social security office l maintenance o reveals filing ... · seminar under wav bringing with him...

PeWaw, April 4, Beneficiaries Social Security Office Reveals Filing Deadline April 15 is an important date for Social Security beneficiaries who worked in 1968. Miles Davis. district manager of the Torrance Social Security Office, said today. For beneficiaries who worked nd earned more than $1.880 last year, this is the deadline for making an annual report of earnings, he said. The report is not required. Davis said, of any- one who was age 7! or older dur- ing Uie entire year. People of that age may earn as much as they can and still be entitled to an their Social Security benefits. THE ANNUAL REPORT.! Most beneficiaries will receive Davis explained, is used to de- the report form in the mail, term'ne the correct amount of Davis said, but for Uiose who I Social Security benefits payable did not. the report is still due by for 1968. A beneficiary who April 15. The Social Security of-, earned $1.680 or less is entitled | fice will be glad to send the to benefits for all 12 months If | form to anyone who calls, earnings were more than 11.680. writes, or visits the office and some or all of the benefits are asks for it. Davis said not payable But regardless of * * * how much a person earns, he IF A •ENEFiaAllY would will get his Social Security ben- Ilke ""P m co^P" 1"* tj* r*- ,efit for any month in which hejP011 - D-vis added, he should vis- learns wages of $140 or less and ll S0 1 Sccunt >' offlce is not actively self-employed. Doctor Study of * Attends New Bu C- Seminar Under Wav bringing with him the W-2 form his employer gave him. Benefi-, claries who were self-employed ] in 1968 should bring * copy of their 19*8 tax returns, Davis, said. ' Th* Social *"*"*>' (Hftce for 'his area is located at 1408 Cren- shay Blvd. Hours of operation at 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and un- til 7:30 p m on Wednesdays. LiftAL NOTICI ! L O O K in the E S S PH 54 NOTICE Or TRUSTEE'S SALE 104-FR-M-C Dr Robert E. F Fleming. Sen Ralph C. Dills (D-San Torrance optometrist, has re- Pedro). chairman of the sub- - ---- - turned from participating in a committee on finance in the Cal- jROTALP ESCROW CORPORATION five-day seminar held at the Los ifornia Senate, announced thati£ ld dul > rtJj;|^ inI l ^1 I£j{>1 ^ ^" Angeles College of Optometry. state budget items his com- dated January u. iws e*ecut*d b The theme of the seminar was mittee has been re-assigned for W,LLT*C M CVTRELL hu.b.n'd in the child with visually related "udy include the State Depart A L ..MI. « ^..w. «v...v - .....v... ... . ------- . _, ._ , k|r; AVCTION TO HIGHEST BID- 1 volves vision The various meth- cal assistance. DER FOR CASH (payable at time ods Of identification and treat- D ,. .... if Mle In lawful money of Ihe 1 nit- Balew Dills subcommittee was com- : ed state.! at ROTAL ESCROW. ment of these problems were mended by Sen. Randolph Col- : 1 , mSi w*' >d " h caT/Jo ?*" aTiul "«t,1 Studied. lier (D-Yreka), chairman of the This post graduate course was full Fiance Committee, "on the aponsored by the Child Vision expeditious manner with which Care Section of the Optometrtc,} Extension Program Foundation, s Duncan. Okla. t f> 1 f* '' Bank Gams t r QO Ploppc ou have handled the items as- igned to your committee." ; The 1969-70 « 2 billion state wdget now before the Legisla- ure must be acted upon prior to he beginning of the fiscal year text July 1. au riaces To Show Mov * e Tfi Rotllritirr * * chapters of the John ill lldlLtVlll^ jBlrd) s^.y wil , presem ^ Imperial Bank. Los Angeles. filnv-Communism on the Map." Calif., gamed J40 places in its **« showlnK lon>&1 - »l «* standing among the nation's 13,- American Opinion Library. 1532 500 commercial banks, accord- , rj- 3"0!! 5!' P"* "1 * tag to fiEures Just released by 1 *»" at 7:1° P m American Banker. ** » «» With deposits of $43,666.497 fc»we«fc nw wet I'll .U.K3 last Dec. 31, Imperial is now NOTICE TO'CRSOITORS among the 1.100 largest banks , , , c£rtP Sfih* stat. of even though it only opened Its n,,| >inu ) n f° n. l 1, lt r;run ,!r '' , '. V£* doors in 1963. Imperial Bank is headquar- tered at Western and Imperial;* ate of TINA BEASLZT «TRO- URIDC.E. alio known a. TINA B ITROBRIDC.E. and an TINA EDITH TROBRIDGE Deceased Notice la hereby rlren to rrtdl- in LOS Angeles and has Other Of-j lora having claim, again.! the aald ranee. , ourt or lo pre.ent them In the un- ler.lgned at the office of Hitch- nek A Bowman 31515 Hawthorne Bird . Suite 1030 In the City of Tor- nee in the aforesaid County. A « which latter office i* the place of \ -mm-a^m^m r*. f\ bu»ln**a of Ihe undesigned In alt l\ l*Iiigr-*gn matter, pertaining to *aid eelale. ^LI iiicu ;^h,;x m u'., S'A.asV-r xsssa Forces aforeaald within four month* tier the fir.t publication of thu !>ated March M. 19S9 L Maxln* Cro.he- Executrti of the win of aald decendenl Hllchock A Bowman Sgt. Mark A. Davta. son of *»« "j^f« h» » ilvd Mr and Mrs William A Davis. 3615 Emerald St., has arrived for duty at Hickam AFB. Ha- waii. He is a 1*63 graduate of Torrance. High. Marine Cpl. Bobby D. Lu-j kara. son of Mrs R. W. High- tower of 418 W. 212 St., is serv- ing with Marine Air Control Squadron Eight, Marine Air- craft Group 15, Ninth Marine Amphibious Brigade in South Vietnam. ' Navy Capt James D. Wat- ktes. son of Mrs. Edward F. Watkins of 516 Esplanade. Re- doodo Beach, was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V" during ceremonies aboard the nuclear powered guided mis- sile cruiser USS Long Beach at Long Beach. He was cited for meritorious service while serving as Executive Officer board the Long Beach off the coast of Vietnam. Army Pfc. Donald L. Co- bum, 21, son of Mrs. Lela M. Rudolph, 22943 Galua Ave., has been assigned to the 196th In- fantry Brigade near Chu, Vietnam, as a cannoneer. LIOAL NOTICI PH M77 69 4MH3 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS, FICTITIOUS NAME Th* under.igned doen ceitifv he 1. conducting a bu»me»* ai I Ml A. Torrance Blvd. Toiram-e Califor- nia, under the flctillou* firm name of DRYDEN ENGINEERING and that aald firm la cnmpnard uf the following peraon wh<>«« name in full and place ot reeldenre la aa fol- low. GeHiard Zeddien. 1851 A. Tur : ranee Blvd . Torrance Dated March 13. 1969 liKHHARD ZKDD1E8 State of California. Loe Angelea Cuuniy On March 13. 1X9 before me a Notary Public In and for aald Slate S eraonally appeared Gerhard Zed- la* known to me to b* the per- aon whoae name la »ubacrlb*d to Ihe within instrument and acknowl- edged he uecuted the aame (Seal) DOROTHY K 8UMOW8KI Notary Public Mv Cominl»i>lon Expire* April g, 197J T. Mar fl. 28, April 4. U. 1969 Torranc*. Calif. 9M01 Phene: 170-M7I and TO-»»4» r Apill 4. 11. 18. ». 1M9 PM 4474 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No. 151* On April 11. 19S9. al 11:00 a.m.. WESTERN ESCROW COM PANT aa duly appointed Tntit** under and purauant lo Deed of True! dated April 5. 1961 ex*rut*d by STANLEY T KINO and Ll'CY C KING and recorded April 10 1983. a* Inilr No 1444. In book T 2341. pace 2TT. of Official Record* in the office ol the County Recorder of L»* Ante. Ir. County. California. WILL SELL AT PfBLIC AUCTION TO HIGH- KST UIDDKR FOR CASH Ipay able at time of .ale in lawful mon- ey of the I'nited State*) al the en- tranre to 106 South Lociut Street. Inglewood. California, all right. title and Intere*! conveyed lo *n< now held h> it under eald Deed of Truit In Ihe property iltualed In Couni> and Slate described a* Lot 94 of Tract No. 1T5SO. a* per map recorded In Book 4M. Page* 43 to t~ imlu.ue of Map*. In The office _ ,.f ihe County R*. order of EXCEPT* \herefrom that portion thereof dencrlbed aa follow* Hegiiiiiuig 4t Ihe norlheaal corner of aid Lot thence along the northerly line of mid Lot. wealerl) lo Ihe northwe.t ,,,rner of uld Lot: thence along the westerly line of laid Lot .outherly. TuO feet thence in a di- rect line >outheailerly. to a point on the eauterly line of .aid Lot duiant noulherly 33m fe«t from "aid nortliea.t corner thence northrrl). 