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Using EVERYDAY Social Networking & Video Games in Learning Liz Kolb, Ph.D. University of Michigan Madonna University [email protected] http://cellphonesinlearning. com http :// (Presentation) Liz’s Business Card: Send a new text to: 50500 In message: kolb

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  • 1. Using EVERYDAY Social Networking & Video Games in Learning
    Liz Kolb, Ph.D.
    University of Michigan
    Madonna University
    [email protected] (Presentation)
    Lizs Business Card:
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    In message:

2. What Is Social Networking?
3. Why Social Networking in learning?
Creating Positive Digital Footprints
53% of Employers Check Social Networking Sites For Potential Job Candidates
Showing students how to set up or clean up profiles
Communicate with MOST students
Communicate with SOME parents
Engage students by using a student technology toy and turning it into a learning tool!
4. Social Networks Have Educational Benefits
5. Microblogging: Twitter
Micro-Blogging social network where you post messages in 140 characters or less.You can follow or be followed.
7. Twitter in 1935
8. Twitter in 2nd grade
9. Twitter in Higher Ed
10. More Examples of TWITTER in Education
Twitter Stories by Elementary Students
High School English Teachers Office Hours
Social Studies:Follow members of Congress
English Twitter Assignment:
Gater Radio on Twitter:
11. Facebook & Myspace
Most popular social networking sites amongst Teens
12. Examples of Use
11th Grade
Everyday Life Connects with Classroom Concepts
13. Examples of Use
English 10
Great Gatsby
Profiles that are characters from novel
14. Examples of Use
AP English
Reading Response
15. Examples of Use
Language Arts
Class Homepage
Office Hours
16. Examples of Use
Western Civilization
10th grade
Medieval Spaces
Historical Figures
17. Authors on Facebook
18. Doctors on Facebook
19. Study Groups
20. Discussion Groups
21. Activism/Fundraising
22. Support hotlines
23. Teachers on Facebook
24. MAC Alum Facebook Prof. Network
UofM Secondary MAC Professional Networking Group
25. Applications on FB for Learning
Connect with Native Speakers in Languages or Language Exchange with Other FL Students
Manage Books that students read
Create Flash Cards
Citation help
Organize class work
Learn about Middle Ages with KNighthood
Study group Organization
Math challenge
Conduct online courses
Homework Help Group
Record Class Lectures and Post to FB
Make a Quiz
26. Start a business or support a business
Students can create their own business and market via Facebook.
Students can team with a local business and market the local business.
27. Video games
28. VOTE!
29. Why Video Games?
Games teach skills that employers want: analytical thinking, team building, multitasking and problem-solving under duress. Unlike humans, the games never lose patience. And they are second nature to many kids.
There's already an audience; more than 45 million homes have video-game consoles.
At-Risk students have shown to benefit from building their own video games
30. Research on video games in education
Simulation and adventure games - such as Sim City and RollerCoaster Tycoon, where players create societies or build theme parks, developed children's strategic thinking and planning skills. (BBC News, March 2002)
Doctors who spent at least three hours a week playing video games made about 37 percent fewer mistakes in laparoscopic surgery and performed the task 27 percent faster than their counterparts who did not play video games. (MSNBC News, April 2004)
A detailed literature review on video games and learning can be found here:
31. Video Gaming Statistics
97% of Teens (12-17) play video games
50% said they played yesterday
86% play on Consoles
73% play on computers
60% play on portable devices
48% play on cell phones
32. 80% of Teens play at least 4 different genre of games
74% play racing games (NASCAR)
72% play puzzle games (Tetris)
68% play sports games (Madden)
67% play action games (Grand Theft Auto)
66% play adventure games (Legend of Zelda)
61% play rhythm games (Guitar Hero)
59% play strategy games (Civilization)
49% play simulation games (Sims)
36% play role playing games (Final Fantasy)
10% play Virtual Worlds
33. Majority of Popular Games are NOT Violent
Guitar Hero
Halo 3
Madden NFL
Dance Dance Revolution
Madden NFL 08
Grand Theft Auto
The Sims
* Games in red are considered Violent
34. 1st National Survey on Video Games and Learning (2008)
Virtually all American teens play computer, console, or cell phone games and that the gaming experience is rich and varied, with a significant amount of social interaction and potential for civic engagement.
35. Teens Encounter both pro-social & anti-social behavior while gaming
78% report they frequently see other players being kind or helpful to those who are gaming
63% report seeing or hearing people being mean or overly aggressive while playing
49% report seeing or hearing people being hateful, racist, or sexist while playing
36. Teen Gaming is Social
76% play games with others at least some of the time
65% play with other people in the room with them
27% play with others via the Internet
49% play with people they know offline
27% play with friends they have met online
23% play with both offline friends and online friends
37. Parents
55% of parents say they always check a games rating before letting their kids play
90% of parents say they always know what games their children play
31% say they always or sometimes play games with their children.
62% of parents say video games have NO effect on their children.
19% say video games have a positive influence on their children
13% say video games have a negative influence on their children
5% say video games have both positive/negative influences depending on the game.
38. Study Findings:Civics
Civilization IV & Democracy
More civic gaming experience=more civic engagement
39. Nintendo DS
Some immediate benefits to using DS were:
limited or no training needed for teacher or students,
networked classroom instantly,
learning is transparent,
allows for differentiation,
teachers can tutor one on one without other students knowing,
low cost and multiplayer downloads.
40. How Teachers use Nintendo ds
student response system,
math questions,
skill practice,
morning warm up,
discussion questions during read aloud,
finding evidence in the text they were reading,
paperless classroom,
station work,
tutoring one on one,
shared learning/instant networking,
grammar practice and review.
41. Nintendo DS as Graphing Calculator
42. 43. Japan:Wide Use
Each DS will feature
60 applications covering kanji, math, civics, physics, and history
Will allow students to take tests, do assignments, and hook up to the teacher's DS through wi-fi in order to receive real-time feedback on their work.
44. 2009: the Sacred Heart Senior National School in Ireland decided to use Nintendo DS gaming devices as and aid to teaching math.
3 classes spent 15 minutes a day using two games, Math Training and Brain Training.
In 6th grade, relative to their peers, the Nintendo group scored substantially better. Gains were obvious and significant.
In 5th grade, the average gain in the experimental group was 6 percentile points higher than in the control group.
In 4th grade, almost every pupil in the Nintendo group improved their score in comparison with last year the average increase was more than 10 percentile points.
The children who made the greatest gains were those (in 4th class) who had been using the game both in school and at home.
45. Games on DS for Learning
Pictochat which is a kind of message room where the children can have conversations in Irish or take part in language quizzes.
46. Games on DS for Learning
Professor KageyamasMaths TrainingUsed by the teachers of Sacred Heart Senior National School in Killinarden, the game has been used to help pupils there to improve both their confidence in maths and their test scores.
47. Games on DS for Learning
Dr Kawashimas Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?This problem-solving game is used by older children in Killinarden and has also been positively reviewed in a study by Learning and Teaching Scotland, in association with University of Dundee.
48. Games on DS for Learning
English Training for Nintendo DS LiteExtensively used in German, Japanese and other foreign schools to help students improve their English language skills
49. Games on DS for Learning
Professor Layton and the Curious VillageProblem-solving game with attractive graphics, recommended by Ban Ryan of Clonlisk National School for use with SEN pupils in particular
50. Example of use
51. Example

  • U.K.

52. Nintendo DS 53. French Club 54. French Pokeman