. What is a linguistic state?

19. Discuss how Federation is practiced in India?

20. Discuss the significance of formation of linguistic states?

21. What arrangements are done regarding the use of languages in India?

22. Discuss the controversy over Hindi and English as official languages?

23. Discuss the Centre State relations in Indian Federation?

24. Discuss the new culture of power-sharing developed after 1990?

25. What is decentralization?

26. Why is there the need for power-sharing states?

27. What is the basic idea behind the decentralization?

28. Examine the different attempts to decentralize power to the level of villages and towns?

29. What major steps were taken towards decentralization in 1992?

30. What is Panchayati Raj?

31. Discuss the structure and composition of rural local self government?

32. Examine the structure and composition of urban local self government?

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33. Explain Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishads and Municipalities and Municipal Corporations?

34. How can you say that the new system of local government is the largest experiment

conducted in Indian democracy?

35. What are the difficulties faced by the new system of local government?


1. What do mean by Civil Rights Movements in the USA?

2. Who are Afro-Americans?

3. Who wanted to draw international attention to racial discrimination in US and Why?

4. What action did the International Olympic Association taken against Carlos and Smith?

5. Define social division and social differences?

6. What are the bases of Social differences?

7. When does a Social difference become a social division?

8. Does every social difference lead to social division? Why?

9. Is it necessary for people belonging to same religion to have same caste?

10. What is cross-cutting social difference and overlapping social difference?

11. How is overlapping different from cross-cutting difference?

12. How do social divisions affect politics?

13. Discuss three factors that determine the outcome of politics of social divisions?

14. Can the politics and social divisions be allowed to mix?

15. Examine the ways in which social division are reflected in democracy?


1. Define gender division?

2. What is sexual division of labour?

3. What is the result of divisions of labour in society?

4. How did the gender issue raise in politics?

5. “In our country, women still lag much behind men despite some improvement since

independence.” Discuss the statement by giving four examples?

6. Why literacy rate amongst women is less in comparison to men in India?

7. What is the Equal Wages Act?

8. Why is there decline in child sex ratio?

9. What is the status of women’s representative in India’s Legislative bodies?

10. What is Feminist movement?

11. What is Patriarchal Society?

12. Give the measures to remove the inequality of women?

13. How has women participation been increased in the Indian politics? Give a comparative

analysis of early and modern times?

14. What is religious difference?

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15. How religious differences are often expressed in field of politics?

16. What is communalism?

17. What was Gandhiji’s view on religion and politics?

18. Discuss the different/various forms of communalism in politics?

19. What is communal politics?

20. What does communalism involve?

21. Discuss the factors responsible for communal politics?

22. What is a secular state?

23. Discuss the different provisions given in our constitution which make our country a

secular state?

24. What is caste system?

25. How caste and caste system has undergone a lot of change in modern India?

26. How it is made possible to overcome the security of caste system?

27. Discuss the various forms of caste in politics?

28. How can you counter this impression elections are all about caste and nothing else?

Explain with the help of four examples?

29. What are the other factors besides caste which matter in electoral politics?

30. Explain with the help of three examples how politics influences the caste system and

caste identities?

31. Discuss two ill-effects of casteism in politics?

32. Discuss the expression of caste differences in politics?

33. List out any three laws enacted by the Parliament since independence for the welfare of


34. State how caste inequalities are still continuing in India?

35. How are communalism and caste system threats to our democracy?

36. How are religious places being used for communalism?

37. What do you mean by feminist movements?

38. Name three important sources of social divisions and inequalities in India?


1. What was the aim of popular movement of Nepal that took place in April 2006?

2. How the struggle of Nepali people is a source of inspiration for democrats all over the


3. Describe in brief the movement of democracy in Nepal?

4. What is constitutional monarchy?

5. Discuss Nepal’s second movement for democracy?

6. Describe in brief Bolivia’s water war?

7. What are the common things between the movements of Bolivia and Nepal?

8. How was Bolivian movement different from the movement in Nepal?

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9. State in brief the lessons for democracy that we learn from the movements in Nepal and


10. Define movements?

11. What are the pressure groups and how are they formed? Give examples?

12. Differentiate between interest groups and pressure groups?

13. What all political organizations supported the struggle for democracy in Nepal?

14. Discuss the composition of FEDECOR that led the movement in Bolivia against the

privatization of water?

15. How do different organizations work behind any big struggle in a democracy?

16. What is the sectional interest group?

17. What is the aim of sectional interest groups?

18. What are promotional groups or public interest groups? What is their aim?

19. What are long term and short term movements? Explain with help examples?

20. Discuss the different ways through which pressure groups and movements exert influence

on politics?

21. Discuss the relationship between the political parties and pressure groups?

22. Why it is not healthy for groups that promote interest of one section to have influence in

the democracy?

23. How do the sectional interest groups play a valuable role?

24. Describe the forms of relationship between pressure groups and political parties?

25. Explain how the activities of pressure groups are useful in the functioning of a democratic



1. Discuss the term challenge?

2. What kind of challenge is faced by a non-democratic country for democratic set up?

3. Discuss the challenge of expansion faced by democracies?

4. Discuss the challenge of “deepening democracy”?

5. What are the different challenges faced by a democracy?

6. What are the legal ways of reforming democracies?

7. What do you mean by political reform?

8. How can a democracy be reformed and deepened? Suggest some guidelines?

9. What role can an ordinary citizen play in deepening democracy?

10. Why is a democracy considered the best form of government?


1. How is democracy better than dictatorship?

2. Discuss the features of democracy?

3. What thoughts should be put in to assess the outcomes of democracy?

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4. What should be the basic outcome of democracy?

5. ‘Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation negotiation.’ Justify the statement.


Democracy means delay in the decision making. Which one is preferable: quick decision of

dictatorship or slow decision of democracy?

