soldiers' memorial

Soldiers memorial By Emma

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Soldiers' Memorial

Soldiers memorial

By Emma

Page 2: Soldiers' Memorial

The Anzacs and their wars

The Anzacs were the people who took part in the war. They had put down their names for the war to protect their country. They also did not want their land to be cut down, and be put into different parts for the winners of the war. The first war Australians took part in was the Gallipoli war. Because when the Turkish in the 1st world war entered on the side of Germany, in the end it seemed impossible, the Australian and New Zealanders were employed as part of the war in Gallipoli. There, the soldiers kept losing their lives and some of them were also former students of Norwood Primary School.

Page 3: Soldiers' Memorial

The school war memorial

After the first war in Gallipoli Australia took part in, there were lots of other wars to be fought. The Government had said that it was forbidden to make a war memorial, as it reminded the people and the local boys that they could maybe dye in the war as well. The Government still needed as much young boys as possible to fight in the wars for them. But our school, Norwood Primary School still decided to make a war memorial. Each student that went to the school at that time had to pay one penny if they wanted the war memorial to be built.No one knows when it was finished,But here is the first picture madeof it.

Page 4: Soldiers' Memorial

How we remember the Anzacs

We remember the Anzacs by some symbols. There are:• Poppies After the war the poppies grew on the battlefields.• Anzac biscuits They were sent to soldiers as they were hard and lasted for a long time