solar news, february 2007 ~ australian and new zealand solar energy society - south australian...

 Australian And New Zealand Solar Energy Society (SA Branch ) SOLAR NEWS SA Formerly the ANZSES CHATTER [email protected] February 2007 WELCOME … to this month’s edition of Solar News SA. PRINTING THIS NEWSLETTER If you want to print this newsletter off, a PDF copy is available from MAKING ADELAIDE A SOLAR CITY…TAXPAYER FUNDED JOLLY OR HISTORY IN THE MAKING? ANZSES AND THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF SA TIME: 7.30 PM, 20 th FEBRUARY 2007 SPEAKER: GEORGINE DUNCAN LOCATION: ROOM C3-16, CENTENARY BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF SA, CITY EAST CAMPUS, FROME RD Georgine Duncan, Project Manager of the Adelaide Solar City from Origin Energy will introduce the Adelaide Solar City project. Solar Cities is a $75.3 million initiative announced by the Prime Minister in the Energy White Paper, Securing Australia's Energy Future , in June 2004. Solar Cities will be implemented by the Department of the Environment and Heritage through trials in Adelaide and at least three other electricity grid-connected urban areas around Australia. Solar Cities is an innovative programme which is designed to demonstrate how solar power, smart meters, energy efficiency and new approaches to electricity pricing can combine to provide a sustainable energy future in urban locations throughout Australia. It is a partnership approach that involves all levels of Government, the private sector and the local community. Origin Energy will lead a consortium of BP Solar, ANZ Bank, Lend Lease, Salisbury City Council and Big Switch Projects to deliver a range of products to 100, 000 homes in the North of Adelaide covering, Adelaide, Salisbury, Playford and TTG. This consortium has received $15 million of the Solar Cities funding and will invest and leverage a further $65 million to make this an $80 million project. The trial will start this year, 2007 and will continue until 2013 with the two objectives of:  Demonstrating the economic and environmental impacts of integrating cost-reflective pricing with the concentrated uptake of solar, energy efficiency and smart metering technologies; and  identifying and implementing options for addressing barriers to distributed solar generation, energy efficiency and electricity demand management for grid connected urban areas. To this end, the consortium will work with a range of partners including councils, community groups, state and federal government to deliver:  Five “iconic” installations of Australia-manufactured solar photovoltaic cells located and designed to maximise community engagement and awareness that Adelaide is a Solar City.  The largest roll-out of smart meters undertaken in Australia, with over 7,000 meters supporting solar PV and cost-reflective pricing products, designed to defer network investment and to test and understand consumer reaction to innovative energy products.  Launching innovative financing and marketing arrangements to create wide appeal for residentially-based solar photovoltaic technology in low- and high-income households, breaking down barriers to uptake.  A comprehensive programme of energy efficiency measures for business and residential consumers, designed to help them to understand and overcome barriers, and to communicate the results to the wider community.  A trial specifically developed for low income housing to challenge the ‘split incentive’ issue between landlords and tenants – a well-documented barrier to greater take-up of solar, energy efficiency and smart metering technologies.

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Australian And New Zealand Solar Energy Society (SA Branch)

SOLAR NEWS SAFormerly the ANZSES CHATTER [email protected] 

February 2007 


… to this month’s edition of Solar News SA.PRINTING THIS NEWSLETTER

If you want to print this newsletter off, a PDF copy is available from 



TIME: 7.30 PM, 20th FEBRUARY 2007



Georgine Duncan, Project Manager of the Adelaide Solar City from Origin Energy will introduce the Adelaide SolarCity project.Solar Cities is a $75.3 million initiative announced by the Prime Minister in the Energy White Paper, Securing Australia's Energy Future , in June 2004.Solar Cities will be implemented by the Department of the Environment and Heritage through trials in Adelaide and atleast three other electricity grid-connected urban areas around Australia. Solar Cities is an innovative programmewhich is designed to demonstrate how solar power, smart meters, energy efficiency and new approaches toelectricity pricing can combine to provide a sustainable energy future in urban locations throughout Australia. It is apartnership approach that involves all levels of Government, the private sector and the local community.Origin Energy will lead a consortium of BP Solar, ANZ Bank, Lend Lease, Salisbury City Council and Big SwitchProjects to deliver a range of products to 100, 000 homes in the North of Adelaide covering, Adelaide, Salisbury,Playford and TTG. This consortium has received $15 million of the Solar Cities funding and will invest and leverage afurther $65 million to make this an $80 million project.The trial will start this year, 2007 and will continue until 2013 with the two objectives of:

•  Demonstrating the economic and environmental impacts of integrating cost-reflective pricing with theconcentrated uptake of solar, energy efficiency and smart metering technologies; and

•  identifying and implementing options for addressing barriers to distributed solar generation, energyefficiency and electricity demand management for grid connected urban areas.

To this end, the consortium will work with a range of partners including councils, community groups, state and federalgovernment to deliver:

•  Five “iconic” installations of Australia-manufactured solar photovoltaic cells located and designed tomaximise community engagement and awareness that Adelaide is a Solar City.

•  The largest roll-out of smart meters undertaken in Australia, with over 7,000 meters supporting solar PV andcost-reflective pricing products, designed to defer network investment and to test and understand consumerreaction to innovative energy products.

•  Launching innovative financing and marketing arrangements to create wide appeal for residentially-basedsolar photovoltaic technology in low- and high-income households, breaking down barriers to uptake.

•  A comprehensive programme of energy efficiency measures for business and residential consumers,designed to help them to understand and overcome barriers, and to communicate the results to the wider

community.•  A trial specifically developed for low income housing to challenge the ‘split incentive’ issue between

landlords and tenants – a well-documented barrier to greater take-up of solar, energy efficiency and smartmetering technologies.

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•  A community engagement strategy, developed in consultation with the local councils, which aims to create anunprecedented environment where the community is engaged and excited about their ability to make adifference, and therefore very receptive to new products and offers.

•  A data monitoring and measurement programme to create a powerful array of information specificallytargeted to inform relevant policy issues while minimising the intervention and impact on customers.

Georgine, having spent 9 years with Origin Energy has broad experience with Solar PV and major project delivery. Alawyer by training, Georgine has been the Australian representative on the IEA PVPS Task 10 dealing with barriersto uptake of grid connect PV and was heavily involved with the development of the Australian Photovoltaic IndustryRoadmap in July 2004. Her more recent experience was on the management team of the $1 billion Kupe gas project

in NZ.


A big year is planned for SA! The provisional programme for this year includes the following:

•  Solar Cities: 20th Feb 2007 (confirmed)•  Solar Tour: May? Waste to Energy. Adelaide Brighton Cement•  The Solar Concentrator System at Mildura (Solar Systems): . June or July•  Sustainable House Day: (September)•  The SA Strategic Energy Plan•  John Smith Memorial Lecture: (Oct/Nov)


We are planning the AGM in March to coincide with a visit from ANZSES President Artur Zawadski, who is involvedwith the “Big Dish” solar project at Whyalla. More details as soon as the date is set!

Meeting Report: Nuclear Energy Debate: Going nuclear – an answer to global warming ?

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L to R Terry Lane, Stewart Martin (ANZSES), Ian Hore-Lacey, Elizabeth Ho (Hawke Centre), Dr. David Klingberg (Chancellor,UniSA) Dr. Mark Diesendorf 

Nearly 400 people came to this John Smith Memorial Lecture chaired by prominent media figure Terry Lane.The two experts talking had different perspectives on this controversial question. Dr Mark Diesendorf, Institute ofEnvironmental Studies, UNSW, argued that nuclear energy involves too great a cost, including the greenhouseenergy used in mining and processing nuclear products and the government subsidies that hide the real bills. MrIan Hore-Lacy, General Manager, Uranium Information Centre, took a more positive position on the role of nuclearenergy in an energy-demanding world, acknowledging that the cost of commercial finance and risk allocation

prevented its feasibility in Australia in the near future.


David Mills, former Chair of ANZSES, was on the 7:30 Report recently regarding his planned move to California,where his solar thermal technology is more accepted than in Australia. The transcript is at 


The organisers are well advanced in planning for this event. They already have some houses but are looking formore in the metropolitan area – preferably in clusters so people can easily visit three in an afternoon. If you know ofany, contact Monica Oliphant or Stewart Martin. (see phone nos. and emails under Committee below)They are also looking for volunteers to be in charge of a house for the day.