13 lil feel along aald eoaterly line lo Ihe point of begin mm. aa granted to the State of Cal Ifornl. by deed recorded April JO i'J60 in Book D-S19, Page «T7. Ol ficlal Recorda AIJO EXCE1>T SO per cent of al mineral*, oil. gaa and other hydro carbon aubatance* In and/or unde »aid land, aa reaerved In the dee< hy Win Siemon and wife, recordet Augu. i rj l'J03. In Book 42440. Page 323. Official Recorda Rdl.l nitle will be made but with out covenant or warranty. e»pre« or Implied regarding title, poi-ner remaining principal aum uf the note vcured uy aald Deed of Triut. to wit 1967316. with Inlerext from Auguat 10. 19SS u In aald note pro vlded. advance*, if any. under the term* of aaid Deed of Trunl feet chargea and expense* of Ihe Truate nnd of the truata created by aaid Deed or Truat The beneficiary undei aald Dee, of Tru.l by reason of a breach or default in the obligationa >e cured thereby, heretofore executed and delivered to Ihe uader.lgned written Declaration of Default and Demand for Hale, and wiltten no lice of bieach and of election t cau*e the undersigned to lell »ai properly to »atlaf» aaid obllgatluna nnd thereafiei. on December 11 196*. the undesigned cauaed >ai in. the of hremh and of election t be recorded In book M 3068, pag 885. of »aid Official Reiord* Date March 14 1969 Weateru Kitcrow Company aa aaid Tru.lee Bv Philip H Harrla Attorney for Truitee SP 19101 title and Intereat conveyed to and) Trout In the property iltuated In the Judicial dlatrtct of South Bay. n >ald County and Stat* described an Lot 75 Tract 19736. aa per map recorded in Book 499. Pagea X) to =2 lnclu*lre of Map* In the office of the County Recorder of aald County Said Ml* will b* mad* but with- out covenant or warranty, txpre** or Implied, regarding; till*, poeeee- ilon. or encumbrance*, lo pw the remaining principal attm of Uw note .ecuredby »*ld D«*d of Trait. to-wit 13 SSS.n. with Inter**! from June IS 1963 a* In aald not* pro. term, of .aid Deed of Truat. fee». charge* and expenae* of the Tru.tee and of the trual* created by aald Deed of Tru.t The beneficiary under aald Deed of Trust, by reaeon of a breaeh or default In the obligation* eecured delivered to the undenlgned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and written notice the underelgned lo .ell aaid proper- Sto *atliify aald obligation*, and ereafter. on Notember 6. 196S. the breach and of election lo be re- corded In hook M3034. peg* 72S. of aid Of fui*' Record* Date March 30 196* ROYAL ESCROW CORPORA- TION aa eald Trualee. Bv Edward A L* V*qu*. Jr. IPS 191 IB P Mar » Apr 4 11 1969 PHM79 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ULK TRANSFER (S«c« 6101-6107 fCC.) Creditor* of Pnd* * Oroom Pet Shop Transferor, wlio-e bualneaa ddreaa 1* JS71 Pacific Coait Hwy "orrance. County of I^>* Angeie* Stale of California that a bulk raneier 1* about to be made lo Jo- Mpa O. Canter Transferee whoa* .oatMaa add re.* I. Mil Stat* ltr**t. South Gate. County of La* Angel**. Slat* of California The properly to be Iran. fered Vocal ad at 321 Pacific Coa*l Hwy.. Tor- ranc* County of Lo* Angeie.. State f California Said property la deacrlbed In gen- ral aa All atock In trad* fixture* equipment and good will of thai Pet. 4 Pet BupplTea builne** known a* Pride ft Groom and located at 521 Pacific Coa»l Hwy.. Torrance. County of Lo* Angel**. Slat* of California The bulk tran*f*r will b* con- nimmated on or after the 14th dej of April 1969 al 9 a m at Pride i Groom ZU1 Pacific Coa*t Hwy orrnnr*. County of Lo* Angeie* llate of California. So far aa known to the Trana- eree all bu.lne.. name* and ad- drea»e* uaed by the Transferor for he three year* laal paal. are Same l*d Marchjo^W»|. Q CANTi:H Tranafer** William M. Stcrntald !9IO W. Imaarlal Hwy. Inglewoed. California 90W P April 4. I960 PH H83 T-srrn NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOFI PROBATE OF WILL No SW P 6417 In the Superior Cuurt of Ihe State of California for Hie County of I-o. Angeln In the matter of the Eatate of KENNETH E OLSON alto known a* KENNETH BVERETT OLSON Deceaeed Nolle* 1* hereby given that the petition of Betty J*ann* Olaon for he Probate of the Will of the above-named decea**d and for the l**u*nce of Letter* Teatamentarv thereon to the petitioner to which reference I. hereb> made for fur- ther particular* will he heard at 9 Oil oclock A M . on April 111 IMS at the court room of Department HW A of Ihe Ruperloi Court of the Itate of California for the County of Loa Angeie*. Cit> of Torrance Dated March '». 1969 WILLIAM (I SHARP. County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of Ihe Stale »f California for Ihe County of Lo* Angelea. By M J Henry, Deputy Hltchock A Bowman 11514 Hawtherne S)lvd . tune 1010 Farrance. Calif. 90601 Phone; 170-M71 or 772 JI4J Atterneya far P*titl*n*r K W April 4 D 11. 19*9 PH 54S4 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENOAOE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC OEVBRAOES :t-/7-6» To Whom It May Concern & P R E S S J O U N A L CLASSIFIED COLUMNS T E 4 4 5 1 D A 5 Subject to liuuanc* of the licen*e ~ " applied fur. notice u hereby given that the underalgned propo.e* to aell alcoholic beverage* at the piem- i*ea. dewrlbed a* follow* 91176 ikiuth Weitern Ave . Loa Angela* Purauant to auch Intentlun. the under. igned i. applying to tha De- partment of Alcoholic Beverage Con- trol for iMuame by tranafer of at alcoholic beverage llcenae for theaa preml.e* aa follow* On Hale Ceiieral Public Preml.e* imi'i lorporale alock change * 6 0 An>one desiring lu prote.t the *- ^ auaiue uf «u. h Ticeiue may Ilia a 1 aflaW verified prole>t with any office of _ the Department of Alcohnll, Bet erage Control within 30 daya o Ihe date the pi opened premlae* were firm potted itatlng around, for de iiial aa provided by Taw The piem i.e. are now licensed for the .ale o alcoholic beverage* The form o verification may be obtained from any office of the Department LITZCO. INC ^^ o ^^ F -March 21. M. April 4. 196* T. Aorll 4. 19S9 DEATH NOTICI Ml'RAAY. Dennis- pa-lied away March JO Pom June :'4 l!Wi. In San Fram-ln -o Survived hi parent!. Mr .nil Mr. Melwii Tltu». 3 brothers Michael Patrick. Terrence .1 Mstei «. Mary, K 1 1 h 1 e e n Shirle> (Irandparents. Mr. unit Mis Vernon Tllil. Funeral urn ten. 1 p.m April .1. Hulvr, Kin Leavell Mortuarv Inln Park KEEFER. Selma Chr.stliia passed awa) April 1 Botn No> 4. 1SW in Minnesoia Survived bv son. Colonel Win Kceler. u . 1 grandchi <lr«n. Mrs Bruce Li Mlllci. Te*as Sp 4 Will K h>crei Jr . Vlet Nun. 1 greatgrami- rhlld. 3 (Intern. Ke\ Alii e EngeibreUmn. Minnesota. Es- ther Hitch-nil L*guna Beacn 3 brothers. Eddie tngelbrel on Ed Engel of Minnesota Services «ere held J p.m April .1 Chapel of the BelK Stone * Myera Mortuar). 1.O- f*.\Efe.l>. L*AUI«e p«S*ed awav March 30. Born Auf 19. I91U in Mississippi. Survived by H slstei.. Bornara Bold*. Sarah Webb. Othella Freeman. Jo Anna Jone.. Katie Lee IIII1-. Je»sie Berk. Melimla Ep|>< V of Illinois. Emma MOIM* <'f Tenne-see brothers. Thorn..; Brown of Illinois Servi, xn.i inlemient will be held in E*»t SI U>uls Illinois Alone * M>ers Mortuary In charge of D6SltN"?.riZ, Marlo - pw,e,l ewa> March 31 Born Marrh 17. 