sol times newspaper issue 359 roquetas edition

YOUR FREE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER WWW.SOLTIMES.COM EST. 7 YRS ISSUE 359 ROQUETAS & ALMERIMAR 17-23 OCTOBER SOL TIMES Tel: 645 066 538 CALLE FARO, ALMERIMAR AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE PORT Variety Bar For Fish’n’Chips with that good old fashioned taste! Fridays Only Evenings 7pm - 10pm FREE Arkrites British Food Store IN ROQUETAS (NEAR THEOS) GROCERIES & FROZEN FOODS INCLUDING LEGS OF NEW ZEALAND LAMB, GAMMON JOINTS, LAMBS LIVER. LARGE SELECTION OF GREETING CARDS FREE HOME DELIVERY ALWAYS WELL STOCKED IN THE URB OF ROQUETAS DE MAR, JUST OFF AVDA DE MEDITERRANEO IN THE SQUARE NEAR LA GAMBA TOSCANA & THEOS Mon - Fri: 10.30am - 5pm Sat: 10am - 2pm TEL: 950 334 081 Out of Hours Please Call 950 334 544 YOUR PERFECT INSURANCE POLICY WITH LIBERTY INSURANCE PROVIDED BY SEGURELITE ROQUETAS AVD PLAYA SERENA 7 TEL: 950 326 448 NEW INSURANCE OFFICE TO MAKE YOU FEEL PROTECTED AND INFORMED SPECIAL OFFERS ON: Car, Home, Life, Community, Trade & Health Insurance Kitchen open: 12.30 - 3.00, 7.00 - 10.00. Closed Thursdays Plaza Los Jazmines 10, 04740 Roquetas de Mar Opposite Playa Capricho in the car park Tel: 950 334 439 Email: [email protected] Enjoy Pierr e’s Fr ench Cuisine MENU DEL DIA 9.50€ Served Friday - Wednesday LA BODEGUINA See our main advert on the back page ECHINACEA DOES WORK! PAGE 27 Wide Range of UK, Continental & Indian Foods & Spices CALLE JABEQUE, 42, ALMERIMAR (on the Square near Caja Murcia Bank) JAKS OPENING HOURS: EVERY DAY 10AM - 7PM TEL: 950 609 419 Pasaje Auditorio 15 OSAKA BUFFET LIBRE You can order whatever you want from the menu RESTAURANT JAPANESE Tel: 950 953 779 04740 Roquetas de Mar, Almeria C lose to the T heatre SUSHI SASHIMI MAKI Open 12noon - 4.30pm & 7pm - 12 midnight 7 days a week The Plataforma Sindical Unitariade Empleados y Empleadas Públicos has held a rally at the Oficina de Correos de Roquetas de Mar to express their rejection of the dismantling of essential public services, among which is the postal service, and to demand that the government rectify its policy of cuts. As reported by the FSP UGT Almería, the cuts ‘impact not only on public employees, but also citizens, who will see the quality of services diminishing.’ With regard to the Post Office staff, ‘this is a cut of their pay and working conditions, an attack on their rights and to the workforce, with a reduction of 2,000 employees planned for this year.’ Plataforma Sindical has promised a schedule of demonstrations everyThursday in the most emblematic places in the Province at least until the endof the year. RALLY HELD TO EXPRESS CONCERN OVER ‘DISMANTLING’ OF PUBLIC SERVICES Enfrente H. Bahia Serena al final de aparcamiento Opposite H. Bahia Serena at the End of the carpark Gegenüber Hotel Bahia Serena am Parkplatzende Oktoberfest 20th + 21th October 2012 from 12pm PARKCAFE VIP LOUNGE 04740 Roquetas de Mar Travesia Playa Serena 14 950 33 44 23 Parkcafe & Bistro Aleman

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Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


Page 1: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

your free weekly newspaper

est. 7 yrs

issue 359 roquetas & almerimar 17-23 october

soltimes Tel: 645 066 538Calle Faro, almerimar

At the entrAnce to the port

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The Plataforma Sindical Unitariade Empleados y Empleadas Públicos has held a rally at the Oficina de Correos de Roquetas de Mar to express their rejection of the dismantling of essential public services, among which is the postal service, and to demand that the government rectify its policy of cuts.

As reported by the FSP UGT Almería, the cuts ‘impact not only on public employees, but also citizens, who will see the quality of services diminishing.’

With regard to the Post Office staff, ‘this is a cut of their pay and working conditions, an attack on their rights and to the workforce, with a reduction of 2,000 employees planned for this year.’

Plataforma Sindical has promised a schedule of demonstrations everyThursday in the most emblematic places in the Province at least until the endof the year.

rally HelD to express concern over ‘Dismantling’

of public services

Enfrente H. Bahia Serena al final de aparcamientoopposite H. Bahia serena at the end of the carparkGegenüber Hotel Bahia serena am Parkplatzende

oktoberfest20th + 21th october 2012 from 12pm

ParKCaFe ViP lounGe 04740

roquetas de marTravesia Playa serena 14 950 33 44 23

Parkcafe & Bistro aleman

Page 2: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


2 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

Page 3: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 3

...local news updatecabo de GataSince October 2 the Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente has been working

to clean the beaches of the Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar of organic waste washed down from the ramblas and ríos of the Levante almeriense.

The Municipalities are prioritising the cleaning of urban beaches, with special attention to those that are accessible by land and have greater public use.

The cleaning of more inaccessible coves will be undertaken later.

Besides this Municipal action there has been action by diving companies, who mobilised many volunteers to collaborate with the Administraciones to clean beaches, focusing primarily on the removal of non-biodegradables such as plastic.

This activity also involved groups linked to environmental protection.

Meanwhile the Ministry has allocated three crews to remove non-biodegradable waste, which undertaking is now almost completed. Meanwhile the removal of vegetation is ongoing. Most of the Authority’s resources are focused on the Levante areas.

The Parque Natural has been assisted by the Michelin company, which provided articulated bulldozers, transporters and personnel to assist in the cleanup.

The Delegado Territorial de la Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente, José Manuel Ortiz, expressed his gratitude ‘to these groups, as well as many anonymous citizens who have spontaneously worked and continue to work on the beach clean-up.’ He especially expressed his thanks to Michelin and enterprises and entities of the Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar who organized the cleanup day by volunteers.

almeríaThe recent data on almond sales abroad made by the Almerían companies specialized in

nuts show an increase in the value per kilo.

According to data provided by the Delegación Territorial de la Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente, records obtained from the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade, show that in the first seven months of this year the provincial companies conducted business with 63 foreign clients for sales of almost 2 million kilos of almonds, a volume that represents an increase of 20.4% over the same period last year.

Much of the product was destined for Italy, which remains the country that dominates almond exports from Almería. Germany was the second greatest importer, with 38.8% of sales, France third with almost 14%, and Lebanon the fourth, with 3.2%.

Almond purchases from abroad declined. In the first seven months of the year, almonds to the value of 2 million euros were imported, an amount representing a decrease of 31.8% over the reference period of last year.

The main source of imports is the United States, with 1.5 million euros worth being imported to Almería. Portugal is the second largest supplier, with 16% of the total

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saucepan-banging protests from maDriD to new york

Another massive protest in cities throughout Spain – although this time mimicked by similar ones in other European countries – saw thousands of people take to the streets on Saturday banging saucepans. Under the slogan ‘global noise’, they chanted, ‘we do not owe, so we will not pay’.

According to a report by, they were clamouring against tax hikes and cutbacks designed to mop up government deficits caused by politicians’ overspending and high wages, and mismanagement on the part of banks, as well as European Union-imposed austerity measures which look set to worsen the already dire unemployment situation in the country.

Sevilla, Valencia, Murcia, Vigo (Galicia), Santander (Cantabria), Zaragoza (Aragón), Barcelona and Gijón (Asturias) Asturias saw the largest demonstrations after that of Madrid, which started at the EU headquarters before heading to the Puerta del Sol and finally to the Plaza Neptuno.

At least 12 people stripped off naked whilst others took off all bar their underwear and stood in a huge circle, wrapping themselves in cellophane.

They say the State debt was not caused by the general public, but by those in power, and yet it is the general public rather than those in power who are having to pay for it out of their own pockets.

They chanted the usual messages of ‘people united will never be beaten’; ‘hands in the air, this is a hold-up’; and ‘this is not a recession, it’s a scam and a fraud’.

Protesters are calling for an immediate halt to cutbacks, tax increases and privatisation of public services, for the labour reform – which will make

it easier and cheaper for companies to sack staff, even hard-working ones and even where the firm is financially sound – as well as a moratorium on the repayment of the State deficit at least until an audit of the general public’s economic situation is carried out, the creation of a ‘public-sector bank’ and for toughening up of criminal and civil penalties for politicians and bank managers who have created the State debt through fraud, corruption or general bad handling of finances and the economy.

In Valencia, outside the city hall, demonstrators carried banners and chanted slogans to the effect of being unable to afford saucepans and frying pans – which they banged loudly; being fed up of forming part of the so-called ‘neither-nor’ generation, known in Spanish as la generación ni-ni (ni trabaja, ni estudia, or ‘neither works nor studies’) and calling for an immediate audit of the public debt.

Those who took part in the demonstrations throughout the country were of all ages, from young children to the elderly – the so-called iaioflautas – elderly protesters, literally translated as ‘granny/granddad flautists’ – carried banners calling for the government to stop destroying the future for their children and grandchildren.

The Global Noise gathering was organised by Spain’s 15-M movement – so-named because it started with on-street camps and sit-ins on May 15 last year, a week before the local elections across the nation – and by the USA-based Occupy Wall Street movement, who carried out a similar demonstration by banging saucepans and frying pans in New York.

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Page 4: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


4 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

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Ryanair Boss Denies Low Fuel Risks

Ryanair’s Chief Executive Michael O’Leary has dismissed claims that his airline is risking more emergency landings because pilots are not being allowed to carry sufficient fuel.

Three Ryanair planes had to make emergency landings in Valencia in July when fuel was low but in an interview with HARDTalk, Mr O’Leary said that his airline complied fully with EU rules on fuel and that claims made by an anonymously quoted pilot that there could be more emergency landings were “lies”.

O’Leary claimed that his airline had only had to make three emergency landings in the past 18 months out of a total of over a million flights, adding that although such landings are not commonplace, they are not unheard of either. He also blamed “very difficult” weather conditions in Madrid on the day in question for the emergency landings in Valencia.

He went on to say that Ryanair’s fuel policy had been assessed by an independent body, which had confirmed that it complies with all European fuel regulations.

When pressed about the airline’s continual and incessant cost-cutting exercise, O’Leary denied that was the case, saying that he would not have invested over nine billion euros in putting together Europe’s youngest and most up-to-date fleet or in establishing six maintenance facilities around Europe, if his only intention was to shave costs.

“Ryanair’s safety record,” he concluded, “is on a par with the safest airlines in Europe. Not the average, but the safest.”

consumer price index up 1% in september The Consumer Price Index (CPI) went up by 1% in

September primarily because of the VAT rise, to give a year-on-year rise of 3.4%, seven points above the August rate and one point below what was expected according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

The 3.4% year-on-year inflation rate for September is the highest rate this year, and the highest since May

2011, when inflation stood at 3.5%.

The sharp price rises in September has made it even more complicated to re-evaluate state pensions, which use the year-on-year CPI in November as their point of reference.

The Government has not yet confirmed whether or not it will compensate pensioners for the deviation in inflation (pensions only rose by 1% and the CPI will be much higher than this) and have gone no further than to say they are looking at the matter.

Compared with August, the CPI rose a full point because of the increased prices of clothing, footwear, fuel, cars and medicines.

Leisure and culture were two other areas that saw their CPI increase by 1.4 points, to 1.2%, because of price rises in cultural services, and, to a lesser extent, in toys, games, newspapers, magazines and communications (due to a rise in the cost of telephone services).

toddler Dies after being run over by school bus

An 18-month-old girl died today after being run over by a school bus at the entrance to a school car park in the Chapinería district of Madrid.

The accident occurred at 13.48 hours today at the entrance to the Colegio e Instituto Santo Ángel de la Guardia in Chapinería (pictured).

Sources within the emergency services confirmed that the toddler had died as the result of a massive brain trauma.

Paramedics were quickly on the scene, but could do no more than confirm the little girl’s death and provide support to her family.

Initial investigations have shown that the bus was reversing when it ran the toddler over. Witnesses said that at the moment the accident occurred, the little girl had run away from the relatives who were with her at the school gate.

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Page 5: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


74% oF CataLans in FavouR oF inDepenDenCe ReFeRenDum

According to an opinion poll carried out by the Generalitat’s Centre of Opinion Studies (CEO), 74.1% of Catalans are in favour of holding a referendum to decide wether Catalonia should become an independent European State.

The opinion poll, based on 800 telephone interviews carried out by the public opinion research company Grupo MDK Universal, was carried out between September 28th and October 3rd, just after the general political debate held in Parliament, during which the President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, announced he was bringing the election date forward to November 25th and revealed his intention to seek self-determination during the next legislature.

According to the data collected by the CEO, 74.1% of those interviewed were in favour of holding a referendum on independence for Catalonia, whilst 19.9% said they were against the idea.

A vote held in the Congress of Deputies yesterday, however ruled out any possibility of this referendum being held legally.

The PP, PSOE and UPyD all voted against a motion to allow the Generalitat de Cataluña to call a referendum. The motion, that would have allowed autuonomous communities the same right to hold a referendum as is currently enjoyed by central government, was quashed by 276 votes to 42, with no-one abstaining.

rajoy promises High-speed rail link between barcelona

and France by april 2013 Spain’s Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has announced

today that the Barcelona-Figueres-Perpignan high-speed rail link (AVE) will be open for business in April 2013.

The Spanish premier made the announcement in a press conference held jointly with French president, François Hollande, after the hispanofrench summmit held in Paris this morning.

Rajoy’s announcement comes the day after the Minister for Public Works made it clear that his objective for next year was to have a high-speed connection with France, referring to the AVE running from Barcelona to the French border.

According to the chief executive of Adif, Enrique Verdeguer, this is just one of the new high-speed links that will be opened during 2013, together with the Albacete-Alicante link, part of the Madrid-Levante line.

The opening of the AVE link to the French border will mark the conclusion of the Madrid-Zaragoza-Lleida-Barcelona-French frontier line, which has been under construction for the past decade, connecting numerous provincial capitals.

police identiFy body oF German woman wasHed away in murcia Floods

Using dental records police have been able to identify the body found in the Rambla de Béjar, in Lorca, on October 6th as that of a German woman, Helmtrud Gill, who disappeared on 28the September when torrential rain hit the area.

According to the local authorities, 27-year-old Gill, who lived in the Los Jarales area of Lorca, disappeared whilst driving her car towards Puerto Lumbreras. Her car was swept away in a flash flood, and deposited several kilometres away in the riverbed.

The victim’s car was found on September 30th and police with sniffer dogs, firefighters and volunteers have been searching for the missing drivers ever since, but the huge amount of mud and debris swept into the river bed by the torrential rain made the work of rescuers extremely difficult.

The woman’s body was eventually found on Saturday by some walkers in








the area, and taken away for

forensic tests, during which

her identity was finally


The flash floods at the

end of September claimed five lives in Andalusia and another five in Murcia, and forced hundreds of people to flee their homes as the waters rose and wrecked

their property. Three people

went missing in Málaga,

Almería and Murcia, one

of whom was this German


spanish BasketBaLL pLayeRs ‘DamageD’ oLympiC viLLage apaRtmentSpain’s basketball players have been

slammed for ‘trashing their apartments’ following their gold-medal loss in the London Olympics to the U.S.

Manager Sergio Scariolo’s team racked up more than 11,000 Euros in damages to their two London 2012 rooms after the 107-100 loss, it was revealed Thursday.

The exact nature of the damage has not yet been confirmed, but the Spanish media has condemned the actions as “despicable” and “disrespectful”.

And a source within the Spanish Basketball Federation, which has officially denied any knowledge of the vandalism, said: “The leaving parties are usually a regular thing when players finish a tournament. After living together for six weeks, preparing and competing, they have it. But it has never led to this.”

Newspaper El Pais said Spain’s Chef de Mission, Cayetano Cornet, confirmed the damage the day after the Aug. 12 game and that the Spanish Olympic Committee

paid for the destruction immediately.

Dennis Hone, interim chief executive of the London Legacy Development Corporation, who is in charge of developing the Olympic Park in east London, told British newspaper The Guardian it was the only incident of hooliganism he had encountered during the sporting event.

But he did also say that a Moroccan athlete took out a sprinkler system that crashed through several floors by playing with a remote control aircraft.

It is not the first time the Spanish basketball team has sparked outrage.

In 2008 it was in

trouble over an advertisement showing the players from both the men’s and the women’s team using their fingers to make their eyes look more Chinese.

The pictures showed both sets of players making the gesture on a basketball court adorned with a Chinese dragon. They were part of a publicity campaign for team sponsor Seur.


TO: Ex




Page 6: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


6 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

Qr code scanninG rises 218% in spain



QR codes are becoming more commonplace in magazines and outdoor advertising across Europe. Within the EU5 (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom), more than 17 million smartphone users scanned a QR code in the second quarter of 2012, according to comScore. That’s a healthy year-on-year growth of 96%.

The growth in some countries is huge.In Spain, 16% of the population scanned a QR code in Q2 2012, up a whopping 218%

in twelve months. In the same period, the number of smartphone owners scanning QR codes in Germany rose 128% and, in Italy, 75%.

The country with the highest percentage of smartphone users scanning QR codes is Germany with 18.6%, higher than the EU5 average of 14.1%.