6. What is the importance of costs of time in decision making?

7. How democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures?

8. How can you say that democratic government is efficient and effective?

9. How can we measure democracies on the basis of its expected outcomes?

10. In what ways a democratic government better than its alternatives?

11. Examine the political outcome of democracy?

12. Examine the forms of economic inequality in democracy?

13. List out the factors for economic development. Do democracies produce economic


14. Discuss the social outcomes of democracy?

15. How does democracy stand more superior to any other form of government in promoting

dignity and freedom of individual?

16. How has dignity of women been ensured in a democracy?

17. What outcome can one reasonably expect of democracies?

18. “A public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy project: it transforms people from

the status of a subject into that of a citizen.” Justify?


1. What is a political party?

2. What is partnership?

3. State the principal characteristics of a political party?

4. State the different components of a political party?

5. Discuss the different functions of political parties in a democracy?

6. Define ruling party and opposition parties?

7. Can we have a party less democracy?

8. Why can’t modern democracies exist without political parties?

9. Why do we find political parties in almost all the countries?

10. Why are political parties necessary in a democracy?

11. How many political parties are there in India and why?

12. What is single party or mono-party system? How far it is good for a country?

13. What do you mean by a two party or bi-party system? Explain with example?

14. What do you understand by a multi-party system?

15. What are the factors that determine the nature of a party system in a country?

16. Discuss the kinds of political parties the democracies have, those that follow a federal


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17. Explain the term Coalition Government?

18. When is political party recognized as a national party by the Election Commission of


19. What is difference between national and regional party? Give example?

20. Discuss the role played by the regional or state parties in India during the last thirty


21. Describe briefly the various phases of growth of political parties in India?

22. Describe briefly the history of the Indian National Congress? What are its achievements?

23. Discuss in brief the formation of Bhartiya Janata Party also write its beliefs?

24. State the aim and objective of the communist parties of India (CPI & CPI-M)?

25. State the objectives, policies and programmes of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and

Nationalist Congress Party (NCP)?

26. Why do political parties lack internal democracy with parties?

27. How can you show that different political parties do not practice open and transparent

procedures for their functioning?

28. Examine the concept of money and muscle power in a political party?

29. Why don’t parties offer meaningful choice to the voters?

30. What are the various challenges faced by political parties?

31. Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well.

32. How can citizens reform the political parties?

33. “Opposition is important for democracy.” Comment?

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Outline Political Map of India

Chapter 1: Resources and DevelopmentIdentification only: Major soil Types.

Chapter 3: Water ResourcesLocating and Labelling - Dams: (1) Salal; (2) Bhakra Nangal; (3) Tehri; (4) Rana Pratap Sagar; (5) Gandhi Sagar; (6) Sardar Sarovar; (7) Rihand; (8) Hirakud; (9) Nagarjuna Sagar; (10) Tungabhadra; (11) Koyna.

Chapter 4 : AgricultureIdentification only(a) Major areas of rice and wheat.

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(b) Major producer states of jowar; bajara; ragi; maize; pulses; sugarcane; groundnut; tea; coffee; rubber; cotton and jute.

Chapter : 5 Mineral and Energy Resources.Minerals : (Identification only)

(I) Iron ore mines : Mayurbhanj, Durg, Bailadila, Bellary and Kudremukh(II) Bauxite mines : Koraput, Katni, Amarkantak and Bilaspur.(III) Manganese mines: Sundergarh, Balaghat, Shimoga and Nagpur(IV) Mica mines: Ajmer, Beawar, Nellore, Gaya and Hazaribagh.(V) Coal mines : Raniganj, Jharia, Bokaro, Talcher, Korba, Singrauli, Singareni and Neyvali.(VI) Oil Fields : Digboi, Naharkatia, Mumbai High, Bassian, Kalol and Ankaleshwar.

Power Plants:- (Locating and Lebelling only)(a) Thermal : Namrup, Loktak, Bongaigaon, Barauni,Harduaganj, Chandrapura, Korba, Delhi, Satpura, Bhusawal, Uran, Ramagundam, Vijaywada and Tuticorin.(b) Nuclear: Narora, Rawat Bhata, Kakrapara, Tarapur, Kaiga and Kalpakkam.

Chapter 6 Manufacturing IndustriesLocating and Labelling Only

(1) Cotton Textile Industries : Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Indore, Ahmedabad, Surat, Agra, Kanpur, Moradabad, Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai.(2) Woollen Industry : Srinagar, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Panipat, Bikaner, Kanpur, Mirzapur and Jamnagar.(3) Silk Industry : Baramula, Anatnag, Srinagar, Murshidabad, Bankura, Kolar, Mysore and Bangalore.(4) Iron and Steel Plants : Burnpur, Durgapur, Bokaro, Jamshedpur, Raurkela, Bhilai, Vijaynagar, Bhadravati, Vishakhapatnam and Salem.(5) Software Technology Parks: Srinagar, Mohali, Noida, Jaipur, Gandhinagar, Indore, Mumbai, Pune, Guwahati, Kolkata, Bhubaneshwar, Vishakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mysore, Chennai and Thiruvanantapuram.

Chapter 7 Lifelines of National Economy.Identification Only : Golden Quadrilateral, North-South Corridor and East-West Corridor.National Highways : NH-1, NH-2, NH-3, NH-5, NH-7, NH-8, NH-15 and NH-17

Locating and Labelling : Major Ports - Kandla, Mumbai, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Marmagao, New Mangalore, Kochi, Tuticorin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam, Paradip, Haldia and Kolkata.International Airports : Amritsar (Raja Sansi); Delhi (Indira Gandhi International); Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji); Thiruvanantapuram ; Chennai (Meenam Bakkam); Kolkata (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose) and Hyderabad

Note : Items of locating and labelling may also be given for identification.


