solving quasars part i martin elvis harvard-smithsonian center for astrophysics in particular…...

Solving Quasars Solving Quasars part I part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical Journal 545, 63 Fermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Solving QuasarsSolving Quasarspart Ipart I

Martin ElvisHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

in particular…

Understanding Quasar Atmospheres

Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical Journal 545, 63

Fermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003

Page 2: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

QuasarsQuasars** unsolved after 40 years unsolved after 40 years

Once were a `hot topic’ Were the first to start the downfall of Steady State Cosmology

- via ‘evolution’: change in density with cosmic time

Now astronomers have moved on to easier problems – Large scale structure, Dark Energy and Gamma-ray bursts

Quasar studies continue to generate many papers …but little understanding?

Discovered in 1963

Quasars are the most powerful continuous radiation sources in the Universe

* Note for the pedantic: By ‘quasars’ I mean all types of ‘activity’ in galaxies

Fermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003

Page 3: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

What’s the problem?What’s the problem?

Enormous array of detail

We have no images of a quasar atmosphere

Would need 1000 times sharper pictures than Hubble or Chandra <100as

Must rely on spectra: span all wavelengths: X-ray optical - radio

Superficial understanding

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Page 4: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Why Study Quasars?Why Study Quasars?

We live on a planet A star gives us life Galaxies dominate the Universe … but why do quasars matter? Here are 4 answers:

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Page 5: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Outside the wavelength range that our eyes are sensitive to

1. An Astronomer’s Answer1. An Astronomer’s Answer




Quasars dominate the night sky

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Page 6: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

2. An Astrophysicist’s Answer2. An Astrophysicist’s Answer

Gravity powered, not fusion. via Black Holes 106 - 109 as massive as the

Sun. Gas heats up falling toward it, like a spacecraft on re-entry.

Billions of times brighter than stars. Can outshine a whole galaxy

Emit strongly from radio to -rays. How do they do that?

Make galaxy length jets

Fermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003

The power available from gravity for heating is all too obvious following the Columbia tragedy

Page 7: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

3. A Cosmologist’s Answer3. A Cosmologist’s Answer

Emit up to 1/5 of power in Universe: Important input, may dominate in some places, times.

Quasars lie at the hearts of galaxies:

Galaxy mass and quasar black hole mass are tightly connected. Maggorrian et al, Ferrarese & Merritt, Gephardt et al.

How? Should be governed by different processes.

Already exist at t<1Gyr (z=6)FIRST survey discovery, Becker et al.

½ Gyr from WMAP reionization at z=20

special role in early Universe?

reionization, seeding galaxies…

element creation, star formation catalyst via dust creation?

Page 8: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

4. A Physicist’s Answer4. A Physicist’s AnswerEject bulk gas at 99.50% speed of light


similar to proton in Fermilab Tevatron 99.88%c

Impacts gas of intergalactic medium.->what emerges?

Accelerates e- to ~1000 -> TeV photons

X-rays come from region of Strong Gravityseen in 6.4 keV `Fe-K’ (=Fe Lyman-) emission line?

Wilms et al., 2002, MNRAS, 328, L27

6.4 keV

GR redshift?

MCG -6-30-15 (XMM)

Reynolds C.

Reynolds C.

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Page 9: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

What What dodo we know? we know?High level theory rapidly gave a clear picture

massive black holeLynden-Bell 1969

accretion diskLynden-Bell 1969, Pringle & Rees 1972,Shakura & Sunyaev


relativistic jet Rees 1967 [PhD], Blandford & Rees 1974

All established just 10 years after discovery

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Page 10: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

does not connect to the atomic physics

features observed in quasars

This theory describes a naked quasarThis theory describes a naked quasar

Leaves us with no way to order observations, nothing to test

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Page 11: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Atomic features in Quasar AtmospheresAtomic features in Quasar Atmospheres

High ionization: e.g. CIV, OVI

Low ionization: e.g. MgII, H.

Fermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003

All studied separately with separate telescopes

Page 12: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Compton gamma-ray Observatory




Sub-millimeter array


Quasars have no temperatureQuasars have no temperatureWhipple 10 meter

Page 13: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Blind men and the elephant. Manga VIII Hokusai, Katsushika (1760-1849)

Wall, Tree, Rope, Spear, Snake, Fan

Not having the complete picture can be misleading

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Page 14: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

we need a ‘low theory’we need a ‘low theory’ that deals with the multitude of quasar details

Just as there are textbooks on ‘Stellar Atmospheres’ we need the subject of ‘Quasar Atmospheres’ Takes more than 1 step. First build an observational paradigmobservational paradigm

i.e. what do the observations drive require of any theory?

