some of the most prominent laparoscopic urological ... · adenomectomy, level ii-iii inferior vena...

Bordeaux Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics The European Congress of Laparoscopy and Robotics Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures. June Bordeaux France Palais des Congrès Course Directors Richard Gaston Bordeaux, France Inderbir Gill Los Angeles, USA Vito Pansadoro Rome, Italy Thierry Piéchaud Bordeaux, France CILR Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics Since 2004 - Vincenzo Pansadoro Foundation

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Page 1: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic


Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics The European Congress of Laparoscopy and Robotics 2017

Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures.

June 8-9-10 2017 Bordeaux, France Palais des Congrès


Course DirectorsRichard GastonBordeaux, France

Inderbir GillLos Angeles, USA

Vito Pansadoro Rome, Italy

Thierry PiéchaudBordeaux, France

CILR Challenges inLaparoscopy & RoboticsSince 2004 - Vincenzo Pansadoro Foundation

Page 2: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Società Italiana di Urologia – SIUEAU Section of Uro-Technology – ESUTEAU Section of Oncological Urology - ESOUEAU Section of Robotic Urology - ERUSVincenzo Pansadoro Foundation


Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Under the Patronage of

Bronze Sponsors

FondazioneVincenzo PansadoroPer la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

With the support of

Page 3: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

ear Friends and Colleagues,It is a great pleasure to welcome you again for the 14th“Challenges in Laparoscopyand Robotics” meeting, this time being held in beautiful, enchanting Bordeaux. Nowin its 14th consecutive year, the concept that initiated this adventure is not only alive,but vibrant and growing, showing great potential for the future of Urology.

The comprehensive scientific program will include live laparoscopic and robotic surgeriesperformed by the world’s most prominent urologic surgeons. In the past meetings, we havewitnessed many challenging procedures. It is now time to expand our indications and to lookforward to new challenges like robotic autotransplantation, augmented reality guided surgery,robotic inguinal lymphadenectomy for penile cancer, laparoscopic and robotic prostaticadenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerverelease, retroperitoneal robotic lymphadenectomy for testis and/or prostate cancer, retroperitonealrobotic partial nephrectomy, single port nephrectomy, complex laparoscopic advanced radicalnephrectomy and fistulas and strictures. The technological advances like the automatedinstruments of Dexteritè will be implemented. The third day we will have six challenging radicalprostatectomies including the Retzius sparing RARP and the extrafascial radical prostatectomyfor high risk cases and after irradiation.

As always, we will invite the best international speakers touching various topics to give you anup-to-date on the hottest topics in Urology. We are enthusiastically anticipating an extremelystimulating meeting. Live surgery, State-of-the-art lectures, discussions and thought-provokingdebates will take place with the participation of the best urologists in the International arena. Threemonitors will transmit three different live-moderated surgeries simultaneously. Each delegate willbe provided with headphones with the possibility to connect with his/her preferred moderation.

We are very proud to host this 14th International Meeting in Bordeaux ten years after our firstvisit there. Bordeaux, the European cradle of urological laparoscopy, is the perfect city for oldantiquities and innovative techniques to convene. We are confident that the challenging proceduresthat you will see will strongly enhance your own individual learning irrespective of your current level of expertise (basic or advanced) and lead the way towards defining the future ofUrologic Surgery.

See you in Bordeaux!!


Richard Gaston Thierry PiéchaudVito PansadoroInderbir Gill

Page 4: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Challenges in Laparoscopy since 2004


Page 5: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Challenges in Laparoscopy since 2004


RRoommeeJJuunnee 1100--1111--1122,, 22001100 Rome, Italy Marriott Hotel

22001100 Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics The European Congress of Laparoscopy 2010 Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures.