1945. In Oinard. Calif, ur. vived by wife. Unda Lee. son Marlo Jr rarent>. Mi and Mrs F.nnque Domlnguei of Torram-» 1 .Isttrs. Vera ot San Jo-r. Ruth Martinet of Torrance, S brother', llenn . of Wilnimmon Raymond. North Hollywood. Eddie Ore- don Robert Vlet N*m Tom- my. T..rr»n, e Ma«< wa> held April .' at 8 nm. Holy F»m- ih Chiirrh, W 1 ( m I n < I « n 10 a m All Soulii Cem^ter» Long Beach Stone * Myer.« t. HHV.IX.r Don.. Jean p«.«-e,l .««% Mari-h .V Born De, 4. IMO m Denn(.«f>n. Tem Sur- Tiied bv rl«u«hter Pamelii Carner. Torran, e wn. Ml,-h- ael Marruto LA Mother Erlon Settlemlre. of Tenne.- e father. T.eo B..»««. Wheatland. rallf 1 «|.ter- Delphme Palarlon Tu«lln Sery ire* April 4. in » m Chap- el of the Bell, stone * My- awa> April a Born Ort In 1888 In Pennsylvania Survlyr.i by »lfe. Anna 3 »ns Wil- liam of Torrare. WeMey of Nonralk Henrv of Penn«>l- vania J daughter*. Loi> TJII an. Torrnm-e Anna Wllmin Tnan brother Ovde of Penn-ylvanla « Krandchll- dren 4 (real (randrhlldren Serviced April 5. 1pm. Chap- el of the Bell* Stone * Mv- er» Mortuary. Interment R.-.- *lll<Mefnor1a^ark______ 6 t/vrs »isn BACH IN WILMINGTON DISTRtrT 4 I/1TS i-.r^'n Hllln Valued at M.V S.ibmi! often l.-fi.lfiST LOST and FOUND I»ST Trl-rolor ''ollle «n«wer« In « . of Alam>da A Par Cut ''•' :\ T.MO or 4J1-574T TERSONALS 14 WANTED OVER WEIGHT WOMEN fr«r re*ear»'h welcht redurlni Rrnfram to entabhih latldln >r rapid permanent weight lo». mu«t * Be minimum 10 pound* n?er weight * Have own transportation * Not be under medlral rare Confidential Call Today Mr. Lane 3TT-6n44 Let exper leather help jfoilr rhild learn to read All ace*. your honv S3 wk. Other «ub- Iert> 425-4949 T»ur houM laJajr If rou «M the ri..«if|ed Way 33* « </ or KM-4H1 POOH UllADES" ReAdinc could be the problem 1 ran heir >mir rhild learn to read 13 S wk Kr" le.l Kn -t:^ '-- >.e»., r e 9«m DRESSMAKING ~" nd ALTERATIONS 19 DRtSSMAKINO * AI.TKRAT1ON8 raperlenred reanonahlr Call «S5^«65 INCOMI TAX 20 R-K Incomt Tax Service HAVE'R TAXES DONK your own home thla TRT OUR nwnVrale prlrea - faat <ervlie . - appoinimenti or free roniuliatlona «n your problem^ 5^ 773 TE 5-7920 TE 0-7347 Working man* tax .p'.-ihlini. Since IKM With or without appointment For Individual* all .. hi-dulee Inrludlng rental uu "in. Reaannable 1Ot» W. Caraoo W. MS- MHO OOafMLJffB IHdftliB tut fcrrleejB Uw prtvam «l your a^y 8J IS» I&' 1- HOMISntVICIS MiscclUnMvs M KARRIC KAI.K Cl,«lr .n,t tm.!, I?N ll>. ..Kllni (.«,!, n, K . h ... .. M3-HI HOME SERVICES Ruq & ^Upholtttf^ Cj«o»hi4|3( Fabric Sale 2 Pi«c« Divan & Chair $87.00 Choica o( fibrie fire C.tnimi, 542-2341 A. & L. UPHOLSTERY No owrhrad Very low i»t«t Free Pii-kup * Delivery OTICI Many luting. In the claui fioallonn Einpluyment of fered Men' or ''knipluymcn offered Women' ai« nf,i in tended to esc lude or diu-our age applliutiona from per aona of the otliei »«x Suih li.llnga are for the conven lent-e of readera l«-,au»e 40111* occupation, aie . -nnxl'lerei one it* than the ..lli-r' crimination in employ-men becauae of aei la prohibited by the 1%4 Civil Righti A. with certain en-eptioni (where iex U a l>ona fid' qualifn-ation firm, with le» than 100 employee, etc ) Ad vertlaemenU contalnini thf abbreviation "M." * "F " i> other rihraaeii aut-h »a "Op*-r to men or women" 'Equa opportunity employei " "Ope to either .ex ' ! Kngineer dk-ate that the ponltioni ar open to either qualified met or women. HOME SERVICES Mitcwllinoout 21 HOME SERVICES Mitcellaneou* 21 MAINTENANCE APT. HOUSE OFFICE Specializing In PAINTING & REPAIRS DAY OR NITE LICENSED-INSURED 320-3767 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 31 KI.ECTRH-IAN LICENSED Lowe.«t prl.-e« Work )ru»r Tree Katimnte* FA S-St>." UILOINO A SuppliM 34 MAIN link feme gulv Run Kt ;.'. r,ate» reduc At it f)pen T d»v NF. 9-4011 CARPENTRY nd Repairs 35 ROOFS FOR LESS ( RKK ESTIMATES R^nmr On All T>-pc« K\ST TERMS TK .'-W Work Al.o Shinflinc Plion- I. Rymi STfvRTT.' CARPENTRY A CABINETS SMALL JOBS INVITED Call for low hid 834-3S3S KITCHEN' Cabinet.. - Reason .vhle Pn.-e« Free Eatlmatee 1- ,. S"-. .-.. XSVailW aft 4 DECORATING 34 Painting, Psperhsnglng C SOMMF.RS P.intme and Ptiperhancine Free i-.timates. R K WHITWoRTH paitrmc De.-or»lm* Fre- E..lima|e Neat w.->rk 1U.' D 187th St fl.inlenil DA 4-f*d7 I'JircK'S PAINTING 4> Fair Rale. Rxprrt Work l"AINTIXc. INTERIOR * EX TERIOR FREE F.ST 3" TEARS EXPER C ALL MASONRY Walk Patio,, «tc. 38 PATH'S Walk Drtvewayii Brick * Stone planter. * Venerr Block Wall. Slate * Terraxto. Flreplarea ft Wa terfall- SM4M2. Sn-1771 SPWINKin SYST1MS 39 LAWN' SPRtNKLF.RS In.liiUd n- Repaired M.-c.^ SP- nkl-r> PL "-9OT: GARDENING Lafrdtcap)i»4j 40 denlnK work Nev lawna In- atalled Fr.e enliniale. Day or evening ,all« KM-krn ;EN Cleaning 4 M.lntrn.n.e Mowing ft edltng Free ».Mm»l-« F\ «.«*¥. Mowing. Edging ft Cleanup" Reasonable 3V -MOI CARDKNINC, ft LAWN CITTINC, SERVICE Free F.«tlm«le Tall 339-MI7 EXPER LANDSCAPING Trlmlng. Renovating Prunlnr. Halillnir ft Cleanup Free Rj.tlmale, Call TTMn-14 TOP SOIL General Cleanup. Exravatlng Ijind«-apln» Sprinkler! Wrought Iron Rate* ft Fenre TE 5-2629 JapKltene- American Kxperien>-«d .Tn-flNO ReliabI-- Experienced UOS'f ill.V yAlS'TKXAS'cT OKVERAL Cl.EANfP IJkWN RENOVATINO Kxp Japfine... Amerl.-an Free EXPERIENCED Japanese Gardener SJJ-1700 GARDENING LET BILL DO IT DA4-19T1 Kxi'KrlllENC'Eb GOO<I Japa- neae-Amertcan Gardener DA »-MnO PIONEER UkWN rlRMVK'R Servlnr all S.. R.t Are. EMPLOYMENT Off«r«d. M.H 6e MOVING, HAULING nd Storage 44 Baker Moving Service FAST a IlKASONAtUjE R.U 0707 7 dn» H.VI-7'K>. Light Hauling A Moving t'all Sonnv Frr« F..«tlmate. .lM-»/ii '24 Hi Servi,-- \RD. C.ARAC.K CLEANTP Haul anyihitii - Rra«ona\i v Call j:i-r*i7s MUSIC. Dcmclitf,. Etc. 50 PRIVAl'E I'KIV in-tni,-tlon. Modern te, hni,|iie A improyi- «ion Profeoional arli«t ln«l S.V»-!v4l7 SCHOOLS SI TUTORING All Subject* and Language, our ne.rh,^ FREE' Real KMat. llcenee preparation oour.e I Mien- men i Alii for Mr Knott. DA 7-1 Ml CHAD CARE St LICENSED rhild rare In m> anytime *' ' C* J994J68! LIC CHILD Care d.v or nlte Cur.oii area Fanred vard Meal. (CM-4X1.1 SITUATIONS WANTED WrOIHejW 9v "OLORED LAP"T No habit., unlimited A-l worner Refer- ence. Reasonable 77S.19J7 EMPLOYMENT Offered, Women 44 "AVON IS CALLING" In y,,ur n"igliborli,-od Ihrougli TV Re ihe AVON Repre.enl.. tire and turn .pare time Into aary For Information Call KR 3-11.17. E»l 11 P.B.X. WOMEN full time day ft .vtng Alao part-time dav. ft evening*. Call "OJ-oson between ;-4 p m. IIOV.4ECLEANINC] help Oood pay TT2 31 4d trainee job*, day. and iwtnj B E .1 AC,ENv-T. 4C 8 101 fa* /6R W MftS . rull or part tan-wrt TRUEMAN GIRL DEPENDABLE Temporary Personnel HAS JOBS CALORB CAUL TODAT m-«ii 401 K Manrhe.ter. Ingle RUSH' RUSH' NO FEE LOCAL JOBS ONLY Need Good Temporary Vara lion Relief Skilled Office Em- pWj.e»e. 1 WK-1 MO. -NO R»>- E*e,-iiti«e Serrlce. 433 R Id Hw> . Redondo WOMEN ft GIRLS to work par time In their home .130. n»» EXPERIENCED Eerrow Officer A.k for Mr Knott DA T-tBJI HOlrSEKEEPEH baby altter t tire in working mother. IH-hwl , t e rhltdren »1» nV)n . ........ n (, ,,-,( EMPLOYMENT Offered. Men 44 JOB OPENINGS U.S. STEEL TORRANCE WORKS Electronic Rep«irm<n $4.065 hr. + inewntiv** ElwCiriciftn, $3.905 hr. 4- incentive* M«chini«t $3.905 hr. -t- incentive* Millwright $3.745 hr. + incentive* Rigseri $3.745 hr. + incentive* Detign Dr.ftimen $7S7-$I 17 per. me.* nut. landing fringe henefll. 