some of the information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the the harbinger by...


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Page 1: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read
Page 2: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Some of the Information

contained in this presentation was gleaned from the

The HarbingerBy Johnathan Cahn,Strang Book GroupYou are encouraged

to read the book.

Page 3: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

God was not the Author of

9/11, but God was in the Details

of the Aftermath

Page 4: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

This message will generate4 key questions

1.Does God really speak to and judge nations?

2.Is God Speaking to America?

3.If so What is He saying?

4.What is YOUR response

Page 5: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Main thoughts to keep in mind as we go through this presentation

The purpose of chastisement is not simply punishment, it is purposed to turn a person or people BACK to God who have not responded to God’s voice. The end result of chastening, from God’s perspective, is His people coming into closer relationship with him.

Page 6: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

“For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: "My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives." If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? For they indeed for a few days

chastened us as seemed best to them, BUT HE FOR OUR PROFIT that we may be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.”

Hebrews 12:3-13 NKJV

Page 7: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The First WitnessThe

Consecration of Our Nation to God at the

Church on the Corner of

Ground Zero in 1789.

Page 8: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read
Page 9: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Daschle Links 9/11 to the Creation of Our Nation, The Inauguration of Washington and the

Empowerment of the Senate

“It is with pain, sorrow, anger and resolve that I stand before this Senate – a symbol for 212

years of the strength of our Democracy.”

From his speech before congress on September 12, 2001 in response to 9/11

Page 10: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

America does not become a Constitutional Government until April 30, 1789 when George

Washington is Inaugurated as the First President of the United States and Congress was officially


That happened at Federal Hall on WALL STREET in Manhattan, about 8 blocks from Ground Zero.

As one of the first acts of his presidency and of congress, GW leads Congress 7 blocks to St. Paul’s Church to dedicate the Nation to God.

Page 11: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Dedication of Our NationProclamation - April 30, 1789

…At 9 o’clock when people may go up to a house of God and in a solemn manner commit

our new government, with its important train

of consequences, to the holy PROTECTION and BLESSING of the Most


Page 12: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

A portion of GeorgeWashington’s Inauguraladdress on April 30, 1789

“It would be particularly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that almighty being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations and whose providential aid can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes.”

Page 13: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

A portion of GeorgeWashington’s Inauguraladdress on April 30, 1789

“No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.”

“The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained.”

Page 14: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

On April 30, 1789 George Washington, newly elected President, leads Congress on a 7 block walk to St. Paul’s Church, which stands at the corner of what we now call Ground Zero. Here he leads Congress in a prayer of dedication for our nation. This act is recorded in the annuls of Congress as one of the first official acts of Congress.

Page 15: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read
Page 16: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Tying it all Together• St. Paul’s Church on the corner of Ground Zero is the place where

our nation was officially dedicated to God for PROTECTION and BLESSING.

• The entire area was the property of the Church at the time, including the very ground where the twin towers stood on 9/11.

• To further confound us the Sycamore tree that was uprooted and memorialize was credited with protecting St. Paul’s. The church amazingly has no damage except one cracked window.

• Federal Hall on the other hand several blocks away received a cracked foundation as a result of the final shockwave of the last tower falling.

Page 17: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read
Page 18: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Second WitnessThe physical manifestation of a peculiar

verse of scripture

from the book of Isaiah

Page 19: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

"The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with hewn stones; The sycamores are

cut down, But we will replace them with cedars."

Isaiah 9:10

Page 20: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

There are three specific physical manifestations of this scripture

associated with 911

1.A defiant humanistic spirit that ignores God and promotes human hope and effort as displayed by both Israel, in the original context, and America in the present context.

2.The fallen bricks of the World Trade Center and the quarried “Freedom Stone” that was to be used as a cornerstone to rebuild the tower.

3.A Sycamore Tree that was UPROOTED and a Cedar tree that replaced it.

Page 21: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

How did this verse come to be

associated with the events surrounding


Page 22: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Two High Level governmental people used this verse as a

keynote for speeches in response the events of 9/11 and it’s aftermath.