1. Define resources.

2. Resources are not natural, they are made. Explain.

3. Differentiate between: [ two points]

a] biotic and abiotic resources;

b] Renewable and non-renewable resources;

c] Potential and developed resources;

d] Black and laterite soil;

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e] Alluvial and arid soils;

f] Khadar and Bangar

g] Net sown area and gross sown area

4. “Human resources are at the core of all resources.” Justify.

5. What are the characteristics of resources?

6. What is stock? How is it beneficial for the nation?

7. List three effects of indiscriminate use of resources.

8. State the problems which occur due to the development of resources.

9. Why is equitable distribution of resources necessary?

10. What is the effect of accumulation of resources in a few hands?

11. Why is resource planning essential?

12. Define sustainable development.

13. What was the main aim of the Rio Earth Summit?

14. Mention the main aim of Agenda 21 declared in the Rio Earth Summit.

15. ‘India has enormous diversity in the availability of resources.’ Justify.

16. Why do we require a balanced resource development at the national, state and regional


17. Why are resources important for us?

18. What is resource planning? Why is it important?

19. Explain the stages of resource planning

20. How has India achieved the goals of resource development?

21. Why is the availability of resources a necessary condition for the development of


22. What was the main attraction of the foreign invaders in India?

23. Which factor of colonizer countries helped them to exploit colonies?

24. In what conditions can resources contribute to development?

25. What are the factors other than the availability of resources in India’s resource


26. What do you mean by conservation of resources? Why is it essential?

27. What are the effects of irrational consumption and over utilization of resources?

28. Justify the statement quoted by Gandhiji: “There is enough for everybody’s needs but not

enough for anybody’s greed”.

29. What is the root cause of depletion of resources at the global level?”

30. Land is a natural resource of utmost importance.” Justify.

31. Why is it important to use the available land resources with careful planning?

32. Explain the vital land resources of India.

33. Explain the factors which determine the land use pattern in India.

34. What is the total geographical area of India?

35. Mention the data available for land use in India of the total geographical area.

36. Why is the data for land use pattern of India available only for 93 %?

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37. What is the minimum required area under forests as per the National Forest Policy? Why?

38. Explain the reasons for satisfying and disturbing changes each in the land use pattern in

India since independence.

39. “The pattern of net sown area varies greatly from one state to another.” Justify.

40. Which is the main factor that has led to land degradation?

41. Give reasons why waste lands have been formed.

42. What are the negative impacts of human activities on land?

43. Explain the causes of land degradation and concerned measures to control it.

44. What are the causes of land degradation in – a] Jharkhand and Chattisgarh; b] Gujarat and

Rajasthan; c] Punjab and Haryana.

45. “Mineral processing leads to land degradation.” Justify.

46. a] Define soil and explain the factors that contribute to soil formation.

b] Many factors contribute to soil formation. Justify.

47. What are the bases for the classification of soils in India?

48. What are shelter belt plantations? Why are they important in desert and coastal regions?

49. What factors have contributed to the development of various types of soils?

50. Write the characteristics of the major soil types with names for four major states where it

is found.

51. “Alluvial soil as a whole is very fertile.” Why?

52. What are the negative aspects of montane and red and yellow soils?

53. Explain the process of formation of laterite soil. Also name two states where it is found.

54. What are the positive impacts of high fertility of alluvial soil?

55. What do you understand by self ploughing activity of black soil?

56. How are alluvial soils classified according to their age?

57. What type of particles do alluvial soils contain in different regions?

58. Why do red soils develop a red colour?

59. What is the positive impact of conservation techniques on laterite soil in states of south


60. Define – land degradation, soil erosion, gully erosion, bad land, sheet erosion, wind

erosion, waste lands.

61. Explain the causes of soil erosion and concerned measures to control it.


1. “The entire habitat we live in has immense biodiversity.” Justify.

2. Show with the help of an example that we all are dependent on the complex ecological


3. Define biodiversity, normal species, endangered species, vulnerable species, rare species,

endemic species, extinct species, reserved forests, protected forests, unclassed forests.

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4. “India is one of the richest countries of the world in terms of its vast array of biological

diversity.” Justify.

5. Examine the dimensions of deforestation in India.

6. Classify flora and fauna species on the basis of International Union for Conservation of

Nature and Natural species

7. What are the distinguishing marks of a Cheetah?

8. When was the Asiatic Cheetah declared extinct?

9. Explain the negative features that cause depletion of flora and fauna.

10. “The destruction of forest and wildlife is just not a biological issue.” Justify.

11. Why are forests and wildlife important for us?

12. Why is it necessary to adopt sound forest and wildlife conservation strategies?

13. “Rapid decline in wildlife population has stressed on the need for its conservation.”

Examine the statement.

14. What do you mean by conservation of flora and fauna? What is its importance?

15. When was the Indian Wildlife Protection Act implemented?

16. Which were the main thrust areas of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act 1972?

17. What has been the impact if Indian Wildlife protection Act 1972?

18. What are the major threats to tiger population in India?

19. When was the Project Tiger launched? Examine its success critically.

20. What are the other thrust areas of the Wildlife Protection Acts?

21. “Conservation strategies are not new in our country.” Justify.


1. How is fresh water obtained?

2. Define: hydrological cycle, dams, multipurpose river valley projects, reservoir, rain water

harvesting, inundation canal, water table, spillway or weir

3. What is the total volume of world’s water estimated to exist as oceans and as fresh water?

4. What is the percentage of fresh water occurring as ice sheets and glaciers at the poles

and mountainous regions of the world?