Meeting details - every 2nd Tuesday of the month:Tower Hotel, 621 Magill Rd, MagillTuesday 13th February 2007 at 7.30pm

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Wayne of Enviro Plus Plumbers – Solar hot water including evacuated tube types, water management, waterefficiency

“Climate, Energy and CO2 Stabilization”

The Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISST) of the University of South Australia is pleased toinvite you to a public seminar.Presented by Dr Tom M.L. Wigley

Date: Friday 9th February 2007Time: 12:00 pm to 13:00 pm (light refreshments provided)

Venue: Mutual Community Lecture TheatreH2-02, Basil Hetzel BuildingUniversity of South AustraliaFrome Road, Adelaide

RSVP: 6 February 2007 to [email protected] Tom Wigley is a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the former Director of theClimatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. Born and educated in Australia, Dr Wigley trainedas a meteorologist with the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology before going on to complete a Ph.D. in theoreticalphysics.Dr Wigley has published widely in the field of climatology and related sciences, and is the author of more than 200highly cited refereed journal articles and book chapters. In addition, he is a Fellow of the American MeteorologicalSociety (AMS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

His current interests include projections of future climate and sea-level change, carbon-cycle modelling, theinterpretation of past climate changes (including the detection of anthropogenic influences), climate modelling andmodel validation, and economic and policy aspects of mitigation (i.e., reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases). by the Sansom Institute, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, UniSA

“Nuclear Energy - An Option for Sustainability?”

Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISST) of the Univeristy of South Australia is pleased to inviteyou to our public seminarPresenter: Mr Martin ThomasDate: Friday February 16 2007Time: 12:00pm – 1:00 pm (with light refreshment provided)

Venue: Playford Building, Room P3-20, City East campusRSVP: Tuesday 13 February to [email protected]:// Martin Thomas was founding Managing Director of the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for RenewableEnergy (ACRE Ltd). He is a past President of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, a Fellow and past Vice-President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and past President of the AustralianInstitute of Energy. He has been Chairman of the Australian National Team for the International Energy Agency'sCentre for Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET).His engineering experience has been in power generation including renewable and sustainable technologies. He hasbeen a Principal of Sinclair Knight Merz, a director of the Tyree Group, Chairman of the Olympic Energy AdvisoryPanel, Chairman of the New South Wales Electricity Council, Deputy Chairman of Australian Inland Energy andWater (the utility serving Broken Hill), and EnviroMission Limited, a company established to build the world's firstcommercial solar tower. He is retained as a technology consultant to the Tyree Group and to the ZBB EnergyCorporation. He recently served on the Prime Minister's Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy Taskforce(UMPNER).He is currently Chairman of Dulhunty Power Ltd, an electrotechnology company specialising in transmission anddistribution system products, and is Acting Chancellor of the Asia Pacific International College, established to providehigh level education in project management.He was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 1993 for services to engineering and energy managementand was awarded an Australian Centenary Medal in 2003.Martin is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the University of South Australia's Institute for Sustainable Systems andTechnologies (ISST).


As green businesses and those with an interest in sustainability I you may be interested in subscribing an emailnewsletter to keep up with sustainability activities in South Australia - particularly those things that the Government issaying and doing. For more information go to 

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From the past

My uncle, Gerry Held, who is now 94, gave me some photos recent of solar concentrating collectors made in the1970s. The parabolic trough reflector was interesting in that it used the motion of the boiling water, to rock back andforth, moving the collector in time with the sun’s path through and escapement mechanism (he was a watchmaker). Itwas a wonderful piece of engineering from someone who is still interested in new technologies and ideas!