QR codes represent a “new and exciting” opportunity for marketers, said Hesham Al-Jehani, European mobile product manager at comScore.

“By offering more detailed product information or related content, QR codes bring consumer vital information in their consideration of a particular product or service,” added Al-Jehani. “With smartphones now in the majority of consumers’ pockets, access to the sort of information they might get on their computer when researching a product online can help retailers improve their conversion in-store.”

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Homeless Families in spain are sQuattinG aFter evictionProtest groups in Spain have helped families

that were kicked out of their homes by banks find shelter in repossessed, empty apartment buildings. Police moved in quickly in most cases, but in Seville about 30 families are going on six months of illegal occupation.

Fifty-four-year old Mercedes Lladanosa is living in a two-bedroom apartment with her daughter and granddaughter. It has hardwood floors and a fancy faucet in the bathroom. But bare light bulbs hang uselessly from the ceiling; the electricity was shut off months ago.

And the washing machine is only for show, as the city cut off the building’s access to running water last week.

They cook with a gas camping stove. What little furniture Lladanosa has was donated or found in the trash. It is not much - a couch, a bed and a crib.

She and more than 100 others have been living like this since May, in this five-story building that was completed three years ago and left empty when the developer went bankrupt.

Nearly 40 families moved in with help of members from the 15M activist group, like Antonio Moreno Rosana.

“Right now in Spain we have something like 517 evictions a day. The thing is, just in Andalucía I think, there are 116,000 empty houses. It is outrageous that you have got empty houses when people are getting thrown out into the street,” said Rosana.

Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards have been evicted from their homes since the housing bubble burst in 2008.

Once a house is repossessed by the banks, the owner is still liable for the mortgage,

meaning several generations are being saddled with debt.

Rosana said it makes no sense.

“We think that, you know, if a bank has an empty house for a year or two years, that should be expropriated immediately. It is like you have it empty? No, you can not have it empty. We are going to put some people in there, if you are going to have it empty,” said Rosana.

15M group protests

The 15M movement has tried a few times in Madrid, Barcelona and the Catalonian city of Sabadell to house evicted families in buildings now belonging to banks, but efforts were swiftly defeated by police. Lladanosa and her fellow squatters risk being thrown out any day.

Not everyone lives in the building out of absolute necessity, and for some, making a statement is worth the risk.

Social worker Montserrat Sanchez lost her job in an immigrant center two months ago and could not pay her rent anymore, so she went back to live with her mother and father, but then left.

“I think I have the right, like everyone living in this world, to have my own house and my own place where to stay. And I do not think it is right to go back with my parents. So that is why I came here,” said Sanchez.

Lladanosa and others have to haul water from the water fountain installed outside the building by the city (next to garbage bins).

The unemployed cook turned housekeeper said she wants to regain her dignity. She wants a roof over her head & not for free.

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Five doctors have confirmed today before the magistrate investigating the alleged theft of a baby girl from Madrid’s Clínica Santa Cristina in 1982, that the nun María Gómez Valbuena, known as “sor María”, had almost exclusive responsibility for handling adoptions and had absolute power, according to a report from ThinkSpain.

All the doctors - Ana Elisa López Delgado, María Rosa Acero de Pablo, María Teresa del Olmo Mombiedro, Carmen Sánchez Calvo and Olga Fadón Pérez - acknowledged that the hospital had a private area where mothers who supposedly wanted to give their babies up for adoption were taken.

They stated that “Sor María” was responsible almost exclusively for handling the administration involved in all the adoption cases and was free to come and go in the private area, amongst the cribs and incubators, without anyone challenging her presence.

Three of the five witnesses confirmed that the nun was almost totally autonomous within the clinic, but that the department heads and administrative directors must have known what was going on within the heirarchical chain of command in a public maternity hospital.

Sor María is facing charges of illegal detention and forging public documents after María Luisa Torres

made a formal accusation against her for taking away her newborn baby girl at the Clínica Santa Cristina in 1982.

After giving evidence today, Olga Fadón, who worked as a doctor in the neonatal department at the Clínica Santa Cristina for 30 years, told members of the press that she had “never” noticed anything “strange”, nor seen any mother cry, nor did she see any couple come in without a baby and leave with a baby in their arms.

“Sor María” was “powerful”, stressed Olga Fadón, before going on to explain that “whatever she did was considered the right thing to do”, and that “she, and she alone, was the one who looked after all the adoptions”, adding “adoptions have always been a tricky area”.

The doctor also recognised that “it was a totally different Spain to the one we know today, and women didn’t know much about their rights”, but added that she didn’t believe that any mother was “coerced” into handing over their child for adoption.

When asked about the possibility of babies being “stolen” from their mothers at the Clínica Santa Cristina, she said she thought it unlikely, because “there were good bosses and everything worked very well”.

baby tHeFt: maría Gómez valbuena Had ‘absolute power’

with regard to adoptions

Page 7: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


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Red Cross Urges Spanish To Donate Money For Food Parcels Spaniards are being called on to supply

food parcels to their poverty-stricken counterparts as the nation’s economic crisis continues to bite, according to a report on the Daily Mail news website

Spain’s Red Cross launched a drastic appeal for 30 million Euros - a move which in recent years has been reserved for helping famine-hit African nations and earthquake-ravaged Haiti. It is the first time the agency’s annual campaign has focused solely on aiding people in its own country and will see essential food supplies handed out to 2.3 million ‘extremely vulnerable’ citizens over the next two years. The figure of those in need has already risen from 1.5 million in 2010 to 2 million in 2011.

Families are being called on to donate money for the food parcels, as part of the Red Cross’s annual Dia de la Banderita (Little Flag Day) fundraising event which took place on 10th October.

Most required are pasta, rice, olive oil, vegetables and canned fish which will be delivered to children living below the poverty-line, as well as the homeless, long-term unemployed and pensioners.

Tied into this appeal will be a TV marketing campaign; an advert will show a family - a father, son and daughter - sharing an omelette made from a single egg; a Red Cross

food parcel arrives and their mood lifts.

Red Cross director José Javier Sánchez Espinosa echoed the appeal’s slogan by saying the money was needed ‘Now More Than Ever’: “We have observed that there has been a serious deterioration in the social situation. Because of that, for the first time, we ask for support in helping the Spanish population.”

He went on to add that of the two million helped by the agency’s social programme last year, a disturbing 1.7 million remained living below the poverty line, earning less than 627,78 Euros per month.

A staggering 864,000 could not afford to heat their homes in the winter, and 524,000 did not eat a meal with protein in it more than three times per week.

This appeal comes in the same week the IMF said Spain would miss its deficit targets in 2012 and 2013 because of a much bigger economic contraction than had been forecast. The IMF said Spain’s economy would contract by 1.3% next year, compared to a government forecast of 0.5%.

This would see th% per cent of GDP in 2012 and 5.7 % in 2013 - significantly higher than the EU-agreed targets of 6.3% and 4.5%.

Page 8: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

8 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

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in & aroundHuercal overa

This week sees the one of the biggest ferias in the region come to Huercal Overa from 18th – 22nd October. There are huge tents for dancing and live shows, rides, stalls, food and bars. Here is the programme of acts on:Thursday 18th, from

11.30pm – Second (free entry)Friday 19th, from

11.30pm – Festival of Latin Passion (€8 entry) including Danny Romera, Andres Hunnbis and JosepoSaturday 20th, from

11.30pm – Fira Mucho and Facil (entry €15)Sunday 21st, from 11pm

– Andy and Lucas (entry €10)Monday 22nd, from

10.30pm – Maria Carrasco (free entry)There will be something

for everyone! opposite the bus station

and just down from Lidl in Huercal Overa is so much more than an internet cafe! It is a hub of daily life where you can go in for a paper, a cuppa and a cake with a friend, buy and send a card, top-up your mobile phone, order some goodies from the UK, check your email and have a Spanish class! Having been recently renovated and now under new management, offers a great location for a business meeting or just a catch up with friends. This Feria, they are also going to be open on the Friday and Saturday nights until 1am to offer you an alternative to fiesta food, so when you get really hungry after dancing the night away, call in for a pie, pasty, sausage roll or cake, a beer or just a good old fashioned cup of tea! For more information pop in or call 950 135 039.

Voss Homes Estate Agency wishes everyone a great Feria 2012! If you are looking to buy, sell or rent a property in the Huercal-Overa area then contact Voss Homes who have an office, 100m from Lidl supermarket on Carreterra Estation, only 1km off junction 553 of the A7 motorway. Andy Voss has specialised in selling properties here for over 7 years and, because of his in depth knowledge of the area, he offers a more comprehensive, professional, and friendly service to both Home Owners and Buyers. Voss Homes provide extensive newspaper and internet advertising AND they also work with a number of other reputable agents thereby attracting clients from all over the world for your property! They are also now looking for long term rental properties in the Huercal-Overa area and have many clients of all nationalities. Call 0034 678 002 006 or 950 616 827 or visit

Cam Concepts SL is a family business with more than 18 years assisting expats in Alicante and Almería with all aspects of living in Spain. They pride themselves on their reputation and for having many satisfied customers. They can, as native British speakers who speak fluent Spanish, offer you assurance that your questions and concerns will not be misinterpreted, and a that you can be assured that you will be offered the best advice, without having to ask! Cam Concepts is located on the opposite side of the road to the

Post Office in Huercal-Overa, take the side road opposite the metal statue with the bakery on the corner. Mandy & Chris look forward to seeing you at their office, where they will be happy to help you, no matter how small your enquiry may be or call 950 471 357.

Huercal-Overa Veterinary Centre is run by Husband and wife team Angel and Elena who both speak an excellent level of English. Since May 2011, they have offered an invaluable service to the pets in the area. They can help and advice you on any concerns you may have about your pets welfare and they also have a dog and cat grooming service too. They have a great range of pet food and other accessories in the centre. For more information or to book and appointment call 950 61 67 81.

Jugetes Fantasia, just behind the Post Office in Huercal Overa is a treasure trove of toys, games, bikes and puzzles. They have lots of well known brands including Fisher Price and Playskool for the little ones, Hello Kitty, Sponge Bob Squarepants, Spiderman and Disney top name a few. They also stock bikes for young children and have puzzles and board games and popular mini helicopters for the adults. They have recently introduced a superb loyalty card scheme, similar to a Boots points card, where, whenever you spend any amount of money in store, you accumulate points to spend whenever you wish. If you have birthdays to buy for before now, why not get a loyalty card and you may get a half price or even free Christmas present! Why not pop in and have a look for yourself.

Casa de Tesoros, or The House of Treasure, is located in the old Chimineas Acar premises on Avda, Guillermo in Huercal Overa, just down from the Post Office and it is a cavern of goodies to search through. They have a large variety of furniture, kids toys, kitchen equipment, books and much more! It is full of second hand items and you can even sell your unwanted items here. Take anything you need to sell into Gerry and Lorna and they will display it for you for a small fee. So save yourself time and hassle selling things yourself at the bootfairs or online, have someone else do it for you and reap the benefits! For more information call 664 409 898.

Page 9: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


The House of TreasureCasa de Tesoros

Av. Guillermo Reina 70heurcal-overa 04600, Almeria

tel: 664 409 898email: [email protected]

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ice creamsGreetings cards from 99csnack, pies & cakesTop-ups on all networksuK ordering servicespanish Computer Classes

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Page 10: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

10 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

el ejiDobowls club

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FRiDay GolF SoCieTyalMeRiMaR FRiDay GolF - 12 oCToBeRWe had 32 members taking part this week

in a Best 2 Stableford with 2 hidden holes. The weather was perfect for golf when we started but it got a little breezy by the end of the round. Perhaps because the first tee time was 12:56 this week and it normally gets windier in Almerimar later in the afternoon. The rough was thick and there was a big premium on hitting the fairway.

The winners this week were Idris Browning, Barry Castle (2nd time in 2 weeks), Ivan Van Driessche and Eduardo Pacheco with a score of 95 points. Last place and chocolates went to Terry Green, Ingegerd Erasmi, John Nolan and Vicky Thomas with 76 points.

It was double chocolates for Vicky as she also won nearest the pin with a distance of 3.42m.

Two golfers beat their handicap this week. Ivan had 41 points and lost 2 shots off his sloped handicap at Almerimar. Peter Coooke had 38 points and lost a shot off his sloped handicap.









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el ejiDoOfficers of the El Ejido Guardia Civil have paid

tribute to their Patron Saint, the Virgen del Pilar.

The ceremony consisted of a solemn Mass in the local church of Santo Domingo, as well as celebrations in the Guardia Headquarters.

The Mass, held at midnight, was attended by senior officers of the Guardia Civil, the Policía Nacional and the Policía Local of El Ejido.

The Alcalde and almost all of his administration, the Presidents of local boards, as well as Opposition councilors were present.

After the mass, during which the dedication and bravery of the officers was praised, the image of the Virgen del Pilar was taken in procession to the barracks.

The Tribute began shortly before one o’clock in the afternoon, with the hoisting of the flag of Spain and the playing of the National Anthem.

This was followed by the Awards Ceremony. The first to receive this honour was Guardia Civil Officer Fernando Rodríguez, who received the silver cross for distinguished service from Lieutenant Antonio Martín Rueda. Joaquin Navarro Jiménez, now retired, also received a plaque in appreciation of his services to the Corps over the years. Finally, a memento of the unit was given to Lieutenant José Antonio Oliva Gordillo, who will shortly be reassigned.

The military celebration concluded with a tribute to the fallen of the Guardia Civil; a laurel wreath was laid at the foot of the flag of Spain and the anthem of the Guardia Civil was sounded.

el ejiDoThe Concejalía de Cultura has opened the

registration period for the most popular course in the city - the Municipal Theatre School.

Those interested in participating in these schools and can register for the academic year 2012/13.

Registration can be made in the Área de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de El Ejido, in any of the Juntas Locales or in the Biblioteca Central de El Ejido.

The course starts on November 5th and will end in May with the Muestra de Teatro Aficionado, (Amateur Theatre Festival).

The course will include nine modules for students from the age of six upwards.

Enrollees will receive four hours tuition per week divided into two days. They will learn the concept of theatrical acting, movement, development of character and creativity in acting, interpretation of text and voice, as well as other subjects.

The Escuelas Municipales de Teatro were launched sixteen years ago to support amateur theatre and to energise and stimulate the ejidense society.

The deadline for registration is November 23rd.

Ray & Kay welcome their small and friendly cafe bar for

breakfast, lunch & drinksOpen: Mon - Sat 10.30am - Close Open: Sunday 2pm - 10pmTApAS Served dAily 12 nOOn - 5.30pM (exCepT SundAy)Gerry’s curry niGht 25Th OCTOber BooK eArly limiTeD SPACeS

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Page 11: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 11

Breast cancer remains the most common cancer in the UK with nearly 46,000 people diagnosed every year. The chances are that some of you

reading this article will have been touched by the disease in some way, and during Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October it is important to keep talking about it.

Breast Cancer Care is there for anyone affected by breast cancer. They bring people together, provide information and support, and campaign for improved standards of care. They use their understanding of people’s experience of breast cancer and our

clinical expertise in everything they do.

Secondary BreaSt cancerJust what is secondary breast cancer? It occurs when breast cancer cells spread

from the first, primary tumour in the breast to another part of the body and it can’t be cured. Around 100,000 people are living with secondary breast cancer, and they

can suffer appalling gaps in the support and care they receive.

younger WomenWhen Kylie announced she had breast cancer, the story of the

disease’s impact on her as a younger woman was never far from the headlines. Four years on and the issue is still as important as ever - around 9,000 women under the age of 50 are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. The issues that Kylie faced - from how to preserve fertility and continue her career to dealing with relationship issues - are all still genuine concerns for younger women with the disease.

Family HiStoryMany of you will have a relative affected by breast cancer. It can be worrying to think

there may be a genetic link, but the fact is that fewer than ten per cent of the 46,000 cases of breast cancer diagnosed in the UK each year are hereditary.

So how do the small number of women who carry a faulty breast cancer gene approach the news? Faced with a high risk of developing the disease, do they opt for a preventative mastectomy or stay with regular screening? Close relatives and children might also carry the gene, so how do families decide whether and how to talk to them about their risk?

liFeStyle & riSkMushrooms, bacon, apples, wine and coffee - these are just some of the things

that have been highlighted recently because it’s suggested they may increase or decrease your risk of developing breast cancer. And that’s without adding in other factors like exercise, HRT and - believe it or not - Facebook.

Yes, it’s confusing, but it doesn’t need to be. Understandably, more and more people want to take control of their lifestyle to reduce their breast cancer risk.

BreaSt aWareneSS

The top breast health insight is breast awareness. The message is still simple: get to know what is normal for you and report any changes to your GP immediately. Early detection of breast cancer can lead to simpler and more effective treatment, so learning to be breast aware is vital.

• Know what is normal for you

• Know what to look and feel for

• Look and feel

• Report any changes to your GP without delay

• Attend routine breast screening if you are aged over 50

The Breast Cancer Care helpline and website are a lifeline to thousands of people who contact them every year with fears, concerns and questions about breast cancer. Breast Cancer Care do not receive statutory funding, relying wholly on the generosity of supporters.

By raising awareness of breast cancer this October, we hope to help remind thousands of women to be ‘breast aware’, which can ultimately lead to earlier detection and better results from treatment.

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness MonthEvery 11 minutes someone is

diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK alone

Page 12: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

12 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

new test Determines your risk of a DeaDly allergic reaction

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A new test to indicate which people are most at risk from life-threatening allergic reactions has been developed by British scientists.