5. What is the percentage of ground water stored in world’s aquifers?

6. What is the position of India in the world in terms of water availability per person per year?

7. What is the percentage of global precipitation received by India?

8. What are the total renewable water resources of India?

9. Why is it difficult to imagine that we suffer from water scarcity?

10. What is the percentage of ocean and fresh water on the earth?

11. What is the social impact of water scarcity?

12. List the factors that lead to variation in the availability of water over space and time.

13. When does water stress occur?

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14. An area or region may have ample water resources, but still faces water scarcity.


15. What is the negative effect of wells and tube wells on the fields of farmers?

16. How can large population be a cause of water scarcity?

17. Post-independent industrialization and urbanization in India has led to water scarcity.


18. Why are big cities a cause of over exploitation of our fragile water resources?

19. Scarcity of water is also due to its bad quality. Justify.

20. Why is management and conservation of water essential?

21. Enlist the negative impacts of over exploitation and mismanagement of water?

22. What is the prediction of UN World Water Development Report, 2003 regarding

absolute water scarcity?

23. Name the hydraulic structures in ancient India for proper utilization of water.

24. How do dams help in conserving and managing water?

25. Why are dams referred to as multi-purpose river valley projects?

26. Classify dams on the basis of structure and height.

27. Mention the thoughts that were kept in mind to launch the multi-purpose river valley

projects after independence.

28. Why multi-purpose river valley projects are called temples of modern India?

29. Make a table for the major multipurpose rive valley projects of India their states and on

which rivers they are located.

30. Why have the multi-purpose river valley projects come under great scrutiny and

opposition in the recent years?

31. Which state in India is facing acute shortage of water and why?

32. What is the amount of India’s total renewable water resources?

33. Why is it difficult to imagine that we suffer from water scarcity?

34. Many social movements have arisen due to multi-purpose river valley projects. Why?

35. What was the original problem focused on in the Narmada Bachaao Andolan?

36. What is the negative impact of over irrigation due to availability of water by large


37. Give the main reason that that agitated the farmers of Sabarmati basin of Gujarat.

38. Mention the reasons for the objections of Krishna-Godavari disputes.

39. What were the failures of multi-purpose river valley projects which led to their


40. Why is rain water harvesting considered as a viable alternative to large dams?

41. List the factors on which the extraordinary system of rain water harvesting existed in

ancient India.

42. Explain the importance of rain water harvesting in Western Rajasthan.

43. Explain the various rain water harvesting techniques adopted in different parts of India

for the proper utilization of water.

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44. Explain the process of roof top rain water harvesting.

45. How is irrigation a cause for water pollution leading to its scarcity?

46. Explain the advantages of dams.


1. What is the economic importance of agriculture for India?

2. List the reasons on which cultivation methods have changed significantly over the years.

3. Write the features of primitive subsistence agriculture.

4. Enlist the factors on which primitive subsistence farming depends.

5. Define slash and burn agriculture.

6. What are the negative impacts of slash and burn agriculture.

7. Mention the different names by which slash and burn agriculture is known in India and

other parts of the world.

8. Write the features of intensive subsistence agriculture.

9. Why is there enormous pressure on agricultural land where intensive subsistence

agriculture is practiced?

10. What the main characteristics of commercial farming.

11. Define plantation agriculture and write its features.

12. Plantations have interface of agriculture and industry. Justify.

13. List the factors play a key role in the development of plantations.

14. Differentiate between:[ Two points]

A] Rabi and kharif crops.

15. Which are the main factors for the success of Rabi crops?

16. Define: zaid crops, sericulture, bhoodan movement, gramdan, bloodless revolution.

17. Why does India have three distinct crop seasons? Explain the factors.

18. Explain the three crop seasons of India.

19. Describe the growth conditions of the following crops in India: rice, wheat, millets,

maize, sugarcane, oilseeds, tea, coffee, rubber, cotton and jute on the basis of the

following headings: Introduction/ specific points, climate- temperature and rainfall, soil

type, labour, distribution.

20. List the factors on which growth of rice in low rainfall areas depends.

21. Why are Punjab and Haryana able to grow rice?

22. Assam is able to grow three crops of rice i.e. Aus, Aman and Boro. Explain the reasons.

23. Mention the factors that have contributed to the increasing production of maize.

24. Why are pulses grown mostly in rotation with other crops?

25. What are the uses of oilseeds?

26. What is the importance of pulses in the Indian diet?

27. Why are frequently and evenly distributed showers important for the growth of tea?

28. Why is tea processed within the tea garden?

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29. Give an account of horticulture crops of India.

30. How are fibres obtained?

31. What are the aspects of jute gaining importance other than its uses?

32. Why is jute losing its market?

33. “Sustained uses of land without compatible techno-institutional changes have hindered

the pace of agricultural development in India.” Justify.

34. Explain the institutional and technological reforms instituted in the Indian agriculture

since independence.

35. What factors have hindered the pace of agricultural development in India?

36. Which problems were given priority to bring about institutional changes in Indian


37. Which was the main area of focus in agriculture under the First Five year Plan?

38. Which problem of Indian agriculture necessissated the consolidation of land holdings?

39. What steps are taken by the government to check the exploitation of farmers by

speculators and middlemen?

40. State the negative and positive contribution of agriculture to economy, employment

and output.

41. Why are Indian farmers facing a challenge from international competition?

42. What factors have proved detrimental to agriculture in the country?


1. How are metals extracted?

2. “Minerals are indispensable part of our life.” Justify.

3. Social activities of man are incomplete without minerals. Why?

4. Which minerals do the cleaning of our teeth?

5. What is the use of fluorite for our teeth?

6. How is toothpaste made?

7. Which mineral gives sparkle to toothpaste?

8. What is the amount of mineral intake required by our body out of the total intake of


9. Define: a mineral, ore, lodes, veins, placer deposits, rat hole mining.

10. “Minerals are found in varied forms in nature.” Justify.

