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©SoftMoore Consulting Slide 1 SQL Primer

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Page 1: ©SoftMoore ConsultingSlide 1 SQL Primer. SQL Overview Text-based query language developed by IBM for an experimental RDBMS called System R –originally

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SQL Primer

Page 2: ©SoftMoore ConsultingSlide 1 SQL Primer. SQL Overview Text-based query language developed by IBM for an experimental RDBMS called System R –originally

SQL Overview

• Text-based query language developed by IBM for an experimental RDBMS called System R– originally called SEQUEL

• Most widely supported query language among commercial RDBMS products– although no one supports the standard exactly

• Uses the more informal terms table, row, and column in place of relation, tuple, and attribute

• Declarative, not procedural

• Large, comprehensive database language– reference document is over 600 pages long

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ANSI/ISO Standardization

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Year Name Comment

1986 SQL-86 Initial standard

1989 SQL-89 Minor revision


(a.k.a. SQL2)Major revision (ISO 9075)


(a.k.a. SQL3)

Added regular expression matching, recursive queries, triggers, non-scalar types, and some object-oriented features

2003 SQL-2003Introduced XML-related features and auto-generated column values

2006 SQL-2006Defines ways of importing and storing XML data in an SQL database

2008 SQL-2008Adds INSTEAD OF triggers. and the TRUNCATE statement

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SQL Data Types

• Boolean and Bit String Types– boolean (optional) : can be true, false, or null– bit(n) : n-length bit string (exactly n binary bits)– bit varying(n), varbit(n) : variable n-length bit string (up to n

binary bits)

• Character types– character (n), char(n) : fixed n-length character string– character varying(n), varchar(n) : variable length character string

of up to n characters– national character(n) or nchar(n) : fixed n-length string

supporting an international character set– national character varying(n) or nvarchar(n) : variable length

string supporting an international character set

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SQL Data Types

• Numeric types– smallint : signed 2-byte integer– integer, int : signed 4-byte integer– real, float : 4-byte floating-point number– double precision : 8-byte floating-point number– numeric(p, s), decimal(p, s) : an exact numeric type with

arbitrary precision p and scale s

• Date and time types– date : calendar date (day, month, and year)– time : time of day– timestamp (includes time zone) : both the date and time– interval : an arbitrarily specified length of time

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SQL Data Types

• Large Objects*– BLOB (binary large object): variable sized binary object with no

size constraint (maximum size is 2 billion bytes)– CLOB (character large object) : string of variable length without

a size constraint (maximum size is 1 billion characters)

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*Technically not part of the SQL standard but widelysupported by most commercial database systems.

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Using SQL Data Types in the Real World

Warning: The actual data types and type names differ greatly among the individual RDBMS implementations.


Data Type SQL Standard Oracle MS Access

DECIMAL yes no no

CURRENCY no no yes

NUMBER no yes no

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Writing SQL Statements

• Free format

• SQL commands not case sensitive – string literals are

• Commas separate items in a list

• Period separates table name and column name

• Comment lines begin with double dash (--)

• Single quotes around string literals– Access also allows double quotes

• Semicolon marks the end of a statement

• String concatenation uses |– sometimes shows up as ¦

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SQL Queries

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Retrieving Data from Tables:The SELECT Statement

• SQL uses the SELECT statement (with many options and variations) as the primary statement for data retrieval.

• Basic format:select <columns> from <tables> where <conditions> order by <sort columns>;

• Exampleselect name, phone from customer;

select name, phone from customer where area_code = '843';

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• By default, SQL does not eliminate duplicate rows from the result of a SELECT statement.

• The user may explicitly request that duplicate rows be eliminated by using the keyword DISTINCT as part of the request. select distinct state from customer;

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Conditions are specified within the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. select * from orders where total_invoice > 1000;

Note: “*” selects all columns.