SurgeonsRenaud BollensVincenzo DisantoFranco GaboardiRichard GastonInderbir GillGiorgio GuazzoniGünter JanetschekMani MenonAlex MottrieVito PansadoroVipul PatelThierry PièchaudFrancesco PorpigliaJens RassweilerJens-Uwe StolzenburgPeter WiklundXu Zhang

Course DirectorsVincenzo DisantoBari

Vito PansadoroRome


Surgery will be performed at

PPaarriissMMaayy 2255--2266--2277 22000099 Paris, France Amphithéâtre Bordeaux Palais des Congrès

22000099 Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics The European Congress of Laparoscopy 2009 Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures.

Course DirectorsClaude AbbouCreteil

Vincenzo DisantoBari

Vito PansadoroRomeThierry PiechaudBordeaux

SSuurrggeeoonnssClaude AbbouXavier CathelineauVincenzo DisantoRichard GastonInderbir GillJean Luc HoepffnerMani MenonAlex MottrieVito PansadoroThierry PiechaudJens RassweilerFrançois RozetJens-Uwe StolzenburgIngolf TürkRoland Van VelthovenPeter Gland Wiklund

Page 6: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Challenges in Laparoscopy since 2004


22001122 Challenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics The European Congress of Laparoscopy 2012 Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological Surgeons will perform innovative live surgery demonstrating the full spectrum of urological procedures.

RRoommeeJJuunnee 77--88--99 22001122 Ergife Palace Hotel Rome, Italy

CCoouurrssee DDiirreeccttoorrssVincenzo DisantoBari, Italy

Vito PansadoroRome, Italy

SSuurrggeeoonnssSam BhayaniAldo BocciardiRenaud BollensVincenzo DisantoRichard GastonInderbir GillGiorgio GuazzoniGünter JanetscheckAlex MottrieVito PansadoroVipul PatelJens RassweilerJens UweStolzenburgIngolf TürkXu Zhang



%KQV9TRUJV(PNTHQSU-EKRUQOQETUMNQOOVT=VCSHSNTOITH1SUGVBT>TJRIOV2013Some of the most prominent LaparoscopicUrological Surgeons will perform innovativelive surgery demonstrating the full spectrumof urological procedures.



Vito PansadoroRome, Italy

Yinghao SunShanghai, China

Xu ZhangBeijing, China





Challengesin Laparoscopy& RoboticsThe European Congress ofLaparoscopy and Robotics 2014Some of the most prominent LaparoscopicUrological Surgeons will perform innovativelive surgery demonstrating the full spectrumof urological procedures.

BBaarrcceelloonnaaCCoouurrssee DDiirreeccttoorrssAlberto BredaBarcelona, Spain

Inderbir GillLos Angeles, USA

Joan PalouBarcelona, Spain

Vito PansadoroRome, Italy

Humberto VillavicencioBarcelona, Spain


MMaayy 2299--3300--3311 22001144Barcelona, Spain

FondazioneFFondazioneVincenzo PansadoroFondazioneVincenzo FondazioneVincenzo PaFondazioneVincenzo PanFondazioneVincenzo PansFondazioneVincenzo PansaFondazioneVincenzo PansadFondazioneVincenzo PansadoFondazioneVincenzo PansadorFondazioneVincenzo PansadoroPer la Ricerca

FondazioneVincenzo PansadoroP

FondazioneVincenzo PansadoroPer la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

FondazioneVincenzo PansadoroPer la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

Challengesin Laparoscopy& RoboticsThe European Congress ofLaparoscopy and Robotics 2015Some of the most prominent LaparoscopicUrological Surgeons will perform innovativelive surgery demonstrating the full spectrumof urological procedures.

