social workers challenge gender inequality

Social Wo rkers Challenge Injustice University of Southern California School of Social Work SOWK 505 Assignment #1b: Short Essay Paper Social Workers Challenge Injustice By: Daniel ! "aita# $% &anuary ''# '0() *rofessor %nne Blair# $SW# +CSW 1

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Social Workers Challenge Injustice

University of Southern California

School of Social Work 

SOWK 505

Assignment #1b: Short Essay Paper

Social Workers Challenge Injustice


Daniel ! "aita# $%

&anuary ''# '0()

*rofessor %nne Blair# $SW# +CSW


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Social Workers Challenge Injustice

Social Workers Challenge Injustice ,

I. Introuction

Scholarly -orks .ro/uce/ y estee1e/ an/ .roclai1e/ lea/ers in the fiel/ of gen/er

e2uality are as vast an/ .resent throughout the /evelo.e/ -orl/3s .restigious liraries an/

institutions as are the .iles of /ea/ o/ies of victi1s of gen/er ine2uality -hich lay urie/ in

the little /iscusse/ gloal 1ass graves that /ot the lan/sca.e of our vastly /ysfunctional ilk

of hu1anity! While it 1ight feel goo/ to an entitle/ socialite aca/e1ic to .ontificate on all

the .rogress eing toute/ fro1 the Unite/ 4ations U46 s.ecific to the Convention on the

7li1ination of all 8or1s of Discri1ination %gainst Wo1en C7D%W6 U4#(9956! I can

attest# first han/# that -o1en an/ girls of this -orl/ -ho1 are 1ost in nee/ of relief an/

a/vocacy aren3t even a-are the U4 eists! So this is 1y challenge to the social -ork fiel/: if

you really -ant to e .art of challenging true gloal injustice an/ gen/er ine2uality# you ha/

 etter e rea/y to leave your ivory castle to get your han/s /irty# ecause the .eo.le torturing

an/ the -o1en an/ girls of this -orl/ /on3t give a fuck aout your conferences an/

conventions! $ost /on3t even kno- they eist!

II. Social Workers Challenge Injustice!

;o/ay# social -orkers are eing taske/ an/ .re.are/ to challenge social injustice! We

are traine/ to .ursue social change# es.ecially for those 1ost vulnerale an/ o..resse/! It is

our /uty to .ri1arily /irect our efforts at correcting suffering fro1 ine2uality# .overty#

une1.loy1ent# an/ /iscri1ination! While /oing so -e are e.ecte/ to re1ain sensitive to

culture an/ ethnic /iversity -hile striving to enale access to infor1ation# services# an/

resources 4ational %ssociation of Social Workers# '00<6! =et# gloal gen/er ine2uality is

still .ervasive! ;he /istriution of >justice? in countries 1ost in nee/ is laughale!


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Social Workers Challenge Injustice

7/ucational o..ortunities are a /isgrace in 1any non@/evelo.e/ countries! Universal access

to healthcare re1ains a fallacy to oth .oor an/ rich nations! While# so calle/ gloal 1o/els

of transfor1ation re1ain just that# >1o/els? +ittlefiel/# '0(56!

Case in .oint# over forty@seven years ago the Unite/ 4ations "eneral %sse1ly

a/o.te/ an international ill of rights for -o1en# also referre/ to as the Convention on the

7li1ination of all 8or1s of Discri1ination against Wo1en C7D%W6! Since then there has

 een over forty@one sessions convene/! ;he .ur.ose of these 1eetings is to su..ort -o1en3s

e2uality >every-here in the interest of all hu1ans? an/ covers the 1any s.heres of our

hu1an eistence inclu/ing ut not li1ite/ to: .olitical an/ .ulic life# e/ucation#

e1.loy1ent# health# econo1ic an/ social enefits# la-# 1arriage an/ fa1ily life# se role an/ .reju/ice U4 Wo1en# (9956! So ho- far have -e co1e,

III. Per"asi"e Ineuality

Sure# .rogress has een 1a/e in the real1 of gen/er e2uality# es.ecially in /evelo.e/

countries -here la-s have etter .roaility of /ictating hu1an ehavior! 7ven still# in

o.erational nation@states# like the Unite/ States# -o1en still face social eclusion ase/ on

their inco1e# /isaility# ethnicity# an/ location +ittlefiel/# 7t! %l!# '0(56# ee1.lifying ho-

 .overty an/ econo1ic injustices are still -itnesse/ throughout the -ealthiest nation3s

national lan/! 4o- i1agine ho- horrific the co1.leities of gloal gen/er ine2uality

 eco1e for -o1en an/ girls in nations not as /evelo.e/ as the Unite/ States! =ou can3t!