John Held


President: Stewart Martin School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of SA, Mawson Lakes 5095Ph 8302 3048 (w) 8261 4630 (h) fax 8302 3389 email: [email protected] 

Secretary: Albert Thompson [email protected] 

Treasurer: John Rolls103 Lansdowne Terrace Vale Park 5081 Ph 8463 6907 (w) 8269 3879 (h) 04 1029 4638 (m) 8463 6900 (f) email [email protected] 

Solar News SA Editor: John Held 

Ph 8271 4555 (w) 8272 6608(h) Email [email protected] 

Publicity Officer: Margaret Dingle ph 8362 7007 email [email protected] 

Solar House Tours Coordinator:Monica Oliphant 8277 3357 (h) 0404 898277(Mob) email: [email protected] 

Committee Member Pierre Verlinden 040718 3671 (mob) emai l: [email protected] 


We are keen to distribute as much information and news as possible in this format. Obviously it’s quickest, easiest

and fastest by email – so if you are getting this by post, and have an email address, please contact John Held at [email protected] . Please send me any news, meetings of interest to members, and other bits of information!

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Australian And New Zealand Solar Energy Society (SA Branch)

SOLAR NEWS SAFormerly the ANZSES CHATTER [email protected] 

February 2007 


… to this month’s edition of Solar News SA.PRINTING THIS NEWSLETTER

If you want to print this newsletter off, a PDF copy is available from 



TIME: 7.30 PM, 20th FEBRUARY 2007



Georgine Duncan, Project Manager of the Adelaide Solar City from Origin Energy will introduce the Adelaide SolarCity project.Solar Cities is a $75.3 million initiative announced by the Prime Minister in the Energy White Paper, Securing Australia's Energy Future , in June 2004.Solar Cities will be implemented by the Department of the Environment and Heritage through trials in Adelaide and atleast three other electricity grid-connected urban areas around Australia. Solar Cities is an innovative programmewhich is designed to demonstrate how solar power, smart meters, energy efficiency and new approaches toelectricity pricing can combine to provide a sustainable energy future in urban locations throughout Australia. It is apartnership approach that involves all levels of Government, the private sector and the local community.Origin Energy will lead a consortium of BP Solar, ANZ Bank, Lend Lease, Salisbury City Council and Big SwitchProjects to deliver a range of products to 100, 000 homes in the North of Adelaide covering, Adelaide, Salisbury,Playford and TTG. This consortium has received $15 million of the Solar Cities funding and will invest and leverage afurther $65 million to make this an $80 million project.The trial will start this year, 2007 and will continue until 2013 with the two objectives of:

•  Demonstrating the economic and environmental impacts of integrating cost-reflective pricing with theconcentrated uptake of solar, energy efficiency and smart metering technologies; and

•  identifying and implementing options for addressing barriers to distributed solar generation, energyefficiency and electricity demand management for grid connected urban areas.

To this end, the consortium will work with a range of partners including councils, community groups, state and federalgovernment to deliver:

•  Five “iconic” installations of Australia-manufactured solar photovoltaic cells located and designed tomaximise community engagement and awareness that Adelaide is a Solar City.

•  The largest roll-out of smart meters undertaken in Australia, with over 7,000 meters supporting solar PV andcost-reflective pricing products, designed to defer network investment and to test and understand consumerreaction to innovative energy products.

•  Launching innovative financing and marketing arrangements to create wide appeal for residentially-basedsolar photovoltaic technology in low- and high-income households, breaking down barriers to uptake.

•  A comprehensive programme of energy efficiency measures for business and residential consumers,designed to help them to understand and overcome barriers, and to communicate the results to the wider

community.•  A trial specifically developed for low income housing to challenge the ‘split incentive’ issue between

landlords and tenants – a well-documented barrier to greater take-up of solar, energy efficiency and smartmetering technologies.

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•  A community engagement strategy, developed in consultation with the local councils, which aims to create anunprecedented environment where the community is engaged and excited about their ability to make adifference, and therefore very receptive to new products and offers.

•  A data monitoring and measurement programme to create a powerful array of information specificallytargeted to inform relevant policy issues while minimising the intervention and impact on customers.

Georgine, having spent 9 years with Origin Energy has broad experience with Solar PV and major project delivery. Alawyer by training, Georgine has been the Australian representative on the IEA PVPS Task 10 dealing with barriersto uptake of grid connect PV and was heavily involved with the development of the Australian Photovoltaic IndustryRoadmap in July 2004. Her more recent experience was on the management team of the $1 billion Kupe gas project

in NZ.


