solid waste and crops


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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Municipal solid waste (MSW), commonly known as trash or garbage, refuse or rubbish is a waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public.

Composed of:

40% Paper

17.6% Yard Waste

8.5% Metals

7.0% Glass

7.4% Food

8% Plastics

11.5% Miscellaneous






8% 12%

Paper Yard Waste

Metals Glass

Food Plastics


Municipal Solid waste can be classified into following types Biodegradable waste: food and kitchen waste, green waste, paper (can

also be recycled).

Recyclable material: paper, glass, bottles, cans, metals, certain plastics, fabrics, clothes, batteries etc.

Inert waste: construction and demolition waste, dirt, rocks, debris.

Electrical and electronic waste (WEEE) - electrical appliances, TVs, computers, screens, etc.

Composite wastes: waste clothing, Tetra Packs, waste plastics such as toys.

Hazardous waste including most paints, chemicals, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, spray cans, fertilizer and containers

Toxic waste including pesticide, herbicides, fungicides

Medical waste.

Over 72% of all our MSW goes into the ground in landfills. About 15% is burned and only 13% is recycled or reused.

Landfills have been the method most societies have used to get rid of garbage. A landfill is a special pit that has been dug in the ground to hold garbage

When waste is burnt heavy metals like lead, toxic gases and smoke spreads over residential areas. The wind also carries waste, dust and gases caused by decomposition.

Pollution of water resources by improperly or inadequately treated wastewater (sewage) contaminates ecosystems, drinking water supplies and is a leading cause of human disease worldwide (some 3.5 million people, mostly children under 5 die every year, about 9,000 people every day

Sewage Water is untreated water that comes of industries carrying toxic waste material and that and organic-type wastewater from human habitations for example, urine and feces

Advantages:Organic-type waste water contain urine and feces, are among the very few natural substances of extreme ecological importance; their richness and potential productivity are such that they were highly valued for millenaries in human societies throughout the globe. Fecal matter (which when mixed with water is commonly called "black water") is very rich in nutrients: 5-7% nitrogen and 3-5% phosphorus

These nutrients are the main components of most chemical fertilizers. Life promoting, both to microbes and plants, these materials greatly facilitates the formation of rich soils.

Disadvantages:Diseases caused by sewage pollution such as diarrhea, cholera and typhoid. In addition to urgent human health issues, we know that untreated sewage is a leading cause of global coral reef decline, oxygen depletion,

Killing of Aquatic life and ecological degradation of rivers and lakes with the increasing pollution of already limited underground water tables and sources of our drinking water.

Waster material or sewage water release to agricultural fields cause sudden change in soil mineral (organic and in-organic)composition resulting in change in microbial activity of soil harming soil fertility.

Solid waste and sewage water also harms roots of crop plants that can make it difficult for plant to take up nutrient, ultimately plant becomes weaker and dies.

Moreover, sewage water and solid waste contain toxic material that if , uptake by plants and result in low production

Boron-can decrease plant growth and excess boron in MSW composts may be a problem for the agricultural plants.

Leafy vegetables – like Spinach, broccoli, cabbage, can cause damage to human body if it is grown near solid waste dumps and sewage water sites, because their leave ma carry those heave metal and toxic material produced by MSW and sewage water.

Effect Of Solid Waste On Crop Plants

The municipal solid waste industry has three components: recycling, composting, and land filling. The primary steps are.

1. Collection

2. Waste handling and separation, storage and processing at the source

3. Separation and processing and transformation of solid wastes

4. Transfer and transport

5. Disposal

Activities in which materials are identified as no longer being of value and are either thrown out or gathered together for disposal.

Trash to Compost Composting is a natural biological process. Carried out under

controlled conditions, it hastens the decomposition of organic waste and reduces its volume, creating stable, soil-enriching humus

Proper management, selection and supply of MSW that is important for soil can help in increase soil fertility also help in suitable dumping and usage of MSW

Processed MSW can also use as a component in in-organic fertilizer

Improper waste disposal and lack of adequate management plan in Pakistan has been significant issue related to waste management. Recent years have scene some progress on this front through collaborative initiatives between government and civil society but much more is needed to uplift the flimsy scenario in this area of environment protection and conservation.

Crops fields located near cities facing a huge loss due to this MSW and sewage water , as the MSW dump near these fields, toxic chemical and hazardous material for crops penetrate into the soil, harming plant health and soil fertility