The procedure measures levels of an enzyme in the blood which is involved in allergic reactions that can cause potentially fatal anaphylactic shock.

Medics hope the test could become the definitive,

gold standard test for the diagnosis of severe allergic reactions across the world.

One in three Britons suffers from an allergy and the number of cases is rising by five per cent every year.

It was developed by the University of Southampton’s Dr Andrew Walls working with doctors at Southampton General Hospital to help combat a rise in serious allergic reactions to such

things as peanuts.‘Allergic reactions to drugs

are increasingly common and reactions to food such as peanuts, tree nuts and fruit are also a concern, particularly in children and adolescents,’ said Dr Walls, a reader in immunopharmacology.

‘But reliable tests for establishing the risk of a reaction have not been available, leaving patients vulnerable to serious

reactions in the future.’Levels of an enzyme called

CPA3 are considerably higher in the blood of people who are prone to life-threatening allergic reactions compared with those who are not.

The level of enzyme can increase rapidly within minutes of the onset of serious allergic reactions, known as anaphylactic shock, and remain elevated for more than a day afterwards.

Using materials developed over a period of years in his research lab, Dr Walls has created a technique to measure these levels in patients and find out who is most at risk.

He said: ‘The development of this test should help to determine the proportion of people with a specific allergy who may be at risk of a life-threatening reaction.

‘This advance allows clinicians to be able to understand the vulnerability of these patients, and either ensure they avoid the problem trigger, or provide them with an injection device so that they can self-administer a drug to fight the onset of a shock, vastly reducing their chances of continued serious attacks.’

Dr Mich Lajeunesse, a consultant paediatric immunologist and a member of the clinical research team, said the test will drastically alter the way doctors diagnose.

‘Severe allergic reactions are frequently overlooked by doctors who call it severe asthma instead,’ he said.

‘This test will help doctors recognise these reactions and provide patients with better aftercare and prevention of future allergic reactions.’

He added: If it proves to be as useful as the early trials suggest, it is likely to become the gold standard for diagnosis of severe allergic reactions around the world.’

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Page 13: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


JAXHair&BeautyFormerly J.d. Hair design

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baD Hair Day?blame it on your meDicine!Going thin on top? Or is your

hair losing its colour? Your medication could be to blame.

Drugs for blood pressure, acne, depression — even common painkillers — can lead to hair loss, according to a report by scientists at the University of Melbourne. And other drugs can turn a brunette into a redhead, or make straight hair curly.

Hair loss or thinning can occur up to a year after taking medication but, thankfully, in most cases, hair loss or any other changes are reversible.

Doctors say it is important that patients see their GP if they notice any unusual hair loss (do not stop taking any medication without seeing your doctor).

They can be switched to other drugs, if appropriate, or the dose can be reduced. In other cases, patients can be reassured the effects are unlikely to be permanent.

‘The cause of hair loss or change is often unknown, but you must always consider the effects of drugs,’ says Professor Sam Shuster, emeritus professor of dermatology at Newcastle University.

‘When drugs do affect the hair, the change is usually mild and reverses when the drug is stopped. So you may want to tolerate the change, because of the important effect the drug is having in restoring your health.’

It’s well known, for instance, that chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells, but also attack other fast-growing cells in the body, such as hair roots.

This is why patients can start to lose their hair within two to three weeks of starting treatment.

The drugs can also affect texture and shade, research shows, but hair should re-grow three to ten months after treatment has ended.

In many cases, medications are thought to affect hair by interfering with its growth cycle, which has three distinct stages. In the growing period, which lasts between three and five years on the scalp, hair grows by around 1cm a month.

That’s followed by a shorter, two-week stage, known as the intermediate phase, where the hair follicle is prepared for releasing the hair.

In the final, three-month phase — the telogen phase or ‘resting’ phase — the hair stops growing and eventually falls out.

After three months, the follicle starts to grow a new hair. Fortunately, this happens randomly all over the scalp. If it didn’t, the hair would be shed in clumps.

If you are taking medication for any of the following conditions, you may be experiencing hair change. . .


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a rehabilitating dentist is one who restores both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the mouth, either by reconstructing or substituting teeth. It’s not just a question of “fixing”

what’s broken. It’s about curing each component of the mouth (teeth, gums, joints muscles, mucous membranes, etc) to its optimal state.

An integral dental surgery consists of various different specialists working together to achieve a healthy mouth and beautiful smile:

• A general dentist tends to routine dentistry (check-ups, fillings, etc).

• An odontopaediatrician is a general dentist who specialises in treatments for children 0 – 14 years.

• An endodontist performs root canals on broken or caried teeth which require pulp tissue removal.

• A periodontist surgically cures the gums and bone which serve as a foundation to teeth.

• An orthodontist corrects the alignment and occlusion of teeth with braces and/or retainers.

• An implantologist “replaces” missing teeth by surgically implanting titanium “screws” into the jawbone, to later cement on crowns which appear as natural as ones own original teeth.

• An oral surgeon specialises in both periodontics and implants.

• A reconstructive surgeon (“maxillofacial”) operates on all parts of the face, ears, nose, and throat.

When should i visit an integral dental surgery?Bleeding gums, broken or missing teeth, pain, discolouring are all warning signs requiring the attention of a rehabilitating specialist.

By Dr. Juan Cremades, Oral Surgeon

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Page 14: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

14 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

Prices are subject to change without notification. Please confirm on booking. We reserve the right to withdraw offers at any time.

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baD news stories ‘alter women’s stress response’Bad news stories, such as those about murder, seem

to alter the way women respond to stressful situations, according to a small study.

Women produced more stress hormones in tests if they had read negative newspaper stories.

The study on 60 people, published in the journal PLoS One, showed there was no equivalent effect in men.

Experts said the findings showed “fascinating” differences between the sexes.

Researchers in Canada compiled newspaper clippings of negative stories, including accidents and murders, as well as neutral stories such as film premieres.

Men and women read either negative or neutral stories and then did a scientific stress test. Levels of the stress

hormone, cortisol, were measured throughout the study.

One of the researchers, Marie-France Marin, from the University of Montreal, said: “Although the news stories alone did not increase stress levels, they did make the women more reactive, affecting their physiological responses to later stressful situations.”

Men’s cortisol levels were not affected.

She added: “It’s difficult to avoid the news, considering the multitude of news sources out there.

“And what if all that news was bad for us? It certainly looks like that could be the case.”

The scientists suggested that women may be naturally better at identifying threats to their children, which affects the way they respond to stress.

Professor Terrie Moffitt, from the institute of psychiatry

at King’s College London, said: “According to self-report studies, women say they are more ‘stress reactive’ on average than men.

“This study adds fascinating new evidence of change in a stress hormone after an experimental... challenge.

“Stress researchers confront a real gender puzzle: As a group, women seem more reactive to stressors, but then they go on to outlive men by quite a few years.

“How do women manage to neutralise the effects of stress on their cardiovascular systems? An answer to that question would improve health for all of us.”

Other experts warned that the study was small so the reported effect would need further testing.

Page 15: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


so piGs can’t Fly. . . but mice really can sinG: scientists discover rodents can mimic and learn complex soundsIt seems that Bagpuss was ahead of his time!

Decades after the pink and white cat and six singing mice first appeared on our TV screens, scientists have shown that mice really can learn songs.

Male mice, who use high-pitched love songs to woo females, also change their tune when there is competition around.

The findings suggest mice can mimic and learn complex calls and sounds.

This ability, known as local learning, had been thought to be limited to people, as well as some birds, dolphins, whales, bats, elephants, sea lions and seals.

With mice widely used in medical research, the finding could help shed light on autism and other conditions in characterised by problems in communication.

It may also be of interest to generations of Bagpuss fans who, as children,

were fascinated by the mice that lived on the mouse organ and their high-pitched songs.

It was already known that male mice whistle or sing when trying to court females but it was assumed that their ultrasonic cries are produced instinctively, with little thought going into the process.

However, when the US scientists put males of two different strains were put in a cage together, one gradually adjusted its song so that it sounded more like the other’s.

This, the research team from Duke University in North Carolina said, is a hallmark of vocal learning.

The discovery that if the animals lost their hearing, they began to sing out of tune,

also fitted the definition.Other evidence came from a

series of tests which showed similarities between the way the human and mouse brain

produces songs.In all, the creatures satisfied the

five key tests of vocal learning, the journal PLoS ONE reports.

Kurt Hammerschmidt, a German expert, said: ‘This is a very important

study with great findings.’ Researcher Erich Jarvis said: ‘Our results

show that mice have the five features that scientists associate with vocal learning.

‘In mice, they don’t exist at the advanced levels found in humans and song-learning

birds but they are also not completely absent as commonly assumed.

‘If we are not wrong, these findings will be a big boost to scientists studying diseases such as autism and anxiety


spooF tube stickers ‘briGHten journeys’Guerilla Transport for London stickers with spoof notices for

passengers are being plastered on Tube trains and stations.The notices, in the same colour and font as genuine TfL signs,

include “No eye contact. Penalty £200” and “We apologise for any incontinence caused during these engineering works”.

Others suggest commuters should offer their seats to “drunks less able to stand” and advise: “Peak hours may necessitate you let other people sit on your lap.”

A spokesman told the BBC: “It’s a form of rebellion, whether it be due to the current climate of doom and gloom or people wanting to brighten their day.”

The stickers, apparently designed to brighten commuters’ daily journeys on the London Underground, are bring celebrated on a Facebook page.

However, a spokesman for the British Transport Police branded the stickers “unwanted vandalism that causes criminal damage”.

Geordie accents Help plants tHriveA gardening expert claims that talking to plants in a Geordie accent helps

them thrive more than any other regional pronunciation.Chris Bonnett had staff at his nursery in Essex speak to plants in different

accents every day as an experiment. The plants were also played DVDs and CDs of regional soaps and pop stars to help reinforce the different dialects.

Each group was placed in a different area of the nursery, near Colchester, and staff took great pains to ensure the accents were never mixed up.

Mr Bonnett says the ‘Geordie’ plants, which were subjected to Geordie Shore, Cheryl Cole and Ant and Dec, grew almost 10% more than those in some other groups.

He said: “We kept all other variables as constant as possible. So the plants all had the same amount of sunlight, water and nutrients.

“By the end of the summer it was clear that the accents had a huge effect. There was, more or less, average growth across the Australian, Liverpudlian, Yorkshire and American groups.

“The Geordie and Welsh groups visibly thrived and displayed enhanced growth while the Scottish, Chelsea and Mancunian plants were stunted.”

Page 16: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

16 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

Draft bill amenDing coastal act approveD


A. the situation varies depending if you are a resident or non-resident of Spain. (having a certificate of residencia comunitaria is not sufficient proof of this/to find out if you qualify as a Spanish resident consult the tax office or your solicitor)

non ReSidentS: the capital gains tax rate since 1st of January of 2012 is 21 % of your net profit. The rate is applied to the difference between the acquisition price by purchase (or inheritance) and the sales price. (the prices used are the ones shown on the deeds of acquisition/inheritance and sale). You’re allowed to apply a reduction to the taxable base: For every year after the second of ownership up to 1996, you are allowed to reduce the taxable base by 11.11%. For every year you have owned the property after 1996, you are only allowed to reduce the taxable base by the annual official inflation which is published each year with the national budget.

When you have calculated the net taxable base the rate is 21%. to add to the complication also be aware that the purchaser will retain 3% of the sales price on account of the capital gains tax of the seller and will pay it into the tax office within 30 days. It is then up to the seller to calculate what the real capital gains tax using the calculation above is and then , either claim some back , or pay the difference to the tax office .

RESIDENTS: If you are a resident the first thing to look into is (a) The possible total or partial exemption from capital gains tax due to reinvestment (roll-over) and (b) the possible claim of total exemption if you are over 65 years old. in both cases there are certain conditions that have to be met to qualify for these exemptions. Consult a solicitor to find out how to qualify. if you do not qualify for any of the above exemptions the rate of tax applied to your profit is 21% for profit up to 6000 euros, 24% for profit between 6001 euros and 24000 euros and 27% ot profit above 24001 euros.

Plusvalía tax: this is a local tax on the increase in value of the land , which depends on the valuation established by the rates department. the town hall will happily calculate this for you on presenting title deed and last rates bill. Remember you will not have to pay plusvalía if you have paid plusvalía on the acquisition (by any title ) within the last year. (if a transaction within the last year has been in respect to part of the property you do not pay again in respect to that part)

Solicitors fee: this varies depending on the circumstances of the transaction, if their is a tax claim to be made etc. . the best advice is to ask for a budget in writing. normally about 1%.

LEGAL CORNERWITH MICHAEL DAVIES, ABOGADO/SOLICITORIf you wish us to print an article about a particular topic,

please e-mail [email protected]

Michael Davies is a Spanish Abogado and has been practicing law in Almería since 1993. He is member of the Law societies of Almería and Madrid and has offices in Mojacar and Almeria High Street.

The Spanish Government’s Council of Ministers has approved the Draft Bill on the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Coastline, amending the Coastal Act 1988, to be submitted to Parliament, according to a report on

The new legislation will protect the coastline from urban over-development and will generate confidence, increase economic activity and provide legal security to the public and to companies.

The Vice-President of the Government, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, stated that the amendment “protects our environmental wealth, reconciles environmental protection with sustainable economic activities, will liberate us from urban atrocities and provide us with tools to guarantee and improve the legal security of homeowners on the coast, as well as of those carrying on economic activities such as the beach bars”.

In this respect, the Vice-President of the Government indicated that in Spain there are more than 3,000 beach bars “which are a singular feature of our tourist attractions and which provide more than 40,000 jobs in Andalusia alone”.

The legislation empowers the Government to suspend unlawful urban activities, increase the protection of the beaches, particularly natural ones, and better defines the area of land-sea public domain, explained the Vice-President.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete, underlined that the new legislation has three objectives: to reinforce protection of the coastline, increase legal security and generate confidence and certainty for homeowners on the coast and for economic activity.

Among the measures to protect the coastline, the minister highlighted that the new law reinforces the ban on new buildings. “This law is not laxer or more tolerant, but rather it is a law that will help reinforce the ban on new


The Draft Bill bans improvement works on existing buildings, both in the land-sea public domain and in service areas, resulting in any increase in volume, height or surface area.

In this respect, Miguel Arias Cañete clarified that “there is no amnesty on illegal constructions”, but rather “a clearer and more transparent regulatory framework” is established.

The minister explained that the new law introduces the so-called ‘anti-Algarrobico clause’ that regulates the possibility for the Government to suspend illegal urban activities on the coast to avoid irreversible situations, always leaving the last word to the courts.

Furthermore, urban beaches are distinguished from natural beaches, increasing the protection for the latter.

La Moncloa reported that with regard to the measures to generate legal security, the minister stressed that the scope of the Land-Sea Public Domain is clarified and citizens are guaranteed access to updated information on their properties and other rights. To that end, assets in the land-sea public domain must be registered in the Property Registry.

Citizens may consult whether their land is affected by limitations in the public domain on the Internet. This measure will contribute, argued the minister, “to improving the confidence of foreign investors and help reduce the stock of unsold properties”.

Among the measures that aim to facilitate the viability and sustainability of economic activities, the ministers cited the extension of the maximum term of concessions to 75 years.

Miguel Arias Cañete stressed that all buildings constructed on the coast illegally will be demolished, such as the El Algarrobico hotel. 1,100 concessions on properties expire in the year 2018, which will result in their demolition.

For the latest property news:

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Page 17: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

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spanish property prices Have fallen by over 50%A survey conducted by the University of Pompeu Fabra in

Barcelona and property firm Tecnocasa has revealed that the average price of a property in Spain has fallen by 53% since 2006.

By analysing transactions in cities including Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Seville and Valencia, the university report concludes that Spanish property prices have fallen from an average of 3,500 euros per sqm in 2006 to 1,633 Euros per sqm in June this year, with 20% of that decline being recorded in the last year alone. Between June 2011 and June 2012, property prices in Malaga have fallen by 1,352 euros per sqm to 1,140 while the price of a property in Valencia has decreased from 1,118 euros per sqm to just 881 euros per sqm.

Reports from the country’s notaries have stated that the decline in property prices has been around 26.8%, a figure that is hotly contested by José García-Montalvo, the professor in charge of the study, who points out that the research is based on real transaction prices, not valuations or estimates like other data. “They are prices from the front line, real prices based on actual sales made,” he said.


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Page 18: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

18 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

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Page 19: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


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Page 20: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

20 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

“Because that’s where the money is”: So replied the infamous US bank robber, Willie Sutton, when asked why he robbed banks.

There are many European leaders who could give the same reply today when asked why they are raising taxes for their wealthier citizens.

As the Euro crisis plays out and budget deficits prove harder to curb, governments increasingly need to raise tax revenue. Tax hikes have become all too familiar with most of the burden is being placed on those with higher incomes and/or substantial assets.

Here in Spain the top rate of income tax increased from 45% to 52%. Rates increased across the board, but the increase was much higher for those at the top. Tax on savings income was also hiked.

Countries like Portugal and France have also

imposed some sort of “solidarity tax” for top earners, as an emergency measure to collect more revenue.

And then there are wealth taxes. In Spain it has been a case of now you see it; now you don’t; now you do. The unpopular tax was effectively abolished in 2008 only to be reinstated just three years later for 2011 and 2012. It has just been extended for another year – will this be enough?

Many of these tax rises are meant to be temporary measures until the respective country reduces its budget deficit to 3%. This is proving harder than expected, so we need to prepare for higher taxes for longer. Spain is also facing the possibility of a bailout which would normally mean tax hikes are imposed.

