solid works 2006 fundamentals

Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson Sham A- 1 Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals Infrastructure Sketch Solid Features Surfaces Assembly Design 2D Drawing Design Table & Equation

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Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson Sham

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Solidworks 2006



Solid FeaturesSurfaces

Assembly Design

2D Drawing

Design Table & Equation

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Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson Sham

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User InterfaceGeneral

File Name

SpecificationTree (allfeatures storedin historical


Dimmed features(hidden)

Lights on model

Folder for solids(one visible inside)

Folder for surfaces(3 hidden inside)

Global coordinate (neverbe changed)

Geometry area/ Working area

Menu bar (allcommands)

Feature Manager (toswitch the layout oftoolbars)

Toolbars(commonly-usedcommands only)

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Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson Sham

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Type of DocumentsThe common documents are:

A) A part document (. sldprt) , which contains

information how the model is built

B) An assembly document (.sldasm), whichcontains the relative positions of components

C) A drawing document (.slddrw), which can be apart drawing or an assembly drawing





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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson Sham

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Display Settings

To improve the 3D surface accuracy:

•Select “Tools->Options...” on the menu bar,

then open the tab page Document


•Then Select “Image Quality”

•Increase the value for HLR/HLV resolution

To change the background color of the geometry area:

•Select “Tools->Options...” on the menu bar, then open

the tab page System Options

•Then Select “Colors”

•Change the colors of “Viewpoint Background” , “Top

Gradient Color” & “Bottom Gradient Color”


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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson Sham

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Change the view with the mouse

A. Rotating enables you to rotate

the model around a point. Clickand hold the middle mouse button,then drag the mouse.

B. Panning enables you to move themodel on a plane parallel to the

screen. Press and hold “Ctrl” key,then click and hold the middlemouse button, then drag themouse.

C. Zooming enables you to increase

or decrease the size of the model.Press and hold “Shift” key, thenclick and hold the middle button,then drag the mouse up or down.

Middle button


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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson Sham

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Create a Sketch

Build a Sketch:-

1. Click “Sketch” Icon

2. Select a plane or a planar face

3. Draw a profile (with lines, curves and/or


4. Add geometrical constraints (relations)

5. Add dimensional constraints & modify thevalues

6. Click “Exit Sketch” icon


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Toolbars in sketch

Project external

curves/sketches/edgesonto the active sketch

Get the intersectioncurve between“external curves/


and the active sketch



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Construction Geometry

Construction geometry is created within a

sketch to aid in profile creation. Only

standard geometry will be used forcreating solids or surfaces (Fig.1)

Construction geometry is shown in

dashed format. To convert an element

into a construction element, select it and

activate the option” for construction”.

You can also toggle any construction

elements from construction to standard

by deselecting the option.

Construction geometry



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Constraining the sketch

• Dimensional Constraints

(click the icon, then select the element(s))

• Length

• Distance

• Angle

• Radius/Diameter

Remark: To discontinue the command, click

the icon again.

• Geometrical Constraints

(multi-select the two elements by

pressing “CTRL” key and click the icon)

• Perpendicularity

• Horizontal/Vertical

• Concidence

• Tangency

• Symmetry (multi-select the elements on the

both side and then select the centerline)

You can also create constraints with othersketches and 3D elements out of the sketch

To show or hide all geometrical constraints on thescreen, select “View / Sketch Relations”


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Color and Diagnostic

1. Blue: Under-constrained

2. Black: Fixed/Fully constrained3. Red: Over-constrained

Only case 1 & 2 are allowable. Forcase 3, you must fix the errorbefore quitting the sketch mode,otherwise a warning message willpop-out and you cannot continueuntil the error is fixed.




Size dimensionsand locationdimensionshave been fullydefined

One dimensionis redundant


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View Orientation• By default, the screen is parallel to the

sketch support.

• To making constraints between the sketchgeometry and the 3D element, you mayneed to rotate the model into a 3D view.