IIssttaannbbuullJJuunnee 44--55--66 22001155Istanbul, Turkey

CCoouurrssee DDiirreeccttoorrssTibet ErdogruIstanbul, Turkey

Inderbir GillLos Angeles, USA

Bulent OktayBursa, Turkey

Vito Pansadoro Rome, Italy


FondazioneVincenzo PansadoroPer la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

Page 7: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Challenges in Laparoscopy since 2004


Page 8: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic


LeipzigChallenges in Laparoscopy & Robotics 2018, Leipzig

Page 9: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Course Directors, Scientific Board and Local Organizing Committee,Invited Surgeons, Invited Speakers, Patient’s Advocates & Moderators

General Program

Page 10: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Course Directors


Vito Pansadoro, MD Vincenzo Pansadoro FoundationRome, Italy

Richard Gaston, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

Thierry Piéchaud, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint Augustin, BordeauxChairman of Urologic CoursesIRCAD-EITSStrasbourg, France

Inderbir Gill, MD, MCHChairman & ProfessorDepartment of UrologyExecutive DirectorUSC Institute of UrologyUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, USA

Page 11: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Scientific Board & Local Organizing Committee


Scientific Board

Local Organizing Committee


Vito Pansadoro, MDDirector of the Laparoscopy Center,Vincenzo Pansadoro FoundationRome, Italy


Alberto Breda, MDDirector of Transplant UnitFundacio ́ PuigvertBarcelona, Spain

Renaud Bollens, MDGroupe Hospitalier de l'InstitutCatholique de Lille, FranceCentre Hospitalier de WalloniePicarde Tournai, Belgique

Paolo Emiliozzi, MDDepartment of UrologySan Giovanni HospitalRome, Italy

Tibet Erdogru, MDProfessor and Chief Uro-Klinik Robotic and Laparoscopic SectionIstanbul, Turkey

Richard Gaston, MDDirector of Laparoscopic &Robotic CenterClinique St. AugustinBordeaux, France

Inderbir Gill, MD, MCHChairman & ProfessorDepartment of UrologyExecutive DirectorUSC Institute of UrologyUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, USA

Markus Hohenfellner, MDChairman & ProfessorDepartment of UrologyUniversity of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany

Thierry Pièchaud, MDDirector of Laparoscopic &Robotic CenterClinique St. AugustinBordeaux, France

Bernardo Rocco, MDAssociate ProfessorUrology Department, University of ModenaModena, Italy

Scientific Board &

Local Organizing Committee

Richard Gaston, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

Thierry Pièchaud, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

Julien Riviere, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

Julie Pièchaud, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

Gregory Pierquet, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

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Claude Abbou, MD Professor of Urology Henri Mondor Hospital Creteil, France

Alessandro Amici, MD Department of UrologyFatebenefratelli Hospital Rome, Italy

Walter Artibani, MD Professor and ChairmanDepartment of UrologyUniversity of VeronaVerona, Italy

Eric Barret, MDDepartment of UrologyInstitute Mutualiste MontsourisParis, France

Jean Christophe Bernhard, MDDepartment of UrologyCHU Pellegrin Bordeaux, France

Giampaolo Bianchi, MDProfessor and Chairmanof the Department of Urology,University of ModenaModena, Italy

Aldo Bocciardi, MDChief of Urology Department Niguarda Hospital Ca ̀ GrandaMilan, Italy

Laurent Boccon-Gibod, MD Professor of Urology Department of UrologyBichat Hospital�Paris, France

FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

Invited Surgeons,

Speakers & Moderators

Page 13: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic


Renaud Bollens, MDGroupe Hospitalier de l'Institut Catholiquede Lille, FranceCentre Hospitalier de Wallonie PicardeTournai, Belgique

Maurizio Brausi, MD Director of Urology Ausl ModenaDirector Prostate Cancer UnitChairman ESOU�Department of Urology B. Ramazzini HospitalCarpi (Mo), Italy

Alberto Breda, MDDirector of Transplant Unit,Fondation PuigvertBarcelona, Spain

Marco Carini, MDProfessor and ChairmanDepartment of Urology University of Florence, Italy

V. Enrique Corona Montes, MD M.B.A.Head of Uro Oncology Department GeneralHospitalMéxico City, México

Geoff Coughlin, MD Director of Robotic SurgeryRoyal Brisbane and Womens HospitalBrisbane, Australia

Francesco Curto, MD Chairman Department of UrologyCivil HospitalRagusa, Italy

Gianluca D’Elia, MDHead of Department of UrologySan Giovanni HospitalRome, Italy

FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

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FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators


Jean-Louis Dulucq, MDDirector Institute Laparoscopic SurgeryClinique Bordeaux Nord AquitanePresident of French SocietyEndoscopic SurgeryBordeaux, France

Paolo Emiliozzi, MD Department of UrologySan Giovanni HospitalRome, Italy

Tibet Erdogru, MDProfessor and Chief Uro-Klinik Robotic and Laparoscopic SectionIstanbul, Turkey

Jean Marie Ferriere, MDProfessor and ChairmanHead Department of UrologyPellegrin HospitalBordeaux, France

Vincenzo Ficarra, MD Professor and ChaimanDepartment of UrologyUniversity of UdineUdine, Italy

Franco Gaboardi, MDChairman Urological DepartmentVille Turro - San Raffaele.Milan, Italy

Richard Gaston, MDCenter of Urologic Laparoscopy,Clinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

Inderbir Gill, MD, MCHChairman & ProfessorDepartment of UrologyExecutive DirectorUSC Institute of UrologyUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, USA

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Giorgio Guazzoni, MD Professor and ChairmanDepartment of Urology�Università HumanitasMilan, Italy

Jean Luc Hoepffner, MDUrology DepartmentClinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

Markus Hohenfellner, MDChairman & ProfessorDepartment of UrologyUniversity of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany

Günter Janetschek, MDConsultant, Wehrle-DiakonissenHospital, SalzburgRudolfinerhaus Vienna, Austria

Thierry Lebret, MDProfessor and ChairmanDepartment of UrologyHôpital Foch Paris, France

Rosario Leonardi, MD Chief of Laparoscopic Unit Musumeci HospitalCatania, Italy

Evangelos Liatsikos, MDProfessor of Urology and Headof the Endourology and LaparoscopicUnit at the University of Patras.Patras, Greece

Laurent Lopez, MDUrology DepartmentClinique Saint AugustinBordeaux, France

FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

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FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

Eric Mandron, MDLaparoscopic and Robotic surgeryClinique du PrèLe Mans, France

Arnaud Mejean, MDProfessor and ChairmanDepartment of Urology HEGPParis, France

Mani Menon, MDDirector of theVattikuti Urology InstituteHenry Ford HospitalDetroit, USA

Andrea Minervini, MDAssociate ProfessorDepartment of UrologyCareggi University Hospital Florence, Italy

Alex Mottrie, MDDepartment of UrologyO.L.V. ClinicAalst, Belgium

Camille Mugnier, MDLaparoscopic & Robotic CenterClinique St. Augustin Bordeaux, France

Alberto Pansadoro, MDDepartment of UrologySan Giovanni HospitalRome, Italy

Vito Pansadoro, MDDirector of Laparoscopy Center,Vincenzo Pansadoro FoundationRome, Italy

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Vipul Patel, MDMedical Director of UrologicOncology, Florida HospitalMedical Director of GlobalRobotics InstituteAssociate Professor of Urology,University of Central FloridaFlorida, USA

Thierry Pièchaud, MDCenter of Urologic LaparoscopyClinique Saint Augustin, Bordeaux Chairman of Urologic Courses IRCAD-EITSStrasbourg, France

Francesco Porpiglia, MDProfessor and ChairmanDepartment of UrologyS. Luigi Hospital, OrbassanoUniversity of TurinTurin, Italy

Jim Porter, MDDirector, Robotic Surgery Swedish Medical Center Seattle, Washington, USA

Koon Ho Rha, MDProfessor of UrologyDepartment of UrologyYonsei University Medical SchoolSeoul, Korea

Pascal Rischmann, MDProfessor of UrologyDepartment of UrologyCHU Hôpital de RangueilToulouse, France

Julien Riviere, MDLaparoscopic & Robotic CenterClinique St. AugustinBordeaux, France

Antonio Rizzotto, MDHead of Department of UrologyBelcolle HospitalViterbo, Italy

FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

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Grégoire Robert, MDProfessor of UrologyDepartment of UrologyPellegrin HospitalBordeaux, France