Page 23: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Sept 12, 2001 then Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle addressing a joint

session of Congress in the nation’s official response to 9/11

“…There is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that speaks to all of us at times like this: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; The fig trees have been felled but we will replace them with cedars.”

“That is what we will do, we will rebuild, we will recover.”

Page 24: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Sept 11, 2003 Senator and Dem. VP Candidate John Edwards speaking at a congressional caucus, memorial prayer

service in memory of 9/11

“Good morning, on this day of remembrance and mourning we have the

Lord’s word to get us through…The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with dressed stones. The Sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place. (Isaiah 9:10)”

Page 25: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Edwards built his entire speech around Isaiah 9:10 and went to say:

“Let me show you how we are building and putting cedars in those hallowed places.”

“You will see that while those bricks fell and the sycamores cut down, our people are making

those cedars rise.”

And a final vow …

“The cedars will rise, the stones will go up, and this season of hope shall endure.”

Page 26: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Isaiah 9:8-13 in Context

“The Lord sent a word against Jacob, And it has fallen on Israel. All the people will know-- Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria-- Who say in pride and arrogance of heart: "The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with hewn stones; The sycamores are cut down, But we will replace them with cedars." Therefore the Lord shall set up The adversaries of Rezin against him, And spur his enemies on, The Syrians before and the Philistines behind; And they shall devour Israel with an open mouth. For all this His anger is not turned away, But His hand is stretched out still. For the people do not turn to Him who strikes them, Nor do they seek the Lord of hosts.” NJKV

Page 27: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

“We will rebuild and move forward…renew and remain the capitol of thefree world.” NY Governor "Rudy" Giuliani

“I believe one of the first things we shouldcommit to, with Federal help that underscoresOUR NATION’S PURPOSE, is to rebuild the towers of the World Trade Center and show the world we are not afraid … we are defiant.Senator John Kerry, address to the Senate Sept. 12, 2001

“I want every American to know this, We will rebuild, we will recover…. The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation.”President Barrack Obama in his Inaugural Address, Feb 24, 2009, speaking of the financial crisis that occurred as a result of 9/11

Page 28: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Saga of Defiant Humanism Continues

• June 15, 2012 President Obama signs the final beam of steel to be placed in the framework of the WTC, his message: “We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger –Barack Obama."

• April 30, 2012 One World Trade Center officially becomes the tallest building in New York City. Gov. Cuomo said that the new tower represents "our commitment to rebuilding stronger than before."

• The spire will reach the designated height of 1776 feet – tying the tower back into the founding of our nation and make it the 3rd tallest skyscraper in the world.

Page 29: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

May 11, 2012, two weeks after One World Trade Center was officially dubbed the tallest building in NYC JP Morgan – Chase announces a potential $4 Billion loss due to the poor investing strategies, prompting the resignation of its chief investment officer and 2 others and calls for more government oversight in investment policies.

The issue was over “credit default swaps” the same issue which took down AIG in 2008.

Page 30: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Mystery of the quarried Stone, the cut

down Sycamore and the Cedar that replaced it!

Page 31: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

On July 4th 2003 there was a 20-ton granite stone, named the “Freedom Stone” set in place at ground zero that was to be the corner stone of the new World Trade Center. NY Gov. George Pataki spoke…

“By laying this magnificent corner stone of hope we are sending a message to the people of the world….Today we take 20 tons of Adirondack granite, the bedrock of our state, and place it as the foundation, the bedrock of a new symbol of American strength and confidence….Today we the heirs of that revolutionary spirit of defiance, lay this cornerstone.”

Page 32: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read
Page 33: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Sycamore and the Cedar• A Sycamore tree standing in a church yard on the

edge of Ground Zero was uprooted by the blast from the final tower falling

• That tree became a national symbol and the root system of the tree was carefully removed was put on public display on St. Paul’s grounds

• A bronze sculpture replicating the exposed root system was set up at Trinity Church at the end of Wall Street a few blocks from Ground Zero as a memorial

• A full grown Cedar tree was donated to replace the fallen Sycamore. It was placed in the exact spot with the express purpose of replacing the fallen sycamore and named, “The Tree of Hope.”