• To return the default orientation, press“space” key on the keyboard to activate themenu of orientation, and then select “Normal

to” (the viewpoint normal to the sketch plane)

We can create a distanceconstraint between the circle

centre and the solid edge


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Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson ShamA- 12

Solid Modeling

Feature-Based Solid Modeling

Sketch Extrude



Parent and Children Relation

If deleting Hole,

we get:

If deleting Fillet,

we get:If deleting Extrude,we get:


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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson ShamA- 13

Limit Type

Types of limit are :




A plane






Solid (body)


Extrude in both directions


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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson ShamA- 14


A. Extruded Boss/Base (material addedby extruding a sketch)

B. Extruded Cut (material removed byextruding a sketch)


You can define the extrusion direction byselecting a datum plane, a line, a planarsurface, and a straight solid edge.

Extrude in opposite direction

Define wall thickness (optional)

Define the depth by different modes, e.g.dimension, up to next, through all, up to surface

By default, extrusion start from thesketch; but it can also start from theoffset direction from the sketch

Define the region for

“Crossed “ profile


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A. Revolved Boss/Base (materialadded by rotating a sketch)

B. Revolved Cut (material removed byrotating a sketch)


You need to draw another straight line alongthe centerline so that the profile is closed



You can change the modeto Two-Direction or Mid-plane


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A. Swept Boss/Base (material added bysweeping a profile along a path)

B. Cut-Sweep (material removed bysweeping a profile along a path)




Profile Control

- Follow Path

keeping the angle valuebetween the sketch planeused for the profile and thetangent of the path

- Keep Normal Constant

Sweeping the profile whilethe profile‟s normal is



Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals Solids

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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson ShamA- 17


A. Lofted Boss/ Base (material added bysweeping one or more planar section curvesalong one or more guide curves

B. Cut- Loft (material removed in the same way)


Section 2

Section 1

Section 3

If sections do not havethe same number ofvertices, “ratio coupling”

will be used by default

You can drag tochange theclosing point(blue point)

- You can use an

additional guidecurve to controlsweeping path

Make the lofttangent to theconnecting faces onstart/ finish ends


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A. Simple Hole (circular material removed from theexisting solid);

B. Hole Wizard

Several types of holes are available: Simple,Tapered, Counterbored, Countersinked, Pipetap)

You can add “Dimensional”

relations between the hole

center and the solid edges

Recall the dimensionsfor standard screws

Define the depth of the hole

Click here to define the

position of the hole


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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson ShamA- 19


Fillet (creating a curved face of a constant or variable radius

that is tangent to, and that joins, two faces.)



Face to

faceAll round

Tangent Propagation: a fillet isapplied to the selected edge and alledges tangent to the selected edge




Click to selectthe edge

The tangentedges are alsohighlighted bythe system,according to“Tangent


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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson ShamA- 20


Chamfer (removing & adding a flat section from a selected

edge to create a beveled surface between the two

original faces common to that edge.)

Two DimensioningModes for Edges

L   en   g

 t    h  1  



 en   g t    h  1  


For Vertex


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Version 1- May07 Written by Dickson ShamA- 21

DraftDraft (adding or removing material depending on the

draft angle and the pulling direction)

Neutral Plane

Side faces to draft

Pulling direction

Remark: Neutral plane alwayskeeps unchanged after a draftis created

Top face asneutral plane

Bottom face as

neutral plane


Case 1

Case 2

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Other Features

Shell (empty a solid while keeping a given thickness on its sides)

Face to remove

Rib (create a wall by extending an open profile up to limiting faces)

A line with two ends, which are nottouching solid faces

The rib always touches the solid faces, not matterhow the faces are changed / moved.