840 Van Nest Av«., Torrane*. Calif. an equal opportunity employer * BOYS ASE 10 OR OLDER ar* now taking «pplic«tiom for bevi for route opaninqi. L»*rn how to b* Junior De«lor by miniqing your own nawtpaper rout*. Win Prii.i. Conteitj. etc. Earn your own *itr« money. For further information, call: PRESS-HERALD (Torrance Area) 325-1515 PRESS-JOURNAL (Car.on Ar.a) 834-7222 MEN WANTED Over 35 i, Apply iM-tween u p.m. 1 *" j. n, Mil Santa Blvd WE'LL HELP YOU WRITE YOUR WANT AD Call DA 5-6060 TE 4-4581 IMPLOYMINT OMiRIO MM mt/tr W«HM 41 Jobs For Everyone Try Us and Se» e >,,o,ini. payable M.V e Keypunch M2.' e General office t3K e Office Trainee . |S2J e File clerk Ha: e Draftsman trainee to ISW e Operational agent. »4* e Snot welder 13 58 hr u[ e Millmen trainee 12 SO hr ut e Dnllpree. $2 30 hr u] GEORGE AMEY Agency I62S CRENSHAW BLVD Torrance 320-677C ', Blo.-k North of Cataon 23005 l/2 AVALONBLVD Carton 830-767; North of ftepuiveda MPLOYMENT OFFERED E Men emd/or Women 41 MPlOYMr-NT OFFERED Men and/er Women 61 JOBS JOBS JOBS JOBS ALL JOBS WITHIN 7 MILES FREE JOBS Tnp E«er Secretarle. ft Stenon Kdll Typl.'t - Production Control Tvpl»t Warehouse Strn-k Control ArrnunllnK Clerk* Mgmt. tralnee»-0eneral Offne cirl Friday FC TOtpn Rl'SH Rl'SH. RfSH' NO FEF,! NEED C.ixin TF.MPORART VACATION RELIEF SKILLED OFFICE EMPLOYER 1 WK 1 MO. NO FEE FEF MALE FEE FEMALE chine Shop ft Other. Stork ft Clerk* Clark Typlnta ft Oen- Shlpplnr Clerk. Inrentorv eral Off!, e Electronic ft Fac- Clrrk Store Salesmen C.eri- torx Trainee., many - Part eral Office Job., manv mu.t Time Job. Medlral ft Dental Upe Lite Truck Driver. Job. Electronic Te.«ter» Welder* t*. .wing)- A-l Jan- Bkpr. - N,ir.e.« Alrle. Trainee Itor Chem. Miter. Lie Ele< Office Job. Ir rl.n D C f AfCMf V 2 Blls S of Torrance Blvd. D.L.J. AuLnLi 432 s. 101 HWY., R.dondo IAVR Prirate mone, -n , IV e»t in l.t or and Tni«t IVed , (WS-i\.M REAL ESTATE LOANS 1? It l.t LOAN low a. *"~, Inl inl> lfK r Bkr Mr Sloan M6-.1642 T.'SJ-lW*! anMime Real Estate HOMES FOR SALE 90 Con.olldale your Ut .tnd ind lo«n on your home FAST SERVKT SOUTHWEST MORTGAGE CO. 1R47 N Avalon Wllmlngtotl MVT328 Real Estate HOMES FOR SALE tO INCOME PROPERTY ger . apt ha* 2 bedroom. Double garage for itorage and room for wa.her and dryer The. a .lay rented all the time Owner w 11 >ell GI. FHA or XV. down. Drive by 251 5. 251* Madlton. $19,900 1 bedronma. H W fl«.. tile kitchen garbage dl.p , large bed- room.*, fenced yard, detached dhl garage, lot* of landacaplng. Lot toned R-3. .lie 40'il«n Buy C. I or try 10% down. DUPLEX O I no down Ju.t cloelng coat. Front unit nan one bedroom. rear 2 bedroom ha« all new electric kitchen, fenced yard. Thin II priced for a quick tale, uklng S23.90Q. VICTORIA PARK No down to reteran. S bedroom., all room, large, famlry- type kitchen, patio fenced vard. .Ingle garage aheontBat and achool. near by A.klng *19 400 -, CLOSEP SI'NPAT MARIE MURPHY REALTY TE 5-7183 TREES Shrub, are plentiful on thli 112x112 lot. with older 2 bed- irom home UO.OOO. BUILDERS See ttrl. 37.111 »q R. of land In Loniila 175.000 3 UNITS Duplei in front, apartment over garage in rear Good ren- tal a"a fcaonn 10 UNITS Deluxe , u .tom built. Ten little majntenanrf heated, flf- $12,900 Walk to town or but. from thin altractlre 1 bedroom frame Small lot. alee quiet neighborhood Central Torranc* t bedroom, den. 1', bath. Onlv S2795n 3 BEDROOMS Nice condition, near Halldale C-2 TORRANCE Lot Site imim Price S3R.900 FRANCES REAL ESTATE FA 8-0421 3 BEDROOMS TORRANCE VACANT Be fir. I In line to aee thli one Roomy kitchen. W'W carpet- Ing throughout, garage, fenced yard, doc kennel. Only (23.900. &137 P*I GI no down pay- ment or J1SOO down to non veil. RAYMAC REALTY 370-5791 OPEN 'TIL 9 4237 Redondo Beach Bird. Lawndala 5%% GI Resale 3 Bdrm. Rumpus Rm. Only S1000 down. Feature, double garage. 2 bath., hard- wood floor., carpeting, die- poaal. block wall fence, and many ether eilra. Full price 04.500. Hurry, call NU-WAY REALTY 374-3432 320-2770 .Til W Canon BT OWNER 1 Bdrm. Spanleh atucco. II /W fli . Big II*. rm . imall natio Fruit tree. Clone to Catholu Church ft achool. No In D?> rnenl ISO mo full price 190% Call after « p m M5-34M gee at 1113 Emery PI. Wilm tl bl W of Sanford Ave I BUILDERS REPOSSESSION $825 Down Large, near new J plua family room lla. Built-in. Includ Ing di.hwaahei , fireplace, car pet., large fenced »ard with aprlnklera IIWI Pal C47.1 HART REALTY lIMh ft AMU Alpha Beta Ctr PR 1-3551 e e NICE AREA Older 2 bedroom frame carpeting, built In kitchen R-3 lot. 40il27 alley Centra Torrance. Room to build flt.SOO Eaay Terms E. M. PATTERSON REALTY 'M27 Naibuime Iximlla 326-1784 1.4.;,..,. Ige nil. All fa.'lll ll«. 1'artial aacrifu-e. V.,.1 Real Entate 327-337 A GOOD BUY! RMALI. DOWN m f, Bontt Sl -' bedroom. VACANT 50 ft ilOO ft fenced Full price only 113.900 Wll rent until cloar of exrow. SOUTHWEST MORTGAGE COMPANY 1*47 N. Avalon. Wllmlngton «3S-n» e e GI 5'/ 4 % RESALE 3 bedrooma. '1 batha, nice car peta and draper fine neigh borhood. Weal of Hawthorn Blvd Near kiddie park an elemental v ichool, walk t We.l High School Large C.I SVi, loan can be amunied J anyone $16*> pay. everything Alklilg »:'7 950 # 478 HART REALTY 190th ft An*a Alpha Beta Cti PR 1-3551 e e GI, FHA or 10% Down S Bedroom home In Torr»n?a on large R-3 lot. Carpeting. *1»7!W full price Drive by 1604 W 207th. Torrance. then call DA 9-8700 for detail!. $500 DOWN $161 Includes all noon. $111000 full jirtce. Drt»« by 315SO Vera In Canon, than call DA 9-8700 for further da- talla. G.I. NO DOWN $157 Includes all floor., cloie to echoole trana- porution ft .hopping. Lincoln Village, S18.0TO full price. Drive by Jt» E 22Oth 8t , then call for further detalla. 10% DOWN 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Carpeting, patio, double ga- rage Exellent Wllmlngton area IK 500 full price >or further detalla. call DA »-*700. ONLY $135 Mo. Rpacioua 1 bedroom Spanlah dition. Reaiitlfiil kitchen cab- men, dining room, breakfaat ton area »17 3OTI full price. Drive by 1410 Lagoon, then call DA 0-RTOO NEAR HARBOR JC 01 or FHA 1 Bedroom ft den. corner lot Near Harbor < Fwy ft Anaheim CU.OOO full ' price For further detail*, call DA 9-8700 EXCELLENT STARTER 3 Bedroom wall wall carneti. recently redecorated 1»?M O.I appralial Drive by 338 E. Really. Wllmlngton. For fur- ther detail., cal" DA » 8700 GI NO^OWN bullt-ln. di'hwaaher. and re. frlgerator Included 119.900 full price Drive by 341 W. Clarion Drive In Torrance. then for further detalla. eall DA 9-8700 SPINNER REALTY 15401 S. Western if DA 9-8700 ir 3 BEDROOMS PICTURE WINDOW VACANT The wife mult «ee thl* queen .i<e kitchen W W carpeta. Rirage and large (enced yard, nly Kl ODO {147 per month I'ftl to (Jl with no down pay- ment or 11300 down to non veu RAYMAC REALTY 370-5791 OPEN 'TIL 9 4.'37 Redondo Beach Blvd. Lawndale Will Trade For Boat. Auto, Trailer or Cycle Spanish Stucco 3 Bedroom located in tlimming neighbor- hood, feature., detached ga- rage, emlcned party room with BBg hardwood floor., carpeting, huge Hying room, and park like yard with lota of treea Immediate poaaea- .ion on approved credit Full price only 131 5ttl Call NU-WAY REALTY 374-3432 320-2770 333 W. Caraon THREE BEDROOMS, 1>, BATilS Railed Foundation. HARDWOOD FLOORS BUILT-IN OVEN and Rana-e Hood 1300 SQ FT '1 CAR GARAGE 1115 Ut Loan J25 ) « 1140 TOTAL J2.0UO DOWN Payment will drop to HIS (20UOU Open 1 to 1'ntil «oid nis Ronaa Wilnilngton, Calif HOME t INCOME 1 Bedroom home on lot 41 » 110 ft Narbonne Ave plut atore bldg »U40 ft 1 car ga- rage Full price 134.500 FRED M IIANSKN Realtor 3321 Torrance Blvd . Torrance FA H-VH9 ( Kvei DA 5-80191 Towne & Countrie REALTY 3531R Narbonne Iy>mlta DA 6-2476 riV oWl^ER fioiithwo,.d 3 bed- room. 13« hath, mep down family room with fireplace, di.hwaaher. other extraa. Baa to appreciate. Phone 370-Mafl