There has always been debate about the effects of taxing the wealthy, but for taxpayers in the Eurozone

tAxinG the WeALthY – iS thiS the WAY FoRWARd FoR euRoPe?By Bill Blevins, Financial correspondent, Blevins Franks it may turn out to be purely academic. The simple

fact is that in these tough fiscal times governments need more cash, and so may have little choice in the matter.

For advice on protecting your wealth from taxation speak to a wealth management firm like Blevins Franks, which has decades of experience advising British expatriates here in Spain on their tax planning and takes the UK rules into consideration as well as the local ones.

Summarised tax information is based upon our understanding of current laws and practices which may change. Individuals should take personalised advice

To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on

our website

spain ‘may apply for eu bail-out

in november’ Two sources say Spain is expected to apply for an

EU bail-out this November, despite the general public clamouring for a referendum first.

President Mariano Rajoy is apparently weighing up the conditions which would be attached to the loan.

Spain has become the focal point of the Eurozone crisis, temporarily pushing Portugal, the Republic of Ireland and Greece out of the limelight, largely due to the collapse of its banking system and the high debts of its 17 autonomous regions.

One source from the European Union says: “We’re moving, we’re stepping out, we’re getting ready, and all this is going to happen in November.”

Another person directly involved has said: “If I had to bet on it, I’d say November rather than October, because then there would be a rescue package for Spain, Greece and Cyprus at the same time.”

Both sources want to remain anonymous, given how delicate the situation is at present.

This information was given to news agency Reuters, which originally said at the beginning of October that Rajoy intended to apply for the bail-out ‘in a week’s time’, but this did not happen and led to Spain’s government publicly denying any plans to do so at all.

virgin money ‘in contact’ witH rbs over bank brancH sale

Virgin Money has had “informal” contact with Royal Bank of Scotland about taking over more than 300 branches which RBS originally planned to sell to Santander, the BBC reports.

That deal collapsed on Friday, with the Spanish bank saying an agreement was taking too long to complete.

There were reports that Santander was struggling with IT difficulties at RBS.

But RBS chairman Philip Hampton said IT challenges could “always be overcome”, and hinted at other reasons.

RBS signed a preliminary agreement with Santander in August 2010 to offload 316 bank branches and thousands of small business accounts.

The sale was ordered by the European Commission as a requirement for RBS’s £45bn rescue by the UK government during the financial crisis.

Friday’s decision by Santander to withdraw from the purchase left RBS looking for a new buyer.

The BBC understands that Virgin is “very interested” in exploring the sale, but has emphasised that these are early days.

Earlier this year, Virgin took control of Northern Rock, which was nationalised in 2008, and rebranded its 75 branches.

When the RBS business first came up for

sale in 2010, Virgin was among a number of bidders who lost out to Santander.

The BBC understands that while Virgin has not made any formal approach to RBS, conversations took place soon after the Santander deal collapsed, with a Virgin Money source saying that it was RBS that initiated the contact.

It is believed that at least one other company may also be interested in buying the branches and other assets, which were thought to have an original sale price of £1.65bn.

However, RBS has indicated that it remains a reluctant seller and the bank’s chairman, Sir Philip Hampton, has suggested the European Commission could be persuaded to reconsider its demand for a sell-off.

Speaking in Tokyo, on the sidelines of the International Monetary Fund’s annual meeting, Mr Hampton said: “What’s changed since the original decision is the climate around state aid.

“The commission has been much, much more flexible. It used to be a pretty severe regime but they are making different judgements.

“Governments have to negotiate state aid. As it happens, the UK retail banking market is more competitive now than it

has been for decades.”

He also hinted that the suggestions that Santander was finding it difficult to integrate the two banks’ IT systems might not be the only reason for the sale’s collapse.

“People have speculated that it’s not an easy time in general for banks to take on a lot of risk-weighted assets,” Mr Hampton said. “IT challenges always get overcome.”

RBS and Santander were originally due to complete the sale by December 2011. Santander said in a statement on Friday that “it is now apparent that this revised target [February 2013] will not be achieved.”

On Friday, RBS chief executive Stephen Hester said that much of the “heavy lifting” work on the sale was complete. The business earmarked for sale has been ring-fenced and is run under separate management, led by David Gillespie.

Dubbed “Rainbow”, the operation made an operating profit of £186m in the first six months of this year and RBS has said in the past it could use the old Williams & Glyn’s bank brand name.

The UK largest trade union, Unite, has urged the government to press the European Commission to lift its sale requirement.

Page 21: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition



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Coordinate new bathroom fittings with your current fixtures and add vanity lighting to update your bath. The time and expense involved to update your bathroom fittings is minimal compared to the visual return you will receive.

Paint a room for a fresh new look. A new coat of paint will make a world of difference in the look and feel of your home. By carefully preparing your room for painting, you will be able to achieve a professional-looking finish that will make you step back and say, “Wow!”

Ceiling fans are both functional and decorative. They are particularly useful in the summer, since they effectively reduce energy usage while creating a cool breeze. They can also be used in the winter to gently pull heated air away from the ceiling where it tends to collect.

Install adjustable wire shelving in your garage, workshop or wardrobe for increased space and tidiness. Once the adjustable wire shelving is installed, you can easily change the configuration in the future, if needed.

Divide a large room with a non-load bearing wall; you’ll create two rooms that can be used for different functions.

Install moulding in your home to provide a regal touch. Mouldings hide slight imperfections where corners meet, join materials of varying thickness and gives a room a finished look. Mouldings also help make a transition from different materials such as paint and wallpaper.

If you’ve been thinking of updating your kitchen cabinets, why not do it this weekend? It’s easier (and less expensive) than you might think. With a little elbow grease and creativity, you can give your kitchen cabinets a face lift and create the effect of an entire remodel.

Updating and improving the interior of your home doesn’t have to be an all or nothing plan. You can start with a small project and

then work your way up to a larger one!

Interior Projects

Paint is one of the best starts to any budget decorating project, and when it comes to choosing colour – the world is yours. With paint companies offering hundreds of colour choices, how do you even start to choose a colour?

First, eliminate the bad choices. Some colours are best left to the experts and can be difficult to pull off for even the experienced professional.

GreensDeep, dark greens are a nightmare! They are difficult to work with as they never seem to come out just how you want them to. The slightest speck of extra colour in the mixture will throw off the whole tone and clash with fabrics and accessories. There are also so many undertones to greens that they tend to take on characteristics you wouldn’t expect. The slightest change in lighting can turn a forest green into a muddy looking mess. Try lighter shades of greens for wall colour, or even a complementary colour, and save the darker greens for fabrics and accessories – you’ll save time, money and frustration.


I don’t care how cool you think it will look, don’t do it. If your teenager insists on it, take him or her to a therapist. On the other hand, one great professional design tip – a splash of black in every room to ground the design, but don’t use paint, try it with an accessory, a frame for artwork or a small piece of furniture. If you’re looking for a dark wall colour, go with a rich chocolate brown for an elegant look.


Neon anything is out for wall colour. While bright colours are uplifting and motivating, make sure they’re not so bright they take on a neon quality. This is particularly a problem for greens when they have too much of a yellow undertone and oranges. Hot pinks and blues are great colours, but they can also take on neon qualities, so consider going down one step on the paint card to keep this from happening.


Save metallics for the accessories! Gold is not a good colour choice for walls. The slightest mis-tint or lighting change can throw off the whole look. Opt for a mellow, golden yellow instead. If you’re heck bent on a gold wall, you need to consider wallpaper, as finding just the right gold paint shade is going to take one heck of a lot of trial and error.


While red is a hot wall colour, particularly for dining rooms, brick red is not a good colour choice for walls. Again, you have the lighting issue, one change of a light bulb could take that brick red to a brownish red that can leave you feeling confused on the wall colour – is it brown, or is it red? Think how your furniture will feel! Consider toning the brick red down a few notches or over to a more brown or more red choice.

Remember, there are always sample sizes and small quart sizes available to help you avoid costly colour mistakes.


Colours to



Colours to


Page 22: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

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european car sales ‘fall for 12 montHs in row’New car sales in the European Union have fallen for the 12th

month in a row in September, according to the region’s biggest carmakers.

Demand across the 27 European Union countries fell 10.8% from last year.

But of the major markets, the UK was the only one to grow, up 8.2% from the same month last year, said the European Automobile Manufacturers Association.

Carmakers had 1.1 million new EU registrations last month - with 9.4 million cars sold this year so far.

In September, the major car markets in the eurozone - which is weighed down by recession, spending cuts and high unemployment - fell sharply.

Germany - the largest economy in Europe and one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world - saw its car sales drop 10.9%. France fell by 17.9%, Italy fell by 25.7% and Spain declined by 36.8% from September 2011.

Across the EU as a whole, the 10.8% drop in September is the steepest drop so far in the past 12 months.

Jay Nagley, managing director at the Spyder Redspy automotive consultancy, told the BBC that car sales had fallen by 4 million a year across Europe since 2007.

“Cars are the ultimate discretionary purchase, in that you can hold on to it for five or six years and hold off buying a new one,” he said. “We’re nearing the bottom, I think, but the problem for carmakers is that there is no sign of recovery.

“You can’t say that next year is going to be better than this year. In some parts of southern Europe, there is no car market anymore.”

Sales in Greece - which has been bailed out twice and is in its fifth year of recession - dropped almost 50% from September last year. They are down more than 40% so far in 2012.

From January to September, the EU market shrank by 7.6% compared with 2011.

But the UK again had a positive showing in the year so far - up 4.3% so far this year, compared with double-digit declines in Spain and Italy.

Germany has sold 2.4 million cars so far this year - down 1.8% from the same period last year.

The European Automobile Manufacturers Association is made up of 18 European car, truck and bus manufacturers - including premium carmakers such as Germany’s BMW and budget manufacturers such as South Korea’s Hyundai.

In the UK, shares in car parts maker GKN fell more than 4% after it said a sluggish European automotive market would weigh on its profits for the third quarter of the year.

“Macroeconomic conditions have deteriorated in recent weeks and some softening in order books is now evident, particularly regarding European automotive and industrial markets,” it said. (Article :

Page 23: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


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Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has downgraded Spain’s credit rating, highlighting a deepening recession and mounting pressure on Madrid’s finances.

According to a report by the BBC, S&P cut Spanish debt from BBB+ to BBB-, one level above junk status, and warned of possible further downgrades.

Spain is struggling with high debt levels and the highest rate of unemployment in the eurozone.

Madrid has introduced drastic spending cuts and tax rises, but many think it will have no option but seek a bailout.

“The downgrade reflects our view of mounting risk to Spain’s public finances, due to rising economic and political pressures,” S&P said.

“The deepening economic recession is limiting the Spanish government’s policy options.”

Last month, the government unveiled its latest budget designed to make savings of around 13bn euros ($16.7bn; £10.4bn) next year, by cutting public sector wages, education, health and social services.

The cuts were the latest in a series of austerity measures that have sparked angry protests across Spain.

Despite the cuts, tax rises, labour market and pension reforms, the Spanish government has said the country’s overall debt levels will rise next year to more than 90% of total economic output.

The country’s borrowing costs have remained high for months, leading many analysts to argue it is only a matter of time before Madrid is forced to ask its eurozone partners for financial assistance.

However, last week, Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos denied his country would be asking for help: “Spain does not need a bailout at all,” he said.

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formula to complete suDoku puzzles revealeD...BUT IT IS A BIT COMPLICATED!

For those who enjoy the challenge of a hard Suduko puzzle it could be seen as something of cop-out.

But for those who find them too much of a struggle it could be, literally, just the solution

Two researchers have developed a mathematical algorithm that solves Sudoku puzzles very quickly, without any guessing or backtracking.

Complex networks researcher Zoltan Toroczkai and Notre Dame postdoctoral researcher Maria Ercsey-Ravasz, from the

University of Notre Dame also say they can also explain why some puzzles are harder than others.

The only drawback is that you need a PhD in mathematics to understand just what they’re proposing (read their work here).

Toroczkai and Ercsey-Ravasz, who also studies at Romania’s Babeş-Bolyai University, began analysing Sudoku as part of their research into the theory of optimisation and computational complexity.

They say most Sudoku enthusiasts use a ‘brute force’ system to solve problems, combined with a good deal of guessing.

Thus they try all possible combinations of numbers until the correct answer is found. While the method is successful, it is also time consuming.

Instead, Toroczkai and Ercsey-Ravasz have proposed a universal analog algorithm that is completely deterministic (no guessing or exhaustive searching) and always arrives at

the correct solution to a problem, and does so much more quickly.

The researchers also discovered that the time it took to solve a problem with their analog algorithm correlated with the difficulty of the problem as rated by human solvers.

This led them to develop a ranking scale for problem or puzzle difficulty.

The scale runs from 1 through 4, and it matches up nicely with the ‘easy’ through ‘hard’ to ‘ultra-hard’ classification currently applied to Sudoku puzzles.

A puzzle with a rating of 2 takes, on average, 10 times as long to solve than one with rating of 1.

According to this system, the hardest known puzzle so far has a rating of 3.6, and it is not known if there are even harder puzzles out there.

‘I had not been interested in Sudoku until we started working on the much more general class of Boolean satisfiability problems,’ Toroczkai said.

‘Since Sudoku is a part of this class, it seemed like a good testbed for our solver, so I familiarized myself with it.

‘To me, and to a number of researchers studying such problems, a fascinating question is how far can us humans go in solving Sudoku puzzles deterministically, without backtracking — that is without making a choice at random, then seeing where that leads to and if it fails, restarting.

‘Our analog solver is deterministic — there are no random choices or backtracks made during the dynamics.’

Toroczkai and Ercsey-Ravasz believe their analog algorithm potentially can be applied to a wide variety of problems in industry, computer science and computational biology.

The research experience has also made Toroczkai a devotee of Sudoku puzzles.

‘Both my wife and I have several Sudoku apps on our iPhones, and we must have played thousands of times, racing to get the shortest completion times on all levels,’ he said.

‘She often sees combinations of patterns that I completely miss. I have to deduce them.

‘Without paper and pencil to jot down possibilities, it becomes impossible for me to solve many of the puzzles that our solver categorizes as hard or ultra-hard.’

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Page 25: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


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anotHer gooD reason to avoiD annoying peopleIt’s irritating enough being around someone you don’t like.

Now, to make matters worse, scientists have discovered that bad company could also affect your brain!

According to a report in the Daily Mail, whether you like someone or not can affect how your brain processes their actions, according to new research from the University of Southern California.

Most of the time, watching someone else move causes a ‘mirroring’ effect — that is, the parts of our brains responsible for movement are activated by watching someone else in action.

But being around someone you don’t like can send this process awry – you might think the person is moving more slowly than they actually are, for example.

Past research has shown that race or physical similarity can influence brain processes, and we tend to have more empathy for people who look more like us.

However this study took differences in race, age and gender into account – everyone who took part was a Jewish man.

The researchers split the men into two groups – half were presented as neo-Nazis, with the aim of making them disliked, the others were presented as likable and open-minded.

When the men viewed someone they disliked, the part of their brain that was otherwise activated in ‘mirroring’ — the right ventral premotor cortex — had a different pattern of activity for the disliked individuals compared to the likeable ones.

But the difference was only spotted when the annoying person was actually present – there was no difference in brain activity when the men watched videos of the people they disliked.

‘Even something as basic as how we process visual stimuli of a movement is modulated by social factors, such as our interpersonal relationships and social group membership,’ said Mona Sobhani, lead author of the paper.

‘These findings lend important support for the notion that social factors influence our perceptual processing.’

tHe fastest pram in tHe worlDA lazy new dad has built the world’s fastest motorised pram

to save the effort of having to push it. Plumber Colin Furze added a powerful engine to his silver metal pushchair, giving it an incredible top speed of 50mph. But the 33-year-old, from Stamford, Lincolnshire, says it’s too powerful to go at top speeds with baby son Jake. He spent four weeks and £450 designing and making the pushchair, which has a 125cc motorbike engine hidden between the wheels.

Mr Furze uses an accelerator and brake levers to control the speed, gears to go up hills, and the handle to steer.

“It is rather scary to drive but I’ve had lots of envious looks from mums and dads, especially when they are pushing their babies up hills,” he said. “Hopefully one day I’ll be able to take Jake for a proper ride in it but I’m not sure if my girlfriend Charlotte would be very happy about that! It is really unstable when it goes at top speed and if you hit a rough bit in the road you are in danger of falling off, but so far I’ve managed not to crash.”

He was determined to build the fastest pushchair in the world and applied to Guinness to set the record as there wasn’t one already in place. “I needed to go at least 30mph to do the record and I managed to do much better than that which is fantastic,” he added.