Bernardo Rocco, MDAssociate ProfessorUrology Department, University of ModenaModena, Italy

Charles Henry Rochat, MDClinique BeaulieuGeneve, Switzerland

Jean Baptiste Roche, MDLaparoscopic & Robotic CenterClinique St. Augustin Bordeaux, France

Cesare Scoffone, MD Head of the Department of Urology Cottolengo Hospital�Torino, Italy

Walter Stackl, MD Professor and Chairman Department of UrologyRudolfstiftung�Vienna, Austria

Cora N. Sternberg, MDChairman Departmentof Medical OncologySan Camillo and Forlanini Hospitals,Rome, Italy

Jens Uwe Stolzenburg, MDDirector of Department of Urology,Chairman of International UrologicalTraining Centre of Laparoscopyand Robotic-assisted Surgery,University of LeipzigLeipzig, Germany

FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

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Tullio Sulser, MD Professor and Chairman Clinic of Urology University Hospital Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

Alexandre de la Taille, MDProfessor and ChairmanDepartment of Urology Hopital Henri MondorCreteil, France

Peter Tenke, MDJahn Ferenc South-PestTeaching HospitalBudapest, Hungary

Dogu Teber, MD Associate Professor Department of Urology University of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany

Carlo Terrone, MD Professor and Chairman Department of Urology University of Genova Genova, Italy

Andrea Tubaro, MDChairman Department of UrologySant'Andrea HospitalSapienza UniversityRome, Italy

Levent Turkeri, M.D.Professor of UrologyMarmara University School of MedicineIstanbul, Turkey

Christophe Vaessen, MDUrology DepartmentHopital Pitiè SalpetriereParis, France

FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

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Roland Van Velthoven, MD Chairman Department of Urology Institut Jules BordetHospital Saint Pierre Brussels, Belgium

Domenico Veneziano, MD Department of Urology and Kidney Transplant A.O. BMM, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Arnauld Villers, MDProfessor and ChairmanDepartment of UrologyUniversity of LilleLille, France

Arnaud Wattiez, MDProfessor of OBGYNUniversity of StrasbourgStrasbourg, FranceHead of GYN DepartmentLatifa HospitalDubai-UAE

Peter Wiklund, MDProfessor in Urologyand Consultant ofDepartment of UrologyKarolinska University HospitalStockholm, Sweden

Xin Ma, MDAssociate Professor Chief Doctor, Master SupervisorDepartment of UrologyChinese People Liberation ArmyGeneral HospitalBeijing, China

Xu Zhang, MDChief of Urology Department,Chinese PLA General Hospital 301Beijing, China

FacultyInvited Surgeons, Speakers & Moderators

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Page 22: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

Congress ProgramCongress Program

Thursday June 8th,Friday June 9th,Saturday June 10th, 2017

Congress Program

Page 23: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

ThursdayThursday, June 8th 2017


8:00 - 8:30 am Welcome

Richard Gaston, Inderbir Gill Course DirectorsVito Pansadoro, Thierry Pièchaud

Maurizio Brausi Chairman ESOU

Alex Mottrie Chairman ERUS

Evangelos Liatsikos Chairman ESUT

Renaud Bollens FU of CILR 2016

Jens Uwe Stolzenburg CILR 2018 in Leipzig

8:30 - 9:00 am Lectures

Inderbir Gill The Changing Face of Urologic Oncologic Surgery: Impact of Robotics

Andrea Minervini Simple Tumor Enucleation: Long term results and comparison to standard partial nephrectomy

Thierry Pièchaud Place of virtual reality and augmented reality in laparoscopic and robotic surgery

9:00 am Surgical session

ModeratorsMonitor 1 Claude Abbou, Thierry Lebret, Vincenzo Ficarra, Tullio Sulser