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Page 1: Social Security Office L MAINTENANCE O Reveals Filing ... · Seminar Under Wav bringing with him the W-2 form his employer gave him. Benefi-, claries who were self-employed ] in 1968

PeWaw, April 4, m»


Social Security Office

Reveals Filing DeadlineApril 15 is an important date

for Social Security beneficiaries who worked in 1968. Miles Davis. district manager of the Torrance Social Security Office, said today.

For beneficiaries who worked nd earned more than $1.880 last year, this is the deadline for making an annual report of earnings, he said. The report is not required. Davis said, of any­ one who was age 7! or older dur­ ing Uie entire year. People of that age may earn as much as they can and still be entitled to an their Social Security benefits.

THE ANNUAL REPORT.! Most beneficiaries will receive Davis explained, is used to de- the report form in the mail, term'ne the correct amount of Davis said, but for Uiose who I Social Security benefits payable did not. the report is still due by for 1968. A beneficiary who April 15. The Social Security of-, earned $1.680 or less is entitled | fice will be glad to send the to benefits for all 12 months If | form to anyone who calls, earnings were more than 11.680. writes, or visits the office and some or all of the benefits are asks for it. Davis said not payable But regardless of * * * how much a person earns, he IF A •ENEFiaAllY would will get his Social Security ben- Ilke ""P m co^P"1"* tj* r*-

,efit for any month in which hejP011 - D-vis added, he should vis- learns wages of $140 or less and ll "» S0 1 Sccunt >' offlceis not actively self-employed.

Doctor Study of*

Attends New Bu C-

Seminar Under Wav

bringing with him the W-2 form his employer gave him. Benefi-, claries who were self-employed ] in 1968 should bring * copy of their 19*8 tax returns, Davis, said. '

Th* Social *"*"*>' (Hftce for 'his area is located at 1408 Cren- shay Blvd. Hours of operation at 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and un- til 7:30 p m on Wednesdays.


L O O Kin the



104-FR-M-CDr Robert E. F Fleming. Sen Ralph C. Dills (D-San

Torrance optometrist, has re- Pedro). chairman of the sub- - ---- - turned from participating in a committee on finance in the Cal- jROTALP ESCROW CORPORATION five-day seminar held at the Los ifornia Senate, announced thati£ld dul > rtJj;|^ inIl 1 I£j{>1^ ^" Angeles College of Optometry. state budget items his com- dated January u. iws e*ecut*d b

The theme of the seminar was mittee has been re-assigned for W,LLT*CM CVTRELL hu.b.n'd in the child with visually related "udy include the State Depart


..MI. « ^..w. «v...v - .....v... ... . ------- . _, ._ , k|r; AVCTION TO HIGHEST BID- 1volves vision The various meth- cal assistance. DER FOR CASH (payable at timeods Of identification and treat­

D,. .... if Mle In lawful money of Ihe 1 nit- BalewDills subcommittee was com- : ed state.! at ROTAL ESCROW.

ment of these problems were mended by Sen. Randolph Col- : 1, mSiw*'>d" h caT/Jo ?*" aTiul"«t,1Studied. lier (D-Yreka), chairman of the

This post graduate course was full Fiance Committee, "on the aponsored by the Child Vision expeditious manner with whichCare Section of the Optometrtc,} Extension Program Foundation, s Duncan. Okla.

tf> 1 f* ''Bank Gams t

r QO Ploppc

ou have handled the items as- igned to your committee." ; The 1969-70 « 2 billion state

wdget now before the Legisla- ure must be acted upon prior to he beginning of the fiscal year text July 1.

au riaces To Show Mov*eTfi Rotllritirr * * chapters of the John ill lldlLtVlll^ jBlrd) s^.y wil, presem ^

Imperial Bank. Los Angeles. filnv-Communism on the Map." Calif., gamed J40 places in its **« showlnK lon>& 1 - »l «* standing among the nation's 13,- American Opinion Library. 1532 500 commercial banks, accord- , rj-3"0!! 5!' P"* "1 *™ tag to fiEures Just released by 1 *»" at 7:1° P m American Banker. ** » «»

With deposits of $43,666.497fc»we«fc nw wet

I'll .U.K3

last Dec. 31, Imperial is now NOTICE TO'CRSOITORS among the 1.100 largest banks , , , c£rtP Sfih* stat. of even though it only opened Its i£n,,|>inu) n f° n. l1,ltr;run,!r'' , '. V£*doors in 1963.

Imperial Bank is headquar­ tered at Western and Imperial;*

ate of TINA BEASLZT «TRO- URIDC.E. alio known a. TINA B ITROBRIDC.E. and an TINA EDITH TROBRIDGE Deceased Notice la hereby rlren to rrtdl-

in LOS Angeles and has Other Of-j lora having claim, again.! the aald


ourt or lo pre.ent them In the un-ler.lgned at the office of Hitch-nek A Bowman 31515 Hawthorne Bird . Suite 1030 In the City of Tor- nee in the aforesaid County.

A « which latter office i* the place of \ -mm-a^m^m r*. f\ bu»ln**a of Ihe undesigned In alt l\ l*Iiigr-*gn matter, pertaining to *aid eelale.^LI iiicu ;^h,;xmu'., S'A.asV-r xsssa

Forces>« aforeaald within four month* tier the fir.t publication of thu

!>ated March M. 19S9 L Maxln* Cro.he- Executrti of the winof aald decendenl

Hllchock A BowmanSgt. Mark A. Davta. son of *»« "j^f« h» » ilvd

Mr and Mrs William A Davis. 3615 Emerald St., has arrivedfor duty at Hickam AFB. Ha­ waii. He is a 1*63 graduate of Torrance. High.

Marine Cpl. Bobby D. Lu-j kara. son of Mrs R. W. High-tower of 418 W. 212 St., is serv-ing with Marine Air Control Squadron Eight, Marine Air­ craft Group 15, Ninth MarineAmphibious Brigade in SouthVietnam. '

Navy Capt James D. Wat- ktes. son of Mrs. Edward F. Watkins of 516 Esplanade. Re- doodo Beach, was awarded theBronze Star Medal with Combat"V" during ceremonies aboard the nuclear powered guided mis­sile cruiser USS Long Beach atLong Beach. He was cited formeritorious service whileserving as Executive Officer board the Long Beach off the coast of Vietnam.

Army Pfc. Donald L. Co- bum, 21, son of Mrs. Lela M.Rudolph, 22943 Galua Ave., has been assigned to the 196th In­ fantry Brigade near Chu,Vietnam, as a cannoneer.



Th* under.igned doen ceitifv he 1.conducting a bu»me»* ai I Ml A.Torrance Blvd. Toiram-e Califor­nia, under the flctillou* firm name of DRYDEN ENGINEERING andthat aald firm la cnmpnard uf thefollowing peraon wh<>«« name infull and place ot reeldenre la aa fol­ low. GeHiard Zeddien. 1851 A. Tur : ranee Blvd . Torrance

Dated March 13. 1969liKHHARD ZKDD1E8

State of California.Loe Angelea Cuuniy

On March 13. 1X9 before me aNotary Public In and for aald Slate

Seraonally appeared Gerhard Zed-la* known to me to b* the per-

aon whoae name la »ubacrlb*d to Ihe within instrument and acknowl­edged he uecuted the aame(Seal) DOROTHY K 8UMOW8KI

Notary PublicMv Cominl»i>lon Expire*April g, 197J

T. Mar fl. 28, April 4. U. 1969

Torranc*. Calif. 9M01 Phene: 170-M7I and TO-»»4» r Apill 4. 11. 18. ». 1M9


No. 151* On April 11. 19S9. al 11:00 a.m..