These optically thin features are all interconnected

= `quasar atmosphere’

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Page 15: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

A Paradigm for Quasar AtmospheresA Paradigm for Quasar Atmospheres

Accretion disk

Broad Absorption LinesReflection features

Thin Vertical wind

Narrow absorption lines X-ray `warm’ absorbers

Broad Emission Lines

hollow cone

Supermassive black hole

Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical Journal 545, 63

X-ray/UV ionizing continuum

Accelerating bi-conical wind

NB: Independent of Unification Jets are not included

no absorption lines

A Geometric & Kinematic solutionc.f. Rees relativistic jets for blazars/radio sources

Can now re-construct this model using data not in Elvis 2000

Quasar AtmosphereQuasar Atmosphere

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Page 16: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Take a lesson from lab plasmas: use all the dataTake a lesson from lab plasmas: use all the data

NSTX diagnostic instruments cover everything


National Spherical Torus eXperiment

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

2mm interferometer

X-ray PHA

X-ray crystal spectrometer


Thomson scattering

Far infrared tangential


Visible spectrometer

Vacuum UV survey spectrometer

Grazing incidence spectrometer

Tangential bolometer array

Single channel visible

Bremsstrahlung detector


X-ray pinhole camera

Soft X-ray arrays

Fast tangential X-ray camera

Reflectometer array

Infrared cameras

Princeton AGN Physics with the SDSS, 29 July 2003

Page 17: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

12,277 Papers on Quasars since 196312,277 Papers on Quasars since 1963** *ADS to 4/18/03, refereed only , search on abstract containing ‘quasar’ | ‘AGN’

1/day. Now 2 per day = 5% of all astronomy papers

SpamSpam!! Need filters---

1. Physical measurementsMass, length, density. Not ratios, column densities

2. Favor absorption: advice from Steve Kahn c.1985

1-D spatial integral, not 3-D;

blueshift = outflow

3. Use Polarization Non-spherical geometry

With these filters just a dozen papers define the structure of quasar atmospheres.

Fermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003

Page 18: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

1.Physical Measurements: 1.Physical Measurements: BEL Velocity-radius relationBEL Velocity-radius relation

Reverberation mapping shows Keplerian velocity relation in BELs


Keplerian orbits


Light echo delay (days) Dopple

r w




. Li


Peterson & Wandel 2000 ApJ 540, L13

Broad Emission Lines close to Keplerian velocities

~1000 rs,



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Page 19: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

1.Physical Measurements:1.Physical Measurements: AngleAngle


Use VLBI + X-ray to get angle of jet to line of sight Rokaki et al. 2003 astroph/0301405

(2) Continuum drops as cos EW=EW0[1/3 cos(1+2cos)]-1 limb darkened disk

H does not H scale height larger than disklike

optical continuumBut BLR is rotating

rotating cylinder?A highly non-equilibrium shape

Simplest solution: BLR is in a rotating wind





Flat disk continuum

Relativistic beaming








Rokaki et al. 2003 astro-ph/0301405

(1) Rotation about jet axisc.f. Wills & Browne 1986, Brotherton

1996, McLure & Jarvis 2003

H polarization rotation also implies orbiting gas Smith et al 2002

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Page 20: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

2. Absorption Features2. Absorption Features

Narrow UV lines

High ionization CIV, OVI High ionization OVII,OVIII

Outflow ~1000 km s-1

Seen in 50% of quasarsSeen in same 50% of quasars

Simplest solution: Same gas, 2 phases

Princeton AGN Physics with the SDSS, 29 July 2003

Winds are common in quasarsChandra HETG: 900ksec NGC3783


Narrow X-ray linesnew

Same Outflow ~1000 km s-1 new

Page 21: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Chandra HETGS 850ksec spectrum of NGC 3783

Over 100 absorption features fitted by a 6 parameter model One T~106 K and one T~104 K, in pressure balance to 5%

Krongold, Nicastro, Brickhouse, Elvis, Liedahl & Mathur, 2003 ApJ, in press. astro-ph/0306460