Monitor 2 Jean Christophe Bernard, Maurizio Brausi, Markus Hohenfellner

Monitor 3 Laurent Boccon-Gibod, Marco Carini, Koon Ho Rha, Peter Tenke

Peter Wiklund Robotic radical cystectomy and extended lymphadenectomy

Inderbir Gill Robotic intracorporeal orthotopic neobladder

Arnaud Wattiez Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy

Jean Louis Dulucq Laparoscopic left hemicolectomy

Alexandre de la Taille Radical retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy

Page 24: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

ThursdayThursday, June 8th 2017


2:00 pm Surgical session

ModeratorsMonitor 1 Gianluca D’Elia, Grégoire Robert, Dogu Teber

Monitor 2 Giampaolo Bianchi, Tibet Erdogru, Jean Marie Ferriere

Monitor 3 Franco Gaboardi, Arnaud Mejean, Walter Stackl

Alberto Breda Robotic Kidney Transplant

Andrea Minervini Robotic renal tumor enucleation

Inderbir Gill Robotic right radical nephrectomy with cava thrombus level 3

Christophe Vaessen Robotic retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy

Francesco Porpiglia Laparoscopic retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy

Xu Zhang Robotic partial nephrectomy

Jean Baptiste Roche Robotic Xi nephroureterectomy

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FridayFriday, June 9th 2017


8:00 - 9:00 am Lectures

Xin Ma Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy with intra-arterial cold perfusion for advanced renal tumors

Markus Hohenfellner Robotic salvage procedures in prostate cancer

Vincenzo Ficarra RRP vs RARP: the day (or year) after

9:00 am Surgical Session

ModeratorsMonitor 1 Eric Barret, Vincenzo Ficarra, Jean Luc Hoeppfner, Domenico Veneziano

Monitor 2 Geoff Coughlin, Giorgio Guazzoni, Camille Mugnier, Pascal Rischmann

Monitor 3 Alessandro Amici, Markus Hohenfellner, Charles Henry Rochat

Jim Porter Robotic retroperitoneal salvage lymphadenectomy

Günter Janetschek Laparoscopic RPLND residual mass

Alex Mottrie Robotic partial nephrectomy

Grégoire Robert & Robotic Kidney TransplantJean Marie Ferriere

Renaud Bollens Laparoscopic Vesico-vaginal fistula repair

2:00 am Surgical session

ModeratorMonitor 1 Laurent Lopez, Cesare Scoffone, Roland Van Velthoven

Monitor 2 Evangelos Liatsikos, Eric Mandron, Andrea Tubaro

Monitor £ Rosario Leonardi, Carlo Terrone, Christophe Vaessen, Levent Turkeri

Richard Gaston Robotic ureteral-ileal strictures

Jean Luc Hoepffner Laparoscopic prostatic adenomectomy

Tibet Erdogru Laparoscopic pudendal nerve decompression "Istanbul Technique"

Jens Uwe Stolzenburg Robotic adrenalectomy

Victor Enrique Corona Montes Robotic Lymphadenectomy for penile cancer (semi live)

Laurent Lopez Laparoscopic sacro-colpopexy

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SaturdaySaturday, June 10th 2017


8:00 - 9:00 am Lectures

Aldo Bocciardi Long term results of Retzius-sparing robotic radical prostatectomy

Mani Menon Results of a randomized study on RARP Retzius-sparing

Vipul Patel Lessons learn from 10,000 RALPs. The humbling and never ending learning curve.

Cora N. Sternberg New advances in Uro-Oncology

9:00 am Surgical session

ModeratorsMonitor 1 Alberto Breda, Francesco Porpiglia, Arnauld Villers

Monitor 2 Claude Abbou, Walter Artibani, Alexander de la Taille

Monitor 3 Laurent Boccon-Gibod, Vincenzo Ficarra, Roland Van Velthoven

Richard Gaston Robotic radical prostatectomy lateral approach

Renaud Bollens Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy

Vipul Patel Robotic interfascial radical prostatectomy

Aldo Bocciardi RARP Retzius-sparing

Eric Mandron Laparoscopic retroperitoneal prostatectomy with Dexterité with ultra-targeted PLND