WESTERN ESCROW COM PANTaa duly appointed Tntit** underand purauant lo Deed of True! dated April 5. 1961 ex*rut*d by STANLEY T KINO and Ll'CY C KING and recorded April 10 1983. a* InilrNo 1444. In book T 2341. pace 2TT. of Official Record* in the office olthe County Recorder of L»* Ante. Ir. County. California. WILL SELL AT PfBLIC AUCTION TO HIGH- KST UIDDKR FOR CASH Ipay able at time of .ale in lawful mon­ey of the I'nited State*) al the en- tranre to 106 South Lociut Street.Inglewood. California, all right.title and Intere*! conveyed lo *n<now held h> it under eald Deed ofTruit In Ihe property iltualed In Couni> and Slate described a* Lot 94 of Tract No. 1T5SO. a* per map recorded In Book 4M. Page* 43 to t~ imlu.ue of Map*. In The office _ ,.f ihe County R*. order of

EXCEPT* \herefrom that portion thereof dencrlbed aa follow*Hegiiiiiuig 4t Ihe norlheaal corner of aid Lot thence along the northerly line of mid Lot. wealerl) lo Ihenorthwe.t ,,,rner of uld Lot: thence along the westerly line of laid Lot.outherly. TuO feet thence in a di­rect line >outheailerly. to a point on the eauterly line of .aid Lotduiant noulherly 33m fe«t from t» "aid nortliea.t corner thencenorthrrl). 13 lil feel along aald eoaterly line lo Ihe point of begin mm. aa granted to the State of CalIfornl. by deed recorded April JO i'J60 in Book D-S19, Page «T7. Ol ficlal Recorda AIJO EXCE1>T SO per cent of al mineral*, oil. gaa and other hydrocarbon aubatance* In and/or unde »aid land, aa reaerved In the dee< hy Win Siemon and wife, recordet Augu. i rj l'J03. In Book 42440. Page 323. Official Recorda

Rdl.l nitle will be made but with out covenant or warranty. e»pre«or Implied regarding title, poi-ner

remaining principal aum uf the note vcured uy aald Deed of Triut. towit 1967316. with Inlerext fromAuguat 10. 19SS u In aald note pro vlded. advance*, if any. under theterm* of aaid Deed of Trunl feetchargea and expense* of Ihe Truatennd of the truata created by aaidDeed or Truat

The beneficiary undei aald Dee,of Tru.l by reason of a breachor default in the obligationa >ecured thereby, heretofore executed and delivered to Ihe uader.lgned written Declaration of Default andDemand for Hale, and wiltten nolice of bieach and of election tcau*e the undersigned to lell »aiproperly to »atlaf» aaid obllgatluna nnd thereafiei. on December 11196*. the undesigned cauaed >aiin. the of hremh and of election tbe recorded In book M 3068, pag885. of »aid Official Reiord* Date March 14 1969

Weateru Kitcrow Companyaa aaid Tru.lee

Bv Philip H HarrlaAttorney for Truitee

SP 19101

title and Intereat conveyed to and)

Trout In the property iltuated In the Judicial dlatrtct of South Bay. n >ald County and Stat* described

an Lot 75 Tract 19736. aa per map recorded in Book 499. Pagea X) to =2 lnclu*lre of Map* In the office of the County Recorder of aald County

Said Ml* will b* mad* but with­ out covenant or warranty, txpre** or Implied, regarding; till*, poeeee- ilon. or encumbrance*, lo pw the remaining principal attm of Uw note .ecuredby »*ld D«*d of Trait. to-wit 13 SSS.n. with Inter**! from June IS 1963 a* In aald not* pro.

term, of .aid Deed of Truat. fee». charge* and expenae* of the Tru.teeand of the trual* created by aald Deed of Tru.t

The beneficiary under aald Deed of Trust, by reaeon of a breaeh ordefault In the obligation* eecured

delivered to the undenlgned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and written notice

the underelgned lo .ell aaid proper- Sto *atliify aald obligation*, and

ereafter. on Notember 6. 196S. the

breach and of election lo be re­ corded In hook M3034. peg* 72S. of aid Of fui*' Record* Date March 30 196*


Bv Edward A L* V*qu*. Jr. IPS 191 IBP Mar » Apr 4 11 1969



(S«c« 6101-6107 fCC.)

Creditor* of Pnd* * Oroom PetShop Transferor, wlio-e bualneaaddreaa 1* JS71 Pacific Coait Hwy "orrance. County of I^>* Angeie*

Stale of California that a bulkraneier 1* about to be made lo Jo-

Mpa O. Canter Transferee whoa* .oatMaa add re.* I. Mil Stat*ltr**t. South Gate. County of La*

Angel**. Slat* of California Theproperly to be Iran. fered l« Vocal adat 321 Pacific Coa*l Hwy.. Tor­ ranc* County of Lo* Angeie.. State f California Said property la deacrlbed In gen-

ral aa All atock In trad* fixture*equipment and good will of thaiPet. 4 Pet BupplTea builne** knowna* Pride ft Groom and located at

521 Pacific Coa»l Hwy.. Torrance.County of Lo* Angel**. Slat* of California

The bulk tran*f*r will b* con-nimmated on or after the 14th dej of April 1969 al 9 a m at Pride i Groom ZU1 Pacific Coa*t Hwy orrnnr*. County of Lo* Angeie* llate of California. So far aa known to the Trana-eree all bu.lne.. name* and ad-

drea»e* uaed by the Transferor for he three year* laal paal. are Same

l*d Marchjo^W»|. Q CANTi:H

Tranafer** William M. Stcrntald!9IO W. Imaarlal Hwy. Inglewoed. California 90W P April 4. I960



In the Superior Cuurt of Ihe State of California for Hie County of I-o. Angeln In the matter of the Eatate of KENNETH E OLSON alto known a* KENNETH BVERETT OLSON Deceaeed

Nolle* 1* hereby given that thepetition of Betty J*ann* Olaon for he Probate of the Will of the

above-named decea**d and for the l**u*nce of Letter* Teatamentarv thereon to the petitioner to whichreference I. hereb> made for fur­ ther particular* will he heard at9 Oil oclock A M . on April 111 IMSat the court room of Department HW A of Ihe Ruperloi Court of theItate of California for the County

of Loa Angeie*. Cit> of TorranceDated March '». 1969

WILLIAM (I SHARP. County Clerk and Clerk of the SuperiorCourt of Ihe Stale »f California for Ihe County of Lo* Angelea.

By M J Henry, Deputy Hltchock A Bowman 11514 Hawtherne S)lvd .tune 1010 Farrance. Calif. 90601 Phone; 170-M71 or 772 JI4J Atterneya far P*titl*n*r K W April 4 D 11. 19*9



To Whom It May Concern






4 5



Subject to liuuanc* of the licen*e ~ "applied fur. notice u hereby given that the underalgned propo.e* toaell alcoholic beverage* at the piem-i*ea. dewrlbed a* follow* 91176ikiuth Weitern Ave . Loa Angela*

Purauant to auch Intentlun. theunder. igned i. applying to tha De­partment of Alcoholic Beverage Con­trol for iMuame by tranafer of at alcoholic beverage llcenae for theaa preml.e* aa follow*

On Hale Ceiieral Public Preml.e*imi'i lorporale alock change



An>one desiring lu prote.t the *- ^auaiue uf «u. h Ticeiue may Ilia a 1 aflaW verified prole>t with any office of _ the Department of Alcohnll, Beterage Control within 30 daya oIhe date the pi opened premlae* werefirm potted itatlng around, for de iiial aa provided by Taw The piemi.e. are now licensed for the .ale oalcoholic beverage* The form overification may be obtained fromany office of the Department



oF -March 21. M. April 4. 196* T. Aorll 4. 19S9


Ml'RAAY. Dennis- pa-lied away March JO Pom June :'4 l!Wi. In San Fram-ln -o Survived hi parent!. Mr .nil Mr. Melwii Tltu». 3 brothers Michael Patrick. Terrence .1 Mstei «. Mary, K 1 1 h 1 e e n Shirle> (Irandparents. Mr. unit Mis Vernon Tllil. Funeral urn ten. 1 p.m April .1. Hulvr, Kin Leavell Mortuarv Inln

ParkKEEFER. Selma Chr.stliia

passed awa) April 1 Botn No> 4. 1SW in Minnesoia Survived bv son. Colonel Win Kceler. T»u . 1 grandchi <lr«n. Mrs Bruce Li Mlllci. Te*as Sp 4 Will K h>crei Jr . Vlet Nun. 1 greatgrami- rhlld. 3 (Intern. Ke\ Alii e EngeibreUmn. Minnesota. Es­ ther Hitch-nil L*guna Beacn 3 brothers. Eddie tngelbrel on Ed Engel of Minnesota Services «ere held J p.m April .1 Chapel of the BelK Stone * Myera Mortuar). 1.O-

f*.\Efe.l>. L*AUI«e p«S*ed awavMarch 30. Born Auf 19. I91U in Mississippi. Survived by H slstei.. Bornara Bold*. Sarah Webb. Othella Freeman. Jo Anna Jone.. Katie Lee IIII1-. Je»sie Berk. Melimla Ep|>< V of Illinois. Emma MOIM* <'f Tenne-see brothers. Thorn..; Brown of Illinois Servi, e« xn.i inlemient will be held in E*»t SI U>uls Illinois Alone * M>ers Mortuary In charge of

D6SltN"?.riZ, Marlo - pw,e,l ewa> March 31 Born Marrh 17. 1945. In Oinard. Calif, ur. vived by wife. Unda Lee. son Marlo Jr rarent>. Mi and Mrs F.nnque Domlnguei of Torram-» 1 .Isttrs. Vera ot San Jo-r. Ruth Martinet of Torrance, S brother', llenn . of Wilnimmon Raymond. North Hollywood. Eddie Ore- don Robert Vlet N*m Tom­ my. T..rr»n, e Ma«< wa> held April .' at 8 nm. Holy F»m- ih Chiirrh, W 1 ( m I n < I « n

10 a m All Soulii Cem^ter» Long Beach Stone * Myer.« t.