A big year is planned for SA! The provisional programme for this year includes the following:

•  Solar Cities: 20th Feb 2007 (confirmed)•  Solar Tour: May? Waste to Energy. Adelaide Brighton Cement•  The Solar Concentrator System at Mildura (Solar Systems): . June or July•  Sustainable House Day: (September)•  The SA Strategic Energy Plan•  John Smith Memorial Lecture: (Oct/Nov)


We are planning the AGM in March to coincide with a visit from ANZSES President Artur Zawadski, who is involvedwith the “Big Dish” solar project at Whyalla. More details as soon as the date is set!

Meeting Report: Nuclear Energy Debate: Going nuclear – an answer to global warming ?

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L to R Terry Lane, Stewart Martin (ANZSES), Ian Hore-Lacey, Elizabeth Ho (Hawke Centre), Dr. David Klingberg (Chancellor,UniSA) Dr. Mark Diesendorf 

Nearly 400 people came to this John Smith Memorial Lecture chaired by prominent media figure Terry Lane.The two experts talking had different perspectives on this controversial question. Dr Mark Diesendorf, Institute ofEnvironmental Studies, UNSW, argued that nuclear energy involves too great a cost, including the greenhouseenergy used in mining and processing nuclear products and the government subsidies that hide the real bills. MrIan Hore-Lacy, General Manager, Uranium Information Centre, took a more positive position on the role of nuclearenergy in an energy-demanding world, acknowledging that the cost of commercial finance and risk allocation

prevented its feasibility in Australia in the near future.


David Mills, former Chair of ANZSES, was on the 7:30 Report recently regarding his planned move to California,where his solar thermal technology is more accepted than in Australia. The transcript is at 


The organisers are well advanced in planning for this event. They already have some houses but are looking formore in the metropolitan area – preferably in clusters so people can easily visit three in an afternoon. If you know ofany, contact Monica Oliphant or Stewart Martin. (see phone nos. and emails under Committee below)They are also looking for volunteers to be in charge of a house for the day.


Meeting details - every 2nd Tuesday of the month:Tower Hotel, 621 Magill Rd, MagillTuesday 13th February 2007 at 7.30pm

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Wayne of Enviro Plus Plumbers – Solar hot water including evacuated tube types, water management, waterefficiency

“Climate, Energy and CO2 Stabilization”

The Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISST) of the University of South Australia is pleased toinvite you to a public seminar.Presented by Dr Tom M.L. Wigley

Date: Friday 9th February 2007Time: 12:00 pm to 13:00 pm (light refreshments provided)

Venue: Mutual Community Lecture TheatreH2-02, Basil Hetzel BuildingUniversity of South AustraliaFrome Road, Adelaide

RSVP: 6 February 2007 to [email protected] Tom Wigley is a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the former Director of theClimatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. Born and educated in Australia, Dr Wigley trainedas a meteorologist with the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology before going on to complete a Ph.D. in theoreticalphysics.Dr Wigley has published widely in the field of climatology and related sciences, and is the author of more than 200highly cited refereed journal articles and book chapters. In addition, he is a Fellow of the American MeteorologicalSociety (AMS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

His current interests include projections of future climate and sea-level change, carbon-cycle modelling, theinterpretation of past climate changes (including the detection of anthropogenic influences), climate modelling andmodel validation, and economic and policy aspects of mitigation (i.e., reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases). by the Sansom Institute, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, UniSA

“Nuclear Energy - An Option for Sustainability?”

Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISST) of the Univeristy of South Australia is pleased to inviteyou to our public seminarPresenter: Mr Martin ThomasDate: Friday February 16 2007Time: 12:00pm – 1:00 pm (with light refreshment provided)