11. How is a particular mineral formed?

12. Which properties do geologists use to classify minerals?

13. What is the effect of physical or chemical condition under which a mineral is formed?

14. What is the importance of physical or chemical properties of minerals for geologists

and geographers?

15. Why do geographers and geologists study minerals?

16. Where are minerals found?

17. What factors make a mineral commercially viable?

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18. Why is it important for us to understand the type of formations in which minerals


19. What is the effect of the type of formation or structures on a mineral?

20. How are minerals in igneous and metamorphic rocks formed?

21. Which mineral has been formed from lodes and veins?

22. What are the smaller and bigger occurrences of minerals called?

23. Which minerals occur in beds and layers?

24. How are minerals in sedimentary rocks formed?

25. How have coal and iron-ore been formed?

26. Which minerals are formed due to evaporation in arid areas?

27. How are minerals formed by weathering? Name the ore formed by this process.

28. Which important mineral is formed by weathering?

29. What is the property of minerals of placer deposits?

30. Why ocean waters are not considered suitable to excavate minerals in large


31. Ocean waters are rich in which mineral?

32. Where is rat hole mining done in India?

33. India is fortunate to have fairly rich reserves of mineral resources. Justify.

34. Why do variations in the presence of mineral resources occur in India?

35. List the factors that affect the economic viability of a reserve?

36. Ferrous minerals help in the development of which industry?

37. Why iron-ore is called a basic mineral?

38. India is rich in quality and good quantity of iron-ore reserves. Justify

39. Why is magnetite important for electrical industry?

40. What does Kudre mean? Where are these mines located?

41. Where is hematite ore mined in Jharkhand?

42. Which type of iron-ore is found in Bailadilla range?

43. To which two countries is iron-ore exported from Chattisgarh?

44. Which iron-ore mines of Karnataka are 100% export unit and are the largest iron-ore

mines of the world?

45. Which port exports iron-ore in the Maharashtra - Goa belt?

46. List the four varieties of iron-ore with their iron content.

47. What does Bailadilla mean?

48. Describe the major iron –ore belts of India?

49. Give an account of iron-ore distribution in India.

50. Bailadilla range of Bastar district is famous for which mineral?

51. How is iron-ore transported from Kudremukh mines?

52. Which port and state transports iron-ore in the form of slurry

53. What are the main characteristics of iron-ore of Maharashtra - Goa belt?

54. What are the main uses of iron?

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55. What are the main uses of manganese?

56. Name the largest producer state of manganese in India.

57. What amount of manganese is required to produce one tonne of steel?

58. List the properties of copper.

59. Where is copper mainly used?

60. Name the leading mine and state of copper in India.

61. Name the mines famous for copper production in Rajasthan.

62. How is aluminium obtained?

63. How are bauxite deposits formed?

64. Why is aluminium an important metal?

65. Name the largest aluminium producing state of India.

66. Which are the most important aluminium deposits of India?

67. Name the largest bauxite producing state of India.

68. How is mica formed?

69. Why is mica an indispensable mineral in electric and electronic industries?

70. Name the largest producer state of mica in India.

71. Which is the major mica producing region of Rajasthan?

72. Name the colours mica can be found in.

73. Where is limestone found?

74. Which industry uses limestone as its basic raw material?

75. Which is the rock formation in which limestone is found?

76. List the reasons for pulmonary diseases in humans due to mining.

77. How can mining lead to stream and water pollution?

78. Mention the essential steps to be taken to prevent mining from becoming a ‘killer


79. What is the total volume of workable mineral deposits in the world?

80. Why is conservation of minerals necessary?

81. How can we conserve mineral resources?

82. List the activities which require energy.

83. How is atomic energy obtained?

84. Differentiate between conventional and non-conventional sources of energy.

85. Name the most common types of energy sources used in rural India.

86. Why is the use of rural sources of energy sources being discouraged in India?

87. What is the importance of coal for India?

88. What are the uses of coal?

89. How is coal formed?

90. List the types of coal with their carbon content. Also write the features of each.

91. In which geological ages does coal occur in India?

92. Which type of coal is also known as brown coal?

93. Where is the principal lignite field of India located?

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94. Where are the major resources of Gondwana and tertiary coal located in India?

95. Why are the heavy industries and thermal power stations located on or near the coal


96. What are the uses of petroleum?

97. Name the industries to which petroleum acts as a ‘nodal industry’.

98. How are petroleum occurrences associated in India?

99. Name the oldest oil producing state of India and its oil fields.

100. What is the percentage contribution of Mumbai High, Assam and Gujarat in India’s

mineral oil production?

101. List the uses of natural gas.

102. Why natural gas is called environmental friendly fuel?

103. Name the natural gas fields of India.

104. Mention the length of HBJ pipeline and the places through which it passes.

105. Why is per capita consumption of electricity considered as an index of a country’s


106. How are electricity, hydro electricity, nuclear energy, tidal energy and thermal

electricity generated?

107. List the names of the nuclear power plants of India and the states in which they are


108. Which mineral is found in the monazite sands of Kerala?

109. Name the nuclear minerals found in Rajasthan and Jharkhand.

110. “There is a pressing need to use renewable energy sources”. Why?

111. How can you say that India has enormous potential to develop solar energy?

112. How is solar energy generated?

113. Where is the largest solar plant of India located?

114. How will the increased use of solar energy help agriculture?

115. Mention the uses of solar energy.

116. Where is the largest wind farm cluster of India located?

117. Name the places which are famous for effective use of wind energy in India.

118. How is biogas produced?

119. List the benefits of biogas to farmers in India?

120. Why is biogas known to use cattle dung most efficiently?

121. Where the 900 MW tidal energy plant located in India?

122. Name the two geothermal power plants of India and the states in which they are


123. Explain the process of obtaining geothermal energy.

124. Why is there an urgent need to develop a sustainable path of energy development?

125. How can we conserve energy?


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1. Define manufacturing, large scale industries, small scale industries, household industry,

agro-based industries, mineral based industries, urban agglomerations economies, mini

steel plants and integrated steel plants.