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26 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Timesso



























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r let



ku pu





across8 Hurries and ushers out (6,5)9 dialect of fruit? (8)10 stringed instrument cut short, hence losing

head with intense force! (8)11 monarchs, for example, are useful for keeping

straight! (6)12 rebels from shanghai initially going after

increase in pay (5)13 Quick drawings hidden in casket chest (8)16 Xian sou might be uneasy (7)17 see one who sees? (7)20 Cleverly with lots

of light? (8)22 short cheese

(loud) (5)24 Bring in a bit of

chimp or tiger (6)26 agile performers

- flying creatures following a crow, almost (8)

27 rescue vessel, albeit of new formation (8)

28 most recent los angeles exam (6)

down 1 Player of note? (8)2 she comes before

broken ringlet, providing refuge (10)

3 employing universal talk (5)

4 Huge? i am, with guys from southeast (7)

5 Full of vigour, making green tie in

front of Chinese leader (9)6 Part of shanghai likely to see falling ice? (4)7 Ferocious section of scruffier cedar (6)14 Give, but almost being contrite outside (10)15 something found in marks? (9)18 small, small exam is most sugary (8)19 song, for example, from empty day - awful! (7)21 stay with a miner, perhaps (6)23 endings of short letter you scrawl very

sincerely (5)25 done eggs, we hear (4)

across8 letters (4)9 angry (5)10 Fertilizer ingedient (4)11 an outline (6)12 imagines to be true (8)13 in a psychotic manner (8)15 The six million dollar man (6)17 runs off (7)19 lose heart (7)22 Cultural (6)24 A black flavored candy (8)26 Break-and-enter (8)28 Graduates (6)30 skid (4)31 lofty nest (5)32 a river in central europe (4)

down1 made from the residue of grapes (4)2 “Praise the lord” (8)3 a Hindu festival (6)4 a female spirit in irish folklore (7)5 Capable of being done (8)6 dinner jacket (6)7 round red root vegetable (4)14 something that happens (5)16 relating to the lower body (5)18 Parcels (8)20 Fragrances (8)21 Killers (7)23 a solid lump of a precious metal (6)25 a place of worship (6)27 website addresses (4)29 apprehends (4)

stanDarD crossworD cryptic crossworD

tHe worlD neeDs Dreamers anD tHe worlD neeDs Doers. but above all, tHe worlD neeDs

Dreamers wHo Do. saraH ban breatHnacH

Page 27: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


The herbal remedy echinacea can prevent colds and is of most benefit to people who are prone to them, according to the largest ever clinical study of the herbal medicine.

Researchers found that taking three daily doses of the common remedy for four months reduced the number of colds.

The duration of the illness suffered by patients also went down by an average of 26 per cent.

According to the results of tests on 750 people, the treatment also cut the number of recurrent colds suffered by those with weak immune systems or a history of catching several bouts each year by 60 per cent.

Several previous studies, including an overview of evidence by the highly respected Cochrane Library, had suggested that echinacea could soothe symptoms and cut colds short, but there was only limited evidence it could prevent the illness from ever taking hold.

The most recent major paper into the therapy, by the American College of Physicians, had found that it did not prevent colds or significantly reduce the length or severity symptoms.

But the new study by experts from the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre suggested that taking Echinaforce, a common form of the herb extract, could not only reduce the risk of colds but reduce the amount of paracetamol patients took while ill.

The research, which was part-funded by A. Vogel, the Swiss manufacturers of Echinaforce, was published in the peer-reviewed journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

It was primarily designed to test the safety of the treatment, and found that it caused no adverse sideeffects in the participants, who were all over the age of 18.

The MHRA, the British drugs regulator, warned parents earlier this year that Echinacea should not be given to children under 12 because of the risk of ‘severe’ allergic reactions including rashes and swelling of the mouth and tongue.

Echinacea is extracted from the Eastern Purple Coneflower, which is found in North America, and has long been used as a herbal remedy for the common cold.

It is purported to work by fighting viruses, which cause up to 95 per cent of all colds and flu, and studies suggest it can also boost weak immune systems if swallowed.

Patients mixed 25 drops of Echinaforce or a placebo with water and held it in their mouths for 10 seconds before swallowing it, three times per day over a four month period.

Those who took the treatment suffered 149 bouts of illness compared with 188 in the placebo group, a difference described by researchers as ‘borderline significant’, but the total number of days spent with flu was reduced from 850 to 672, a ‘highly significant’ change.

Recurring infections were cut from 100 episodes in 43 patients to 65 episodes in 28 patients, a difference of 59 per cent, the authors wrote.

Roland Schoop, a medical researcher for Bioforce, the British arm of A. Vogel, and one of the study’s authors, told the Daily Telegraph: ‘We were actually pretty amazed when we found this 26 per cent difference in cold episodes.’

University of London researcher Dr Margaret Richie, who was not involved in the study, added: ‘The clinical trial indicates that echinacea supports low-running immune systems but does not overstimulate well-supported ones.’

Herbal remeDy can protect against colDs

CUCADorla idarestaurant&venuev

delicious menu and a great selection wine, a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, plenty of comfort and leg room.

waitress service with a smile.Enjoy stunning views of olive groves and mountains.

fisH of tHe Dayoption

also availablebooking aDvisable

12.30pm - 5pm

traditional sundaYlunchsundaYlunch

open every day 12pm - late

Tel: 950 634 [email protected] Huercal Overa



La Vida

La Alfoquia



We are here


Junc 547Mojacar E15

book the venue

For your Private Parties, weddings and Birthdays etc.

beer-battered cod, homemade

chips & peas



in thebar

booking aDvisable

menu de la noche

2 CoURSeS 10.95€

wed-sat 6:30-9:30pm

great valuemenu changes weeklY

booking aDvisable

Halloween party

saturdaY 27th octoberwith

brendan o’deepriZe for

best outfitbook Your table now!

a sHow not to be misseD

sat 2otH oct7pm - 7.30pm start

tHe voices of almanzora

book now!

thursdaY’s 8.30pmopen gig night

with kris kellY in Garden Room

calling all musicians & singers.

You are welcome to come along and join in

this fun night out !!!

our main menu includes 16oZ steaks mixed grill

fresh fish & salmon


bookings now being taken for

pre-christmas dinners groups

and our 6 course christmas

daY lunch

Autumn FAyrethursdaY

18th october

crAFt, heAlth

& beAuty

a greatDay out

10am - 4pm

Page 28: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

28 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

scots favourites top new ‘must try’ fooD list for tourists

Aberdeen Angus beef and the Arbroath Smokie are a must-try for visitors to Scotland, according to a new book by travel experts, according to a report in the The Herald.

The culinary favourites feature in Lonely Planet’s Food Lover’s Guide to the World which lists the best foods to be found across the globe.

The book describes Aberdeen Angus beef as “the pride of the butchers’ block” and the Arbroath Smokie as a “unique, creamy, savoury, cured fish.”

Isle of Mull Cheddar also features on a list of the world’s best cheeses.

The authors say the “moist, soft, crumbly cheese born in the bleakly beautiful Isle of Mull,” deserves more of the spotlight in the cheddar world.

The hardback title has been compiled by a team of food writers with an introduction by Mark Bittman, author of the best-selling book How To Cook Everything.

Mesón de

Irenefree bottle

of la mancha red or white wine per couple to take awaY with anY

of our night menus

valid onlY with this vouchermon - sat: 19.00 - 22.00

unmissable offer!# #


Tuesday - saturday 7.30pm - late. sunday 2pm - 6pmClosed monday. call 950 430 930 after 5.30pm

Find us across the old bridge from Palza mayor albox, opp Bar wassy

sPeCial summer menu3 course €8.95 including a carafe of wine per couple

iTalian 3 Course menuFull a la CarTe also aVailaBle

SUNDAy SIzzLEr €8.95 including a carafe of wine per couple

La Cenatwo new

options aDDeD to tHe menu

Del nocHe

look oUt For oUr lIve entertAInMent evenInGS

www.beachcombermojacar.comtel: 950 473 099

Free WiFi

sundaY roast 3 CouRse - €10.50

MAIn coUrSe - €7.50

regular tribute shows

see website for details

Downstairs on the sea front next to the Irish Rover

Bar open 10am - LATEFood served ALL DAy

from 10.30amLast orders 10pm

menu of tHe Day

menu of tHe nigHtmenu of tHe Day

menu of tHe nigHt3 courses €10

3 courses €11.50

tHe crazy cow cafeFOOd COOkEd wiTH lOvE

tel: 697 465 620 email: [email protected] thecrazycowcafe

we are oPPosiTe PlaYa BlanCa, moJaCar PlaYaSEE YOU THERE XX

All food freshly cooked to orderyou will not be disappointed!

breAkInG neWS new winter dishes plus all your old favourites

lASt FooD orDerS At 6.30pMWinter opening times

tues - Sat 12noon - 7pm Sun 12noon - 4.30pmclosed Monday

idaBarlav CUCADor

menu del dia12.30 - 3.30 mon - tHurs + sat2 Courses 6€, 3 Courses 8€



laDies frienDly

DartsweD 8pm

all welcome


menu serveD



availableuntil 8pm

saXon real ale on taP - only 2.40€ Per PintblacktHorn ciDer

estrella only 2€ Per Pintopen every day 12pm - late

Tel: 950 634 [email protected]

book the venue: For Your PriVaTe ParTies, weddinGs and BirTHdaYs eTC.


The Irish RoverThe Irish RoverYour No1 Entertainment Venue in Mojacar for All the Family

showbar & restaurant

Telephone: 950 473 135 Mojacar playa between Lua & Moma Beach

open 10am till late

4th November Charity night

for vera orphange

get that friday feeling

Friday SpecialFresh Cod & Chips €4.95

Welcome StrangerRestaurante, LimariaMenu of the Evening, 3 courses 9.95€

including a drinkA la Carte from 6.50€ for a main courseMenu of the Day 7.75€ including a drink

Wednesday Lunch, Midweek Roast, Beef or Pork & Tea or Coffee €5Thursday and Friday Steak Night 7.95€

Lunch-time Menu from 5€Sunday Lunch 5€ or 3 course 9.75€

ESTABLISHED 7 yEARS 950 432 719

The IRISH ROVER on Mojacar Playa serves the Full English Breakfast from 10am – 1pm. 8 items €4.95 or 14 items €6.95! includes tea, coffee or orange juice on a large sunny terrace with fantastic views over the sea. Sundays is the Famous Irish Rover carvery, 3 meats, 7 fresh veg served 1 – 5pm plus a fun quiz. Friday Special: Get that Friday Feeling and come along to the Irish Rover and enjoy Fresh Cod & Chips for a fantastic price of just 4.95€. bookings are now being taken for Christmas Day Lunch, 3 course carvery lunch at the fantastic price of €20 per person and just €12.50 for children up to 10 years old. Call in for our Christmas lunch menu and for reservations call 950 473 135.

Cliff & Julie have owned and run THE WELCOME STRANGER RESTAURANT & BAR in Limaria, Arboleas for 7 years and pride themselves in top quality food and service at this hidden gem in the valley of Limaria. They offer classic choices with innovative twists, vegetarian options, all dishes are made on the premises. There are outside terraces available to dine on or to simply enjoy a refreshing drink. Steak Specials Nights on Thursday & Friday with rump steak, homemade chips, peas, mushrooms & tomatoes for just €7.95! The menu of the night and the a la carte menus are available EVERy evening. They also do an extremely popular Sunday lunch (see main ad for more details), bookings advisable and now offer a mid week roast too on a Wednesday – choose between beef and pork for just €5! they are closed for one day TODAy, 10th October, but for more info and to reserve a table call 950 432 719.

Tomorrow, Thursday, 11th October BEACHCOMBER will host a Diana Ross Tribute. Coming over especially from the UK. ‘Lady Sings Ross’ is a classy Diana Ross tribute show that covers this diva’s material from her time with the Supremes to her more recent hits. She is a London based singer who has performed at Shepherds Bush Empire, Hyde Park and many other venues in the UK and Europe, as well as singing live in New york and Los Angeles. All acts from now on will perform on the covered terrace giving every table in the restaurant a good view. This will also allow you to make use of bar stools at the bar. They can organise taxis for you, it is always safer to book in advance and they can do this if you wish, both ways if you like. As usual, Beachcomber continues to serve delicious food at affordable prices – you’ll be amazed at the quality and affordability! For more info call 950 473 099.

LA CENA, in Albox is a fine dining experience without the expense. A beautifully decorated restaurant run by husband and wife team Simon and Carol. At the moment take full advantage of their special 3 course summer menu where you can choose from 3 starters, then from a choice of 3 mains, then finish off your meal with either summer fruit and yoghurt, ice cream or chocolate gateux with cream! They also offer an alternative to the sunday lunch, a sunday sizzler at just €8.95 per person, with a carafe of wine per couple included! They are now re-open after their annual holiday with two more choices added to the menu del noche. If any of this has wetted your appetite, call 950 430 930 after 5.30pm today!

THE CRAZy COW BAR & CAFÉ on Mojacar Playa, just opposite Playa Blanca have a new menu available! They are still cooking famous tapas (mini meals) including cottage pie, curry, fishcakes and many other favourites all freshly cooked to order! Just go along and graze on a selection, you will not be disappointed! For more information call 666 891 340 (closed Mondays).


Club de tenis alboxrestauranteMenu del diaTues - Thurs €8.50

fri - sun €10Carne a la Brasa - Tapas

BirThdays - Business Mealsall kinds of speCial oCCasions

[email protected]

Tel 667 671 578

paella availaBle 24hrs notice required

quiz Tuesday from 8.30pm

HalloweenDinner & Dance

PARTY - 31st OctoberCome Dressed up and

get a free caÑa

Page 29: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


guinness flavoureD crisps?

great food at great prices

la Alfoquia, Plaza Santa Ana (opposite the old Station)

great food at great prices

tel: 633 684 855

Raciones, Tostadas, Tapas, Hamburgers and much, much more!!!

chicken & chips

just €5

open Everyday 9.30am - 11pm (except Monday) Kitchen open 9.30am - 4pm, 7 - 11pm

caña witH a tapas only €1

kentucky fried chicken

eat in or take away

pizzaseat in or take away

tuesday - sunday from 7pm

now serving guinness & strongbow

now sHowing all cHampions league & la liga games

petrol Station

◄ Albox

baza/Fines ►

MeSon De Irene



→ → → → →

→ →

→ open monday to saturday 7am ‘til late sunday 9am - 4pm

Booking recommendedspanish speaking 950 430 145english speaking 647 730 103

P o l I G o N o � I N d u s t r I a l � a l b o x , � N e a r � t h e � I t V � G a r a G e

w w w . m e s o n d e i r e n e . c o m

sundaY roasTmenu del dia

4 courses with bottle of esTeroast lamb shoulder & Pork Knuckle, roast

Potatoes & Vegetables

lunch 1pm - 4pm

menu del dia4 Courses with wine & Coffee included - mon to sat inclusivelunch 1pm - 4pm dinner 7pm - 10pm

new CoVered smoKinG TerraCe

Vegetarian menu available

Childrens menu available

Free wiFi

all niGHTs...Grilled 14oz entrecote Beef steak

16oz T-Bone steakslow roast shoulder of lamb

TradiTional CHrisTmas

lunCH5 Courses

ONLy 35€ pp(booking essential)

Have your cHristmas

party witH usour usual night time menu

including roasT lamB and roasT PorK

early booking essential

Guinness and a packet of crisps have long been a good partnership. But Guinness flavoured crisps?

Yes, Burts crisps has partnered with Ireland’s famous stout producer for a world first - Guinness crisps. When the potato chips hit our desks today we were skeptical at first, but one taste of the subtle roasted barley and hops flavour and we were reaching for a pint of the black stuff to go with them.

Big on beefy flavour, they’re likely to win over the taste buds of more carnivorous types but are 100% vegetarian friendly, and we love the cosy autumnal feel of packaging with its toasted golden crisps glowing temptingly out of the Guinness-black background.

We were crushed to find out that they’dnot yet found their way over to Spain but no doubt they’ll be arriving here soon!

Guinness Burts Chips are priced at 75p for a 40g packet, and £1.99 for a 150g packet. (UK PRICES)

nestle to cut sugaranD salt in breakfast cereals

Nestle SA and General Mills Inc will cut sugar and salt in the children’s breakfast cereals they jointly market outside North America, the latest attempt by major food companies to respond to health concerns, according to a report from news agency Reuters.

The two have been in a joint venture since 1990 to sell Nestle-brand cereals such as Cheerios in more than 140 countries outside the United States and Canada, markets which account for about half total global cereal sales of some $25 billion (15 billion pounds).

They say they will reformulate 20 cereal brands popular with children and teenagers by 2015, boosting wholegrains and calcium and aiming for average reductions of 24 percent in sugar and 12 percent in sodium.

The reformulation will affect about 5.3 billion portions of cereals sold each year.

The 50/50 joint venture called Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) is the second-biggest breakfast cereal producer after Kellogg Co but is Europe’s leading manufacturer of children’s cereal. It had sales of 1.9 billion Swiss francs ($2 billion) in 2011.

CPW Chief Executive Jeffrey Harmening said the plan builds on efforts started in 2003 to

improve the nutritional profile of cereals. The group has cut almost 900 tonnes of salt and more than 9,000 tonnes of sugar from its recipes since then.

“A certain number of moms don’t want their kids to have as much sugar as they do right now, so that is a barrier for some to purchasing breakfast cereal,” Harmening told Reuters at CPW’s new global innovation centre in the Swiss town of Orbe.

The move comes as food and beverage companies

seek to pre-empt tougher regulation due to the global obesity epidemic by offering healthier products or smaller portions.

The World Health Organisation estimated there were over 42 million overweight children under the age of five in 2010. It says obesity in Europe is already responsible for up to 8 percent of health costs and up to 13 percent of deaths.

Read the full story online at

6 6 7 9 1 9 0 2 5

open Monday - Friday 8am til late Saturday & Sunday 9am til late

Café Bar

LA ALFoquiA, ZuRGenA

live music witH

now sHowing

Horse racing


abbie lou friDay19 tH oct

race nigHt sun 27 tH oct

fresHly bakeDpies witH

Homecut cHipsfroM €5fisH & cHips sunDay roast


n t

o s

at 9


- la


0 12

0 71


0 64

1 56


cod ‘n’ chips - fridaYBeer-battered atlantic Cod, Homemade Chips, Mushy or Garden Peas… from 5.95€, 12-9pm also available saturdays 12-4pm

entertainmentbingo Today and every wednesday 2.30pm

spot priZes. cash priZesrollover Jackpot now 240

Play Your Cards right now 80







lY r




Breakfast option from 9amdaily specials Board Home-made puddings Bar menu & snacks including Burgers, lasagne, omelettes, salads with Home-made Hand Cut Chips..

menu del dia

5€(for 2 courses)

every day 12-3except fridays

we welcome You to enJoY home cooking at its best!

