socializing teaching and learning

Socializing Teaching and Learning Presented to: Canadian Network for Innovation in Education George Siemens June 18, 2008 Learning Technologies Centre learning_technologies

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Presented to Canadian Network for Innovation in Education


Page 1: Socializing Teaching And Learning

Socializing Teaching and Learning

Presented to:Canadian Network for Innovation in Education

George SiemensJune 18, 2008

Learning Technologies

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Is not neutral

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And it’s not “only a tool”

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Cognition and mind as social phenomenon:- Mind/self created through social participation- Practices/tools/language are social

constructions- Power fashions practices/tools

Garrison, 1995, p. 737

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“designed, accessed, interpreted, and used to further purposes that embody social values”

Bruce & Hogan, 1998

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“every technology has a philosophy which is given expression in how the technology makes people use their minds, in what it makes us do with our bodies, in how it codifies the world, in which of our senses it amplifies, in which of our emotional and intellectual tendencies it disregards”

Postman, 1998

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Technology as Faustian bargain

What are we getting?

What are we giving?

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Technology is

an ideologya carrier of affordancesa disrupter an enablera reflector of mindsets/world viewsa shaper of new realities

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“What we have here is a transition from a stable, settled world of knowledge produced by authority/authors, to a world of instability, flux, of knowledge produced by the individual...”

Institute of Education, London, 2007

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“by creating space and place, we create ourselves”

Cannatella, 2007, p. 632

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Co-evolution of individual and related networkLazer, 2000

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Fifth estate: reshaping “communicative powers of individuals and groups”

W. H. Dutton, Oxford, 2007

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Complexification of knowledge reduces individual capacity to apprehend its unity

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“The major responsibility of education is to arm every single person for the vital combat of lucidity”

...New problem: access to info, skills to organize info

Morin, p 12, 13, 1999

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Participatory sensemakingDe Jaegher, Di Paolo, 2007

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New media adds new opportunities for connections/relations, enacting latent ties

Haythornthwaite, 2002

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Social activity system...heedful interrelatingWeick & Roberts, 1993

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“Gossip, people-curiosity, and small talk...are in essence the human version of social grooming”

Zufekci, 2008

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Shall we chat?

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What are the implications for teaching/learning?

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Learning is...

ContextualSituationalTool-mediatedSocialNetworkedCarries DNA of previous ideologies

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Individual knowledge possible due to social practices of engagement

Tsoukas, 1996

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What do different technologies do?

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1. Access

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2. Presence

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3. Expression

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4. Creation

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5. Interaction/co-creation

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6. Aggregate our fragmentation

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...and while we’re here..

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Open Online Course: Connectivism and Connective

Knowledge(Sept, 08)

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Websites and Newsletters


gsiemens AT elearnspace DOT org