2. “The economic strength of a country is measured by the development of its manufacturing

industries.” Justify.

3. What is the economic importance of manufacturing industries?

4. “The development of manufacturing industries indicates the level of development in a

country.” Justify.

5. Agriculture and industry move hand in hand. Justify.

6. Mention the steps to be taken to help our manufacturing industries compete in the

international market.

7. Discuss the contribution of industries to the national economy.

8. Explain the physical and human factors that influence/ affect the location of any industry.

9. Explain the factors that affect the location of any industry.

10. “Industrialization and urbanization go hand in hand.” Justify.

11. Classify industries on the basis of:

a] raw materials; b] their main role; c] capital investment; d] ownership; e]

weight of raw materials

12. Textile industry occupies a unique position in the Indian economy.


13. Why did the Indian textile industries suffer a set back during the colonial


14. How many cotton textile mills are there in India?

15. Why was cotton textile industry concentrated in the Maharashtra and

Gujarat in the early years?

16. List the factors that have led to the localization of cotton textile industry

in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

17. Analyse the role of cotton textile industry and its close links with


18. How does cotton textile industry support other industries?

19. Why cotton textile industry wide is spread in India?

20. List the reasons for decentralized weaving in India.

21. How is weaving done in India?

22. What is the positive impact of cottage industry on employment in India?

23. Why is it important for our country to keep the mill sector loomage

lower than power looms and handlooms?

24. Name the exporters and importers of yarn from India.

25. What are the strengths of our cotton textile industry?

26. Discuss the draw backs of our cotton textile industry.

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27. Discuss the solutions to the problems of the cotton textile industry in


28. Why are jute industries located/ concentrated at the banks of the Hugli


29. How does the jute industry help in providing employment to the people

in India?

30. Discuss the challenges faced by the jute textile industry and their


31. Name the main markets of jute products of India.

32. Which factor has again opened up opportunities for Indian jute


33. Where are sugar mills ideally located?

34. Why are sugar mills located close to the sugarcane growing areas?

35. Why the sugar industry is ideally suited to the cooperative sector?

36. Why has the sugar industry migrated towards the south in the recent


37. Discuss the major challenges faced by the sugar industry.

38. Why is iron and steel industry known as the basic and heavy industry?

39. What are the uses of steel?

40. Why is the production and consumption of steel often regarded as the

index of any country’s development?

41. How is steel hardened?

42. Where should the iron and steel plants be ideally located?

43. Analyse the problems iron and steel industry in India.

44. Differentiate between: mini steel plants and integrated plants.

45. Why is iron and steel industry located in the Chotta Nagpur plateau


46. List the reasons for the development of iron and steel industry in India.

47. Why is aluminium an important metal for industries in India?

48. What are the uses of aluminium?

49. Name the states having aluminium plants in India.

50. Which are the two prime factors for the location of aluminium industry

and why?

51. List the major organic and inorganic chemicals produced in India and

their uses.

52. What is the economic contribution of chemical industries in India?

53. Why are chemical industries spread over the country?

54. Why has rapid growth been recorded in the chemical industry in India?

55. Where are the organic chemical plants located and why?

56. “The chemical industry is its own largest consumer.” Justify.

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57. Which are the main fertilizers produced in India?

58. Why is potash, as a fertilizer, entirely imported in India?

59. Why the fertilizer industry is widely spread over the country?

60. Give an account of fertilizer manufacturing units in India.

61. What are the uses of cement?

62. Why is cement industry called as a raw material oriented industry?

63. List the reforms that led to the rapid development of the cement

industry after 1980.

64. Mention the factors that have led to the healthy growth of the

automobile industry in India?

65. State the impact of information technology and electronics industry on

India’s employment statistics.

66. What facility is provided by the software technology parks in India?

67. Define pollution. What are its causes?

68. What are the negative effects of air pollution?

69. Explain the main causes of water pollution.

70. When does thermal pollution occur?

71. What are the ill effects of thermal pollution or nuclear pollution?

72. How soil and water pollution is closely related?

73. List the causes and effects of noise pollution.

74. How can we control the pollution of fresh water by industries?

75. Discuss the steps to be taken to control pollution.

76. How can we achieve sustainable development through industrial


77. List the ways to reduce pollution near the thermal power plants.

78. Explain the types of pollution and measures taken to control them.


1. Why do we need transportation?

2. Define: traders, trade, market, local trade, international trade, favourable balance of trade,

unfavourable balance of trade.

3. “The pace of development of a country depends upon the production of goods and

services as well as their movement over space and time”. Justify.

4. “Efficient means of transportation are pre-requisites for fast development” Explain.

5. How can you say that transport, communication and trade are complementary to each


6. How have the means of transport, communication and trade enriched our lives?

7. Modern means of transport and communication serve as lifelines of our nation and its

modern economy. Explain.

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8. Why is a dense network of transport and communication a pre-requisite for increasing


9. List the reasons which give an edge to roadways over railways.

10. How are roads classified according to their capacity of flow of traffic in India?

11. What is the major objective of the super highways?

12. Which organisation implements the highway projects?

13. Define national highways.

14. Differentiate between: metalled and unmetalled roads.

15. Name the organisation that maintains the different types of roads in India.

16. Why is the development of border roads of strategic importance to India?

17. How are roads classified on the basis of material used for their construction?

18. “Distribution of roads is not uniform in India.” Justify.

19. Explain the problems faced by road transportation in India.

20. What is the importance of railways for the Indian economy?

21. Discuss the factors that influence/ affect the distribution pattern of railway network in


22. Discuss the physiographic, economic and administrative factors that influence/ affect

the distribution pattern of railway network in India.