2-phase gas in pressure equilibrium

2. Absorption: More Physics from X-rays2. Absorption: More Physics from X-raysFermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003

Page 22: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

2. Absorption: where is the wind?2. Absorption: where is the wind?

Velocity dependent covering factors

Absorber is close to continuum source

absorber is moving transverse

Wind is close to continuum, crosses line of sight

Arav, Korista & de Kool 2002, ApJ 566, 699

Arav, Korista, de Kool, Junkkarinen & Begelman 1999 ApJ 516, 27

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Page 23: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

A quasar wind is like a flameA quasar wind is like a flame

We are looking through a flow

Apparent lack of change is a common handicap for astronomers

the ‘Static Illusion’

e.g. expansion of the Universe, cluster cooling flows, quasar disks

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Page 24: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Emission lines: a thin wind?Emission lines: a thin wind?

Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLSy1s) show

broad, strongly blueshifted

high ionization (CIV) lines Understandable as disk wind redshifted lines hidden by disk Low ionization lines from outer

disk c.f. Collin-Souffrin, Hameury & Joly,1988 A&A 205, 19

Leighly & Moore 2003, ApJ submitted

See: Gaskell 1982

Wilkes 1984

Low ionization


BELs are rotating, transverse, thin winds

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Page 25: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

2. Absorption / 1. Physical Measurements:2. Absorption / 1. Physical Measurements:Wind Density,thicknessWind Density,thickness

UV/X-ray absorption responds to continuum changes: photoionized

Nicastro et al. 1999 ApJ, 512, 184

Absorbing wind is dense

But responds with a delay = recombination/ionization time density ne~108 cm- 3 for OVIII

ne~3x107 cm-3 for FeXVII

X-ray continuum

“OVII edge”

“OVIII edge”




accretion disk

Black hole


To Earth

density + column density (~3x1022 cm-2)

thickness (~1015 cm) < distance to continuum

Absorbing wind is narrow

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Page 26: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

3. Polarization: X-ray absorbers3. Polarization: X-ray absorbers

Absorption line quasars are highly polarized in optical:

1. Scattering off non-spherical distribution

Edge-on structure

2. Pole-on objects must be unobscured

scatterer & obscurer:

flattened & co-axial

Leighly et al. 1997 ApJ 489, L137

Absorbers are seen edge-on

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Page 27: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Flattened, Transverse Wind Flattened, Transverse Wind axisymmetryaxisymmetry

A transverse wind suggests an axisymetric geometry:

bi-cones looking edge-on see

absorbers Wind does not hug disk pole-on: no absorbers absorbers in all quasars

Mathur, Elvis & Wilkes 1995 ApJ, 452, 230

Princeton AGN Physics with the SDSS, 29 July 2003

Absorbing wind is a bi-cone to 1st order

Page 28: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Putting X-ray/UV absorber and BEL togetherPutting X-ray/UV absorber and BEL together

Both are disk winds rising well above the disk plane

Elvis 2000 ApJ 545, 63; Krongold et al. 2003

Similar Pressure:

P( abs ) ~1015 = 104 K x 1011 cm-3

P(BELR)~1015 = 106 K x 109 cm-3

Matching Ionization Parameter, U:T/U( abs ) = 106 = T( abs ) ~106 K/ U( abs ) ~1

T/U(BELR)= 106 = T( abs ) ~104 K/ U(BELR) 0.04

Similar Radius: for NGC 5548

r( abs ) ~1015 - 1018cm recomb. time + NHX

r(BELR)~1016cm CIV reverberation mapping

Keep it simple: Emission and Absorption are 2 phases of the same quasar wind

Similar Temperatures

For low U absorber, BELsnew

They share physical properties:

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Page 29: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Components of Quasar AtmospheresComponents of Quasar Atmospheres

High ionization: e.g. CIV, OVI

Low ionization: e.g. MgII, H.

In a 2-phase transverse wind in pressure balance


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Page 30: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

The Final Element:The Final Element:Broad Absorption Lines (BALs)Broad Absorption Lines (BALs)

Old question: Special objects? or Special angle?

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressorare needed to see this picture.