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Operators Used in Conditions

• Parentheses for grouping

• Relational Operators = <> or != < > <= >=

• Logical Operators AND OR NOT


• Pattern Matching OperatorsLIKE (plus a pattern)

_ matches single character (? for Access)% matches multiple characters (* for Access)

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Examples: Queries on a Single Table

select order_num, sale_date, ship_date, total_invoice from orders where total_invoice > 1000 order by total_invoice desc;

select order_num, cust_num, total_invoice, amount_paid from orders where amount_paid < total_invoice and total_invoice between 1000 and 2000;

select * from customer where last_name like 'M%' order by last_name;

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Compound Conditions

• The boolean operators AND and OR can be used to create compound conditions. Parentheses can be used for grouping

• Exampleselect order_num, cust_num, ship_date, total_invoice from orders where (total_invoice > 1000 and amount_paid < 100) or amount_paid < 1;

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Set Operators on Tables

• Set union – UNION

• Set difference – EXCEPT

• Set intersection – INTERSECT

• Example:(select name from customer where state = 'FL') union(select name from vendor where state = 'FL');

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Note: The output of an SQL queryis another table (closure property).

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Joining Two Tables

• The join operation can be specified in terms of SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses. Attributes from different tables can be qualified by the table name.

• Example select customer.name, customer.phone, orders.total_invoice, orders.amount_paid from customer, orders where customer.cust_num = orders.cust_num and orders.amount_paid < orders.total_invoice;

Alternate format using a table alias: select c.name, c.phone, o.total_invoice,

o.amount_paid from customer c, orders o where c.cust_num = o.cust_num and o.amount_paid < o.total_invoice;

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Comments on the Join Example

• The first condition in the where clause specifies the “join” condition.

• Table name qualification of attributes can be omitted when there is no ambiguity.

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Alternate Syntax for Join

A join could be specified more simply using the explicit INNER JOIN (keyword INNER can be omitted) or the NATURAL JOIN operator, which was added in SQL/92.

select c.name, c.phone, o.total_invoice, o.amount_paid from customer c join orders o on c.cust_num = o.cust_num where o.amount_paid < o.total_invoice;

select c.name, c.phone, o.total_invoice, o.amount_paid from customer c natural join orders o where o.total_amount_paid < o.total_invoice;

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More Complicated Queries

• Complicated, multi-relation queries often involve combinations of tables, columns, and conditions. select c.name, c.phone from customer c, orders o, lineitem li where c.cust_num = o.cust_num and o.order_num = li.order_num and li.quantity > 5;

• Alternatively, we could express this query using the NATURAL JOIN operator. select c.name, c.phone from customer c natural join orders o natural join lineitem li where li.quantity > 5;

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Inner Joins

• When querying data from two or more tables using joins, most of the time you will want to use an inner join. All examples thus far have used inner joins.

• Example (inner join)select p.name, b.title from publisher p join book b on p.publisher_id = b.publisher_id;

• An inner join will include rows from a table only if there are matching rows in the joined table. In the above example, publishers will not be included if there are no books published by them in the book table.

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Outer Joins

• To include all rows in a table whether or not there are matching rows in the other table, use an outer join.

• Exampleselect p.name, b.title from publisher p left outer join book b on p.publisher_id = b.publisher_id;

(Note: The word “outer” can be omitted from this query.)

• The above example will select all publishers, even if there are no corresponding books in the book table. Values for b.title will be null for publishers without corresponding books.

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Outer Joins(continued)

• Outer joins can be “left”, “right”, or “full”, where “full” includes values from both tables.

• Some database systems do not support full outer joins directly, but full outer joins can be simulated by using left and right outer joins and unions.(select p.name, b.title from publisher p left join book b on p.publisher_id = b.publisher_id)union(select p.name, b.title from publisher p right join book b on p.publisher_id = b.publisher_id);

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• A subquery can be used to select data involving two or more tables, but … the selected data can come only from the top-level table.

• Exampleselect name from customer where cust_id in (select cust_id from orders where total_invoice > 1000);

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Correlated Subqueries

• A correlated subquery uses the same table in both levels of the query. The inner query is recomputed for each row in the outer query.

