software design & development programming types

Software Design & Development Programming Types Event Driven Programming Event driven programming Is a type of programming that is driven by events, this type of programming is heavily used in the gaming industry due to video games mostly being event driven by the player of the game every action they take causes an event. Describing EDP first you have the event loop that is constantly listening for events or a change which would then lead to a trigger. The trigger then sends to an event handler which finally performs the action. This is a Diagram On Event Driven Programming

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Software Design & Development Programming Types. Event driven programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentProgramming Types

Event Driven Programming

Event driven programming

Is a type of programming that is driven by events, this type of programming is heavily used in the gaming industry due to video games mostly being event driven by the player of the game every action they take causes an event. Describing EDP first you have the event loop that is constantly listening for events or a change which would then lead to a trigger. The trigger then sends to an event handler which finally performs the action. This is a simple way of describing how EDP works.

Diagram On Event Driven Programming

Page 2: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentProgramming Types

Procedural Programming

Procedural programming Is a programming method derived from structured programming. Procedures, specific ways of performing tasks in certain ways or routines. In programming it is basically simple pre-set computational steps to be carried out. They will always perform the task exactly the same as it was programmed to, This is why this form of programming is most useful for applications that require to function in a certain way precisely.

Diagram showing an example of procedural programming

Page 3: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentProgramming Types

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming

Is a form of programming that shows concepts as objects, they have fields of data (that describe the object) and linked with procedures A.K.A methods. For example we have a program with many different objects that are capable of being interacted with, each object being assigned many tasks to perform in different circumstances. An example object such as a door in a game which is assigned a property of teleporting the player to a specific room.

Page 4: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentChoosing a programming language

Here are many factors influencing the choice of a programming language

• Application TypeThe type of application can influence the choice of coding language to use.• ExpandabilityHow easy/practical it is to expand programs, will it take a lot of time to re-code/add on to.• CompatibilityIs the chosen language ideal and compatible with the system that its intended use is on.• SuitabilityHow suitable is the coding language for the application. (a First Person Shooter game may use Event Driven Programming)• Financial CostsLicencing fees, cost to use etc. Would it be financially practical to use?

Page 5: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentChoosing a programming language

Examples of programming languages

DarkBASIC Professional

DB Pro is a programming language developed by The Game Creators, It was last updated on 1 June 2011 specifically designed to create 2D and 3D games. It is required that a licence is obtained in order to actually release games created with this coding language. It has BSP level support, bump, sphere, light mapping and pixel shading and vertex shaders. Overall it is a fairly easy program to use for creating basic playable video games.

Page 6: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentChoosing a programming language

Examples of programming languages


Java is a very popular computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. This language is used by thousands, the reason this is because a lot of devices already run and support java today thus making it very compatibility friendly. This particular language is class based and object oriented and is designed to have as little implementation dependencies as possible. This language being so compatibility friendly allows develops to “write once, run anywhere. (WORA) Finally this languages code layout is based off of C++.

Page 7: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentChoosing a programming language

Examples of programming languages


Lua is a lightweight programming language that is Influenced by C++, CLU and Modula. This coding language is designed to allow end users to easily program behaviours into software applications without having to go deep into every detail. Lua is a multi-Paradigm language which means it has various methods in one, (event driven, object oriented etc) it allows programmers to include classes, namespaces and other related features using its single table implementation capabilities. Lua is quite powerful for a fairly simple language overall and is very adaptable to a large range of applications.

Page 8: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentSequences, Selections and Iterations in Programming


Sequences, one of the three basic logic structures in programming a sequence structure, an event or action leads to the next instructed action in a predefined order. The sequence can have as many number of actions as you want, but you cannot skip any of the actions in a sequence. When you run the program, It must go through each action in order and is unable to split onto other branches.

1 2 3


Sequence Visual Example

Page 9: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentSequences, Selections and Iterations in Programming


Selection also known as a decision, In a selection structure, you can ask a question, whatever the answer results, the program uses one of the two answers, the program would then move onto the next event to process, Common in else, if, when True/false statements. For example If light1 is on then play sound1 else if light2 is on then play sound1.

Diagram showing selection visually

Page 10: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentSequences, Selections and Iterations in Programming


Iteration is the process of looping a bunch of set commands. Similar to sequences but this can actually loop a sequence if required or instructed to. In an example of this we have a database of 100 people, each entry have a first and last name, if we want to copy each of these from the database to print then the best way to do this is with Iteration. This can be achieved with a for loop statement.

Diagram showing iteration visually

Page 11: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Software Design & DevelopmentData Types in Programming

The benefits of having multiple types of data in programmingList of Data types:

• BooleanThis type of data typically has 2 values, true and false. Its purpose is to reveal the truth of logic and Boolean algebra. This data type allow other actions to control the flow which depends on whether a coder sets a Boolean condition to evaluate either true or false

• IntegerAn integer is basically just a number that can be typed without the need for decimal or a fractional component. This is another common data type in code.

• Floating-Point NumberDescribes the way of an approximation of a real number that can describe a large range of values. What this is based off is the fact that a numbers decimal/binary point can float, it can be placed anywhere relative to the important digits of a number.

• CharacterA string is a sequence of characters, its elements may be allowed to be modified or length changes or possibly fixed after creation.

• StringA character is basically just a unit of information, numerical digits, alphabetical, alphanumeric etc.• PointerA main Non-composite, this data type in which its value “points” to another value stored elsewhere in the computer memory.

Page 12: Software Design & Development Programming Types

Sean Oram 12

Software Design & DevelopmentData Types in Programming

The benefits of having multiple types of data in programmingBenefits of Having different data types.

• EfficiencyThe benefits of having different data types can increase efficiency in coding and programming. Each different data type can take up different amounts of space, some more than others. Finding the correct data type for the correct environment is good method in increasing efficiency.• SimplificationGood use of different data types are useful for simplifying certain parts of code, making it easier for a programmer to go through their work. Every data type works best with certain methods/functions.• StabilityUsing the correct data types for the correct methods and functions decreases the amount of possible bugs that may appear in any piece of coding. Compile time checking could also assist with discovering common coding problems during the compiling process.
