solvency- reject totalizing- challenge nihilism- key

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Solvency- Reject Totalizing- Challenge Nihilism- Key


    Reject their totalizing understandings of race only by abandoning essentialism can we construct

    new understandings of blackness in the world and challenge the nihilism threatening productive


    Bell Hooks 90[P!"#$%R& '()*+&%!!,- Postmodern *ulture vol.


    It is sadly ironic that the contemporary discourse which talks the most about heterogeneity - thedecentered subject- declaring breakthroughs that allow recognition of otherness- still directs its critical voice primarily to a specialized

    audience- one that shares a common language rooted in the very master narratives it claims to

    challenge. 8f radical postmodernist thinking is to have a transformative impact then a critical break with the notion of 9authority9 as 9mastery over9 must not simply be a rhetorical device- it must be reflected in habits of being-

    including styles of writing as well as chosen subject matter. "hird:world scholars- especially elites- and white critics who passively absorb white

    supremacist thinking- and therefore never notice or look at black people o n the streets- at their jobs- who render us invisible with their gaze in all areas of daily life- are not likely to

    produce liberatory theory that will challenge racist domination, or to promote a breakdown in

    traditional ways of seeing and thinking about reality, ways of constructing aesthetic theory

    and practice. rom a different standpoint Robert !torr makes a similar criti;ue in the g lobal issue of )rt in )merica when he asserts/ "o be sure- much postmodernist criticalin;uiry has centered precisely on the issues of 9difference9 and 9otherness.9 n the purely theoretical plane the e

  • 8/10/2019 Solvency- Reject Totalizing- Challenge Nihilism- Key


    criti+ues of the )sub-ect) when they surface at a historical moment when many sub-ugated

    people feel themselves coming to voice for the first time. *riticisms of directions in postmodern thinking should not obscure insights it may offer that open

    up our understanding of )frican:)merican e