Venue: Playford Building, Room P3-20, City East campusRSVP: Tuesday 13 February to [email protected]:// Martin Thomas was founding Managing Director of the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for RenewableEnergy (ACRE Ltd). He is a past President of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, a Fellow and past Vice-President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and past President of the AustralianInstitute of Energy. He has been Chairman of the Australian National Team for the International Energy Agency'sCentre for Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET).His engineering experience has been in power generation including renewable and sustainable technologies. He hasbeen a Principal of Sinclair Knight Merz, a director of the Tyree Group, Chairman of the Olympic Energy AdvisoryPanel, Chairman of the New South Wales Electricity Council, Deputy Chairman of Australian Inland Energy andWater (the utility serving Broken Hill), and EnviroMission Limited, a company established to build the world's firstcommercial solar tower. He is retained as a technology consultant to the Tyree Group and to the ZBB EnergyCorporation. He recently served on the Prime Minister's Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy Taskforce(UMPNER).He is currently Chairman of Dulhunty Power Ltd, an electrotechnology company specialising in transmission anddistribution system products, and is Acting Chancellor of the Asia Pacific International College, established to providehigh level education in project management.He was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 1993 for services to engineering and energy managementand was awarded an Australian Centenary Medal in 2003.Martin is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the University of South Australia's Institute for Sustainable Systems andTechnologies (ISST).


As green businesses and those with an interest in sustainability I you may be interested in subscribing an emailnewsletter to keep up with sustainability activities in South Australia - particularly those things that the Government issaying and doing. For more information go to 

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From the past

My uncle, Gerry Held, who is now 94, gave me some photos recent of solar concentrating collectors made in the1970s. The parabolic trough reflector was interesting in that it used the motion of the boiling water, to rock back andforth, moving the collector in time with the sun’s path through and escapement mechanism (he was a watchmaker). Itwas a wonderful piece of engineering from someone who is still interested in new technologies and ideas!

John Held


President: Stewart Martin School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of SA, Mawson Lakes 5095Ph 8302 3048 (w) 8261 4630 (h) fax 8302 3389 email: [email protected] 

Secretary: Albert Thompson [email protected] 

Treasurer: John Rolls103 Lansdowne Terrace Vale Park 5081 Ph 8463 6907 (w) 8269 3879 (h) 04 1029 4638 (m) 8463 6900 (f) email [email protected] 

Solar News SA Editor: John Held 

Ph 8271 4555 (w) 8272 6608(h) Email [email protected] 

Publicity Officer: Margaret Dingle ph 8362 7007 email [email protected] 

Solar House Tours Coordinator:Monica Oliphant 8277 3357 (h) 0404 898277(Mob) email: [email protected] 

Committee Member Pierre Verlinden 040718 3671 (mob) emai l: [email protected] 


We are keen to distribute as much information and news as possible in this format. Obviously it’s quickest, easiest

and fastest by email – so if you are getting this by post, and have an email address, please contact John Held at [email protected] . Please send me any news, meetings of interest to members, and other bits of information!

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Australian And New Zealand Solar Energy Society (SA Branch)

SOLAR NEWS SAFormerly the ANZSES CHATTER [email protected] 

February 2007 


… to this month’s edition of Solar News SA.PRINTING THIS NEWSLETTER

If you want to print this newsletter off, a PDF copy is available from 



TIME: 7.30 PM, 20th FEBRUARY 2007



Georgine Duncan, Project Manager of the Adelaide Solar City from Origin Energy will introduce the Adelaide SolarCity project.Solar Cities is a $75.3 million initiative announced by the Prime Minister in the Energy White Paper, Securing Australia's Energy Future , in June 2004.Solar Cities will be implemented by the Department of the Environment and Heritage through trials in Adelaide and atleast three other electricity grid-connected urban areas around Australia. Solar Cities is an innovative programmewhich is designed to demonstrate how solar power, smart meters, energy efficiency and new approaches toelectricity pricing can combine to provide a sustainable energy future in urban locations throughout Australia. It is apartnership approach that involves all levels of Government, the private sector and the local community.Origin Energy will lead a consortium of BP Solar, ANZ Bank, Lend Lease, Salisbury City Council and Big SwitchProjects to deliver a range of products to 100, 000 homes in the North of Adelaide covering, Adelaide, Salisbury,Playford and TTG. This consortium has received $15 million of the Solar Cities funding and will invest and leverage afurther $65 million to make this an $80 million project.The trial will start this year, 2007 and will continue until 2013 with the two objectives of:

•  Demonstrating the economic and environmental impacts of integrating cost-reflective pricing with theconcentrated uptake of solar, energy efficiency and smart metering technologies; and

•  identifying and implementing options for addressing barriers to distributed solar generation, energyefficiency and electricity demand management for grid connected urban areas.