• Exampleselect b1.title from book b1 where b1.title in (select b2.title from book b2 where b1.title = b2.title and b1.book_id <> b2.book_id);

Finds different books (different IDs) with the same title.

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• EXISTS and NOT EXISTS are boolean operators that can be used in the “where” clause of correlated subqueries.

• General format:select columns from tables where exists (subquery);

• An EXISTS condition is true if any row in the subquery meets the specified conditions.

• A NOT EXISTS condition is true only if all rows in the subquery do not meet the specified condition/

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Example: Using the EXISTS Operator

Find the names of all publishers that publish a book on Java (i.e., has the word “Java” in the title). select name from publisher where exists (select * from book where book.publisher_id = publisher.publisher_id and book.title like '%C++%');

The above query is equivalent to the following: select name from publisher where publisher_id in (select publisher_id from book where book.title like '%Java%');©SoftMoore Consulting Slide 27

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Derived (Computed) Attributes

• Queries can be used to compute derived attributes. select order_num, cust_num, sale_date, ship_date, total_invoice, amount_paid, total_invoice - amount_paid as balance_due from orders;

• Derived attributes are often computed as part of a view. create view extended_orders as select order_num, cust_num, sale_date, ship_date, total_invoice, amount_paid, total_invoice - amount_paid as balance_due from orders;

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SQL Updates

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Update Statements

• INSERT INTO – inserts rows

• DELETE FROM – deletes rows

• UPDATE – modifies attribute values

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Adding Rows to a Table

-- insert a single row, all columnsinsert into customervalues (6159, 'George W. Bush', '1600 Pennsylvania Avenue', 'Washington', 'DC', '20000', '202-121-8000')

-- insert a single row, selected columns-- (uses defaults/nulls)insert into customer (cust_num, name, phone)values (8152, 'John Smith', '703-924-4352')

-- insert multiple rows with a queryinsert into customer (cust_num, name, phone) select cust_num, name, phone from customer_temp; where state = 'SC';

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Deleting Rows from a Table

• General formdelete from table where condition;

• Exampledelete from vendor where vendor_num in (2190, 5001, 5002);

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Note: If you omit the “where” clause,you will delete all rows in the table!

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Modifying Data in a Table

• General formupdate tableset name1 = value1, name2 = value2, ...where condition;

• Example-- give everyone in IT a 6% raiseupdate employeeset salary = salary*1.06where dept = 'IT';

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Modifying Data Using Views

• Update statements can also be used to modify data through updateable views.

• Conditions for an updateable view– one table– subset of columns and rows– no summarizing or condensing

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SQL Data Definition

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Data Definition in SQL

• CREATE– schema – domain– table – view– index

• DROP– schema – domain– table – view– index

• ALTER (restructure)– schema – domain– table – view– index

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Creating a Table: Example 1

create table customer ( cust_num integer not null, last_name varchar(25) not null, first_name varchar(20), company_name varchar(40), email_addr varchar(40) not null,

constraint customer_pk primary key (cust_num), constraint customer_ak unique(email_addr));

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Creating a Table: Example 2

create table orders ( order_num integer not null, cust_num integer, sale_date date not null, ship_date date, total_invoice decimal(10,2), amount_paid decimal(10,2),

constraint orders_pk primary key (order_num), constraint customer_fk foreign key (cust_num) references customer(cust_num) on delete cascade );

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Creating a Table from a Query

create table sales_personel as select employee_num, name, phone_num from employee where dept = 'SALES';

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Creating a View

• Views are created using queriescreate view sales_personel as select employee_num, name, phone_num from employee where dept = 'SALES';

• Access does not support views directly, but it allows stored queries which accomplish similar goals.

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Creating Indexes and Domains

• Creating an indexcreate index cust_name_index on customer.last_name;

Note: Database systems usually generate “backing indexes” automatically for primary key, foreign key, and unique constraints.

• Creating a domaincreate domain ssn_type as char(9);

Note: The ability to create user-defined types (domains) is not available in some database systems.