HHV.IX.r Don.. Jean p«.«-e,l .««% Mari-h .V Born De, 4. IMO m Denn(.«f>n. Tem Sur- Tiied bv rl«u«hter Pamelii Carner. Torran, e wn. Ml,-h- ael Marruto LA Mother Erlon Settlemlre. of Tenne.- e father. T.eo B..»««. Wheatland. rallf 1 «|.ter- Delphme Palarlon Tu«lln

Sery ire* April 4. in » m Chap­ el of the Bell, stone * My-

awa> April a Born Ort In 1888 In Pennsylvania Survlyr.i by »lfe. Anna 3 »ns Wil­ liam of Torrare. WeMey of Nonralk Henrv of Penn«>l- vania J daughter*. Loi> TJII an. Torrnm-e Anna Wllmin Tnan brother Ovde of Penn-ylvanla « Krandchll- dren 4 (real (randrhlldren Serviced April 5. 1pm. Chap­ el of the Bell* Stone * Mv- er» Mortuary. Interment R.-.- *lll<Mefnor1a^ark______


4 I/1TS i-.r^'n Hllln Valued at M.V '» S.ibmi! often


LOST and FOUND I»ST Trl-rolor ''ollle «n«wer«

In « . of Alam>da A Par Cut

• ''•' :\ T.MO or 4J1-574T


WANTEDOVER WEIGHT WOMENfr«r re*ear»'h welcht redurlni Rrnfram to entabhih latldln

>r rapid permanent weight lo». mu«t * Be minimum 10 pound* n?er

weight * Have own transportation * Not be under medlral rare

Confidential Call Today Mr. Lane 3TT-6n44

Let exper leather help jfoilr rhild learn to read All ace*. your honv S3 wk. Other «ub- Iert> 425-4949

T»ur houM laJajr If rou «M the ri..«if|ed Way

33* « </ or KM-4H1POOH UllADES" ReAdinc could

be the problem 1 ran heir >mir rhild learn to read 13 Swk Kr" le.lKn -t:^ '-- >.e»., r e 9«m



raperlenred reanonahlr Call «S5^«65


R-KIncomt Tax ServiceHAVE'R TAXES DONK

your own home thla

TRT OUR nwnVrale prlrea - faat <ervlie . - appoinimenti or free roniuliatlona «n your problem^ 5^773

TE 5-7920 TE 0-7347Working man* tax .p'.-ihlini.

Since IKM With or without appointment For Individual* all .. hi-dulee Inrludlng rental uu "in.

Reaannable 1Ot» W. Caraoo W. MS- MHOOOafMLJffB IHdftliB tut fcrrleejB Uw prtvam «l youra^y 8J IS»I&'1-


KARRIC KAI.K Cl,«lr .n,t tm.!, I?N

ll>. ..Kllni (.«,!, n, K . h ... .. M3-HI

HOME SERVICES Ruq & ^Upholtttf^ Cj«o»hi4|3(

Fabric Sale 2 Pi«c« Divan & Chair

$87.00 Choica o( fibrie

fire C.tnimi,

542-2341A. & L. UPHOLSTERY

No owrhrad Very low i»t«t Free Pii-kup * Delivery

OTICIMany luting. In the claui fioallonn Einpluyment of fered Men' or ''knipluymcn offered Women' ai« nf,i in tended to esc lude or diu-our age applliutiona from per aona of the otliei »«x Suih li.llnga are for the conven lent-e of readera l«-,au»e 40111* occupation, aie . -nnxl'lerei

one it* than the ..lli-r' D» crimination in employ-men becauae of aei la prohibited by the 1%4 Civil Righti A. with certain en-eptioni (where iex U a l>ona fid' qualifn-ation firm, with le» than 100 employee, etc ) Ad vertlaemenU contalnini thf abbreviation "M." * "F " i> other rihraaeii aut-h »a "Op*-r to men or women" 'Equa opportunity employei " "Ope to either .ex ' ! Kngineer

dk-ate that the ponltioni ar open to either qualified met or women.

HOME SERVICES Mitcwllinoout 21

HOME SERVICES Mitcellaneou* 21



Specializing In





Lowe.«t prl.-e« Work )ru»r Tree Katimnte* FA S-St>."

UILOINO A SuppliM 34

MAIN link feme gulv Run Kt ;.'. r,ate» reduc At it f)pen T d»v NF. 9-4011

CARPENTRY nd Repairs 35


R^nmr On All T>-pc« K\ST TERMS TK .'-W

Work Al.o Shinflinc Plion- I. Rymi STfvRTT.'


KITCHEN' Cabinet.. - Reason .vhle Pn.-e« Free Eatlmatee 1- ,. S"-. .-.. XSVailW aft 4

DECORATING 34 Painting, Psperhsnglng

C SOMMF.RS P.intme and Ptiperhancine Free i-.timates.

R K WHITWoRTH paitrmc De.-or»lm* Fre- E..lima|e Neat w.->rk 1U.' D 187th St fl.inlenil DA 4-f*d7 I'JircK'S PAINTING 4>

Fair Rale. Rxprrt Work


MASONRY Walk Patio,, «tc. 38

PATH'S Walk Drtvewayii Brick * Stone planter. * Venerr Block Wall. Slate *Terraxto. Flreplarea ft Wa terfall- SM4M2. Sn-1771

SPWINKin SYST1MS 39LAWN' SPRtNKLF.RS In.liiUd n- Repaired

M.-c.^ SP- nkl-r> PL "-9OT:

GARDENING Lafrdtcap)i»4j 40

denlnK work Nev lawna In- atalled Fr.e enliniale. Day or

evening ,all« KM-krn;EN Cleaning 4 M.lntrn.n.e

Mowing ft edltng Free ».Mm»l-« F\ «.«*¥.Mowing. Edging ft Cleanup"

Reasonable 3V -MOI


Free F.«tlm«le Tall 339-MI7

EXPER LANDSCAPINGTrlmlng. Renovating

Prunlnr. Halillnir ft Cleanup Free Rj.tlmale, Call TTMn-14

TOP SOIL General Cleanup. Exravatlng

Ijind«-apln» Sprinkler! Wrought Iron Rate* ft Fenre

TE 5-2629

JapKltene- American Kxperien>-«d .Tn-flNO

ReliabI-- Experienced


Kxp Japfine... Amerl.-an Free

EXPERIENCED Japanese Gardener



Kxi'KrlllENC'Eb GOO<I Japa- neae-Amertcan Gardener


Servlnr all S.. R.t Are.

EMPLOYMENT Off«r«d. M.H 6e

MOVING, HAULING nd Storage 44

Baker Moving ServiceFAST a IlKASONAtUjE

R.U 0707 7 dn» H.VI-7'K>.

Light Hauling A Movingt'all Sonnv Frr« F..«tlmate.

.lM-»/ii '24 Hi Servi,-- \RD. C.ARAC.K CLEANTP

Haul anyihitii - Rra«ona\i vCall j:i-r*i7s

MUSIC. Dcmclitf,. Etc. 50PRIVAl'E I'KIV in-tni,-tlon.

Modern te, hni,|iie A improyi- «ion Profeoional arli«t ln«l



TUTORINGAll Subject* and Language,

our ne.rh,^ .

FREE' Real KMat. llcenee preparation oour.e I Mien- men i Alii for Mr Knott.

DA 7-1 Ml


LICENSED rhild rare In m>

anytime *' ' C* J994J68!LIC CHILD Care d.v or nlte

Cur.oii area Fanred vard Meal. (CM-4X1.1


"OLORED LAP"T No habit., unlimited A-l worner Refer­ ence. Reasonable 77S.19J7

EMPLOYMENT Offered, Women 44

"AVON IS CALLING"In y,,ur n"igliborli,-od Ihrougli TV Re ihe AVON Repre.enl.. tire and turn .pare time Into

aary For Information Call KR 3-11.17. E»l 11

P.B.X. WOMENfull time day ft .vtng Alao part-time dav. ft evening*. Call "OJ-oson between ;-4 p m.

IIOV.4ECLEANINC] help Oood pay

TT2 31 4d

trainee job*, day. and iwtnj B E .1 AC,ENv-T. 4C 8 101

fa* /6R W MftS . rull or part



Temporary Personnel


m-«ii401 K Manrhe.ter. Ingle


Need Good Temporary Vara lion Relief Skilled Office Em- pWj.e»e. 1 WK-1 MO. -NO

R»>- E*e,-iiti«e Serrlce. 433 R Id Hw> . Redondo

WOMEN ft GIRLS to work par time In their home

.130. n»»EXPERIENCED Eerrow Officer

A.k for Mr Knott DA T-tBJI HOlrSEKEEPEH baby altter t

tire in working mother.IH-hwl , t e rhltdren »1» nV)n . ........ n (, ,,-,(

EMPLOYMENT Offered. Men 44



Electronic Rep«irm<n $4.065 hr. + inewntiv** ElwCiriciftn, $3.905 hr. 4- incentive* M«chini«t $3.905 hr. -t- incentive* Millwright $3.745 hr. + incentive* Rigseri $3.745 hr. + incentive*

Detign Dr.ftimen $7S7-$I 17 per. me.* nut. landing fringe henefll.

840 Van Nest Av«., Torrane*. equal opportunity employer


W» ar* now taking «pplic«tiom for bevi for route opaninqi.