From 9am Til laTe

coming soonCherry’s Famous weekly

Quiz with Cash Prizes

crib clubcomputer clubgenealogYart classes

ceroc dancingrock ‘n’ rollline dancingkeep fitslimming club

BP Garage

BAZA →← ARBoLeASAv. lepanto

ALBox →enquires:[email protected]

live footballsaturday and weekday premier league, cup and european matches(details on notice board & smooth fm)

Page 30: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

30 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

Marley’sSituated behind the Tabacos

opening Times: Monday closedTues - Fri: 10am - closeSat & Sun: 10am - close

Playa Serena


served 10am - 2pm (Tues - sat)10am - 12pm (sunday)

breakfastsBest in town

Please call Shell on 722 781 631 or Steve on 679 703 513 For any orders or bookings

homemade pies and desserts

sausage rolls - €1.20all individual - €1.80all large - €8.00all medium - €5.50

Choose from:

(Take away - 24hrs notice)

• steak• steak &ale• steak & Kidney• Chicken & mushroom• mince & onion

• meat & Potato• apple Pies• Bakewell Tarts• lemon meringue

also available - quiches & celebration cakes

all sports sHown liveespn and sky sports

Friday - Fish night 7pm - 10pmsunday - roast served from1pm - 6pm (voted best in town)(Booking advisable)

Choice of beef, pork or chicken.lamb served 2nd and last sunday of each month!!!

tapasserved 12 noon - 5pmsnacks available all day

Tel: 659 683 447 oppoSIte the plAyA lUnA betWeen bUrtyS bAr & bAr ole

winter hourswinter hours be a part of it

be a part of itnew menu

main meals 6.95€3 course meal 10.95€

tapas served day and night

fridaY 26th oct “the blitZ” eat as much as you like9.95€ dress in style

new Years evegala buffetCarved meat & fish etc 15.95€

starting wed 17th oct“wackY wednesdaYs”tubo, wine, soft drink 1€mini meals 1€ 12pm - 4pm, 7pm -10pm

mondaY - saturdaY 12 noon - 4pm & 7pm - closesundaY : carverY 2pm - 7pm thursdaYs - closed

Burty’s BArBurty’s BAr

BrEAKFAST FrOM €2.95serVed wiTH Free ranGe eGGs - FridaYs onlY

smoKed HaddoCK wiTH PoaCHed eGG

sPanish lessons - all levels - now tuesday at 12noon 5€

snacks available all Daytapas serveD from

1pm - close

PlaYa serena, roQueTas de marCall 679 156 715 mon - THurs From 11amFri and sun 11am - 6Pm. Closed saTurdaY

sunday lunCh sPeCial €5.95 booking essential

every tHursDay

quiz 2.15pm prompt followeD by bingo

tuesDay bingo 2.30pm

Huge sunny terraceanD spacious bar

next table top sale sunDay 28tH october

please book to reserve table

anglican Church service 3rd Thursday of the month 11.30am, next service 18th october

sTarTinG Thurs 25th october 6pm - 8pm

traDitional treatstHurs 25tH: beef stew & Dumplings

or fishermans pie 4.95€booking essential

Page 31: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


Services include Key holding, Maintenance, Furniture Packs,

cleaning & Laundry, Apartment & Post-box checks

property management Sales & rentals

Roquetas de Mar, Aguadulce Almerimar, vicar, La envia Golf

Mobile: (0034) 663 426 [email protected]


la GrappaAuthentic Italian Restaurant• Pizzas• Fresh Pastas• Fresh Fish• Argentinian BBq’d Food

on The Terrace

Open 12 - 4pm7 - 12.30am

Av. playa Serena, 37roquetas de mar950 334 188609 337 316

to reserve your tableeVerY


dental Clinic on-site dental laboratory

950 32 64 52

dr med. dent Hubert Hillenbrand

20 years experience

edificio Porto MarAvda Mariano hemandes 48

roquetas de Mar, near hotel Zoraida Garden

www.almeria-dentista-zahnarzt.comGerman & English Spoken

next door to zurimar 678 202 160open 10am - late (Closed Tuesday) Free wi-Fi

Tapas BarTapas Barestampaestampa

Spacious sunny outdoor

terrace seating 24


Tapas/snacksenglish Breakfast

Fish & ChipsCoffees & CakesCocktails/sangria

Cristina - Erika Diez MentzelABOGADA - LAWyER

Tel: 950 33 68 61 Fax: 950 33 68 62email: [email protected]

C/ Pombal, 11 - Las Marinas04740 ROqUETAS DE MAR, (ALMERIA)

conveyance - litigation inheritance - Divorce

wills - mortagage mattersnon resident taxes

bar southern........................... Every Thursday Bingo 3pmLast Saturday of the month - Jackpot Money Quiz 8pm1st Friday of Month: Ladies Do Lunch! from 2pm (Menu del Dia 7€)

burtYs bar...............................Tuesday - 12 noon Spanish Lessons& 2:30pm BingoThursdays - Quiz 2:15pm followed by BINGOTable Top Sale - Sunday 28th October

bar spinnaker..........................Tuesday - Bingo 3pmWednesday - Steak 7.50€, Quiz 9.30pmFriday - Fish and Chips all day 5€Saturday - Curry Meal with small wine 7.50€ Sunday - Sunday Roast 1pm - 6pm

chaplins pub............................Opening Hours:Tuesday - Thursday 5pm - lateFriday - Sunday 1pm - lateWednesday: Rib Night Friday: Chip Shop Day - Fish’n’Chips etc served from 1pm, Quiz NightSunday - Sunday Lunch served until 8pmTEL: 950 335 022

la now a drop in centre for any donations for the Mojonera Dog SanctuaryThursday Night - BBQ

ladY laY.....................................Tuesday Night - Curry NightQuiz Night - 17th October

revita natural health and relaxation centre................. Calle Tortola 4, Roquetas De Mar Tel 950 333 048 Tai Chi - Tuesday & Thursday 10am Yoga - Sunday 9pmBelly Dancing - Wednesday

Y da wakes................................Monday 8:30pm BingoThursday 2:30pm BingoSaturday - Music and Karaoke with Brian

SAYING OF THE WEEK:“IR AL GRANO”literal translation……TO GO TO THE SEEDequivalent to...“TO GET TO THE POINT”

Deseos de felicidad - wishes for happiness

Disculparse - to apologise

Me allegro - nice to…

Muy bien - very well

Presentar - to introduce

Si, por favour - yes please


For al l your translat ions cal lMaria on 633 166 709

DANCe ClASSeS GoiNG STroNG!The Latin And Ballroom classes held at Playa Serena Golf Course are

going strong. There are two classes a week, on a Tuesday morning 10.30am to 11.30am and from 4th October the Thursday evening class will move to the slightly earlier time of 6pm to 7pm. If you are interested in Strictly Come Dancing or you have always wanted to learn, come along and have a go. You can be sure of a very warm welcome and have great fun in the process, all for just 4 euros per person per class.

On Tuesday 13th November at 2pm there will be a Lunch Dance with proceeds going to the Poppy Appeal. So if you would like to learn for this event or just brush up on what you already know come along to class. Paul and Caroline will be there to guide through the whole process. Look forward to seeing you soon...

Email: [email protected] 618483791

royAl BriTiSH leGioN iN SPAiN DiSTriCT NorTHRoquetAS BRAnch 3569

Patron: Her Majesty the QueenRegistered charity no.219279

Spanish niF n8261536

PoPPy APPeAl eveNTTo Be HelD AT

PlAyA SereNA GolF ClUB on

TueSdAy 13th nOveMber 2012at 2.00 for 2.30 pm MeAl

FolloWeD By mUSiC & DANCiNG orGANiSeD By PAUl & CAroliNe

JoHNSoN(including a exhibition dance by Paul & caroline

And a short demonstration by their students)THere Will AlSo Be A TomBolA For

THe PoPPy APPeAl€15 per person (including meal and drinks)

With €3 from this going into the POPPY FUNDFor tickets and details of menu please contact:

Stuart and Joan on 950 333 243 or 603 602 980or: paul and Caroline on 950 536 060 or 618 483 791

senD your birtHDay & anniversary greetings to [email protected]& we’ll print tHem free of cHarge!

Happy Birthday Sharon!21st October

Love from Mark & all your pals at Sol Times

memorial service forcharles henry byrom (charlie)Late of Roquetas de Mar and Preston

UK who died 12/6/2012 in Spain.A service will be held to commemorate the the death and celebrate the life of

Charlie on october 25th 2012 at 5.30pm at Chaplins Bar,roquetas de mar.

Celebrant is Rev.Duncan Burr.all his friends are invited to attend.

Page 32: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

32 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

Drainage SolutionS

Tel: 616 531 283 or 670 088 966

• emergency Drain Cleaning • High Pressure Water Jetting• CCTv Surveys• drainage repairs• location of Cesspits• Qualified engineer• expert reports

establisHeD 7 years in spain

coffee sHop premises for rent great potential! prime location on

mojacar playatel: 659 109 379

sol classifieDs


STeve HAyeS iNFormATiCA

Pc’s, Laptops, Printers etc.

Sales & Repairs on-site callout /

tuition.ConsumablesAlbox, Almeria

Tel: 950 120 900

alternative energy

airPorT serViCes

Airport, social & shopping

run.Telelephone 663 429 521

airport services

www.aaparking.estel: 639 081 067

cheapairport parkingalicante almeria murcia

newservicing / repairs



Wools quality UK wool &

accessories. Also

available at Camposol

Mazarron & on the Arboleas

forum. Call 667 273 889 elaines wools@

Knowles & aBBoTT no.1

for electrics and plumbing.

Re-wires, free to air

UK satellite systems.

950 137 208 638 010 691


for sale

baby Hire


potty finca servicespotty finca services

ring John on 616 855 294 or 950 163 930

ProFessional Tree FellinG & PruninG,

including all types of palm trees

strimming of overgrown gardens & hedge cutting

Spanish Registered. Logs Available

everythInG For the visiting baby Car

seats,high chairs, stair gates, cots etc tel: 950 436 581 or 666 375 688

[email protected]

Call Justin at Sol Shaders for a

free no obligation quote

tel: 627 907 email: [email protected]

internal & eXternal



solar wind Power Solutions. Always offers on Solar panels, Over 15 years installation e x p e r i e n c e Call Phil for competitive prices 636 261 240 email:info@sunergyalmer www.sunergy


professional baby equipment hire

free delivery & 615 806 [email protected]

constructions martinez moreno cb

(rambla de oria)all types of building work undertaken inc plumbing & electrics

tel: 609 421 734 (spanish)tel: 696 052 044 (english)

Drainage cont...


aVon CosmeTiCs

Claire Tel: 691 987 454 avonfromclaire@

C a r l o s s a l i e n T e PlumBinG & heating for solar pool heating, solar hot water installations and repairs. call 950 930 900 or 968 969 962, email [email protected]

cash payment waiting for all your unwanted goods,

also business stock liquidations carried out

call cash & carrY clearances

tel: 618 725 567 or 619 773 582

[email protected]

neaTer HeaTer See our main ad on the news pagesCarlos (salienTe) PlumBinG & HeaTinG services. If it involves water, we can help! www.carlossaliente.comTel: 968 969 962


norway’s answer toheating

your home in spain

Tel: 634 312

Trade Businesses Can adVerTise in THe ClassiFied seCTionClassified box from 9€. lineage only 45 cents per word

deadline 5pm Friday Contact Paulette on 950 121 936 or 902 750 190 ext 332

For all types oF dressmakinG inc baby clotHes

• alterations to all types of clothing

• upholstery & soft furnishings repaired & made

inc cushions, curtains etctel: aldana 658 588 430

Bar & resTauranT Villa & Pool

For rent 4 year lease €55.000 to include all kitchen

equipment & furniture €250 per week

established 7 yearsFor further info Call 950 432 719

• pool construction• pool makeovers & repairs• project management• all builDing projects &

reformsMat Murray 647 841 [email protected]

established in spain for 14 yearsfully legal

ConsTruCTion Contact: 675 838 808


cleaning of septic tanks• emptying of septic tanks & cesspits, with high pressure cleaning• small unblockages of pipes & drainage

Pool Cleaning & water Tanks

business opportunity

• block work• balustrades • paving Driveways & paths

call now for free estimate620 112 193 or 630 493 817

for all your building needs

reliable english builder



cHimney sweep

sammY sweep chimneY sweep service

available covering all areas

call paul on 619 070 839

4 installation of fibreglass septic tanks

4 Blocked toilets, Sinks, Baths & drains4 cctv Surveys4 drain tracing4 turbine Root cutting4 Blocked cesspits

950 091 109 or 648 768 587

licensed poZo/cesspit emptYing

pay to play includes 2 sets of balls, cues

& triangle €500

tel: 950 120 261 or 687 018 936

Pool TaBle for sale

m a r B e l C H i P P i n G s cream available as new at bargain price, small or large amounts, laid in error, collect or can deliver. Call Rob on 609 199 394 for more information (Cucador). When it’s gone it’s gone


for all your building, reforms & general work

call steve on 647 843 486


Tel : 687 245 569

Neil Godwin25 years experience Full city & Guilds

Fully insured & legal

Boletins supplied

28 inCH sanYo TV, excellent picture 30€ Tel: 622 202 513 or (+44) 771 7208 236mas moVile modem pay as you go. Suitable for windows xp. 20€ Tel: 950 529 226P u s H C H a i r with hood and apron 15€. Mamas and Papas de luxe travel cot, hardly

Tr a nsl aTo r English – Spanish – French – Swedish D o c u m e n t s , Notary, Court, Legal Tel: 646 844 708 www.4way c o n n e c t i o n s

legalNeed help with NIE / Residencias, C a d a s t r e , P r o p e r t y Conveyanc ing , New Building D e c l a r a t i o n s , Notary, Wills etc Tel: 646 844 708 www.4way c o n n e c t i o n s

used 25€. White cane effect nursing chair 10€. Tel: 667 008 560.Glass ToPPed rectangular patio table, six folding chairs and umbrella in good condition. 130€. Tel: 950 467 356 or mob: 634 314 938.d e l l w i r e l e s s printer Model 313w 45€. No offers.Tijola area Tel: 661 161 897sKY BoX PaCe with Remote. 50€ Tel: 667 349 908yamaha ERB070 4 string bass plus yamaha practice amp, strap and gig bag. Immaculate condition with very little use from new. Never gigged this is a quality

T & T meTals For all quality metal works, including gates, railings, rejas, staircases, gazebos & chain-link fencing - Tel: 950 431 738

the MetAl WorkS Grills, railings, gates of all types, security/sliding/roller, rejas,

concertina doors etc. tel: keith Wood on 638 900 949

metal works gates, rejas,

fabriction welding reliable service

telephone950 069 208 or

638 449 [email protected]

iron/metal works

Tel: 950 120 077Mob: 625 435 050 / 615 396 056

now exhibiting at los llanos market,

arboleas everY saturdaY

tel: 950 121 [email protected]

glenn & JaYneFormerly of Knights insurance,

C / malaga, albox... are now exclusive

agents for libertY seguros

same people - same great service - Differeent name

MD Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration [email protected]

950 432 110 / 607 364 917

md air-Conditioning& refrigeration s.l.

City & Guilds Fully QualifiedF-Gas Certified

25 years Sole experience in Air conditioning & refrigerationmd

not a jack of all traDesFor all your installation or service

requirements including our latest offers Telephone

607 364 917 or 950 432 110 email: [email protected]

[email protected]




i n s t r u m e n t . Current list price in excess of 300€. Accept 170€. Tel: 693 753 327 Saliente.4 drawer, grey metal, lockable filing cabinet – 80€ Tel: 950 477 299wii Console, Wii fit balance board, lots of accessories and several games. In excellent condition, ideal Xmas gift. Offers around 200€. Tel: 950 467 356 or mob: 634 314 938.

House clearances

Page 33: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


opticiansoPTiCa alBoX All your optical needs, eye tests, hearing tests, contact lenses Tel: 950 121 991

locksmitHpHil THE piCk Locksmith 24 hours. Locked Out? Locks fitted/upgraded house safes. Arboleas & surrounding area. Special weekend rates. Tel: 697 243 181

woodhouse boarding kennels & cattery arboleas

Small friendly kennels, 24hr vets service, pet transporting arranged, welcome to view

ministry approvedtracy Mobile 650 211 952

KEN & JACKIEDOG & CAT SITTER SERVICEyour home or ours. honest & trust worthy. 3 years

experience of all types of animals. references available on request.

Tel: 950 067 943 or 676 389 592

plumbingnumber plates

painter / Decorator

Knowles & aBBoTT

no.1 for plumbing & electric. CH,

solar hot water and water deposits.

Telephone 950 137 197 or

606 807 797

No need for kennels or cattery, Pet sitting in your own home,

Arboleas & surrounding areas. Call Vanessa on

637 061 482 Not just cats & dogs,

All other types of pets considered


Don’t take a chance!Don’t break the Law!

Let us take the hassle away from you and

re-register your vehicle on to Spanish plates


For a full service contact:

Alan 662 249 159



Carlos salienTe Plumbing and Heating offer

machined boiler decals for gas water heaters for just €65

– aguafuerte is not the answer!