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Dropping Database Objects

drop table employee;

drop view sales_personel;

drop index cust_name_index;

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Adding Constraints to a Table

-- adding a primary keyalter table departments add constraint pk_departments primary key(dept_num);

-- adding a foreign keyalter table employee add constraint fk_emp_dept foreign key (dept_num) references departments(dept_num) on delete set null on update cascade;

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Adding and Dropping Columns

• Adding a column to a tablealter table orders add payment_method char(10);

Note: Access requires “ADD COLUMN”, but the keyword “COLUMN” can usually be omitted for other database systems.

• Dropping a column from a table (not available in all database systems)

alter table orders drop column payment_method;

• To drop a foreign key column, the foreign key constraint must be dropped first.

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The Data Dictionary

• Oracle has a Data Dictionary that maintains all information about the structure of the database (metadata)

• The Data Dictionary is itself a set of tables.– USER_TABLES – ALL_TABLES– USER_VIEWS – ALL_VIEWS– USER_TAB_COLUMNS – ALL_TAB_COLUMNS

• Access does not provide a way to query the data dictionary but provides similar information through a GUI.

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Obtaining Metadata(Oracle Only)

-- find the names of all of your tablesselect table_name from user_tables;

-- find information about columnsselect column_name, data_type, data_length from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'CUSTOMER';

-- find all constraints (e.g., keys) on the ORDERS tableselect * from user_cons_columns where table_name = 'ORDERS';

Note: Similar capabilities exist in other database systems.Example (Derby): select tablename from sys.systables;

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Additional SQL Statementsand Operators

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Row Functions and Operators

Row functions and operators can be used to calculate new values as part of a queryselect cust_num, name, phone from customer where credit_limit + 1000 > 20000;

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Sample Row Functions and Operators

• Numeric + - * / SQRT (SQR) ABS FLOOR (INT)



Note: Values in parentheses are those for Access.

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Example Using Row Functions

-- find all employees who have been with the-- company at least one yearselect name, hire_date from employee where trunc(months_between(hire_date, sysdate), 0) > 12;

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Column Functions

• Column functions can be used to summarize data

• Sample column functions MIN MAX COUNT SUM AVG

• Examples select count(*) from orders;

select name from customer c, orders o where c.cust_num = o.cust_num and o.total_invoice in (select max(o.total_invoice) from orders);

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Counting Distinct Values

• By default, the count function does not eliminate duplicate values. In order to count the number of distinct values, combine the distinct keyword with the count function.

• Example select count(distinct state) as num_states from customer;

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The GROUP BY Clause

• A GROUP BY clause can be used to group query resultsselect state, count(state) from customer group by state order by state;

• A GROUP BY clause can use more than one column.

• When using the GROUP BY clause, only the column or columns in the GROUP BY expression and the built-in functions can be used in the expressions in the SELECT clause.

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Using Summary Operatorswith a GROUP BY Clause

• Summary operators (AVG, MAX, SUM, etc.) can be applied to queries about groups of rows. The GROUP BY clause specifies the grouping attributes. select c.cust_num, c.name, avg(o.amount_paid) from customer c, orders o where c.cust_num = o.cust_num group by c.cust_num, c.name;

• As before we could simplify this query using the NATURAL JOIN operator. select c.cust_num, c.name, avg(o.amount_paid) from customer c natural join orders o group by c.cust_num, c.name;

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The HAVING Clause

• When a query result contains data that is grouped and summarized, a HAVING clause can eliminate some of the groups.

• Example query without a HAVING clause (shows order count for all customers)

select name, phone_num, count(order_num) from customer, orders where customer.cust_num=orders.cust_num group by name, phone_num order by name;

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The HAVING Clause(continued)

• Example query with a HAVING clause (shows order count for all customers with at least 3 orders)

select name, phone_num, count(order_num) from customer, orders where customer.cust_num=orders.cust_num group by name, phone_numhaving count(order_num) >= 3 order by customer.name;