L»*rn how to b* Junior De«lor by miniqing your own nawtpaper rout*.

Win Prii.i. Conteitj. etc. Earn your own *itr« money.

For further information, call: PRESS-HERALD (Torrance Area) 325-1515 PRESS-JOURNAL (Car.on Ar.a) 834-7222

MEN WANTED Over 35 i,

Apply iM-tween u p.m. 1 *" j. n, Mil Santa Blvd




DA 5-6060 TE 4-4581


Jobs For Everyone Try Us and Se»

e >,,o,ini. payable M.V e Keypunch M2.' e General office t3K e Office Trainee . |S2J e File clerk Ha:

e Draftsman trainee to ISW e Operational agent. »4* e Snot welder 13 58 hr u[ e Millmen trainee 12 SO hr ute Dnllpree. $2 30 hr u]


I62S CRENSHAW BLVD Torrance 320-677C

', Blo.-k North of Cataon

23005 l/2 AVALONBLVD Carton 830-767;

North of ftepuiveda

MPLOYMENT OFFERED E Men emd/or Women 41

MPlOYMr-NT OFFERED Men and/er Women 61


FREE JOBSTnp E«er Secretarle. ft Stenon Kdll Typl.'t - Production Control Tvpl»t Warehouse Strn-k Control ArrnunllnK Clerk*

Mgmt. tralnee»-0eneral Offne cirl Friday FC TOtpn Rl'SH Rl'SH. RfSH' NO FEF,!



chine Shop ft Other. Stork ft Clerk* Clark Typlnta ft Oen- Shlpplnr Clerk. Inrentorv eral Off!, e Electronic ft Fac- Clrrk Store Salesmen C.eri- torx Trainee., many - Part eral Office Job., manv mu.t Time Job. Medlral ft Dental Upe Lite Truck Driver. Job. Electronic Te.«ter» Welder* t*. .wing)- A-l Jan- Bkpr. - N,ir.e.« Alrle. Trainee Itor Chem. Miter. Lie Ele< Office Job. Ir rl.n

D C f AfCMf V 2 Blls S of Torrance Blvd.D.L.J. AuLnLi 432 s. 101 HWY., R.dondo

IAVR Prirate mone, -n , IV e»t in l.t or and Tni«t IVed ,



It l.t LOAN low a. *"~, Inl inl> lfK r Bkr Mr Sloan M6-.1642 T.'SJ-lW*! anMime

Real EstateHOMES FOR SALE 90

Con.olldale your Ut .tnd ind lo«n on your home FAST SERVKT


1R47 N Avalon Wllmlngtotl MVT328


INCOME PROPERTYger . apt ha* 2 bedroom. Double garage for itorage and room for wa.her and dryer The. a .lay rented all the time Owner w 11 >ell GI. FHA or XV. down. Drive by 251 5. 251* Madlton.

$19,9001 bedronma. H W fl«.. tile kitchen garbage dl.p , large bed­ room.*, fenced yard, detached dhl garage, lot* of landacaplng. Lot toned R-3. .lie 40'il«n Buy C. I or try 10% down.

DUPLEXO I no down Ju.t cloelng coat. Front unit nan one bedroom. rear 2 bedroom ha« all new electric kitchen, fenced yard. Thin II priced for a quick tale, uklng S23.90Q.

VICTORIA PARKNo down to reteran. S bedroom., all room, large, famlry- type kitchen, patio fenced vard. .Ingle garage aheontBat and achool. near by A.klng *19 400 -,



Shrub, are plentiful on thli 112x112 lot. with older 2 bed- irom home UO.OOO.

BUILDERSSee ttrl. 37.111 »q R. of land In Loniila 175.000

3 UNITSDuplei in front, apartment over garage in rear Good ren­ tal a"a fcaonn

10 UNITSDeluxe , u .tom built. Ten little majntenanrf heated, flf-

$12,900Walk to town or but. from thin altractlre 1 bedroom frame Small lot. alee quiet neighborhood

Central Torranc*t bedroom, den. 1', bath. Onlv S2795n

3 BEDROOMSNice condition, near Halldale

C-2 TORRANCELot Site imim Price S3R.900



VACANTBe fir. I In line to aee thli one Roomy kitchen. W'W carpet- Ing throughout, garage, fenced yard, doc kennel. Only (23.900. &137 P*I GI no down pay­ ment or J1SOO down to non veil.


OPEN 'TIL 94237 Redondo Beach Bird.


5%% GI Resale

3 Bdrm. Rumpus Rm.Only S1000 down. Feature, double garage. 2 bath., hard­ wood floor., carpeting, die- poaal. block wall fence, and many ether eilra. Full price 04.500. Hurry, call

NU-WAY REALTY374-3432 320-2770

.Til W Canon

BT OWNER 1 Bdrm. Spanleh atucco. II /W fli . Big II*. rm . imall natio Fruit tree. Clone to Catholu Church ft achool. No In D?> rnenl ISO mo full price 190% Call after « p m M5-34M gee at 1113 Emery PI. Wilm tl bl W of Sanford Ave I


$825 DownLarge, near new J plua family room lla. Built-in. Includ Ing di.hwaahei , fireplace, car pet., large fenced »ard with aprlnklera IIWI Pal C47.1

HART REALTYlIMh ft AMU Alpha Beta Ctr

PR 1-3551e e

NICE AREAOlder 2 bedroom frame carpeting, built In kitchen R-3 lot. 40il27 alley Centra Torrance. Room to build flt.SOO Eaay Terms


'M27 Naibuime Iximlla


1.4.;,..,. Ige nil. All fa.'lll ll«. 1'artial aacrifu-e. V.,.1 Real Entate 327-337


m f, Bontt Sl -' bedroom. VACANT 50 ft ilOO ft fenced Full price only 113.900 Wll rent until cloar of exrow.


«3S-n»e e

GI 5'/4 % RESALE3 bedrooma. '1 batha, nice car peta and draper fine neigh borhood. Weal of Hawthorn Blvd Near kiddie park an elemental v ichool, walk t We.l High School Large C.I SVi, loan can be amunied J anyone $16*> pay. everything Alklilg »:'7 950 # 478

HART REALTY190th ft An*a Alpha Beta Cti

PR 1-3551e e

GI, FHA or 10% Down

S Bedroom home In Torr»n?a on large R-3 lot. Carpeting. *1»7!W full price Drive by 1604 W 207th. Torrance. then call DA 9-8700 for detail!.

$500 DOWN $161 Includes all

noon. $111000 full jirtce. Drt»« by 315SO Vera In Canon, than call DA 9-8700 for further da- talla.

G.I. NO DOWN $157 Includes all

floor., cloie to echoole trana- porution ft .hopping. Lincoln Village, S18.0TO full price. Drive by Jt» E 22Oth 8t , then call for further detalla.

10% DOWN 3 Bedroom 2 BathCarpeting, patio, double ga­

rage Exellent Wllmlngton area IK 500 full price >or further detalla. call DA »-*700.

ONLY $135 Mo.Rpacioua 1 bedroom Spanlah

dition. Reaiitlfiil kitchen cab­ men, dining room, breakfaat

ton area »17 3OTI full price. Drive by 1410 Lagoon, then call DA 0-RTOO

NEAR HARBOR JC01 or FHA 1 Bedroom ft den. corner lot Near Harbor < Fwy ft Anaheim CU.OOO full ' price For further detail*, call DA 9-8700

EXCELLENT STARTER3 Bedroom wall wall carneti. recently redecorated 1»?M O.I appralial Drive by 338 E. Really. Wllmlngton. For fur­ ther detail., cal" DA » 8700

GI NO^OWNbullt-ln. di'hwaaher. and re. frlgerator Included 119.900 full price Drive by 341 W. Clarion Drive In Torrance. then for further detalla. eall DA 9-8700

SPINNER REALTY 15401 S. Western if DA 9-8700 ir


VACANTThe wife mult «ee thl* queen .i<e kitchen W W carpeta. Rirage and large (enced yard,

nly Kl ODO {147 per month I'ftl to (Jl with no down pay­ ment or 11300 down to non veu


OPEN 'TIL 94.'37 Redondo Beach Blvd.


Will Trade For Boat. Auto, Trailer

or Cycle Spanish Stucco

3 Bedroomlocated in tlimming neighbor­ hood, feature., detached ga­ rage, emlcned party room with BBg hardwood floor., carpeting, huge Hying room, and park like yard with lota of treea Immediate poaaea- .ion on approved credit Full price only 131 5ttl Call

NU-WAY REALTY374-3432 320-2770


1>, BATilS Railed Foundation. HARDWOOD FLOORS BUILT-IN OVEN and

Rana-e Hood 1300 SQ FT

'1 CAR GARAGE 1115 Ut Loan J25 ) «


Payment will drop to HIS (20UOU Open 1 to

1'ntil «oid nis Ronaa Wilnilngton, Calif

HOME t INCOME1 Bedroom home on lot 41 » 110 ft Narbonne Ave plut atore bldg »U40 ft 1 car ga­ rage Full price 134.500 FRED M IIANSKN Realtor 3321 Torrance Blvd . Torrance FA H-VH9 ( Kvei DA 5-80191

Towne & Countrie REALTY

3531R Narbonne Iy>mlta

DA 6-2476riV oWl^ER fioiithwo,.d 3 bed­

room. 1 3« hath, mep down family room with fireplace, di.hwaaher. other extraa. Baa to appreciate. Phone 370-Mafl