23. Discuss the problems suffered by railways in India.

24. What are the negative and positive aspects of Konkan railway in India?

25. What are the uses of pipeline transportation in India?

26. List the advantages of pipeline transportation.

27. Name the important pipeline transportation networks of India.

28. Write the importance of waterways.

29. Name the important national waterways recognized by the Indian government.

30. What is the importance of the major sea ports of India?

31. Discuss the trading activities of the eastern and western sea ports of India.

32. What are the advantages of airway transportation?

33. List the advantages of airway transportation during disasters.

34. How has air travel made north-eastern parts of our country easily accessible?

35. “Though air travel is not within the reach of common man in India, but, special

provisions have been made to extend services to the common people in the north-eastern

states”. Why? Explain.

36. Which areas receive air services from Pawan Hans Helicopters Ltd.?

37. Differentiate between personal communication and mass communication.

38. Explain the working of the Indian Postal Network.

39. List the factors that have made India the largest telecom networks in Asia.

40. What is the importance of mass communication?

41. Define mass communication. Write its importance.

42. Describe the various means of mass communication in India.

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43. “Advancement in international trade of a country is an index of its economic

prosperity”. Explain.

44. Why is developed international trade considered as an economic barometer for a


45. Discuss India’s trading activities with all the major blocks and all geographical regions

of the world.

46. India has trading relations with all the major trading blocks and all geographical

regions of the world. Justify.

47. List the positive effects seen on the Indian economy due to the development of its

international trade.

48. Discuss the advantages of tourism industry to the Indian economy.

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2. List the factors that can help achieve the goals of development.

3. What are the common things that people desire?

4. How can hopes and possibilities be achieved in real life?

5. List the factors other than income on which our life depends.

6. What do you mean by differences in goals of different people and conflicts in goals of

different people?

7. Different people can have different development goals. Justify.

8. What are the non-material things on which the quality of our life depends?

9. What is the impact of safe and secure environment on the development of women?

10. Kerala has lower per capita income, but is ranked higher in human development. Why?

11. “Money in our pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that we need to live”. List

the goods and services which cannot be bought with money but are important factors for

the development of a nation.

12. Which factors have helped Kerala achieve low infant mortality rate?

13. List the facilities which can be provided to the people collectively to help in their


14. How are countries classified by the World Bank and the UNDP?

15. Compare the classification of countries done by World Bank and UNDP.

16. Why is average income considered as the most important factor for comparing


17. Why is total income not a useful measure for comparing countries?

18. Why is per capita income for countries calculated in dollars?

19. “The earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all, but not enough to satisfy the

greed of even one person”. Discuss.

20. “The present type and levels of development ate not sustainable”. Why?

21. Why is ground water overused?

22. What do you mean by human development index? Explain its components.

23. Define: per capita income, infant mortality rate, literacy rate, net attendance ratio,

body mass index, life expectancy at birth, gross enrolment ratio.


1. Define: sectors, gross Domestic Product, primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector,

under employment or disguised unemployment.

2. Explain the economic activities in an economy.

3. “Production of goods by exploiting natural resources is an activity of the primary sector.”


Page 38: Social Science Question Bank (2)

4. Why the primary sector is also called agriculture and related sector?

5. Why the secondary sector is also called as the industrial sector?

6. Why the tertiary sector is also called as the service sector?

7. List those activities of the service sector which directly do not help in production but have

become important for the development of the country.

8. Explain the interrelationship and the difference between the primary, secondary and the

tertiary sectors.

9. How can you say that sectors in an economy are interdependent on each other?

10. How do we count the various goods and services and know the total production in each


11. Mention the precautions that have to be taken up in order to count various goods and

services in an economy.

12. Why are only final goods and services counted?

13. How is gross domestic product measured in India?

14. What does the history of developed countries indicate about the shifts that have taken

place between sectors?

15. How can you say that the importance of the sectors has changed?

16. “A general pattern has been seen in the economy of developed countries about the

shift from secondary to tertiary sector.” Justify.

17. Explain the reasons for the rising importance of the tertiary sector in the Indian


18. How can you say that the tertiary sector has emerged as the largest producing sector

in India in the year 2003? Which sector has it replaced? Give reasons in support of your


19. Which are the basic services in a developing country for which the government has to

take the responsibility?

20. What is the impact of rising income levels in big cities on certain sections of the


21. “The whole of the service sector is not growing equally well. Justify.

22. Why is only a part of the service sector growing in importance?

23. “A remarkable change has occurred in the share of the three sectors in GDP and

employment in India”. Justify.

24. Why has there been very little shift of employment from the primary sector to the

secondary and tertiary sectors? What has been the result?

25. Explain under employment or disguised unemployment. How can it be cured?

26. How can you say that under employment also exists in the service sector?

27. How can we create more employment opportunities in rural, semi-rural and urban


28. How can we increase employment opportunities for farmers and people working in the

service sectors?

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29. What problems led to the implementation of the NREGA 2005?

30. Explain the objectives of implementing NREGA 2005.

31. NREGA 2005 is referred to as “Right to Work”. Why?

32. Explain the problems of workers in the unorganized sector and discuss their possible


33. Why do governments spend heavily on public services?

34. Explain the importance of the public sector.

35. Why does the private sector not provide essential services at reasonable cost?

36. Classify economic activities on the basis of who owns the assets and is responsible for

the delivery of services.

37. Differentiate between: organized sector and unorganized sector, public and private

sector, unemployment and disguised unemployment, open unemployment and disguised


38. Why are workers forced to enter unorganized sector jobs?

39. How can small and marginal farmers be supported and protected?

40. Why is support to the unorganized sector important by the government?

41. Why is the classification of economic activities into primary, secondary and tertiary

useful? Explain.