2:00 pm Surgical session ModeratorsMonitor 1 Francesco Curto, Charles Henry Rochat, Jens Uwe StolzenburgMonitor 2 Giorgio Guazzoni, Evangelos Liatsikos, Pascal RishmannMonitor 3 V. Enrique Corona Montes, Franco Gaboardi, Walter StacklMani Menon RARP Retzius-sparingThierry Pièchaud Robotic salvage radical prostatectomyVito Pansadoro Robotic extra-fascial radical prostatectomyBernardo Rocco Extended pelvic lymphadenectomyEric Barret Robotic radical prostatectomy

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VenueCongress Venue—Palais des Congrès


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InformationScientific Secretariat Italy Vincenzo Pansadoro Foundation Via Aurelia 559, Rome 00165, Italy Tel +39-06-66418008 Fax +39-06-6630771 [email protected]

Operative Secretariat Fedra Congressi Viale dei SS. Pietro e Paolo 21 Rome 00144, Italy Tel +39-06-52247328 Fax +39-06-5205625 [email protected]

Congress Venue Palais des Congrès Avenue Jean Gabriel Domergue 33300 Bordeaux, Francia

Clothing During the entire meeting, attire will be informal.

Climate June is warm in Bordeaux and is the perfect time to visit and see all that the city has to offer. The average temperature during the day reaches 20°C or about 60°F, but average highs are 23°C (that’s about 74°F). At night the lows average 16°C (about 61°F).

Letter of invitation Participants requiring a formal letter of invitation from CiLR 2017, to enable them to make their arrangements, should contact the Operative Secretariat. It is understood that such an invitation is intended to help delegates to raise funds or to obtain a Visa and does not imply a commitment from the Congress Organizers to provide any financial support or scheduling of presentations.

Liability CiLR 2017 Secretariat and Organisers cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to private property of participants and accompanying persons. Participants are advised to take out their own personal travel and health insurance for their trip.

Official Language The official language of CiLR 2017 is English.



Page 29: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic

InformationRegistration Fee

Full Delegate From March 3rd, 2017 to May 25th, 2017 € 1.045,00

On Site Registration € 1.168,00

Emerging Countries Delegate Lower-Middle Income Countries From March 3rd, 2017 to May 25th, 2017 € 500,00 On site Registration € 700,00

Emerging Countries are defined according to the World Bank Country Classification:

Trainee/Resident From March 3rd, 2017 to May 25th, 2017 € 400,00 On site Registration € 600,00

Student From March 3rd, 2017 to May 25th, 2017 € 400,00 On site Registration € 600,00

Group Registration Please write to: [email protected] or call +39-06-52247328

Registration Fee includes Scientific Program, Materials, Coffee breaks and Lunches

Cancellation Policy Cancellation Policy Fees for registration will be refunded in full if written notice of cancellation is received by March 4th, 2017.

No refund will be given for cancellation received after March 4th, 2017 or if you register but fail to attend.

Please send your written cancellation request to Raffaella Greco [email protected]


Page 30: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic
Page 31: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic


Page 32: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic


Page 33: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic


Page 34: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic


Page 35: Some of the most prominent Laparoscopic Urological ... · adenomectomy, Level II-III Inferior Vena Cava Thrombus in RCC, laparoscopic pudendal nerve release, retroperitoneal robotic



OALTOdi Francesca Pan


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Cover illustration“Pon

te Pierre

, Borde


ce” by Alessan

dro Ferra

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Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro Per la Ricerca Uro-Oncologica

Scientific Secretariat ItalyVincenzo Pansadoro Foundation Via Aurelia 559, Rome 00165, ItalyTel +39-06-66418008 Fax +39-06-6630771Email: [email protected] site:

Operative SecretariatFedra Congressi Viale dei SS. Pietro e Paolo 21, Rome 00144, ItalyTel +39-06-52247328 Fax +39-06-5205625Email: [email protected] site:

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