Page 34: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

Memorialize Sycamore stump on display at St. Paul’s Church

Brass sculpture of the sycamore root

system now displayed in Trinity

Church at the end of Wall Street

Page 35: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

“This Ground Zero Treeof Hope will be a sign ofthe indomitable natureof HUMAN hope….The Tree of Hope isplanted in the very spot were a 60 year oldSycamore stood themorning ofSept. 11, 2001.”

Rev. Dr. Daniel MatthewsRector St. Paul’s Cathedral

Page 36: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Third Witness

The incredibly prophetic financial

messages that came about as a direct result

of 9/11

Page 37: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The History of the New York Stock Exchange and its Prophetic Significance.

• The Dutch Built a wall on Manhattan which the merchants gathered along. The street in front of their businesses was called WALL STREET

• In March 1792, 24 leading Wall Street merchants met secretly to form an organization to eliminate trade competition. The agreement was signed on Wall Street under a Buttonwood tree and was called the Buttonwood Agreement and formed the Buttonwood Association

• The Buttonwood Association would eventually evolve into the NYSE.

• Buttonwood is another name for the Sycamore tree.

• It was a Sycamore that was referenced in Isa. 9:10 and was uprooted on 9/11 in St. Paul’s Church yard.

Page 38: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

• The NYSE shut down for 6 days after 9/11 reopening Sept. 17, 2001 to the largest point crash in it’s history up to that time.

• As a result the Federal Reserve ended up dropping interest rates to 1.75% - below the Inflation rate. This cheap money resulted in a huge housing boom and refinancing of mortgages and an extensive use of credit.

• This act created the mortgage / debt crisis that resulted in an even larger stock market crash 7 years later to the week.

Page 39: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

7 years later, in September 2008,

America’s economy implodes creating the

greatest economic disaster since the great


Page 40: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Witness of the Jewish Shemitah every 7 years and how it translates to a wake up

call to America …

• Every 7th year was a Sabbath year and Israel was commanded to cancel debts and reset their economy – The principle was called Shemitah (The Lord’s Release) and it means to fall or let fall. It specifically dealt with credit and debt. Deuteronomy 15:1-2

• The release of debts was to occur on the 29th day of Elul – the last day of the last month of the Civil year every 7th year

• God specifically told Israel that they would go into captivity and Jerusalem and the temple would lay waste for 70 years because the Israelites refused to keep the Sabbath year over a 490 year period (70 x 7) 2 Chronicles 36:22

Page 41: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The Two Greatest Collapses in New York Stock Exchange

History occurred 7 years apart on the 29th day of Elul and in the

same week as 9/11 and as a result of 9/11 in both cases.

September 17, 2001 And

September 29, 2008

Page 42: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

• Sept 8, 2008 Gov. Seizes Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, forgiving $5 Trillion in debt.

• Fed. Reserve rejects a $700 Billion bailout and decides not to bail out Lehman Brothers and instead “let them fall”. LB announce a loss of $4 Billion dollars (45% stock value) and report another stock drop the next day (Sept 11). Sept 15, 2008 they file the biggest bankruptcy suit in History. During the same time AIG announces they are on the verge of failing (lost 95% of share value).

• The fall of Lehman Bros. produced a 449 point free fall in the Stock Market on Sept 11, 2008 (note the date)

• On Sept. 29, 2008 the DJIA lost a record 777 points in one day, totaling 7% of the market.

Page 43: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

And the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice. If I shut

up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. II Chronicles 7:12-15

Page 44: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

The SolutionIF MY PEOPLEHumble ThemselvesPraySeek My FaceTurn from THEIR wicked ways

Page 45: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read

“For it is time for judgment to begin, starting with the house of God. And if it starts with us, what will be the fate of those who are disobedient to the gospel of God?” I Peter 4:17

Page 46: Some of the Information contained in this presentation was gleaned from the The Harbinger By Johnathan Cahn, Strang Book Group You are encouraged to read