Call 950 930 900 or 968 969 962,

email carlos.saliente@


If you wish us to print an article about a particular topic in our regular space

on pg 16, please email [email protected]

B r i T i s H PlasTerer All work guaranteed Tel Paul 634 327 201


Puppy Rescue - Charity shop in Calle Malaga, Albox. Monday to Saturday 10 - 2pm Market stalls at Albox Tuesday market and Saturday bootfair. New Puppy Rescue helpline 690 143 140 www. puppyrescue

painting &decorating

• 35 years experience• guaranteed to beat any quote• quality work guaranteedtel alan:950 450 174 or600 268 176

a&e TaYlor – Gas boiler & plumbing repairs. Tel: 618 062 080

Palomino Kennels Exclusive boarding kennels/cattery Tel: 950 067 051


portugese gelDing

12 yrs, looking for a good

home, ideal companion

horse lovely natured

telephone 678 838 547

apartment for sale €49,995ono1 bed, 1 bath apartment (sleeps 4), fully fitted kitchen with

white goods, parking area, lovely views. Ideal golfing holiday apartment.

Close to Mojacar / Turre. Easy access to motorway.Approx 10 mins to Mojacar beach

T: 664 291 793 [email protected]

load of small or big olive logs, no roots €160load of mixed olive some roots €140

load of eucalyptus, no roots €150All loads 2 tonnes

Arboleas & surrounding areasCall Lee on 636 092 [email protected]


MY PLACE OR YOURSDog & Horse Sitting Service

Ex RSPCA Inspector. Dog day sittingGoing away? Let us take care of your

pets, either at your home or ours. Dogs kept in house or kennels.

Pet passporting service. Just outside Albox.

Tel: 607 554 [email protected]

SpAIn Uk SpAIn reMovAlS

Friendly reliable ServiceFully legal

Special deals from Uk - Spainoffice: 968 564 298 Mobile: 696 621 884

[email protected]

Storage available, based “los Gallardos” &”hertfordshire”

call now 0034 620 049 524 (eS)

00 44 794 3135 214 (uK)[email protected]

DAve’S trAnSport


7.5 ton, lorry part loads,

Self load/UnloadMinimal rates, owner Driver


UK - SPAIN - UKFrom a Parcel to a Small

House Move Professional,Friendly & Caring

Fully Insured, Scheduled Monthly Door to Door [email protected]+44 (0) 1582 499 836+44 (0) 7977 754 389

large vanremovals / deliveries

spain - ukfull or half loads

collections e.g from ikeatel mick: 950 122 447

mob: 620 475 218

M&D transport

hi My name is Bella, I am a Pointer. D.o.B 01/12/2009.I was brought to the Dog

house when found by kind people in Palamares.

I’m a placid but playful girl who loves cuddles & affection. you can meet me at the Dog house, call Paul on

626766073or email thedoghse@hotmail.

comespañolas enlace:Veronica


arboleas & surrounding areas tel: 634 328 779

phil DeliversloGs

Gravel & all Building materials

hi my name is honeyI am a Podenco x & I’m spade. . I get on well with other Dogs & I love children. I’m a very placid affectionate Girl. I would love a forever home. Come and meet

me at the Dog house.Call Paul on: 626 766 073 or email thedoghse@hotmail.

co.ukD.o.B 12/03/03

españolas enlace: Veronica 608858318

properties for sale

arBoleas. First floor flat overlooking the rambla. Four bedrooms, lift access nice views, central location, part furnished. 300€ pcm long term preferred. Available immediately 609 199 394

property for rent

plot of land of 800m2 & villa 125m2

brick built up to & inc roof Wonderful location & exceptional views yet 5 mins to town with all

amenities. Fully legal with escritora must be viewed

Bargain price 65,000€ To view or for more details

609 199 394

f o r s a l e

ApArtment to rent in los menCHones near ZurGena Ground Floor, 1 Bed, Lounge,

Satelitte TV, Diningroom, Suit Couple or Single

175€+ bills per month Tel: 950 449 074 or 634 368 071

property to rent urcal2 bed Casita furnished or unfurnished with fully fitted kitchen, shower room, lounge with log burner, sat TV, Large fly free patio, small garden with shed

& use of allotment. A quiet setting with lovely views within a large fenced area with private parking but only mins from

the motorway & Huercal Overa. 300€pcm inc water

phone lynne on: 666 281 323

Desperately seeking

greg johnson tel: 633 823 255

between 2pm & 6pm

painter / Decorator cont...

ranCHo luZ Del Sol, Retamar, Partaloa. One to one or group lessons, latest EN standard hats provided. Escorted hacking and treks. Qualified BHS Instructor. Call Erika Drew on 678 838 547


a1 skY television

sYstemssatellite TV installations,

alignment of dishes etc.

also spanish“freeview”systems

supplied & installed

Tel dave: 628 607 778

situations vacant

AlmeriA bAsed AcAdemy require

2 native english speakersto work mornings in the

roqetas de mar areacar essential

2 teachers required 8am - 9.30am twice a week

please contact raquel at big ben [email protected]

or call: 630 072 952GreaT oPPerTuniTies, Hair stylist, therapist, nail technician required in Turre, Rates negotiable, call 644 496 198

storage rooms for rent, 5 square

metres to 15sqmetres,

roquetas de mar urbanisation.

from 5€ a 650 038 251


pets section

10% off witH tHis aDvertTel Graham on620 112 193 or

630 493 817

painting inside & out

all QualiTY ProduCTsmaKe oVer Your Home THis Year

painter & decorator

give your property or business a fresH look tHis october

Tel: 649 186 107 or email [email protected]

over 25 Years experience

only €160,000

this is a unique Spanish country cortijo with 4 beds, 2 bath, open plan living areas,

kitchen & dining room as well as a workshop,

courtyard front & back & room for a pool. Mountain

views. possible b& b

for sale massive DetatcHeD cortijo witH 50m2 worksHop

20mins from mojacar

build 256 m², terrace 100m², plot 1200 m²TelePHone 649 186 107Email for more info at [email protected]

properties for sale cont...

T e r a C o T T a Garden PoTs any size can collect call: 647 379 878

private wanted


pizza ovenGas or electric

Can collectMust be in good

working conditionCall

609 199 394

your property will appear as shown opposite and be seen by almost 55,000 sol times readers!

for just 10€ per week!


call paulette toDay on 950 121 936or 902 750 190 ext 332

enGlisH moVeSInGle IteMS to coMplete hoUSe Move

Call tony onSpanish mobile 699 819 213 english mobile 07976928053

English office: 0044 121 355 0005email: [email protected]

StorAGe FAcIlItIeS AvAIlAble In SpAIn & Uk

Page 34: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

34 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

d.B auTo ParamediCs Mobile Mechanic call Kyle on 678 487 689

urgentlY required english & spanish caravans,

cars, motorhomes & vans anY condition we collect!

throughout spain

tel: 636 411 540 or 664 619 819

neeD quality new parts for any carfor sensible prices on all parts clutches, brakes, alternators, service kits

starter motors, Headlights

free quote go online or pHone

car parts or telepHone 692 930 326

people carrier

or mini bus wanted to buY

cash waiting must be

diesel spanish plated & reliable

call 609 199 394



WAnteD SMAll vW

cAMpervAnMust be lh drive & have all Spanish paperwork.

other models may be 677 364 715

motoring section

car parts

TriKe – sPanisH maKe, yamaha engine, owner injured cannot ride, only 80km on clock. As new. 4,200€. Tel: 639 960 478

for sale

GAs GAs pampera enduro, 250cc. road legal, suitable for road or rambla riding. less than 2000km on the clock.. Genuine reason for sale.

Bargain at 1400€ ono. I will pay the transfer fee!Tel: 950 064 404 or 627 296 204

miKes moBile meCHaniCs all types of service, repair & iTV testing

Fully qualified & legal with over 35 years experience ring mike or Chris:

628 350 178 or 636 824 974

[email protected]

motorhomes for sale & wanted urgentlyMotorhome & caravan

Insurance arrangedMotorhomes & caravan repairs & spares

All vehicle imports, ITV & matriculations

Tel: 950 047 033 or 687 845 730

citroen xantia 1.9 turbo diesel 1998, hatchback

good service history,

itv feb 2013 1,100€ono tel: 634 364 495

this size advert is only 10€ Do you have a caravan, vehicle, or motorbike, for sale

call paulette 950 121 936 or 902 750 190

we reach 32,000 readers

everY week & so could You!

this size advert is only 10€

Call paulette on 950 121 936 or 902 750 190

suzuki gsx 750 motorbike

Jan. 2001, Itv, taxed, Good condition. 53000kms,top box

included, only 1400€Tel: 950 438 217



Floor AND WAll TiliNG SPeCiAliST

call Steve holmanTel: 697 678 708

Not a jack ofall trades,

just a master of one!

25 yeArS eXPerieNCe

spanisH lessons witH victoria

for infoplease call on 950 472 590 or e-mail:

[email protected] or visit:


orTeGa s.l specialists in PVC & Aluminuim, Windows, doors, roof systems, patio enclosures etc, local showroom in Vera, est over 40 years, Tel: 606 966 984 English

winDows & Doors

please note, prices do not include p&p - all oF tHese iteMs are aVailaBle to purcHase online - For More

inForMation please eMail: [email protected]

GadGetsGadGetsHammerhead shark radio ~ £9.95/10.92€Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the

water..... it still is, but now it’s musical too with this happy Hammerhead Shark Radio. Thankfully, about as far removed from Jaws as you can get this chirpy chappy is happy to float alongside you whilst tuned in to your favourite FM or AM radio station instead of trying to lunch on your leg.

Ceramic Notepad ~ £9.95/10.92€

colour Matching tea and coffee Mugs ~ £8.95/9.82€

twilight spectrum umbrella ~ 10.41€ / £8.99

This brilliantly blinking brolly will brighten up even the dreariest, and rainiest of days,

keeping you dry and bright in your own little bubble of twinkling tranquillity.

The Twilight Umbrella has a myriad array of fibre optics both inside the canopy and outside which gently phase through five different colours.

Make missed messages and non-green

notepads a thing of the past with this great

reuseable ceramic notepad. Use a china pencil

to write your message, and once it’s no longer

needed it can be easily wiped off and the

notepade reused. Perfect for hanging on the

wall by the fridge or keeping on a desk.

We all have different tastes in our tea and coffee, how we take it and with how many sugars. How much tension could be avoided if we could

use a universal guide to specify exactly how we wanted it?

Thankfully with the Colour Matching Tea and Coffee Mugs we can now do exactly that! Simply point out the appropriate colour strip and there’s a definitive visual aid for whoever is making your choice of beverage.

Luckily you won’t have to put your puzzle solving hat on every time you want to sprinkle a bit of salt or add some pep to your pizza - these work just like any other grinder, so you just twizzle the top and sprinkle the salt and peppery goodness all over your grub. You can buy the mills as a pair, but if you’re more of a pepper fan then you can always buy them separately.

rubik’s salt and pepper Mills ~ £11.99/13.10€

Page 35: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


viewpointlucy, the dog that is not ours, has not abandoned

her roots as a free spirited spanish dog. she treats our house as a base, coming and going as she pleases, expecting the door to be opened promptly for her when she wishes to enter or exit. she is a creature of whim; some days she will arise mid-morning and spend the day asleep in various relaxed attitudes in and around the house and garden. other days she will rise with the lark and disappear until the lark is snugly tucked up in bed and the owl is up and about his business.

she has a circle of friends, and every morning almost without fail they will arrive outside the gate - a kind of canine version of ‘Can Lucy come out to play today?’

they make an ill-matched pack. there is flopsy, a large and very handsome alsation-alike, apart from her ears, which flop out sideways from her head like a pair of rainspouts. mopsy is similar, except that one

ears stands rigidly to attention, while the other ear makes no effort at all to achieve the upright.

they, like lucy, have a legitimate home to go to, but the third member of the gang is a

bona fide stray. Flopsy and Mopsy are handsome dogs, but lemony squidgett is so ugly that he is approaching beauty from the opposite end!

He looks as if someone got the blueprint for a chihuahua mixed up with the statistics for a fox terrier, then tried to cover their mistake with a furry coat that had once been white, but upon which someone had spilt egg in pale yellow patches.

what he lacks in physical impressiveness he makes up for in charm. He has a permanently apologetic expression and demeanour. He is a waif with a manner that would make oliver twist seem brash. He sits, small and anxious, a tatty ragamuffin of a dog, between his large sleek companions, as out of place as a shetland pony at ascot.

He is a self-effacing little chap. should he accidentally get too close he will gaze up at me with his almost circular limpid brown eyes, ‘Please don’t hurt me, I’m only a little orphan,’ he will plead while scuttling out of harm’s way.

that he is underweight and in need of a good bath all compounds the pathetic image – he is the master of acquiring the sympathy vote!

i worry about poor little lemony. the others have somewhere to go at night, but not lemony. i wish he had a home to call his own.

by jos biggs [email protected]

flopsy, mopsy & lemony squiDget t

There are many people who ridicule those amongst us who have chosen to become vegetarians. One of the regular jibes is that humans need the protein and nutrients that only meat can provide and therefore those that practice lettuce crunching cannot be as healthy as carnivores. Veggies they hint, are at best, limp wristed, sandal wearing hippies, with sallow complexions and bad breath.

But just take a look at the likes of Diane Keaton, Joanna Lumley; Jenny Seagrove, Amanda Holden and Leona Lewis – I cannot vouch for the halitosis, but I wouldn’t mind testing it and reporting back.

And there is no lack of sporting prowess, when you include names like Carl Lewis, Martina Navratilova and Mike Tyson amongst a host of other sports men and women currently competing internationally.

When it comes to brain power, then any doubts that veggies are

inferior are put to the sword when you consider that such soaring intellects as Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Darwin and Isaac Newton, were also advocates of the hamster diet.

I have to confess that at this time, I am not a vegetarian. The spirit is willing but the flesh (if you’ll excuse that word) is pathetically weak, but I have flirted with the practice on two occasions in my life.

Many years ago and taking my inspiration from a girl friend, I gave up meat and fish. It was ovo-lacto vegetarianism if you want to get technical about it – veg and fruit but still including eggs and dairy produce.

I admired her will power and strength of character, because she had always enjoyed meat and fish leading up to her conversion, but had strong views on the exploitation of animals and a hatred of modern factory farming methods. Views that I shared. She also opted for a no leather policy, and although it cost a fortune, bought high quality non-leather shoes and boots.

But it didn’t last for me, because one day I bundled my belongings into a large red spotted handkerchief, which I tied to the end of a long stick and set off to seek my fortune in Cornwall. That questionable fortune came

in the form of a busy

seasonal restaurant in one of the tourist hot-spots.

One of the perks of the job was that the low wages were supplemented by the provision of free meals and so it wasn’t long before I gave in to the interesting and mouth watering dishes that were available and I fell off the wagon with a resounding thud, quickly making up for all those meat-free months. I mean; given the choice of broccoli quiche or Steak Diane – which would you choose?

The second occasion came many years later. My Mother-in-Law had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and had been written off by her consultant who gave her a few short months to live. We were desperate to find some answers and came across a holistic cancer help centre in Bristol.

The regime included a strict six month detoxifying vegan diet. Obviously no meat and fish or any dairy produce whatsoever, plus no food made with any animal by-products – in addition to which, no tea, coffee or alcohol. It was very harsh and in order to help make it more tolerable, my lovely wife and I decided to undertake the same diet, with all of us eating together and yours truly doing the preparing.

There was much more than diet involved in her alternative treatment, but the upshot was,

that after four and a half years the cancer had disappeared, although ironically she eventually died after an asthmatic attack leading to heart failure. But they were four and a half quality years nonetheless.

During my first experience as a celery bender, I made a brief and disastrous foray into bread making. The resulting loaf was somewhat akin to a white dwarf star – small, but incredibly dense and very heavy. There was no way that I could eat the darn stuff, so I threw it out for the birds. Having battled gamely to extract a few crumbs, the local sparrows and starlings quickly realized that this was not bread as they knew it, and I still cringe recalling how the poor things struggled to take off. I can still see their tiny stick legs galloping across the patio in an effort to achieve enough momentum to get airborne. One unfortunate wood pigeon fell over and rolled around for a bit, before waddling off in a huff.

It’s not the will power that I lack these days, but the extra chunk of time that it takes to prepare an imaginative variety of classy meat free meals. Plain vegetables and salads everyday would soon have me climbing the walls.

Still . . . I am almost tempted to give it another colin bird : [email protected]

one man’s meat is anotHer man’s parsnip risotto!






(El SORd

O) - w




Cartera tomás, the alquerian minister of Finance followed in the footsteps of many before him by blindly printing money. the currency of the new Republic of alqueria is the Raro. named after the hero of alqueria, el Raro. it was el Raro who, during the spanish War of independence looted a French baggage column, while no-one was looking that is. Financial institutions fixed the euro-Raro exchange rate as 1 billion Raros to 1.25 euros. this was calculated by simply dividing the amount of money in circulation by the estimated value of the fabric of alqueria, its houses, land and public buildings etc. soddingtons s.a. were delighted with the situation. they not only manufacture an extremely popular and iconic board game but also print the alquerian currency. unfortunately they are also paid with the alquerian currency.

alquerian exports prior to the sealing of the border consisted of an inferior olive oil and Remitroot. in their rush to alienate alqueria the Remitroot issue was totally forgotten. politicians in madrid celebrated the solution to the alquerian problem but seemed surprised that their Remitroot supply dried up. a common fault of politicians from all nations, the inability to join the dots and foresee the consequences of their actions.

the price of Remitroot Liquor spiralled, changing hands for 500 euros a bottle in the backstreets of granada. antonio poyato smuggled out the liquor on a raft camouflaged as the almería and District synchronised swimming team. he paddled down the Río verde passed the blockade and handed over his contraband to a team of motorcycle riders. these fearless knights of the road sitting astride their high-powered machines can outrun anything the guardia Civil have in their stables. the exploits of these individuals have become legend as they race through the andalucían night carrying their precious load. a clandestine distribution network then takes over, delivering in shadows to those with the necessary funds.

poyato soon became the wealthiest alquerian and Remitroot the most sought after liquid commodity in western europe. imports into alqueria began to be paid for in Remitroot Liquor as the currency became more and more worthless.