42. How are activities in the economy classified on the basis of employment conditions?

43. Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organized sector and

unorganized sector.

44. Explain how the public sector contributes to national development.

45. The workers of the unorganized sector need protection on the following issues: wages,

safety and health. Explain with examples.


1. What are the uses of money?

2. What is the importance of money?

3. Define barter system and discuss its disadvantages.

4. Explain the functions of money.

5. What are the modern forms of money?

6. Explain the type of demand deposits with the banks.

7. Explain the system of accepting deposits by the banks.

8. What are demand deposits?

9. Define: collateral, terms of credit, cheque, double coincidence of wants, depositors and


10. Why are demand deposits considered as money?

11. What do banks do with the deposits which they accept from the public?

12. How is a bank able to manage only with 15 % of the deposits as cash for their daily


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13. What is the main source of income for the bank?

14. How can credit play a negative as well as a positive role?

15. What are the reasons for demand of credit in rural areas?

16. What step can be taken if the borrower fails to repay the loan?

17. On which factor does the variation in the terms of credit depend?

18. Why do lenders ask for collateral while lending?

19. What are the various sources of credit in rural areas in India? Also list their uses.

20. Compare the terms of credit for a small farmer, medium farmer and a landless

agricultural worker.

21. Differentiate between: formal and informal sources of credit in India. Give two

examples of each.

22. How does the reserve Bank of India supervise the functioning of the formal sources of


23. How can a high interest rate on loans lead to debt trap?

24. Why do banks and cooperative societies need to lend more specially in rural areas?

25. Cheap and affordable credit is crucial for any country’s development. Why? Explain.

26. What kind of pattern has been witnessed in India regarding the availing of loans in

rural and urban areas by rich and poor people?

27. Why should credit at reasonable rates be made available for all?

28. Which is the main reason that prevents the poor from getting bank loans?

29. Define Self-help Group. Explain its importance.

30. Explain the working of Self-help Group.

31. What is the importance of the formal and informal sources of credit for people in urban


32. How does money solve the problem of double coincidence of wants? Explain with the

help of an example.

33. Why do we need to expand the formal sources of credit in India?


1. Our markets have been transformed in the recent years. Justify.

2. Define a Multi-national Corporation, investment, foreign investment, globalization, trade

barrier, trade quota, special economic zones and liberalization.

3. What was the main channel in ancient times connecting distant countries?

4. Examine the native and positive impacts of a multi national corporation on a developing


5. Differentiate between: MNC and other companies; foreign trade and foreign investment.

6. Analyse the ways by which the multi-national corporations are spreading and expanding

their production.

7. How does foreign trade help in the integration of markets? Explain.

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8. Discuss the negative and positive role of a multi-national corporation in the globalization


9. What are the various ways in which countries can be linked?

10. Analyse the factors that have enabled the globalization process.

11. How is information technology connected with globalization? Would

globalization have been possible without expansion of information technology?

12. How has technology helped in the process of globalization?

13. How has information technology played a major role in spreading

out production of services across countries?

14. What do you understand by the liberalization of foreign trade?

15. Why does any government impose trade barriers?

16. Why did the Indian government put barriers to foreign trade and

investment after independence?

17. Examine the policy changes in the Indian economy around 1991.

18. Why were barriers on foreign trade and investment removed to a

large extent after 1991?

19. What does relaxation of barriers on foreign trade and foreign

investment mean?

20. Why should there be no barriers to trade and investment in any


21. What are trade quotas? Can trade quotas also be used as trade


22. What do you understand by the term WTO? What is the aim of


23. What are the negative and positive impacts of WTO on developing

and developed economies?

24. What steps can be taken to encourage fair trade between


25. Examine the positive and negative impacts of globalization on the

Indian economy.

26. Why do governments try to attract foreign investment?

27. a] What are the three things that small companies need to

compete better nationally as well as internationally? b] How can these things help Indian

producers? Why would a multi-national corporation invest in them? What is the role of

government in providing these facilities and why? What other steps any government would

take to help small producers?

28. What is the impact of competition on employment statistics in


29. What can be done by the governments and industrialists so that

the workers get a fair share of benefits of globalization?

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30. Examine the flexible employment policies by companies and their

impact on employers and workers.

31. What are the special steps taken up by the central and state

governments to attract foreign companies to invest in India?

32. In what ways has competition affected workers, Indian exporters

and foreign multi-national corporations in the garment industry?

33. What can be done by the government, employers at the exporting

factories, multi-national corporations and workers so that the workers get a fair share of

the benefits bought by globalization?


1. How do consumers participate in the market?

2. What kinds of tricks are adopted by the people in the informal sector to bind the borrower?

3. Why are rules and regulations required in the market place?

4. Explain the forms of consumer exploitation.

5. Discuss the factors that cause consumer exploitation.

6. “Markets do not work in a fair manner.” Justify.

7. What is the role of the government to protect consumers?

8. What were the reasons that led to the rising of consumer movement around the world?

9. Explain the reasons that originated the consumer movement as a ‘social force’ in India.

10. Discuss the rights and duties of a consumer.

11. “There are rules and regulations, but are often not followed.” Why.

12. “There are rules and regulations, but are often not followed.” Justify.

13. What are the various details to be considered while buying a commodity from the


14. Why does the manufacturer display information about any product?

15. Mention the changes in the right to Information Act.

16. What do you mean by Right to Choose?

17. What can be done so that the consumers are not deprived of their rights?

18. What are the impacts of consumer movements in India?

19. What is the importance of ISI and Agmark in protecting the consumers?

20. Differentiate between a consumer court and a consumer protection council.

21. How is standardization of products done at the international level?

22. Critically examine the progress of consumer movement in India.

23. Explain the need for consumer consciousness.