Wall thickness



Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals Reference Geometry

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Reference Geometry

Select “insert / Reference Geometry”, then select


Select a curve and a point

Select a surface and a point

Offset the reference planeup to a point

Select a line and a point

Offset by value / 

Rotate by value

Obtain the axis of acylindrical surface

Reference Geometry

Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals Curves

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3D Sketch3D Sketch (Draw a sketch in 3D space; you don‟t need to

create a plane before creating a 3D sketch)

Build a 3D Sketch:-

•Click “3D Sketch” Icon

•Draw a profile (with lines, curves and/or axis)

(Remark: if you switch the viewpoint to Front View, the

sketch plane will be “Front Plane”; similar for other 


(Remark: 3D sketch can be a non-planar curve)

•Add geometrical constraints (relations)

•Add dimensional constraints & modify the values

•Click “3D Sketch” icon again to exit


This is a 3D sketch

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Projected CurveSketch onto Face(s) (project a sketch onto a face. Theprojection can only be along the normal of the sketch)

Along the normalof the sketch


(1) Only planar sketches can be projected

(2) You cannot select other projectiondirection than the normal of the sketch

You can project it onto a faceof a surface or a solid

Sketch onto Sketch (create a curve resulting from theintersection of the extrusion of two curves. )

A 3D resultantCurve

The two extrudedsurfaces will notbe created afterthis command


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Helix CurveInsert / Curve / “Helix/Spiral”

Draw a circle on asketch


Spiral Curve

3 ways to define a helix:1) Pitch and revolution

2) Height and revolution

3) Pitch and Height



With Taper (optional)

Draw a circle on asketch

Define Pitch andRevolution

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Composite CurveInsert / Curve / “Composite”


Curve through reference points





Create a 3D Spline by defining the control points

Limitation: Cannot define the direction of tangencyat a control point.

If you need to control the direction, use “3D sketch”

Cannot definethe direction oftangency

Simply select the broken curves /edges and click ok

to join them as one.

(A composite curve is then created, representingthis group of curves/edges)

Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals Surfaces

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Extrude (create a surface by extruding a profile along a given direction)

If the profile is planar,the direction will beits normal by default.But you can changeit to other direction.


Revolve (create a surface by revolving a

planar profile about an axis)

Remark: The axis must be a straight line


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Sweep (create a surface by sweeping out a profile along apath)


•Profile Orientation

•Additional Guide Curves

•Start /End Tangency



Loft (create a surface by sweeping two or more sectioncurves along an automatically computed or user-definedspine. The surface can be made to respect one or more

guide curves. )



•Additional Guide Curves

•Start /End Tangency


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Fill (create a surface to fill the opening among a number ofboundary segments)

Offset (create a surface, or a set of surfaces, by offsettingan existing surface, or a set of surfaces)


We can specify the desired continuity typebetween any selected support surfaces and

the fill surface (Point or Tangent continuous)

The four points mustbe tangent-continuous

Remark: if Offset value = 0, youcan duplicate the selectedsurface

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Trim SurfaceStandard Trim (split a surface by means of a trim tool. Thetrim tool can be a surface or a sketch)

Mutual Trim (trim two or more surfaces)

Trim Tool ( always keeps unchanged)

Piece to keep

Result by

“Standard Trim”Original

Result by“Trim”

Pieces to keep

Trim by a sketch

Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

U i S f


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Untrim - Surface

Knit (join surfaces as one element)

The two original surfacesare hidden; a “Knit”

surface is created

REMARK: If the resultantsurface hasn‟t any open

ends, the enclosedvolume can be

transformed into a solid

Knit - Surface

Surface untrim, selectboth left edges and the

inner edge. UnderOptions, select Connectendpoints.


Surface untrim, select theface. Under Options,select All edges. Alledges are extended totheir natural boundaries.

UNtrim (patch surface holes and external edges by extending anexisting surface along its natural boundaries)

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Surface- Fillets

Fillet (creating a curved face of a constant or variable radius

that is tangent to, and that joins, two surfaces.)



Face to

faceAll round

Tangent Propagation: a fillet is appliedto the selected edge and all edgestangent to the selected edge



Sameas Solid

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Extend (Surface only)

Extend the whole Surface / the surface from an edge

Extend by Curvature Trend

The extrapolated

surface is joinedwith the originalsurface as one

Extend Surface along thetangential direction

Click the face

Click the edge

This will be a

straight edge

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D f A l iSurfaces

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Draft Analysis

Draft Analysis

(analyze the draft angle on a surface/ a group ofsurfaces)


1. Select “Tools / Draft Analysis” on the menu bar 

2. Select a Direction as “Direction of Pull”

3. Enter a value as A (Angle), e.g 3 deg

4. Click “Calculate” icon

If the big surface has no undercut, it should either all

Green or all Red.