To this end, the consortium will work with a range of partners including councils, community groups, state and federalgovernment to deliver:

•  Five “iconic” installations of Australia-manufactured solar photovoltaic cells located and designed tomaximise community engagement and awareness that Adelaide is a Solar City.

•  The largest roll-out of smart meters undertaken in Australia, with over 7,000 meters supporting solar PV andcost-reflective pricing products, designed to defer network investment and to test and understand consumerreaction to innovative energy products.

•  Launching innovative financing and marketing arrangements to create wide appeal for residentially-basedsolar photovoltaic technology in low- and high-income households, breaking down barriers to uptake.

•  A comprehensive programme of energy efficiency measures for business and residential consumers,designed to help them to understand and overcome barriers, and to communicate the results to the wider

community.•  A trial specifically developed for low income housing to challenge the ‘split incentive’ issue between

landlords and tenants – a well-documented barrier to greater take-up of solar, energy efficiency and smartmetering technologies.

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•  A community engagement strategy, developed in consultation with the local councils, which aims to create anunprecedented environment where the community is engaged and excited about their ability to make adifference, and therefore very receptive to new products and offers.

•  A data monitoring and measurement programme to create a powerful array of information specificallytargeted to inform relevant policy issues while minimising the intervention and impact on customers.

Georgine, having spent 9 years with Origin Energy has broad experience with Solar PV and major project delivery. Alawyer by training, Georgine has been the Australian representative on the IEA PVPS Task 10 dealing with barriersto uptake of grid connect PV and was heavily involved with the development of the Australian Photovoltaic IndustryRoadmap in July 2004. Her more recent experience was on the management team of the $1 billion Kupe gas project

in NZ.


A big year is planned for SA! The provisional programme for this year includes the following:

•  Solar Cities: 20th Feb 2007 (confirmed)•  Solar Tour: May? Waste to Energy. Adelaide Brighton Cement•  The Solar Concentrator System at Mildura (Solar Systems): . June or July•  Sustainable House Day: (September)•  The SA Strategic Energy Plan•  John Smith Memorial Lecture: (Oct/Nov)


We are planning the AGM in March to coincide with a visit from ANZSES President Artur Zawadski, who is involvedwith the “Big Dish” solar project at Whyalla. More details as soon as the date is set!

Meeting Report: Nuclear Energy Debate: Going nuclear – an answer to global warming ?

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L to R Terry Lane, Stewart Martin (ANZSES), Ian Hore-Lacey, Elizabeth Ho (Hawke Centre), Dr. David Klingberg (Chancellor,UniSA) Dr. Mark Diesendorf 

Nearly 400 people came to this John Smith Memorial Lecture chaired by prominent media figure Terry Lane.The two experts talking had different perspectives on this controversial question. Dr Mark Diesendorf, Institute ofEnvironmental Studies, UNSW, argued that nuclear energy involves too great a cost, including the greenhouseenergy used in mining and processing nuclear products and the government subsidies that hide the real bills. MrIan Hore-Lacy, General Manager, Uranium Information Centre, took a more positive position on the role of nuclearenergy in an energy-demanding world, acknowledging that the cost of commercial finance and risk allocation

prevented its feasibility in Australia in the near future.


David Mills, former Chair of ANZSES, was on the 7:30 Report recently regarding his planned move to California,where his solar thermal technology is more accepted than in Australia. The transcript is at 


The organisers are well advanced in planning for this event. They already have some houses but are looking formore in the metropolitan area – preferably in clusters so people can easily visit three in an afternoon. If you know ofany, contact Monica Oliphant or Stewart Martin. (see phone nos. and emails under Committee below)They are also looking for volunteers to be in charge of a house for the day.


