software list

Software list By Ruheet Hasnath

Upload: ruheet95

Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Software list

Software list By Ruheet Hasnath

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Microsoft word

This software allowed us to create word documents for our planning and research. This software also auto checks work so this saves us time while creating documents.

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Adobe Photoshop

This programme is very good for particular things which make it easier for us to complete certain tasks such as the storyboard and logo.

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This is the online site where my group have to post all of their work on to, Furthermore it also allows people view our work online via the internet.

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We are going to use YouTube to upload and broadcast our final movie to the world, we are also going to use YouTube to analyse 2 different clips to get an idea of what we could include in our movie.

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Final cut pro

This is the programme the editor in our group is going to be using to put all of the video footage in order shot by shot. This programme is simple to use and easy to get used to if you’re a new user.

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I am going to be using Facebook to promote our final film as Facebook is the biggest social networking site in the world. I will be creating a Facebook group for our production company to advertise and promote it to a higher extent.