Green: draft > 3deg

Yellow: -3deg< draft <3deg

Red: draft < -3 deg

Positive draft

Negative draft

Direction of Pull



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Cut Solid (with Surface)

Cut with Surface (split a solid with a plane or surface )

Thick Surface (add material to a surface in two oppositedirections or in one direction)

Thicken Surface

Solidworks 2006 FundamentalsTransformation

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Pattern /Mirror

Features to Pattern

- Select “Hole1” & “Fillet1” onthe tree

Faces to Pattern

- Select all faces of the hole

Instance to skip

- Select the bad instance to


Bodies to Pattern- Select the solid body

3 instancesskipped

a s o at o

(Solid/ Surface)

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Translate, Rotate, Mirror, Scale


MirrorUniform Scale

Select Insert/Features/ “Move/Copy”, then select

“Translate” or “Rotate”

Select Insert/Features/ “Pattern/Mirror”, then select “Mirror”

X-Y-Z IndividualScale

Select Insert/Features/ “Scale”

These commands arealso valid for surfaces

(Solid/ Surface)

Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

Face ReplaceSolids + Surfaces

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Face - ReplaceFace - Replace (a Boolean operation combining a surface witha body. This capability adds or removes material by modifyingthe surface of the solid.)

Face - Move

Add a surfaceon top

Original Solid

The solid face isreplaced; Materialis added insidethe cover surface

Original BossRotateTranslate

The radius of thecurved face remainsthe same.

OffsetThe radius of thecurved face increases

Face – Move (offset, translate, and rotate faces and features directly on solid or surface models. )

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A bl D iAssembly

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Assembly DesignAn assembly stores a collection of components (parts or sub assemblies).

The file extension is .sldasm.

Main Assembly



Constraints between the part(base) and the sub-assembly

Parts belonging to


Constraints among the parts ofsub-assembly

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C t N A blAssembly

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Create a New Assembly

Create a New Assembly by:

- Select File /New / Assembly

Insert existing componentsClick “Insert Component” icon

Select the file of the component

Then press “Enter” key to complete (the component will be

“fixed” at the assembly origin)


Click on an empty space in the geometry area (thecomponent will be placed at that location but it isstill free-to-move)

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Move componentsAssembly

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Move componentsUpper Assembly isactivated Component being moved

Instant SimulationTheir axes arecoincided

The base is fixed

Drag the bucketby mouse

The base is deactivated


(1)You can only move the components ofthe active assembly

(2) To activate an assembly, right-click on it

and then select “Edit Assembly”

Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

C t i t b t tAssembly

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Constraints between components

To align the axis onto another axis,select the corresponding circularfaces and then use “concentric”


Click the icon “Mate” to define the

constraints between two components

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Interference checkAssembly

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Interference check

Click “Interference Detection” icon

Click “Calculate” icon

Check the result on the list

Press “Esc” key on the keyboard to exit

Interference result

The overlapped portionis highlighted

Solidworks 2006 Fundamentals

Part /Assembly Drawings2D Drawing

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Part /Assembly Drawings

We can create a 2D drawing from a part

or an assembly. They have the parent-

and-child relationship; 3D model is the

parent and the drawing is his child. If the

3D model is changed, the drawing will be

changed automatically.

The file extension of Solidworks drawings

is *.slddrw, no matter it is a part drawingor an assembly drawing.

Same as the assembly file, the drawing

file cannot be opened properly if the

system cannot locate the part/assembly


Wherever when we open the drawing file,

the system will try to locate the parent

part/assembly file to update all the views.