Remitroot became the de facto currency of alqueria. at the bimonthly meeting of the imF, the world bankers, most of

whom have a liking for distilled Remitroot juice agreed to the re-floating of the Raro. Rodriquez’s run-down olive mill was on borrowed time and with nothing else of intrinsic value in the village there was only one solution. Remitroot Liquor offered the only viable standard for the ailing alquerian economy.

the Raro, the only currency backed by an alcoholic aphrodisiac which when pulped can be used to lag water pipes.

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Page 36: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

36 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

pause For tHouGHtWhat a reminder we’ve had recently of the immense

power of the forces of nature! The rain-gauge at our house showed we had 250mms rain (slightly less than in the whole of 2011) in just 6 hours, and where most people doubtless had the good sense to stay inside during that storm, I had two funerals to attend, so felt obliged to venture out. Our own track was certainly bad enough, but nothing to the devastation being wreaked below. Every route I tried seemed blocked, and at one stage I saw the road ahead move and managed to stop my car just seconds before the bridge I was approaching collapsed into the raging torrent below.

Many, I’m sure have similar stories; there were doubtless many narrow escapes, many disasters and many tragedies that day. The Authorities have been amazing in the ensuing days, clearing up, repairing and cutting temporary tracks in an effort to get life back to normal, but for many, I’m sure, normality may never return – the loss of both property and life proving too great for that.

So where, many may ask, was God in all this? Doesn’t He send the weather? And couldn’t He have prevented the tragedies that occurred? I confess I don’t have any simple answers to such questions. I’ve no idea how much impact human activity has on the physical laws of nature. And, recalling the fury of the waters that destroyed the bridge I was approaching, I’m actually amazed that the consequent damage and loss of life wasn’t greater. yet I’m sure the God I know and love is far from being unmoved by the level of suffering caused. So as for the question of “where He was”; I’d say that God was there, right in the thick of it, listening to the many prayers that were doubtless being said in moments of panic (and yes I had a few of those), standing alongside and sharing the pai, guiding, calming, helping and strengthening more than any of us will ever know.

details of a number of english language churches are given in sol noticeboard for any who wish to worship, but further information about the anglican church and details of forthcoming events may be seen on the web site

duncan burr is licensed lay reader for the anglican chaplaincy of costa almeria and costa cálida and may be contacted at [email protected]

Stephen Amore has lived in Almeria since July 2006 and owns Findmeahome estate agency. Writing on a variety of topics close to his heart such as environmental issues, animal welfare, food and drink, music and travel, as well as commenting on the

absurdities of living in Spain! email: [email protected] -


The huge storm last month tragically affected some areas yet other places escaped unscathed. In Lubrin for example friends talked about getting 12 ins of rain and being unable to get out of their home for days as an 8 foot deep fissure had been gouged by the flood waters into the lane they use yet in nearby Albanchez it is business as usual. The mountainous terrain we have means storms are localised as rain clouds follow the contours of the land rather than being pushed along by the wind. Unfortunately then gravity takes over and rushes the water towards the coast.

The road from the E15/A7 Ballabona junction recently opened again to Zurgena, with a wacky Wild West detour towards the end to get into the village via the cemetery. I was gob smacked to see what damage had been done by the storm waters which were easily 20 feet deep, two large bridges demolished and large sections of road washed away even though there were huge tunnels underneath to normally cope with flash floods. Driving up the motorway to Lorca its like war zone and no wonder the motorway was closed and diversions are in place.

Near to Rambla Aljibe a 3 acre lake has appeared by the side of what remains of the road as all along it flood waters have torn away the tarmac. Near to the Sol Times offices on the A334 where I know it as the ‘funny traffic lights road’ the once brush

filled rambla is now 100m wide and looks ready to be easily converted into an airport runway. No wonder the Sol Times staff had problems getting home that day as one road bridge has collapsed. Zurgena Council were

magnificent in creating a diversion that lasted a few days until the darlings or @*%$£”*̂ at the Junta de Andalucía closed it again on Friday so cutting off tens of thousands of people again. If it was allowed to use expletives I surely would.

Back in the UK the folly of building on flood plains has caused Joe and Jane Public no end of misery with the constant wet weather; plus the crazy practice of front gardens being concreted over to provide parking spaces means rain that would have previously soaked into the soil now runs unchecked into over loaded storm drains. Back here in Spain, that the Vera Administration allowed so much building at the mouth of the Rio Antas is criminal. Of course the bamboo should have been regularly cleared to allow any storm waters to flow but some of the huge amount of water would still have overflowed anyway into the low lying urbanisations.

After the fire damaged the Bedar countryside, Mother Nature is busy performing her wondrous miracles. Through the blackened and scorched earth new green shoots of life are bursting through everywhere. I saw asparagus, palms and grasses repopulating the mountain side and some are already 2 foot tall; yet they all grow in a spooky and eerie silence as the birds and bees have either fled or sadly perished.

As well as all the admirable volunteers helping to clean up; the Red Cross centre in Vera is accepting donations of clothing, non-perishable food items and household goods to help residents of the worst affected areas around Pueblo Laguna. Please have a look through cupboards and wardrobes and see what can be donated.

palms grow from tHe asH

950 472 [email protected]

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Page 37: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


test Drive: kia soul ‘inferno’

What kind of vehicle does an ardent clubber or festival-goer drive?

Forget the stereotypical VW campers of old that have all since broken down and rusted away. The new generation drive the super-cool and ultra-trendy Kia Soul, a far funkier proposition.

This is one of the few cars fitted with groovy mood lighting. When listening to your favourite tunes with the bass speakers

thumping, green, yellow, purple and blue lighting surrounds the large door speakers in the front. This true club feel is best experienced when bopping to your best beats in the dead of night.

As its name suggests it is certainly distinctive and appealing.

“Isn’t that a bit of a funky car for a dad of one with another on the way?” questions a young work colleague. She might perhaps be

right as the grey hairs start to take hold. But the Soul certainly gets its driver down with the kids, even if the stereo is turned down a bit these days for fear of going deaf.

Its Inferno 1.6 CRDi five-door model urban cruiser tested is finished in eye-catching red with a black grille not that far removed from the Skoda Fabia vRS. That’s where the similarity ends though. The emphasis on the

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former

Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth daily Echo. His regular test reports appear

in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites

throughout the uK, Ireland & gibraltar - and now here in Spain! For more information

contact Tim on:[email protected]

for long journeys. While its interior is practical and robust, there is plenty of black and so the mood lighting is a welcome addition, take a look at the video at to see it in action. For me the seats are quite hard and not as comfortable and supportive for my temperamental back as I would hope.

I am a fan of the electronically folding wing mirrors, too which help prevent parking or vandalism damage. There’s rear privacy glass.

Parkers, the car experts, say: “It’s not much longer or wider than a Vauxhall Corsa, but it’s usefully spacious and stands out for people who’d rather choose something more distinctive than a run-of-the-mill small

hatchback. Plenty of rear passenger space, a decent boot plus a well put together interior make the Soul a great small family car, while a smooth ride and light steering make it ideal for town and city driving.”

The Kia Soul is more about looking the part and standing out from the crowd than performance and efficiency but it’s a welcome alternative for the cool dad who likes to blast Boney M’s Daddy Cool from the speakers.

specification£12,795 - £18,695Economy: 50mpg

0-60mph: 10.3secsTop speed: 112 mph

Power: 126bhpFuel tank: 48 litres

Watch the video at:

Soul is more street cool than speed demon. It craves attention and the red dragon emblazoned across its doors and bonnet like graffiti certainly makes heads turn. Driving a vehicle with such striking graphics is a first for me. And its boxy styling is surprisingly attractive and different from anything else on the road. It takes over from Chrysler’s retro PT Cruiser, which reigned supreme until it was withdrawn from production in 2010.

During the test the digital reading claims that the 1.6-litre diesel has returned just over 50mpg but it feels much less than this as the fuel gauge seems to permanently drop. It doesn’t seem to be as efficient as other similar sized units on the market. But its six-speed gearbox is smooth providing an enjoyable drive while its high driving position gives a more commanding view of the road than a standard car. A centre armrest in the front would be useful

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Page 38: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition

38 SOLTIMES OCTOBER 2012 ...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

sportsport sHorts

compiled by afm

Sol times Almeria is independent of political parties, private investment and government. our policy is to provide readers with a

news and information service that is fair, accurate and balanced. Sol times Almeria is an independent publication. Published weekly and produced exclusively in Almeria. Sol times news Group cannot be held responsible for claims made by advertisers, nor can it be held

responsible for errors in advertisements caused by poor quality text, photographs or layout instructions. Furthermore, no responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage resulting caused by any

error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of an advertisement. Almeria edition Al-344-2005/roquetas edition Al 956-2010

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PosTal address: roC PuBlisHinG s.l. aPdo. 242, 04800, alBoX, almeria

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• In last weekend’s qualifiers for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, a Wembley crowd of 85,654 saw England labour to a 5-0 win over the joint worst team in the world. Skipper Wayne Rooney struck twice to become England’s fifth highest scorer of all-time with 31 goals, moving ahead of Alan Shearer, Nat Lofthouse and Tom Finney.England, with 94% of the play, had 31 shots

and headers at goal and won 20 corners to nil. San Marino had one worthwhile effort and failed to gain a throw-in in England’s half. In fact, ‘keeper Joe Hart touched the ball just six times, only once with his hands, in the 93rd minute. This was one of the most one-sided games I’ve ever seen!• Wales, with two Gareth Bale strikes (his

second a real beauty), beat Scotland 2-1; Germany smashed the Republic of Ireland 6-1 (it’s a good job they didn’t play San Marino!) and Pedro’s hat-trick helped Spain win 4-0 in Belarus.• There were more 2014 Brazil WC qualifiers

last night, with more tonight, including Poland-England, Spain-France, Belarus-Scotland, Croatia-Wales and the Faroe Islands-Republic of Ireland.• England’s U21s lead their qualifying Euro

2013 group after beating Serbia 1-0 with a penalty by WBA’s Craig Dawson.• And there is to the biggest enquiry ever into

Police coverage of the Hillsborough disaster with manslaughter charges possible. • Sebastian Vettel completed a hat-trick

of Asian F1 wins by sweeping to victory in last Sunday’s Korean Grand Prix. Red Bull team-mate Mark Webber was second with Fernando Alonso third. Vettel now leads the driver’s championship by six points with four races remaining.• Six former team-mates of disgraced seven-

time Tour of France winner Lance Armstrong have been handed six-month doping bans

by the US Anti-Doping Agency. Armstrong – described as being a ‘serial drugs cheat’ - has been banned for life.

• Team GB’s Olympic gold medallist Bradley Wiggins said: “I’m shocked at the scale of the evidence which has been revealed against Armstrong.”

• Andrew Murray lost his Shanghai Masters title to Novak Djokovic. The Scot had knocked out 17-time Grand Slam champion and world number one for the 300th week, Roger Federer in the semis.

• Heather Watson became the first Brit to win a WTA title since 1988 when she beat Kai-Chen Chang in the final of last weekend’s Japan Open.

• Justin Rose ousted Tiger Woods before going on to beat fellow Ryder Cup team-mate Lee Westwood in the all-British final of the inaugural World Golf tournament in Turkey.

• This season’s Heineken Cup is underway and there were early wins for holders Leinster 9-6 v Exeter, Harlequins 40-13 v Biarritz, R. Metro 22-17 v Munster, Saracens 45-0 at Edinburgh Ospreys 38-17 v Treviso, Ulster 41-17 v Castres, Sale 34-33 v Cardiff Blues, Northampton 24-15 v Glasgow and Toulouse 23-9 v Leicester.

• Heavyweight boxer David Price retained his British & Commonwealth titles by knocking out Audley Harrison in 82 seconds.

• Steve Lee has been suspended by snooker’s governing body who are investigating ‘irregular betting’ in a recent game with John Higgins.

• Tom Daley won two gold medals (one individual) at the World Diving Championships in Australia.

• And there will be ten sports questions in tomorrow night’s PAWS general knowledge quiz at the Beachcomber, Mojacar Playa (8.30pm).

After the recent floods our thoughts are with our members and others who have been affected in one way or an other,however the golf course escaped unscathed except for the second green which was subject to a rockfall (see photo) this made our approach shot to the green a little more thought provoking

RESULTSWednesday October 3-Monthly MedalA lovely day for golf,although “medalitis” got to a lot of players there was very good scoring on the leader board1st Caroline Willingham 79-9=70 on a card play off2nd Derrick Stephenson 83-13=70

aguilon golf members report...........................

Friday 5th Oct and our monthly medal comp what a great score from the overall winner

1st Kevin Burden gross 75 (hcp6) nett 69 2nd place, John Cherry gross 91 (hcp19) nett 72 in third place, Byran Brown gross 88 (hcp16) nett 72. Tueday 9th Oct and a team waltz comp was held the eventual winner were Patrick Vickery, Bob Mearing, Ray McHale, and Cliff Leslie. Friday

and a Stableford comp which was won by Ray McHale 34pts (hcp 11) 2nd Bob Mearing 33pts (hcp10) 3rd place Sue hull 32pts (hcp33) nearest the pins Alan Hewitt

and Ray McHale well done to all our winners. Quote: you can play golf with a bad swing: but the game is a lot easier if you take time to get a good one? Enjoy your golf at Valle del Este.

valle Del este golf society..

3rd John Bridgen 79-6=73Twos: John Bridgen 4th,

Derrick Stephenson x2 8th and 17th, Caroline Willingham and Bob Schofield 12th Wednesday October 10-

Individual StablefordWith the large rock on the

2nd green now cleared away there were no excuses on a windless sunny day with the course in good condition1st Mike Hill 38pts2nd Brian Everitt 37pts3rd Derrick Stephenson 36pts on a card play off

Twos: Pat Sayer 4th and Steve Willingham 12thGuests and visitors are

welcome to join us on a Mon,Wed and FridayFor information contact 634

641 199

Page 39: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition


For more information call 607 758 646 or 656 329 614

special morning programme at

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(Veg option available)

3pm - 7pm all week

COMBAT SPARRINGThis gives the student the

opportunity to test their skills, speed and ability against other students in a safe, controlled environment, under the supervision of a senior member at all times. Protection for the feet and hands is compulsory, and students have the option to wear head protection and mouth guards.

WEAPONS TRAININGStudents learn techniques

on how to use: Nunchaku and Bo Staff, and how to defend against them.

PATTERNSStudents learn a sequence of

patterns or “Hyung” at each level (or belt) which contributes to improving their technical knowledge and skills. These patterns are performed as part of the GTF National Grading Examination which takes place approximately every 3 months which enables the students to progress to a higher level and belt WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPSStudents have the opportunity

to take part in GTF World Championships, which are held every two years in one of the GTF affiliated countries around the world. In 2011 it was held in Scotland, and in 2013 it will take place in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Competitions are divided into:

Patterns, Combat Sparring and Special Techniques… and the participants are split into male and female categories - in age, weight and belt level. So whatever the students age or level, they will always compete against somebody of similar ability.

indigo gYm, moJacar plaYa (near estanco tobacconist / cajamar bank)

tel: 646 844 708

martial arts

1st lesson free

adults & Junior classes (9 yrs - 15 yrs / 16 yrs - adult) mondays: 7pm - 8.30pmwednesdays: 5.15 - 6.45pmsaturdays: 4pm - 5.30pm

kids classes (4 - 8 Yrs) wednesdays: 4.15 - 5.15pmsaturdays: 3pm - 4pm

COMPETITIONSStudents have the opportunity

to take part in Inter-Club competitions in Sparring, Weapons Techniques and Patterns. Winners and runners-up, receive trophies and / or medals.For more info on the club For class times see the advert opposite.

Have fun, Get fit and make new friends...




run club, which trains GTF style Taekwondo. It is currently the only GTF club in Spain which is authorised by the Global Taekwondo Federation HQ in Ontario, Canada. It also has a close relationship to GTF Scotland. For more information on GTF, visit:

The Taekwondo Mojacar club currently has around 40 students both male and female, ranging from 4 to 42 years of age. The students are split into categories: Rainbows (4-8yrs), Peewees (9-12yrs), Juniors (13-15yrs), Adults (16yrs +) The training is suitable for all ages and abilities

THE 1ST LESSON IS FREE so you can come and experience what Taekwondo is all about. If you decide to continue training, you will become stronger, quicker, more flexible and coordinated, and have more endurance and overall fitness.

WHAT DO WE DO?SELF DEFENSEStudents learn technical

movements to defend themselves against an attack, whether it be from a weapon or just a punch, kick or grab. As the student progresses through the levels towards blackbelt, new movements and more complicated skills are introduced and executed through Combat Sparring, Patterns and Competitions.

Page 40: Sol Times Newspaper issue 359 Roquetas Edition




...remember to say you saw it in the sol Times

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Help for HeroesgranD total raiseD so far

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