Meeting details - every 2nd Tuesday of the month:Tower Hotel, 621 Magill Rd, MagillTuesday 13th February 2007 at 7.30pm

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Wayne of Enviro Plus Plumbers – Solar hot water including evacuated tube types, water management, waterefficiency

“Climate, Energy and CO2 Stabilization”

The Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISST) of the University of South Australia is pleased toinvite you to a public seminar.Presented by Dr Tom M.L. Wigley

Date: Friday 9th February 2007Time: 12:00 pm to 13:00 pm (light refreshments provided)

Venue: Mutual Community Lecture TheatreH2-02, Basil Hetzel BuildingUniversity of South AustraliaFrome Road, Adelaide

RSVP: 6 February 2007 to [email protected] Tom Wigley is a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the former Director of theClimatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. Born and educated in Australia, Dr Wigley trainedas a meteorologist with the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology before going on to complete a Ph.D. in theoreticalphysics.Dr Wigley has published widely in the field of climatology and related sciences, and is the author of more than 200highly cited refereed journal articles and book chapters. In addition, he is a Fellow of the American MeteorologicalSociety (AMS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

His current interests include projections of future climate and sea-level change, carbon-cycle modelling, theinterpretation of past climate changes (including the detection of anthropogenic influences), climate modelling andmodel validation, and economic and policy aspects of mitigation (i.e., reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases). by the Sansom Institute, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, UniSA

“Nuclear Energy - An Option for Sustainability?”

Institute for Sustainable Systems and Technologies (ISST) of the Univeristy of South Australia is pleased to inviteyou to our public seminarPresenter: Mr Martin ThomasDate: Friday February 16 2007Time: 12:00pm – 1:00 pm (with light refreshment provided)

Venue: Playford Building, Room P3-20, City East campusRSVP: Tuesday 13 February to [email protected]:// Martin Thomas was founding Managing Director of the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for RenewableEnergy (ACRE Ltd). He is a past President of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, a Fellow and past Vice-President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and past President of the AustralianInstitute of Energy. He has been Chairman of the Australian National Team for the International Energy Agency'sCentre for Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET).His engineering experience has been in power generation including renewable and sustainable technologies. He hasbeen a Principal of Sinclair Knight Merz, a director of the Tyree Group, Chairman of the Olympic Energy AdvisoryPanel, Chairman of the New South Wales Electricity Council, Deputy Chairman of Australian Inland Energy andWater (the utility serving Broken Hill), and EnviroMission Limited, a company established to build the world's firstcommercial solar tower. He is retained as a technology consultant to the Tyree Group and to the ZBB EnergyCorporation. He recently served on the Prime Minister's Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy Taskforce(UMPNER).He is currently Chairman of Dulhunty Power Ltd, an electrotechnology company specialising in transmission anddistribution system products, and is Acting Chancellor of the Asia Pacific International College, established to providehigh level education in project management.He was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 1993 for services to engineering and energy managementand was awarded an Australian Centenary Medal in 2003.Martin is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the University of South Australia's Institute for Sustainable Systems andTechnologies (ISST).


As green businesses and those with an interest in sustainability I you may be interested in subscribing an emailnewsletter to keep up with sustainability activities in South Australia - particularly those things that the Government issaying and doing. For more information go to 

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From the past

My uncle, Gerry Held, who is now 94, gave me some photos recent of solar concentrating collectors made in the1970s. The parabolic trough reflector was interesting in that it used the motion of the boiling water, to rock back andforth, moving the collector in time with the sun’s path through and escapement mechanism (he was a watchmaker). Itwas a wonderful piece of engineering from someone who is still interested in new technologies and ideas!

John Held


President: Stewart Martin School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of SA, Mawson Lakes 5095Ph 8302 3048 (w) 8261 4630 (h) fax 8302 3389 email: [email protected] 

Secretary: Albert Thompson [email protected] 

Treasurer: John Rolls103 Lansdowne Terrace Vale Park 5081 Ph 8463 6907 (w) 8269 3879 (h) 04 1029 4638 (m) 8463 6900 (f) email [email protected] 

Solar News SA Editor: John Held 

Ph 8271 4555 (w) 8272 6608(h) Email [email protected] 

Publicity Officer: Margaret Dingle ph 8362 7007 email [email protected] 

Solar House Tours Coordinator:Monica Oliphant 8277 3357 (h) 0404 898277(Mob) email: [email protected] 

Committee Member Pierre Verlinden 040718 3671 (mob) emai l: [email protected] 


We are keen to distribute as much information and news as possible in this format. Obviously it’s quickest, easiest

and fastest by email – so if you are getting this by post, and have an email address, please contact John Held at [email protected] . Please send me any news, meetings of interest to members, and other bits of information!