It is unidirectional arrow; 3D canchange 2D, but not vice versa

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Create Views2D Drawing

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Create Views

To create a 2D drawing:-

•Select “File/New…” on the menu

•Click “Drawing” and then OK

•Select a template, e.g. A-4 Landscape

•Click “Browse”, the select a part /assembly file

•Then Select “Single View” or “Multiple Views” (Single view – create

views one by one and we can see the preview; Multiple Views – create

many views at one time by highlighting the view icons below)

•If you want to scale down the view to fit it onto the paper, you can use“Custom size”. But generally, we prefer using a bigger paper to making

the model views smaller.

To change the properties of the 2D drawing:-

•Right-click on the paper and then select “Properties”

•We can now change the paper size and also change the projectionmethod. (By default, First Angle projection is used. First Angle

projection is commonly used in China, but Third angle projection is

used in United states and Taiwan.)

•(Remark: After the projection method is changed, all existing views will

be updated correspondingly)

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Create Views2D Drawing

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Create Views

To remove all tangent edges on a view:

-Right-Click on the view

-Select Tangent Edge/ Tangent Edges Removed

To show hidden edges on a view:•Single Click on the view•Select “Hidden Lines Visible”

on the pop-up window on the left

To add or remove curves on a view:

(For dependent curves, projected from 3D)

-We can only hide the curve that we don‟t want to see. Wecannot delete it.

-To hide the curve, right-click on the view and then select

“Hide edge” then select the curve

(For independent curves, created on the view)

- Simply select and delete it.

To create a section view:

-Double-click the parent view

-Select “ insert/ Drawing View / Section” on the menu bar 

-Pick two points to define the mirror line

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Dimensioning2D Drawing

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DimensioningTo Create Dimensions on a view:-

•Click “Smart Dimension” icon

•Select an entity / entities to dimension

•Remark: Type of dimension (distance, length, angle, diameter) is

automatically selected

•To add a tolerance, select the dimension and then change the type of

tolerance, e.g. LIMIT or Symmetric

•To add a text before or after the dimension, type in the text before or after


To change the dimension properties of the sheet:-

•Select “Tools /Options” on the menu bar 

•Select “Document Properties”

•Select “Detailing / Dimensions”

•Change the arrow style to “closed filled”

•Select “Precision…” to increase/decrease the number of decimal


•Select “Detailing /Arrows” to change the arrow size

•Select “Detailing / Annotation Fonts/ Dimension” to change the dimension

font size

LIMIT Symmetric

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Editing Title Block2D Drawing

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Editing Title Block

To edit Title Block:-

-Double-click “Sheet Format 1‟ on the tree

(All the views will become invisible, and you can nowselect, add or delete any lines on the title block)

-After editing, double-click “Sheet Format1” again to exit

To add a text onto Title Block:-•Double-click “Sheet Format 1‟ on the tree to activate

•Click “Note” icon

•Type in the text

•(You can change the text properties by the toolbar


•Click ok to complete

•Drag the text to the desired position

•Double-click “Sheet Format 1” on the tree again to exit

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Equations and Design TablesParameters

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Equations and Design TablesTo Define an Equation to control parameter(s):-

(Use a simple box as an example)

• Height (30) = Length(80) - Width (50)

• Define “Length” and “Width” as the driving parameters,

“Height” as the driven parameter.• Select “Tools /Equations” on the menu bar 

• Click “Add..”

• Double-click the feature to show all related parameters

• Select the driven parameter

• Type „‟=“

• Select a driving parameter, then type “-”

• Select the other driving parameter, then click ok• (The equation is added. Now the parameter “Height” is driven

by “Length” and “Width”

To Create a Design Table to control parameter(s):-

• Select “Insert/ Design Table” on the menu bar 

• Select “Blank” as source; Select “Block model edits that would

update the design table”; Deselect the below three options

• Click ok to create

• Double-Click on the feature “Extrude1” to show all related


• Double-Click the parameters to add them into the design table

• Add anther rows of values for these parameters

• Click on empty space to complete

• Select a configuration under “Configuration Manager”- END-