Ferland & Hamann 1999 Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics , 37, 487

10% of quasars show BALs with doppler widths ~2%c - 10%c

~10x NALs. Clear acceleration (or deceleration)

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Page 31: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Broad Absorption Lines (BALs)Broad Absorption Lines (BALs)

BEL FWHM correlates with BAL velocity (at minimum flux)


Lee & Turnshek 1995 ApJ 453 L61

Princeton AGN Physics with the SDSS, 29 July 2003

BAL gas knows about BEL gas

More BEL-BAL correlations:

Reichard et al. 2003B




BAL width


Page 32: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

BALs from a rotating windBALs from a rotating wind

Redshifted BAL onset Possible occasionally in

a rotation dominated wind

Hall et al. 2002 ApJS, 141, 267

BALs need a rotating wind… like the BELs






Detachment velocity

blue red

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Page 33: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

3. Polarization: BAL troughs3. Polarization: BAL troughsOgle et al. 1999 ApJS, 125, 1; Ogle 1998 PhD thesis, CalTech

BAL troughs are highly polarized – scattered light off flattened structure

=> BALs are common. Universal?Scattering solves other BAL problems:

ionization, abundances, NH

Thomson thick: X-ray Fe-K, Compton hump


e, P

hD th


, 199


Conical wind fits BALs well

Hamann 1998 ApJ 500, 798; Telfer et al. 1998 ApJ 509, 132

Is the BAL wind itself the scatterer?

Bi-cone model Predicts distribution of non-BAL quasar polarization

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Page 34: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

3. Polarization: VBELR3. Polarization: VBELR

Supported by observations: Emission lines twice as broad in

polarized, non-variable light. non-BAL quasars have

Thomson thick gas at large, BAL, velocities

Don’t see in absorption because out of our line of sight

Large scattering region (but not too large, Smith et al. 2003

MNRAS) with BAL velocities

Young et al. 1999 MNRAS 303, 227

Polarized light2 x width

total light

MKN 509

BAL velocity gas exists in non-BAL quasars

If BALs are cones, all quasars should have BAL gas

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Page 35: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

One last, crucial, complicationOne last, crucial, complicationAngles are wrong:

BAL velocities too high: ~10,000 km s-1

10 times narrow absorption lines

Requires extreme cone opening angle.

Simple solution: bend wind


1. ‘detached BALs’*

= Lowest velocity where wind bends into our line of sight

= vertical velocity from disk

2. ~10% covering factor

r at r gives 6o divergence angle

radiation forces gas to diverge

Both previously unexplained






Detachment velocity

*Could this be an ionization effect? v IP?

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Page 36: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Quasar Atmospheres, Quasar WindsQuasar Atmospheres, Quasar Winds

60 deg: broad absorption lines

20 deg: no absorption lines

One geometry unites all the features

85 deg: narrow absorption lines

High ionization Broad emission lines Low ionization

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Page 37: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Components of Quasar AtmospheresComponents of Quasar Atmospheres

High ionization: e.g. CIV, OVI

Low ionization: e.g. MgII, H.

All atomic features now included

Thompson thick BAL scatterer must also make Compton hump, Fe-K

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Page 38: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Putting it all togetherPutting it all togetherinformation filters worked efficiently!

Accretion disk

hollow cone

Supermassive black hole

Elvis M., 2000, ApJ, 545, 63

X-ray/UV ionizing continuum



Accelerating bi-conical wind

Thin quasi-vertical wind

no absorption lines



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Page 39: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Blind men and the elephant. Manga VIII Hokusai, Katsushika (1760-1849)

Hokusai never saw a live ElephantHokusai never saw a live ElephantNot bad – not 100% right – but gets the idea

This picture of quasar atmospheres is probably in much the same state: needs physics bones

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Page 40: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

A Quasar Observational ParadigmA Quasar Observational Paradigm

Disk Winds: tie together all the pieces of the quasar atmosphere

Explains features not ‘built in’ BAL covering factor; detachment velocity, Hi ionization BEL blueshifts.

Survived tests X-ray absorber outflow v, 2-phase UV/X-ray absorber, pressure balance

Makes predictions High ionization BEL, X/UV absorber radii, thickness are equal

Creates a research program c.f. Lakatos 1980

Allows tractable physics exploration… Work BACK to origin in accretion disk physics Work OUT to impact on surroundings

Can begin to build a ‘low’ theory of quasar atmospheres

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Page 41: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

low theory: 2-phase equilibriumlow theory: 2-phase equilibriumKrolik, McKee & Tarter 1981, ApJ, 249, 422

•Photoionized gas tends to have phases

• Not really new:

•Does not work for a static medium

•so abandoned…. a mistake!