Consi/er the 1any other nations -herey access to e/ucation is li1ite/ to the 1ost

fortunate '5A# -ith less than a '0A overall national literacy rate U4D*# '0(5 U4D*#

'0('6 -here clean /rinking -ater is the conce.t of ill@fa/e/ an/ /rea1s -here 9(

 aies of every (000 orn# ie -here the life e.ectancy is only years U4IC78# '0(E6

-here fe1ale gen/er 1utilation 8"$6 is co11only carrie/ out on 9<A of girls et-een the


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Social Workers Challenge Injustice

ages of four to (( years WFO# n!/6! Where is the Unite/ 4ations then, Where are all the

e.ert la-yers an/ scholars of the -orl/ -hile these girls are eing rutally torture/# ra..e/#

1ur/ere/ an/ enslave/, Where are all the social -orkers,

I$. Conclusion

=es# the real1 of gloal gen/er e2uality is oth co1.le an/ 1ulti/i1ensional an/

although it has een etensively /iscusse/ an/ stu/ie/ +o.eG@Claros H ahi/i# '005 Worl/

Bank# '0('6 -e have 1uch real -ork to /o if -e are ever to -itness the /ay -hen -o1en

are true .artners in this hu1an e.erience! If social -orkers are ever to e truly effectual in those -ho1 suffer the 1ost# they ha/ etter start sho-ing u. -ith the $arine3s an/

 e rea/y to fight along si/e those -illing to /ie for the righteous cause of gen/er e2uality!


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Social Workers Challenge Injustice


Blanchfiel/# +! '0(06! % ne- Unite/ 4ations entity for -o1en: Issues for

Congress! etrieve/ &anuary 5# '0(# fro1


+ittlefiel/# $!# $c+ane@Davison# D!# H akalahi# F! '0(5@0'@0'6! "loal "en/er

Ine2uality! Encyclopedia of Social Work. 4e- =ork# 4=: 4%SW

*ressJOfor/ University *ress! etrieve/ fro1!




+o.eG@Claros# %!# H ahi/i# S! '0056! Wo1en3s e1.o-er1ent: $easuring the

gloal gen/er ga.! etrieve/ fro1



 4ational %ssociation of Social Workers! '00<6! Co/e of ethics of the national

association of social -orkers! etrieve/ fro1:


Unite/ 4ations Develo.1ent *rogra11e So1alia U4D*6 '0(56 "en/er

72uality an/ Wo1en3s 71.o-er1ent Strategy! etrieve/ fro1



Unite/ 4ations Develo.1ent *rogra11e U4D*6 '0('6! So1alia Fu1an

Develo.1ent e.ort '0(': 71.o-ering =outh for *eace an/ Develo.1ent!


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Social Workers Challenge Injustice

U4IC78 '0(E6 So1alia Statistics! etrieve/ fro1


U4 Wo1en# (9956! 8ourth Worl/ Conference on Wo1en# Beijing: Declaration on

Wo1en3s ights! etrieve/ fro1


Worl/ Bank! '0('6! Worl/ Develo.1ent re.ort '0(': "en/er e2uality an/

/evelo.1ent! etrieve/ &anuary 5# '0(# fro1


esJ<(05@('99)999)<5<EJ<)'(0@(E(59E)'''00)[email protected]!./f 

Worl/ Fealth OrganiGation WFO6 n!/!6 8e1ale "enital $utilation an/ other

Far1ful *ractices: *revalence of 8"$! etrieve/ fro1