•Works fine in a wind. dynamic

•Equilibrium determined solely by: SED & ionization thresholds

•Should be similar from object to object

•No need to assume ‘clouds’

Krongold, Nicastro, Brickhouse, Elvis, Liedahl & Mathur, 2003

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low theory: accretion disk physics, IIlow theory: accretion disk physics, IIKrongold et al. in preparation


•~106K phase depends critically on SED Nicastro 1999, Reynolds & Fabian 1995

• Use absorber (T,x) to determine unseeable EUV SED

-> Test models of accretion disk

•inner edge ill-defined- boundary condition

•‘plunging region’ Krolik et al.

Krongold, Nicastro, Brickhouse, Elvis, Liedahl & Mathur, 2003

Reynolds & Fabian 1995 MNRAS 273 116

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Page 43: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

low theory: Why is the wind thin?low theory: Why is the wind thin?

Intermediate level 2D theory Wind driven by UV absorption lines

c.f. O-star winds, CAK ignore gas pressure

3 Zones: Inner, Middle, Outer 1. Inner: over-ionized

Only Compton scattering - insufficient shields gas further out from X-rays =

Murray & Chiang `hitchhiking gas’

2. Middle: UV absorption drives gas wind escapes

3. Outer: shielded from UV, weak initial push from local disk radiation – wind falls back

Risaliti & Elvis 2003, ApJ submitted

wind escapes

Outer: wind falls back


`failed wind’


No wind



•Note: L>LEdd quasars always have winds

•See King & Pounds 2003 astro-ph/0305571

•Reeves et al … ;Chartas et al…

Some BALs are L>LEdd windsweakness


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Page 44: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Looking Out: quasars as dust factoriesLooking Out: quasars as dust factoriesElvis, Marengo & Karovska, 2002 ApJ, 567, L107

Cooling BEL clouds

Oxygen rich dust

Cooling BEL clouds

Carbon rich dust

Outflowing BEL gas expands and cools adiabatically BEL adiabats track through dust formation zone of AGB stars

Applies to Carbon-rich and Oxygen-rich grains

Princeton AGN Physics with the SDSS, 29 July 2003

Outflows rates ~10 Msol/yr at

L~1047 erg/s

0.1 Msol/yr of dust

assuming dust/gas ratio of Long Period Variables

>107Msol over 108 yr outburst lifetime

Metallicity super-solar even in z=6 BELs• High Z/Zsol should enhance

dust production• Larger dust masses likely

Page 45: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Looking Out: quasars & starburstsLooking Out: quasars & starburstsElvis, King et al., in preparation

Conventionally, starbursts fuel quasar outbursts What if it is the other way around?

Princeton AGN Physics with the SDSS, 29 July 2003

All Quasars have winds

Quasar wind outflow rates ~1 Msol/yr at L~1046 erg/s

shocks on host galaxy ISM

induces starburst

Fuels AGN


… cycle of AGN/starburst activity?

Page 46: Solving Quasars part I Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in particular… Understanding Quasar Atmospheres Elvis M., 2000, Astrophysical

Quasar Atmospheres, Quasar WindsQuasar Atmospheres, Quasar WindsGood Observational Paradigm:

Quasar Atmospheres are dynamic

Thin, rotating, funnel-shaped disk wind

Prospects:Use quasar atmospheres for accretion disk physics

Dust creation at high zQuasar to Starburst causality

Low Theory beginnings:

2 phase medium

Line driven winds

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Postscript: Imaging QuasarsPostscript: Imaging Quasars

At low z sizes are ~0.1 mas

Resolvable with planned ground interferometers

VLT-I, Ohana

Ideal telescopes:

•Image the wind in space and velocity

•5 km-10 km IR 2m interferometer at ‘Dome C’ in Antartica

•½-1km UV space interferometer

= NASA ‘Stellar Imager’

Quasar community should push for “Quasi-Stellar Imager”

Sizes are implicit in:

Peterson et al. 1999 ApJL 520, 659.

Kaspi et al. 2001 ApJ 533, 631

What we really want is to look at quasar atmospheres


No more fancy indirect deductions!

Elvis & Karovska, 2002 ApJ, 581, L67

Fermilab Colloqium 29 October 2003